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PRESENT: Cllr D Wilson (Mayor) Cllr A Dixon, Cllr J Park, Cllr Brown, Cllr F Wilson, Cllr D Burness, Cllr R Peter, Cllr McGrath, Cllr R Kelly, Cllr Micklethwaite, Cllr T Gilmore, Cllr Gleaves, Cllr Crawford, YC Ross Bawden, Howard Shimmin.

Cllr Doug Wilson opened the meeting and gave thanks for everyone’s support during his Mayoral year, flowers were presented to the Clerk and RFO.

001/17 Election of Mayor for Council Year 2017/18: : It was proposed and AGREED that Cllr Angela Dixon be elected as Mayor of Millom for 2017/18.

002/17 Mayors Declaration of Acceptance of Office: Cllr Angela Dixon signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office in the presence of the Clerk.

003/17 To appoint Deputy Mayor for Council Year 2017/18: It was proposed and AGREED that Cllr Jane Micklethwaite be elected as Deputy Mayor of Millom for 2017/18.

004/17 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE AND MAYORS ANNOUNCEMENTS: Apologies – Cllr Costelloe Mayors Announcements – to be given at the next meeting.

005/17 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST: JM Planning application for St Georges Church

006/17 To appoint representatives to outside bodies: The following representatives were agreed: CALC – The Mayor CGP – Cllr Brown, Cllr Burness, Cllr F Wilson, Cllr Gleaves, Cllr Crawford, Cllr Kelly, Cllr Dixon, Cllr Micklethwaite Millom CAB – Cllr Burness South Copeland Tourism Group – was removed Duddon Estuary Partnership Group – Cllr Park, Cllr Dixon South Copeland Partnership Group – Cllr Kelly, Cllr Micklethwaite Silecroft Educational Trust – Cllr Burness, Cllr McGrath Millom Children’s Centre – Cllr Dixon, Cllr F Wilson Ghyll Scaur Quarry – Cllr D Wilson Amenties and Recreation – Cllr Burness, Cllr Park, Cllr Peter, Cllr Brown, Cllr Dixon, Cllr Kelly, Cllr Micklethwaite. Norman Nicholson Memorial Fund – Cllr Gleaves, Cllr Peter, Cllr Park

007/17 To appoint committees: The following committees were agreed: Finance, HR and General Purpose – The Mayor, Cllr F Wilson, Cllr Park, Cllr Kelly, Cllr McGrath, Cllr Burness, Cllr Micklethwaite, Cllr Peter, Cllr D Wilson Planning – The Mayor, Cllr F Wilson, Cllr Park, Cllr Kelly, Cllr McGrath, Cllr Burness, Cllr Micklethwaite, Cllr Peter, Cllr D Wilson

008/17 TO APPROVE AS A CORRECT RECORD THE MINUTES OF A COUNCIL MEETING ON 26th APRIL 2017: RESOLVED that the minutes be signed as a True record AGREED

009/17 MATTERS ARISING: It was requested that the hedges from Millom to Haverigg be tidied up. ACTION: Clerk to contact CCC Highways 268/16 £100 that was donated to the Parish Councils Coordination Group will be sent back due to suspension in NuGen project. 262/16 No further updates from dog dirt DNA company.

010/17 OPEN TO PUBLIC: Howard Shimmin reported his Brown bin was missing, clerk to report to CBC.

Page 1 of 3 Millom TC May 2017 Clerks Report: 011/17 COPELAND BOROUGH COUNCIL REPORT: Nothing to report due to forthcoming elections.

012/17 AMENITIES AND RECREATION UPDATE: The minutes of the last A&R meeting were noted. RK confirmed that a small group will visit St Helen’s Tennis courts to see a how their court booking systems works. RP confirmed that the SCDG are at the 1st stage of the Lottery funding bid for the new play equipment in Millom Park.

013/17 YOUTH COUNCILLOR: Ross gave apologies for not progressing the online survey due to a busy exam period. It was said that he attended a school event where students had the opportunity to question conservative MP candidate Trudy Harrison. Millom School are hoping to send a group of students to Cambodia and it was asked for financial support.

014/17 MILLOM TOWN COUNCIL ACTION PLAN: AD confirmed she is still trying to set up a meeting with CCC Highways

015/17 PARISH COUNCILS CO-ORDINATING GROUP: It was said that due to the suspension of the NuGen no further information may be received until the end of the year therefore it is unclear when the next meeting of the group will take place. It was said that everyone is keen for the meetings to continue, gas / fracking are also being mentioned as alternatives. FW confirmed she has been appointed onto the CBC Strategic Nuclear Energy Board.

016/17 TO AGREE ACCOUNTING STATEMENTS Y/E 31/03/17: It was confirmed that the internal audit has been carried out, there were no discrepancies found therefore the accounts are in place to be sent to the External Auditors next week.

017/17 MILLOM TOWN BUS SERVICE: A discussion took place regarding an email received from CCC Transport Services regarding Travellers Choice ceasing operation of the Millom Town M1 bus service from 20th July 2017. Cllr D Wilson confirmed that this is the first action as County Councillor to put the item on the Local Area Committee agenda which meets at the end of June. Concerns were raised that the area will become more isolated especially for elderly and disabled who depend on the service.

018/17 PLANNING:

4/17/2149 Extension and Alterations to Leisure centre AT Millom Recreation Centre FOR MRS M Giles. No objections discussed at ATM 10.05.17

4/17/2160 Application to vary conditions 4 & 12 of planning approval 4/09/2310/0 AT Poolside, Haverigg FOR Graiseley Properties Ltd No objections

4/17/2161 Installation of 4 No. Antennas to be located behind replica replacement glass reinforced plastic (GRP) louvres, the installation of equipment cabinets to be located internally within the church tower, installation of an electrical meter pillar to be located externally next to the Church, and ancillary development AT St Georges Church, Millom FOR CTIL No objections

4/17/2162 New single storey orangery to rear and two dormer windows to front elevation AT Tiedro, 48 Salthouse Road, Millom FOR Mr R Sheldon No objections

4/17/2174 Remove all ulster bank signage: fascia, projecting signs and name plate; make good walls and reinstate to match existing, remove ATM, fill area to match existing, AT former Nat West Bank, St Georges Road. No objections

019/17 ACCOUNTS : RESOLVED that the accounts presented be passed for payment AGREED.

Page 2 of 3 Millom TC May 2017 020/17 ANY URGENT BUSINESS: GMc – welcomed Cllr F Gleaves back following his recent illness. JB – raised the issue of town centre rats and is in contact with CBC Jackie O’Reilly RK – asked that CCC update be added to Clerks Report

New Mayor Cllr Angela Dixon gave her acceptance speech for Mayor of Millom for 2017/2018.

I would like to begin by thanking Councillor Doug Wilson for his year as Mayor. I would also like to thank Town Clerk Debbie and RFO Vicky for their hard work and keeping us all in order. My intention is to work closely with my Deputy, Town Council and the community in continuing the established trend of developing Millom and Haverigg by engaging projects that are designed to improve the look of our area. I have some personal ideas on how that will happen that I will share with you and the community as the year progresses. I would like my year to be one of change and improvement of the town and Town Council, where appropriate. I would like to instil an atmosphere of positivity as we, as a Council, engage in projects that are aimed at improving our area. This will also mean engaging with the wider community to get their views and collaboration. I have a number of ideas about how I would like to see improvements, and the Skate Park is one. Being represented on the swimming pool committee is another. I also feel very strongly that each project should follow through to its logical conclusion. I understand that this may not take place in my Mayoral year, but I intend to make it happen when deputies become Mayor, the work of the Council will continue to operate in a seamless way. On a domestic front, as Council meetings can be rather long, I would like to make hot and cold drinks available on arrival. If you want to take advantage of this please arrive a few minutes early. The 15 minute rule for the public will be enforced unless permission has been sought beforehand to extend it. Members of the public cannot make random comments or ask questions from their position at the side. I ask the Council’s support in enforcing this. My charities and worthy causes this year will be for the benefit of Millom and Haverigg and funds will be distributed in the form of projects administered by myself and the Town Council/ Examples of this will be tree planting and picnic tables in Millom Park and appropriate enhancements to Haverigg Park. I am also planning outdoor social activities that all of the community can enjoy and participate in. All of this of course will depend on funding and I expect all Councillors to support me in my endeavours. My fundraising activities begin with a Pamper Party at Haverigg Working Men’s Club 1st June 7pm and Prize Bingo 2nd June 7.30pm at the Knights. More events will be taking place throughout the year. Finally, I would like to make a plea that all Councillors address each other in the correct manner and remember that we represent those who elected us. Heated debates are fine, but please do not make them personal. There is a lot of talent in this Council and the people of Millom and Haverigg are fortunate to have us. Let us do them, as us, proud by working together for the good of the community. I am looking forward to this year. Best Wishes to all.

The meeting closed at 8.3pm D Moorhouse Clerk

Cllr A.Dixon, Mayor......

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