Safety Meeting Minutes February 8th, 2006

Attendees: See attached sign-in sheet

Review from meeting of Jan 18, 2006: Chris Skains passed out hats to say thanks for the cooperation service has provided for the parts department. . New service tools information passed out for awareness. Glass cleaning pads now available for cleaning of safety glasses.

Door bell fixed at receiving door, working on air hose, no extra computers available. With clean sweep project the IT department will refrain from new purchase until order of new computers are under way.

Have material to construct hooks for oil/anti-freeze pans to ease dumping of contents.

Clock for back wall up.

Dyno reports must be completed. A list of techs that run dyno is being compiled so they may have audio checks done. Technicians required for testing: Paul Helka, , Bill Wyche, Joe Hill, Keith Evans, Jason Boester, Margarito Solano, Tim Ballard, John Phelps , and Millard Baker Audio Test

Break time; please be more aware of clock. Limit breaks to allow 15 minutes.

No accidents for January lunch will be Bar-B-Q on Thur.16th. of Feb.

Hellman & Assoc list completed 3 of six items.

New Business:

New face shield for grinding wheel needed to be located or replaced. Gap on grinder from wheel and brush 1/8”. Maintain distance! Adjust!

Patrick repair impact gun, CSPL pays 50% of repair. Give receipt to Landry and he will pay , similar to process for shop tools. Fluke meters uncertain if covered, Landry will check.

Torque Wrench repairs will be at the end of February . Crane inspection will be Feb 14th. By Prolift. Fork lift right and left forks shifts shoot hydraulic fluid out when moving the forks side to side. (Side shift has blown a hose) repairs expected to be completed today. .

Requested 6 pin connector (part#3824439) and drivers for RDG’s old printer so printer will print dyno reports, it needs to be Windows 95 compatible.

Light at West door of dyno room broken and need of repair.

Ron Mays will be at shop March 6 for torque wrench checks.

¾ impact blowing oil .

Lights on forklift requested for third shift

Nick needs fork lift license, Fernando Navarro - Keith to train on driving portion

Check on gas licenses and current status.

Grease Gun coupling fitting needs to be replaced.

Remote for other set of lifts? When will it be here? Landry to purchase

More cutting disk needed for the chop shop saw

Hydraulic line has short, Dan Kools to have repaired. Line needs to be a minimum of two inches shorter)

Hot line on battery charger checked. Ok, no repair needed

Estimate to have electrical circuit (plug) on back wall added resulted in $1500. Declined addition at this time.

Truck lots in our area using our parking lot for overflow.

Can you obtain thinner safety glasses?

One of busses fuel filter – put on with channel locks, put on by hand. Had to dispose of filter that channel locks were used on. . Do not use damaged filters! Use band wrench if necessary. Lines left loose, marked with yellow pin showing checks. If you mark a line, check it. Make certain it is tight.