The National Association of Negro Business and Professional Women’s Clubs, Inc. South Central District BETA PSI CLUB OF THE YEAR Nomination Form

Please provide information for current club year. Club: President: Advisor: Address: Telephone: Email Address: Program Participation [Indicate mm/dd/yy that programs were held or date planned. Attach Program outline and only 1 piece of documentation per program. (Photographs are not acceptable.] Involvement: Membership: Political Awareness: Activism: Commitment: Technology: National/District Projects: Ye No District Activities: (Check Yes/No to indicate if you had representatives present or have registered s to participate.) Banner Parade: Program Showcase Youth/Beta Psi Conference Essay Contest Spoken Word National Convention (end of previous club year)

Please return by December 15 to: Verna Wilson Williams, Youth Leader Email: [email protected] Phone: 214/668-0806 c

Finance Verification: Name: Signature: Awards Chairperson: ______Signature______

Created 09/2017