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AMC 5 FCL 935 Assessment of competence for certificates FI, CRI and IRI

1 Applicants personal particulars: Applicant’s last First name(s): name(s): Date of birth: Tel (home): Tel (work):

Address: Country:

2 Licence details Licence type: Number: Class ratings 1. Exp. Date: 1. included in the 2. 2. licence: 3. 3. 4. 4. Type ratings 1. Exp. Date: 1. included in the 2. 2. licence: 3. 3. 4. 4. Other ratings 1. Exp. Date: 1. included in the

2. 2.

n licence: ó i 3. 3. c i d

e 4. 4. a l

s 3 Pre-course flying experience e

. i / s

Total flying hours: PIC SEP or SEP preceding 6 Instrument flight Cross-country F I e T

m TMG hours months instruction hours R r i f E n C o _ C

N . E s a C I d

L 4 Pre-entry flight test a / l L o r A t

I I recommend ...... for the FI course. n C o c R

Name of ATO: Date of flight test: E n á M t Name(s) of FI conducting the test (capital letters): s O e

C / o O n

N o t A n L e L m

E Licence number: u T c S o Signature: A d

C e t _ s G e

N e A d

L / s

A 5 Declaration by the applicant a i S p E o I have received a course of training in accordance with the syllabus for the: (tick as c A

/ s s

a applicable) e . L


e FI certificate FI(A)/(H)/(As) IRI certificate IRI(A)/(H)/(As) CRI certificate r 0 . e 2 : . a CRI(A) v d e a R / d

i .

r Applicant’s name(s): (capital letters) Signature: d u E

g 2 0 e - s . O D

w I certify that do not have more than one license per category of aircraft issued under Part-FCL and all my Part-FCL licenses C - w

A are issued by the same State. Please keep in mind that if the medical report data that supports your aero-medical certificate w E


e will not act in Aviation Medicine Unit of AESA your application may be rejected - d F

: s a l l é i t v n a a l r t P

e a d Código del Documento: Fecha Edición: Ed. /Rev.: Página: a o © AESA 2013 g d i i

l Queda terminantemente prohibida la reproducción total o parcial de este documento, así d ó á como su uso indebido y/o su exhibición o comunicación a terceros. F-DLA-PVI-11 01/04/2014 1.1 1/4 C v Código de Plantilla: F-DEA-CDO-02 Ed. /Rev.:2.0 Las copias de este documento no están controladas. Confirme si es la edición válida a través de Applicant's Applicant's name: como su su indebidoo y/o como uso terceros. exhibición a comunicación así documento, este de parcial o total reproducción la prohibida terminantemente Queda © AESA 2013 AESA Copies of the report shall be submitted to (1) The Applicant (2) The Applicant’s Competent Applicant’s The (2) Applicant Authority (3) The Examiner’sExaminer (4) The CompetentAuthority The (1) to submitted be shall report the of Copies LicenceNumber: Signature: Differences Name(s) of FIE (capital letters): Examiner the of version current in Document. contained authority competent applicant’s the of I declarehereby I that reviewedhave and applied relevant the national procedures requirementsand  thatmeetsthe Part-FCLrequirements. EASA certify and training and experience their regarding applicant the from information received I Incase of partial pass Passed Theoreticalexamination: oral I tested have applicant the to to Part-FCL according Name of ATO: Signature: Name(s)of CFI: used:Aircraft FSTDs or Flying hoursduringthe course: in with accordance relevant the syllabus. FI FI(A)/(H)/(As)certificate of course approved an completed trainingforthe satisfactorily has ...... that certify I

B. A. ( 7 6 Tick asTick appropriate) FLIGHT INSTRUCTOR EXAMINER’SASSESSMENT:FLIGHT FLIGHT INSTRUCTOR case(inINSTRUCTOR EXAMINER’S ASSESSMENT ofpartialpass):FLIGHT CRI certificateCRI certificate IRI certificate FI applicable) (tick as before re-test necessary instruction flight or do theoretical not consider further I recommend I groundflightfurtheror training aninstructor with before re-test examiner’s instructor certificateFlight by CFIDeclaration the INSTRUCTORASSESSMENTCOMPETENCEOF (tickas applicable) APPLICATIONFOR REPORT FORMTHEAND

To examiners whoTo have been another certified by competentauthority. Failed IRI IRI IRI(A)/(H)/(As)certificate SIN CLASIFICARSIN Código delDocumento:Código F-DLA-PVI-11 Skill Skill test: Date: Passed Nº licence

(tickas applicable) Fecha Edición: CRI(A) CRIcertificate 01/04/2014 Aircraft: Failed Ed. /Rev.: 1.1 Dirección DLPA Unidad DSA Página: 2 / 4 Código de Plantilla: F-DEA-CDO-02 Ed. /Rev.:2.0 Las copias de este documento no están controladas. Confirme si es la edición válida a través de Applicant's Applicant's name: como su su indebidoo y/o como uso terceros. exhibición a comunicación así documento, este de parcial o total reproducción la prohibida terminantemente Queda © SECTION 3 SECTION3 FLIGHT SECTIONBRIEFING 2 PRE-FLIGHT ORALSECTION1 KNOWLEDGE THEORETICAL Sections Sections and selected 2 3 main exercises: (a) In casethe ofFI, the content the of assessmentthe of should competence befollowing:the THE ASSESSMENTFOR THE OF CONTENT 3.7 3.6 3.5 3.4 3.3 3.2 3.1 2.7 2.6 2.5 2.4 2.3 2.2 2.1 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 AESA 2013 AESA Human Human performance limitationsand performance andFlight planning general Aircraft knowledge Air law Positioninguseofand airspace airmanshipGeneral and safety Instructionaltechnique handling Aircraft Correction of faults Synchronisation with of speech demo Arrangementof demo participation Student of modelsUse aids and Instructionaltechnique speech Clarity of explanation Clarity of accuracyTechnical Visual presentation Training administration of flight Principles Operationalprocedures Navigation Meteorology INSTRUCTORASSESSMENTCOMPETENCEOF APPLICATIONFOR REPORT FORMTHEAND ______FI, CRIand FI, IRI SIN CLASIFICARSIN Código delDocumento:Código F-DLA-PVI-11 Nº licence Fecha Edición: 01/04/2014 Aircraft: AMC 3 FCL 935 AMC 3FCL935 Ed. /Rev.: A A A 1.1 Dirección DLPA Unidad DSA NA NA NA Página: 3 / 4 Código de Plantilla: F-DEA-CDO-02 Ed. /Rev.:2.0 Las copias de este documento no están controladas. Confirme si es la edición válida a través de Applicant's Applicant's name: como su su indebidoo y/o como uso terceros. exhibición a comunicación así documento, este de parcial o total reproducción la prohibida terminantemente Queda © SECTION 5 POST-FLIGHT DE-BRIEFING SECTION5 POST-FLIGHT SECTION4 EXERCISESME (d) Section 4 comprises additional instructor demonstration exercises for an FI for ME for an demonstration exercises FI instructorfor comprises additional 4 Section (d) to demonstrate the comprise exercises These allFIs. sections 5for and 2, 3 are Sections (c) assessment of theexaminationof theoretical oralpart knowledge 1, the Section (b) 1 5-5 5.7 5.6 5.4 5.3 5.2 5.1 4.3 4.2 4.1 AESA 2013 AESA These toexercises bedemonstrated are at the of competenceassessment for aircraft. FI ME SE SE approachand landing SE approachand go-around followingActions anengine failure shortly take-offafter Student participation Student of modelsUse aids and Instructionaltechnique speech Clarity of explanation Clarity of accuracyTechnical Visual presentation simulating an ME aircraft. This section is completed in addition to sections 2, 3 and 5. and 2, 3 toaddition sections in section completed This is aircraft. ansimulating ME FNPT FFS or II or aircraft, an donein ME isif an applicable, This aircraft. section, de-briefing. andinstruction briefing, including flight abilities, demonstrate FI isThe to courses.required training applicant FI the of from examiner flight syllabus bychosen demonstration exercises)the (for examplean instructor FI ability to be sectionof and itemsof 1 for examiner knowledge isorallyan by (2) tested applicant The under test ‘student(s)’, to other conditions is a lecture to(1) required applicantgive The subdividedtwo parts: allFIinto is for and competence, is instructor courses. courses. instructor contentlearning’ theand in given teaching thecompetencies: instructor ‘core minutes; exceed The45 lecture should not test applicant. bymay the literaturebe used Appropriate with thebeforehand examiner. Thefor time section of amount 1. itemsfrom test of to Thebe selected will lecture is onebe the examiner. whom of INSTRUCTORASSESSMENTCOMPETENCEOF APPLICATIONFOR REPORT FORMTHEAND 1 1 SIN CLASIFICARSIN preparation of the test lecture is agreed upon lecture is upon test agreed preparation the of Código delDocumento:Código F-DLA-PVI-11 Nº licence 1 Fecha Edición: 01/04/2014 Aircraft: AMC FCLAMC 3 935 Ed. /Rev.: A A 1.1 Dirección DLPA Unidad DSA NA NA Página: 4 / 4

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