APAC Proposal Form Collaborative Programmes

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APAC Proposal Form Collaborative Programmes

Academic Provision Approvals Committee proposal form - Collaborative programmes Appendix 2b

Middlesex University

Academic Quality Service

APAC proposal form – Collaborative programmes


Partner Name Is Partnership New or Existing to MU? Institutional Approval Yes/No required Named Entry award(s) Award e.g. Programme Title e.g. Marketing i.e. what do students BSc enrol onto – MSc OR PG Dip OR PG Cert or MSc only? Named Exit award(s) i.e. what named awards can students exit with? Type of collaborative Please tick box as appropriate programme Franchised Joint Validated Collaborative Research Lead MU Faculty

Collaborating MU Faculty

Please limit each answer below to 1 - 2 paragraphs

Rationale for why the programme is being developed

Target audience

Evidence of progression opportunities post graduation

Delivery method – please confirm if the programme runs via Distance Learning

Additional resources required

http://www.mdx.ac.uk/about-us/policies/academic-quality/handbook/ updated 27/2/18 2017/18 1 Academic Provision Approvals Committee proposal form - Collaborative programmes Appendix 2b 1. Programme Information a) Study Mode(s) b) Length of c) Date of first/next d) Other e) Study site(s) (FT/PT/TKSW) (and Programme intake and intakes for each Programme Title if (please ensure all term(s) of intake (please programme more than one) study modes are e.g. Autumn specify) listed) 2018/19

f) If validated, is this a Dual award? If so, please provide relevant documentation e) Is this an application Please tick box(es) below as appropriate for: Validation Review Request for run at additional (existing) site Request for run at New Other – please proposed new site mode of specify delivery f) Institution Link Tutor name g) MU Link Tutor name h) MU Director of Programmes i) MU Department j) Does this Yes/No programme replace any other programmes (including reviews)? k) If yes to the above Yes/No question, the proposer confirms that all affected students were consulted and agree to this change l) Additionally, please Date of last recruitment Targets for Targets for proposed complete this section existing programme programme Existing Programme title(s) and code: m)What are the arrangements for students on the existing programme http://www.mdx.ac.uk/about-us/policies/academic-quality/handbook/ updated 27/2/18 2017/18 2 Academic Provision Approvals Committee proposal form - Collaborative programmes Appendix 2b i.e. will they transfer to this programme or phase out on the existing programme? n) Date of event o) Length of event Number of programmes Number of EAs being considered at event proposed p) Location of event q) Combined IA visit Yes/No r) Please provide full name of PSRB if appropriate s) Is this a joint (Re-) Accreditation event with a PSRB? t) New qualification Yes/No required e.g. ‘DCPsych’? u) Language(s) of tuition v) In-country approval Yes/No required w) Are Articulation Yes/No Agreements If yes, for top-ups, will a new/existing Articulation Agreement be involved? involved?

2. Module information Module Title Module F Yea Com Cr Will N Stud Code H r of puls ed this e y E stu ory it modul w site Q dy or p e be m (incl e.g. optio oi consi o udin L Yr nal nt dered d g e 1, s at this ul Bloc v Yr event e k) or e 2 ? DL l Yes/No Y/N

a) If any of these modules are shared with other programmes, please indicate which modules and programmes by completing the following: Programme code Programme title Module code Module title

b) Modules to be deleted from this programme only http://www.mdx.ac.uk/about-us/policies/academic-quality/handbook/ updated 27/2/18 2017/18 3 Academic Provision Approvals Committee proposal form - Collaborative programmes Appendix 2b Module title Module code Last run e.g. 2017/18

c) Modules to be deleted from module stock entirely

Module title Module code Last run e.g. 2017/18

3. Please include a diagram of the programme structure for all modes of study e.g. FT and PT including placements

a) Total credits required for the programme by Level Total credits Level 4 Total credits Level 5 Total credits Level 6 Total credits Level 7 b) Total credits required for the programme by year Total credits Year 1 Total credits Year 2 Total credits Year 3 Total credits Year 4

4. Resources a) Are any additional resources required either at the Partner or MU? If yes, please specify e.g. additional teaching resources at the partners or more cognate/subject staff at MU? * If yes to additional MU resourcing, please note that University Executive signature is required b) For UK partnerships, do you wish to Yes/No recruit international (non-EEA) students.

NB: If yes, this must be considered and approved by the University - please provide details of your current Tier 4 sponsorship status to Academic http://www.mdx.ac.uk/about-us/policies/academic-quality/handbook/ updated 27/2/18 2017/18 4 Academic Provision Approvals Committee proposal form - Collaborative programmes Appendix 2b Partnerships. b) For UK partnerships please confirm if Yes/No you have SLC (Student Loan Company) approval and receive student numbers from BIS. If yes please indicate the current allowance.

5. JACS code(s) Code % split Principal JACS code JACS code 2 JACS code 3

*JACS codes indicate the subject(s) of study. Where the programme covers more than one subject give the JACS code for each area and indicate the split between the JACS codes. A full list of JACS codes is available at https://www.hesa.ac.uk/jacs3

6. Target numbers for each programme a) Insert Year 1 Actual Academic Year Student numbers - FT Student numbers - PT Student numbers for last 5 years for each programme (Reviews only). b) Insert Year 1 Target Academic Year Student numbers - FT Student numbers - PT Student numbers for next 6 years for each programme.

7. Regulations a) Are Academic misconduct cases submitted to Middlesex University YES/NO under its regulations?

It is expected that partners will normally adopt Middlesex University regulations for academic misconduct (section F), and also for taught programmes (sections A to E) (http://www.mdx.ac.uk/aboutus/Strategy/regulations/index.aspx). If this is so, then answer “YES” to this question and the question below.

For well-established partners with substantial experience in operating their own regulations for taught programmes and/or academic misconduct, the university will consider allowing the partner to operate under their own regulations for one or both cases. In such cases, answer “NO” to one or both of the first two questions (a) and b)), and send one or both sets of regulations to the Academic Registrar, copied to the relevant Deputy Dean and Quality Manager, for approval as appropriate. http://www.mdx.ac.uk/about-us/policies/academic-quality/handbook/ updated 27/2/18 2017/18 5 Academic Provision Approvals Committee proposal form - Collaborative programmes Appendix 2b b) b) Are Middlesex University regulations for taught programmes YES/NO adopted?* If “NO”, are any of the following adopted: Middlesex University grading scheme YES/NO Middlesex University module coding YES/NO Middlesex University credit points YES/NO c) If a partner wishes to offer RPL, please clarify if the procedures YES/NO Approval YES/NO proposed have been submitted to the Chair of the University received? Accreditation Board for approval

8. SIGNATURES – Joint and Franchised programmes Title Name Signature Dean of Faculty Dean of collaborating Faculty Director of Marketing Librarian Liaison Manager Head of CCSS Estates & Facilities (Joint only) Head of Collaborating Institution Director of Academic Partnerships University Executive (if required as part of 4a)

9. SIGNATURES – Validated programmes Title Name Signature Dean of Faculty Head of Collaborating Institution Director of Academic Partnerships

http://www.mdx.ac.uk/about-us/policies/academic-quality/handbook/ updated 27/2/18 2017/18 6

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