Course Syllabus for Algebra 2 CP

Instructor: Wanda H. Hodge Contact Information for Instructor: (843)398-2654 or [email protected] Daily Homework Information: (843)398-2654

Course Description: This course will incorporate technology to graph and analyze functions, solve equations, analyze data and draw scatter diagrams and find curves of best fit. Through the use of technology, the student will learn to recognize patterns, visualize, explore, model and connect mathematics to various disciplines. Topics will include functions, systems of equations, systems of linear inequalities, quadratic equations, complex numbers, algebraic expressions, nonlinear relationships including exponential/logarithmic/radical/polynomial/rational, conic sections, sequences, and series.

Course Standards:  The student will understand and utilize the mathematical processes of problem solving, reasoning and proof, communication, connections, and representation.  The student will demonstrate through the mathematical processes an understanding of functions, systems of equations, and systems of linear inequalities.  The student will demonstrate through the mathematical processes an understanding of quadratic equations and the complex number system.  The student will demonstrate through the mathematical processes an understanding of algebraic expressions and nonlinear functions.  The student will demonstrate through the mathematical processes an understanding of conic sections.  The student will demonstrate through the mathematical processes an understanding of sequences and series.

Course Textbook: Holt McDougal Algebra 2 Common Core Edition by Burger, Chard, Kennedy, Leinwand, Renfro, Roby, and Waits (Replacement Price: $62.10)

Course Outline: The course will be taught in the sequence of units within the curriculum. When necessary, the teacher will make adjustments to the course calendar.

Grade Information: Each student’s grade will be comprised of graded classwork, homework, quizzes, and tests. The average each nine weeks will be calculated using total points earned divided by total points possible. Each student should keep a current total of points earned in order to calculate his/her average at any given time during the course. Homework is necessary to reinforce the day’s lesson and give practice on the material. All work should be completed as assigned. The homework assignments will be checked randomly with a grade given for each time it is checked by the teacher. The homework assignment will be checked for completeness. The student will earn 10 out of 10 points if the assignment is complete, 5 out of 10 points if incomplete, and 0 out of 10 points if not attempted.

Make-up Policy: If a student is absent from class, missed work should be made up as soon as possible. It is the student’s responsibility to schedule a time to make up any quiz or test missed due to absence within 5 school days after returning to school. If arrangements have not been made within the 5 days, the student will receive a grade of 0 for all work not completed. Students will be held accountable for all announced assignments and tests on the day following a field trip when the field trip causes the work to be missed. Late projects will be penalized 10 points per day turned in late.

Attendance/Tardy Policy: The policies are set forth by the district and school. Every fourth tardy will result in an absence for the class. A student will be considered TARDY if the student is not in his/her seat when the tardy bell rings. If a student leaves class for any reason, the student’s agenda must be used as the hall pass. Discipline: Discipline will be enforced in accordance with the Darlington County School Code. Respect is very important in the classroom. Giving the teacher and classmates the respect they deserve will allow them to do their work and benefit everyone. Classroom time is very important. Students are encouraged to use the bathroom and/or get water during the change of classes and not during class.

Tutoring: If a student is having difficulty or needs more explanation, the teacher will be more than happy to work with the student outside of the class time if necessary. Monday and Thursday are designated days after lunch just for tutorial schoolwide. The teacher will also be available for additional tutoring after school one day a week if needed. Please schedule this time with the teacher.

Materials Needed Daily: Students are responsible for bringing to class a three-ring binder, notebook paper, pencils, graphing calculator, and red ink pens. All written work turned in must be done in pencil only. The beginning of each Tuesday will be designated for Self-Selected Reading time. Each student must bring a book to read on Tuesday. A student may NOT use a personal computer of any kind during class unless the teacher gives permission for working on a class project.

High Expectations: The teacher has high expectations for all students. Everyone has the ability to learn, and their level of achievement depends on several factors.  Class participation is necessary.  Homework must be done.  Be prepared for every day.  Bring the necessary materials to class.  Be considerate and respectful to others.  Be in the classroom before the bell rings ready to start class.  Pay attention in class. With these factors in place an atmosphere conducive to learning will be provided.

School Website: Class assignments can also be accessed on the school website under Departments>Math>Wanda Hodge>Algebra 2 CP. The web address is

Note: All student materials including bookbags and purses must be kept under the student’s desk to clear a path for the teacher to walk around the classroom safely.