MORELAND CLC Volunteer Application Information Form

What does the Moreland CLC do? The Moreland CLC, like most CLC’s, provides services to the community in three broad areas:

Legal Services: Advice and/or referral, casework, representation at court, and general assistance with legal and financial counselling problems. Legal Education: Talks and classes on areas of the law, production of legal information, training workers and/or residents on areas of law, training of volunteers, inputting into a range of community based activities and groups, and a range of other innovative projects to get the message across. Law Reform: Responding to and initiating activities on behalf of, and with, the community, with the aim of changing unjust and restrictive laws that disadvantage community members.

The Moreland CLC not only provides generalist legal services but also financial counselling.

How can Volunteers participate in the Moreland CLC? The Moreland CLC is a non-hierarchical organisation relying heavily on its small but strong volunteer base. Volunteers come to our service with a range of skills and experiences. The staff and Committee of Management are committed to ensuring that volunteers are provided with adequate support responsive to their needs, feedback, training in areas of interest, and a comfortable and secure working environment.

The Moreland CLC encourages volunteers to:  Become aware of the different cultural values within our community  Employ community development skills i.e. in certain cases empowering clients to act on their own behalf  Develop links with other community organisations  Become involved in any campaigns or community development projects our centre is engaged in

Areas of Volunteering Volunteers may select an area in which they would like to volunteer, however staff will also provide some guidance as to their suitability. Areas available are:

 Legal  Night Service - Legally qualified volunteer - Experienced but not legally qualified volunteer - Law students volunteer

 Day Volunteer - Casework Assistant - Reception – admin duties - Policy/Law Reform Volunteer - Law students volunteer - CD/Social/Youth Work students

Application Form: October 2007 MORELAND CLC Recruitment criteria

The Moreland CLC endeavours to recruit local volunteers and volunteers who are fluent in more than one language, however these are not essential requirements. Essential requirements are:

 A minimum time commitment of either:

 One shift per week for example day volunteers’ morning shifts 9 – 1pm OR Afternoon Shift 2 – 5pm.  Evening volunteers once a week, fortnightly or monthly 6 – 8.30pm  Volunteers may wish to do an evening and day shift.  Or as negotiated with the staff members

The minimum time commitment may be flexible depending on the individual’s skills, other commitments, and proposed role.

 Commitment to community development and the aims of not-for-profit community organisations  Experience in some aspect of the organisation (administrative tasks, community development or education, legal advice, casework etc.)  Acceptance of the relevant roles and responsibilities associated with volunteer work  Ability to work effectively as part of a team and make a positive contribution to the centre

The Recruitment Process

Upon applying for a volunteer position at the Moreland, applicants are required to:  Submit an application form, resume and any other supporting documentation  Attend an interview to discuss the mutual benefits that may be achieved  When commencing, sign confidentiality agreement, attend a general training session with other volunteers as required.  Attend a specialist training session with your supervisor according to the position undertaken  Spend time observing practices and being oriented to the office according to the requirements of the position (volunteers will be advised of the time required in their interview)

If you require more information about our service before completing your application form or prior to the induction interview, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Application Form: October 2007 MORELAND CLC Volunteer Application Form

Name: Address: Postcode: Phone No: (H) (W) (Mob)

Email Address: ______


Course Year /Institution ______

Articled Clerk Where? ______

Other please specify ______

Is volunteering a requirement for one of your subjects? Yes / No If yes, please inform staff whether volunteering is a requirement for you to pass this subject before you commence at the service. Are you looking to volunteer because it is a Centrelink requirement (i.e. Work-for-the-dole)? Yes / No Do you have your own car? Yes / No

Area of expertise or special interest ______

LAWYER - Legal Experience (To volunteer as a lawyer you must be admitted as a Barrister & Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Victoria, and have six months experience in a legal role and hold a current practising certificate).

Do you hold a current Practising Certificate? Yes / No If yes please provide a copy

Date of admission______

Which law firm or government authority are you currently employed by? ______

Areas of speciality (eg. Family Law, Criminal, Clerical):

What other legal experience do you have?

Administrative Experience What experience do you have in the administration of a legal or office environment?

Have you worked/volunteered at another legal service?

Application Form: October 2007 MORELAND CLC Other Relevant Experience Do you have any other relevant experience, for example, in community development, community legal education, or policy and project work?

General Information What, if any, language do you speak other than English? ______

Why do you want to be a volunteer at Moreland CLC?

Please provide the names and phone numbers of two referees:

AVAILABILITY We hold a Monday Night Service and Daytime volunteer sessions the centre is closed during all public holidays.

Monday Evenings Weekly Fortnightly Monthly Other

(6.15pm – 8.30pm):

Day Time Weekly Fortnightly Monthly Other am or pm am or pm am or pm

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Are you willing and available to be placed on an emergency contact roster, to volunteer at short notice? Yes No

Do you wish us to hold your personal details on file? Yes No

Any questions or comments?

Application Form: October 2007 MORELAND CLC

CHECK LIST (Office use only)

Attendance Details: (eg day am/pm or evening) ______

Volunteer Confidentiality Agreement Returned Membership Form Returned  Yes Copy of Admission &/or Practising Certificate Returned  Yes Confidentiality Agreement Returned  Yes Induction Undertaken Date: ______Training Completed Date: ______

Notes: (Internal Use Only):





OFFICE USE ONLY: Date Completed: Date Approved: Staff Member Initials.

Application Form: October 2007