Full Questionnaire

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Full Questionnaire

Full questionnaire

1) How interested would you say you are in politics? Would you say you are…

1) Very interested 2) Fairly interested 3) Not very interested 4) Not at all interested 5) Don’t know

2) Thinking back to the general election of May 2015, which party did you vote for, or did you not vote?

1) Voted – Conservative 2) Voted – Labour 3) Voted – SNP [SCOTLAND ONLY] 4) Voted – Plaid Cymru [WALES ONLY] 5) Voted – Liberal Democrat 6) Voted – UKIP 7) Voted – Green 8) Voted – any other party 9) Did not vote 10) Don’t remember 11) Rather not say

3) Now thinking back to the EU referendum of June 23rd, 2016 how did you vote, or did you not vote?

1) Voted – Remain 2) Voted – Leave 3) Did not vote 4) Can’t remember 5) Prefer not to say

4) The next General Election is scheduled to take place on the 8 th June 2017.

On a scale of 1 to 10 where ‘10’ means you are absolutely CERTAIN to vote and ‘1’ means you are certain NOT to vote, how likely are you to vote in the upcoming General Election?

5) If the General Election was taking place tomorrow, which party would you vote for?

1) Conservative 2) Labour 3) SNP [SCOTLAND ONLY] 4) Plaid Cymru [WALES ONLY] 5) Liberal Democrat 6) UK Independence Party (UKIP) 7) Green Party 8) Some other party 9) Would not vote 10) Rather not say 11) Don’t know

Business Insider poll questions

6) [IF VOTING E.G. Q5 = NOT C9] Thinking about how you will vote at the upcoming General Election, which of the following statements best describes you?

1) I am voting for the party that is my preferred choice 2) I am voting for a party that is not my preferred choice to stop another party winning 3) Neither 4) Don’t know

7) Do you approve or disapprove of the way… [APPROVE / DISAPPROVE / NO OPINION]

1) The government is running the country? 2) Theresa May is handling her job as Prime Minister? 3) Jeremy Corbyn in handling his job as Leader of the Opposition? 4) Tim Farron is handling his job as leader of the Liberal Democrats? 5) Paul Nuttall is handling his job as leader of UKIP? 6) Nicola Sturgeon is handling her job as leader of the SNP?

8) Do you think Britain made the right decision or the wrong decision when voting to leave the European Union?

1) Right decision 2) Wrong decision 3) Don’t know

9) [IF VOTING E.G. Q5 = NOT C9] How important is Brexit in deciding how you will vote at the upcoming General Election?

1) Brexit is the only issue I am concerned about 2) I am concerned about many issues but Brexit is the most important 3) Brexit is no more or less important to me than other issues 4) Brexit is not really that important to me 5) Don’t know

10) Thinking about the Labour Party, would you consider voting for a Labour Party led by…?

Would consider voting Labour / Would not consider voting Labour / Don’t know

1) Jeremy Corbyn (Current Labour leader)

2) Tony Blair (Former Labour Prime Minister)

3) Ed Miliband (Former Labour leader)

4) Sadiq Khan (Mayor of London)

5) Yvette Cooper (Labour MP)

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