a s s o c i a t i o n


a s s o c i a t i o n

Programme Of the First Perfectlink project Training seminar of November 25th, 2004

08:30 – 09:00 - Registration of the participants 09:00 – 09:20 - Opening of Mr. Valentin Parvanov , Deputy minister of Ministry of economy 1 st Subject :”Environment, pollution agents, prevention and control” 09:20 – 09:35 - The Production of textiles and clothing and the transposition of the European right in the Bulgarian legislation in the field of environment protection and connected with it prevention and control – Dinko Ovcharov / BATEC 09:35 – 09:45 - Brief presentation of Ministry of Environment and Water /MEW/ activity in the process of ecology eurostandards introduction – Vanya Grigorova, Director of Directorate “Prevention activity” in MEW 09:45 – 10:05 - Normative regulators for complexe prevention and control of the industrial pollution – Boyko Malinov – Chief department “Prevention of the Industrial Pollution” /MEW/ 10:05 – 10:25 - Voluntary environmentengagements in the field of textile and clothing – Ivan Mastikov, Chief Expert /MEW/ 10:25 – 10:50 - Discussion


This event has been implemented with the financial support of the European Community’s PHARE programme. The views expressed herein are those of the participants and BATEC and can therefore in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Commission. Това събитие бе осъществено с финансовата подкрепа на програма ФАР на Европейската общност. Изразените на него възгледи са на участниците и БАТЕК и затова по никакъв начин не могат да бъдат взети като отражение на официалното мнение на Европейската комисия. Семинар на БАТЕК на 25 ноември 2004 с 67 участника.

BATEC Training seminar of November 25th, 2004 with 67 participants. a s s o c i a t i o n

2 nd Subject : “International Trade” 11:05 – 11:20 - Factors and role of the International Trade Relations – Diana Marinkeva, BATEC 11:20 - 11:50 - Free Trade Agreements – Diyana Naydenova, Director of Directorate “Foreign economy and Trade Policy” Ministry of Economy /ME/ 11:50-12:20 – Liberalized textile and clothing market – challenges and possibilies – Ekaterina Piperova, Cief Expert /ME/ 12:20 - 12:50 - Discussion

12:50 – 13:50 - Lunch

3 rd Subject : Standards / Certification (for textile) 13:50 – 14:30 - The Stanrdization role in the accession process of Bulgaria to the European Union – Dimitar Baychev, Bulgarian Institute for Standardization, Practical implementation of International standards

4 th Subject : Internal Market, Intellectual property rights 14:30 – 15:00 - Internal market, competition , labeling – Ekaterina Piperova Intellectual and industrial property – kinds, protection and And the role of the intellectual propery for an Effective business – Diana Marinkeva, BATEC

15:00 – 15:45 - International and national bodies and the modes of their interaction . Programs and projects assisting NGOs and business – Silvana Lyoubenova, Director of Directorate European Integration Ivo Konov – Director of Directorate “Donators’ programs” Atanas Kirchev, Director of Directorate “Pre-accession Programs and projects “


This event has been implemented with the financial support of the European Community’s PHARE programme. The views expressed herein are those of the participants and BATEC and can therefore in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Commission. Това събитие бе осъществено с финансовата подкрепа на програма ФАР на Европейската общност. Изразените на него възгледи са на участниците и БАТЕК и затова по никакъв начин не могат да бъдат взети като отражение на официалното мнение на Европейската комисия. Семинар на БАТЕК на 25 ноември 2004 с 67 участника.

BATEC Training seminar of November 25th, 2004 with 67 participants. a s s o c i a t i o n 15:45 – 16:00 - Discussion

16:00 – 16:15 - Coffee break

5 th Subject : Social Dialogue 16:15 – 16:45 - Industrial relations, Social dialogue and Social partners at EU level and tripartisme institulization in the CEEC – Roumyana Gladicheva, Sofia University “Kliment Ohridski”

16:45 – 17:05 - Conception and activities in the companies of textile and clothing. Development and challenges of the social dialogue activity during our pre-accession process to the EU – Iordan Vassilev, BATEC 17:05 – 17:25 - Relationship with employers’ organizations – Valentin Grouev /ME/ 17:25 – 17:40 - Workers’ and business interests . Representation of workers’ interests – Mila Nenova, Expert in Miroglio Group

17:40 – 18:00 - Final discussion of the Seminar


This event has been implemented with the financial support of the European Community’s PHARE programme. The views expressed herein are those of the participants and BATEC and can therefore in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Commission. Това събитие бе осъществено с финансовата подкрепа на програма ФАР на Европейската общност. Изразените на него възгледи са на участниците и БАТЕК и затова по никакъв начин не могат да бъдат взети като отражение на официалното мнение на Европейската комисия. Семинар на БАТЕК на 25 ноември 2004 с 67 участника.

BATEC Training seminar of November 25th, 2004 with 67 participants.