Rules SEM project grading rubric

Projects are expected to show a clear and accurate understanding of the novel and all of its components. Your project should be colorful (if applicable), neat, with correct grammar and spelling in all writing. Your project should also be creative and appealing for others to look at (if applicable). If you have any questions or need clarification about your project or this rubric, please speak with Mrs. Simpson.

Understanding of novel Student’s project indicates Student’s project indicates Student’s project indicates Student’s project does not a clear and accurate a mostly clear and an unclear and inaccurate indicate a clear and understanding of the novel accurate understanding of understanding of the novel accurate understanding of and all of its components the novel and most of its and most of its the novel and all of its (including characters, components (including components (including components (including main ideas, events, etc.) characters, main ideas, characters, main ideas, characters, main ideas, events, etc.) events, etc.) events, etc.) Neatness Student’s project is Student’s project is Student’s project is Student’s project is not constructed neatly. constructed neatly. constructed somewhat constructed neatly. Handwriting (if Handwriting (if neatly. Handwriting (if Handwriting (if applicable) is very neat, applicable) is legible, but applicable) is mostly applicable) is illegible, there are no spelling or there are some spelling or legible, and there are some and there are many grammatical errors. grammatical errors. spelling or grammatical spelling or grammatical Project is easy to read and Project is mostly easy to errors. Project requires errors. Project requires a understand. read and understand. effort to read and lot of effort to read and understand. understand. Creativity Student’s project is Student’s project is Student’s project is Student’s project is not constructed in a creative constructed in a mostly constructed in a somewhat constructed in a creative way. It is colorful and creative way. It is creative way. It is way. It lacks color and is aesthetically appealing. somewhat colorful and somewhat colorful and a not aesthetically mostly aesthetically little aesthetically appealing. appealing. appealing. Category 4 3 2 1