Reading Assessments Early Literacy

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Reading Assessments Early Literacy

Reading Assessments-Early Literacy


95% The 95 Percent Group Inc. screening K-3 Phonological Licenses for these products are priced on Phonics Screener for awareness, phonics a per-school basis, rather than a per- products Intervention (PSI) and classroom basis. They are designed Phonological Awareness primarily for K-1 (PASI) and Grades 2-3 Screener for Intervention (PSI) use. The PSI may also be used in (PASI) provide teachers tools higher middle school grades. to use with students to assess the student's abilities/difficulties in reading and help in designing intervention activities to address these specific difficulties.

AIMS Web Pro AIMSweb Pro Reading progress monitoring K-8 General reading AIMSweb Pro Reading includes the Reading consists of Curriculum-Based achievement, reading following assessments: Measurement (CBM) testing comprehension, materials and web-based spelling, mathematics, Reading-CBM software to provide schools and written expression. Oral Reading Fluency with a 3 Tier Progress Early literacy skills Monitoring and Response to (phonics and Spanish Reading-CBM Intervention System. phonological awareness) and early Spanish Oral Reading Fluency Numeracy (number Maze-CBM sense) are constructed similarly to form Reading Comprehension downward extensions of CBM. TEL-CBM

KY Department of Education 2010 Reading Assessments-Early Literacy

Test of Early Literacy


Spanish Early Literacy

AIMSweb Pro Reading also provides data management and reporting for the following 3rd party assessments:


DIBELS The Dynamic Indicators of screening K-6 Phonological Generate automated reports immediately Basic Early Literacy Skills Awareness, Alphabetic after data is entered. (Dynamic (DIBELS) are a set of benchmark Principle, Fluency with Indicators of Reports are available at the student, class, procedures and measures for progress monitoring Connected Text, Basic Early assessing the acquisition of Vocabulary, and school, district, and project level. Literacy Skills) early literacy skills from Comprehension Benchmark reports include: histograms, kindergarten through sixth district norms, box plots, individual grade. They are designed to student profiles, class list reports, and be short (one minute) fluency scatter plots. measures used to regularly monitor the development of Individual progress monitoring graphs to early literacy and early see how students are responding to reading skills. DIBELS were additional instruction and intervention. developed to measure recognized and empirically Most reports are available as web pages validated skills related to (for viewing online) and as PDF files (for reading outcomes. Each downloading and printing). measure has been researched Users can generate raw data sets (DIBELS and demonstrated to be or IDEL, benchmark or progress reliable and valid indicators monitoring data) for archival purposes or of early literacy development

KY Department of Education 2010 Reading Assessments-Early Literacy

and predictive of later running analyses. reading proficiency to aid in the early identification of students who are not progressing as expected.

Fountas and The Fountas & Pinnell Leveled benchmark K-8 Phonemic awareness, uses specially created Benchmark Books Pinnell Leveled Literacy Intervention System phonics, fluency, to place students on Fountas and Pinnell’s Literacy (LLI) is a small-group, progress monitoring vocabulary, A–Z gradient Intervention supplementary intervention comprehension (assessment and program designed for young creates a quantifiable assessment of intervention) children who struggle with reading comprehension reading and writing. links assessment to instruction to meet Assessment included in each students’ specific needs kit. comes with recording forms, checklists, and data-management resources

offers a Professional Development DVD for support

Grade The Group Reading diagnostic PreK-12 Assesses early reading Norm referenced Assessment and Diagnostic skills in phonological Pearson Evaluation (GRADE) is a benchmark awareness and phonics Stanines, Percentiles, Grade Equivalents, Assessments normative diagnostic reading as required by federal Standard Scores, Normal Curve assessment that determines and state programs like Equivalents, and Growth Scale Values developmentally what skills Reading First and Early Features: Out-of-Level Norms students from Pre-K through Reading First. 12 have mastered and where they need instruction or intervention.

MAP for Primary Diagnostic and computerized benchmark/baseline K-2 Phonemic Awareness, Identify the skills and concepts individual KY Department of Education 2010 Reading Assessments-Early Literacy

Grades (North adaptive assessments in diagnostic/screening phonics, concepts of students have learned. West Evaluation Reading and Mathematics print, vocabulary, word Association) specifically designed for early structure, Diagnose instructional needs. learners. comprehension, writing NWEA Monitor academic growth over time. Make data-driven decisions at the classroom, school, and district levels.

Place new students into appropriate instructional programs.

PALS PALS-PreK is a scientifically- screening PreK-3 The assessment reflects The assessment scores indicate children’s based phonological skills that are predictive strengths and those areas that may awareness and literacy diagnostic of future reading require more direct attention. screening that measures progress monitoring success and measures preschoolers’ developing name writing ability, knowledge of important upper-case and lower- literacy fundamentals and case alphabet offers guidance to teachers recognition, letter for tailoring instruction to sound and beginning children’s specific needs. The sound production, print assessment is designed to be and word awareness, administered to four-year- rhyme awareness and olds in the fall of PreK in nursery rhyme order to guide instruction awareness. during the year. A second administration in the spring PALS-K is a measure of of PreK serves to evaluate children’s knowledge of progress. literacy fundamentals: phonological PALS-K provides a means of awareness, alphabet KY Department of Education 2010 Reading Assessments-Early Literacy

matching literacy instruction recognition, concept of to specific literacy needs and word, knowledge of provides a means of letter sounds and identifying those children spelling. who are behind in the acquisition of fundamental literacy skills.

PALS 1-3 is used with children in grades 1, 2, and 3 to identify students at risk of reading difficulties. PALS 1-3 is designed to measure young children’s knowledge of literacy fundamentals and can be used as a diagnostic tool to provide teachers with explicit information to help guide their teaching.

Pearson BASIS The Basic Achievement Skills screening 1-12 Reading skills BASIS yields both criterion-referenced Individual Screener (BASIS) and norm-referenced information and will help quickly screen features an optional 10-minute children's reading, descriptive writing exercise. All basic test mathematics, and spelling items in reading, mathematics, and skills. spelling are grouped in grade-referenced clusters. Hand-scorable

Pearson Comprehensive, benchmark K-8 Assess student progress Offers user-friendly, wizard-driven Benchmark customizable, web-based against standards processes testing, reporting, and progress monitoring analytics Take measures of Supports online and offline, paper/pencil, student performance KY Department of Education 2010 Reading Assessments-Early Literacy

Capable of taking multiple against standards at any assessment delivery measures of student time throughout the performance against school year. Enables on-demand standards at any time performance measurement throughout the school year Monitor student progress against Measures against state and district standards, address standards deficiencies and recheck Data analysis and reporting tools mastery with student performance results collected over time.

Target instruction and shorten assessment cycles,

Collect data to diagnose student learning needs and target instruction to address those needs.

Reading Fluency Reading Fluency Benchmark screening 1-8 Reading fluency RFBA enables teachers to determine Benchmark Assessor (RFBA) is a way to where each student ranks relative to Assessor (RFBA) measure reading fluency and national reading norms. screen for reading problems. The RFBA passages can be used to assess student progress and identify those who may need intervention with a fluency-building program.

Reading Fluency Reading Fluency Progress progress monitoring 1-8 Fluency development Graphs and record sheets for manual

KY Department of Education 2010 Reading Assessments-Early Literacy

Progress Monitor Monitor (RFPM) allows record keeping. (RFPM) teachers to monitor students’ fluency development through Normative data to aide in decision making regular assessment, as often based on results. as once a week, using grade- level passages. RFPM requires minimal training, and is a predictor of future performance.

Read Naturally Read Naturally combines diagnostic 1-8 basic word reading and Individually administered diagnostic teacher modeling, repeated decoding skills assessment that helps teachers plan reading, and assessment and progress monitoring instructional or intervention programs progress monitoring. Read Naturally's programs provide a structured learning environment.

Renaissance Determine the reading level screening K-3 Phonemic awareness, Norm-reference Learning of each student, measure phonics, fluency, individual and class growth, progress monitoring vocabulary, STAR Reading and forecast results on benchmark comprehension standardized tests

Rigby technology-assisted benchmark K-3 Phonemic awareness, Placement — each student's individual benchmark reading phonics, fluency, reading level for initial instruction eAssessment assessment system progress monitoring vocabulary, comprehension Diagnostic — a five-pillar diagnostic that monitors progress required to diagnostic pinpoints strengths and development meet national goals for K-3 areas in comprehension, phonics, reading competency phonemic awareness, fluency, and vocabulary

KY Department of Education 2010 Reading Assessments-Early Literacy

Rigby The mCLASS Reading 3D benchmark K-4 Early Literacy Diagnostic See website for further details solution features a set of Reading Record mClass Reading more than 40 acclaimed diagnostic assessment and the 3D Rigby books for use with Knowledge of Print benchmark Early Literacy Diagnostic Reading Record assessment and the Knowledge of Print Measure.

Rigby PM A system of leveled fiction benchmark K-5 Phonemic awareness, See website for further details Benchmark Kits and nonfiction test to assess phonics, fluency, each student’s reading level. vocabulary, Field tested with students comprehension and effective for student placement and assessment.

ThinkLink The ThinkLink Learning benchmark K-3 A combination of Class Summary with results for the entire Predictive Assessment Series reading, writing, class. utilizes a scientific approach diagnostic phonics and word study that matches diagnostic Student Report provides mastery level by assessments to each state's Emphasis on objective for every student. high-stakes test. It predicts comprehending strategies Objective Report provides an item student proficiency, mastery, analysis showing the difficulty level of and AYP performance. Attention to the each item as well as the state CRT and features of nonfiction national NRT objective and sub-skill. and fiction texts Student Subskill Report shows mastered Specific work on subskills as defined by each state. sounds, letters, and words in activities Answers Report details the answer for designed to help KY Department of Education 2010 Reading Assessments-Early Literacy

children notice the every item for every student. details of written language and learn how Student proficiency levels match the words “work” state's cut-offs defined in the No Child Left Behind state plan identifying the Help for students in state-specific proficiency levels. expanding their vocabularies Comparison Report shows the progress by objective over the course of the year. Explicit teaching for fluent and phrased Grade-wide summary is provided for each reading grade tested in the school.

Opportunities to write Individual Student report is designed to about reading to learn a encourage student and parent variety of writing involvement strategies

T PRO The Test of Primary Reading diagnostic K-3 Phonemic awareness, Provides baseline Outcomes (T-PRO) is a phonics, fluency, diagnostic and outcomes progress monitoring vocabulary, measure that will provide outcome comprehension school personnel with a baseline assessment of and feedback regarding students’ strengths and weaknesses in reading. T-PRO helps teachers monitor progress and provide early intervention to struggling readers by targeting skills needing extra attention.

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