WORLD WAR ONE: Journal Project
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AIM: To gain an understanding of what it was like to be a soldier from Canada during the Great War.
OBJECTIVES: 1. To create a journal/diary based on the experiences of a member of the Canadian Expeditionary Forces. 2. To describe what the trip to Europe was like on a troopship. 3. To describe conditions on the front. 4. To try and explain what drove people to volunteer to go to war.
METHOD: 1. Access the records of the Canadian Expeditionary Forces-Renfrew County: 2. Choose a member to study for your journal project. 3. View the front and back of the attestation papers for your individual. 4. Print both sides of the attestation papers. Include these in your project. 5. Find your member in the Books of Remembrance: http://www.vac- 6. Use the internet to research other background information to create your journal. Write one page biography of your individual which includes their reasons for enlisting (use fact--attestation papers and fiction). 7. Create a 4 page journal for the person that you have selected (Each entry 1 pg) 1st ENTRY: Training and Trip Over 2nd ENTRY: Life in the Trench 3rd ENTRY: First Major Battle (i.e.: Ypres, Vimy, Passchendale...) 4th ENTRY: November 11, 1918 if you lived OR Letter from the Defence Department saying how you died
EVALUATION: Biography _____/10 marks Attestation Papers _____/5 marks Journal Entries _____/20 marks (5 marks/entry) Style _____/5 marks Creativity/Historical Accuracy _____/10 marks TOTAL _____/50 marks (or see rubric)
DUE DATE: ______INTERNET SITES: This list is NOT comprehensive. It is a variety of links that may be useful to your research. Many provide examples of letters home and biographies to give you ideas to create your own. You will also find other resources by completing a search using a search engine (i.e.: Google, Yahoo, Excite). Please ask for help if you want to learn how.
1. Veterans Affairs Canada: includes letters, diaries, interviews, summary of Canada’s involvement from the side menu choose “Youth & Educators”, “History”, “The First World War” look into either “Canadian Veterans Interviews” or “Diaries & Letters”
2. The Great Canadian War Homepage: includes statistics, timeline, major battles, letters home, biographies
3. The Spartacus Internet Encyclopaedia – The First World War includes chronology, leaders, armed forces, soldiers, life in the trenches, war aces, home front, equipment, statistics
4. Robert Lindsay Mackay’s First World War Diary:
5. Letters Home from Percy Smith:
6. Stanley Family History – Great Grandfather’s Letters Home from World War One
7. Trenches on the Web:
8. BBC News—The Great War: 80 years on
9. Letters from the Great War: Stothers family correspondence
10. Letters Home from the War:
11. John Bruce Cairnie, War Diaries: World War I Journal Project Rubric Name: ______CATEGORY Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 10 9 8 7 6 5 Biography Biography is at least one Biography is approx. one Biography is less than one Biography is one half page or page in length. Includes facts page in length. Includes facts page in length. Includes most less in length. Includes few (Communication) from attestation papers. from attestation papers. facts from attestation papers. facts from attestation papers. Discusses soldier's reasons Discusses soldier's reasons Briefly discusses soldier's Soldier’s reasons for enlisting for enlisting in depth. Uses for enlisting. reasons for enlisting. are unclear or not provided. other historical facts to expand on entry.
Attestation Papers All parts of attestation papers All parts of attestation papers Most parts of attestation Attestation papers are are printed and included in are printed and included in papers are printed and missing substantial parts. (Application) project. Other evidence is project. included in project. also included (e.g. Book of Remembrance, Virtual Memorial, etc....)
Journal 1-Training Journal is at least one page in Journal is approx. one page Journal is less than one page Journal is one half page or length. Information clearly in length. Information clearly in length. Information mostly less in length. Information relates to the topic and relates to the topic and relates to the topic but seems loosely relates to the topic provides strong connection to provides some connections to unrelated to other entries. It and is unrelated to other other entries. It includes other entries. It provides provides some supporting entries. It provides few numerous supporting details several supporting details details and/or examples. supporting details and/or and/or examples. and/or examples. examples.
(Thinking/Inquiry) Journal 2-Life in Journal is at least one page in Journal is approx. one page Journal is less than one page Journal is one half page or length. Information clearly in length. Information clearly in length. Information mostly less in length. Information the Trenches relates to the topic and relates to the topic and relates to the topic but seems loosely relates to the topic provides strong connection to provides some connections to unrelated to other entries. It and is unrelated to other other entries. It includes other entries. It provides provides some supporting entries. It provides few numerous supporting details several supporting details details and/or examples. supporting details and/or and/or examples. and/or examples. examples.
(Thinking/Inquiry) Journal 3-First Journal is at least one page in Journal is approx. one page Journal is less than one page Journal is one half page or length. Information clearly in length. Information clearly in length. Information mostly less in length. Information Major Battle relates to the topic and relates to the topic and relates to the topic but seems loosely relates to the topic provides strong connection to provides some connections to unrelated to other entries. It and is unrelated to other other entries. It includes other entries. It provides provides some supporting entries. It provides few numerous supporting details several supporting details details and/or examples. supporting details and/or and/or examples. and/or examples. examples.
(Thinking/Inquiry) Journal 4-End of Journal is at least one page in Journal is approx. one page Journal is less than one page Journal is one half page or length. Information clearly in length. Information clearly in length. Information mostly less in length. Information War/Letter Home relates to the topic and relates to the topic and relates to the topic but seems loosely relates to the topic provides strong connection to provides some connections to unrelated to other entries. It and is unrelated to other other entries. It includes other entries. It provides provides some supporting entries. It provides few numerous supporting details several supporting details details and/or examples. supporting details and/or and/or examples. and/or examples. examples.
(Thinking/Inquiry) Style Information is very organized Information is organized with Information is organized, but The information appears to be with well-constructed well-constructed paragraphs paragraphs are not well- disorganized. No dates are (Communication) paragraphs and appropriate and dates. Journals are well constructed. Dates are used to show the flow of dates. Journals are extremely written. Fact and fiction is missing to verify accuracy. material. Information is well written and writing flows well intertwined to make Facts are incorporated to choppy and little evidence of naturally from idea to idea. entries realistic. show knowledge but take purpose is seen. Facts are seamlessly away from the flow of the integrated to demonstrate writing. knowledge. Historical All historical information Almost all historical Most of the historical Very little of the historical appeared to be accurate and information was accurate and information was accurate and information was accurate Accuracy in chronological order. in chronological order. in chronological order. and\or in chronological order. (Knowledge/ Journal is creatively prepared Journal is creatively prepared Journal is somewhat Journal is rarely creative, Understanding) and appears to be an original and is mostly feels to be an creatively prepared but does mostly fact driven and does historical document. original historical document. not have the feel of an look like an original historical original document. document.