Reading Guide Chapter 17: Manifest Destiny and Its Legacy (1841-1848)

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Reading Guide Chapter 17: Manifest Destiny and Its Legacy (1841-1848)


Reading Guide Chapter 17: Manifest Destiny and Its Legacy (1841-1848)

The Accession of “Tyler Too” 1. How were Clay and Webster foiled in their attempt to run Harrison’s presidency?

2. Tyler was a Whig in name only. Explain.

John Tyler: A President without a Party 3. What specific acts did Tyler do to upset the Whig extremists of his party?

A War of Words with Britain 4. What fueled the “Third War with England”?

5. What happened to the Caroline and to the Creole and how do they add to British-US tensions?

Manipulating the Maine Maps Know: Webster-Ashburton Treaty 6. What was the “Aroostook War” all about and what ends the controversy?

The Lone Star of Texas Shines Alone 7. What is Mexico’s opinion of the Lone Star Republic?

8. Why did Britain support an independent Texas?

The Belated Texas Nuptials 9. Why was Texas formally invited to become the 28th state by joint resolution and not by treaty?

10. What was the advantage in gaining Texas? Oregon Fever Populates Oregon 11. What were the British and American claims to Oregon?

A Mandate (?) for Manifest Destiny Know: “54 40’ or fight” 12. Who were the two major candidates and their parties for the election of 1844?

13. What is manifest destiny?

14. What is a “dark horse” candidate?

Polk the Purposeful 15. List and explain the first two and 4th points of Polk’s presidential plan.

Misunderstandings with Mexico 16. Who owned California in 1845 and who lived there?

17. What was the boundary dispute between Texas and Mexico?

18. How much was President Polk willing to pay for California?

American Blood on American (?) Soil 19. Polk’s war message to Congress declares that despite “all our efforts” to avoid a clash there had been the shedding of “American blood upon the American soil”. Is this statement true? Defend your answer.

The Mastering of Mexico Know: California Bear Republic, John C. Fremont 20. Summarize the Mexican-American War and the major leaders of the war (both sides). Fighting Mexico for Peace 21. What were the terms of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (1848)?

22. How much did Polk arrange to pay Mexico after the war was over and what is intriguing about the amount?

Profit and Loss in Mexico Know: Wilmot Priviso 23. What did the U.S. gain from the war in Mexico, besides territory?

24. How did the War with Mexico influence relations between the United States and Latin America as a whole?

25. How did the debate over slavery intensify after the war? Reading Guide Chapter 18: Renewing the Sectional Struggle

The Popular Sovereignty Panacea 1. What was one advantage and one disadvantage of the idea of popular sovereignty in regard to slavery?

Popular Triumphs for General Taylor 2. What were the issues and the types of people in the Free Soil party?

3. Explain the Free Soil party slogan “Free soil, free speech, free labor and free men.”

4. Who wins the election of 1848 and what party does he represent?

“ Californy Gold” Know: California Gold Rush 5. Who is coming to California and why are they coming in such large numbers?

6. What was unusual about California’s request for statehood and why was it necessary?

Sectional Balance and the Underground Railroad 7. Why is the South worried in 1850?

8. Texas has another border dispute in 1850—what is it?

9. What did the South want to answer for the Underground Railroad?

Twilight of the Senatorial Giants 10. Summarize the views and contributions of each of the following in the great Senate debate of 1850.  Henry Clay

 John C. Calhoun  Daniel Webster

Deadlock and Danger on Capitol Hill 11. Summarize the views of William H. Seward

Breaking the Congressional Logjam 12. How did President Taylor and President Fillmore differ in their views of the 1850 debate?

13. What did the North and South each win in the Compromise of 1850?

Balancing the Compromise Scales 14. Describe the provisions of and the reaction to the Fugitive Slave Law of 1850.

15. In what way did the Compromise of 1850 win the Civil War for the union?

Defeat and Doom for the Whigs 16. Who were the candidates in 1852? What helped the democrats win and what was the significance of the election?

Expanionist Stirrings South of the Border Know: Clayton-Bulwer Treaty, Ostend Manifesto 17. How did an agreement between Columbia and the US help avoid conflict with Great Britain? 18. Why did the South look toward Nicaragua and why did that fail?

19. What was so appealing about Cuba? What was the plan to gain Cuba and why did it fail

The Allure of Asia 20. What promoted the US to send Cushing to negotiate with China and what were the results?

21. Where was commodore Matthew C. Perry sent, and what was the result?

Pacific Railroad Promoters and the Gadsen Purchase 22. Why, When and How did we buy the Gadsen Purchase?

Douglas’s Kansas-Nebraska Scheme 23. Why did Stephen Douglas push so adamantly for passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

Congress Legislates a Civil War 24. What were the provisions of the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

25. Read the quote on page 397 by Charles Sumner and explain what he is saying and why the book calls it “prophetic”.

26. What political party emerges because of the Kansas-Nebraska Act? Reading Guide Chapter 19: Drifting Toward Disunion (1854-1861)

Stowe and Helper: Literary Incendiaries 1. What role did Harriet Beecher Stowe’s novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin have in the Civil War?

2. In what ways was The Impending Crisis of the South fuel the same fire but with different results?

The North-South Contest for Kansas Know: Beecher’s Bibles 3. Who moves to Kansas and why are two governments set up in the territory?

Kansas in Convulsion 4. Who is John Brown and what does he do to avenge the burning of Lawrence, KS?

5. Explain the Lecompton Constitution and its role in the splitting of the Democrats.

“ Bully” Brooks and His Bludgeon Know: Charles Sumner & Preston Brooks 6. Who are the characters in the “Bleeding Kansas” that happens on the floor of Congress.

“ Old Buck” Versus “The Pathfinder” 7. What is the Know-Nothing party and what role do they play in the election of 1856?

The Electoral Fruits of 1856 8. Who wins the election of 1856 and why was that fortunate for the union?

The Dred Scott Bombshell 9. Explain issue, the decision and the impact of the Dred Scott v. Stanford (1857) case. The Financial Crash of 1857 10. The Panic of 1857 hurt the North more…why?

11. What two issues emerged from the crash for the republicans?

An Illinois Rail-Splitter Emerges 12. Summarize the background of Lincoln.

The Great Debate: Lincoln Versus Douglas 13. What was the Freeport Doctrine?

14. What was the significance of the Lincoln-Douglas debates?

15. Read the quote by Lincoln on page 410. Were you aware of his views on race before reading this? Does it change what he accomplished during the Civil War?

John Brown: Murderer or Martyr? Know: Harpers Ferry 16. Which label of John Brown is the most accurate?

17. What was the impact of Brown’s death?

The Disruption of the Democrats 18. Why do the Democrats end up with two presidential candidates in 1860?

19. Who makes up the Constitutional Union Party and who is their candidate?

A Rail-Splitter Splits the Union 20. What is the Republican Party platform in 1860? 21. List the four candidates for President in 1860 including their party, the popular vote %, and the Electoral College results % and actual numbers. Be sure to look at the chart and the map.

The Electoral Upheaval of 1860 22. In what way was Lincoln a minority president?

23. What were the rest of the results of the election of 1860 (where is political power)?

24. What state is the first to secede and when do they go?

The Collapse of Compromise 25. What was the idea behind Crittenden amendments and why does Lincoln reject them?

The Secessionist Exodus 26. What is the name of the southern government and who is chosen as President?

27. Read the quotes on pages 416 and 417 and summarize the argument in allowing the Southern states to leave the union.

Farewell to the Union 28. Summarize the views of the south in justifying their departure. Reading Guide Chapter 20: Girding for War: The North and the South (1861-1865)

The Menace of Secession 1. How did Europe feel about the dis-united states?

South Carolina Assails Fort Sumter 2. List at least 4 significance consequences of events at Fort Sumter.

Brothers’ Blood and Border Blood 3. Explain the significance of the Border States.

4. Why did Lincoln not champion emancipation earlier in the war?

5. What side did Native Americans take in the Civil War?

The Balance of Forces Know: Confederate States of America (which states) 6. List the advantages and disadvantages of the North and the South. Dethroning King Cotton 6. How was King Cotton dethroned and who took his place?

The Decisiveness of Diplomacy 7. What happened in the Trent Affair?

8. What role did the warship Alabama play in the war?

Foreign Flare-ups 9. In what way was Canada strengthened by the US Civil War?

10. What gamble did France take during the war?

President Davis Versus President Lincoln 11. Compare President Lincoln and President Davis as presidents.

Limitations on Wartime Liberties Know: writ of habeas corpus 12. In what ways did President Lincoln act unconstitutionally?

Volunteers and Draftees: North and South New York Draft Riots, Conscription 13. How was the draft unfair in the both the North and the South? 14. How was the draft received in the Democratic strongholds of the North?

The Economic Stresses of War Know: Greenbacks 15. What kind of tax was levied for the first time during the Civil War?

16. How did the North help finance the war?

16. The National Banking system was replaced by what current day system?

The North’s Economic Boom Know: Elizabeth Blackwell, Clara Barton 17. What economic “booms” did the North receive because of the war?

18. What role did women play in the Civil War?

A Crushed Cotton Kingdom 18. How did the south economically lose the war? Reading Guide Chapter 21: The Furnace of the Civil War (1861-1865)

1. What did Lincoln say his intentions were towards slavery at the beginning of the war?

Bull Run Ends the “Ninety-Day War” 2. What was the significance of the Battle of Bull Run (Manasses Junction)?

“ Tardy George” McClellan and the Peninsula Campaign 3. Why did the union lose the Peninsula Campaign?

4. How did the union loss in the Peninsula Campaign change the nature of the war?

The War at Sea Know: The Merrimack, the Monitor 4. What was the purpose of the blockade and why did Britain support it?

The Pivotal Point: Antietam Know: Second Battle of Bull Run 5. Describe the significance of the Battle of Antietam.

6. How did the Emancipation proclamation change the war?

A Proclamation Without Emancipation Know: 13th amendment, Emancipation proclamation 6. What slaves were freed with the proclamation?

8. What were some of the effects of the proclamation?

8. What was the public response to the proclamation in both the North and the South? Blacks Battle Bondage 9. Why did the north hesitate to use black soldiers?

10. How did black soldiers perform in the war?

10. How did the CSA use black men during the war?

13. What role did southern black play in helping the north?

Lee’s Last Lunge at Gettysburg Know: Gettysburg address 11. Describe the battle and impact of Gettysburg including the roles of Robert E. Lee, “Stonewall” Jackson and “Pickett’s charge”.

The War in the West Know: Shiloh, Vicksburg 12. Describe the war in the West paying particular attention to the role of Ulysses S. Grant.

Sheman Scorches Georgia Know: William Tecumseh Shermanm, total war 13. Describe Sherman’s March.

The Politics of War 13. Who was unhappy with Lincoln in 1864?

14. Who were the Copperheads and what role did they play in the war? The Election of 1864 Know: Union Party 15. Why did Lincoln and Johnson not run as Republicans in the Election of 1864?

16. What helped Lincoln win his 2nd term?

Grant Outlasts Lee Know: Wilderness Campaign, Appomattox Courthouse 16. How did General Grant outlast General Robert E. Lee?

17. What aspect of the end of the war impressed you the most?

The Martyrdom of Lincoln 17. What was the impact of Lincolns’ assassination on the South?

The Aftermath of the Nightmare 18. List the 5 most important results or consequences of the Civil War (in your opinion)—be sure to read page Varying Viewpoints as well. Be ready to defend your 5. Reading Guide Chapter 22: The Ordeal of Reconstruction (1865-1877)

The Problems of Peace 1. Describe the devastation of the South after the war.

Freedmen Define Freedom 2. Give five specific examples from the book that showed the varied response in the south to the emancipation of blacks.

3. What role did church’s play in the lives of freed blacks?

The Freedmen’s Bureau 4. Describe the role of the Freedman’s Bureau, including how President Johnson felt about the bureau.

Johnson: The Tailor President 5. Describe the man Andrew Johnson.

Presidential Reconstruction 5. How did Lincoln’s 10% plan and the Wade-Davis bill differ? Be sure to include the reasons behind each.

6. What courses did Johnson support and how did that show the split in the Republican Party?

The Baleful Black Codes 7. What were the black codes? Describe some of the actual codes.

8. Your book asks the question—“had the North really won the war”? In what ways did it seem as if the North had lost? Congressional Reconstruction 9. Why were the Republicans so angry at the Southern Congressman and the irony of representation that they presented?

Johnson Clashes with Congress 9. Why did Republicans in Congress need the 14th amendment even though they had passed the Civil Rights Bill in 1866 over President Johnson’s veto?

14. What are the provisions of the 14th amendment?

Swinging ‘Round the Circle with Johnson 15. How did Johnson manage to hurt the cause he was trying to help?

Republican Principles and Programs Know: Thaddeus Stevens, Radical Republicans 10. How did the congressional election of 1866 effect reconstruction in the South?

Reconstruction by the Sword Know: Reconstruction Act, Ex parte Milligan, Redeemers 12. Explain the military reconstruction of the South.

No Women Voters 13. Why were women shocked and disappointed by the 14th & 15th amendments?—be specific The Realities of Radical Reconstruction in the South Know: Union League, scalawags, carpetbaggers 14. How was the 15th amendment radical for both the South and the North?

15. How did black men and women react politically to their new freedom?

16. How did white men take advantage of the situation in the south?

17. What were the positive outcomes of reconstruction?

The Ku Klux Klan Know: Force Acts 15. What was the Invisible Empire and what role did they play in keeping the franchise from blacks.

Johnson Walks the Impeachment Plank 16. On what grounds was President Johnson impeached?

A Not-Guilty Verdict for Johnson 17. Why was Johnson not removed from office?

The Purchase of Alaska Know: Seward’s Folly 18. Explain the details of the purchase of Alaska.

The Heritage of Reconstruction 19. The last line of chapter 22 says “Despite good intentions by Republicans, the Old South was in many ways more resurrected than reconstructed”. What does that mean and why is that true?

20. There are four views of reconstruction in the Varying Viewpoints at the end of the chapter. Briefly summarize each on a separate piece of paper.

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