French Revolution (Nationalism) Newspaper Project
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French Revolution (Nationalism) Newspaper Project
We have now completed the French Revolution section of Nationalism. We have discussed the events of the Old Regime, The French Revolution, Reign of Terror and the Napoleonic era.
Using this information, you are to produce a newspaper of the times showing France's nationalism. Minimum amount of information should fill one large poster paper, however you may create more if you wish. You may wish to use software such as Microsoft Publisher to help you create your newspaper, although it is not required.
You are to include the following: an article on how France's people became a nation. (you may want to incorporate the ideas of nationalism in France, etc.) This should NOT be a timeline of events, but rather an investigation into what makes and nation and why the French can consider themselves a nation. You need to have a section that states, or shows, French expressions of Nationalism from the times of the French Revolution and Napoleonic era. Written captions must be included if you are using pictures. You must include a biography of a key figure of the times. Your options include the following: -Marie Antoinette -Louis XVI -Georges Danton -Jean-Paul Marat -Louis St. Just -Camille Desmoulins -Maximillien Robespierre - Jacques-Pierre Brissot
You must answer the following in your biography: -a brief overview of who they are (why should we know them?) -their accomplishments -their friends and significant influences -3 to 5 quotations from the person -compare and contrast their ideas of nation and nationalism
You should include any extras to fill up your newspaper page. Make sure information presented is accurate and appropriate for the time period and for this class. Options include: Letters to the Editor sports Political Cartoon classifieds fashion and society pages advertisements obituaries Real estate
****Ensure that you have the appropriate info to make it a newspaper*** -newspaper name, cost, date etc Marking Guide 5 4 3 2 1 All of the Most of the Most guidelines of Some of the The newspaper is Newspaper newspaper guidelines were the project were newspaper not finished, and is Guidelines guidelines were met. The project met, however the guidelines are lacking many of met, the project appears to be a newspaper looks missing and there the aspects and looks appealing newspaper of the rather generic and are spaces in the guidelines needed /5 and resembles a times but is not appropriate for newspaper. The for it to be newspaper of the lacking some the times newspaper appears considered a time period authenticity incomplete newspaper The article The article states The article has a The article tries to The article is Article on distinctly shows how France vague description deal with the idea incomplete or France how France became a nation, of how France of France lacks any became a nation but there is a lack became a nation, becoming a nation, information becoming a and uses examples of evidence to but the writer however the writer dealing with the nation and relevant support the writers seems to be seems confused idea of France information to opinions. missing some key with the aspects becoming a nation support the writers elements that make /15 view something a nation The newspaper has The newspaper has The newspaper The newspaper The newspaper Expressions appropriate some expressions contains some contains few contains no of expressions of of nationalism but expressions of expressions of expressions of nationalism. The some of the nationalism nationalism. They nationalism Nationalism pictures have captions are not however many are hard to appropriate exact captions are decipher and captions stating incomplete or contain /10 how they are contain misleading inappropriate expressions of information information nationalism The biography is The biography The biography is The biography is The biography is Biography extensive and states all of the missing a few of incomplete and incomplete or includes all the necessary the requirements lacks more than 3 contains false required information for it to be of the required information. /10 information plus required in the considered criteria other interesting project complete facts The writer has The writer has The writer has The writer has The writer has not Extra included other included other included a few included some included any extra guidelines guidelines to guidelines to other guidelines, additional information, there ensure that the ensure that the however spaces information on the are spaces in the for newspaper is "full" newspaper is are still seen in the newspaper newspaper that newspaper the content is rather full. The newspaper however most of it should be filled appropriate and content is is inappropriate or well designed appropriate but does not correlate may lack some with the time /5 depth period The writer was on The writer was on The writer was on The writer was The writer missed Effective task for the entire task for most of task 60% of the asked to get back class and did not Use of Class time and took the time and time, but seemed on task often and stay on task while pride in the project seemed to care to have a lack of did not take pride he/she was there Time about the project drive for this in their work /5 project Total: