Certification of Contract
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Title: Medical and Dental Supplies
Contract Number: 475-000-11-1
RFP Number: 10-475-000-J
Effective: September 20, 2010 through September 19, 2013
Supersedes: 475-000-05-1
Contractors: Medical Supplies; Binson Hospital Supplies (A) Henry Schein (A) Physicians Sales and Services (A) Dental Supplies; Henry Schein (A) Patterson Dental (A)
A) AUTHORITY - Upon affirmative action taken by the State of Florida Department of Management Services, a contract has been executed between the State of Florida and the designated contractors.
B) EFFECT - This contract was entered into to provide economies in the purchase of Medical and Dental Supplies by all State of Florida agencies and institutions. Therefore, in compliance with Section 287.042, Florida Statutes, all purchases of these commodities shall be made under the terms, prices, and conditions of this contract and with the suppliers specified.
C) ORDERING INSTRUCTIONS - All purchase orders shall be issued in accordance with the attached ordering instructions. Purchaser shall order at the prices indicated, exclusive of all Federal, State and local taxes.
All contract purchase orders shall show the State Purchasing contract number, product number, quantity, description of item, with unit prices extended and purchase order totaled. (This requirement may be waived when purchase is made by a blanket purchase order.)
D) CONTRACTOR PERFORMANCE - Agencies shall report any vendor failure to perform according to the requirements of this contract on Complaint to Vendor, form PUR 7017. Should the vendor fail to correct the problem within a prescribed period of time, then form PUR 7029, Request for Assistance, is to be filed with this office.
E) SPECIAL AND GENERAL CONDITIONS - Special and general conditions are enclosed for your information. Any restrictions accepted from the supplier are noted on the ordering instructions.
Authorized Signature (date)
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 1 Table of Contents
SECTION 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction and Overview 1.2 Event Timeline
SECTION 2.0 General Instructions to Respondents (PUR 1001) 2. 1. Definitions. 2.2. General Instructions. 2.3. Electronic Submission of Responses. 2.4. Terms and Conditions. 2.5. Questions. 2.6. Conflict of Interest. 2.7. Convicted Vendors. 2.8. Discriminatory Vendors. 2.9. Respondent’s Representation and Authorization. 2.10. Manufacturer’s Name and Approved Equivalents. 2.11. Performance Qualifications. 2.12. Public Opening. 2.13. Electronic Posting of Notice of Intended Award. 2.14. Firm Response. 2.15. Clarifications/Revisions. 2.16. Minor Irregularities/Right to Reject. 2.17. Contract Formation. 2.18. Contract Overlap. 2.19. Public Records. 2.20. Protests. 2.21. Limitation on Vendor Contact with Agency during Solicitation Period
Section 3.0 Special Instructions To Respondents 3.1 Contact Person 3.2 Definitions 3.3 Firm Response 3.4 Electronic Posting of Award 3.5 Order of Precedence 3.6 Submittal of Response 3.7 Addendums to the Solicitation Documents 3.8 Submittal Content 3.9 Estimated Sales 3.10 Evaluation and Selection Process 3.11 Basis for Award 3.12 Price 3.13 Lobbying 3.14 Documentation Becomes the Property of the State 3.15 Notice to Contractor 3.16 Method of Payment 3.17 Environmental Considerations 3.18 Certification of Drug-Free Workplace Program
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 2 3.19 Public Entity Crimes
SECTION 4.0 GENERAL CONTRACT CONDITIONS (STATE OF FLORIDA FORM PUR 1000) 4.1 Definitions. 4.2 Purchase Orders. 4.3 Product Version. 4.4 Price Changes Applicable only to Term Contracts. 4.5 Additional Quantities. 4.6 Packaging. 4.7 Inspection at Contractor’s Site. 4.8 Safety Standards. 4.9 Americans with Disabilities Act. 4.10 Literature. 4.11 Transportation and Delivery. 4.12 Installation. 4.13 Risk of Loss. 4.14 Transaction Fee. 4.15 Invoicing and Payment. 4.16 Taxes. 4.17 Governmental Restrictions. 4.18 Lobbying and Integrity. 4.19 Indemnification. 4.20 Limitation of Liability. 4.21 Suspension of Work. 4.22 Termination for Convenience. 4.23 Termination for Cause. 4.24 Force Majeure, Notice of Delay, and No Damages for Delay. 4.25 Changes. 4.26 Renewal. 4.27 Purchase Order Duration. 4.28 Advertising. 4.29 Assignment. 4.30 Antitrust Assignment 4.31 Dispute Resolution. 4.32 Employees, Subcontractors, and Agents. 4.33 Security and Confidentiality. 4.34 Contractor Employees, Subcontractors, and Other Agents. 4.35 Insurance Requirements. 4.36 Warranty of Authority. 4.37 Warranty of Ability to Perform. 4.38 Notices. 4.39 Leases and Installment Purchases. 4.40 Prison Rehabilitative Industries and Diversified Enterprises, Inc. (PRIDE). 4.41 Products Available from the Blind or Other Handicapped. 4.42 Modification of Terms. 4.43 Cooperative Purchasing. 4.44 Waiver. 4.45 Annual Appropriations. 4.46 Execution in Counterparts. 4.47 Severability.
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 3 SECTION 5.0 SPECIAL CONTRACT CONDITIONS 5.1 Customer Service Support 5.2 Insurance Requirements 5.3 Contract Revisions 5.4 Compliance with Laws 5.5 Price Escalation / De-Escalation 5.6 Punch out Catalogues and e-Invoicing 5.7 Emergency Contact 5.8 Performance and Payment Bonds 5.9 Contractor Performance 5.10 Delays and Complaints 5.11 Sales Requirements 5.12 Contract Sales Summary Report 5.13 State Objectives
SECTION 6.0 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 6.1 Purpose 6.2 Experience and Certifications 6.3 Scope
SECTION 7.0 FORMS AND ATTACHMENTS Attachment 1: Proposal Checklist Form Attachment 2: Reference Summaries Attachment 3: Experience Certification Form Attachment 4: Respondents Capability Form with District Map Attachment 5: Ordering Instructions Attachment 6: Certification of Drug Free Workplace Program Attachment 7: Excel® Price Sheet
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 4 SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION
1.1 Introduction and Overview
The Department of Management Services, Division of State Purchasing, invites interested companies to submit bids in accordance with these solicitation documents. The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to establish a three (3) year state term contract for Medical and Dental Supplies with the potential for renewal in accordance with F.S. 287.057(1)(a) and if deemed in the best interest of the State.
The contract resulting from this solicitation, if any, will provide efficiency and economy for state agencies and eligible users, by providing a preferred price schedule from one or more manufacturers and/or authorized distributors of medical and dental supplies. It is intended that the resultant contract, if any, be a multiple award; however, the State does reserve the right to award the entire contract, if any, to a single Contractor. This RFP and subsequent contract, if any, does not guarantee any level of business to the awarded supplier(s).
The awarded supplier(s) will receive Direct Orders (DO), or Purchase Orders (PO) or credit card orders directly from the Customer.
This solicitation includes the following Commodity Code (description is to the right) and components thereof;
475-XXX Hospital Supplies 260-XXX Dental Equipment and Supplies
1.2 Event Timeline
Respondents should review and become familiar with the Event Timeline. The dates and times of each activity within the Timeline may be subject to change. It is the responsibility of the Respondent to check for any changes. All changes to the Timeline will be made through an addendum to this solicitation and posted within the Vendor Bid System (http://vbs.dms.state.fl.us/vbs/main_menu) and MyFloridaMarketPlace http://dms.myflorida.com/business_operations/state_purchasing/myflorida_marketplace/vendors /vendor_tools/sourcing_solicitations sourcing tool.
A non-mandatory bid conference will address general questions related to the submittal process. Any questions related to specifications or requirements of the solicitation shall be addressed through the question and answer process. (See Section 2.5) Potential Respondents may call 1-888-808-6959 at 3:30 on July 16, 2010 to participate. Use Conference Code 4888855.
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 5 Event Event Date 1 Post notice of solicitation on Vendor Bid System (VBS) and MyFloridaMarketPlace July 13, 2010 sourcing tool. Solicitation will initially be in “preview” status where offerors can view/download all information and ask questions, but CANNOT input or submit responses. 2 Bid Conference – Non Mandatory – 1:00 to 2:00 PM Call in with your questions July 15, 2010 regarding the use of MFMP. 4050 Esplanade Way, Tallahassee, FL 32399. Potential Respondents do not need to travel to Tallahassee. Teleconferencing is provided. Please call 888-808-6959 and use Conference Code 4888855 3 Deadline to submit final questions via the MyFloridaMarketPlace sourcing tool Q&A July 20, 2010 Board 4 Post answers to questions as an Addendum to the solicitation on Vendor Bid System July 23, 2010 (VBS) and MyFloridaMarketPlace sourcing tool. 5 Deadline to submit RFP response, including all required documents, in CD format. August 18, Responses are due no Later than 2:00 PM EDT. 2010 6 Evaluators Meeting and Award recommendation To be Announced via Amendment 6 Notice of Intent to Award posted on Vendor Bid System (VBS) TBD 7 Contract formation date Per Section 2.17
The balance of this sheet is blank, intentionally
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 6 State of Florida Section 2 PUR 1001 General Instructions to Respondents
Contents 1. Definitions. 2. General Instructions. 3. Electronic Submission of Responses. 4. Terms and Conditions. 5. Questions. 6. Conflict of Interest. 7. Convicted Vendors. 8. Discriminatory Vendors. 9. Respondent’s Representation and Authorization. 10. Manufacturer’s Name and Approved Equivalents. 11. Performance Qualifications. 12. Public Opening. 13. Electronic Posting of Notice of Intended Award. 14. Firm Response. 15. Clarifications/Revisions. 16. Minor Irregularities/Right to Reject. 17. Contract Formation. 18. Contract Overlap. 19. Public Records. 20. Protests. 21. Limitation on Vendor Contact with Agency During Solicitation Period
1. Definitions. The definitions found in s. 60A-1.001, F.A.C. shall apply to this agreement. The following additional terms are also defined:
(a) "Buyer" means the entity that has released the solicitation. The “Buyer” may also be the “Customer” as defined in the PUR 1000 if that entity meets the definition of both terms. (b) "Procurement Officer" means the Buyer's contracting personnel, as identified in the Introductory Materials. (c) "Respondent" means the entity that submits materials to the Buyer in accordance with these Instructions. (d) "Response" means the material submitted by the respondent in answering the solicitation. (e) "Timeline" means the list of critical dates and actions included in the Introductory Materials.
2. General Instructions. Potential respondents to the solicitation are encouraged to carefully review all the materials contained herein and prepare responses accordingly.
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 7 3. Electronic Submission of Responses. Respondents are required to submit responses electronically. For this purpose, all references herein to signatures, signing requirements, or other required acknowledgments hereby include electronic signature by means of clicking the "Submit Response" button (or other similar symbol or process) attached to or logically associated with the response created by the respondent within MyFloridaMarketPlace. The respondent agrees that the action of electronically submitting its response constitutes: an electronic signature on the response, generally, an electronic signature on any form or section specifically calling for a signature, and an affirmative agreement to any statement contained in the solicitation that requires a definite confirmation or acknowledgement.
4. Terms and Conditions. All responses are subject to the terms of the following sections of this solicitation, which, in case of conflict, shall have the order of precedence listed: Technical Specifications, Special Conditions and Instructions, Instructions to Respondents (PUR 1001), General Conditions (PUR 1000), and Introductory Materials.
The Buyer objects to and shall not consider any additional terms or conditions submitted by a respondent, including any appearing in documents attached as part of a respondent’s response. In submitting its response, a respondent agrees that any additional terms or conditions, whether submitted intentionally or inadvertently, shall have no force or effect. Failure to comply with terms and conditions, including those specifying information that must be submitted with a response, shall be grounds for rejecting a response.
5. Questions. Respondents shall address all questions regarding this solicitation to the Procurement Officer. Questions must be submitted via the Q&A Board within MyFloridaMarketPlace and must be RECEIVED NO LATER THAN the time and date reflected on the Timeline. Questions shall be answered in accordance with the Timeline. All questions submitted shall be published and answered in a manner that all respondents will be able to view. Respondents shall not contact any other employee of the Buyer or the State for information with respect to this solicitation. Each respondent is responsible for monitoring the MyFloridaMarketPlace site for new or changing information. The Buyer shall not be bound by any verbal information or by any written information that is not contained within the solicitation documents or formally noticed and issued by the Buyer's contracting personnel. Questions to the Procurement Officer or to any Buyer personnel shall not constitute formal protest of the specifications or of the solicitation, a process addressed in paragraph 19 of these Instructions.
6. Conflict of Interest. This solicitation is subject to chapter 112 of the Florida Statutes. Respondents shall disclose with their response the name of any officer, director, employee or other agent who is also an employee of the State. Respondents shall also disclose the name of any State employee who owns, directly or indirectly, an interest of five percent (5%) or more in the respondent or its affiliates.
7. Convicted Vendors. A person or affiliate placed on the convicted vendor list following a conviction for a public entity crime is prohibited from doing any of the following for a period of 36 months from the date of being placed on the convicted vendor list: submitting a bid on a contract to provide any goods or services to a public entity;
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 8 submitting a bid on a contract with a public entity for the construction or repair of a public building or public work; submitting bids on leases of real property to a public entity; being awarded or performing work as a contractor, supplier, subcontractor, or consultant under a contract with any public entity; and transacting business with any public entity in excess of the Category Two threshold amount ($35,000) provided in section 287.017 of the Florida Statutes.
8. Discriminatory Vendors. An entity or affiliate placed on the discriminatory vendor list pursuant to section 287.134 of the Florida Statutes may not: submit a bid on a contract to provide any goods or services to a public entity; submit a bid on a contract with a public entity for the construction or repair of a public building or public work; submit bids on leases of real property to a public entity; be awarded or perform work as a contractor, supplier, sub-contractor, or consultant under a contract with any public entity; or transact business with any public entity.
9. Respondent’s Representation and Authorization. In submitting a response, each respondent understands, represents, and acknowledges the following (if the respondent cannot so certify to any of following, the respondent shall submit with its response a written explanation of why it cannot do so).
The respondent is not currently under suspension or debarment by the State or any other governmental authority. To the best of the knowledge of the person signing the response, the respondent, its affiliates, subsidiaries, directors, officers, and employees are not currently under investigation by any governmental authority and have not in the last ten (10) years been convicted or found liable for any act prohibited by law in any jurisdiction, involving conspiracy or collusion with respect to bidding on any public contract. Respondent currently has no delinquent obligations to the State, including a claim by the State for liquidated damages under any other contract. The submission is made in good faith and not pursuant to any agreement or discussion with, or inducement from, any firm or person to submit a complementary or other noncompetitive response. The prices and amounts have been arrived at independently and without consultation, communication, or agreement with any other respondent or potential respondent; neither the prices nor amounts, actual or approximate, have been disclosed to any respondent or potential respondent, and they will not be disclosed before the solicitation opening. The respondent has fully informed the Buyer in writing of all convictions of the firm, its affiliates (as defined in section 287.133(1)(a) of the Florida Statutes), and all directors, officers, and employees of the firm and its affiliates for violation of state or federal antitrust laws with respect to a public contract for violation of any state or federal law involving fraud, bribery, collusion, conspiracy or material misrepresentation with respect to a public contract. This includes disclosure of the names of current employees who were convicted of contract crimes while in the employ of another company. Neither the respondent nor any person associated with it in the capacity of owner, partner, director, officer, principal, investigator, project director, manager, auditor, or position involving the administration of federal funds:
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 9 o Has within the preceding three years been convicted of or had a civil judgment rendered against them or is presently indicted for or otherwise criminally or civilly charged for: commission of fraud or a criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a federal, state, or local government transaction or public contract; violation of federal or state antitrust statutes; or commission of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of records, making false statements, or receiving stolen property; or o Has within a three-year period preceding this certification had one or more federal, state, or local government contracts terminated for cause or default. The product offered by the respondent will conform to the specifications without exception. The respondent has read and understands the Contract terms and conditions, and the submission is made in conformance with those terms and conditions. If an award is made to the respondent, the respondent agrees that it intends to be legally bound to the Contract that is formed with the State. The respondent has made a diligent inquiry of its employees and agents responsible for preparing, approving, or submitting the response, and has been advised by each of them that he or she has not participated in any communication, consultation, discussion, agreement, collusion, act or other conduct inconsistent with any of the statements and representations made in the response. The respondent shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the Buyer and its employees against any cost, damage, or expense which may be incurred or be caused by any error in the respondent’s preparation of its bid. All information provided by, and representations made by, the respondent are material and important and will be relied upon by the Buyer in awarding the Contract. Any misstatement shall be treated as fraudulent concealment from the Buyer of the true facts relating to submission of the bid. A misrepresentation shall be punishable under law, including, but not limited to, Chapter 817 of the Florida Statutes.
10. Manufacturer’s Name and Approved Equivalents. Unless otherwise specified, any manufacturers’ names, trade names, brand names, information or catalog numbers listed in a specification are descriptive, not restrictive. With the Buyer’s prior approval, the Contractor may provide any product that meets or exceeds the applicable specifications. The Contractor shall demonstrate comparability, including appropriate catalog materials, literature, specifications, test data, etc. The Buyer shall determine in its sole discretion whether a product is acceptable as an equivalent.
11. Performance Qualifications. The Buyer reserves the right to investigate or inspect at any time whether the product, qualifications, or facilities offered by Respondent meet the Contract requirements. Respondent shall at all times during the Contract term remain responsive and responsible. In determining Respondent’s responsibility as a vendor, the agency shall consider all information or evidence which is gathered or comes to the attention of the agency which demonstrates the Respondent’s capability to fully satisfy the requirements of the solicitation and the contract.
Respondent must be prepared, if requested by the Buyer, to present evidence of experience, ability, and financial standing, as well as a statement as to plant, machinery, and capacity of the respondent for the production, distribution, and servicing of the product bid. If the Buyer determines that the conditions of the solicitation documents are not complied with, or that the product proposed to be furnished does not meet the specified requirements, or that the
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 10 qualifications, financial standing, or facilities are not satisfactory, or that performance is untimely, the Buyer may reject the response or terminate the Contract. Respondent may be disqualified from receiving awards if respondent, or anyone in respondent’s employment, has previously failed to perform satisfactorily in connection with public bidding or contracts. This paragraph shall not mean or imply that it is obligatory upon the Buyer to make an investigation either before or after award of the Contract, but should the Buyer elect to do so, respondent is not relieved from fulfilling all Contract requirements.
12. Public Opening. Responses shall be opened on the date and at the location indicated on the Timeline. Respondents may, but are not required to, attend. The Buyer may choose not to announce prices or release other materials pursuant to s. 119.071(1)(b), Florida Statutes. Any person requiring a special accommodation because of a disability should contact the Procurement Officer at least five (5) workdays prior to the solicitation opening. If you are hearing or speech impaired, please contact the Buyer by using the Florida Relay Service at (800) 955- 8771 (TDD).
13. Electronic Posting of Notice of Intended Award. Based on the evaluation, on the date indicated on the Timeline the Buyer shall electronically post a notice of intended award at http://fcn.state.fl.us/owa_vbs/owa/vbs_www.main_menu. If the notice of award is delayed, in lieu of posting the notice of intended award the Buyer shall post a notice of the delay and a revised date for posting the notice of intended award. Any person who is adversely affected by the decision shall file with the Buyer a notice of protest within 72 hours after the electronic posting. The Buyer shall not provide tabulations or notices of award by telephone.
14. Firm Response. The Buyer may make an award within sixty (60) days after the date of the opening, during which period responses shall remain firm and shall not be withdrawn. If award is not made within sixty (60) days, the response shall remain firm until either the Buyer awards the Contract or the Buyer receives from the respondent written notice that the response is withdrawn. Any response that expresses a shorter duration may, in the Buyer's sole discretion, be accepted or rejected.
15. Clarifications/Revisions. Before award, the Buyer reserves the right to seek clarifications or request any information deemed necessary for proper evaluation of submissions from all respondents deemed eligible for Contract award. Failure to provide requested information may result in rejection of the response.
16. Minor Irregularities/Right to Reject. The Buyer reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids, or separable portions thereof, and to waive any minor irregularity, technicality, or omission if the Buyer determines that doing so will serve the State’s best interests. The Buyer may reject any response not submitted in the manner specified by the solicitation documents.
17. Contract Formation. The Buyer shall issue a notice of award, if any, to successful respondent(s), however, no contract shall be formed between respondent and the Buyer until the Buyer signs the Contract. The Buyer shall not be liable for any costs incurred by a respondent in preparing or producing its response or for any work performed before the Contract is effective.
18. Contract Overlap. Respondents shall identify any products covered by this solicitation that they are currently authorized to furnish under any state term contract. By entering into the Contract, a Contractor authorizes the Buyer to eliminate duplication between agreements in the manner the Buyer deems to be in its best interest.
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 11 19. Public Records. Article 1, section 24, Florida Constitution, guarantees every person access to all public records, and Section 119.011, Florida Statutes, provides a broad definition of public record. As such, all responses to a competitive solicitation are public records unless exempt by law. Any respondent claiming that its response contains information that is exempt from the public records law shall clearly segregate and mark that information and provide the specific statutory citation for such exemption.
20. Protests. Any protest concerning this solicitation shall be made in accordance with sections 120.57(3) and 287.042(2) of the Florida Statutes and chapter 28-110 of the Florida Administrative Code. Questions to the Procurement Officer shall not constitute formal notice of a protest. It is the Buyer's intent to ensure that specifications are written to obtain the best value for the State and that specifications are written to ensure competitiveness, fairness, necessity and reasonableness in the solicitation process.
Section 120.57(3) (b), F.S. and Section 28-110.003, Fla. Admin. Code require that a notice of protest of the solicitation documents shall be made within seventy-two hours after the posting of the solicitation.
Section 120.57(3) (a), F.S. requires the following statement to be included in the solicitation: "Failure to file a protest within the time prescribed in section 120.57(3), Florida Statutes, shall constitute a waiver of proceedings under Chapter 120, Florida Statutes."
Section 28-110.005, Fla. Admin. Code requires the following statement to be included in the solicitation: "Failure to file a protest within the time prescribed in Section 120.57(3), Florida Statutes, or failure to post the bond or other security required by law within the time allowed for filing a bond shall constitute a waiver of proceedings under Chapter 120, Florida Statutes.”
21. Limitation on Vendor Contact with Agency During Solicitation Period. Respondents to this solicitation or persons acting on their behalf may not contact, between the release of the solicitation and the end of the 72-hour period following the agency posting the notice of intended award, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and state holidays, any employee or officer of the executive or legislative branch concerning any aspect of this solicitation, except in writing to the procurement officer or as provided in the solicitation documents. Violation of this provision may be grounds for rejecting a response.
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 12 SECTION 3 Special Instructions to Respondents
3.1 Contact Person
Refer contract inquiries to:
Donna Smith, Purchasing Analyst Department of Management Services, Division of State Purchasing 4050 Esplanade Way, Suite 360 Tallahassee, FL 32399-0950 Phone: 850-488-8855 Fax: 850-414-6122 Email: [email protected]
For issues with MyFloridaMarketPlace (MFMP), please call the Customer Service Desk at 1-866- 352-3776 or e-mail, [email protected]
3.2 Definitions
The definitions found in s. 60A-1.001, F.A.C. shall apply to this agreement. In addition to definitions found in Section 2.1, the following terms are also defined: a. "The Department" means the Department of Management Services. b. “Eligible Users” is defined in 60A-1.005, F.A.C. The following entities are eligible users:
1. All governmental agencies, as defined in Section 163.3164, F.S., which have a physical presence within the State of Florida; 2. Any independent, non-profit college or university that is located within the State of Florida and is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. c. “Contractor” means any person who contracts to sell commodities or contractual services to an agency. d. “Customer” means any agency or eligible user placing an order through a contract resulting from this solicitation.
3.3 Firm Response
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 13 The Department may make an award within one-hundred and eighty (180) days after the date of the opening, during which period responses shall remain firm and shall not be withdrawn. If award is not made within one-hundred and eighty (180) days, the response shall remain firm until either the Department awards the contract or the Department receives from the Respondent written notice that the response is withdrawn. Any response that expresses a shorter duration may, in the Department’s sole discretion, be accepted or rejected.
3.4 Electronic Posting of Award
Offers shall be opened on the date and time indicated on the Timeline and thereafter evaluated. Prices will not be read, pursuant to Section 119.07(3) (m) of the Florida Statutes. After evaluating the responses, the Department shall electronically post a Notice of Intent to Award at http://fcn.state.fl.us/owa_vbs/owa/vbs_www.main_menu
Respondents are encouraged to check the Vendor Bid System (VBS) (see link above) regularly for postings. The VBS does not release an e-mail for Agency Decisions.
Any person who is adversely affected by the decision shall file with the Department a notice of protest within 72 hours after the electronic posting (see Section 2.19 of the General Instructions (PUR 1001) for more information on protests. The Department shall not provide notices of award by telephone.
3.5 Order of Precedence
Potential Respondents to the solicitation are encouraged to carefully review all the materials contained herein and prepare responses accordingly. In the event any conflict exists between the Special and General Instructions, those instructions specified in the Special Instructions to Respondents shall prevail. After successful evaluations, Contractor(s) shall sign a Contract form incorporating the solicitation materials and any additional terms and conditions resulting from the negotiation process.
All responses are subject to the terms of the following sections of this solicitation, which, in case of conflict, shall have the order of precedence listed:
Section 1.0, Introduction Section 6.0, Technical Specifications Section 5.0, Special Contract Conditions, Section 4.0, General Contract Conditions (PUR 1000) Section 3.0, Special Instructions to Respondents Section 2.0, General Instructions to Respondents (PUR 1001) Section 7.0, Forms and Price Sheets
Reminder: Above order takes precedence over order listed in Section 2.4.
3.6 Submittal of Response
Respondents shall submit their offer by the deadline on one CD and include 2 identical copies on individual CDs (a total of 3 CDs), sent or delivered in a sealed envelope to the Contact listed in Section 3.1. The solicitation number should be clearly marked on the outside of the envelope or package. Label the CDs with your company’s name and the solicitation number, 10-475-000-
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 14 J. Check your CDs to make sure they can be read by any computer (Windows® operating system). All forms shall be completed using Microsoft Word® or equivalent for legibility. The Excel® spreadsheets are pre loaded with a formula. Download the spreadsheets from MFMP – the price sheets contained in this document do not have the formula loaded and are for reference only. Enter the list price of each item you are bidding on, then the discount you are offering and “Price to the State” will be calculated for you. You are not required to bid on every item, but leave the entire spreadsheet intact (do not delete lines you are not bidding on.) Altered spreadsheets cannot be scored.
For this solicitation only, responses will NOT be accepted on-line via the MyFloridaMarketPlace sourcing tool located at https://sourcing.myfloridamarketplace.com. This section negates the electronic response requirement in Section 2.3.
Each Respondent is responsible for ensuring that its response and all associated documents are submitted by the proper date and time.
Dun and Bradstreet reports must also be delivered to the address noted in Section 3.1 if they are not included on the response CD. Failure to provide all requested information within the response package by the date and time specified may result in rejection of the response.
The Proposal Preparation Checklist included within this solicitation does not relieve the Respondent of responsibility for ensuring that all requirements of the solicitation are included with the submittal.
DO NOT RELY ON THE MYFLORIDAMARKETPLACE SOURCING TOOL’S TIME REMAINING CLOCK. THE OFFICIAL SOLICITATION CLOSING TIME SHALL BE AS REFLECTED IN SECTION 1.2, TIMELINE. The response deadline(s) shall be as reflected in Section 1.2, Timeline, of this solicitation. The MyFloridaMarketPlace Sourcing Tool’s time remaining clock is not the official submission date and time deadline, it is intended only to approximate the solicitation closing and may require periodic adjustments
3.7 Addendums to the Solicitation Documents
The Department reserves the right to issue addendums to the solicitation. Notice of any addendum will be posted within MyFloridaMarketPlace and the Vendor Bid System. Such notice, if required, will contain the appropriate details for identifying and/or reviewing the formal changes to the solicitation. Each Respondent is responsible for monitoring the sites for new or changing information concerning this solicitation.
3.8 Submittal Content
The Department requires that Respondents follow the response format outlined below:
File A: Qualifications
Profile: Describe your organization and general background. Include information on your organization’s size, recent sales history, which manufacturers have
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 15 authorized your company as a dealer, service philosophy and complaint resolution process. Explain your Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) capabilities.
History and Experience: Provide years of experience in the medical and or dental supply manufacturer or distribution industry (nationally and/or in Florida). Provide number of years servicing the public sector. Identify key management personnel and any individuals to be assigned to this contract.
Litigation: List any litigation or disputes relating to the required services within the last five years. Include entity/project name, timeframe, and the nature of litigation. Specifically identify any pending or active litigation. Financial Status: Each Respondent is required to provide information regarding its financial and industry standing and strength in order to demonstrate that it is financially stable, in good standing with creditors, and has the resources necessary to perform the services outlined in this RFP on a state-wide and/or regional basis. The State requires each Respondent to provide a Supplier Qualifier Report (SQR) prepared by Dun & Bradstreet (D&B), in accordance with the instructions below. The SQR is a standard report that details financial and operational capabilities. This report must be submitted to the Department either as a file on the submitted CDs or delivered prior to the bid opening date and time (See Section 1.2 Event Timeline.) Each Respondent will be responsible for the cost and timely submission of this report. The prospective Contractor will request the SQR from D&B at: https://sor.dnb.com/sor/jsp/forms/SOF.jsp?SORTAG1=JQ37hS4r&SORTAG2=j58Gjk4x 1. Enter the RFP number in the text field entitled “Enter your RFP Number” and select “Submit.” 2. Enter your company’s Dun Number. (If you don’t know your company’s Dun number, you may use the search feature to find it.) 3. Confirm Registration 4. Enter payment method and information and complete registration. The cost of the preparation of the D&B report shall be the responsibility of the Respondent.
If your company is not eligible for a Dun and Bradstreet report (privately held), please include financial statements for the last three years, in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.
File B: Reference Summaries, Attachment 2 Provide a minimum of five references, large governmental and/or commercial accounts preferred. Information shall include: o Client name, address, phone number, fax number and email address.
File C: Experience Certification Form, Attachment 3 Certifies a minimum of 5 years of experience in providing medical and dental supplies. Requires a notary seal. If not applicable to your company, please include that statement instead of the form.
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 16 File D: Respondent Capability Form, Attachment 4 This form identifies your capabilities to service certain locations Include a copy of your company’s Liability Insurance policy, declaration page only.
File E: Ordering Instructions Form, Attachment 5
File F: Certification of Drug Free Workplace Program, Attachment 6
File G Price Sheets, Attachment 7 The Price Sheets are Excel ® spreadsheets and list Core Items. The Non Core items are not listed. Please offer a standard discount off MSRP for ALL Non Core items. This standard discount is for any item not on the Core Item List - See Section 6.3 Scope.
3.9 Estimated Sales
State agencies have spent $23,109,159 on the commodity codes listed in Section 1.1 between January 1, 2008 and November 5, 2009. Respondents are reminded that these figures do not represent any guarantee on the number of orders or continued spend by the agencies or eligible users. Other eligible users’ spend is not included in this number. This figure is given only as a guideline for preparing your response and should not be construed as representing actual commitment figures under the contract.
The historical spend data, gathered from 17 state agencies is as follows and again does not guarantee any level of business to the awarded supplier(s);
2008 Agency for Health Care Administration $244.55 2009 Agency for Health Care Administration $16.52 2008 Agency for Persons with Disabilities $233,764.94 2009 Agency for Persons with Disabilities $163,883.47 2008 Department of Children and Families $170,963.74 2009 Department of Children and Families $38,263.41 2008 Department of Community Affairs $60,208.07 2009 Department of Community Affairs $40.68 2008 Department of Corrections $4,892,597.27 2009 Department of Corrections $1,810,788.33 2008 Department of Education $855.14 2009 Department of Education $733.20 2008 Department of Environmental Protection $39,167.44 2009 Department of Environmental Protection $8,096.64 2008 Department of Financial Services $2,422.17 2009 Department of Financial Services $0.00 2008 Department of Health $6,251,929.83 2009 Department of Health $8,446,395.73
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 17 2008 Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles $46,595.00 2009 Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles $15,649.15 2008 Department of Juvenile Justice $118,405.45 2009 Department of Juvenile Justice $87,510.45 2008 Department of Law Enforcement $23,611.15 2009 Department of Law Enforcement $20,923.99 2008 Department of Veterans Affairs $487.00 2009 Department of Veterans Affairs $663,751.08 2008 Executive Office of the Governor $196.89 2009 Executive Office of the Governor $3.90 2008 Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission $1,295.00 2008 Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind $3,309.20 2009 Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind $2,232.51 2008 State Courts System $28.65 2009 State Courts System $4,789.04 Total $23,109,159.59
3.10 Evaluation and Selection Process
The Department shall evaluate and rank responsive replies against all evaluation criteria set forth in the solicitation. The Department shall award a contract to the responsive and responsible Respondent(s) that the Department determines will provide the best value to the State and whose response earned a minimum of 70 points. The Department reserves the right to reject any and all replies, if the Department determines such action is in the best interest of the State.
Responses will be scored on a scale of 1 to 100 using the following criteria:
Qualifications: 40% 40 points Price 60% 60 points Total 100% 100 points
There will be three Evaluators. These Evaluators will rank the Responses independently and their scores will be averaged to obtain a Respondents actual score per category and in total.
Qualifications: Measuring the Respondent’s qualifications, capability, and experience in successfully serving facilities of similar size and scope to those required by this solicitation - Maximum 40 points. A minimum of 30 points must be achieved in the Qualifications section to be eligible for final award.
General Capabilities: maximum 20 points
o Consider responses in File A o Licenses, certifications, and insurance should be current. o Consider size of company, locations and extent of company’s services to potential contract needs. o Consider Respondents Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) capabilities.
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 18 Financial Status: maximum 10 points
o Consider responses in File A. o Historical sales, accounting reports and identifiable trends should identify strong financial practices. o Recent financial report (Dun & Bradstreet or equivalent) should identify short-term viability.
Experience and References: maximum 10 points
o Preference for companies with more than 5 years experience producing and or distributing quality medical and dental supplies. o Preference for companies that have considerable and satisfactory experience providing services to governmental entities. o Preference for companies that have a proven ability to effectively service and manage multiple sites in a regional area.
Price: 60 Maximum points are available in this category. Respondent’s price will be compared against other responses and against national industry averages.
Consider Respondent’s pricing in comparison with other Respondents. Final prices on Core items are more important than the discount percentage.
3.11 Basis for Award
Award(s) may be made by district. The Department shall award a contract to the responsive and responsible Respondent(s) that the Department determines will provide the best value to the State and whose response earned a minimum of 70 points (minimum 30 points in qualifications). The Department reserves the right to reject any and all replies, if the Department determines such action is in the best interest of the State. The Department further reserves the right to award the contract, if any, to a single Respondent.
3.12 Price
Pricing on any state term contract resulting from this solicitation will be an established ceiling price. Customers are encouraged to seek quotes from multiple contractors and to negotiate lower costs in accordance with their particular project or needs. . 3.13 Lobbying
Reference contract section 2.21 Limitation on Vendor Contact with Agency during Solicitation Period.
Respondents are advised that the following will be included in the Contract for these services:
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 19 In accordance with Section 216.347, Florida Statutes, and as provided herein, the Service Provider or Contractor may not expend any State funds for the purpose of lobbying the legislature, the judicial branch, the executive branch, or any State Agency.
3.14 Documentation Becomes the Property of the State
All documentation produced as part of this solicitation shall become the exclusive property of the State. Documentation may not be removed by the Respondent or its agents and will not be returned to the Respondent. Selection or rejection of a reply shall not affect this right.
3.15 Notice to Contractor
The employment of unauthorized aliens by any contractor is considered a violation of section 247A (e) of the Immigration and Nationalization Act. If the contractor knowingly employs unauthorized aliens, such violation shall be cause for unilateral cancellation of the contract.
3.16 Method of Payment
The State of Florida has implemented a purchasing card program, using the Visa platform. Contractors may receive payment from state agencies by the purchasing card in the same manner as other Visa purchases. Visa acceptance is mandatory but is not the exclusive method of payment. The State will not fill out any contractor forms or contracts in association with the Contractor accepting a purchasing card payment. Contractors are not allowed to charge a fee for accepting a purchasing card payment. Surcharges or convenience fees are prohibited. Fees should not be charged for using a purchasing card unless the fees are charged for all methods of payment (cash, check, debit cards, vouchers, etc.), and must be approved by the Customer prior to order acceptance.
On-line billing or payment systems maintained by the Contractor will not store the card holder’s account number and expiration date for re-use. Card holders will provide the Contractor with card account information at each transaction.
3.17 Environmental Considerations
The State supports and encourages initiatives to protect and preserve our environment. The Respondent shall submit as part of any proposal the Respondent’s plan to support the procurement of products and materials with recycled content, and the intent of Section 287.045, Florida Statutes. The Respondent shall also provide a plan for reducing and or handling of any hazardous waste generated by Respondent’s company. Reference Rule 62-730.160, Florida Administrative Code. It is a requirement of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection that a generator of hazardous waste materials that exceeds a certain threshold must have a valid and current Hazardous Waste Generator Identification Number. This identification number shall be submitted as part of Respondent’s explanation of its company’s hazardous waste plan and shall explain in detail its handling and disposal of this waste. Respondents are asked to identify environmentally friendly products and the Standard by which that product is rated.
3.18 Certification of Drug-Free Workplace Program
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 20 The State supports and encourages initiatives to keep the workplaces of Florida’s contractors and businesses drug free. Section 287.087 of the Florida Statutes provides that, where identical tie Responses are received, preference shall be given to a proposal received from a Respondent that certifies it has implemented a drug-free workforce program.
3.19 Public Entity Crimes
A person or affiliate who has been placed on the convicted vendor list following a conviction for a public entity crime may not submit a response on a request to provide any goods or services to a public entity, may not submit a response on a contract with a public entity for the construction or repair of a public building or public work, may not submit responses on leases of real property to a public entity, may not be awarded or perform work as a contractor, supplier, subcontractor, or consultant under a contract with any public entity, and may not transact business with any public entity in excess of the threshold amount provided in F.S. 287.017 for CATEGORY TWO for a period of thirty-six (36) months from the date of being placed on the convicted vendor list.
The balance of this sheet is blank, intentionally
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 21 SECTION 4 GENERAL CONTRACT CONDITIONS (STATE OF FLORIDA FORM PUR 1000)
4.1 Definitions. The definitions contained in s. 60A-1.001, F.A.C. shall apply to this agreement. The following additional terms are also defined:
(a) “Contract” means the legally enforceable agreement that results from a successful solicitation. The parties to the Contract will be the Customer and Contractor.
(b) “Customer” means the State agency or other entity identified in a contract as the party to receive commodities or contractual services pursuant to a contract or that orders commodities or contractual services via purchase order or other contractual instrument from the Contractor under the Contract. The “Customer” may also be the “Buyer” as defined in the PUR 1001 if it meets the definition of both terms.
(c) “Product” means any deliverable under the Contract, which may include commodities, services, technology or software.
(d) “Purchase order” means the form or format a Customer uses to make a purchase under the Contract (e.g., a formal written purchase order, electronic purchase order, procurement card, contract or other authorized means).
4.2 Purchase Orders. In contracts where commodities or services are ordered by the Customer via purchase order, Contractor shall not deliver or furnish products until a Customer transmits a purchase order. All purchase orders shall bear the Contract or solicitation number, shall be placed by the Customer directly with the Contractor, and shall be deemed to incorporate by reference the Contract and solicitation terms and conditions. Any discrepancy between the Contract terms and the terms stated on the Contractor’s order form, confirmation, or acknowledgement shall be resolved in favor of terms most favorable to the Customer. A purchase order for services within the ambit of section 287.058(1) of the Florida Statutes shall be deemed to incorporate by reference the requirements of subparagraphs (a) through (f) thereof. Customers shall designate a contract manager and a contract administrator as required by subsections 287.057(15) and (16) of the Florida Statutes.
4.3 Product Version. Purchase orders shall be deemed to reference a manufacturer’s most recently release model or version of the product at the time of the order, unless the Customer specifically requests in writing an earlier model or version and the contractor is willing to provide such model or version.
4.4 Price Changes Applicable only to Term Contracts. If this is a term contract for commodities or services, the following provisions apply.
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 22 (a) Quantity Discounts. Contractors are urged to offer additional discounts for one time delivery of large single orders. Customers should seek to negotiate additional price concessions on quantity purchases of any products offered under the Contract. State Customers shall document their files accordingly.
(b) Best Pricing Offer. During the Contract term, if the Customer becomes aware of better pricing offered by the Contractor for substantially the same or a smaller quantity of a product outside the Contract, but upon the same or similar terms of the Contract, then at the discretion of the Customer the price under the Contract shall be immediately reduced to the lower price.
(c) Sales Promotions. In addition to decreasing prices for the balance of the Contract term due to a change in market conditions, a Contractor may conduct sales promotions involving price reductions for a specified lesser period. A Contractor shall submit to the Contract Specialist documentation identifying the proposed (1) starting and ending dates of the promotion, (2) products involved, and (3) promotional prices compared to then-authorized prices. Promotional prices shall be available to all Customers. Upon approval, the Contractor shall provide conspicuous notice of the promotion.
(d) Trade-In. Customers may trade-in equipment when making purchases from the Contract. A trade-in shall be negotiated between the Customer and the Contractor. Customers are obligated to actively seek current fair market value when trading equipment, and to keep accurate records of the process. For State agencies, it may be necessary to provide documentation to the Department of Financial Services and to the agency property custodian pursuant to Chapter 273, F.S.
(e) Equitable Adjustment. The Customer may, in its sole discretion, make an equitable adjustment in the Contract terms or pricing if pricing or availability of supply is affected by extreme and unforeseen volatility in the marketplace, that is, by circumstances that satisfy all the following criteria: (1) the volatility is due to causes wholly beyond the Contractor’s control, (2) the volatility affects the marketplace or industry, not just the particular Contract source of supply, (3) the effect on pricing or availability of supply is substantial, and (4) the volatility so affects the Contractor that continued performance of the Contract would result in a substantial loss.
4.5 Additional Quantities. For a period not exceeding ninety (90) days from the date of solicitation award, the Customer reserves the right to acquire additional quantities up to the amount shown on the solicitation but not to exceed the threshold for Category Two at the prices submitted in the response to the solicitation.
4.6 Packaging. Tangible product shall be securely and properly packed for shipment, storage, and stocking in appropriate, clearly labeled, shipping containers and according to accepted commercial practice, without extra charge for packing materials, cases, or other types of containers. All containers and packaging shall become and remain Customer’s property.
4.7 Inspection at Contractor’s Site. The Customer reserves the right to inspect, at any reasonable time with prior notice, the equipment or product or plant or other facilities of a Contractor to assess conformity with Contract requirements and to determine whether they are adequate and suitable for proper and effective Contract performance.
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 23 4.8 Safety Standards. All manufactured items and fabricated assemblies subject to operation under pressure, operation by connection to an electric source, or operation involving connection to a manufactured, natural, or LP gas source shall be constructed and approved in a manner acceptable to the appropriate State inspector. Acceptability customarily requires, at a minimum, identification marking of the appropriate safety standard organization, where such approvals of listings have been established for the type of device offered and furnished, for example: the American Society of Mechanical Engineers for pressure vessels; the Underwriters Laboratories and/or National Electrical Manufacturers’ Association for electrically operated assemblies; and the American Gas Association for gas-operated assemblies. In addition, all items furnished shall meet all applicable requirements of the Occupational Safety and Health Act and state and federal requirements relating to clean air and water pollution.
4.9 Americans with Disabilities Act. Contractors should identify any products that may be used or adapted for use by visually, hearing, or other physically impaired individuals.
4.10 Literature. Upon request, the Contractor shall furnish literature reasonably related to the product offered, for example, user manuals, price schedules, catalogs, descriptive brochures, etc.
4.11 Transportation and Delivery. Prices shall include all charges for packing, handling, freight, distribution, and inside delivery. Transportation of goods shall be FOB Destination to any point within thirty (30) days after the Customer places an Order. A Contractor, within five (5) days after receiving a purchase order, shall notify the Customer of any potential delivery delays. Evidence of inability or intentional delays shall be cause for Contract cancellation and Contractor suspension.
4.12 Installation. Where installation is required, Contractor shall be responsible for placing and installing the product in the required locations at no additional charge, unless otherwise designated on the Contract or purchase order. Contractor’s authorized product and price list shall clearly and separately identify any additional installation charges. All materials used in the installation shall be of good quality and shall be free of defects that would diminish the appearance of the product or render it structurally or operationally unsound. Installation includes the furnishing of any equipment, rigging, and materials required to install or replace the product in the proper location. Contractor shall protect the site from damage and shall repair damages or injury caused during installation by Contractor or its employees or agents. If any alteration, dismantling, excavation, etc., is required to achieve installation, the Contractor shall promptly restore the structure or site to its original condition. Contractor shall perform installation work so as to cause the least inconvenience and interference with Customers and with proper consideration of others on site. Upon completion of the installation, the location and surrounding area of work shall be left clean and in a neat and unobstructed condition, with everything in satisfactory repair and order.
4.13 Risk of Loss. Matters of inspection and acceptance are addressed in s. 215.422, F.S. Until acceptance, risk of loss or damage shall remain with the Contractor. The Contractor shall be responsible for filing, processing, and collecting all damage claims. To assist the Contractor with damage claims, the Customer shall: record any evidence of visible damage on all copies of the delivering carrier’s Bill of Lading; report damages to the carrier and the Contractor; and provide the Contractor with a copy of the carrier’s Bill of Lading and damage inspection report. When a Customer rejects a product, Contractor shall remove it from the premises within ten days after notification or rejection. Upon rejection notification, the risk of loss of rejected or non- conforming product shall remain with the Contractor. Rejected product not removed by the
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 24 Contractor within ten days shall be deemed abandoned by the Contractor, and the Customer shall have the right to dispose of it as its own property. Contractor shall reimburse the Customer for costs and expenses incurred in storing or effecting removal or disposition of rejected product. 4.14 Transaction Fee. The State of Florida has instituted MyFloridaMarketPlace, a statewide eProcurement System (“System”). Pursuant to section 287.057(23), Florida Statutes (2002), all payments shall be assessed a Transaction Fee of one percent (1.0%), which the Contractor shall pay to the State, unless exempt pursuant to 60A-1.032, F.A.C. For payments within the State accounting system (FLAIR or its successor), the Transaction Fee shall, when possible, be automatically deducted from payments to the Contractor. If automatic deduction is not possible, the Contractor shall pay the Transaction Fee pursuant to Rule 60A- 1.031(2), F.A.C. By submission of these reports and corresponding payments, Contractor certifies their correctness. All such reports and payments shall be subject to audit by the State or its designee. Contractor shall receive a credit for any Transaction Fee paid by the Contractor for the purchase of any item(s) if such item(s) are returned to the Contractor through no fault, act, or omission of the Contractor. Notwithstanding the foregoing, a Transaction Fee is non-refundable when an item is rejected or returned, or declined, due to the Contractor’s failure to perform or comply with specifications or requirements of the agreement. Failure to comply with these requirements shall constitute grounds for declaring the Contractor in default and recovering reprocurement costs from the Contractor in addition to all outstanding fees. CONTRACTORS DELINQUENT IN PAYING TRANSACTION FEES MAY BE SUBJECT TO BEING REMOVED FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES’ VENDOR LIST AS PROVIDED IN RULE 60A-1.006, F.A.C.
4.15 Invoicing and Payment. Invoices shall contain the Contract number, purchase order number if applicable, and the appropriate vendor identification number. The State may require any other information from the Contractor that the State deems necessary to verify any purchase order placed under the Contract. At the State's option, Contractors may be required to invoice electronically pursuant to guidelines of the Department of Management Services. Current guidelines require that Contractor supply electronic invoices in lieu of paper-based invoices for those transactions processed through the system. Electronic invoices shall be submitted to the Customer through the Ariba Supplier Network (ASN) in one of the following mechanisms – EDI 810, cXML, or web- based invoice entry within the ASN. Payment shall be made in accordance with sections 215.422 and 287.0585 of the Florida Statutes, which govern time limits for payment of invoices. Invoices that must be returned to a Contractor due to preparation errors will result in a delay in payment. Contractors may call (850) 413-7269 Monday through Friday to inquire about the status of payments by State Agencies. The Customer is responsible for all payments under the Contract. A Customer’s failure to pay, or delay in payment, shall not constitute a breach of the Contract and shall not relieve the Contractor of its obligations to the Department or to other Customers. 4.16 Taxes. The State does not pay Federal excise or sales taxes on direct purchases of tangible personal property. The State will not pay for any personal property taxes levied on the Contractor or for any taxes levied on employees’ wages. Any exceptions to this paragraph shall be explicitly noted by the Customer in the special contract conditions section of the solicitation or in the Contract or purchase order.
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 25 4.17 Governmental Restrictions. If the Contractor believes that any governmental restrictions have been imposed that require alteration of the material, quality, workmanship or performance of the products offered under the Contract, the Contractor shall immediately notify the Customer in writing, indicating the specific restriction. The Customer reserves the right and the complete discretion to accept any such alteration or to cancel the Contract at no further expense to the Customer.
4.18 Lobbying and Integrity. Customers shall ensure compliance with Section 11.062, FS and Section 216.347, F.S. The Contractor shall not, in connection with this or any other agreement with the State, directly or indirectly (1) offer, confer, or agree to confer any pecuniary benefit on anyone as consideration for any State officer or employee’s decision, opinion, recommendation, vote, other exercise of discretion, or violation of a known legal duty, or (2) offer, give, or agree to give to anyone any gratuity for the benefit of, or at the direction or request of, any State officer or employee. For purposes of clause (2), “gratuity” means any payment of more than nominal monetary value in the form of cash, travel, entertainment, gifts, meals, lodging, loans, subscriptions, advances, deposits of money, services, employment, or contracts of any kind. Upon request of the Customer’s Inspector General, or other authorized State official, the Contractor shall provide any type of information the Inspector General deems relevant to the Contractor’s integrity or responsibility. Such information may include, but shall not be limited to, the Contractor’s business or financial records, documents, or files of any type or form that refer to or relate to the Contract. The Contractor shall retain such records for the longer of (1) three years after the expiration of the Contract or (2) the period required by the General Records Schedules maintained by the Florida Department of State (available at: http://dlis.dos.state.fl.us/barm/genschedules/gensched.htm). The Contractor agrees to reimburse the State for the reasonable costs of investigation incurred by the Inspector General or other authorized State official for investigations of the Contractor’s compliance with the terms of this or any other agreement between the Contractor and the State which results in the suspension or debarment of the Contractor. Such costs shall include, but shall not be limited to: salaries of investigators, including overtime; travel and lodging expenses; and expert witness and documentary fees. The Contractor shall not be responsible for any costs of investigations that do not result in the Contractor’s suspension or debarment.
4.19 Indemnification. The Contractor shall be fully liable for the actions of its agents, employees, partners, or subcontractors and shall fully indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the State and Customers, and their officers, agents, and employees, from suits, actions, damages, and costs of every name and description, including attorneys’ fees, arising from or relating to personal injury and damage to real or personal tangible property alleged to be caused in whole or in part by Contractor, its agents, employees, partners, or subcontractors, provided, however, that the Contractor shall not indemnify for that portion of any loss or damages proximately caused by the negligent act or omission of the State or a Customer.
Further, the Contractor shall fully indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the State and Customers from any suits, actions, damages, and costs of every name and description, including attorneys’ fees, arising from or relating to violation or infringement of a trademark, copyright, patent, trade secret or intellectual property right, provided, however, that the foregoing obligation shall not apply to a Customer’s misuse or modification of Contractor’s products or a Customer’s operation or use of Contractor’s products in a manner not contemplated by the Contract or the purchase order. If any product is the subject of an infringement suit or in the Contractor’s opinion is likely to become the subject of such a suit, the
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 26 Contractor may at its sole expense procure for the Customer the right to continue using the product or to modify it to become non-infringing. If the Contractor is not reasonably able to modify or otherwise secure the Customer the right to continue using the product, the Contractor shall remove the product and refund the Customer the amounts paid in excess of a reasonable rental for past use. The customer shall not be liable for any royalties.
The Contractor’s obligations under the preceding two paragraphs with respect to any legal action are contingent upon the State or Customer giving the Contractor (1) written notice of any action or threatened action, (2) the opportunity to take over and settle or defend any such action at Contractor’s sole expense, and (3) assistance in defending the action at Contractor’s sole expense. The Contractor shall not be liable for any cost, expense, or compromise incurred or made by the State or Customer in any legal action without the Contractor’s prior written consent, which shall not be unreasonably withheld.
4.20 Limitation of Liability. For all claims against the Contractor under any contract or purchase order, and regardless of the basis on which the claim is made, the Contractor’s liability under a contract or purchase order for direct damages shall be limited to the greater of $100,000, the dollar amount of the contract or purchase order, or two times the charges rendered by the Contractor under the purchase order. This limitation shall not apply to claims arising under the Indemnity paragraph contain in this agreement.
Unless otherwise specifically enumerated in the Contract or in the purchase order, no party shall be liable to another for special, indirect, punitive, or consequential damages, including lost data or records (unless the contract or purchase order requires the Contractor to back-up data or records), even if the party has been advised that such damages are possible. No party shall be liable for lost profits, lost revenue, or lost institutional operating savings. The State and Customer may, in addition to other remedies available to them at law or equity and upon notice to the Contractor, retain such monies from amounts due Contractor as may be necessary to satisfy any claim for damages, penalties, costs and the like asserted by or against them. The State may set off any liability or other obligation of the Contractor or its affiliates to the State against any payments due the Contractor under any contract with the State.
4.21 Suspension of Work. The Customer may in its sole discretion suspend any or all activities under the Contract or purchase order, at any time, when in the best interests of the State to do so. The Customer shall provide the Contractor written notice outlining the particulars of suspension. Examples of the reason for suspension include, but are not limited to, budgetary constraints, declaration of emergency, or other such circumstances. After receiving a suspension notice, the Contractor shall comply with the notice and shall not accept any purchase orders. Within ninety days, or any longer period agreed to by the Contractor, the Customer shall either (1) issue a notice authorizing resumption of work, at which time activity shall resume, or (2) terminate the Contract or purchase order. Suspension of work shall not entitle the Contractor to any additional compensation.
4.22 Termination for Convenience. The Customer, by written notice to the Contractor, may terminate the Contract in whole or in part when the Customer determines in its sole discretion that it is in the State’s interest to do so. The Contractor shall not furnish any product after it receives the notice of termination, except as necessary to complete the continued portion of the Contract, if any. The Contractor shall not be entitled to recover any cancellation charges or lost profits.
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 27 4.23 Termination for Cause. The Customer may terminate the Contract if the Contractor fails to (1) deliver the product within the time specified in the Contract or any extension, (2) maintain adequate progress, thus endangering performance of the Contract, (3) honor any term of the Contract, or (4) abide by any statutory, regulatory, or licensing requirement. Rule 60A-1.006(3), F.A.C., governs the procedure and consequences of default. The Contractor shall continue work on any work not terminated. Except for defaults of subcontractors at any tier, the Contractor shall not be liable for any excess costs if the failure to perform the Contract arises from events completely beyond the control, and without the fault or negligence, of the Contractor. If the failure to perform is caused by the default of a subcontractor at any tier, and if the cause of the default is completely beyond the control of both the Contractor and the subcontractor, and without the fault or negligence of either, the Contractor shall not be liable for any excess costs for failure to perform, unless the subcontracted products were obtainable from other sources in sufficient time for the Contractor to meet the required delivery schedule. If, after termination, it is determined that the Contractor was not in default, or that the default was excusable, the rights and obligations of the parties shall be the same as if the termination had been issued for the convenience of the Customer. The rights and remedies of the Customer in this clause are in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law or under the Contract.
4.24 Force Majeure, Notice of Delay, and No Damages for Delay. The Contractor shall not be responsible for delay resulting from its failure to perform if neither the fault nor the negligence of the Contractor or its employees or agents contributed to the delay and the delay is due directly to acts of God, wars, acts of public enemies, strikes, fires, floods, or other similar cause wholly beyond the Contractor’s control, or for any of the foregoing that affect subcontractors or suppliers if no alternate source of supply is available to the Contractor. In case of any delay the Contractor believes is excusable, the Contractor shall notify the Customer in writing of the delay or potential delay and describe the cause of the delay either (1) within ten (10) days after the cause that creates or will create the delay first arose, if the Contractor could reasonably foresee that a delay could occur as a result, or (2) if delay is not reasonably foreseeable, within five (5) days after the date the Contractor first had reason to believe that a delay could result. THE FOREGOING SHALL CONSTITUTE THE CONTRACTOR’S SOLE REMEDY OR EXCUSE WITH RESPECT TO DELAY. Providing notice in strict accordance with this paragraph is a condition precedent to such remedy. No claim for damages, other than for an extension of time, shall be asserted against the Customer. The Contractor shall not be entitled to an increase in the Contract price or payment of any kind from the Customer for direct, indirect, consequential, impact or other costs, expenses or damages, including but not limited to costs of acceleration or inefficiency, arising because of delay, disruption, interference, or hindrance from any cause whatsoever. If performance is suspended or delayed, in whole or in part, due to any of the causes described in this paragraph, after the causes have ceased to exist the Contractor shall perform at no increased cost, unless the Customer determines, in its sole discretion, that the delay will significantly impair the value of the Contract to the State or to Customers, in which case the Customer may (1) accept allocated performance or deliveries from the Contractor, provided that the Contractor grants preferential treatment to Customers with respect to products subjected to allocation, or (2) purchase from other sources (without recourse to and by the Contractor for the related costs and expenses) to replace all or part of the products that are the subject of the delay, which purchases may be deducted from the Contract quantity, or (3) terminate the Contract in whole or in part.
4.25 Changes. The Customer may unilaterally require, by written order, changes altering, adding to, or deducting from the Contract specifications, provided that such changes are within the general scope of the Contract. The Customer may make an equitable adjustment in the
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 28 Contract price or delivery date if the change affects the cost or time of performance. Such equitable adjustments require the written consent of the Contractor, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. If unusual quantity requirements arise, the Customer may solicit separate bids to satisfy them.
4.26 Renewal. Upon mutual agreement, the Customer and the Contractor may renew the Contract, in whole or in part, for a period that may not exceed 3 years or the term of the contract, whichever period is longer. Any renewal shall specify the renewal price, as set forth in the solicitation response. The renewal must be in writing and signed by both parties, and is contingent upon satisfactory performance evaluations and subject to availability of funds.
4.27 Purchase Order Duration. Purchase orders issued pursuant to a state term or agency contract must be received by the Contractor no later than close of business on the last day of the contract’s term to be considered timely. The Contractor is obliged to fill those orders in accordance with the contract’s terms and conditions. Purchase orders received by the contractor after close of business on the last day of the state term or agency contract’s term shall be considered void.
Purchase orders for a one-time delivery of commodities or performance of contractual services shall be valid through the performance by the Contractor, and all terms and conditions of the state term or agency contract shall apply to the single delivery/performance, and shall survive the termination of the Contract.
Contractors are required to accept purchase orders specifying delivery schedules exceeding the contracted schedule even when such extended delivery will occur after expiration of the state term or agency contract. For example, if a state term contract calls for delivery 30 days after receipt of order (ARO), and an order specifies delivery will occur both in excess of 30 days ARO and after expiration of the state term contract, the Contractor will accept the order. However, if the Contractor expressly and in writing notifies the ordering office within ten (10) calendar days of receipt of the purchase order that Contractor will not accept the extended delivery terms beyond the expiration of the state term contract, then the purchase order will either be amended in writing by the ordering entity within ten (10) calendar days of receipt of the contractor’s notice to reflect the state term contract delivery schedule, or it shall be considered withdrawn.
The duration of purchase orders for recurring deliveries of commodities or performance of services shall not exceed the expiration of the state term or agency contract by more than twelve months. However, if an extended pricing plan offered in the state term or agency contract is selected by the ordering entity, the contract terms on pricing plans and renewals shall govern the maximum duration of purchase orders reflecting such pricing plans and renewals.
Timely purchase orders shall be valid through their specified term and performance by the Contractor, and all terms and conditions of the state term or agency contract shall apply to the recurring delivery/performance as provided herein, and shall survive the termination of the Contract.
Ordering offices shall not renew a purchase order issued pursuant to a state term or agency contract if the underlying contract expires prior to the effective date of the renewal.
4.28 Advertising. Subject to Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, the Contractor shall not publicly disseminate any information concerning the Contract without prior written approval from the
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 29 Customer, including, but not limited to mentioning the Contract in a press release or other promotional material, identifying the Customer or the State as a reference, or otherwise linking the Contractor’s name and either a description of the Contract or the name of the State or the Customer in any material published, either in print or electronically, to any entity that is not a party to Contract, except potential or actual authorized distributors, dealers, resellers, or service representative.
4.29 Assignment. The Contractor shall not sell, assign or transfer any of its rights, duties or obligations under the Contract, or under any purchase order issued pursuant to the Contract, without the prior written consent of the Customer. In the event of any assignment, the Contractor remains secondarily liable for performance of the contract, unless the Customer expressly waives such secondary liability. The Customer may assign the Contract with prior written notice to Contractor of its intent to do so.
4.30 Antitrust Assignment. The Contractor and the State of Florida recognize that in actual economic practice, overcharges resulting from antitrust violations are in fact usually borne by the State of Florida. Therefore, the contractor hereby assigns to the State of Florida any and all claims for such overcharges as to goods, materials or services purchased in connection with the Contract.
4.31 Dispute Resolution. Any dispute concerning performance of the Contract shall be decided by the Customer's designated contract manager, who shall reduce the decision to writing and serve a copy on the Contractor. The decision shall be final and conclusive unless within twenty one (21) days from the date of receipt, the Contractor files with the Customer a petition for administrative hearing. The Customer’s decision on the petition shall be final, subject to the Contractor’s right to review pursuant to Chapter 120 of the Florida Statutes. Exhaustion of administrative remedies is an absolute condition precedent to the Contractor's ability to pursue any other form of dispute resolution; provided, however, that the parties may employ the alternative dispute resolution procedures outlined in Chapter 120.
Without limiting the foregoing, the exclusive venue of any legal or equitable action that arises out of or relates to the Contract shall be the appropriate state court in Leon County, Florida; in any such action, Florida law shall apply and the parties waive any right to jury trial.
4.32 Employees, Subcontractors, and Agents. All Contractor employees, subcontractors, or agents performing work under the Contract shall be properly trained technicians who meet or exceed any specified training qualifications. Upon request, Contractor shall furnish a copy of technical certification or other proof of qualification. All employees, subcontractors, or agents performing work under the Contract must comply with all security and administrative requirements of the Customer and shall comply with all controlling laws and regulations relevant to the services they are providing under the Contract. The State may conduct, and the Contractor shall cooperate in, a security background check or otherwise assess any employee, subcontractor, or agent furnished by the Contractor. The State may refuse access to, or require replacement of, any personnel for cause, including, but not limited to, technical or training qualifications, quality of work, change in security status, or non-compliance with a Customer’s security or other requirements. Such approval shall not relieve the Contractor of its obligation to perform all work in compliance with the Contract. The State may reject and bar from any facility for cause any of the Contractor’s employees, subcontractors, or agents.
4.33 Security and Confidentiality. The Contractor shall comply fully with all security procedures of the United States, State of Florida and Customer in performance of the Contract.
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 30 The Contractor shall not divulge to third parties any confidential information obtained by the Contractor or its agents, distributors, resellers, subcontractors, officers or employees in the course of performing Contract work, including, but not limited to, security procedures, business operations information, or commercial proprietary information in the possession of the State or Customer. The Contractor shall not be required to keep confidential information or material that is publicly available through no fault of the Contractor, material that the Contractor developed independently without relying on the State’s or Customer’s confidential information, or material that is otherwise obtainable under State law as a public record. To insure confidentiality, the Contractor shall take appropriate steps as to its personnel, agents, and subcontractors. The warranties of this paragraph shall survive the Contract.
4.34 Contractor Employees, Subcontractors, and Other Agents. The Customer and the State shall take all actions necessary to ensure that Contractor's employees, subcontractors and other agents are not employees of the State of Florida. Such actions include, but are not limited to, ensuring that Contractor's employees, subcontractors, and other agents receive benefits and necessary insurance (health, workers' compensations, and unemployment) from an employer other than the State of Florida.
4.35 Insurance Requirements. During the Contract term, the Contractor at its sole expense shall provide commercial insurance of such a type and with such terms and limits as may be reasonably associated with the Contract. Providing and maintaining adequate insurance coverage is a material obligation of the Contractor. Upon request, the Contractor shall provide certificate of insurance. The limits of coverage under each policy maintained by the Contractor shall not be interpreted as limiting the Contractor’s liability and obligations under the Contract. All insurance policies shall be through insurers authorized or eligible to write policies in Florida.
4.36 Warranty of Authority. Each person signing the Contract warrants that he or she is duly authorized to do so and to bind the respective party to the Contract.
4.37 Warranty of Ability to Perform. The Contractor warrants that, to the best of its knowledge, there is no pending or threatened action, proceeding, or investigation, or any other legal or financial condition, that would in any way prohibit, restrain, or diminish the Contractor’s ability to satisfy its Contract obligations. The Contractor warrants that neither it nor any affiliate is currently on the convicted vendor list maintained pursuant to section 287.133 of the Florida Statutes, or on any similar list maintained by any other state or the federal government. The Contractor shall immediately notify the Customer in writing if its ability to perform is compromised in any manner during the term of the Contract.
4.38 Notices. All notices required under the Contract shall be delivered by certified mail, return receipt requested, by reputable air courier service, or by personal delivery to the agency designee identified in the original solicitation, or as otherwise identified by the Customer. Notices to the Contractor shall be delivered to the person who signs the Contract. Either designated recipient may notify the other, in writing, if someone else is designated to receive notice. 4.39 Leases and Installment Purchases. Prior approval of the Chief Financial Officer (as defined in Section 17.001, F.S.) is required for State agencies to enter into or to extend any lease or installment-purchase agreement in excess of the Category Two amount established by section 287.017 of the Florida Statutes. 4.40 Prison Rehabilitative Industries and Diversified Enterprises, Inc. (PRIDE). Section 946.515(2), F.S. requires the following statement to be included in the solicitation: "It is
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 31 expressly understood and agreed that any articles which are the subject of, or required to carry out, the Contract shall be purchased from the corporation identified under Chapter 946 of the Florida Statutes (PRIDE) in the same manner and under the same procedures set forth in section 946.515(2) and (4) of the Florida Statutes; and for purposes of the Contract the person, company, or other business entity carrying out the provisions of the Contract shall be deemed to be substituted for the agency insofar as dealings with such corporation are concerned." Additional information about PRIDE and the products it offers is available at http://www.pridefl.com.
4.41 Products Available from the Blind or Other Handicapped. Section 413.036(3), F.S. requires the following statement to be included in the solicitation: "It is expressly understood and agreed that any articles that are the subject of, or required to carry out, this contract shall be purchased from a nonprofit agency for the Blind or for the Severely Handicapped that is qualified pursuant to Chapter 413, Florida Statutes, in the same manner and under the same procedures set forth in section 413.036(1) and (2), Florida Statutes; and for purposes of this contract the person, company, or other business entity carrying out the provisions of this contract shall be deemed to be substituted for the State agency insofar as dealings with such qualified nonprofit agency are concerned." Additional information about the designated nonprofit agency and the products it offers is available at http://www.respectofflorida.org.
4.42 Modification of Terms. The Contract contains all the terms and conditions agreed upon by the parties, which terms and conditions shall govern all transactions between the Customer and the Contractor. The Contract may only be modified or amended upon mutual written agreement of the Customer and the Contractor. No oral agreements or representations shall be valid or binding upon the Customer or the Contractor. No alteration or modification of the Contract terms, including substitution of product, shall be valid or binding against the Customer. The Contractor may not unilaterally modify the terms of the Contract by affixing additional terms to product upon delivery (e.g., attachment or inclusion of standard preprinted forms, product literature, “shrink wrap” terms accompanying or affixed to a product, whether written or electronic) or by incorporating such terms onto the Contractor’s order or fiscal forms or other documents forwarded by the Contractor for payment. The Customer's acceptance of product or processing of documentation on forms furnished by the Contractor for approval or payment shall not constitute acceptance of the proposed modification to terms and conditions.
4.43 Cooperative Purchasing. Pursuant to their own governing laws, and subject to the agreement of the Contractor, other entities may be permitted to make purchases at the terms and conditions contained herein. Non-Customer purchases are independent of the agreement between Customer and Contractor, and Customer shall not be a party to any transaction between the Contractor and any other purchaser. State agencies wishing to make purchases from this agreement are required to follow the provisions of s. 287.042(16) (a), F.S. This statute requires the Department of Management Services to determine that the requestor's use of the contract is cost-effective and in the best interest of the State.
4.44 Waiver. The delay or failure by the Customer to exercise or enforce any of its rights under this Contract shall not constitute or be deemed a waiver of the Customer’s right thereafter to enforce those rights, nor shall any single or partial exercise of any such right preclude any other or further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right.
4.45 Annual Appropriations. The State’s performance and obligation to pay under this contract are contingent upon an annual appropriation by the Legislature.
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 32 4.46 Execution in Counterparts. The Contract may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be an original and all of which shall constitute but one and the same instrument.
4.47 Severability. If a court deems any provision of the Contract void or unenforceable, that provision shall be enforced only to the extent that it is not in violation of law or is not otherwise unenforceable and all other provisions shall remain in full force and effect.
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RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 33 SECTION 5.0 SPECIAL CONTRACT CONDITIONS
5.1 Customer Service Support
Contractor(s) shall have a single point of contact for customer support. Prompt notification of any change in the contact person is required.
5.2 Insurance Requirements
During the Contract term, the Contractor at its sole expense shall provide commercial insurance of such a type and with such terms and limits as may be reasonably associated with the Contract, which, at a minimum, shall be: workers’ compensation and employer’s liability insurance per Florida statutory limits (currently $100,000 per accident, $100,000 per person, and $500,000 policy aggregate) covering all employees engaged in any Contract work; commercial general liability coverage on an occurrence basis in the minimum amount of $500,000 (defense cost shall be in excess of the limit of liability), naming the State as an additional insured; and automobile liability insurance covering all vehicles, owned or otherwise, used in the Contract work, with minimum combined limits of $500,000, including hired and non-owned liability, and $5,000 medical payment. Providing and maintaining adequate insurance coverage is a material obligation of the Contractor and is of the essence of the Contract. The Contract shall not limit the types of insurance Contractor may desire to obtain or be required to obtain by law. The limits of coverage under each policy maintained by the Contractor shall not be interpreted as limiting the Contractor’s liability and obligations under the Contract. All insurance policies shall be through insurers authorized to write policies in Florida.
5.3 Contract Revisions
Any revisions to the originally approved contract information must be authorized in writing by State Purchasing prior to implementation. Failure to obtain State Purchasing approval prior to implementation may result in termination.
5.4 Compliance with Laws
The Contractor shall comply with all laws, rules, codes, ordinances, and licensing requirements that are applicable to the conduct of its business, including those of federal, State, and local agencies having jurisdiction and authority. By way of non-exhaustive example, Chapter 287 of the Florida Statutes and Chapter 60A-1of the Florida Administrative Code govern the Contract. By way of further nonexhaustive example, the Contractor shall comply with section 247A(e) of the Immigration and Nationalization Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and all prohibitions
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 34 against discrimination on the basis of race, religion, sex, creed, national origin, handicap, marital status, or veteran’s status. Violation of such laws shall be grounds for Contract termination.
5.5 Price Adjustments
No price escalations (increases) will be permitted during the three (3) year term of this contract. Price de-escalation (decrease) is permissible at any time during the contract term. The Department reserves the right to require a decrease based on industry pricing indicators (PPI and CPI) Contractors may request a price increase at renewal, if any (see Section 4.26). Price increase requests must be based on the Producer Price Index (PPI) Table Containing PPI-U All Items Indexes and Annual Percent Changes, http://data.bls.gov/PDQ/servlet/SurveyOutputServlet;jsessionid=f030761aed77$3FB$0A$ and may not exceed 4 percent.
The price increase request must be submitted 60 days before the expiration of the Contract, to the Contract Administrator, in writing and substantiated by a copy the appropriate (meaning specific to that Contractor’s commodity code) PPI index reports. http://www.bls.gov/news.release/ppi.toc.htm
5.6 Punch out Catalogues and e-Invoicing
Awarded contractors are not encouraged to create punch out catalogues in MFMP for this contract. Awarded contractors are encouraged to participate in e-Invoicing. Please contact the MFMP Customer Service Desk at 1-866-352-3776, for assistance.
5.7 Emergency Contact
The Contractor will provide the Customer’s Contract Administrator with a 24/7 Emergency Contact.
5.8 Performance and Payment Bonds
The authority and responsibility for requesting performance and payment bonds rests with the Customer. Under this contract, the Customer may request a performance and payment bond as deemed necessary by the size of the job.
5.9 Contractor Performance
Each Contractor's performance will be evaluated on an ongoing basis through the following procedures:
1. Customers will have access to a Contract Survey (Performance Evaluation) through the State Term Contract web site to rate their satisfaction with the overall contract and the contractor,
2. Executive agency customers will have access to the Vendor Performance Tracking System through MyFloridaMarketPlace to rate their satisfaction following every completed order.
3. Contractors will be evaluated on the number and severity of complaints received from contract users. (Complaint to Vendor Form PUR 7017.)
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 35 4. Timely submission of Monthly Transaction Reports and applicable fees will be a key factor in this evaluation. See Section 4.14, Transaction Fee. Reports and Fees are to be submitted by the 15th of each calendar month.
5. Volume of sales will be reviewed as part of Contractor performance.
5.10 Delays and Complaints
Service delays and service complaints will be monitored on a continual basis. Documented inability to perform under the conditions of the contract may result in default proceedings and/or termination.
5.11 Sales Requirements
Sales will be reviewed on a quarterly basis. Should no sales be recorded in two consecutive contract quarters, the contract supplier may be selected for termination. State Purchasing reserves the right to require awarded Respondents to submit detailed sales reports upon request. See General Contract Conditions, PUR 1000, Transaction Fee, Section 4.14 for MONTHLY reporting requirements.
The intent of the sales requirement is to maintain the value of the contract. Any termination resulting solely from this requirement would be for convenience and would not impact the contractor’s ability to conduct future business with the state.
5.12 Contract Sales Summary Report
The following data must be reported to the Department on a quarterly contract basis (See blank form in Section 7: Quarterly State Term Contract Sales Summary Report Attachment 8.) The Report shall include: Contractor’s Name Reporting Period Total dollar value of purchases per quarter separated by individual State Agency and Eligible User totals.
Failure to provide quarterly sales reports, including a “no sales” report if no sales were made, within thirty (30) calendar days following the end of each contract quarter, may result in the contract supplier being found in default and cancellation of the contract by the Department.
Initiation and submission of the Contract Sales Summaries are to be the responsibility of the Contractor without prompting or notification by the Contract Administrator. The Contractor will submit the completed Contract Sales Summary forms by email to the Contract Administrator.
5.13 State Objectives
Within thirty (30) calendar days following award of the Contract, if awarded, the successful Respondent shall submit plans addressing each of the State’s five (5) objectives listed below, to the extent applicable to the items / services covered by this solicitation.
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 36 5.13.1 Diversity The State of Florida is committed to supporting its diverse business industry and population through ensuring participation by minority- and women-owned business enterprises in the economic life of the state. The State of Florida Mentor Protégé Program connects minority- and women-owned businesses with private corporations for business development mentoring. We strongly encourage firms doing business with the State of Florida to consider this initiative. For more information on the Mentor Protégé Program, please contact the Office of Supplier Diversity at (850) 487-0915. It is vital that small, minority, women-owned and veteran-owned business enterprises participate in the State’s procurement process as both prime Contractors and Subcontractors under prime Contracts. Small, minority, and women-owned businesses are strongly encouraged to submit replies to this solicitation. The Contractor shall submit documentation addressing Diversity and describing the efforts being made to encourage the participation of small, minority, women-owned and veteran-owned businesses. Information on Certified Minority Business Enterprises (CMBE) is available from the Office of Supplier Diversity at: http://dms.myflorida.com/other_programs/office_of_supplier_diversity_osd/.
5.13.2 Environmental Considerations The State supports and encourages initiatives to protect and preserve our environment. The Contractor shall submit as part of any response the Contractor’s plan to support the procurement of products and materials with recycled content, and the intent of Section 287.045, Florida Statutes. The Contractor shall also provide a plan for reducing and or handling of any hazardous waste generated by Contractor’s company. Reference Rule 62-730.160, Florida Administrative Code. It is a requirement of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection that a generator of hazardous waste materials that exceeds a certain threshold must have a valid and current Hazardous Waste Generator Identification Number. This identification number shall be submitted as part of Contractor’s explanation of its company’s hazardous waste plan and shall explain in detail its handling and disposal of this waste.
5.13.3 Certification of Drug-Free Workplace Program The State supports and encourages initiatives to keep the workplaces of Florida’s Suppliers and Contractors drug free. Section 287.087 of the Florida Statutes provides that, where identical tie responses are received, preference shall be given to a response received from a Respondent that certifies it has implemented a drug-free workforce program. If applicable, Respondent shall certify that the Respondent has a drug-free workplace program using the Certification of Drug- Free Workplace form included in Section 7.5 of the solicitation. The Contractor shall describe how it will address the implementation of a drug free workplace in offering the items of the solicitation.
5.13.4 Products Available from the Blind or Other Handicapped (RESPECT) The State supports and encourages the gainful employment of citizens with disabilities. It is expressly understood and agreed that any articles that are the subject of, or required to carry out, this Contract shall be purchased from a nonprofit agency for the blind or for the severely handicapped that is qualified pursuant to Chapter 413, Florida Statutes, in the same manner and under the same procedures set forth in Section 413.036(1) and (2), Florida Statutes; and for purposes of this Contract the person, firm, or other business entity carrying out the provisions of
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 37 this Contract shall be deemed to be substituted for the state agency insofar as dealings with such qualified nonprofit agency are concerned. Additional information about the designated nonprofit agency and the products it offers is available at http://www.respectofflorida.org.
The Contractor shall describe how it will address the use of RESPECT in offering the items of the solicitation.
5.13.5 Prison Rehabilitative Industries and Diversified Enterprises, Inc. (PRIDE) The State supports and encourages the use of Florida correctional work programs. It is expressly understood and agreed that any articles which are the subject of, or required to carry out, this Contract shall be purchased from the corporation identified under Chapter 946, F.S., in the same manner and under the same procedures set forth in Section 946.515(2), and (4), F.S.; and for purposes of this contract the person, firm, or other business entity carrying out the provisions of this Contract shall be deemed to be substituted for this agency insofar as dealings with such corporation are concerned. Additional information about PRIDE and the products it offers is available at http://www.pride-enterprises.org/.
The Contractor shall describe how it will address the use of PRIDE in offering the items of the solicitation.
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RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 38 SECTION 6.0 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS
6.1 Purpose
The Department of Management Services, Division of State Purchasing, invites interested companies to submit proposals in accordance with the solicitation documents, to provide state agencies and other eligible users with competent, experienced and professional Medical and Dental Supply manufacturers and/or distributers.
The Department’s goal is to provide contract users with the best value in medical and dental supplies.
6.2 Experience, Capabilities and Certifications
Respondents are required to provide five (5) references on the Reference Form (Attachment 2) with a minimum of two (2) being either large accounts (over $100,000) or contracts with a governmental entity. Use Attachment 4 to illustrate your company’s reach and capabilities.
6.3 Scope
The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to establish a three (3) year, state term contract for Medical and Dental Supplies, with the potential for renewal in accordance with F.S. 287.057(1)(a) and if the Department determines renewal to be in the best interest of the State.
Each Customer may have more than one location and in different regions of the state. Respondents are asked to submit proposals in accordance with this diversity and your corporate capabilities.
For the purpose of this RFP, a “Core Item” is any item on the lists provided in Section 7. Respondents are to enter the list price, standard price, the Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price (MSRP) and or catalogue price and provide a discounted percentage and price for each Core Item they are capable of providing. Should a core item become discontinued by the manufacturer, it will be removed from the “Core Item” list. Its replacement, if any, will become a “Non Core Item.” Contractors are to notify the Department in writing when an item is being discontinued. The notification shall include validation from the Manufacturer. “Non Core” items are anything else your company may sell. “Non Core” items include but are not limited to other tools, equipment, “one time buys”, other supplies, new products, and replacements for discontinued items.
All products under this contract shall be new, unused and available. All products shall be manufactured in accordance with the United States Consumer Products Safety Commission http://www.cpsc.gov/ http://www.cpsc.gov/. . All medical electrical products are to comply with, at minimum with UL 60601-1 http://ulstandardsinfonet.ul.com/scopes/scopes.asp?fn=60601-
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 39 1.html No products, either on the Core or the Non Core items lists are to be refurbished (cleaned up, re-sharpened, re-painted, re-cased, re-calibrated, etc.) or remanufactured (the disassembly of previously sold, non working units, salvaging working parts and manufacturing a separate unit using the salvaged parts) unless specifically requested by the Customer, in writing.
Respondents are also asked to provide a discount percentage off list price, standard price, MSRP and or catalogue price for the “Non Core” items by category. These stated discounts are to be the minimum discount offered on the item; Customers are encouraged to request larger discounts from any awarded Respondent. Offering a discount percentage on “Non Core” items is not required as part of a Respondents bid. Awarded Respondents (Contractors) not offering a discount on Non Core items will not be permitted to sell Non Core items under this contract.
Respondents may offer substitute products which are equal to or better than those products listed on the Excel® spreadsheet. Those Respondents offering substitutes must provide the specification sheets on both the requested product and the substitute, in their response. When offering a substitute, enter a Y (yes) or a check mark in the Substitute column and change the description. Make sure the product count per box and per case is included with the description.
Awarded Respondents, if any, are to advise Customers in advance of any applicable HAZMAT shipping requirements and associated costs. The Customer has the option to negotiate the associated costs or remove the item from the order.
Current pricing and Non Core discounts on the existing contract can be reviewed at; http://dms.myflorida.com/business_operations/state_purchasing/vendor_information/state_cont racts_agreements_and_price_lists/state_term_contracts/medical_and_dental_supply
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RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 40 SECTION 7.0 FORMS AND ATTACHMENTS
Attachment 1: Proposal Checklist Form Attachment 2: Reference Summaries Attachment 3: Experience Certification Form Attachment 4: Respondents Capability Form with District Map Attachment 5: Ordering Instructions Form Attachment 6: Certification of Drug Free Workplace Program Attachment 7: Excel® Price Sheets – a copy included herein and as a separate, interactive document in MFMP Attachment 8: Quarterly Contract Sales Summary Report Contract Form
It is NOT necessary for you to fill all lines on the Price Sheet – enter only the items you wish to bid on. Do not delete items/lines you are not bidding on – leave the spreadsheet intact. Altered spreadsheets cannot be scored.
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RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 41 Attachment 1
Proposal Checklist Form
This Proposal Preparation Checklist is provided to assist potential Contractors with assembling their proposal but does not relieve the potential Contractors of responsibility for ensuring that all requirements of the solicitation are included with the submittal. Attachment 1 (Proposal Checklist Form) does not need to be included with your response.
All numbered attachments are available as separate downloadable forms in the MyFloridaMarketPlace Sourcing Tool. Respondents are to download the attachments from Sourcing, or VBS, complete them and save unto a CD for submittal.
Responses as required in Section 3.8 Submittal Content Attachment 2 Reference Summaries Attachment 3 Experience Certification Form Attachment 4 Respondents Capability Form Attachment 5 Ordering Instructions Attachment 6 Certification of Drug Free Workplace Program Attachment 7 Excel® Price Sheet, included herein and as a separate document Names and contact information of key management and contract personnel A copy of Liability Insurance declaration page A copy of your company’s financial reports or Dun and Bradstreet report (or equivalent), no older than 6 months A copy of the signed contract with seal, if applicable. Make sure that your 3 DCs are readable by any computer using Windows ® Make sure that the Ordering Instructions sheet is typed – not hand printed. Save the Excel Price Sheets as Excel 97-2003 Workbooks and as a separate file on your CDs. Altered spreadsheets cannot be scored.
The Department encourages Respondents to ensure compliance with MyFloridaMarketPlace Transaction Fee reporting and payment requirements prior to your submittal. Respondents that are not compliant with transaction fee reporting and payment requirements may be determined to be non-responsible.
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 42 Attachment 2
Reference Summaries
. Provide a minimum of five references; large governmental and/or commercial accounts are preferred. No actual form is provided.
Information shall include: Customer name, customer contact name, address, phone number, fax number and email address. Description of services provided. Specific dates of service. Average cost per job/task, or total cost of project.
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 43 Attachment 3
Experience Certification Form
Attention: Department of Management Services
From: (insert Respondent’s name)
RE: RFP 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies
This form will serve to confirm that ______(insert Company Name) has a minimum of five (5) years experience in manufacturing and/or distributing quality medical and dental supplies.
Signed: ______
Title: ______
Company: ______
Sworn to a subscribed before me this _____ day of ______, 20___
Notary Public: ______
My Commission Expires: ______
The balance of this sheet is blank, intentionally
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 44 Attachment 4
Respondents Capability Form
Please use this form as a guideline for your narrative response.
1. Can your company provide quality medical and dental supplies statewide? 2. Does your company offer free or low cost local deliveries? Please explain. 3. Does your company offer free inside delivery? 4. Please detail and identify the purchasing district(s) or individual counties your company is capable of servicing. (See district map on the next page) 5. Provide your company’s State of Florida license number. 6. Does your company have the capability to respond quickly to a disaster/emergency? Please explain. 7. Explain your company’s VMI (Vendor Managed Inventory) capabilities. 8. Provide a copy of your company’s liability policy – declaration page only - if your company does not have the necessary insurance coverage at the time of response submittal, please note this in the response and refer to section 5.2.
The balance of this sheet is blank, intentionally
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 45
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 46 Attachment 5
Ordering Instructions Form
PLEASE TYPE Contractor name: ______
Please identify the person who will be responsible for administering the Contract on your behalf if award is made, and include an emergency contact phone number:
Name: Title: Street Address: E-mail Address: Phone Number(s): Fax Number:
If the person responsible for answering questions about the solicitation is different from the person identified above, please provide the same information for that person.
Name: Title: Street Address: E-mail Address: Phone Number(s): Fax Number:
Ordering Information:
Please provide the following information about where Customers should direct orders. You must provide a regular mailing address. If equipped to receive purchase orders electronically, you may also provide an Internet address.
Spurs Information Number: Name: Title: Street Address or P.O. Box: City, State, Zip: Phone Number: Toll Free Number: Ordering Fax Number: Internet Address: Federal ID Number: Remit Address: City, State, Zip:
NOTE: Duplicate as necessary for multiple ordering locations.
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 47 Attachment 6
Certification of Drug Free Workplace Program
Section 287.087 of the Florida Statutes provides that, where identical tie bids are received, preference shall be given to a bid received from a bidder that certifies it has implemented a drug-free workforce program. Please sign below and return this form to certify that your business has a drug-free workplace program.
1) Publish a statement notifying employees that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession or use of a controlled substance is prohibited in the workplace and specifying the actions that will be taken against employees for violations of such prohibition.
2) Inform employees about the dangers of drug abuse in the workplace, the business's policy of maintaining a drug-free workplace, any available drug counseling, rehabilitation and employee assistance programs and the penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations.
3) Give each employee engaged in providing the commodities or contractual services that are under Bid a copy of the statement specified in subsection (1).
4) In the statement specified in subsection (1), notify the employees, as a condition of working on the commodities or contractual services that are under Bid, the employee will abide by the terms of the statement and will notify the employer of any conviction of, or plea of guilty or nolo contendere to, any violation of Chapter 893 or of any controlled substance law of the United States or any State, for a violation occurring in the workplace no later than five (5) days after such conviction.
5) Impose a sanction on, or require the satisfactory participation in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program if such is available in the employee's community by any employee who is so convicted.
6) Make a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug-free workplace through implementation of this section.
As the person authorized to sign the statement, I certify that this company complies fully with the above requirements. False statements are punishable by law.
Authorized Signature Print Name and Title
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 48 Attachments 7
Price Sheet
Attachment 7 is also separate Excel® spreadsheets, pre loaded with the pricing formula, that can be downloaded from the MyFloridaMarketPlace Sourcing Tool. The Price sheet contained herein is for reference only. See Section 3.6 Submittal of Response. Please review booth the Medical and the Dental spreadsheets as there may be some overlap.
Medical Supplies
Price Distribute List Discount to Manufacturer Mfg SKU Description UoM r SKU price off List State
Bandage, Elastic, Coban, 3' X 3M 1583 5Yd/RL, 3M, 1583, 24RL/CS 1 $0.00 0% 0.00 Mask, Respirator, Particular, 3M 1860 Type N95, Regular, 3M, 1860, 20EA/BX, 6BX/CS 2 $0.00 0% 0.00 Tape, Indicator, Beige, 3M 1222-1 Sterilization, 1" X 60Yd, 3M, 1222-1, 18RL/CS 3 0.00 Tape, Surgical, Paper, 3M 1530-1 Hypoallergenic, 1" X 10Yd, 3M, 1530-1, 12EA/BX, 10BX/CS 4 0.00 Tape, Surgical, Silk-like, 3M 1538-1 Hypoallergenic, 1" X 10Yd, 3M, 1538-1, 12EA/BX, 10BX/CS 5 0.00 Dressing, Transparent, Waterproof, Orange Frame 3M 4509-1629 Style, 8" X 12", 3M, 4509-1629, 6 10EA/BX, 8BX/CS 0.00 Thermometer, Oral, Sterile, Fahrenheit, Sterile, Single-Use, 3M 5122-BX/100 Individually Wrapped, 3M, 5122- 7 BX/100, 100EA/BX, 20BX/CS 0.00 TEGADERM 23/8 X 23/4 3M 1624W 1624W, 3M, 1624W,100EA/BX,4BX/CS 8 0.00
Tape, Transpore, 1", 3M Corp, 3M 1527-1 1527-1, 12/BX 9 0.00
Dressing, Tegaderm, 4", 3M, 3M 1626 1626, 50/Bx 10 0.00
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 49 Infusion Set, 23G, Butterfly Abbott 4565-01 Shape, Abbott, 4565-01, 40EA/BG, 3BG/CS 11 0.00 Sodium Chloride, 0.9%, Injection, USP, Lifecare, 250 Ml, Abbott 7983-02 Abbott, 7983-02, 250ML/EA, 12 24EA/CS 0.00
Infusion Set, Butterfly, Abbott, ABBOTT 4492-01 4492-01, Ea 13 0.00
Pack, Gown, Surgical, XL, Allegiance 9545 Allegiance, 9545, 20EA/CS 14 0.00 Pack, Basic General Surgery, Allegiance 0185-9103 Disposable, Allegiance, 0185- 9103, 8EA/CS 15 0.00 URETHRAL CATH TRAY ALLEGIANCE 3T6733B RR/PVP, ALLEGIANCE, 3T6733B,1TRAY=1EA,20EA/CS 16 0.00
Catheter. Plastic, Urethral, Bard, ALLEGIANCE KBK90 Kbk90, Ea 17 0.00
Mask, O2, Med Adult, Allied, ALLIED HEALTHCARE 64041 64041, Ea 18 0.00
Nasal Cannual Adult Clear, ALLIED HEALTHCARE 33239 Allied Healthcare, 33239, Ea 19 0.00 Cannula, Nasal Pediatric, Clear Allied Healthcare Products 33604 w/ 7' Tubing, Allied Healthcare Inc Products Inc, 33604, 50EA/CS 20 0.00 Nebulizer, Complete, 6" Flex Allied Healthcare Products 61399 Tubing, Allied Healthcare Inc Products Inc, 61399, 50EA/CS 21 0.00 Tubing, Oxygen, 7', Allied Allied Healthcare Products 64200 Healthcare Products Inc, 64200, Inc 50EA/CS 22 0.00 Binocular Loupe With Lenses ALMORE 87000 +5:00, Almore International Inc, INTERNATIONAL INC 87000,Ea 23 0.00 Shield, Full Face, w/ Velcro, Band, Anti-Fog Coating, Alpha Alpha Pro Tech, Inc. Rp. 2802 Pro Tech, Inc. Rp., 2802, 24 25EA/BX, 4BX/CS 0.00 Ambu Rescue Key With Nylon AMBU INC. 248 201 102 Case, Ambu Inc., 248 201 102, Ea 25 0.00 Drug Screen, Rapid Test Kit, AMERICAN BIO MEDICAL 5P1 American Bio Medical Gr, CORP 5P1,Ea 26 0.00
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 50 Sphygmomanometer, Latex, American Diagnostic Corp. 922 Adult, Black, American Diagnostic Corp., 922, EA 27 0.00 Stethoscope, Single Head, Navy, American Diagnostic Corp. 0241-660N American Diagnostic Corp., 0241-660N, EA 28 0.00 Sphygmomanometer, Aneroid, American Diagnostic Corp. 720MM Latex, Adult, Black, American Diagnostic Corp., 720MM, EA 29 0.00 Sphygmomanometer, Aneroid, American Diagnostic Corp. 720TDB Thigh, Latex, Black, American Diagnostic Corp., 720TDB, EA 30 0.00 System, Multicuff, Four Cuffs, American Diagnostic Corp. 732DB Latex, Navy, American Diagnostic Corp., 732DB, EA 31 0.00 Sphygmomanometer, Aneroid, Mobile, Adult, Black, Latex Free, American Diagnostic Corp. 752MLF American Diagnostic Corp., 32 752MLF, EA 0.00 Kit, Sphygmomanometer, Aneroid, w/ Stethoscope, Latex, American Diagnostic Corp. 775-660MM Navy, American Diagnostic 33 Corp., 775-660MM, EA 0.00 CARTOON BAND-AID, AMERICAN WHITE AMERICAN WHITE CROSS, 41405-10757 CROSS 41405-10757,100EA/BX, 34 12BX/CS 0.00 Band aid, 3/4", Adhesive, AMERICAN WHITE 1075033 American White Cross, 1075033, CROSS 100/Bx 35 0.00 Band aid, Adhesive Spot, 7/8", AMERICAN WHITE 1307033 American White Cross, 1307033, CROSS 100/Bx 36 0.00
Multistix 10Sg Urine, Ames, AMES 2161 2161, Ea 37 0.00 Applicator Sticks, Regular, Non- Sterile, 6", Amsino International, Amsino International, Inc. AS026 Inc., AS026, 1000EA/BX, 38 20BX/CS 0.00 Bandage, Co-Flex, Latex-Free, 3" X 5Yd, Andover Coated Andover Coated Products 5300TN-024 Products, 5300TN-024, 1EA/BX, 39 24BX/CS 0.00
Gloves, Pf Sterile, Sz 7, Ansell ANSELL PERRY 17003 Perry, 17003, 50/Bx 40 0.00
APEX-CAREX Crutch Tips, Large, Apex-Carex
HEALTHCARE Healthcare, A715-Oo, Pr 41 0.00 BANDAID CRAYON ADHES, ASO CORPORATION 5261-012 ASO CORPORATION, 5261- 012,100EA/BX, 12BX/CS 42 0.00
Bandage, 1 X 3 Sheer, Aso ASO CORPORATION 2019-012 Corporation, 2019-012, 100/Bx 55 0.00
Bandage, 3/4 X 3, Fabric, Aso ASO CORPORATION 4018-012 Corporation, 4018-012, 100/Bx 56 0.00
Bandage, 7/8" Spot Sheer, Aso ASO CORPORATION 2022-012 Corporation, 2022-012, 100/Bx 57 0.00
Bandage, Xlg Strip, Aso ASO CORPORATION 2016-012 Corporation, 2016-012, 50/Bx 58 0.00
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 52 Bandage, Sheer Plastic Mini Lf, ASO CORPORATION M002027 Aso Corporation, M002027, 100/Bx 59 0.00
Band aids, Sheer Strip, 1X3, ASO CORPORATION 2021 Aso, 2021, Cs 60 0.00 Brief, Ultra Absorbent, Core, Medium, 32" - 44", White, Associated Hygienic MSCSE97000 Associated Hygienic Prods*Inc, Prods*Inc MSCSE97000, 12EA/BG, 61 8BG/CS 0.00 Brief, Ultra Absorbent, Core, Large, 44" - 58", Blue, Associated Hygienic MSCSE97500 Associated Hygienic Prods*Inc, Prods*Inc MSCSE97500, 12EA/BG, 62 6BG/CS 0.00 Bandage, Compression, 4" X 186", Extra Economy, Avcor Avcor Healthcare Prod Inc 23602-041 Healthcare Prod Inc, 23602-041, 63 72EA/CS 0.00
Mask, Pediatric, w/ Nebulizer & B & F 64095 Tubing, B & F, 64095, 50EA/CS 64 0.00 SODIUM CHLOR .9% IRR B.BRAUN R520101 2F7124, B.BRAUN, R520101,16EA/CS 65 0.00 Solution, Injectable, 9% Sodium Chloride, Exclusive Container, B.Braun - Mcgaw, Inc. 7190-L8000 1000ML, B.Braun - Mcgaw, Inc., 66 7190-L8000, 12EA/CS 0.00 Solution, Injectable, 9% Sodium Chloride, Pab Container, 7190-S8004- B.Braun - Mcgaw, Inc. 100/150ML, B.Braun - Mcgaw, 5264 Inc., 7190-S8004-5264, 67 64EA/CS 0.00 Solution, Injectable, 9% Sodium Chloride, Pab Container, 7190-S8004- B.Braun - Mcgaw, Inc. 50/100ML, B.Braun - Mcgaw, 5384 Inc., 7190-S8004-5384, 68 84EA/CS 0.00 Set, Administering, Control Clamp, 2 Piece Male Luer Lock, B.Braun - Mcgaw, Inc. V1402 14ML, B.Braun - Mcgaw, Inc., 69 V1402, 50EA/CS 0.00
Capes, 3 Ply White, Banta BANTA HEALTHCARE 9810856 Healthcare, 9810856, 100/Cs 70 0.00
Cotton Balls, Medium, Banta BANTA HEALTHCARE 96-9153 Healthcare, 96-9153, 2000/Ct 71 0.00
Cotton Balls, Large, Banta BANTA HEALTHCARE 96-9152 Healthcare, 96-9152, 1000/Ct 72 0.00 Drape Sheet 40X48 White, BANTA HEALTHCARE 9810824 Banta Healthcare, 9810824, 100/Ea 73 0.00
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 53 Drape Sheet, 40X60, White, BANTA HEALTHCARE 9810826 Banta Healthcare, 9810826, 100/Ea 74 0.00
Pillow Case, White Fabric, BANTA HEALTHCARE 919355 Banta, 919355, Bx 75 0.00
Table Paper, 18" Crepe, Banta, BANTA HEALTHCARE 981002 981002, 12/Cs 76 0.00
Table Paper, 18" Smooth, Banta, BANTA HEALTHCARE 9810891 9810891, 12/Cs 77 0.00
Table Paper, 21" Crepe, Banta, BANTA HEALTHCARE 981004 981004, Banta, 12/Cs 78 0.00 Table Paper, Prem Crepe, BANTA HEALTHCARE 916143 Banta, 916143, 916143, 12/Cs/Bx 79 0.00
Thermometer Sheath, Banta, BANTA HEALTHCARE 20634 20634, Bx 80 0.00
Towel, Professional, 13X18, BANTA HEALTHCARE 9810865 2Ply, Banta, 9810865, 500/Cs 81 0.00 Cup, Paper, 4OZ, Waxed, Banta Banta Healthcare 9223 Healthcare Products, Inc, 9223, Products, Inc 1000EA/CS 82 0.00 Gauze Sponge, Sterile, 2S, 4" X 4", 12Ply, High Quality, Banta Banta Healthcare 908272 Healthcare Products, Inc, Products, Inc 908272, 2EA/PK, 25PK/BX, 83 24BX/CS 0.00 Table Paper, Exam, Crepe, 18" Banta Healthcare X 125', Tidisaurus, Banta 911418 Products, Inc Healthcare Products, Inc, 84 911418, 1EA/BX, 6BX/CS 0.00 Table Paper, Smooth, 21" X Banta Healthcare 9810892 200', Banta Healthcare Products, Products, Inc Inc, 9810892, 12RL/CS 85 0.00
Foley Cath Tray, 14Fr With U.D. BARD 0615-898314 Bag, Bard, 0615-898314, Bx 86 0.00 IV Solution Set, Basic, One Injection Site, Male Luer Slip Baxter Healthcare 2C5417 Adapter, 10 Drops/ML, 68" (1.7m), Baxter Healthcare, 87 2C5417, 48EA/CS 0.00 IV Tubing Set, 110", 10 Baxter Healthcare 2C6537 Drops/ML, Baxter Healthcare, 2C6537, 48EA/CS 88 0.00
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 54 IV Pump, Flow Guard, Yellow, 2M8063baxter Baxter Healthcare Baxter Healthcare, 6201 2M8063baxter6201, EA 89 0.00 SODIUM CHLR 0.9% IRR BAXTER HEALTHCARE 2F7123 2F7123P, BAXTER HEALTHCARE, 2F7123,1/EA 90 0.00
Luer Lock Injection Site, Baxter, Baxter Healthcare 2N3399 2N3399 91 0.00
Mask, Adult Oxygen 7", Baxter BAXTER HEALTHCARE Healthcare, 1203, Ea 92 0.00 Test Strip, Reagent, Urinalysis, Bayer 2163 Multistix 9SG, Bayer, 2163, 100EA/BTL, 1BTL/BX, 24BX/CS 93 0.00
Test Strip, Glucose, Elite, Bayer, Bayer 3942 3942, 100EA/BX, 16BX/CS 94 0.00
Analyzer, Chemistry, Urine, Bayer 6516F Clinitek, Bayer, 6516F, EA 95 0.00 Oximetry, Finger Sensor, BCI International*** 3044 Standard, BCI International, 3044, EA 96 0.00 Pulse Oximeter, Hand-Held, BCI International*** 3401-000 Finger Print, BCI International, 3401-000, EA 97 0.00 Cleaner, Germicidal, Deodorizer, One Gallon, Beaumont Products Beaumont Products Inc 633712928 Inc, 633712928, 1GL/EA, 98 4EA/CS 0.00 Lotion, Hand Sanitizing, Instant Beaumont Products Inc 632712303/7760 Citrus, 8oz, Beaumont Products Inc, 632712303/7760, 12EA/CS 99 0.00 Lotion, Hand Sanitizing, Instant Beaumont Products Inc 632712942/7756 Citrus, 4oz, Beaumont Products Inc, 632712942/7756, 24EA/CS 100 0.00 Developer, Hemoccult, Solution, Beckman Coulter Inc 62115 15ML, Sterile, Beckman Coulter Inc, 62115, 20EA/CS 101 0.00 ICON 25HCG PREG TEST BECKMAN COULTER INC 43025 43025, BECKMAN COULTER INC, 43025,4BX/CS 102 0.00 Hemoccult Single Slide Test, Beckman Coulter Inc 60151 Beckman Coulter, 60151, 100/BX 103 0.00 Needle Holder, Standard, Becton Becton Dickinson 4893 Dickinson, 4893, 72EA/BX, 10BX/CS 104 0.00
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 55 Bandage, Elastic, Compression, 6", Stretches to 180", Becton Becton Dickinson 207378 Dickinson, 207378, 10EA/BX, 105 6BX/CS 0.00 Collector, Sharps, Red, 6.9QT, Becton Dickinson 300467 Medium, Non-Vented, Becton Dickinson, 300467, 12EA/CS 106 0.00 Collector, Sharps, Red, 8.2QT, Becton Dickinson 300470 Large, Non-Vented, Becton Dickinson, 300470, 12EA/CS 107 0.00 Collector, Sharps, Pearl, 5.4QT, Becton Dickinson 305444 Side Entry, Nest able, Becton Dickinson, 305444, 20EA/CS 108 0.00 Collector, Sharps, Clear Top/Red, 8QT, Regular Funnel, Becton Dickinson 305460 Nest able, Becton Dickinson, 109 305460, 24EA/CS 0.00 Collector, Sharps, Red, 3.2QT, Becton Dickinson 305471 Vertical Entry, Becton Dickinson, 305471, 36EA/CS 110 0.00 Collector, Sharps, Clear, 5.4QT, Horizontal Drop, Next Becton Dickinson 305551 Generation, Patient Room, Becton Dickinson, 305551, 111 20EA/CS 0.00 Syringe, 10CC, Luer Lock Tip, Becton Dickinson 309604 Becton Dickinson, 309604, 100EA/BX, 4BX/CS 112 0.00 Tablet, Glucose, Diabetes Care, Becton Dickinson 328230 Becton Dickinson, 328230, 6EA/PK, 12PK/CS 113 0.00 Blood Collection Set, Safety-Lok, 23G X 3/4" Needle, 12" Tubing Becton Dickinson 367283 w/ Luer Adapter, Becton Dickinson, 367283, 50EA/BX, 114 4BX/CS 0.00 Blood Collection Set, Safety-Lok, 25G X 3/4" Needle, 12" Tubing Becton Dickinson 367285 w/ Luer Adapter, Becton Dickinson, 367285, 50EA/BX, 115 4BX/CS 0.00 Scalpel, Disposable, Sterile, Stainless Steel, Size 10, Becton Becton Dickinson 371610 Dickinson, 371610, 10EA/BX, 116 10BX/CS 0.00 Scalpel, Disposable, Sterile, Stainless Steel, Size 15, Becton Becton Dickinson 371615 Dickinson, 371615, 10EA/BX, 117 10BX/CS 0.00 IV Catheter, Saf-T-Intima, 22G X 3/4" w/ Wings, Y Adapter & Becton Dickinson 383323 Needle Shield, Becton Dickinson, 383323, 25EA/BX, 118 8BX/CS 0.00 Infusion Set, E-Z Winged, 25G X 3/4" w/ 12" Tubing, Needle Becton Dickinson 387226 Shield, Becton Dickinson, 119 387226, 50EA/BX, 4BX/CS 0.00
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 56 Infusion Set, E-Z Winged, 21G X 3/4" w/ 12" Tubing, Needle Becton Dickinson 387246 Shield, Becton Dickinson, 120 387246, 50EA/BX, 4BX/CS 0.00 Thermometer, Digital, Standard, Becton Dickinson 524030 Oral, Becton Dickinson, 524030, EA 121 0.00 NESTABLE SHARPS COLLECTOR 14QT, LG BECTON DICKINSON 305480 FUNN,CLR,AUTOCL., , BECTON DICKINSON, 122 305480,20 EA / CS 0.00 SHARPS CONTAINER 5.4QT BECTON DICKINSON 305551 #305551, BECTON DICKINSON, 305551,20EA/CS 123 0.00 VACUTAINER SFTY-LOK SET BECTON DICKINSON 367298 367298, BECTON DICKINSON, 367298,50/BX,4BX/CS 124 0.00 SHARPS CONTAINER 1.4, BECTON DICKINSON 305487 BECTON DICKINSON, 305487,36EA/CS 125 0.00 BD AUTOGUARD IV CATHETER 22G X 1" BECTON DICKINSON 381423 999104288, BECTON DICKINSON, 381423,50EA/BX, 126 4BX/CS 0.00 BD AUTOGUARD IV CATHETER 20G X 1." 50/ES/BX BECTON DICKINSON 381433 4/BX/CS 999104289, BECTON DICKINSON, 381433,50EA/BX, 127 4BX/CS 0.00 Blood Collection Needle, Becton Dickinson 367212 Multisample, 21Gx1", Becton Dickinson, 367212, 100/BX 128 0.00 Needle, Hypodermic, 30Gx1/2", Becton Dickinson 305106 Becton Dickinson, 305106, 100/BX 129 0.00 Syringe, SafetyGlide, 1ml, Becton Dickinson 305903 25Gx5/8", Becton Dickinson, 305106, 50/BX 130 0.00
Syringe, 3cc, 25Gx5/8", Becton Becton Dickinson 309570 Dickinson, 309570, 100/BX 131 0.00
Syringe, 3cc, 23Gx1", Becton Becton Dickinson 309571 Dickinson, 309571, 100/BX 132 0.00 Syringe, 3cc, 22Gx1 1/2", Becton Dickinson 309574 Becton Dickinson, 309574, 100/BX 133 0.00 Syringe, 3cc, 25Gx1", Becton Becton Dickinson 309581 Dickinson, 309581, 100/BX, 8BX/CS 134 0.00
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 57 Syringe, Tuberculin, 1cc, Becton Dickinson 309623 27Gx1/2", Becton Dickinson, 309623, 100/BX 135 0.00 Syringe, Tuberculin, 1cc, Becton Dickinson 309626 25Gx5/8", Becton Dickinson, 309626, 100/BX 136 0.00 Syringe, Safety Lok, 1cc, Becton Dickinson 329464 29Gx1/2", Becton Dickinson, 329464, 100/BX 137 0.00
Agar Plate, Corn Meal, Tw 80, BECTON DICKINSON 221854 Becton Dickinson,221854,Ct 138 0.00
Agar Plate, Cdc Anaer Blood, BECTON DICKINSON 221733 Becton Dickinson, 221733, 20/Ct 139 0.00 Agar Plate, Macconkey Ii, BECTON DICKINSON 221270 Becton Dickinson, 221270, 100/Ct 140 0.00
Agar Plate, Choc Ii, 7W, Becton BECTON DICKINSON 221267 Dickinson, 221267, 100/Ct 141 0.00
Syringe, 3Cc, 25Gx1/5, Becton BECTON DICKINSON 309582 Dickinson, 309582, 100/Bx 142 0.00
Angiocath Iv Cath, 14G, Becton BECTON DICKINSON 381167 Dickinson, 381167, Ea 143 0.00
Angiocath Iv Cath, 20G, Becton BECTON DICKINSON 381137 Dickinson, 381137, Ea 144 0.00
Angiocath Iv Cath, 22G, Becton BECTON DICKINSON 381123 Dickinson, 381123, Ea 145 0.00
Angiocath Iv Cath, 24G, Becton BECTON DICKINSON 381112 Dickinson, 381112, Ea 146 0.00
Bbl Staphyloslide Latex Kit, BECTON DICKINSON 240952 Becton Dickinson, 240592, Ea 147 0.00 Blade, #10 Sterile Surgeons, BECTON DICKINSON 371110 Becton Dickinson, 371110, 50/Bx 148 0.00 Blade, #11 Sterile Surgeons, BECTON DICKINSON 371111 Becton Dickinson, 371111, 50/Bx 149 0.00 Blade, #15 Sterile Surgeons, BECTON DICKINSON 371115 Becton Dickinson, 371115, 50/Bx 150 0.00
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 58 Blood Collection Set, 21G, BECTON DICKINSON 7251 Becton Dickinson, 7251, 50/Bx 151 0.00
Blood Collection Set, 23G, BECTON DICKINSON 7253 Becton Dickinson, 7253, 50/Bx 152 0.00
Blood Collection Set, 25G, BECTON DICKINSON 7255 Becton Dickinson, 7255, 50/Bx 153 0.00
Blood Collection Set, 22G X 1, BECTON DICKINSON 7210 Becton Dickinson, 7210, 100/Bx 154 0.00
Culturette Ii, Dual St, Becton BECTON DICKINSON 220109 Dickinson, 220109, 50/Ct 155 0.00
Bandage, Elastic 4", Becton BECTON DICKINSON 207377 Dickinson, 207377, Cs 156 0.00
Iv Cath Angiocath, 22Gx1", BECTON DICKINSON 381123 Becton Dickinson, 381123,Bx 157 0.00
Needle, 22Gx1", Becton BECTON DICKINSON 305155 Dickinson, 305155,100/Bx 158 0.00
Needle, 23Gx1", Becton BECTON DICKINSON 305145 Dickinson, 305145, 100/Bx 159 0.00
Needle, 25Gx5/8", Becton BECTON DICKINSON 305122 Dickinson, 305122, 100/Bx 160 0.00
Needle, 25Gx1", Becton BECTON DICKINSON 305125 Dickinson, 305125, 100/Bx 161 0.00
Needle,25Gx1 1/2", Becton BECTON DICKINSON 305127 Dickinson, 305127, 100/Bx 162 0.00
Needle, 22Gx1.5, Becton BECTON DICKINSON 305156 Dickinson, 305156, 100/Bx 163 0.00
Needle, 18Gx1", Becton BECTON DICKINSON 305195 Dickinson, 305195, 100/Bx 164 0.00 Needle, 20Gx1.5", Disposable, BECTON DICKINSON 305176 Becton Dickinson, 305176, 100/Bx 165 0.00 Syringe,Safety,Tb,1Cc BECTON DICKINSON 305554 25Gx5/8,Becton Dickinson,305554,100/Bx 166 0.00
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 59 Syringe, Safety, 3Cc 23X1, BECTON DICKINSON 309594 Becton Dickinson, 309594, 100/Bx 167 0.00
Syringe, Luer Lock, 5Cc, Becton BECTON DICKINSON 309603 Dickinson, 309603, 100/Bx 168 0.00 Syringe Only, 3Cc, Luer Lock, BECTON DICKINSON 309585 Becton Dickinson, 309585, 100/Bx 169 0.00 Syringe, Safety, 1Cc 27Gx1/2, BECTON DICKINSON 305553 Tb, Becton Dickinson, 305553, 100/Bx 170 0.00 Vacutainer, 23G X 3/4, Blue, BECTON DICKINSON 36-7253 Becton Dickinson, 36-7253, 50/Bx 171 0.00 Dressing, Bandage, Fabric, Adhesive, 1" X 3", Latex Free, Beiersdorf 231 Beiersdorf, 231, 100EA/BX, 172 12BX/CS 0.00 Gauze Bandage, Unna Boot, 4" Beiersdorf 1053 X 10Yd, Beiersdorf, 1053, 12EA/CS 173 0.00 Brace, Knee, Cotton, Small, 10- Beiersdorf 4405 1/2" X 12-1/2", Rayon Elastic, Beiersdorf, 4405, EA 174 0.00
Ankle Brace, Large, #45, 4505, BIERSDORF 4505 Ea 175 0.00 Electrode, Resting Tab, AG/AGCL, Bio-Detek Inc., Bio-Detek Inc. DE1070-A DE1070-A, 100EA/BG, 5BG/BX, 176 10BX/CS 0.00
Uriscan Strips, 10Sg, Biosys BIOSYS LABS, INC U39 Labs, Inc, U39, 100/Ct 177 0.00 Test Strip, Urine, w/ General Biosys Labs, Inc. 25 Gloves, Biosys Labs, Inc., 25, 100EA/VL, 1VL/BX, 10BX/CS 178 0.00
A/C Instantplus Cholesterol, BOEHRINGER MANN 911 Mann, 911, 25/Bx 179 0.00
Glove Dispenser, Bowman Mfg, BOWMAN MFG 1500 1500, Ea 180 0.00 Screen, Privacy Folding, 4 BRANDT INDUSTRIES 70002 Panel, Brandt Industries, 70002, Ea 181 0.00 TRIPLE ANTIBIOTIC IND PK BRECKENRIDGE INC. 51736 1GM, BRECKENRIDGE INC., 51736,144EA/BX, 12BX/CS 182 0.00
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 60 Table, Exam, w/ Pelvic Tilt, w/ Brewer 0985-5001-04 Drawer Heater, Burgundy, Brewer, 0985-5001-04, EA 183 0.00 Dressing, Bandage, Fabric, Adhesive, Large Finger Tip, BSN-Jobst 0730-1307 Latex Free, BSN-Jobst, 0730- 184 1307, 50EA/BX, 12BX/CS 0.00 Sensors, Disposable, Burdick 47029 CardioSense/Ultra II, Burdick, 47029, 500EA/BX, 10BX/CS 185 0.00
Bp Cuff, Large, Burdick, 1055, BURDICK 1055 Ea 186 0.00
BURNSHINE B9 Cleaner Enzmatic, B9, Gal/Bx 187 0.00
BURNSHINE S5 Instrument Germicide, S5, 188 0.00 Light, Outpatient II, w/ Burton Medical Products Fleximount Floor Stand, Burton 224112 Corp. Medical Products Corp., 224112, 189 EA 0.00 Syringe, Sterile, 2OZ, Ear/Ulcer, Busse 142 Disposable, Latex Free, Busse, 142, 50EA/CS 190 0.00 Gown, Isolation, Non-Sterile, Busse 202 Latex Free, Yellow, Busse, 202, 50EA/CS 191 0.00
Suction Tip, Rigid Open, Sterile, Busse 297 w/ Vent, Busse, 297, 50EA/CS 192 0.00 Cover, Shoe, Sur-Step, Bulk, w/ Busse 346 Anti-Skip Strips, Universal Size, Busse, 346, 150PR/CS 193 0.00 Cover, Shoe, Non-Conducting, Busse 348 Universal, Busse, 348, 50PR/BX, 3BX/CS 194 0.00 Cup, Denture, w/ Engraved, Busse 490 Turquoise Lid, Plastic, Busse, 490, 250EA/CS 195 0.00
Kit, Tracheostomy Care, Sterile, Busse 715 Busse, 715, 1KIT/BX, 20BX/CS 196 0.00 Kit, Skin Staple Remover, Busse 716 Stainless Steel, Sterile, Busse, 716, 48EA/CS 197 0.00 198 Busse 723 Kit, Suture Removal, Sterile, 1 0.00 Iris Scissors, Straight, 4-1/2", 1 Adson Serrated Forceps, 4-3/4", 1 Large Alcohol Prep Pad, 1 Idaho PVP Prep Pad, and 1 3" x
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 61 3" 12Ply Gauze Dressing, Latex Free, Busse, 723, 50EA/CS
Kit, Suture Removal, Sterile, Busse 737 Littauer Tip, Busse, 737, 48EA/CS 199 0.00 Kit, Suturing, 1 Halsey Needle Holder, Fine Point, 5", 1 Iris Scissors, Straight, 1 Adson Forceps, 2 2oz Medicine Cups, 5 Busse 747 2" x 2" Gauze Sponges, 8 4" x 4" Gauze Sponges, 1 18" x 26" Fenestrated Drape, 1 Absorbent Towel, Blue, Busse, 747, 200 20EA/CS 0.00 Tray, Laceration, ER, w/ Floor Busse 749 Grade Instruments, Busse, 749, 20EA/CS 201 0.00 Set, Tracheostomy Care, Sterile, w/ Hydrogen Peroxide, 1 Pair of Busse 800 Gloves, 1 Polylined Drape, 202 Busse, 800, 20EA/CS 0.00
IV Start Kit, w/ Tegaderm Busse 821 Dressing, Busse, 821, 50EA/CS 203 0.00
Drape, 18 X 26 Plain, Busse, BUSSE 696 696, 50Bx 204 0.00
Dressing Change Tray, Busse, BUSSE 759 759, Ea 205 0.00
Infection Control Kit Deluxe, BUSSE 1124 Busse, 1124, Ea 206 0.00
Minor Laceration Pack, Busse, BUSSE 751 751, Ct 207 0.00 Bandage, Triangular, Non- 59950 Sterile, 36" X 30" X 51", C&P C&P Healthcare Corp MOORE/4910 Healthcare Corp, 59950 208 MOORE/4910, 12EA/BX 0.00
CALTECH INDUSTRIES Cleaner, Precise QTB, Caltech 23032 INC Industries Inc, 23032, 32Oz 209 0.00
Lancets, Can-Am Care, 810114, CAN-AM CARE 810114 Bx 210 0.00 Tubing, Connector, Two Oxygen Cardinal Health 001811 Tubes, Cardinal Health, 001811, 50EA/CS 211 0.00 Humidifier, Empty, 6PSI, Blue, Cardinal Health 002006 Cardinal Health, 002006, 50EA/CS 212 0.00
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 62 Nebulizer, Medicinal, Tee Cardinal Health 002034 Adapter, 7' Tubing, Cardinal Health, 002034, 50EA/CS 213 0.00 Cap, Bouffant, Spunbound, Blue, Cardinal Health 3274 Cardinal Health, 3274, 750EA/CS 214 0.00 Ointment, Zinc Oxide, USP, 1OZ Cardinal Health 1472950 Tube, Cardinal Health, 1472950, 1EA/PK, 6PK/BX 215 0.00
Device, Biopsy, Temno, Cardinal Cardinal Health T16/15 Health, T16/15, 5EA/CS 216 0.00 TUBING OXYGEN 7' VINYL CARDINAL HEALTH 001301 TIPPED, CARDINAL HEALTH, 001301,50EA/CS 217 0.00 Glove, Exam N/S Latex Textured CARDINAL HEALTHCARE 8848A Pf, Instaguard, Cardinal Health, Cs 218 0.00 Glove, Exam N/S Latex Textured CARDINAL HEALTHCARE 8847A Pf, Instaguard, Cardinal Health, Cs 219 0.00
Glove, Instaguard Pf Exam, CARDINAL HEALTHCARE 8888I Cardinal Healthcare, 8888I, Cs 220 0.00
Glove , Instaguard Pf Exam, CARDINAL HEALTHCARE 8887I Cardinal Healthcare, 8887I, Cs 221 0.00
Glove, Instaguard Pf Exam, CARDINAL HEALTHCARE 8886I Cardinal Healthcare, 8886I, Cs 222 0.00
Microscope Slides, Plain, Chase CHASE SCIENTIFIC 7101 Scientific, 7101, Bx 223 0.00 Rinse, Mouth, Alcohol, Blue, Chester Labs 535-4-96 4OZ, Chester Labs, 535-4-96, 96EA/CS 224 0.00
Scrub, Alcohol Foam, 5.8OZ, Chester Labs 560-5.8 Chester Labs, 560-5.8, 24EA/CS 225 0.00 Test Strip, Reagent, Full Urinalysis, DiaScreen 10, Chronimed Inc. D11000 D11000, 100EA/VL, 1VL/BX, 226 10BX/CS 0.00 Test Strip, Reagent, Urinalysis, Screens for Glucose & Protein, Chronimed Inc. D11200 D11200, 100EA/VL, 1VL/BX, 227 10BX/CS 0.00 Test Strip, Reagent, Urinalysis, Chronimed Inc. D11900 DiaScreen 9, D11900, 100EA/VL, 1VL/BX, 10BX/CS 228 0.00
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 63 Test Strip, Reagent, Urinalysis, Chronimed Inc. D13400 DiaScreen 4NL, D13400, 100EA/VL, 1VL/BX, 10BX/CS 229 0.00 Pillow, Moisture Proof, White, Clark Pillow Company SSC-116 17" X 24", 16OZ Fill, Clark Pillow Company, SSC-116, 16EA/CS 230 0.00
CLINTON M-22 Mayo Stand, Clinton, M-22, Ea 231 0.00
Paste, Barrier, 2OZ, Coloplast Coloplast Corporation 2650 Corporation, 2650, 12EA/CS 232 0.00 Cover, Shoe, Regular, Blue, Connecticut Clean Room Polyethylene, Connecticut Clean NON 24556 Corp Room Corp., NON 24556, 233 50PR/BG, 10BG/CS 0.00 Instant Cold Compress, CONSOLIDATED 4299.1 Consolidated Products, 4299.1, PRODUCTS Cs 234 0.00
Dressing, Extra Thin, 4' x 4", Conva Tec 187955 Conva Tec, 187955, 10EA/BX 235 0.00
Moisture Barrier, Protective, Conva Tec 324908 Conva Tec, 324908, 12EA/CS 236 0.00
Dressing, Combiderm, 4" X 4", Conva Tec 651031 Conva Tec, 651031, 10EA/BX 237 0.00 Sunscreen, Pouch, SPF 30+, Dispenser Shell Clam, CoreTex CoreTex Products 71430 Products, 71430, 25EA/BG, 238 8BG/CS 0.00
Soap, Green Tincture, Cosco Cosco Enterprise 01544-16 Enterprise, 01544-16, EA 239 0.00 Pack, Cold, Reusable, Regular, Cramer Products, Inc. 32746 6" X 9", Flex-I-Cold, Cramer Products, Inc., 32746, 12EA/CS 240 0.00 Pack, Cold, Reusable, Small, 4" Cramer Products, Inc. 32846 X 6", Flex-I-Cold, Cramer Products, Inc., 32846, 12EA/CS 241 0.00 Peroxide, Hydrogen, 3% Cumberland-Swan 87143 Solution, 16OZ, Cumberland- Swan, 87143, 12EA/CS 242 0.00 Glucose, Trutol, Orange, Custom Labs TG30006 Sundex, 100G, Custom Labs, TG30006, 12EA/CS 243 0.00
CYPRSS 25-92 Glove,Sm Vinyl Pf, 25-92,100/Cs 244 0.00
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 64 EpiPen, (1 PK) 0.3MG, Dey L.P., Dey L.P. 50001 50001, 1EA/BX, 12BX/CS 245 0.00
EpiPen, Jr, (1 PK) 0.15MG, Dey Dey L.P. 50101 L.P., 50101, 1EA/BX, 12BX/CS 246 0.00 EpiPen, 2 Pack (2 Pens + Dey L.P. 0500-02 Trainer), 0.3MG, Dey L.P., 0500- 02, 2EA/BX, 6BX/CS 247 0.00 Soap, Liquid Antimicrobial, Dial Corporation 80733 1.5OZ, Dial Corporation, 80733, 72EA/CS 248 0.00 Soap, Liquid Antimicrobial, Liter Dial Corporation 84019 Refill, Dial Corporation, 84019, 8EA/CS 249 0.00
Soap W/Pump, Liquid, 7.5oz, Dial Corporation 84014 Dial, 84014, 1EA 250 0.00
Hairbrush, Standard Bristles, DONOVAN IND HB01 Donovan , Hb01, Ea 251 0.00
Toe Nail Clipper With File, DONOVAN IND TNC3282 Donavon, Tnc3282, Cs 252 0.00 Clipper, Nail, Finger, w/ File, Donovan Industries Inc FNC3268 Donovan Industries Inc, FNC3268, 6EA/BX, 48BX/CS 253 0.00 Test, 5 Panel Cup, Drug Check Drug Free Enterprises 60505 w/ PCP, Drug Free Enterprises, 60505, 25EA/BX 254 0.00
Gauze, Poly, 2X2, 4Ply, N/S, DUKAL 44122 Dukal Corp, 44122, Ct 255 0.00
Bandage, Elastic 3 X 5", Dukal DUKAL CORP 503 Corporation, 503, 10/Bx 256 0.00
Gauze, 4X4 8-Ply N/S, Dukal DUKAL CORP 4084IM Corporation, 4084Im, 200/Bx 257 0.00
Gauze Sponge, 2X2 12 Ply, DUKAL CORP 12276 Dukal, 12276, Ct 258 0.00 Tape, Paper, Hypoallergenic, 1" Dukal Corporation P110 X 10Yd, Dukal Corporation, P110, 12RL/BX, 12BX/CS 259 0.00 POLY GAUZE 3X3 4 PLY NS, DUKAL CORPORATION 44123 DUKAL CORPORATION, 44123,200EA/BG, 20BG/CS 260 0.00
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 65 Bandage, Conform, 4 X 4.1 Yds, DUKAL CORPORATION M49252 Ns, Dukal Corporation, M49252 261 0.00
Gauze, 4X4 12Ply Sterile, Dukal DUKAL CORPORATION 6412 Corporation, 6412, 50/Bx 262 0.00
Gauze Pads, 2X2 Sterile, Dukal, DUKAL CORPORATION 8250 8250, Bx 263 0.00
Gauze Sponge, 2X2, 8 Ply Ns, DUKAL CORPORATION 37336 Dukal 37336, Ct 264 0.00
Gauze Sponge, 3X3 12Ply, DUKAL CORPORATION 3233 Dukal, 3233, Ct 265 0.00
Gauze Sponge, 3X3 12Ply, DUKAL CORPORATION 12277 Dukal, 12277, Ct 266 0.00
Gauze Sponge, 3X3 8 Ply, Dukal DUKAL CORPORATION 12771 12771, Ct 267 0.00
Gauze Sponge, 4X4 12 Ply, DUKAL CORPORATION 12279 Dukal, 12279, Ct 268 0.00
Gauze Sponge , 4X4 8Ply, DUKAL CORPORATION 12278 Dukal, 12278, Ct 269 0.00
Gauze Sponge, 4X4 N/S, Dukal, DUKAL CORPORATION 4122IM 4122Im, Bx 270 0.00
Alcohol Prep Pad, Dynarex, DYNAREX B67001 B67001, 100/Bx 271 0.00
Wipes, Baby, Dynarex Corp, DYNAREX 1311 1311, 272 0.00 Ammonia Inhalant, 0.33CC, Dynarex Corporation 1401 Dynarex Corporation, 1401, 10EA/BX 273 0.00 Gauze Sponge, Surgical, Sterile, 2" X 2", 8Ply, Dynarex Dynarex Corporation 3322 Corporation, 3322, 2EA/ENV, 274 50ENV/BX, 30BX/CS 0.00 Gauze Sponge, Surgical, Sterile, 4" x 4", 12Ply, Dynarex Dynarex Corporation 3343 Corporation, 3343, 2EA/ENV, 275 25ENV/BX, 24BX/CS 0.00 Bandage, Adhesive, Strip, Sheer, Sterile, 3/4" X 3", Dynarex Corporation 3601 Dynarex Corporation, 3601, 276 100EA/BX, 24BX/CS 0.00
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 66 Bandage, Adhesive, Strip, Sheer, Sterile, 3/8" X 3", Junior, Dynarex Corporation 3608 Dynarex Corporation, 3608, 277 100EA/BX, 36BX/CS 0.00 Bandage, Adhesive, Fabric, Strip, Sterile, 2" X 4-1/2", Dynarex Corporation 3614 Dynarex Corporation, 3614, 278 50EA/BX, 24BX/CS 0.00 Bandage, Adhesive, Fabric, Strip, Sterile, 1-3/4" X 2", Dynarex Corporation 3617 Fingertip, Dynarex Corporation, 279 3617, 100EA/BX, 24BX/CS 0.00 Pad, Alcohol Prep, Medium, 1" X Dynarex Corporation B67003 2.5", Dynarex Corporation, B67003, 100EA/BX, 20BX/CS 280 0.00 Castile Soap, Towelette, w/o BZK, w/ 2% Coconut Oil, Dynarex Corporation P-D41900 Dynarex Corporation, P-D41900, 281 1EA/PK, 100PK/BX, 10BX/CS 0.00
Bandages, Fabric Strip, X-large Dynarex Corporation 3614 2"x4", Dynarex, 3614, 50/BX 282 0.00 Gauze Sponge 2"x2", 12-ply, Dynarex Corporation 3223 NonSterile, Dynarex, 3223, 200/BX, 8000/CS 283 0.00
Gauze Pads 4"x4", 12-Ply Dynarex Corporation 3354 Sterile, Dynarex, 3354, 100/BX 284 0.00
Tape, Transparent, 1", Dynarex, Dynarex Corporation 3572 3572, 12/BX 285 0.00
Bandage ,Plastic, 1"x3", Dynarex Corporation 3602 Dynarex, 3602, 100/BX 286 0.00
Bandage, Fabric, 3/4"x3", Dynarex Corporation 3611 Dynarex, 3611, 100/BX 287 0.00
Bandage, Fabric, 1"x3", Dynarex Corporation 3612 Dynarex, 3612, 100/BX 288 0.00 Surgical Gloves, Latex, Lightly- Dynarex Corporation 2329 Powdered, X-large, Dynarex, 2329, 100/BX 289 0.00
Spot Bandage, 7/8", Dynarex, Dynarex Corporation 3607 3607, 100/BX 290 0.00
DYNAREX Wipes, Bacterial, Dynarex, D70600 CORPORATION D70600, 100/Bx 291 0.00
DYNAREX Cotton Balls, Medium, Dynarex 3710 CORPORATION Corporation, 3710, 2000/Ct 292 0.00
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 67 Ointment, Vitamins A & D, 4OZ E Fougera 23504 Tube, E Fougera, 23504, 6EA/BX 293 0.00
Instant Hot Compress, EMPLOY+ABILITY 4298 Employ+Ability, 4298, Ct 294 0.00
Cold/Hot Reusable Gel Pack, EMPLY+ABILITY 4306 Employ+Ability, 4306, Ea 295 0.00 Tunic, Square Neck, Ceil Blue, Encompass/Hospitex- 46583-113 Small, Encompass/Hospitex- Lintex Lintex, 46583-113, EA 296 0.00 Tunic, Square Neck, Ceil Blue, Encompass/Hospitex- 46583-115 Medium, Encompass/Hospitex- Lintex Lintex, 46583-115, EA 297 0.00 BATH TOWEL ALL-COT 20X40 ENCOMPASS/HOSPITEX- 5LB, ENCOMPASS/HOSPITEX- 47974-605 LINTEX LINTEX, 47974- 298 605,12EA(DZ)BX 0.00 Gown, Exam, Patient, Tissue/Poly/Tissue, 30" X 42", Encore 9810846 White, Stretchable Waist Ties, 299 Encore, 9810846, 50EA/CS 0.00 NON-ADHERING DRESSING ETHICON 2013 3X8", ETHICON, 2013,36EA/BX,6BX/CS 300 0.00 Syringe, 1/2CC, Insulin w/ Needle, 28G X 1/2", Retail Pack, Exel Corporation 26026 Latex Free, Exel Corporation, 26026, 10EA/BG, 10BG/BX, 301 5BX/CS 0.00
Enema Bag, 16OZ w/ Barium, E- E-Z-EM 816 Z-EM, 816, 24EA/CS 302 0.00 Liquid, 12OZ, E-Z Paque, 60% E-Z-EM L196 W/U w/ Caps, E-Z-EM, L196, 24EA/CS 303 0.00
Fastaid First Aid Guide, FASTMARK INC FASTAID JR Fastmark,Inc, Fastaid Jr, Ea 304 0.00 Brief, Adult, Full Mat, Super Absorbent, Large, First Quality First Quality Products Inc IB-013 Products Inc, IB-013, 12EA/BG, 305 6BG/CS 0.00 Brief, Adult, Full Mat, Super Absorbent, X-Large, First Quality First Quality Products Inc IB-014 Products Inc, IB-014, 16EA/BG, 306 4BG/CS 0.00 Brief, Adult, Full Mat, Frontal Tape, Regular, Disposable, First First Quality Products Inc IBF-016 Quality Products Inc, IBF-016, 307 10EA/BG, 8BG/CS 0.00 Brief, Adult, Nu-Fit, X-Large, First Quality Products Inc NU-014 First Quality Products Inc, NU- 014, 10EA/BG, 6BG/CS 308 0.00
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 68 Under pad, Super, Spun bond, Peach, 30" X 30", First Quality First Quality Products Inc UP-100 Products Inc, UP-100, 10EA/BG, 309 10BG/CS 0.00 Wipe, Wet, Disposable, First First Quality Products Inc WW-701 Quality Products Inc, WW-701, 48EA/TUB, 1TUB/BX, 12BX/CS 310 0.00 Brief - Protective Underwear, First Quality Products Inc PV-513 Large, First Quality Corporation, PV513, 72/CS 311 0.00 Blood Collection Device, Safety, Fisher 7118-22278705 Fisher, 7118-22278705, 250EA/PK, 4PK/CS 312 0.00 Paper Lens, 4" X 6", Graham Graham Field 95-3719 Field, 95-3719, 50SHTS/PK, 12PK/BX 313 0.00
Applicator, 6", Silver Nitrate, GRAHAM FIELD 47-1590 Graham Field, 47-1590, 100/Bx 314 0.00 Exam Gown, 30X42 3 Ply White, GRAHAM FIELD 70221N Graham Medical Products, 70221N, Cs 315 0.00 Towel, Plasback, 13 1/2, 3Ply, GRAHAM FIELD 70180N White, Graham Medical, 70180N, Cs 316 0.00 Towel, Professional, 13 1/2, GRAHAM FIELD 70170N 3Ply, White, Graham Medical, 70170N, Cs 317 0.00
Table Paper, 18" White Crepe, GRAHAM FIELD 70002N Graham Medical, 70002N, Cs 318 0.00
Table Paper, 18" White Smooth, GRAHAM FIELD 70016N Graham Medical, 70016N, Cs 319 0.00
Table Paper, 21" White Crepe, GRAHAM FIELD 70004N Graham Medical, 70004N, Cs 320 0.00
Table Paper, 21" White Smooth, GRAHAM FIELD 70018N Graham Medical, 70018N, Cs 321 0.00 DRAPE SHEET 40X48 2PLY GRAHAM MEDICAL 70300N WHT 300, GRAHAM MEDICAL PRODUCTS PRODUCTS, 70300N,100EA/CS 322 0.00
Alcohol Gel, 40Z, H&P, H&P 2448861 2448861, Bx/Ea 323 0.00
Baby Wipes, Freshette, H&P, H&P 1753439 1753439, 720/Cs 324 0.00
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 69 Wipes, Triad, Gentle Relief, H&P 1278624 H&P, 1278624, Bx 325 0.00 Bandage, Elastic, Sterile, 3" X Hartman Conco 193045 4.1Yd, Hartman Conco, 193045, 12EA/BX, 8BX/CS 326 0.00 Bandage, Elastic, Reinforced, 2" Hartman Conco 16200025 X 5Yd, Hartman Conco, 16200025, 10EA/BX, 6BX/CS 327 0.00 Bandage, Elastic, Reinforced, 3" Hartman Conco 16300025 X 5Yd, Hartman Conco, 16300025, 10EA/BX, 6BX/CS 328 0.00 Bandage, Elastic, Latex Free, Sterile, 2" X 4.1Yd, Hartman Hartman Conco 19200000 Conco, 19200000, 12EA/BX, 329 8BX/CS 0.00 Bandage, Elastic, Latex Free, Sterile, 3" X 4.5Yd, Hartman Hartman Conco 33390000 Conco, 33390000, 10EA/BX, 330 6BX/CS 0.00 Bandage, Elastic, Flesh, 4" X Hartmann Conco 33490000 4.5Yd, Hartman Conco, 33490000, 10EA/BX, 6BX/CS 331 0.00 Bandage, Elastic, Flesh, 6" X Hartman Conco 33690000 4.5Yd, Hartman Conco, 33690000, 10EA/BX, 6BX/CS 332 0.00 Bandage, Latex Free, Self Closure, 4" X 5Yd, Hartman Hartman Conco 59540000 Conco, 59540000, 10EA/BX, 333 6BX/CS 0.00 Bandage, Latex Free, Self Closure, 6" X 5Yd, Hartman Hartman Conco 59560000 Conco, 59560000, 10EA/BX, 334 6BX/CS 0.00 Bandage, Elastic, Latex Free, Non-Sterile, 1" X 4.1Yd, Hartman Hartman Conco 80100000 Conco, 80100000, 24EA/BX, 335 4BX/CS 0.00 Bandage, Elastic, Latex Free, Non-Sterile, 2" X 4.1Yd, Hartman Hartman Conco 80200025 Conco, 80200025, 12EA/BG, 336 8BG/CS 0.00 Bandage, Elastic, Latex Free, Non-Sterile, 3" X 4.1Yd, Hartman Hartman Conco 80300000 Conco, 80300000, 12EA/BG, 337 8BG/CS 0.00 Bandage, Elastic, Latex Free, Non-Sterile, 4" X 4.1Yd, Hartman Hartman Conco 80400000 Conco, 80400000, 12EA/BG, 338 8BG/CS 0.00 Bandage, Elastic, Latex Free, Sterile, 3" X 4.1Yd, Hartman Hartman Conco 81300025 Conco, 81300025, 12EA/BG, 339 8BG/CS 0.00
Bandage, Elastic 2", Hartman HARTMAN CONCO 33290000 Conco, 33290000, Ea 340 0.00
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 70 Bandage, Elastic 4", Hartman HARTMAN CONCO 16400025 Conco, 16400025, Bx 341 0.00 Flexicon, Sterile Gauze 4 X 4.1 HARTMAN CONCO Yds, Hartman Conco, 19400000, Bx 342 0.00 Couch, w/ Cabinet & Sliding Doors, 72" X 27" X 22", Hausmann Industries, Inc 7030 Hausmann Industries, Inc., 7030, 6PARTS/COUNCHUNIT, 1 343 COUCHUNIT/BX 0.00
Soap, Aloeguard 800Ml, HEALTHLINK 7720 Healthlink, 7720 344 0.00
Soap, Aloeguard, Healthlink, HEALTHLINK 7740 7740, Gal/Bx 345 0.00
Disinfectant, Citrofoam, HEATLHLINK 7135 Healthlink, 7135, Ea/Bx 346 0.00 Blade, Tongue, Regular, 6" X Hermitage Hospital 3/4", Non-Sterile, Hermitage 1801 Products Hospital Products, 1801, 347 50EA/BX, 10BX/CS 0.00 Applicator, Cotton Tipped, Sterile, Wooden Shaft, 6", Hermitage Hospital 1902 Hermitage Hospital Products, Products 1902, 2EA/BG, 100BG/BX, 348 10BX/CS 0.00 WOOD TONGUE BLADES JR HERMITAGE HOSPITAL NS MMC, HERMITAGE 69616 PRODUCTS HOSPITAL PRODUCTS, 349 69616,500EA/BX, 10BX/CS 0.00 Tongue Blades, Wood, Adult, HERMITAGE HOSPITAL 69618 Sterile, Hermitage Hospital, PRODUCTS 69618, Bx 350 0.00
Hygiene Kit, Pump, Hand, Hollister 17121 Sterile, Hollister, 17121, EA 351 0.00 Hygiene Kit, Pump, Hand, Dual, Hollister 17126 w/ Flex Shield, Sterile, Hollister, 17126, EA 352 0.00
Hygiene Kit, Dual, Sterile, Hollister 17131 Hollister, 17131, EA 353 0.00 Supplement, Liquid for Malnutrition, Medium Pass Hormel Healthlabs Inc 27016 Vani32, Hormel Healthlabs Inc, 354 27016, 12EA/CS 0.00 Napkin, Sanitary, Feminine Hospital Specialty Co 14147 Hygiene, Disposable, Hospital Specialty Co, 14147, 250EA/CS 355 0.00
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 71 Mask, Concentration, Medium, Hudson Respiratory Care, Elongated w/ 7' Tubing, Hudson 1041 Inc. Respiratory Care, Inc., 1041, 356 50EA/CS 0.00 Nebulizer, Micro Mist w/ Tee Hudson Respiratory Care, Mouthpiece & Small Tubing, 1882 Inc. Hudson Respiratory Care, Inc., 357 1882, 50EA/CS 0.00
JAMES ALEXANDER Ammonia, Aromatic, James 33101-HLM CORP Alexander, 33101-Hlm, Bx 365 0.00 DERMABOND DHV12, JOHNSON & JOHNSON DHV12 JOHNSON & JOHNSON, DHV12,12 EA / BX 366 0.00 IV Administration Set, w/ Injection Site, Latex Free, Kawasumi Labs America, IV0013Y 60GTTS, Kawasumi Labs Inc. America, Inc., IV0013Y, 367 50EA/CS 0.00 IV Administration Set, w/ Kawasumi Labs America, IV009Y Injection Site, Latex Free, Inc. 10GTTS, IV009Y, 50EA/CS 368 0.00 Solution, Sterile Bottle, 100ML Kendall 1020 for Irrigation & Suction, 3.5OZ, Kendall, 1020, 48EA/CS 369 0.00 Gauze Bandage, Stretch, Non- Kendall 2242 Sterile, 2" X 75", Kendall, 2242, 12RL/BG, 8BG/CS 370 0.00 Gauze Bandage, Stretch, Non- Kendall 2244 Sterile, 3" X 75", Kendall, 2244, 12RL/BG, 8BG/CS 371 0.00
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 72 Container, Specimen, Graduated, w/ Metal Screw on Kendall 14000 Cap, 7OZ, Kendall, 14000, 372 100EA/CS 0.00 Collector, Sharps, Red w/ Clear Kendall 1522SA Top, 2.2QT, Kendall, 1522SA, 60EA/CS 373 0.00
Eye Pad, Curity, Kendall, 2132- Kendall 2132-2841 2841, 50EA/BX, 12BX/CS 374 0.00
Gauze Roll, Conforming, Sterile, Kendall 2236 4"x4.1Yds, Kendall, 2236, 12/BX 375 0.00 Alcohol Prep Pad, Sterile, 2-Ply, Kendall 5110 Large, Kendall, 5110, 200/BX, 4000/CS 376 0.00
Telfa Adhesive Pad 2"x3", Kendall 6017 Kendall, 6017, 100/BX 377 0.00
Gauze Roll, Kerlix, 4.5"x4.1Yds, Kendall 6715 Sterile, Kendall, 6715, 100/CS 378 0.00 Gauze Sponge, Dermacea, Kendall 442214 Sterile, 4"x4", 12-Ply, 10 per tray, Kendall, 442214, 1280/CS 379 0.00
Chemo Container w/Lid, Kendall 8939 18Gallon, Kendall 8939, 5/CS 380 0.00 Syringe, Tuberculin, 1cc, Kendall 1180127012 27Gx11/2", Kendall, 1180127012, 100/BX 381 0.00
Syringe, 3cc, 25Gx5/8", Kendall, Kendall 1180325058 1180325058, 100/BX 382 0.00
Syringe, 3cc, 25Gx1", Kendall, Kendall 1180325100 1180325100, 100/BX 383 0.00 Syringe, Insulin, Safety, 1cc, Kendall 8881511110 29Gx1/2", Kendall, 8881511110, 100/BX 384 0.00 Syringe, Safety, Tuberculin,1cc, Kendall 8881511201 28Gx1/2", Kendall, 8881511201, 500/CS 385 0.00
Syringe, Insulin, 1cc, 28Gx1/2", Kendall 8881601101 Kendall, 8881601101, 100/BX 386 0.00 Lancet, Sterile, 3.2mm puncture Kendall 8881602018 depth, 21gauge, Blue, Kendall, 8881602018, 200/BX, 5000/CS 387 0.00
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 73 Sharps Collection Container, Kendall 8881676285 8Quart, Chimney Top, Red, Kendall, 8881676285, 20/CS 388 0.00 Probe Covers, Unique to Filac Kendall 8884221000 F-1500, Kendall, 8884221000, 500/BX 389 0.00 Thermometer, Digital Filac, F- 3000 with Oral Probe, Kendall, Kendall 504000 1EA (replacement to 390 discontinued F-1500 model) 0.00 Probe Covers, Unique to Filac Kendall 202020 F-3000, Kendall, 8884221000, 500/BX 391 0.00 Blood Collection Tube, Serum Separator, 16mmx100mm, 9ml Kendall 8881302015 Draw, Glass, Kendall, 392 8881302015, 100/BX 0.00 Blood Collection Tube, Serum Separator, 13mmx100mm, 6ml Kendall 8881302106 Draw, Glass, Kendall, 393 8881302106, 100/BX 0.00 Blood Collection Tube, Lavender Top, EDTA Additive, Kendall 8881311446 13mmx75mm, 5ml draw, Glass, 394 Kendall, 8881311446, 100/BX 0.00 Blood Collection Tube, Red Top, No additive, 13mmx100mm, 7ml Kendall 8881301512 draw, Glass, Kendall, 395 8881301512,100/BX 0.00 Gauze Sponge, Curity, 3x3, 12- Ply Sterile, 2 pads per pack, Kendall 1903 Kendall, 1903, 50/TRAY, 396 2400/CS 0.00
Prepping Ball, Curity, Medium, Kendall 2600 Kendall, 2600, 500/BX, 4000/CS 397 0.00 Gauze Sponge, Curex , Sterile, Kendall 7772 4x4, 8-Ply, Kendall, 7772, 1200/CS 398 0.00
Syringe, Insulin, 1cc, 28Gx1/2", Kendall 8881501210 Kendall, 8881501210, 500/CS 399 0.00
Bandage, Conform 4", Ns, KENDALL 2247 Kendall, 2247, 12/Ct 400 0.00
Sharps Container, Disposable, 5 KENDALL 8509SA Qt, Kendall, 8509Sa, 20/Cs 401 0.00
Sharps Disp, Sage, 1Qt, Kendall, KENDALL 8900SA 8900Sa, Ea 402 0.00
Sharps Disp, Sage, 2 Gal, KENDALL 8970 Kendall, 8970, Ea 403 0.00
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 74 Sharps Disp, Sage 5 Qt, Kendall, KENDALL 8509SA 8509Sa, Ea 404 0.00
Sharps Disp, Sage, In Room, KENDALL 8556-H Kendall, 8556-H, Ea 405 0.00
Cups, Specimen, 4 1/2 Oz, Ns, KENDALL 500-1000-600 Kendall, 500-1000-600, Cs 406 0.00
Alcohol Prep Pads, Webcol, KENDALL 6818 Kendall, 6818, Bx 407 0.00 Tissue, Facial, White, Kimberly Kimberly Clark 21400 Clark, 21400, 100EA/BX, 36BX/CS 408 0.00 KIM WIPES, KIMBERLY KIMBERLY CLARK 34155 CLARK, 34155,1 CT / BX, 60 BX / CS 409 0.00
Isolation Gown, Yellow, Kimberly Kimberly Clark 96124 Clark, 69124, 10/BX 410 0.00 Resuscitator, Baby Anne, Four Laerdal Medical Corp. 50010 Pack of Mannequins, Laerdal Medical Corp., 50010, 1EA/BX 411 0.00 Mask, Pocket w/ One Way Valve Laerdal Medical Corp. 820011 Filter, Yellow, Laerdal Medical Corp., 820011, EA 412 0.00 Test Strip, Blood Glucose, One LifeScan 020-244 Touch, Monitoring, LifeScan, 020-244, 50EA/BX, 24BX/CS 413 0.00
Thermometer, Digital, Mabis MABIS 123-610-000 Healthcare, 123-610-000, Ea 414 0.00
Thermometer Probe Covers, MABIS 123-618-000 Digital, Mabis,123-618-000,Bx 415 0.00
Tourniquet, 1In, S/P, Disp, MABIS 4109 Latex, Mabis, 04109, Ct 416 0.00
Safety Pins, Sz Med, Mabis MABIS HEALTHCARE 39-902-000 Healthcare, 39-902-000 417 0.00 Probe Cover, for Oral Mabis Healthcare Inc 15-633-000 Thermometer, Mabis Healthcare Inc, 15-633-000, 50EA/BX 418 0.00 MAJOR CALAMINE LOT, MAJOR PHARMACEUTICALS, 115923 PHARMACEUTICALS, INC., INC. 115923,48EA/CS 419 0.00
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 75 Renaissance Ii Spiro Kit , MALLCKRODT P-000725-00 Mallinckrodt, P-000725-00, Ea 420 0.00 Thermometer, Digital, Fahrenheit, Beeper, Mark Of Mark Of Fitness MF-1 Fitness, MF-1, 12EA/BX, 421 12BX/CS 0.00 Glove Exam, Non-Latex, PVC, Powdered, Large, Maxxim Maxxim Medical 484003 Medical, 484003, 100EA/BX, 422 10BX/CS 0.00 Tray, Surgical, Custom, Open Maxxim Medical 6901-CVP019 Heart, Maxxim Medical, 6901- CVP019, 1EA/CS 423 0.00 Stand Cover, Mayo, Reinforced, Maxxim Medical MC010A Maxxim Medical, MC010A, 50EA/CS 424 0.00 Irrigation Tray With 60Cc MEDEGEN MEDICAL 4093 ,Graduated, Medegen Medical PRODUCTS Products, 4093 425 0.00 Basin, Wash, Round, Blue, Medegen Medical Autoclave, 3-7/8" X 12-3/8"DIA X 40 Products - Vollrath 3-3/8", Medegen Medical 426 Products - Vollrath, 40, 12EA/CS 0.00 Basin, Emesis, 9", Autoclave, Medegen Medical 500CC, Powder Clue, Medegen 63 Products - Vollrath Medical Products - Vollrath, 63, 427 24EA/CS 0.00 Basin, Wash, Rectangular, 7- Medegen Medical 1/2QT, 6.6L, Medegen Medical H362-05 Products - Vollrath Products - Vollrath, H362-05, 428 50EA/CS 0.00 Stethoscope, Classic S.E. Carib Medexco Supply Co MMM2206 Blue, 28", Littman, Medexco Supply Co, MMM2206, EA 429 0.00 BAG WATER SOLUBLE 36X39 MEDICAL ACTION 25", MEDICAL ACTION NON02850 INDUSTRIES INDUSTRIES, 430 NON02850,25EA/BX, 4BX/CS 0.00 Patient Bag Set w/draw string, Medical Action Industries 50-20 Medical Action Industries, 5020, 250/CS 431 0.00 Personal belongings bag, Medical Action Industries 50-21 20x22", White, Medical Action, 5021, 250/CS 432 0.00 Biohazard Bag, 24"x23", Red , Medical Action Industries 2410 Medical Action Industries, 2410, 1000/CS 433 0.00 Sharps Collection Container, Medical Action Industries 8704 2Gallon, Red, Medical Action Industries, 8704, 24/CS 434 0.00 Sharps Collection Container, 8 Medical Action Industries 8705 Gallon, Red, Medical Action Industries, 8705, 10/CS 435 0.00
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 76 Cabinet, Filled, 4 Shelf, Medi- Medique Products 734M1 First Tablets, Medique Products, 734M1, EA 436 0.00
Travel Kit/Medique, Custom Ds, MEDIQUE PRODUCTS 73501B/G Medique, 73501B/G, Ea 437 0.00 Cup, Specimen, Polypropylene, 4OZ, Non-Sterile, Green on Lid, Medline Industries DYND-30335 Medline Industries, DYND- 438 30335, 500EA/CS 0.00 Gown, Isolation, Elastic Cuff, Spunbound, Large, Yellow, Medline Industries NON27236 Medline Industries, NON27236, 439 50EA/CS 0.00 BASIN RECTANGL WASH, MEDLINE INDUSTRIES 80301 MEDLINE INDUSTRIES, 80301,50EA/CS 440 0.00
Nasogastric Tube 10Fr, MEDOVATIONS INC 1217-10 Medovations Inc, 1217-10, Ea 441 0.00 Gel, Antiseptic, Hand wash, No Metrex 10-1624 Rinse, 4OZ, Flip Top, Metrex, 10-1624, 24EA/CS 442 0.00 Wipe, Skin, Antimicrobial, 5" X Metrex 4397-MX-1510 7", Metrex, 4397-MX-1510, 50EA/BX, 10BX/CS 443 0.00 LATEX EXAM GLV PWDR MPF105- FREE LRG, MICROFLEX, MICROFLEX L/48216 LRG MPF105-L/48216 444 LRG,100EA/BX, 10BX/CS 0.00 LATEX EXAM GLV PWDR MPF105- FREE MED, MICROFLEX, MICROFLEX M/48215 MED MPF105-M/48215 445 MED,100EA/BX, 10BX/CS 0.00 LATEX EXAM GLOVES MED, MP100-M/35114 MICROFLEX MICROFLEX, MP100-M/35114 MED MED,100EA/BX, 10BX/CS 446 0.00 LATEX EXAM GLOVES LRG, MP100-L/35115 MICROFLEX MICROFLEX, MP100-L/35115 LG LG,100EA/BX, 10BX/CS 447 0.00 LATEX EXAM GLOVES SML, MP100-S/35201 MICROFLEX MICROFLEX, MP100-S/35201 SM SM,100EA/BX, 10BX/CS 448 0.00 LATEX EXAM GLV PWDR MPF105- FREE SML, MICROFLEX, MICROFLEX S/48214 SM MPF105-S/48214 449 SM,100EA/BX, 10BX/CS 0.00
Gloves, Diamond Grip Pf Lg, MICROFLEX MF300 LRG Microflex, Mf300 Lg, 100/Bx 450 0.00
Gloves, Diamond Grip Pf Med, MICROFLEX MF300 MED Microflex, Mf300 Med 100/Bx 451 0.00
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 77 Gloves, Diamond Grip Pf Med, MICROFLEX MF300 XLG Microflex, Mf300 Xlg, 100/Bx 452 0.00
Gloves, Diamond Grip Plus Pf MICROFLEX DGP-350-L Lg, Microflex, Dgp-350-L, Bx/100 453 0.00 Gloves, Diamond Grip Plus Pf MICROFLEX DGP-350-M Med, Microflex, Dgp-350-M, Bx/100 454 0.00 Gloves, Diamond Grip Plus Pf MICROFLEX DGP-350-XL Xlg, Microflex, Dgp-350-Xl, Bx/100 455 0.00
Orthodontic Wire, 22G, 1 Oz, MILTEX INSTRUMENT 9-40-22 Miltex Instrument, 9-40-22, Ea 456 0.00
Surgical Blade,#11, Miltex MILTEX INSTRUMENT 4-111 Instruments, 4-111,100/Bx 457 0.00
Surgical Blade,#15,Miltex MILTEX INSTRUMENT 4-115 Instruments,4-115,100/Bx 458 0.00 Punch, Biopsy, Disposable, Miltex Instrument Co 33-36 6MM, Miltex Instrument Co, 33- 36, 50EA/BX 459 0.00 Separating Disk I, 7/8, Flat Miltex Instrument Co 426-26330 Double, Miltex Instrument Co, 426-26330, 100EA/BX 460 0.00 Scissor, Wire Cutting, 4-1/4" Miltex Instrument Co 9D-135 (10.8CM), Curved, Miltex Instrument Co, 9D-135, 1EA/BX 461 0.00 Forceps, Dressing, Serrated, 5", Miltex Instrument Co BL120 Miltex Instrument Co, BL120, 12EA/BX 462 0.00
Forceps, Splinter, 3.5", Miltex Miltex Instrument Co BL130 Instrument Co, BL130, 12EA/BX 463 0.00
Forceps, Splinter, 4.5", Miltex Miltex Instrument Co BL132 Instrument Co, BL132, 12EA/BX 464 0.00 Forceps, Halstead, 5", Straight, Miltex Instrument Co BL200 Miltex Instrument Co, BL200, 12EA/BX 465 0.00 Scissor, Lister, 5.5", Miltex Miltex Instrument Co V95-504SS Instrument Co, V95-504SS, 1EA/BX 466 0.00 Dressing, Composite, Adhesive Film, 4" X 4" All Dress, Molnlycke Health Care 265324 Molnlycke Health Care, 265324, 467 10EA/BX, 10BX/CS 0.00
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 78 Dressing, Composite, Adhesive Film, 6" X 6", Molnlycke Health Molnlycke Health Care 265346 Care, 265346, 10EA/BX, 468 10BX/CS 0.00 Inner Cannula, Disposable, Size Nellcor/Puritan Bennett 6DIC 6, Nellcor/Puritan Bennett, 6DIC, 10EA/BX 469 0.00 Saline Blood Bank, 1 X 20 Liter, NERL Diagnostics Inc B3158-1 NERL Diagnostics Inc, B3158-1, EA 470 0.00 Diet, Elemental, Isotonic, Liquid, Pep amen, 1500ML, Nestle Nestle Clinical Nutrition 9871616091 Clinical Nutrition, 9871616091, 471 1500ML/BG, 4BG/CS 0.00 Bandage, Adhesive, Flexible, Latex Free, X-Large, 2" X 4-1/2", NutraMax 10701570 NutraMax, 10701570, 50EA/BX, 472 24BX/CS 0.00
First Aid Kit, Plastic, Basic, NutraMax 9111-000 NutraMax, 9111-000, 12EA/CS 473 0.00
Eye Wash, Opti-Klens, Opti- OPTI-KLENS OPTIKLENS Klens, Ea 474 0.00 Vials, Rx, 13Dr, Child Proof, PACIFIC MANAGEMENT CRV-13 Pacific Management, Crv-13, 250/Cs 475 0.00 Vials, Rx, 16Dr, Child Proof, PACIFIC MANAGEMENT CRV-16 Pacific Management, Crv-16, 200/Cs 476 0.00 Vials, Rx,20Dr, Child Proof, PACIFIC MANAGEMENT CRV-20 Pacific Management, Crv-20, 150/Cs 477 0.00 Vials, Rx, 30Dr, Child Proof, PACIFIC MANAGEMENT CRV-30 Pacific Management, Crv-30, 120/Cs 478 0.00 Vials, Rx, 40Dr, Child Proof, PACIFIC MANAGEMENT CRV-40 Pacific Management, Crv-40, 250/Cs 479 0.00 Vials, Rx, 60Dr, Child Proof, PACIFIC MANAGEMENT CRV-60 Pacific Management, Crv-60, 60/Cs 480 0.00 Vials, Rx, 8Dr, Child Proof, PACIFIC MANAGEMENT Pacific Management, Crv-08, 380/Cs 481 0.00
Pulse Oximeter, Sensor, Palco PALCO PCL300 Laboratories, Pcl300, Ea /Bx 482 0.00
Oximeter, Hand-Held, Palco Palco Laboratories 010-300 Laboratories, 010-300, EA 483 0.00
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 79 Towelette, Disinfectant, ORM, Palmero Health Care 60DIS Palmero Health Care, 60DIS, 60EA/BX, 12BX/CS 484 0.00 ULTRASOUND GEL 1-LIT, PARKER LABS 4001-32GF PARKER LABS, 4001- 32GF,6EA/BX, 2BX/CS 485 0.00
PECHINEY PLASTIC Parafilm, 2"X250', Pechiney PM992 PACKAGING Plastic Packaging, Pm992, Bx 486 0.00
Scale, Professional Dial, Pelstar, PELSTAR 155ND-41 155Nd-41, Ea 487 0.00 Mask, Microshield CPR Original, Medical Devices Orange Pouch, Medical Devices 70-150 International International, 70-150, 10EA/BX, 488 5BX/CS 0.00 Cup, Alpha, Clear, Disposable, Polypropylene, 5OZ, Polar Polar Plastics 30500 Plastics, 30500, 50EA/PK, 489 50PK/CS 0.00 SHARPS CONTAINER 1.5GL2201LPBW, POST POST MEDICAL, INC. 2201LPBW MEDICAL, INC., 490 2201LPBW,22EA/CS 0.00 Arm board, Infant, 2X6" PRECISION DYNAMICS 45006-15-MPN Reusable, Precision Dynamics CORP Corp, 45006-15-Mpn 491 0.00
Slides, adhesive, 25mm x Premier 9308W 75mm, Premier, 9308W, 72/BX 492 0.00 Slipper, Original, Foam, X-Large, Principle Business Non-Skid Soles, Latex Free, 5007 Enterprises Principle Business Enterprises, 493 5007, 72PR/CS 0.00 Wipe, Hand Cleaner, Antimicrobial, Regular, 6" X 7- Professional Disposables Q35372 1/2", Professional Disposables, 494 Q35372, 135EA/BX, 12BX/CS 0.00 SANI-CLOTH HB TUB/160, PROFESSIONAL PROFESSIONAL Q08472 DISPOSABLES DISPOSABLES, 495 Q08472,160EA/BX,12BX/CS 0.00 Sani Cloth Plus Germ Wipe PROFESSIONAL HEALTH Q89072 Large, Professional Disp, Q89072, Ct 496 0.00 Wipe, Personal Cleansing PROFFESSIONAL J15095 Washcloth, Professional DISPOSABLES Disposables, J15095 497 0.00 PEN LIGHT-DIAGNOSTIC- PROMAR INDUSTRIES, DISP, PROMAR INDUSTRIES, 5816MRE INC. INC., 5816MRE,6EA/BX, 498 60BX/CS 0.00
Indicator Strip, Steam, Small Propper 265102 Strip, Propper, 265102, 250/BX 499 0.00
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 80 Autoclave Pouch, 5X15, PROPPER 24015 Propper, 24015, 250/Bx 500 0.00
Autoclave Pouch, 8X16, PROPPER 24014 Propper, 24014.125/Bx 501 0.00 BETADINE SOL, PURDUE PURDUE FREDERICK CO 2100-87 FREDERICK CO, 2100- 87,12EA/CS 502 0.00 APPLICATOR COTTON TIP 6WOOD, PURITAN MEDICAL PURITAN MEDICAL 258062WCAL PROD CO LLC, PROD CO LLC 258062WCAL,100EA/BX, 503 10BX/CS 0.00 BLADE TONGUE 6IN STERILE PURITAN MEDICAL SENIOR, PURITAN MEDICAL 25-705-ALL PROD CO LLC PROD CO LLC, 25-705- 504 ALL,100EA/BX, 10BX/CS 0.00 BLADE TONGUE 6 SENIOR PURITAN MEDICAL N/S, PURITAN MEDICAL PROD 704ALL PROD CO LLC CO LLC, 704ALL,500EA/BX, 505 10BX/CS 0.00 Tube, Culture, 12X75Mm, Ps, QUALITY SCIENTIFIC A20041ALG Quality Scientific Plastics, PLASTICS A20041Alg, 1000/Cs 506 0.00 Cleanser, Skin, Hibiclens, 16OZ, Regent Medical 0575-16 Chlorhexidine, Regent Medical, 0575-16, 12EA/CS 507 0.00 Syringe, 1CC, 27G X 1/2", Retractable Technologies, Tuberculin, Vanish point, 10131 Inc. Retractable Technologies, Inc., 508 10131, 100EA/BX, 8BX/CS 0.00 Syringe, 1CC, 29G X 1/2", Retractable Technologies, Insulin, Vanish point, Retractable 10211 Inc. Technologies, Inc., 10211, 509 100EA/BX, 8BX/CS 0.00
Test Strips, Comfort Curve, Roche 553 Roche, 373, 50/BX 510 0.00 Test Strips, ChemStrip 2GP Roche 200743 Urinalysis, Roche, 200743, 100/BX 511 0.00 Test Strips, ChemStrip 9 Roche 417109 Urinalysis, Roche, 417109, 100/BX 512 0.00 Test Strips, ChemStrip 10 Roche 417145 Urinalysis, Roche, 417145, 100/BOX 513 0.00 Valve, CPR, Safety, Latex Free, Rondex Products, Inc 3030-MOORE Standard, Rondex Products, Inc, 3030-MOORE, EA 514 0.00 Supplement, Ensure, Diet, Ross Product Division 50460 Vanilla, Ross Product Division, 50460, 24EA/CS 515 0.00
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 81 Kit, Universal, Precaution, Safetec Of America, Inc. 17100 Polybag Container, Safetec Of America, Inc., 17100, 24EA/CS 516 0.00 Cleaner, Hand Sanitizer, Flip- Safetec Of America, Inc. 17350 Top Bottle, 4OZ, Safetec Of America, Inc., 17350, 24EA/CS 517 0.00 Disinfectant, Fungicidal, Antibacterial Deodorant, Safetec Safetec Of America, Inc. 34105 Of America, Inc., 34105, 518 16OZ/EA, 12EA/CS 0.00 Wipe, Antimicrobial, w/ Aloe Vera & PCMX, Safetec Of Safetec Of America, Inc. 34400 America, Inc., 34400, 100EA/BX, 519 10BX/CS 0.00 Glove, Safety, Latex, X-Large, 15ML at Fingertips, Sage Sage Products Inc. BS0480-1 Products Inc., BS0480-1, 520 50EA/BX, 20BX/CS 0.00 Gloves, Action, Latex, Pf, Lg, SHAMROCK MARKETING 16013 Shamrock Marketing Co., Inc, CO, INC 16013, Cs/100 521 0.00 Glove, Action, Latex, Pf, Med, SHAMROCK MARKETING 16012 Shamrock Marketing Co, Inc, CO, INC 16012, Cs/100 522 0.00 Glove, Action, Latex, Pf, Small, SHAMROCK MARKETING 16011 Shamrock Marketing Co, Inc, CO, INC 16011, Cs/100 523 0.00 Glove, Action, Latex, Pf, Xlg, SHAMROCK MARKETING 16014 Shamrock Marketing Co, Inc, CO, INC 16014, Cs/100 524 0.00
SHAMROCK MARKETING Gloves, Econ, Latex Pwd Lg, 11113 CO, INC Shamrock, Bx 525 0.00
SHAMROCK MARKETING Gloves, Econ, Latex Pwd Med, 11112 CO, INC Shamrock, Bx 526 0.00
SHAMROCK MARKETING Gloves, Econ, Latex Pwd Small, 11111 CO, INC Shamrock, Bx 527 0.00
SHAMROCK MARKETING Gloves, Econ, Latex Pwd Xlg, 11114 CO, INC Shamrock, Bx 528 0.00 Cup, Specimen, Packaged Individually, Sterile, Green Cap, Sherwood 207026 4OZ, Sherwood, 207026, 529 100EA/CS 0.00 Cup, Specimen, Bulk, Non- Sterile, White Cap, 4OZ, Sherwood 207034 Sherwood, 207034, 50EA/BX, 530 10BX/CS 0.00 Probe Cover, First FILAC F1500, Sherwood 221000 Sherwood, 221000, 20EA/PK, 25PK/BX, 10BX/CS 531 0.00
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 82 Probe Cover, Disposable, Single Use, w/ First Temp & Genius Sherwood 810055 Thermometer, Sherwood, 532 810055, 100EA/BX, 20BX/CS 0.00
Bag, Holder, Urinary, Drainage, Skil-Care Corp 102010 Skil-Care Corp, 102010, 1EA/BX 533 0.00
Dressing, Hypafix Sheet, 4 X 10 SMITH & NEPHEW 4210 Yd, Smith & Nephew, 4210, Bx 534 0.00 Unisolve Adhesive Remover SMITH & NEPHEW 5941-402300 Pad, Smith & Nephew, 5941- 402300, Bx 535 0.00 TONGUE DEPRESSOR SEN, SOLON 320-00 SOLON, 320-00,500EA/BX, 10BX/CS 536 0.00
Applicator, 6", N/S, Solon, 362, SOLON 362 1000/Bx 537 0.00
Applicator, 6", Sterile, 2'S, Solon, SOLON 368 368, 100 2'S/Bx 538 0.00
Applicator, 8", Ob/Gyn, Solon, SOLON 376 376, 500/Cs 539 0.00
Applicator Dowels, Wooden, 6", SOLON 35900 Solon, 35900, 1000/Bx 540 0.00
Applicators, Cotton Tip, 6", N/S, SOLON 36215 Solon, 36215, 100/Bx 541 0.00
Tongue Depressor, Jr, Solon, SOLON 300-00 500/Bx 542 0.00
Tongue Depressor, Sr, Solon, SOLON 369 369, 100/Bx 543 0.00 STAYFREE MAXI PAD BG, STAYFREE 146-7125 STAYFREE, 146-7125,24EA/BX, 12BX/CS 544 0.00
Stryker Ez Pro, R4, Stryker STRYKER MEDICAL 6092 Medical, 6092, Ea 545 0.00
STRYKER MEDICAL 6082 Stryker 6082, Ea 546 0.00
Soap, Hibiclens, Liquid, Stuart STUART PHARM 0575-91 Pharm, 0575-91, Bx 547 0.00
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 83 Kit, Versa Temp, 4 Shades, Gun, Sultan Chemists 72010 Sultan Chemists, 72010, EA 548 0.00 Lysol, Disinfectant, IC, 19OZ, Sultan Chemists 95029 Acc-U-Sol, Sultan Chemists, 95029, 12EA/CS 549 0.00 Kit, Accessory for DeVilbiss Sunrise Medical HHG, Inc 4650D-621 Pulmo-Aide, Sunrise Medical HHG, Inc, 4650D-621, 50EA/CS 550 0.00 Nebulizer, Compressor, Aerosol, Sunrise Medical HHG, Inc 5650D 10ML Nebulizer Filter, Sunrise Medical HHG, Inc, 5650D, EA 551 0.00
Thermometer, Sure Temp SUURETEMP 01679-400 Electronic, 01679-400, Ea 552 0.00 Cup, Paper, Wax, 3OZ, Sweet Sweet Paper 54039 Paper, 54039, 100EA/BG, 50BG/CS 553 0.00
CalaGel Medicated, Tec TEC LABORATORIES INC CALA-6 Laboratories Inc, Cala-6, Oz 554 0.00 Envelope, Pill, Imprinted, 3" X 2", Tech Med Services Inc. 4415 Tech Med Services Inc., 4415, 1000EA/BX 555 0.00 TRAUMA DRESSING 3050 HP, TECH MED SERVICES 3050 TECH MED SERVICES INC., INC. 3050,25EA/CS 556 0.00 First Aid Kit, 25 People, TECHNICALITY INC DYKD1STAID25 Technicality, Inc, Dykd1Staid25, Ea 557 0.00 Needle, 20G X 1-1/2", Ultra- Think Wall, Terumo Corporation, Terumo Corporation 6293-NN2038R 6293-NN2038R, 100EA/BX, 558 10BX/CS 0.00 IV Catheter, Teflon, SurFlo, 20G X 1-1/4", Terumo Corporation, Terumo Corporation SROX2032CA SROX2032CA, 50EA/BX, 559 4BX/CS 0.00
Multi Sampler Adapter, Terumo TERUMO CORPORATION MN2000T Corporation, Mn2000T, Bx 560 0.00
Syringe,Surshield,23Gx3/4 TERUMO CORPORATION MN*SVS23B30 12",Tb,Terumo,Mn*Svs23B30,Bx 561 0.00
Syringe, Insulin, 29G, 1Cc, TERUMO CORPORATION SS10M2913 Terumo, Ss10M2913, Bx 562 0.00
Bandage, Triangle, Tillotson , TILLOTSON 4910/03-2542 4910/03-2542, Ea 563 0.00
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 84 Antiseptic Towelettes, Triad TRIAD DISPOSABLES 1169416 Disposables, Inc, 1169416, Bx 564 0.00
Alcohol Prep Pad, Large, Triad, TRIAD DISPOSABLES 402772 402772, Bx 565 0.00 Towelette, Antiseptic, Disposable, No Alcohol, Triad Triad Disposables, Inc. 10-5201 Disposables, Inc., 10-5201, 566 100EA/BX, 10BX/CS 0.00 Pad, Isopropyl, Sterile, Medium, Triad Disposables, Inc. 10-3001B Triad Disposables, Inc., 10- 3001B, 200EA/BX, 10BX/CS 567 0.00 ALCOHOL PREP PDS MD 10- TRIAD DISPOSABLES, 3001ORM, TRIAD 402407 INC. DISPOSABLES, INC., 568 402407,200EA/BX, 20BX/CS 0.00 Swab, Culture, Liquid, Stuart Troy 220099 Single, Troy, 220099, 50EA/BX, 10BX/CS 569 0.00 Cotton Ball, Medium, Sterile, U.S. Cotton, LLC 79210500 U.S. Cotton, LLC, 79210500, 500EA/BX, 12BX/CS 570 0.00
Kleenex Facial Tissue White, UNISOURCE KC03076 Unisource, Kc03076, Cs 571 0.00 Tissue, Facial, 2Ply, Surpass, Unisource - Windsor- Unisource - Windsor- Supplier- KC21340-80 Supplier-Inv Inventory, KC21340-80, 572 100EA/BX, 30BX/CS 0.00 Table, Exam, w/ Pelvic Tilt, One United Metal Fabricators, 5140 Touch Stirrups, United Metal Inc. Fabricators, Inc., 5140, EA 573 0.00 Cabinet, Treatment, w/ Lock, United Metal Fabricators, 6117 32"W X 65"H X 16-1/4"D, United Inc. Metal Fabricators, Inc., 6117, EA 574 0.00 Cabinet, Mobile Treatment, w/ United Metal Fabricators, 6204 Four Drawers, United Metal Inc. Fabricators, Inc., 6204, EA 575 0.00 Cart, EKG, w/ 5 Turn Wheel, United Metal Fabricators, 6620 Casters, 2 Drawers, United Inc. Metal Fabricators, Inc., 6620, EA 576 0.00 Triple Panel Screen, Individual United Metal Fabricators, 8425 Casters, United Metal Inc. Fabricators, Inc., 8425, EA 577 0.00 Blanket, Bath, Economy, Universal Weavers Unbleached, 70" X 90", MDT218242 Corporation Universal Weavers Corporation, 578 MDT218242, 24EA/CS 0.00 Jacket, Extra Safe, Hip Light, Pink, Large, Valumax Valumax International 3630LPL International, 3630LPL, 579 10EA/BG 0.00
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 85 Soap, Liquid, Antimicrobial, Viro Research MX-1518 18OZ, Bottle w/ Pump, Viro Research, MX-1518, 12EA/CS 580 0.00 Specula, Vaginal, Plastic, Clear, Vital care 24-115200 Small, 24-115200, 10EA/BG, 10BG/CS 581 0.00
Iv Start Kit With Tegaderm, VOLLGRATH GROUP 5216-2602 Vollrath Group, 5216-2602, Ea 582 0.00
Pitcher Liner, 1Qt, Clear, Vollrath VOLLGRATH GROUP H21501 Group, H21501, Cs 583 0.00 Test Mono-Plus II, Cassette, Wampole Laboratories 84136 Wampole Laboratories, 84136, 30EA/BX 584 0.00 Test, Strip, Strep A, Clearview, Wampole Laboratories 135007 Cassette, Wampole Laboratories, 135007, 30EA/BX 585 0.00 Probe Cover, Disposable, For Sure Temp Thermometer, Welch Welch Allyn 05031-101 Allyn, 05031-101, 25EA/PK, 586 10PK/BX, 4BX/CS 0.00 Monitor, Vital Signs, Blood Pressure, Temperature, Mobile Welch Allyn 42NTB-E1-M Stand, Welch Allyn, 42NTB-E1- 587 M, EA 0.00 Probe Covers for Pro-1 Welch Allyn 05074-800 Thermometer, Welch Allyn, 074800, 200/BX 588 0.00
Battery, 3.5V Rechargeable, WELCH ALLYN 72200 Welch Allyn, 72200, Ea 589 0.00 Battery, 3.5V Rechargeable, WELCH ALLYN 72300 Audiscope, Welch Allyn, 72300, Ea 590 0.00
Bulb, Halogen Lamp 6, Welch WELCH ALLYN 7800 Allyn, 7800, Ea 591 0.00
Exam Light, Welch Allyn, 6783- WELCH ALLYN 6783-44500 44500, Ea/Bx 592 0.00
Integrated Sys W/767 Trans , WELCH ALLYN 76793 Welch Allyn, 76793, Ea 593 0.00
Kleenspec Sys, Welch Allyn, WELCH ALLYN 78810 78810, Ea 594 0.00
Ophthalmoscope Head, Welch WELCH ALLYN 11710 Allyn, 11710, Ea 595 0.00
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 86 Otoscope Bulb, Welch Allyn, WELCH ALLYN 03100-U 03100-U, Ea 596 0.00
Thermometer Probe Covers, WELCH ALLYN PC800 Welch Allyn, Pc800, Cs 597 0.00
Specula, Kleenspec, Small, WELCH ALLYN 58000 Welch Allyn, 58000, Bx 598 0.00 Specula, Otoscope, WELCH ALLYN 52432 2.5,Disp,Welch Allyn, 52432, 10000/Cs 599 0.00
Specula, Otoscope, 4Mm, Disp, WELCH ALLYN 52434 Welch Allyn, 52434, 1000/Ct 600 0.00
Speculum, Kleenspec, Lg, Welch WELCH ALLYN 58004 Allyn, 58004, 20/Bx 601 0.00
Speculum, Kleenspec, Med, WELCH ALLYN 58001 Welch Allyn, 58001, 20/Bx 602 0.00
Thermometer, Oral Probe, WELCH ALLYN 01679-200 Welch Allyn, 01679-200, Ea 603 0.00
Transformer Wall 3.2V W/O WELCH ALLYN 76710 Clock, Welch Allyn, 76710, Ea 604 0.00
Vital Sign Monitor, Welch Allyn, WELCH ALLYN 4200B-E1, Ea 605 0.00 Collector, Sharps, Red, 1 QT, Winfield 8702 3.5"W X 3.5"D X 7"H, Winfield, 8702, 72EA/CS 606 0.00
Dental Supplies
Distribute Discount Price to Manufacturer Mfg SKU Description UoM r SKU List price off List State
Composite Primer, 3M ESPE 7542 Adper Scotchbond MP, 7542, 8ml 1 $0.00 30% 0.00
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 87 Biological Monitor 3M ESPE 116K System, Attest, 116K, 1 complete system 2 $0.00 30% 0.00 Composite Adhesive, 3m Adper Single bond 3M ESPE 3411 Plus Refill, 3411, 6 3 Gram Bottle 0.00
Biological Monitor 3M ESPE 1262P System, Attest Refill , 1262P, 25/Box 4 0.00
Crowns, Nichro ELR2, 3M ESPE PDRP-ELR2 PDRP-ELR2, 5/Box 5 0.00
Crowns, Nichro ELR4, 3M ESPE PDRP-ELR4 PDRP-ELR4, 5/Box 6 0.00 MASKS, FLUID RESISTANT, ROSE, 3M ESPE 1942FR MOLDED, 3M ESPE, 7 1942FR, 50/BX 0.00 Crown & Bridge Products, 3M Crowns 3M-CF PDRP-ELL3 Ss 2Nd Prim Mol, E-Ll- 3, 3M-Cf, Pdrp-Ell3, 8 5/Bx 0.00 Crown & Bridge Products, Crowns 3M-CF ND96 Nichro Starter, 3M-Cf, 9 Nd96, 96/Bx 0.00 GLOVES, LATEX P/F TEXT N/S, SMALL, AHP DS-8011-00 GLOVETEX, AHP, 10 DS-8011-00, 100/BX 0.00 GLOVES, LATEX P/F TEXT N/S, MEDIUM, AHP DS-8012-00 GLOVETEX, AHP, 11 DS-8012-00, 100/BX 0.00 GLOVES, LATEX P/F TEXT N/S, LARGE, AHP DS-8013-00 GLOVETEX, AHP, 12 DS-8013-00, 100/BX 0.00 X-RAY CHEMICALS, DEVELOPER & FIXER, QUARTS, AIR TECHNIQUES 90800 PERI-PRO, AIR TECHNIQUES, 90800, 13 6/CS 0.00 X-RAY CHEMICALS, DEVELOPER & AIR TECHNIQUES 40270 FIXER, GALLONS, AIR TECHNIQUES, 14 90270, 4/CS 0.00 X-RAY PROCESSOR CLEANER, FORMULA 2000, FOR TANK & TRANSPORT AIR TECHNIQUES 43945 ROLLERS, HAZMAT FEE EXTRA, AIR TECHNIQUES, 43945, 15 2BTL/PK 0.00 Face Mask, Magic Arch w/ Retention Alpha Protec 608 Band, Alpha Protec, 16 608, 50/Box 0.00
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 88 Gloves, Micro-Touch ANSELL 5761 Latex Glove, Large, Ansell, 5761, 100/Bx 17 0.00
Gloves, Micro-Touch ANSELL 5741 Latex Glove, Medium, Ansell, 5741, 100/Bx 18 0.00
Gloves, Micro-Touch ANSELL 5721 Latex Glove, Small, Ansell, 5721, 100/Bx 19 0.00 GLOVES, LATEX P/F N/S, LARGE, MICRO- ANSELL PERRY 5006 TOUCH PLUS, ANSELL PERRY, 20 5006, 100/BX 0.00
Mix Tips, High Benco Dental 2530-352 Performance Teal, Benco Dental, 48/Box 21 0.00 Hand piece High Speed, Hy-Torq 4-hole Benco Dental 2403-481 with Bur Tool, Benco 22 Dental 0.00 Toothbrush Adult Iris Straight, Benco Benco Dental 3247-747 Dental, 3247-747, 23 72/CS 0.00
Toothbrush Adult, Iris Benco Dental 3247-765 Curved, Benco Dental, 3247-765, 72/CS 24 0.00
Lab Work Pan. Neon Benco Dental 207MLP-2N Blue, Benco Dental, Each 25 0.00 GLOVES, NITRILE BEST MANUFAC- P/F N/S, LARGE,N- 6005PFL DEX, BEST TURING MANUFACTURING, 26 6005PFL, 100/BX 0.00
Arbor Bands, 3/4 in. Buffalo Mfg. 02701S Course, Buffalo, 02701S, 100/Box 27 0.00 Preventive Products, Go Betweens BUTLER 872P Cleaners, Butler, 28 872P, 36Pk/Bx 0.00 Cements - Liners - Bases, Ivory Complete CAULK 610007-6 Package, Caulk, 29 610007-6, Ea 0.00 Finishing & Polishing, Enhance Finishing CAULK 624055-6 Refill, Cups, Caulk, 30 624055-6, 40/Bx 0.00 Impression Materials & Access, Jeltrate Fast CAULK 608522 Set, 1Lb, Caulk, 31 608522, Each 0.00 Impression Materials & Access, Jeltrate Plus CAULK 605602 Fast Set, Caulk, 32 605602, 1Lb 0.00
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 89 Preventive Products, Fluroshield Standard CAULK 643300 Pack, Stand, Caulk, 33 643300, Ea 0.00 Restorative Materials, Dyract Flow Syringe CAULK 685611 Refill, A2, Caulk, 34 685611, Ea 0.00 Restorative Materials, Prime & Bond Refill CAULK 634352-6 Sq, 4.5 Ml, Caulk, 35 634352-6, 2/Bx 0.00 Amalgam, Dispersalloy Capsule Fast Set, Caulk 656-2862 600mg (2 spill), Caulk 36 656-2862, 50/Box 0.00 Dental Hand Instruments, Tub Lid CLIVE 31526 Clear Standard, Size 37 S, Clive, 31526, Ea 0.00 Dental Hand Instruments, Tub CLIVE 31970 Standard Size S, Lilac, 38 Clive, 31970, Ea 0.00 STERILIZATION POUCHES, PEELVUE, 3 1/4"X12", CLIVE CRAIG 31626 SELF SEAL, CLIVE CRAIG, 31626, 39 200/BX 0.00 SETUP TRAYS, PROTRAY, COTTRELL DT-OOW DISPOSABLE WHITE, DIVIDED, COTTRELL, 40 DT-OOW, 200/CS 0.00 NEEDLE SHEATH, PROP, 2 1/2"X3 1/4", COTTRELL PNS100 PROTECTOR, COTTRELL, PNS100, 41 100/BX 0.00
Curing Light, 680 Dentamerica 680A-110 Halogen, Dentamerica 680A-110, Each 54 0.00 Cavitron Select SPS Ultrasonic Scaler Unit, Dentsply 81302 30k, Dentsply, 81302, 55 1 Unit 0.00 Chlorhexidine Gluconate Rinse, Dentsply 130030 0.12%, Dentsply, 56 130030, 16oz Bottle 0.00 ANESTHETIC, CITANEST FORTE DENTSPLY 4% W/ PHARMA- 54014 EPINEPHRINE, CEUTICAL 1:200000, DENTSPLY PHARMACEUTICAL, 57 54014, 100/BX 0.00 X-RAY MOUNTS, EZ- VIEW POCKET MASKED, 2H #2, DENTSPLY RINN 21-6021 BLACK, DENTSPLY RINN, 21-6021, 58 100/BX 0.00 X-RAY POSITIONER, AIM RING, DENTSPLY RINN 54-0865 ANTERIOR BLUE, XCP/BAI, DENTSPLY 59 RINN, 54-0865, EACH 0.00 MOUTH PROPS, EZ PROP, DISPOSABLE, DENTSPLY RINN 54-0900 DENTSPLY RINN, 54- 60 0900, 100/PK 0.00 X-RAY POSITIONER, BITEWING ARM, DENTSPLY RINN 54-0927 RED, XCP/BAI, DENTSPLY RINN, 54- 61 0927, EACH 0.00 XCP/BAI Color Coded Arm Anterior, Blue, Dentsply 54-0857 Dentsply, 54-0857, 1 62 Each 0.00
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 91 XCP/BAI Kit, Evolution 2000 XCP Kit, Dentsply 54-2001 Dentsply, 54-2001, 1 63 Each 0.00 Dental Small Equipment, Cavitron DNTEQU 80395 30K Sli-10S, Insert, 64 80395, Ea 0.00 Dental Small Equipment, Cavitron DNTEQU 6374106 Insert 30K, 30K-10, 65 6374106, Ea 0.00 Dental Small Equipment, Cavitron DNTEQU 6374102 Insert Tfi-3, 6374102, 66 Ea 0.00
Preventive Products, DNTEQU 26961 Delton Direct, 26965, 26961, Ea 67 0.00
Preventive Products, DNTEQU 2896 Delton Plus Refill, 28965, 2896, 50/Bx 68 0.00 Dental Hand Instruments, Tub DUX 31990 Insert Style S Clear, Dux, 31990, Ea 69 (replaces #1356734) 0.00 Panoramic Film, TMG RA5, 5x12,Eastman Eastman-Kodak 198-7627 Kodak,198- 70 7627,50/Box 0.00 PA Film, Insight IP-01 Poly, Size 0,Single Eastman-Kodak 867-5332 Pack, Eastman Kodak, 71 867-5332, 100/Box 0.00 X Ray Film, Insight IP- 21 Poly Single #2, Eastman-Kodak 1163401 Eastman Kodak 72 1163401, 150/Box 0.00 X Ray Film, Df-54 Poly Single #0, Eastman Eastman-Kodak 122-8840 Kodak 1228840, 73 150/Box 0.00 X Ray Film, Df-56 Poly Single #1, Eastman Eastman-Kodak 1273747 Kodak 1273747, 74 150/Box 0.00 X Ray Film, Insight IP- 21C Poly Single #2, Eastman-Kodak 1539931 Eastman Kodak 75 1539931, 100/Box 0.00 X Ray Film, Df-58 Poly Single #2, Eastman Eastman-Kodak 1658194 Kodak 1658194, 76 150/Box 0.00 X Ray Film, Df-58C Poly Single #2, Eastman-Kodak 1717131 Eastman Kodak 77 1717131, 100/Box 0.00 Anesthetic, Cartridges 0.5% w/ Epinephrine Eastman-Kodak 1878297 1:200k, Eastman Kodak 1878297, 78 50/Can 0.00
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 92 X Ray Film Panoramic, Eastman-Kodak 1990712 XDBF-76 6x12, Eastman Kodak 79 1990712, 50/Box 0.00 X Ray Film, Insight IP- 11 Paper #1 Single, Eastman-Kodak 1124981 Eastman Kodak 80 1124981, 100/Box 0.00 X Ray Film, Df-57 Poly Double #2, Eastman Eastman-Kodak 1753664 Kodak 1753664, 81 150/Box 0.00 Dental Lab Equipment, Auto-Chuck Attach HANDLR 67-9L Arbor, Left, Handle, 82 67-9L, Ea 0.00 INSTRUMENT, EXPLORER #23, HU-FRIEDY EXS23 SINGLE END, HU- FRIEDY, EXS23, 83 EACH 0.00 STERILANTS, CIDEX PLUS 3.4% J&J 2683 W/ACTIVATOR, J&J, 84 2683, 4QT/CS 0.00 STERILANTS, CIDEX PLUS 3.4% J&J 2785 W/ACTIVATOR, J&J, 85 2683, 1 GALLON 0.00 CROWN REMOVER, J&J MORRELL W/ A-B-C 07-898 TIPS, J&J INSTRUMENTS INSTRUMENTS, 07- 86 898, KIT 0.00 Preventive Products, Dental Floss Mint Wax J&JDNT 9864 9864, 5Yd, 9864, 144/Bx (replaces 87 #5552008) 0.00 Preventive Products, Reach Floss Clean J&JDNT 9667 Burst, B-Mint, 9667, 144/Bx (replaces 88 #5550782) 0.00 TOOTHBRUSH, GUM JOHN O. BUTLER RAZZLE DAZZLE, 217P CO JOHN O. BUTLER, 89 217P, 12/PK 0.00 Suture, Plain Gut , 3-0 Johnson and X-1 18", Johnson and 612G Johnson Johnson, 612G, 90 12/Box 0.00 Hand Pieces, 14K Straight Attachment, KAVO 0524.5250 14K 4:1, Kavo, 91 0524.5250, Ea 0.00 Hand Pieces, Intra K Angle Attachment, 20K KAVO 0534.5330 1:1, Kavo, 0534.5330, 92 Ea 0.00 Impression Material, Extrude MPV (Dark Kerr 28421 Green), 50ml Cartridge, Kerr 28421, 93 32/Box 0.00 Amalgam, Tytin Regular Set Capsule, Kerr 29946 400mg (1 spill), Kerr 94 29946, 500/Jar 0.00
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 93 Amalgam, Tytin Regular Set Capsule, Kerr 29949 600mg (2 spill), Kerr 95 29949, 500/Jar 0.00 Amalgam, Sybraloy Fast Set Capsule, Kerr 30768 600mg (2 spill), Kerr 96 30768, 500/Jar 0.00
Curing Light, Optilux Kerr 910070 501 Halogen, Kerr 910070, Each 97 0.00 Amalgam, Tytin Capsule Regular Set, Kerr 29948 600 mg (2 spill), Kerr 98 29948, 50/Box 0.00 Amalgam, Contour Capsule Regular Set, Kerr 29967 600 mg (2 spill), Kerr 99 29967, 500/Jar 0.00 Crown & Bridge Products, Kerr KERR 28747 Extruder Gun 50Ml, Cartridge, Kerr, 28747, 100 Ea 0.00
Impression Materials & KERR 27877 Access, Extrude Putty, Kerr, 27877, Ea 101 0.00 Restorative Materials, Herculite Enamel KERR 20182 Refill, Univ, Kerr, 102 20182, 5Gm/Ea 0.00 Restorative Materials, Herculite Enamel , KERR 29800 A3.5, Kerr, 29800, 103 5Gm/Ea 0.00 Restorative Materials, Prodigy Condensable KERR 29354 Refill, B1, Kerr, 29354, 104 20/Bx 0.00
Restorative Materials, KERR 25898 Prodigy Syringe, A1, Kerr, 25898, 4Gm/Ea 105 0.00
Restorative Materials, KERR 31211 Prodigy Syringe, A2, Kerr, 31211, 4Gm/Ea 106 0.00
Restorative Materials, KERR 31212 Prodigy Syringe, A3, Kerr, 31212, 4Gm/Ea 107 0.00
Restorative Materials, KERR 31213 Prodigy Syringe, A3.5, Kerr, 31213, 4Gm/Ea 108 0.00 Impression Materials & Access, Impression KERRCS 00432 Compound Stick, Red, 109 Kerr, 00432, 15/Bx 0.00 MASKS, EARLOOP KIMBERLY PROCEDURE, BLUE, 148 FLUIDSHIELD, CLARK KIMBERLY CLARK, 110 000148, 40/BX 0.00
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 95 GLOVES, LATEX P/F TEXT N/S, SMALL, MICROFLEX MF-300-M DIAMOND GRIP, MICROFLEX, MF-300- 126 S, 100/BX 0.00 GLOVES, LATEX P/F TEXT N/S, MEDIUM, MICROFLEX MF-300-S DIAMOND GRIP, MICROFLEX, MF-300- 127 M, 100/BX 0.00 Hand Pieces, Quiet-Air MIDWEST L Hp F/O W/Power, 780014 DENTAL CORP F/O, Midwest, 780014, 128 Ea 0.00
MIDWEST Hand Pieces, Tradition 780045 L F/O Hp W/Power, DENTAL CORP Midwest, 780045, Ea 129 0.00
MIDWEST Hand Pieces, Tradition 790044 4-Hole, Hi-Speed, DENTAL CORP Midwest, 790044, Ea 130 0.00
MIDWEST Hand Pieces, Tradition 790045 Fiber Op, 5-Hole, DENTAL CORP Midwest, 790045, Ea 131 0.00 CARBIDE BURS, MIDWEST RIGHT ANGLE, 4 389105 DENTAL CORP ROUND, MIDWEST, 132 389105, 10/PK 0.00 CARBIDE BURS, FRICTION GRIP, 1557 MIDWEST STRAIGHT DOME 389259 DENTAL CORP CROSSCUT, MIDWEST, 389259, 133 10/PK 0.00 Finishing & Polishing, Mandrel Ra #303, MILTEX DM303RA Miltex, Dm303Ra, 134 12/Pk 0.00 Infection Control Products, Sani-Cloth NICEPK Q85084 Plus X-Lg, 8"X14", Q85084, 65/Pk 135 (replaces #2672940) 0.00 Preventive Products, Advantage Plus ORALBL 75035355 Toothbrush, 40 Soft, 75035355, 12/Bx 136 (replaces #3251428) 0.00 DISINFECTANTS, DISCIDE ULTRA, 10.5"X10.5" PALMERO SALES 10DIS TOWELETTES, PALMERO, 10DIS, 137 60/PK 0.00 SYRINGE COVERS, DISPOSABLE, PALMERO SALES 1950 PALMERO, 1950, 138 100/BX 0.00 DISINFECTANTS, DISCIDE ULTRA, 6"X6.75" PALMERO SALES 60DIS TOWELETTES, PALMERO, 60DIS, 139 160/PK 0.00 FLOURIDE RINSE KIT, 60:60 IN-OFFICE CONCENTRATE, PASCAL CO INC 11-390 TROPICAL BLAST, 4 PART A & 1 PART B, 140 PASCAL, 11-390, CS 0.00
GLOVES, VINYL P/F, PATTERSON 085-1725 SMALL, PATTERSON, 085-1725, 100/BX 152 0.00 GLOVES, VINYL P/F, MEDIUM, PATTERSON 085-1733 PATTERSON, 085- 153 1733, 100/BX 0.00 GLOVES, VINYL P/F, LARGE, PATTERSON 085-1741 PATTERSON, 085- 154 1741, 100/BX 0.00
DENTURE BOX, PATTERSON 9575930 BLUE, PATTERSON, 9575930, 12/PK 168 0.00
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 99 Abrasives Lab, Lab SCHEIN 2015005Z Pumice Medium, HSI, 2015005Z, 5Lb/Ea 182 0.00
Alloys, Stratosphere SCHEIN 51008 Caps Set, 2 Spill, HSI, 51008, 500/Jr 183 0.00 Crown & Bridge Products, Copper SCHEIN 1007638 Bands W/Chest Hard, Asst, HSI, 1007638, 184 100/Bx 0.00 Dental Hand Instruments, Band SCHEIN 1008005 Remover, Baade, HSI, 185 1008005, Ea 0.00 Dental Hand Instruments, Elevator SCHEIN 1006436 Cryer #34S, HSI, 186 1006436, Ea 0.00 Dental Hand Instruments, Mirror SCHEIN 1006640PLC Disposable Dental, HSI, 1006640Plc, 187 72/Bx 0.00 Dental Hand Instruments, Mirror SCHEIN #4-P/S-C/S Plane Cone Socket, #4, HSI, #4-P/S-C/S, 188 12/Bx 0.00 Dental Hand Instruments, Periosteal SCHEIN 100-4888 Elevator Molt, HSI, 189 100-4888, Ea 0.00 Dental Hand Instruments, Pliers 114 SCHEIN 1008966 Standard, Johnson, 190 HSI, 1008966, Ea 0.00
Dental Hand SCHEIN SDS-TT-AS Instruments, Tape N Tell Kit, 8/Rl 191 0.00 Dental Small Equipment, Ultrasonic SCHEIN 741 Cleaner W/Digital, Timer, HSI, 741, Ea 192 (replaces #1006879) 0.00
Disposables, Dri-Gard SCHEIN WESCEBL Towel 2Ply+Poly, Blue, HSI, 500/Ca 193 0.00
Disposables, Dri-Gard SCHEIN WESCELV Towel 2Ply+Poly, Lavender, HSI, 500/Ca 194 0.00
Disposables, Dri-Gard SCHEIN WESCEPE Towel 2Ply+Poly, Peach, HSI, 500/Ca 195 0.00 Disposables, Tray Cover 11"X17.25", SCHEIN 1002550 White, HSI, 1002550, 196 1000/Bx 0.00 Disposables, Tray Cover 9"X13.5", White, SCHEIN 1008128 HSI, 1008128, 197 1000/Bx 0.00
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 100 Disposables, Tray Covers 8.5"X12.25", SCHEIN 1000934 White, HSI, 1000934, 198 1000/Bx 0.00 Evacuation Products, Aspirator Tips Green, SCHEIN 1029023 1/4"D, HSI, 1029023, 199 25/Pk 0.00
Evacuation Products, SCHEIN 7001423 Evacuator Tip Vented, HSI, 7001423, 50/Bag 200 0.00 Hand Pieces, Contra Angle 20,000 Rpm, SCHEIN 1005848 #150, HSI, 1005848, 201 Ea 0.00 Hand Pieces, Lubricant Oil For SCHEIN 1002037 Master, #450, HSI, 202 1002037, 1Oz/Bt 0.00 Impression Materials & FP- Access, Impression SCHEIN SCHEIN108 Tray #3 Med/U, HSI, 203 Fp-Schein108, 12/Bag 0.00 Impression Materials & FP- Access, Impression SCHEIN SCHEIN109 Tray #4 Med/L, HSI, 204 Fp-Schein109, 12/Bag 0.00 Impression Materials & FP- Access, Impression SCHEIN SCHEIN110 Tray #5 /U, HSI, Fp- 205 Schein110, 12/Bag 0.00 Impression Materials & FP- Access, Impression SCHEIN SCHEIN112 Tray #7, HSI, Fp- 206 Schein112, 12/Bag 0.00 Impression Materials & FP- Access, Impression SCHEIN SCHEIN113 Tray #8, HSI, Fp- 207 Schein113, 12/Bag 0.00 Infection Control Products, Disp. Cover SCHEIN 1005870 Gown-Blue, Med/Lg, 208 HSI, 1005870, 10/Pk 0.00 Infection Control Products, Ear loop SCHEIN 1043809 Face Masks, Blue, HSI, 1043809, 50/Bx 209 (replaces #1006004) 0.00 Infection Control Products, Ear loop SCHEIN 1043730 Face Masks, Pink, HSI, 1043730, 50/Bx 210 (replaces #1005937) 0.00 Infection Control Products, Ear loop SCHEIN 1042849 Face Masks, Yellow, HSI, 1042849, 50/Bx 211 (replaces #1015420) 0.00 Infection Control Products, Lab Gowns SCHEIN 1009972 Disposable White, Sm/Med, HSI, 212 1009972, 10/Pk 0.00 Infection Control Products, Maxicide SCHEIN 10-6760 W/Activator 2.5%, 28 Day, HSI, 10-6760, 213 Gallon 0.00
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 101 Infection Control Products, Maxizyme SCHEIN 50036970 Tabs, HSI, 50036970, 214 64/Bx 0.00 Infection Control Products, Schein SCHEIN 1009860 Air/Water Cover, 2.5"X10, HSI, 215 1009860, 500/Bx 0.00 Infection Control Products, Schein Face SCHEIN 1008356 Masks Molded, Blue, 216 HSI, 1008356, 50/Bx 0.00 Large Equipment Accessories, Bulb SCHEIN DZE #150T4/24V, 217 24V150W, HSI, Ea 0.00 Large Equipment Accessories, Bulb SCHEIN FCS Overhead A-Dec, 24V 218 150, HSI, Ea 0.00 Large Equipment WQ150T4/ Accessories, Bulb SCHEIN CL/2 Quartz #Q150 , 25V 219 150, HSI, Wq150 Ea 0.00 Orthodontic Products, FPSCHEIN Ortho Glass Ionomer, SCHEIN 104 15Gm, HSI, 220 Fpschein104, Ea 0.00 Preventive Products, Acclean Toothbrush SCHEIN 28221 Youth, 28 Tuft, HSI, 221 28221, 72/Bx 0.00 Preventive Products, Disposable Prophy SCHEIN 140210 Angle, Soft, HSI, 222 140210, 100/Bx 0.00 Restorative Materials, FPSCHEIN Flowable Composite SCHEIN 060 Kit, Intro, HSI, 223 Fpschein060, 4/Bx 0.00 Restorative Materials, FPSCHEIN Flowable Composite SCHEIN 121 Syring, Tips, HSI, 224 Fpschein121, 100/Bag 0.00
Rotary Instruments, SCHEIN 206100250100 Bur Carbide, 1/4, HSI, 206100250100, 10/Pk 225 0.00 Rotary Instruments, Bur Carbide, 1157, SCHEIN 206100251500 HSI, 206100251500, 226 10/Pk 0.00
Rotary Instruments, SCHEIN 206100250400 Bur Carbide, 2, HSI, 206100250400, 10/Pk 227 0.00
Rotary Instruments, SCHEIN S20610025060 Bur Carbide, 4, HSI, S20610025060, 10/Pk 228 0.00
Rotary Instruments, SCHEIN 206100252900 Bur Carbide, 557, HSI, 206100252900, 10/Pk 229 0.00
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 102 Rotary Instruments, Burs Carbide, 1/2, SCHEIN 206100250200 HSI, 206100250200, 230 10/Pk 0.00 Rotary Instruments, Burs Carbide 245, SCHEIN 206100182100 HSI, 206100182100, 231 100/Pk 0.00 Rotary Instruments, Burs Carbide 330, SCHEIN 206100181800 HSI, 206100181800, 232 100/Pk 0.00 Rotary Instruments, Burs Carbide Lab SCHEIN 9897 Lathe Re, A 3/8, HSI, 233 9897, Ea 0.00 Rotary Instruments, Burs Carbide Lab SCHEIN 9898 Lathe Re, B 3/8, HSI, 234 9898, Ea 0.00 Rotary Instruments, Burs Carbide Lab SCHEIN 9899 Lathe Re, C 3/8, HSI, 235 9899, Ea 0.00 Rotary Instruments, Burs Carbide Lab SCHEIN 9900 Lathe Re, D 3/8, HSI, 236 9900, Ea 0.00 Rotary Instruments, Burs Carbide Ra, 1/2, SCHEIN 206100260100 HSI, 206100260100, 237 10/Pk 0.00 Rotary Instruments, Burs Carbide Ra, 2, SCHEIN 206100260300 HSI, 206100260300, 238 10/Pk 0.00 Rotary Instruments, Burs Carbide Ra, 4, SCHEIN 206100260400 HSI, 206100260400, 239 10/Pk 0.00 Surgical Products, Scalpels Disposable, SCHEIN HSI6008-15 #15, HSI, HSI6008-15, 240 10/Bx 0.00 Wound Closure, Suture Plain Gut C-9 SCHEIN 100-6120 3/0, 18", HSI, 100- 241 6120, 12/Bx 0.00 X-Ray Products, Automatic A&B SCHEIN 27270-60 Developer &, 2Gal, 242 HSI, 27270-60, 4/Ca 0.00 X-Ray Products, Dx-58 Vinyl Packet Size 2, 1 SCHEIN UMGD58 Film, HSI, Umgd58, 243 150/Bx 0.00 X-Ray Products, Klear- Vue Cardboard Mount, SCHEIN 5226 8H 6V 2, HSI, 5226, 244 100/Bx 0.00 Anesthetic, Septocaine Articaine 4%, Septodont 01-A1400 Septodont 01-A1400, 245 50/Box 0.00
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 103 Needle, Monoject 27L Plastic Hub #400, Sherwood 8881-400058 Sherwood 8881- 246 400058, 100/Box 0.00 Needle, Monoject 30S Plastic Hub #400, Sherwood 8881-400074 Sherwood 8881- 247 400074, 100/Box 0.00 Needle, Monoject 27L Metal Hub #401, Sherwood 8881-401056 Sherwood 8881- 248 401056, 100/Box 0.00 Hand piece Turbine, Star 430 Auto chuck Star 260296 LUBE TYPE, Star 249 260296, Each 0.00
Hand Pieces, 430K Hp STAR 262052 Vortex-No Swivel, 4- Hole, Star, 262052, Ea 250 0.00 Hand Pieces, Ball Bearing Latch Contra, STAR 259005 Angle, Star, 259005, 251 Ea 0.00
Hand Pieces, Motor- STAR 264073 To-Angle Adaptor, Star, 264073, Ea 252 0.00
Hand Pieces, Swivel STAR 260144 Attachment 4 Line, Star, 260144, Ea 253 0.00
Hand Pieces, Titan 3 STAR 262262 Motor 20000 Rpm, Star, 262262, Ea 254 0.00
Hand Pieces, Titan 3 STAR 262261 Motor 5000 Rpm, Star, 262261, Ea 255 0.00
Hand Pieces, Titan-2 STAR 258443 Plus Torque Multi, Star, 258443, Ea 256 0.00 Hand Pieces, Titan3 Lube free Auto chuck, STAR 264151 Angle, Star, 264151, 257 Ea 0.00 DISINFECTANTS, LYSOL IC SPRAY W/ SULTAN CONTROL FLOW, 95029-000 CHEMISTS SULTAN CHEMISTS, 95029-000, 19OZ 258 EACH 0.00 Cements - Liners - Bases, Vitrebond Intro THREEM 7510 Pkg, Package, 7510, 259 Ea 0.00
Preventive Products, THREEM 12622 Clinpro Sealant Refill Pk, 12622, 6Ml 260 0.00
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 104 Preventive Products, Clinpro Sealant Refill THREEM 12627 Pkg, Syr1.2M, 12627, 261 Ea 0.00 Restorative Materials, Adper Scotchbond THREEM 7543 M/P Adhesive, #7543, 262 7543, 8Ml/Bt 0.00 Restorative Materials, Adper Scotchbond THREEM 7540S M/P Sq, Adhesive, 263 7540S, Ea 0.00
Restorative Materials, THREEM 3303L Vitremer Liquid, 3303L, 8Ml/Bt 264 0.00
Gloves, Formula 1 TILLOT 6103 Latex Glove, 6103, 100/Bx 265 0.00 Glove, Plus Powder Free Small, Tillotson Tillotson 6612 Healthcare 6612, 266 100/Box 0.00 Infection Control Products, Gown One TRONEX 5540B Size Fits All, Blue, 267 5540B, 50/Ca 0.00 MOUTHWASH, LISTERINE COOL WARNER MINT, GALLON 42750 LAMBERT BOTTLE, WARNER LAMBERT, 42750, 268 2/CS 0.00 MOUTHWASH, WARNER LISTERINE COOL 42755 MINT, 1.5L BOTTLES, LAMBERT WARNER LAMBERT, 269 42755, 6/CS 0.00 Dental Small Equipment, Biosonic Whaledent UC300115B Uc300 Ultrasonic, Cleaner, Uc300115B, 270 Ea 0.00 CURING LIGHT, COLTOLUX 75, 75 WATT HALOGEN WHALEDENT C7964 WITH 8MM TIP, WHALEDENT, C7964, 271 EACH 0.00 Rubber Dam Frame, 4 1/8 x 3 5/8 Chrome Young 177001 Plated Brass, Young 272 Dental 177001, Each 0.00 SURGICAL ASPIRATOR TIPS, SURG-O-VAC II, 1/4" YOUNG DENTAL 77225 TIP, GREEN, YOUNG DENTAL, 077225, 273 25/PK 0.00
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 105 Quarterly Contract Sales Summary Report
Contractor Name: FEID#:
Contact Person: Phone Number: Email:
Contract Title: Contract #:
Fax or Email form to: Donna Smith, 850-414-6122 or [email protected]
CALENDAR QUARTER: Check One Quarterly Period Ending March 31st Quarterly Period Ending June 30th
Quarterly Period Ending September 30th Quarterly Period Ending December 31st
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 106 ENTITY TOTAL DOLLARS STATE AGENCIES: Report dollar amount sold to all State Agencies. $ List each Agency separately. POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS: Report dollar amount sold to other Political Subdivisions [including but not limited to, Counties, Cities, Schools, Universities, Colleges $ and Utilities]. List each entity separately.
Under penalties of perjury, I declare that this is a true and accurate report of all sales due under the terms and conditions of this state term contract for the specified quarterly reporting period.
Notes: 1) A quarterly report is required even if there are no sales for the specified quarter; please enter zero dollars where applicable. 2) This form is for the reporting of quarterly sales only. It is not related to reporting and payment of vendor transaction fees. 3) To enter electronic signature, click text box, click “Insert” (on tool bar), select “picture”, and select picture type to paste or enter signature. 4) For information concerning the use of this form, please contact the Contract Administrator named above. (Rev. 3/05/09)
This Contract, effective the last date signed below, is by and between the State of Florida, Department of Management Services (“Department”), an agency of the State of Florida with offices at 4050 Esplanade Way, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0950, and the entity identified below as Contractor (“Contractor”).The Contractor responded to the Department’s Request for Proposal No. 10-475-000-J for Medical and Dental Supplies. The Department has determined to accept the Contractor’s response and to enter into this Contract in accordance with the terms and conditions of the solicitation. Accordingly, and in consideration of the mutual promises contained in the Contract documents, the Department and the Contractor do hereby enter into this Contract, which is a state term contract authorized by section 287.042(2)(a) of the Florida Statutes (2001). The term of the Contract is 36 months from the effective date. The Contract consists of the following documents, which, in case of conflict, shall have priority in the order listed, and which are hereby incorporated as if fully set forth:
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 107 Any written amendments to the Contract Technical Specifications Special Contract Conditions General Contract Conditions (PUR 1000) Special Instructions to Respondents General Instructions to Respondents (PUR 1001) This document Any Purchase Order under the Contract Contractor’s response
______State of Florida, Date Department of Management Services By: Linda H. South, Secretary
Contractor Name: (Seal) Street Address or P.O. Box: City, State, Zip:
______By: Date Its (Title): ______
Approved as to form and legality by the General Counsel’s Office ______
Print name: ______Date: ______
RFP No. 10-475-000-J Medical and Dental Supplies Page 108