Clemmons Middle School Parent Information Guide 2010-2011

Buses begin to unload at 7:00 Students having breakfast should report directly to the cafeteria prior to going to homeroom. Students not having breakfast report directly to homeroom. First Bell is at 7:20 School officially begins at 7:25. Students arriving after 7:25 will be marked tardy by their homeroom teacher. Students arriving after 7:30 will check in the main office and receive a tardy slip that will be given to the homeroom teacher to be filed. Announcements will begin at 7:30 ALL BOOKBAGS AND HEAVY COATS ARE TO BE IN LOCKERS. Students are encouraged to stand and participate in the Pledge of Allegiance. Classrooms are expected to be quiet during the moment of silence as well as during the announcements. When a student returns from an absence, they should submit a note to their homeroom teacher.


Students are assigned to their classes. When a class is full, students will be assigned another class. Encore classes meet every day for 45 minutes on a rotating A/B schedule. The exception being 8th grade band and orchestra – they meet every day. All students are assigned to PE and are required to dress out every day.


All students are assigned to specific teams. Each team and hall will determine specific restroom breaks and times. Please submit a note to your homeroom teachers if other requirements need to be met.


The policy will be reviewed the first day of school and a copy will be sent home in the Open House packet.


Students may carry cell phones, but they cannot be visible or on. If a cell phone is confiscated, label it with the students name and room number and bring it to the office as soon as possible to be logged in and stored in a safe location.

Sailing Towards Perfection Page 1 PARENT COMMUNICATION

We will have Wednesday Packets. The first one will go out on the first day of school. The first one is free - replacement cost: $1.00. We DO NOT have individual School Agendas for students this year. As organizational skills are typically lacking in middle school students, we encourage you to purchase a planner for your child. CORE Class Progress reports go out every 3 weeks and ENCORE once per quarter. Parents will have access to parent assist and will be able to review grades daily.


The counseling center is available for students. Mrs. Vest and Mrs. Pardue are available to assist you with any questions or concerns. Please call the counseling office for an appointment. The school social worker will contact parents regarding excessive absences.


Teachers will take students to the media center to check out books. The Media Center is open at 7:00. Students, who have the appropriate pass, may check out books at that time. Books are checked out for a two week period.


Students are to walk on the right side of the hall at all times. No running or playing in the hall. Bullying will not be tolerated. Students will be supervised in the hall at all times.


All students will address adult as Mr. or Ms. If a student is leaving for the day, a parent must sign student out. Students are expected to behave appropriately at all times. Students need to realize that any adult in the building can speak to them when behavior is inappropriate. We want all students in class; however, continuous inappropriate behavior will result in an office referral. An assignment to In-School Suspension or Out-of-School Suspension may occur.


All medications must be administered from the office and must have proper medical forms from the doctor. Students are allowed to carry their inhaler, EPI-pen or insulin shots, but proper documentation must be in the office. Medications must be in appropriate containers. No over the counter medications are to be taken without a note from parent and it must be stored in the main office.

Sailing Towards Perfection Page 2 FEES

You may write a check for $4.00 which would include the locker fee and PE fee. Locker - $.50 PE - $3.50 A separate check should be made for the PE uniforms which are purchased through the PE department. Shorts are $9.00; Shirts are $6.00. Total uniform is $15.00. Please make checks payable to Clemmons Middle School.

FISH! Philosophy

CMS embraces the FISH Philosophy and its components: Be There, Make Their Day, Choose your Attitude and Play.

The Fish Philosophy allows us to: · Create effective relationships with students that inspire them to want to be their best. · Develop clear expectations that are shared and owned by everyone in the classroom. · Build a trusting environment in which everyone feels emotionally safe and ready to learn. · Guide students to examine their behavior when it doesn’t work and to take responsibility for more successful choices.

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