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Project Proposal Form
Questions 1 through 16 of this proposal form must be answered. An incomplete proposal may be eliminated from consideration. Proposals may not exceed eight pages in length (excluding references and letters of support) and must be in Times New Roman, font size 11. Please delete instructional text, which is red in color, before submittal.
Project Title: *MnDOT or LRRB Need Statement Number: *LRRB Knowledge Building Priority (if applicable) Number: Total Project Budget: Total Project Duration: Public Agency Champion (state, county, city, or township employee): Key Words (for cataloging): Date Submitted:
* Leave these fields blank if you are not responding to a posted research need or knowledge building priority. Proposals not responding to a posted research need or knowledge-building priority must attach a letter or email of support from a public agency champion. The letter must identify the technical liaison (TL) for the project, if different from the champion, and confirm that the TL will participate on the Technical Advisory Panel (TAP) for the project. More information about the role of the TL and the TAP may be found on MnDOT Research Services website. Letters of support do not count against the eight-page proposal limit.
1. Project Team: Principal Investigator: Name: Position Title: Organization/University: Phone: E-Mail:
Co-Investigator (if applicable): Name: Position Title: Organization/University: Phone: E-Mail:
Subcontractor (if applicable): Name: Organization: Project Role: Phone: E-Mail:
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2. Proposal Summary (Abstract) and Objective(s): Summarize the problem, the proposed approach and any anticipated impact, including financial, of the research (approx. 250 words). If funded this abstract could be used to promote the project in progress.
3. Potential Benefits, Users, and Implementation Opportunities: What benefits are anticipated, why are they important, and how will they be measured? Who are the end users? Why is the project necessary to advance the transportation community goals? Describe the implementation opportunities.
4. Summary of Research Methodology (Scope): Briefly describe the range or scope of work encompassed by this project.
5. Tasks Descriptions, Durations, Scheduled Dates, and Key Milestones: List and describe the major tasks that are needed to complete this proposed project in the format shown below. List the task durations in whole months. Individual tasks cannot exceed 12 months in duration. Anticipated start and end dates are subject to contract execution. It can take up to 12 weeks from the day your technical liaison approves the work plan to fully execute a contract work order. If the project has a report as a deliverable, the last task must have a duration of 2 months for processing the report for publishing. If the project does not have a report as a deliverable, tasks y and z listed below are not applicable. It is important that the PI and the TAP set a realistic project schedule. It is better to include extra time in the task duration and submit the deliverable early than to set an aggressive schedule and submit the deliverable late.
All tasks require a summary report or deliverable. PowerPoint presentations are not considered deliverables and will not be accepted as deliverables. These presentations can be provided as support of a summary report but are not a substitute.
Task x: Description: Anticipated Start Date: Scheduled date to submit draft deliverable: Scheduled date for final task approval: (Allow one month after submittal of draft deliverable for TAP review and TL to provide a summary of TAP comments back to PI, and one month for PI to address comments and prepare final deliverable for TL approval for payment.) Duration: x months including the TAP review and comment period Deliverable:
Task y: Compile Report, Technical Advisory Panel Review and Revisions Description: A draft report will be prepared, following MnDOT publication guidelines, to document project activities, findings and recommendations. This report will need to be reviewed by the Technical Advisory Panel (TAP), updated by the Principal Investigator to incorporate technical comments, and then approved by Technical Liaison before this task is considered complete. Holding a TAP meeting to discuss the draft report and review comments is strongly encouraged. TAP members may be consulted for clarification or discussion of comments.
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Anticipated Start Date: Scheduled Date to Submit Draft Report: Schedule Date for Final Report Approval: (Allow a minimum of one month after submittal of draft report for TAP review and TL to provide a summary of TAP comments back to PI, and a minimum of one month for PI to address comments and prepare final deliverable for TL approval for payment and publication.) Duration: (3 months minimum, includes 2 months for TAP review, discussion, and updates) Deliverables: A Draft Report and Final Report Approved for Publication
Task z: Editorial Review and Publication of Final Report Description: During this task the Approved Report will be processed by MnDOT’s Contract Editors. The editors will review the document to ensure it meets the publication standard. This task must be completed within the Contract time because the editors will provide editorial comments and request information from the Principal Investigator. Scheduled Start Date: Scheduled End Date: Duration: 2 months (required) Deliverables: Final Published Report
Key Milestones: List any key milestones not provided above that may impact the project schedule, such as target dates for a project kickoff meeting and TAP meetings, workshops conducted as part of the project, beginning or end of field work, as well as due dates for information to be provided by the Technical Liaison, and decisions or approvals needed from the sponsoring organization (MnDOT or LRRB). Key milestones will be reviewed, discussed and modified, as necessary, at the first project TAP meeting an incorporated into the contract work order.
Key Milestones Target Description Date 1. 2. Additional rows as necessary
6. Budget Details:
BUDGET BY LINE ITEM Description Budget (Round to nearest dollar) Salaries Provide justification for salary costs, $ e.g. wage with estimate of hours. Person 1, title $ Person 2, title $ Person 3, title
Fringe Benefits Provide fringe rates below $ Person 1 Fringe rate: XX% Person 2 Fringe rate: XX%
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Person 3 Fringe rate: XX%
Non-Salary Provide detail below for each line item, e.g., anticipated # of units with price. Equipment: $ Supplies: $ Travel: $ Other: (describe) $
Subconsultants1 $ Total Direct Costs $ Indirect Costs Indirect Cost Rate: $ TOTAL $ 1 cost for non-academic sub-consultants cannot exceed 50% of the total proposal budget
7. Budget Justification Please provide any additional information regarding the budget requested within this section. A couple of special items to provide justification are as follows. If equipment is going to be purchased, details concerning final disposition of the equipment needs to be clarified. For instance, detail if equipment and software being developed will become the property of MnDOT at the end of the project and what the transfer protocol/training may be. This information needs to be determined prior to contract execution. If travel is being requested, please provide detail as to whom is traveling and the destination(s), and for what purpose
8. Overview of Project Schedule and Budget: Task y and z must each be at least 5% of total project cost. Individual tasks cannot exceed 12 months in duration.
Months -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 . . n Budget Contract1 X X X Task 1 X $ Task 2 $ Task 3 $ Task y $ Task z $ TOTAL: $ 1 It takes roughly 10 to 12 weeks for a work plan to be processed. Please allow three months from the date of the pre-contract TAP meeting before your desired start date for contract processing
It is important that the PI and the TAP set a realistic project schedule. It is better to include extra time in the task duration and submit the deliverable early than to set an aggressive schedule and submit the deliverable late. This will allow MnDOT to pay for a task deliverable within the year it was budgeted and minimize the need for a contract amendment. Contracts longer than two years are allowed. However, such contracts are required to include a justification by state law. If your project duration is longer than two years, provide a brief
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justification for the project duration below; this will not be viewed negatively in the evaluation process:
9. Fiscal Year Funding Split: Provide a breakdown of the total budget for each fiscal year in the table below. To determine the fiscal year funding split, assign the full cost of each task to the fiscal year in which the task will be completed.
Fiscal Timeframe List tasks according to Budget Year scheduled completion dates FY15 7/1/2014 – $ 6/30/2015 FY16 7/1/2015 – $ 6/30/2016 FY17 7/1/2016 – $ 6/30/2017 FY18 7/1/2017 – $ ! 6/30/2018 TOT $ AL Before you proceed, please review the totals from sections 6, 8 and 9 to confirm they match!
10. Administrative Requirements: A work order will be issued under the terms and conditions of the Master Contract between the State of Minnesota and the University. The proposal submitted to MnDOT must comply with the terms and conditions of the Master Contract. It is understood that PIs, through the University Authorized Representative for the Master Contract, are aware of the Master Contract requirements for budgeting, quarterly progress reporting, final deliverables, invoicing, reimbursement of travel expenses and payments. A copy of the Master Contract can be obtained from your Office of the Sponsored Projects or Program Administration or from your contracting office.
For the Minnesota State College and University System – a work order will be issued under the terms and conditions of the Interagency Agreement between MnDOT and the University.
In addition, it is expected that the PIs will make themselves available to meet with MnDOT Research Services staff, if necessary, to formally review the project progress on semi-annual basis. In most cases this will occur if the project falls behind schedule. PIs shall prepare necessary documentation and information to facilitate meaningful project reviews.
11. Matching Funds, In-Kind or other Contributions: Identify matching funds, in-kind or other contribution that will be made in support of this research. Provide a list of sources and estimated amounts.
12. Intellectual Property/Trade Secret Information: Copy any trade secret information exactly as stated in a previous section and/or reference the section and the exact text containing trade secret information.
13. Agency Assistance (MnDOT or other): If the project requires specialized help or input including data, materials, equipment, facilities, traffic control, etc. list the agency, type of assistance requested, including timeline and contact person. In addition, attach a
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letter/email of commitment from the contact person. If needed, include as Contract Milestone in Section 5 above. The letter/email of commitment does not count against the eight-page proposal limit.
14. **Resumes for PI and co-investigator(s): Please provide a separate website link below or upload a separate PDF file to the CTS resume website for each PI and Co-Investigator included in your proposal.
Website Link(s): ______Or Resume uploaded to CTS resume website
15. **Literature Search and Summary of Relevant Previous Work: Give an overview of relevant literature and describe how this project relates to other similar research; include a brief summary of your previous work as relates to this proposal.
16. References: Please cite any publications and/or presentations that informed your proposal. References do not count against the eight- page proposal limit.
**Required for proposals submitted during annual solicitation only.
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