Ashfield Burwood

City of Canada Bay Marrickville Enterprising Parramatta Road Project Leichardt c/-IMROC City of South Sydney Suite 101, 9 Deane Street, Burwood, NSW, 2134 Strathfield PO Box 491, Burwood, NSW, 1805 City of Sydney Auburn International: Phone: +61 2 9744-1836 Fax: +61 2 9744-3944 Holroyd World Wide Web: Parramatta Project Website:

Questionnaire number ______

Precinct ______


The purpose of this survey is to identify opportunities and constraints for investment, development and business enterprise along Parramatta Road.

This information is source material for the development of a masterplan and business enterprise strategy for Parramatta Road. To find out more please visit our website at

Business/Firm: ______

Address: ______


Suburb ______State ______Postcode ______

Contact Numbers: Phone ______Fax ______Mobile _ _

Email Address: ______

CONFIDENTIALITY: Your individual answers to this survey are confidential and will not be released. Your response will be summarised and aggregated with those of others to form an overall result in percentage or averages. This form is electronically available on

This project is supported by funding from the Commonwealth Government under its Regional Assistance Program, administered by the Department of Employment, Workplace Relations and Small Business.

© 2001 Commonwealth of Australia Page 1

Questionnaire number ______PART A: PROFILE OF YOUR BUSINESS

Q1 (a) Which category does your business fit into?

Independent business Franchise Head Office Part of a national network or retail/marketing group Associated with another business eg. retail outlet for manufacturer

(b) What business structure do you have?

Sole trader Partnership Company Trust

Q2 In what year did you start running or acquire this business? ______

Q3 (a) What is the best way to classify your core business?

A Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing J Communication Services B Mining K Finance and Insurance C Manufacturing L Property and Business Services D Electricity, Gas and Water Supply M Government Administration and Defence E Construction N Education F Wholesale Trade O Health and Community Services G Retail Trade P Cultural and Recreational Services H Accommodation, Cafes and Restaurants Q Personal and Other Services I Transport and Storage

(b) List the most important goods or services that your business provides

Office use only

ANZIC code______

Q4 (a) Where do you sell these products/services?

Metro Area_____% Regional Areas____% Elsewhere in Australia_____% Overseas_____%

(b) Do you expect the demand for your services/products to increase, stay the same, or decrease? over the next 2 years?

Increase Stay the same Decrease

(c) Please explain your answer to this question.


Q5 Where do you source the materials which you use in your business?

Metro Area_____% Regional Areas____% Elsewhere in Australia_____% Overseas_____%

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Note: In this section we need to know the number of “full time equivalent” employees. For example, 1 full- time person plus 1 part-time person working half-time equals 1.5 full-time equivalents. Owners are counted as employees for this question.

Q6 How many people does the business employ, including owners?

full-time (plus) part-time (=) total full-time equivalents

Q7 (a) Does your company have problems recruiting employees in any of the following groups?

Unskilled Sales/Clerical Semi-skilled Professional/management Skilled No problems (go to Q8)

(b) If yes, which of the following best describe your recruiting problems? (Tick any that apply)

Low skill levels Transportation Accessibility Low literacy levels Public Safety Concerns Poor work attitude Poor Street Amenity High competition for skilled employees Affordable Housing Shortage High wage rates for skilled employees High costs of training employees Skilled employees reluctant to move to this area

Other (specify)


Q8 Which 3 factors are likely to have a major impact on your business’ profits during the next 2 years? Rank the factors from 1 to 3 with 1 being most important.

New products Wage rates Changing consumer tastes Raw material costs Population changes Raw material shortages Economic climate New technology Foreign competition Finance availability Local/domestic competition Interest rates Energy costs Taxes Transportation costs Government policies Other factors (specify)______

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Q9 Which three locations would you like to see access to/from improved substantially such that there would be a major impact on your business’ profits? Rank the factors from 1 to 3 with 1 being most important.

Port Botany /Southern Sydney Glebe Island Ports/Inner Sydney Mascot Airport Inner Harbour & Peninsulas Western Railway Line Parramatta/ Western Sydney Strathfield Town Centre Sydney CBD Chatswood/Lower Nth Sydney South Western Sydney Eastern Suburbs Burwood Town Centre Homebush Bay Facilities

Q10 (a) Are there any major innovations/changes looming in your industry, which might affect your business?

Yes Not sure No (go to Q11)

(b) What are these innovations or changes?

Q11 (a) Generally, is being located on Parramatta Road a help or a hindrance to your business?

Help Hindrance 50/50

(b) From this list of the nearby metropolitan services/amenities, tick any you currently find inadequate for running your business efficiently.

Access to Airport Facilities Street signage Access to and from Parramatta Road Street lighting Adequacy of Parramatta Road Street cleaning Disposal of processed waste material Street repair Recycling Development approval process Fire protection Telecommunications Inspections (licensing, etc) Waste water treatment Public parking off street Water supply Access to Public Transport Natural gas Electricity supply

Other ______

(c) Please explain any problems you have experienced with these services.





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Q12 If you were asked to recommend Parramatta Road as a place to live on or own a business, how would you score it using the following categories?

Excellent Good Fair Poor Very Poor  Schools 1 2 3 4 5  Other education & training providers 1 2 3 4 5  Sporting and recreation facilities 1 2 3 4 5  Health services 1 2 3 4 5  Housing 1 2 3 4 5  Cultural facilities (eg galleries, theatres, cinemas, 1 2 3 4 5 libraries etc)  Climate 1 2 3 4 5  Freedom from social problems (eg crime, drugs etc) 1 2 3 4 5  Labour costs 1 2 3 4 5  Transportation costs 1 2 3 4 5  Energy costs 1 2 3 4 5  Local rates 1 2 3 4 5  Land costs 1 2 3 4 5  Building costs 1 2 3 4 5

Q13 What is your overall opinion of Parramatta Road as a place to conduct business? Excellent Fair Poor Good

Q14 What measures would you like to see introduced to improve Parramatta Road? (tick the initiatives which would have positive benefits for your business)

Undergrounding of traffic bottle necks along Parramatta Road Provision of a Mass Rapid Transit system along Parramatta Road Provsision of Trams along Parramatta Road and conecting adjacent LGA’s Provsision of minibus transport connecting Parramatta Road and adjacent LGA’s Underground interconnection between the M4 and the City West Link Increased public transport modes/routes and frequencies Decreased motor vehicle usage Community/cultural facilities Better streetscaping Underground electricity and telecommunications Off street parking RTA traffic management measures SEDA Renewable energy projects Establishment of a State Governement Development Corporation for managing the economic development of Parramatta Road Precincts and its Environs Heritage Register Underground infrastructure Others (please specify) 1.



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Q15 What opportunities do you see for Parramatta Road in terms of making the road and adjacent Local Government Areas’ economies stronger and creating more jobs?


Q16 Optional-confidential Which range does the annual turnover of your business fall into?

Less than $50,000 $501,000-$1,000,000 $51,000-$100,000 $1,000,000-$5,000,000 $101,000-$250,000 Over $5,000,000 $251,000-$500,000 Information not provided

Q17 (a) Is your company considering expanding at all within the next 2 years?

Yes Not sure No (go to Q18)

(b) If yes or not sure, how would your business activities change?

(c) Does your company currently own or lease sufficient property to allow for the expansion you would like to make?

Yes No Not sure

(d) Are there any factors which could prevent your going ahead with expansion plans?

1. 2.

(e) Have you approached anybody in local government or business development organisations to discuss your expansion plans?

Yes No

(f) If yes, which have you approached?

1. 2.

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Q18 (a) Are you currently considering changing the location of your business?

Yes Not sure No

(b) Would you consider relocating your business if the rental for the premises significantly increased without proportional increases in business profit.

Yes Not sure No

(c) If you were considering to relocate, where would you considering relocating to?

Another location along the road Elsewhere in this zone Elsewhere in the Metropolitan Area Elsewhere within the State Elsewhere in Australia Your Home office Overseas

(c) If anything immediate could be done to make you reconsider relocating, what would it be?

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