The University of Akron s4

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The University of Akron s4




Members present: Baker, Belsky, Cheng, Divoky (for Krovi), Haritos, Kern Simirenko, Kristofco, Lynn, Midha, K. Mugler, D. Mugler, Newkome, Qammar, Ramsier, Shermis, Silverman, Turner, Wineman

Chair: Baker

Recorder: C. Herold


Searches William (Mike) Sherman will be next Provost. Start date is June 1. VP Finance and Administration, CFO search underway. Jim Sage and Ravi Krovi will chair. First meeting today. Search will probably extend into May. Merit/Market Rex: After reviewing new contract, we do need to do the 5% raise pool for Process merit and market reviews as always for raises for full time faculty. faculty. The process is the same as before. There will be one worksheet. Entire worksheet must be completed in Worksheet will be order to be accepted by HR. HR will pre-populate the distributed in mid- worksheets and these sections will not be able to be April. altered. COD is asked to adopt benchmark institutions. Belsky moved that we Salary pool will be based on last year’s base salary. use same benchmark No decision on raise pool for Contract Professionals and schools as last year. Staff. Seconded by Wineman. Approved. Non-tenure Track New article in contract. Reminder..for consideration for Faculty associate and senior lecturer ranks, individuals must let dean know by April 15 for request for promotion through RTP process. Will need to form committees for review. Will be process to recognize long service and good performance. New Employment HR and EEO will meet with different colleges to train them Process on the new process. Announcements Haritos announced that two faculty in Engineering were recognized with NSF Career Awards. ITL Celebration of Excellence in Learning and Teaching will be April 20. Fall scheduling of events starting August 16. Teaching Assistant Orientation followed by New Faculty Orientation around August 17 or 19. CBA moved from 94th to 76th in the Business Week ranking (student satisfaction and corporate recruiting). Baker will be the next president of the Society of Psychologists in Management, and he also was named winner of the national award of Psychologist in Management. Midha announced that M. J. Saunders has been named President of Florida Atlantic University. Ramsier: Materials have been submitted for graduate assistant allocations. Committee needs to meet. Kern Simirenko announced now no longer necessary to use VPN to access library resources. Just need UA ID. D. Mugler: One recent graduate, Stanley Wong, has received an award from Oxford University in England. Revenue Share Holly Harris Bane. Handouts. For each tuition dollar outside of the University main campus, the college would receive back 50% of the tuition received, 25% goes to the general fund, and 25% to the Provost’s Office. Business plan must be approved by the provost and the VP Finance and Administration. Some colleges are not using revenue share dollars. Others Contact Holly to have put money right back into things they will continue to discuss further. enhance or grow new markets. Need to get money back into the departments who are doing the work. UL. For example, supports these new markets but receives no funding for their effort. Curriculum Bill Brasington from Team Informatics presented. Two Encourage Review Process parallel efforts going on at this time. participation of those Second round of focus groups to look at forms. Will who should be schedule meetings for feedback. Dates have been provided involved. to the faculty. Curriculum process will be in place in September ’10. Next Meeting March 23, 2010 – 9:00 – 11:00

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