Sub Lesson Plans
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Sub Lesson Plans Date January 24, 2006
8:20-8:50 Students will enter the room. On the board write the following message for them to follow. Make sure to get homework from Mrs. Nelson to write on the homework board at the front of the room on the white board. Good Morning! 1. Unpack. Turn in homework. Turned any signed papers into front table. 2. Sharpen two pencils 3. Get a DEAR time book 4. Write down homework. 5. Morning Work- Check with Mrs. Nelson
8:50- 9:00 Announcements, Pledge, take lunch count on green form and attendance on yellow form. Check the sub folder in the gray box by the door (green folder I think).
9:00-9:15 Check morning work
9:15-9:55 Specials: PE
9:55-10:05 Bathroom Break in the Third Grade Hall
10:05-10:20 Spelling I can’t remember this exact lesson- I know it is in my lesson plan. It is Unit 11 and the students will be working with a sentence and then using it as a story prompt.
10:25-11:15 Writing Ask students complete their final drafts of their If I Were in Charge of the World poems. Students will use the white computer paper and lined paper papered clipped together. They know this procedure and will know what to due. Make sure to let them know drafts are dude TOMORROW morning. They will be typing them and if they aren’t finished with a final draft, they can’t TYPE! On my overhead there will be a stack of papers about this poem- individual copies of the poem for students and an overhead. Please put up the overhead.
11:15-11:40- Reading I told the kids about this yesterday. They will be breaking into pairs of two and will be completing a plot chart about a picture book of their choice. I have already modeled with them 2-3 times on how this is done and now they may do it with a partner of their choice. 1. Have students choose partners- 2 kids for each group if possible 2. Students choose a picture book. I have pulled a stack form the library of my favorite story books. They can choose one of these stories OR a picture book from the class library. Make sure they know it needs to be a fictional story- not nonfiction!!! 3. Each person is responsible for copying down the chart! Each student will need a sheet of paper. On the overhead there is an orange folder labeled plot. In the folder you will find an overhead example (The Rainbow Fish)of a plot chart. Please put this up for the students. You will also find copies of the plot chart for the students.
11:40-11:50 Read aloud The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe.
11:50-11:55 Call students by table to go to their cubbies.
11:55 Line students up. Students line up to switch back to Ms. Nelson. My homeroom will come in.
11:55-12:15 Spelling I can’t remember this exact lesson- I know it is in my lesson plan. It is Unit 11 and the students will be working with a sentence and then using it as a story prompt.
12:18-12:48 Lunch
12:48-12:50 Bathroom Break by the cafeteria
12:50-1:30 Recess
1:30-1:45 DEAR Time Reading 1:45-2:20 Reading I told the kids about this yesterday. They will be breaking into pairs of two and will be completing a plot chart about a picture book of their choice. I have already modeled with them 2-3 times on how this is done and now they may do it with a partner of their choice. 1. Have students choose partners- 2 kids for each group if possible 2. Students choose a picture book. I have pulled a stack form the library of my favorite story books. They can choose one of these stories OR a picture book from the class library. Make sure they know it needs to be a fictional story- not nonfiction!!! 3. Each person is responsible for copying down the chart! Each student will need a sheet of paper. On the overhead there is an orange folder labeled plot. In the folder you will find an overhead example (The Rainbow Fish)of a plot chart. Please put this up for the students. You will also find copies of the plot chart for the students.
2:20-2:30 Read aloud The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe.
2:30 -3:08 Writing Ask students complete their final drafts of their If I Were in Charge of the World poems. Students will use the white computer paper and lined paper papered clipped together. They know this procedure and will know what to due. Make sure to let them know drafts are dude TOMORROW morning. They will be typing them and if they aren’t finished with a final draft, they can’t TYPE! On my overhead there will be a stack of papers about this poem- individual copies of the poem for students and an overhead. Please put up the overhead.
3:10 Line up for to switch back
3:05-3:15 Pack Up. I call students table by table to pack up. Each table is given a “day” to go first. Table 1= Mondays Table 2= Tuesdays Table 3= Wednesday Table 4= Thursday Table 5= Fridays 3:15 Bell After the second busload I have students stack chairs. Then I play magic trash. This is an easy game. I look for a piece of trash on the floor, or shelf or a messy area in the room and then announce to the class “I see _____ pieces of magic trash.” Watch to see who picks it up and then they get to pick one piece of candy from the candy box (on top of the bookshelf next to my desk).
IF YOU NEED MORE TO DO.... Ask students to take out their Red hardback anthology reading books. Ask students to turn to page 535. Introduce the vocabulary on the bottom of the page. Complete the Preview and Predict as well as the Set Purposes Read aloud the paragraph. You might want to mention Ellis Island in New York. Students will have info to share here from personal experiences. Ask students what they notice about the graph. Have students answer these questions independently on own paper about the graph and then check the answers together. Answers and notes in italics. 1. What does the orange bar represent? 500, 000 immigrants 2. What time period does this graph describe? 1870-1920 3. What port of entry did the most immigrants travel through? What port did the least? This question will confuse them because I didn’t “finish” the second question. However I did this on purpose because test questions look like this. Most= New York, Least= Falmouth and Portland 4. What region did most immigrants travel through? Tell them to think about the compass rose when they think of region. Northeast
Stuff to Know:
Tickets: Students earn tickets for good behaviors. On Fridays we have cash out where they can buy things like homework passes, candy and treasure box. Please feel free to give out to students who have good behavior. Tickets are in the blue clay pot on my desk.
Guests in the Classroom: I have a rule about guests (i.e. Substitutes) in the classroom that students know. If students do not behavior for a sub they get twice the punishment I would normally give when I get back. However, if they are good, they get twice the reward when I get back. Feel free to remind them of this!!!
Good helpers: Rachel C. and Courtney S.
Clips: At the front of the room there is a big laminated sheet of paper like a stoplight. If students are misbehaving, move their clip. They lose recess for every clip moved (see the stoplight).
Lining up: They will line up in number order. They know this but will need to be reminded.
Please leave a note to let me know how well they did!
Mandy Gregory
Date: ______
Dear Mrs. Gregory, My day was ______.
These students were VERY helpful: ______
These students were absent: ______
These students were tardy: ______
Problems I had and what we did to resolve the problem: ______
This is what we did today: ______
Comments: ______
______Substitute Teacher