Ynez Middle School Class: ______Period: ___ LT # _____

Learning Team Charter

Objective:  Learning Teams will be deployed to improve student learning and performance through collaboration, cooperation, mutual support and individual accountability. Tasks:  Learning Teams can / will meet for the following purposes: o Homework preparation o In-class group activities & presentations (Chapter Reviews) o Quiz, exam preparation o Note check preparation o Group project research, formation & presentation

Requirements:  Students are to maintain an accurate Learning Team Log and sign it to verify each Learning Team event / meeting. By signing the log, each student is stating that he / she attended, participated fully in the learning activity, at the specified time and place.  If for any reason a team member was missing at a Learning Team event, a diagonal line will be drawn through where the member would initial.  Learning Teams are to meet a minimum of hours per quarter, as directed by the instructor.  Locations for meetings must be conducive to learning: No TV’s, video games, music, and other distractions. This is not party time!  The work and effort that the Learning Teams produce must accurately reflect the hours logged for the said activity or assignment.

Evaluation:  Learning Team members will evaluate themselves as well as fellow team members per their overall effort and contribution to the Learning Team success. This will be done on the Learning Team Evaluation Form.  The instructor will evaluate the Learning Teams by the total hours, work produced, and the results of the Learning Team (self) Evaluation Form. Formation:  Fill out the following and sign to indicate understanding & compliance. Instructor’s Initials: Name: Signature: Initials: 1.





Quarter: ______Instructor: ______Date Assigned: ______