Literary Technique: Figurative Language (Similes & Metaphors) BRIDGE TO TERABITHIA Throughout Bridge to Terabithia, Katherine Paterson chooses her words carefully to help the reader see and experience the events and feelings that are a part of her characters’ lives. One of the literary techniques she uses is comparing one thing to another to stimulate a strong picture in the reader’s mind. She does this through the use of similes and metaphors. A simile is a form of figurative language that compares two things using the word “like” or “as” in the comparison. Metaphors are when you compare one thing with another thing that it’s like in some way, only you don’t use the word ‘like’ or ‘as’.

S or M Simile/Metaphor Chapter/page What is the meaning? S “...he would be as hot as popping grease...” 1, 1 Jess would be very hot from running. S “Momma would be mad as flies in a fruit 1, 1 Mom would not want them to wake her up early! jar if they woke her up this time of day.”