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Academy of Sciences of the USSR

Academy of sciences of the USSR P.P.Shirshov Institute of Oceanology

Insufficiently studied fishes of the open ocean

Moscow 1982

Ichthyofauna of Corner Mountains and New England Seamounts

Kukuyev E.I.

This work is a result of study of the deep-water fish collected in 1976-1978 in the regions of the Sloping Rise and New England Sea-Mounts. The tows were made mostly with a pelagic trawl near the top of the ridges and along the slopes between 600 and 1110 m. The collection comprises epipelagic, mesopelagic, bathyal and bathyal-pelagic species of fish. Some species of the benthic ichthyofauna were collected with bottom trawls. The rich collection of fish of the Sloping Rise has been deposited for keeping in the Zoological Museum of the Moscow State University. The author owes thanks to many people for their assistance. Thanks are due to Verenko V. for his substantial help in collecting of the fish. Further acknowledgment goes to Parin N. V. for supervising; Bekker V. E.. for access to his clues for identification of the myctophids, still unpublished; Verigina I. A. for continuous assistance when working over the collection. I thank Pokhilskaya G. N. for identification of the specimens in the genus Eustomidias and Aristostomias, Karmovskaya E. S. for identification of eels in the Nemichthioidei suborder. Sazonov Y. I. for identification of the specimens of the Platytroctidae family and Mikhaylin S V. for identification of trichiuroid fish.

The region of exploration (oceanographic description)

The Sloping Rise is situated south of the Grand Banks of Newfoundland near the eastern edge of the Sohm Abyssal Plain. In the east it is continuous with the west wing of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, in the west it adjoins the Bermuda Rise and extends within the coordinates 33o 40/ - 36o N and 47o - 53o W. The Rise has a volcanic origin. It towers over the gently sloping base situated at depths of 3500 - 4000 m (Ilyin, 1976). The distance between the top of the mounts and water surface is 660 -1900 m. The New England range of sea-mounts extends along the north-eastern edge of Bermuda sea-mounts from north-west to south-east from 34o to 38o N. The mounts are 2000-3000 m high. The biggest ones among them are mounts Kelvin, San-Pablo, Rechops, Michael, Nashwill with minimum depths over their tops between 900 and1600 m (Litvin, 1980). The hydrological structure in the region of the Sloping Rise is of the subtropical type. Superficial subtropical water masses (water temperature. 15-20o to 25-28o C) occupy the upper 300 –500 m layer. The intermediate northern Atlantic water mass lies at depths of 500 -1500 m. Average temperature is relatively stable. It is 7.0; 3.9; 2.9o C at the respective depths of 1000, 2000 and 3000m. Gulf Stream currents, meanders and discontinuity of bottom relief influence the water dynamics in the region. The west regions of the Sloping Rise are the most exposed to the influence of Gulf Stream waters. The process of driving the water masses to the northeast, east and southeast occurs in a system of superficial currents in the region. The greater the depth (300 - 500 m and so on), the more the direction of the water masses changes towards south–west.

Annotated list of fishes

The list comprises about 1800 specimens, including 192 fish species of 60 families. The data is represented in the following order: species name, number of specimens, range of length (in mm) from minimum to maximum given within brackets. The total length of sharks, eels and macrurids is marked as TL; SL means standard length for other fish. Following the range of lengths is the name of the Research Vessel during whoose cruise the fishes were collected (A – “Atlant”, B – “Bakhchisaray”, C – “Coryphena”, E – “Eureka”) and number of trawl. The data of depths and regions of trawling are summarized in the Table. Short descriptions are given for the unusual and uncommon fishes in cases where the fish could not be identified with certainty. Abbreviations given in the descriptions are: C – head length c -- snout length o – eye diameter ao – distance between eyes b – barbel length I D – dorsal fin base I A – anal fin base aD – interdorsal space aA – interanal space aV – interventral

FAM. HEXANCHIDAE Hexanchus griseus (Bonnaterre). This species and the next one were identified at sea (by Verenko V. I) since they did not occur in collections. The shark was identified at 35o28/ N, 51o55/ W at a depth of 820-920 m. Hexanchus griseus is abundant in warm and temperate waters of the Ocean. Heptranchias perlo (Bonnaterre) The species was recorded at 34o 46/ N, 50o 24/ W at a depth of 740 m. Area of distribution is the tropical and subtropical waters of the Ocean. It occurs in abundance in the Azores region at depths to 600 m.

FAM. MITSUKUINIDAE Mitsukurina owstoni Jordan. 9 specimens; (2000-4100 m); A, 128, 118, 112, 71: B, 150.single preserved specimens (TL 3640 mm) were captured at 35o 28/ N, 51o 54/W at a depth of 840 m. According to the principal measurements of fish body (% TL) it corresponds to the species description by Jordan (1898): Length from tip of the snout to line connecting the front tips of nostrils is 10, 4; ------to mouth is 9.0; ------to the first gill opening is 18. 6; ------to the second gill opening is 23. 0; ------to the fifth gill opening is 25.5; - preorbital length is 12.0; - pectoral fin base is 26.0; - pelvic fin base is 48.5; - first dorsal fin base is 34.3; - second dorsal fin base is 62.0; - base of caudal fin’s upper lobe is 72.0; - length between first and fifth gill opening 6.8; - length of first gill opening is 3.9 - length of third gill opening is 4.1; length of fifth gill opening is 4.1; - eye length is 0.7; - first dorsal fin base is 6.9; - second dorsal fin base is 6.4; - anal fin base is 9.8; - length of pectoral fin is 4.7; - length of pelvic fin is 11;. - length of caudal fin’s upper lobe is 30.1; The studied specimen differs from the holotype by the position of the first dorsal fin, (which is placed distinctly behind the posterior tip of pectoral fin), bigger pectoventral length and shorter length of upper lobe of the caudal fin.. However, these distinctions might be caused by age differences. The species has been reported from the offshore regions of Japan (Jordan, 1898; Jordan & Snyder, 1904; Fowler, 1941), South Australia (Zeitz, 1908), South Africa (Bass et al., 1976), France and Ghana (Quero, 1978). It has been known also from the southwestern part of the Indian Ocean. This is the first time this shark has been found in the northwestern part of the Atlantic Ocean.

FAM. SCLYORHINIDAE Parmaturus manis Springer. 2 specimens, (600-800). The specimens were collected at 35o N, 50o W at depths of 600-800 m. This species has been recorded in the Western North Atlantic (39o 52/ N, 68o 38/ and 70o 50/ W) at depths of 658-840 m; Springer, 1979). It occurs also over the Mid-Atlantic Ridge from 44o to 55o N (our data),

FAM. SQUALIDAE Etmopterus spinax ( Linnaeus). 3 specimens (520-700); B 94 (35o 31/ N, 51o 57/ W) were collected at depths of 480-1120 m. The species is distributed in the East Atlantic from Norway and Iceland to Senegal and Cape Verde. It occurs near the Mid-Atlantic Ridge from 45o to 52o N and off South-Western Africa at depths of 200-2000 m (Maurin & Bonnet, 1970; Krefft & Tortonese, 1973; Golovan, 1976, 1978; Gushchin & Kukuyev, 1981) Centroscymnus coelolepis Bocage & Capello. 1 specimen (1000 ), collected at 34o 37/ N, 49o 44/ W at a depth of 1070 m. Centroscymnus coelolepis occurs in the Western North Atlantic and North East Atlantic, near the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and in the western part of the Mediterranean Sea at depths of 329-2718 m (Krefft & Tortonese, 1973, Golovan, 1976; Gushchin & Kukuyev, 1981). Squaliolus laticaudus Smith e& Radcliffe. 2 specimens (180-230); A 211; C 27. Besides these specimens collected at 35o 47/ N, 50o 28/ W Squaliolus laticaudus has been also found at 30o 48/ N, 28o 31/ W and 39o 35/ N , 63o 09/ W at a depth of 500 m. S.laticaudadus has an ocean-wide distribution (Garin, 1968; Krefft & Tortonese, 1973).

FAM. PLATYTROCTIDAE Holtbyrnia anomala Krefft. 2 specimens (58-133); A 64, 154. The species has been recorded in the waters of the Continental shelf in the East Atlantic (south to 18o 23/ S), over the Mid-Atlantic Ridge from 45o and 55o N and near the Argin bank (Golovan, 1076; Sazonov & Trunov. 1978; Gushchev & Kukuyev, 1981). Recently it has been found in Western North Atlantic at 41o 21/ N, 63o 50/ W (our data). Maulisia microlepis Sazonov et Golovan. 3 specimens (210-223); A 64, 65. Previously the species has been known only from the East Atlantic (between 5o S and 30o S) (Sazonov & Golovan, 1976; Parin et al.,1978; Sazonov & Trunov, 1978; Pakhorukov, 1981). Finding Maulisia microlepis in the Western North Atlantic shows that the area of its distribution is much wider. Sagamichthys schnakenbecki (Krefft). 2 specimens (202 and 248); B 24. The species occurs in the Continental shelf region and talassobathyal of the North East Atlantic and over the Mid-Atlantic Ridge from 49o and 52o N (Krefft, 1973; Sazonov, 1976; Gushchin & Kukuyev, 1981). Normichthys operosus Parr. 5 specimens (60-80); A 192, C 18. The area of distribution comprises the Continental shelf and talassobathyal of the Atlantic Ocean off Greenland and Iceland, the Bay of Biscay, regions off the northwestern and southwestern African coast and waters over the Mid- Atlantic Ridge (Krefft, 1973; Sazonov, 1976; Golovan, 1976, 1978; Gushchin & Kukuyev, 1981). This data has to be supplemented by the new facts of occurrence of Normichthys operosus near Azores at 30o N, 28o W (report of Shlibanov) and in the Continental shelf waters off the Canadian Atlantic coast (our data).

FAM. ALEPOCEPHALIDAE Xenodermichthys copei (Gill). 1 specimen (170) was collected at 35o N, 50o W at a depth of 800 m. Einara macrolepis (Koefoed). 1 specimen (170); A 65 (34o 33/ N, 51o 57/ W) The depth of collecting was 720-1980 m). The species has been recorded in the North East Atlantic at 28o 54/ N, 24o 14/ W; 12o 07/ N, 23o 08/ W and at 34o N, 15o 20/ W (Krefft, 1973), in the Indian Ocean on the Exmut plateau and over the East-Indian ridge (Cazonov & Ivanov, 1980) at depths of 1640-4000 m.

FAM. GOSTOMATIDAE Gonostoma denudatum Rafinesque. 15 specimens (120-145); B 115, 234, 257, 263, 286, 313 338; A 63., This is supposedly a bathyal-pelagic species. Gonostoma denudatum has been found in the East Atlantic between 45o N/ and 10o S (including the western Mediterranean), in the western Atlantic, in the Caribbean and near equatorial Brazil (Mukhacheva, 1972; Witzell, 1973; Panin et al.,1974; Panin et al., 1978). According to our data this species also occurs near Azores. Gonostoma bathyphilum (Vaillant). 32 specimens (80-170); A 65, 154,190 were collected at 38o 29/ N, 63o 14/ W at depths of 1640-1780 m and at 34o 25/ N, 31o 24/ W at depths of 1950-2000 m. Gonostoma bathyphilum is a bathypelagic species known from the Atlantic and southern part of the Pacific Oceans (Grey, 1964; Bussing, 1965; Mukacheva, 1972). Gonostoma elongatum Gunther. 84 specimens (80-250); B 261,79,191, 207, 233, 255, 257, 313, 352, 357, 365, 368, 370, 374; A 150, 151, 154, 190, 191, 199, 216, 228, 230, 237, 256, 276, 286. The species has an ocean-wide distribution (Mukacheva, 1972) Bonapartuia pedaliota Goode et Bean. 24 specimens (40-80); B 261, 233, 73, 285, 313, 355, 364, 370, 368; A 154, It is an oceanic species distributed in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans (Mukacheva, 1976). Margrethia obtusirostra Jespersen et Taning. 4 specimens (57-68); B 76, 265; A 65. M. obtusirostra occurs in the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans (Mukacheva, 1976) Ichthyococcus ovatus (Cocco). 4 specimens (34-47); B 74. The species occurs everywhere in the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans (Mucacheva, 1980). Vinciguerria nimbaria (Jordan et Williams). 1 specimen (23); A 150 (38o 59/ N, 62o 02/ W). The species is widespread in the tropical and subtropical waters of the deep ocean (Gorbunova, 1972). Vinciguerria poweriae ( Cocco). 1 specimen (32); B 313. V. poweriae .is distributed in the tropical and subtropical belts of the deep ocean (Gorbunova, 1972). Diplophos taenia Gunter. 2 specimens (180); B 261. It is widely distributed in the tropical and subtropical waters of the Ocean ( Mucacheva, 1978) The species has also been found at 39o N, 60oW.

FAM. STERNOPTYCHIDAE Argyropelecus aculeatus Valenciennes. 121 specimens (40-89); B 76, 207, 233, 257, 261, 265, 273, 338, 364, 370; A 64, 65, 154, 190, 191, 192, 230; (40o 35/ N, 57o 31/ W; 41o 20/ N, 66o 03/ W). It is a faunal component of the subtropical waters of the Ocean. In the North Atlantic Argyropelecus aculeatus is abundant from 40o to 15o N. The species has been reported also from the equatorial waters (Borodulina, 1978) Argyropelecus hemigymnus Cocco. 12 specimens (20-34); B 77, 265, 348, 374; (40o 34/ N, 57o 41/ W). It is one of the most abundant and widespread species in the tropical and temperate belts of the Ocean (Borodulina, 1978). Sternoptyx diaphana Hermann. 90 species (15-38); A 64, 199, 215, 230, 255, 262; B 18, 20, 74, 230, 255, 173, 261, 263, 338, 340, 357, 368, 370, 374. Sternoptyx diaphana is widely distributed in the tropical waters of the oceans (Borodulina, 1978).

FAM. ASTRONESTIDAE Astronesthes gemmifer Goode et Bean. 30 specimens (90-178); A 202, 211, 228, 230, 361, 262, 266; B 76, 207, 232, 255, 257, 285, 286, 335, 336, 348, 353, 356, 368. Astronesthes gemmife is a bathyal- pelagic species heretofore known only from the Atlantic (Parin, Golovan, 1976). It is distributed over the continental shelf and in the talassobathyal waters (Gibbs,1964; Gibbs & Morrow,1973; Parin & Golovan, 1976; Parin et al., 1978; Gushchin & Kukuyev, 1981) Astronesthes macropogon Goodyear et Gibbs. 6 specimens (75-160); A 119, 199, 203, 256. D 15-16, A 14- 13; photophores PV 13-14; VAV 19; head length 22-23%. Astronesthes macropogon is an Atlantic species. It is tending towards the continental shelf and talassobathyal of the tropical regions (Goodyear & Gibbs, 1969; Parin & Golovan, 1976; Parin et al., 1978). Astronesthes leucopogon Regan et Trewavas. 12 species (60-110); A 216, 220, 230, 255, 256; B 207, 338, 357, 368, 370, 374. D 17, A 16-17; photophores PV 11-12, VAV 14-15; barbel length 2.8-3.3% SL. This species occurs in the Eastern and Western North Atlantic (Gibbs, Morrow, 1973). Astronesthes sp. 1 specimen (95); A 216 (34o 45/ N, 50o 51/ W); 840 m; D 17, A 12; photophores PV 12; VAV 11; barbel length 8.4% SL. Neonesthes capensis (Gilchrist et Bonde). 1 specimen (65); B 375. Neonesthes capensis is a peripheral species known from the northern and southern parts of the Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean, northeastern, central and southwestern parts of the Pacific Ocean (Gibbs & Morrow, 1973; Clarke, 1973; Panin et al., 1977; Gushchin & Kukuyev, 1981).

FAM. STOMIATIDAE Stomias brevibarbatus Ege. 5 specimens (88-165); B 74, 255, 263. Stomias brevibarbatus belongs to the North Atlantic central species. It occurs from 20o and 40o N (Shcherbachev & Novikova, 1976). Stomias boa ferox Reinhardt. 15 specimens (200-270); B 36, 234, 317, 334, 370,374; A 150, 228, 230; C 27. The species is distributed in the North Atlantic from 28o to 65o N (Shcherbachev & Novikova, 1976), It occurs in abundance over the Mid-Atlantic Ridge from 45 to 60o N (Gushchin & Kukuyev, 1981) Macrostomias longibarbatus Brauer. 5 specimens (320-420); B 233, 370; A 234; photophores VAV 60-61. Macrostomias longibarbatus is known from tropical, subtropical and equatorial waters of the Ocean (Shcherbachev & Novicova, 1976).

FAM. CHAULIODINTIDAE Chauliodus sloani Schneider. 50 specimens (200-260) have been collected along the whole extent of the studied region. Chauliodus sloani is widespread in the subtropical, tropical and equatorial areas. In the northern part of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans this species is absent (Parin & Novicova, 1974). Chauliodus danae Regan et Trewavas. 45 specimens (60-170) collected during the cruise were examined. This species is endemic in the North Atlantic water masses (Parin & Novikova, 1974).

FAM. MELANOSTOMIATIDAE Melanostomias valdiviae Brauer. 2 specimens (140-250); B 74, 374. The species is known due to a few captures in the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Oceans. Melanostomias valdiviae has been found in such Atlantic areas as the Caribbean Sea and near Bahamas (Regan & Trewavas, 1930; Morrow & Gibbs, 1964; Parin & Pokhilskaya, 1978). Melanosomias melanopogon Regan et Trewavas. 3 specimens (170-252); B 236, 374; A 228. Melanosomias melanopogon is known only from the Atlantic Ocean (Regan & Trewavas, 1930; Morrow, 1973). Melanostomias sp. 5 specimens (190-220); B 74, 233; A 119, 228, 276. Supposedly, this species has not been described before. Melanostomias spilorhynchus Regan et Trewavas. 30 specimens (120-270); A 211, 219, 230, 255, 260, 276, 304; B 36, 207, 286, 364, 353, 365, 374. The species is known mostly from the Atlantic. One specimen has been collected in the eastern part of the Indian Ocean over the West-Australian Ridge (Parin & Pokhilskaya, 1978). The map of trawl collections drawn by Rigens and Trevans (1930) shows that Melanostomias spilorhynchus is restricted to the central part of the Atlantic. However, Parin and Pokhilskaya (1978) regard this species as a bathyal-pelagic one since the big individuals occur only over the Continental shelfs and the talassobathyal (SL 120-278 mm). Melanostomias tentaculatus (Regan et Trewavas). 5 specimens (124-145); A 256; B 313, 353. This is a tropical species, which has been found in the west Atlantic from 17o to 33o N (Bermudas, Sargasso Sea, Virgin Islands) (Regan & Trevavas, 1930; Parin & Pokhilskaya, 1978). The species has been reported also from the eastern part of the Indian Ocean and the Western Pacific (Parin, 1976; Parin et al., 1977; Parin & Sokolovsky, 1976). Melanostomias melanops (Brauer). 26 specimens. (170-250); B 18, 207, 255, 285, 273, 304, 348, 357, 370, 374; A 70, 211, 225, 250, 255, 256. The species occurs in the tropical belts of the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Oceans (Regan & Trevans, 1930; Gibbs, 1960; Parin & Pokhilskaya, 1978; Parin et al., 1981). Bathophilus metallicus (Welsch). 3 specimens (115-136); B 257, 356; A 131. Bathphilus metallicus occurs in the northern Atlantic from 20o to 40o N (Regan & Trevavas, 1930). Chirostomias pliopterus Regan et Trewavas. 8 specimens (85-190); B 318, 338, 375; A 230, 255, 276. The species has been reported from the tropical and subtropical belts of the North Atlantic. Most of specimens have been collected from 20o to 40o N in the Sargasso Sea, near Azores, Bermudas, Virgin Islands, Madeira and in the Bay of Biscay (Regan & Trewavas, 1930; Morrow & Gibbs, 1964; Gushchin & Kukuyev, 1981). Flagellostomias boureei (Zugmayer). 4 specimens (80-330); A 219, 256; B 18, 374. Flagellostomias boureei is known mostly from the Atlantic. It occurs near Bahamas, Azores, and Bermudas, in the Caribbean Sea and in the central part of the equatorial Atlantic (Regan & Trewavas, 1930). The northern boundary of its occurrence lies over the Mid-Atlantic Ridge from 45o to 57o N (Gushchin & Kukuyev, 1981). In the southern hemisphere Flagellostomias boureei has been recorded in the region off the African coast (from equator to 32o S) (Parin & Golovan, 1976; Parin et al., 1978; Hulley, 1972). The species occurs sporadically in the Pacific Ocean, mostly in central-western part and over the Imperial Ridge (Novikov et al., 1981). Grammatostomias circularis Morrow. 1 specimen (195); B 338. Grammatostomias circularis has been known only from the western North Atlantic (Morrow & Gibbs, 1964) Grammatostomias flagellibarba Holt et Byrne. 1 specimen (150); It was collected at 35o N, 50o W. Heretofore it have been recorded in the Caribbean Sea and North Atlantic from 10o to 30o N (Morrow & Gibbs, 1964) Pachystomias microdon Gunter. 7 specimens (130-234); B 18, 234, 374; A 70; (38o 49/ N , 64o 60/ W; 1040- 1700 m). The species is poorly represented in the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans (Regan & Trewavas, 1930; Gibbs & Morrow, 1964; Hulley, 1972; Parin et al., 1976; Gushchin & Kukuyev, 1981; Novikov et al., 1981). Trigonolampa miriceps Regan & Trewavas. 2 specimens.(50-120); B 357, 374. The species is known from the North Atlantic (Regan & Trewavas, 1930; Morrow, 1973; Gushchin & Kukuyev, 1981) and from the temperate waters of the southern hemisphere (Parin et al., 1973). Photonectes braueri (Zugmayer). 1 specimen (100); A 211. The species is known only from the North Atlantic (Regan & Trewavas, 1930; Gushchin & Kukuyev, 1981). Photonectes margarita (Goode et Bean). 6 specimens (300-350); A 64, 213; 211, 219; B 357, 370. Photonectes margarita occurs in the Atlantic (Regan & Trewavas, 1930; Morrow & Gibbs, 1964) and in the Pacific Ocean (Berry & Perkins, 1966; Parin & Sokolovsky, 1976; Parin et al., 1977; Parin et al., 1981). Photonectes bifilifer Beebe. 2 specimens (260 and 360); B 268, 286. Hitherto a single individual of this species has been found near Bermudas (Morrow & Gibbs, 1964). Echiostoma barbatum Lowe. 30 specimens (200-300); A 151, 228, 230, 255, 262; B 16, 36, 52, 207, 263, 338, 353, 356, 370, 374; C 4, 27. Echiostoma barbatum occurs in the warm waters of the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans (Regan & Trewavas, 1930; Morrow & Gibbs, 1964; Hulley, 1972; Parin et al., 1977; Parin & Sokolovsky, 1976; Novikov et al., 1081). Eustomias obscurus Vaillant. 15 specimens (100-200); A 62, 70, 201, 211, 236, 276; B 285, 313, 338, 368. This species occurs only in the Atlantic Ocean (Morrow & Gibbs, 1964; Parin et al., 1974). Eustomias bigelowi Welsh. 3 specimens (120-140); A 211, 256. Eustomias bigelowi is known from the warm waters of the deep ocean (Morrow & Gibbs, 1964; Parin & Pokhilskaya, 1974; Parin et al., 1977). Eustomias dubius Parr. 3 specimens (105-140); B 258; A 216. This is an Atlantic species (Morrow & Gibbs, 1964). Eustomias parri Regan et Trewavas. 3 specimens (110-120); B 257; A 276. These are the first Atlantic specimens of this species, which heretofore has been known from the Bermuda region (Regan & Trewavas, 1930). Eustomias macrurus Regan et Trevawas. 1 specimen (210; 38o 49/ N, 64o 04/ W; 1960-2000 m). Eustomias macrurus occurs in the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans (Parin & Pokhilskaya, 1974). Eustomias filifer (Gilchrist). 9 specimens (110-240); B 112, 265, 374, 378; A 230, 276. The species is known from the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans (Morrow & Gibbs, 1964). Eustomias schmidti Regan et Trewavas. 3 specimens (340-220); A 250 (35o 28/ N, 51o 56/ W); the depths 760-800 m). Eustomias schmidti has an ocean-wide distriibution (Morrow & Gibbs, 1964; Parin & Pokhilskaya, 1974). Eustomias baueri Zugmayer. 1 specimen (130); A 276. This is a widespread species (Morrow & Gibbs, 1964; Parin & Pokhilskaya, 1974; Parin et al., 1977). Eustomias tetranema Zugmayer. 1 specimen (165); B 263. This species has been reported from the part of the eastern Atlantic situated between Azores and Canary Islands (Morrow & Gibbs, 1964). Eustomias radicifilis Borodin. 1 specimen (190); A 211. The species has been recorded in the Atlantic at 33o N, 64o W (Morrow & Gibbs, 1964). Eustomias bibulbosus Parr. 1 specimen (135); A 216. Eustomias bibulbosus has an ocean-wide distribution. Eustomias sp. (Eustomias sp. 4, Parin et Pokhilskaya,1974) 1 specimen (140); A (35o 28/ N, 51o 56/ W; 760- 800 m). Hitherto this species has been known only from the western part of the Pacific Ocean. Eustomias sp. is recorded here for the first time from the Atlantic.. Eustomias achirus Parin et Pokhilskaya. 1 specimen. (150); A (35o N, 50o W). This is the first Atlantic specimen of Eustomias achirus, which heretofore has been known from the western equatorial part of the Pacific Ocean (Parin & Pokhilskaya, 1974). Leptostomias gladiator (Zugmayer). 12 specimens (140-440); A 203, 228; B 205, 338. Leptostomias gladiator occurs in the mesopelagial of all oceans (Morrow & Gibbs, 1964; Parin & Sokolovsky, 1976). Leptostomias analis Regan et Trewavas. 2 specimens (420 and 790); B 263, 374. Leptostomias leptobolus Regan et Trewavas. 1 specimen (200); B 370. This species is known from the warm waters of the North Atlantic (Morrow & Gibbs, 1964). Leptostomias bermudensis Beebe. 3 specimens (260-360); A 230, 191. Leptostomias bermudensis is known due to the single specimen, which has been found near Bermudas (Morrow & Gibbs). Leptostomias gracilis Regan et Trewavas. 1 specimen (150); B (39o N, 50o W).

FAM. MALACOSTEIDAE Malacosteus niger Aures. 7 specimens (100-180); B 370, 374; A 65. Malacosteus niger occurs in warm and temperate waters of all oceans (Goodyear, 1973). Aristostomias lunifer Regan et Trewavas. 4 specimens (130-160); B 365; A 211, 276. This species is restricted to the warm waters of the North Atlantic and Pacific Oceans (Regan & Trwavas, 1930; Parin et al.,1976,1977,1978). Aristomias tittmanni Welsh. 5 specimens (150-230); A 70, 219; B 365. The species is known from the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans (Goodyear, 1973; Clarke, 1973). Photostomias guernei Collett. 160 specimens (50-70); B 16, 18, 36, 74, 207, 208, 211, 231, 234, 255, 257, 261, 263, 265, 268, 273, 313, 315, 318, 337, 338, 356, 365, 370, 374; A 63, 65, 203, 211, 216, 219, 228, 255, 256, 261, 276. Photostomias guernei occurs in the tropical and subtropical belts of the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans (Goodyear, 1973).

FAM. IDIACANTHIDAE Idiacanthus fasciola Peters. 61 specimens (150-340); B 36, 200, 207, 255, 257, 261, 263, 268, 285, 338, 348, 353, 356, 370; A 130, 139, 150, 201, 211, 216, 228, 256, 261, 262, The species has an ocean- wide distribution.

FAM. OPISTHOPROCTIDAE Opisthoproctus soleatus Vaillant. 7 specimens (90-115); B 18, 340, 356; A 70; C 18. Opisthoproctus soleatus occurs anywhere in the deep ocean. Rhynchohyalus natalensis Gilchrist et von Bonde. 2 specimens (110 and 115); B 268, 374. This species has been reported from the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans (Parin et al., 1973; Cohen, 1973). Dolichopteryx longipes (Vaillant). 1 specimen (50); B 285. The species is abundant in tropical waters of the deep ocean.

FAM. BATHYLAGIDAE Bathylagus longirostris Maul. 11 specimens (60-100); B 74, 261, 268, 353, 370; A 52. This is a widespread warm-water species (Cohen, 1973). Bathylagus bericoides (Borodin). 2 specimens (60 and 100); B 73. It is known from all oceans (Cohen, 1973). Bathylagus euryops Goode et Bean. 1 specimen (90); B 374.

FAM. MICROSTOMATIDAE Microstoma microstoma (Risso). 1 specimen (200); B 268. It is a widespread mesopelagic species (Cohen, 1973).

FAM. MYCTOPHIDAE Mictophum selenops Taning. 1 specimen (66). B 74. Mictophym selenops occurs in tropical and subtropical waters of all oceans (Bekker & Borodulina, 1978). Hygophum macrochir (Gunter) 1 specimen ; B 268. Lobianchia gemellari (Cocco). 11 specimens; (75-105); A 190, 191, 192; B 52, 74. Lobianchia gemellari is distributed in the tropical and subtropical belts of the deep ocean. (Krefft, Beccer, 1973; Nafpactitis et al., 1977). It has been recorded over the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 53o N (Gomolitsky et al., 1977; Gushchin & Kukuyev, 1981). Diaphus effulgens (Goode et Bean). 5 specimens (78-120); A 190, 191, 192. This is a bisubtropical species (Nafpaktitis et al., 1977). Diaphus taaningi Norman. 15 specimens (55-80); A 63; B 73, 74. This is an Atlantic species (Nafpaktitis et al., 1977). Diaphus metopoclampus (Cocco). 9 specimens (65-85); A 191, 192. The species occurs in temperate and subtropical waters of all oceans (Nafpaktitis et al., 1977). Ceratoscopelus maderensis (Lowe). 3 specimens ( 55-70); A 190. Ceratoscopelus maderensis has been reported from the temperate-subtropical part of the North Atlantic, including Mediterranean Sea (Krefft, Bekker, 1973; Nafpaktitis et al., 1977; Gushchin & Kukuyev, 1981). The species is supposedly tending towards the Continental shelf and talassobathyal regions (Parin & Golovan, 1976). Ceratoscopelus warmingi (Lutken). 9 specimens (40-65); A 65; B 64, 74. Ceratoscopelus warmingi is known from tropical and subtropical waters of all oceans (Nafpaktitis et al., 1977). Bolinichthys supralateralis (Parr). 9 specimens (80-110); A 65, 199; B 52. This species is spread in tropical and subtropical regions. In the Atlantic it has been recorded from the equator to 40o N (Nafpaktitis et al., 1977). The species is supposedly tending towards the Continental shelf and talassobathyal regions (Parin & Golovan, 1976). Bolinichthys indicus Nafpaktitis. 1 specimen (60); B 74. This is a bisubtropical species. In the Atlantic it has been recorded from15o to 40o N (Nafpaktitis et al., 1977). Lepidophanes guentheri (Goode et Bean). 1 specimen (65); B 357. This is a tropical species. It is endemic in the Atlantic Ocean (Nafpaktitis et al., 1977). Lampadena urophaos atlantica Maul. 30 species (40-210); B 130, 155, 265, 338, 357, 374; A 191, 192, 199, 211, 230; C 122. Lampadena urophaos is an Atlantic species (Krefft & Bekker, 1973) belonging to the bathyal-pelagic ichthyocen (Parin & Golovan, 1976). Lampadena anomala Parr. 9 specimens (115-190); A 52, 65, 70, 192. The species occurs in the tropical and subtropical belts of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans (Nafpaktitis et al., 1977). Lampadena speculigera Goode et Bean. 5 specimens (125-132); A 70, 192. The species is spread in temperate and subtropical waters of the deep ocean (Nafpaktitis et al., 1977). Lampadena chavesi Collett. 2 specimens (62-65); B 74, 268. This is a subtropical species. In the North Atlantic it has been recorded from 30o to 40o N (Nafpaktitis et al., 1977). Lampanyctus festivus Taning. 6 specimens (95-160); A 139, 191; B 357, 374. Lampanyctus festivus is a bipolar species. It is widespread in subtropical waters (Nafpaktitis et al., 1977). Lampanyctus ater Taning. 4 specimens (100-180); B 375; A 192. It is a bipolar subtropical species (Nafpaktitis et al., 1977). Lampanyctus lineatus Taning. 18 specimens (75-160); A 65, 190, 191, 192; B 17. Lampanyctus lineatus occurs in the North Atlantic from10o to 40o N (Nafpaktitis et al., 1977). Lampanyctus macdonaldi (Good et Bean). 1 specimen (120); A 190. The species is distributed in temperate and subpolar waters of both hemispheres (Nafpaktitis et al., 1977). In the Atlantic it occurs over the Mid-Atlantic Ridge from 45o to 52o N (Gomolitsky et al.,1977; Gushchin & Kukuyev, 1981) Lampanyctus tenuiformis Brauer. 4 specimens (65-156) A 192, 199. It is a bipolar subtropical species (Nafpaktitis et al., 1977). Notoscopelus resplendens (Richardson). 5 species (75-110); B 73. This species is widespread in tropical and subtropical waters (Krefft & Bekker, 1973; Nafpaktitis et al., 1977). Notoscopelus caudispinosus (Johnson). 7 specimens (70-155); A 63,65, 199; B 52. Notoscopelus caudispinosus occurs in tropical and subtropical waters (Nafpaktitis et al., 1977).

FAM. NEOSCOPELIDAE Neoscopelus macrolepidotus Johnson. 1 specimen (207); C 97 The depth of collecting was 900 m. This is a bathyal-pelagic species distributed over the Continental shelf and in tropical regions of the deep ocean (Nielsen, 1973; (Nafpaktitis et al., 1977).

FAM. PARALEPIDIDAE Sudis sp. 8 specimens (90-330); A 70, 139; B 36, 338, 348. Some differences (% SL): c 28-31; ao 18-19.5; o 4.5-5.8; aV 65,5-67.5; aD 66.5-68.5; aA 80.5-81.0; IP 16.2-16.5. The specimens resembles S. hialina by the interventral and interanal lengths and differs from both well-known Sudis species (S. hialina and S. atrox) by the less developed pectoral fins, which are not reaching the tips of the pelvic fins by the distance 16.7-15,6% SL. Paralepis harryi (Maul). 5 specimens (190-250); B 370. This is an uncommon species described by the specimens, which has been collected near Madeira (Rofen, 1966 a). Paralepis coregonoides Risso. 20 specimens (50-140); B 261, 318, 357, 370; A 153. An Atlantic subspecies occurs from 30o to 70o N (Rofen, 1966 a). Paralepis elongatum (Brauer). 1 specimen (70); B 36. Paralepis elongatum has an ocean-wide distribution (Rofen, 1966 a). Notolepis rissoi (Bonaparte). 7 specimens (120-140); B 261, 268, 318, 338,357, 365, 370; A 154, 230. It is widespread species, which occurs in temperate and subtropical waters of all oceans (Rofen, 1966 a). Lestidiops jaykari (Boulenger). 30 specimens (55-200); B 268, 351, 353, 365,379; A 154; C 60, 61. The species is distributed in central water masses of all oceans (Rofen, 1966 a). Lestidiops affinis (Ege). 2 specimens (80-90); B 375. Lestidiops affinis is endemic in the temperate and tropical waters of the Atlantic (Rofen, 1966 a). Lestidium atlanticum Borodin. 1 specimen (130); A 154. It is known from the North Atlantic where occurs from 5o to 38o N. Most number of Lestidium atlanticum specimens have been taken from the Caribbean (Rofen, 1966 a). Stemonosudis gracile (Ege). 2 specimens (140-170); B 338. It is widespread tropical species (Rofen, 1966 a). Stemonosudis intermedia (Ege). 1 specimen (130); B 357. The species has been recorded in the warm waters of the Western North Atlantic at 13o 47/ N, 61o 26/ E. (Rofen, 1966 a).

FAM. NOTOSUDIDAE Ahliesaurus berryi Bertelsen, Krefft et Marshall. 12 specimens (80-240); A 65, 150; B 18, 368, 374. It is a widespread species (Bertelsen et al., 1976). Scopelosaurus lepidus (Krefft et Maul). 1 specimen (315); b 263. Scopelosaurus lepidus occurs in the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean (Bertelsen et al., 1976). Scopelosaurus mauli Bertelsen, Krefft et Marshall. 11 specimens (60-85); B 255, 263, 285, 330, 342. It is a widespread tropical species (Bertelsen et al., 1976). Scopelosaurus smithii Bean. 2 specimens (140-210); B 374. Scopelosaurus smithii occurs anywhere in the tropical waters (Bertelsen et al., 1976).

FAM. EVERMANNELLIDAE Evermannellidae indica Brauer. 3 specimen (80-90); B 207, 338, 368. This is a circumtropical species (Rofen, 1966; Parin et al., 1977). Coccorella atrata (Alcock). 13 specimens (85-140); A 19, 65, 192, 255; B 338, 257. This is a common species distributed in the central and equatorial waters of the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans (Rofen, 1966; Parin et al., 1973,1977).

FAM. ALEPISAURUS Alepisaurus ferox Lowe. 1 specimen (490): B 268. Alepisaurus ferox is widely distributed in tropical and temperate waters of the deep ocean (Gibbs & Wilimovsky, 1966; Parin, 1968). Alepisaurus brevirostris Gibbs. 8 specimens (430-920); A 92, 136, 148, 154, 191; B 268, 269. Alepisaurus brevirostris is endemic in tropical and temperate waters of the deep ocean (Gibbs & Wilimovsky, 1966).

FAM. OMOSUDIDAE Omosudis lowei Gunter. 2 specimens (204-205); B 370; A 154. It is a warm-water species known from the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans.

FAM. NEMICHTHYIDAE Nemichthys scolopaceus Richardson. 28 specimens (210-885); A 152, 153, 190, 197, 256, 276; B 16, 36, 283, 348. It is a common species in tropical and temperate waters of all oceans (Larsen, 1973).

FAM. SERRIVOMERIDAE Serrivomer beani Gill et Ryder. 73 specimens (195-680); A 153, 156, 190, 197, 219, 230, 234, 255, 256, 262, 276; B 357, 370, 374. This is a widespread species (Bauchot & Saldanha, 1973). In the North Atlantic it has been recorded to 55o N (Gushchin & Kukuyev, 1981). Serrivomer parabeani Bertin. 45 specimens (150-510); A 151, 153, 190, 199, 219, 230, 250, 255, 256; B 139, 348, 370, 375. Serrivomer parabeani occurs in tropical and temperate waters of all oceans (Bauchot & Saldanha, 1973). Serrivomer brevidentatus Roule et Bertin. 17 specimens (135-530); A 156, 228,230, 246; B 18. In Atlantic the species has been recorded from18o to 40o N (Bauchot & Saldanha, 1973) and over the Mid- Atlantic Ridge (Gushchin & Kukuyev, 1981). Platuronides sp. 4 specimens (500); A 156, 276; B 376; A 148.

FAM. DERICHTHYIDAE Derichthys serpentinus Gill. 5 specimens (98-206); B 374. This is supposedly a wide-tropical species.

FAM. NESSORHAMPHIDAE Nessorhamphus sp. 3 specimens (189-540); B 18; A 276.

FAM. EURYPHARYNGIDAE Eurypharynx pelecanoides Vaillant. 16 specimens (260-510); A 65, 148, 151, 153, 190, 192, 234, 293. Eurypharynx pelecanoides is a common tropical species, which occurs in all oceans (Bauchot, 1973). It has been reported from waters of the Continental shelf and talassobathyal regions (Parin & Golovan, 1976; Gushchin & Kukuyev, 1981; Novikov et al., 1981)

FAM. MELANONIDAE Melanonus zugmayeri Norman. 3 specimens (60-230); B 18,74; A 64. The species occurs in temperate and tropical waters of all oceans (Cohen, 1973).

FAM. MACROURIDAE Coryphaenoides rupestris Gunnerus. 2 specimens (160 and 370); B 48; A 70 (34o 47/ N, 49o 38/ W, 1300 m. This is a North Atlantic species (Marshall & Iwamoto, 1973; Golovan, 1978; Gushchin & Kukuyev, 1981). Nezumia sclerorhynchus (Valenciennes). 2 specimens (190-230); C 122; (35o 38/ N, 51o 52/ W, 810-900 m), The specimens have some differences (% c): ao 29, o 40, io 21.5. The lower part of the stout is bare. Nezumia sclerorhynchus occurs in the Eastern and Western Atlantic (Marshall & Imamoto, 1973) Nezumia longibarba (Roule et Angel). 1 specimen; B 48 (34o 47/ N, 49o 38/ W, 1300 m ). It is a warm-water species known from the North Atlantic ((Marshall & Imamoto, 1973). Odontomacrurus murrayi Norman. 1 specimen (480); B 374. This species has been reported from all oceans ((Marshall & Imamoto, 1973; Parin et al, 1977). Malacocephalus laevis (Lowe). 1 specimen (430); B 48. Malacocephalus laevis is endemic in the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Ocean (Imamoto, 1970; Marshal, 1973; Pakhorukov, 1976; Golovan, 1978).

FAM. MORIDAE Physiculus dalwigki Kaup. 6 specimen (120-250); C 122; B 70 (35o 30/ N, 51o 52/ W, 810-900 m), It is a North Atlantic species (Cohen, 1973; Gushchin & Kukuyev, 1981.

FAM. OPHIDIIAE Brotulotaenia crassa Parr. 4 specimens (310-400); B 376; A 62. This is a widespread species usually found in coastal and talassobathyal waters (Cohen, 1974; Shcherbachev et al., 1978; Shcherbachev, 1980; Gushchin & Kukuyev, 1981).

FAM. TRACHIPTERIDAE Zu cristatus (Bohelli). 2 specimens (850-950); C 174. The species is restricted to the tropical belts of the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans (Palmer, 1973).

FAM. RADIICEPHALIDAE Radiicephalus elongatus Osorio. 3 specimens (270-630); B 71, 261. It is a warm-water species, which has been reported from all oceans (Palmer, 1973; Parin et all., 1974, 1976, 1978).

FAM. REGALECIDAE Regalecus glesne Ascanius. 4 specimens (520-1050); A 148; B 374, 348. Regalecus glesne is a widespread species known from temperate and tropical waters of all oceans (Palmer, 1973).

FAM. LOPHOTIDAE Lophotus lacepedi Gloria. 1 specimen ( 730); B 357. It is a warm-water species, which has been reported from all oceans (Palmer, 1973)

FAM. BERYCIDAE Beryx splendes Lowe. Berix splendes occurred throughout the region of explorations over tops and slopes of sea-mounts at depths of 300-960 m. This species is widespread in all oceans. It occurs over the Continental shelf and in talassobathyal (Woods & Sonoda, 1973) Beryx decadactylus Cuvier. 1 specimen (550); 35o N, 50o W. This is a widespread species. Beryx decadactylus occurs over the Continental shelf and in talassobathyal (Nielsen, 1973).

FAM. DIRETMIDAE Diretmus argenteus Johnson. 24 specimens (10-110); B 53, 265, 338, 357; A 119, 192, 203, 230. Diretmus argenteus is a mesopelagic species widespread in all oceans (Post & Quero, 1981). Diretmoides parini Post et Quero. 5 specimens (120-295); B 53, 79, 268, 353. The specimens are completely corresponding to D.parini description (Post & Quero, 1981). The bodies are ellipse-like (H 42.3-55% SL reduces when a fish growing). D 27-28, A 22-24. Sp. br. 19. The coloring is dark. This species is restricted to the tropical and subtropical belts of the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans. Two juveniles of D.parini 26 and 40 mm collected at 39o 30/ N, 61o 39/ W (the northern boundary of species occurrence in the Atlantic) at a depth of 1000 m have been examined.

FAM. TRACHICHTHYIDAE Hoplostethus mediterraneus Cuvier. 3 specimens (175-237); B 94; A 197. In the studied region it is a common species at depths of 500-800 m. Hoplostethus mediterraneus is widely distributed over the Continental shelf and in talassobathyal of the Atlantic and Indian Oceans (Kotliar, 1980).

FAM. MELAMPHAIDAE Melamphaes suborbitalis (Gill). 7 specimens (90-110); A 190, 191, 192. It is a bathyal-pelagic species known from the Slope Waters in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans (Ebeling, 1962; Parin & Golovan, 1976). Scopelogadus mizolepis (Gunter). 31 specimens (85-120); A 55, 190, 191, 192. The species occurs anywhere in the tropics (Ebeling & Weed, 1963; Parin et al., 1977). Poromitra capito Googe et Bean. 23 specimens (40-110); B 18, 48, 234, 338; A 62, 65, 189, 192, 203. Poromitra capito has been reported from the northern part of the Atlantic from 10o to 49o N (Maul, 1973; Gushchin & Kukuyev, 1981). Poromitra crassiceps (Gunter) 2 specimens (40-110); A 190. The species is widely distributed in tropical, subtropical and equatorial waters of all oceans (Maul, 1973; Parin et al., 1977, 1981). Scopeloberyx opisthopterus (Parr). 1 specimen (65); B 338. This is a circumtropical species (Parin et al., 1977).

FAM. CARISTIIDAE Caristius macropus (Bellotti). 1 specimen (250); B 370. The area of distribution is not limited. Caristius macropus has been recorded over the Mid-Atlantic Ridge from 45o to 57o N (Gushchin & Kukuyev, 1981).

FAM. ANOPLOGASTERIDAE Anoplogaster cornuta (Valenciennes). 6 specimens (77-145); B 18, 48, 353. The species occurs in all oceans including the Slope Water and waters over sea-mounts and rises (Nielsen, 1973).

FAM. RONDELETIIDAE Rondeletia loricata Abe et Hotta. 1 specimen (82); A 64 (34o 33/ N, 51o 57/ W) D 14, A 13. The lateral line comprises near 14 vertical branches of pores. Sp. br. 19; (% SL): aV 71.o; aD 75,5. It is a widespread species.

FAM. OREOSOMATIDAE Neocyttus helgae (Holt et Byrne). 2 specimens (140-270); B 48, 94 (35o 32/ N, 51o 57/ W, 1300 m). Neocyttus helgae has been recorded in the Slope Water in the Eastern Atlantic and over the Mid- Atlantic Ridge (Wheeler, 1973; Pakhorukov, 1981; Gushchin & Kukuyev, 1981)

FAM. GRAMMICOLEPIDIDAE Xenolepidichthys dalgleishi Gilbert. 1 specimen (87); B 269.

FAM. APOGONIDAE Epigonus telescopus Risso. The specimens of this species have been collected at 35o N, 50o W at depths of 400-800 m. Epigonus telescopus is widely distributed in the Slope Water, in the talassobathyal of the North Atlantic, over the Whale ridge and off South Africa. (Mayer, 1974; Pakhorukov, 1981; Gushchin & Kukuyev, 1981).

FAM. CHEILOPTERIDAE Howella brodiei Ogilbi. 2 specimens (85-87); B 52. It is a widespread tropical species known from all oceans (Fedoriako, 1976; Gushchin & Kukuyev, 1981).

FAM. SERRANIDAE Poliprion americanus (Schneider). The largest specimens have been collected at 35o N, 51o W at depths of 660-920 m. Poliprion americanus is endemic in the talassobathyal of the Atlantic Ocean

FAM. BRAMIDAE Brama brama (Bonnaterre). 1 specimen (130); B 220. This species occurs in the North Atlantic and temperate-warm waters of the Southern Hemisphere (Mead, 1973). Pteraclis carolinus Valenciennes. 2 specimens (100 and 350); B 268, 338; A 325. The species occurs in the waters of the North Atlantic (Mead, 1973). Pterycombus brama Fries. 2 specimens (240 and 290); B 268; A 137. It is a North Atlantic species (Mead, 1973; Gushchin & Kukuyev,1981).

FAM. CHIASMODONTIDAE Pseudoscopelus scriptus Lutken. 14 specimens (70-230) B 119, 230, 261, 268, 363; A 199, 201, 203, 216; C 122. D VIII 21; A 23. The depth of body is 20.5-24,0 % SL. The frontal rays of the 1st dorsal and anal fins are a little longer than rear ones. The rear part of the pectoral origin coincides with the beginning of the 2- nd dorsal and anal origins, The photophores are located between the pelvic fin origins, on the inner part of pelvic fin, along the tips of the pectoral fin, on the throat, over the anal fin, on the lower part of the caudal peduncle and along the belly. The coloring is light brown. Pseudoscopelus scriptus is known from the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans (Parr, 1933; Bekker et al., 1975; Parin & Golovan, 1976; Parin et al., 1977). Pseudoscopelus altipinnis (Parr). 9 specimens (70-170); B 92, 363; A 148, 255. The body shape of P altipinnis is more elongated than P.scriptus one. The frontal rays of the 2 -nd dorsal and anal fins are longer than rear ones. The species has the pectioral origin in advance of 2-nd dorsal and anal origins. The photophores of this species are smaller than P.scriptus ones. They are placed along the anal and pelvic origin, along the belly from the throat to pelvic fin and along the pectoral fin tips. The coloring is dark brown. Kali macrurus (Parr). 2 specimens (73-150); A 64; B 273. The species is known from the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans (Johnson, 1969). Chiasmodon niger Johnson. 4 specimens (45-155); B 261, 285, 357 (38o 01/ N, 62o 14/ W). Chiasmodon microcephalus Osorio. 3 specimens (72-180); B 74; A 52, 201.

FAM. GEMPYLIDAE Gempylus serpens Cuvier. 1 specimen (350); B (35o N, 50o W). This is a tropical species known from all oceans (Parin & Bekker, 1972). Diplospinus multistriatus Maul. 56 specimens (60-221); B 36, 52, 72, 74, 207, 281, 338, 353, 368, 370; A 199, 216, 219, 230, 234, 262. D XXXII-XXXIV; 69-74. It is a widespread warm-water species (Parin & Bekker, 1972; Parin et al.,1978). Nealotus tripes Johnson. 12 specimens (102-175); B 36, 368, 370, 374; A 216, 338. Nealotus tripes occurs in subtropical and equatorial waters of all oceans (Parin & Bekker, 1972). Lepidocibium flavobrunneum (Smith). 1 specimen (450); 35o N, 50o W. This species restricted to tropical and subtropical waters of all oceans. It is more abundant in Slope Water (Parin & Bekker, 1973). Ruvettus pretiosus Cocco. B 35o35/ N, 50o51/ W. The species occurs in Slope Water and talassobathyal regions of all oceans (Parin & Bekker, 1973).

FAM. SCOMBROLABRACIDAE Scombrolabrax heterolepis Roule. 2 specimens (200); B 35o02/ N, 49o W, 860-1000 m. S.heterolepis rarely occurs in all oceans (Parin & Bekker, 1973, Parin et al., 1981). It has been recorded near Azores (our data).

FAM. TRICHIURIDAE Benthodesmus elongatus simonyi (Steindachner). 4 specimens (410-540); A156, 38o 24/ N, 63o14/ W. A 151- 153. The species has a North Atlantic distribution (Parin & Bekker, 1973). Aphanopus carbo Lowe. A.carbo occurs over sea-mounts tops and slopes at depths of 600-1400 m throughout the studied region. The species is widely distributed in Slope Water and in talassobathyal region (Parin & Bekker, 1972; Gushchin & Kukuyev, 1981; Novikov et al., 1981).

FAM. CENTROLOPHIDAE Centrolophus niger (Gmelin). 1 specimen (750). This is widespread species, which occurs in epimesopelageal of all oceans (Parin, 1968; Haedrich, 1978). It has been recorded over the Mid- Atlantic Ridge from 45 to 52o N (Gushchin & Kukuyev, 1981) Schedophilus medusophagus Cocco 4 specimens (190-350); B 130, 263, 374 (35o 31/ N, 51o 57/ W ). D 42, A 26, P 19, Sp. br. 17. This species is known from the Slope Waters of North Atlantic talassobathyal (Haedrich, 1967; Parin & Golovan, 1976; Gushchin & Kukuyev, 1981). Hyperoglyphe perciformes Mitchill. 1 specimens (250); B 130. In the studied region H. perciformes occurred at depths of 340-900 m. A length of fish in trawl collections varied from 280 to 980 mm. It has been recorded in the Western Atlantic from Florida to New Scotland (Haedrich, 1967).

FAM. NOMEIDAE Cubiceps gracilis Lowe. 8 specimens (55-110); B 73,74, 76; A 131. Cubiceps gracilis has been regarded as endemic in the East Atlantic (from 10o and 55o N) (Astakhov, 1978; Butler, 1979; Kukuyev et al., 1980). Since finding specimens of Cubiceps gracilis over the Sloping Rise and in the Western North Atlantic (37o 26/ N, 61o W) the area of its distribution must be considered wider. Cubiceps baxteri McCulloch. 4 specimens (340-380); 35o 32/ N, 51o 52/ W, 900 m. This species is endemic in the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans (Butler, 1979; Parin et al., 1981) Psenes pellucidus Lutken. 4 specimens (240-450); B 88, 130. Psenes pellucidus is widely distributed in tropics and subtropics of all oceans (Haedrich, 1967). Psenes maculatus Lutken. 1 specimen (150); A 62. The species occurs in the epimesopelageal of the Atlantic Ocean to 40o N (Haedrich, 1967).

FAM. LOPHIIDAE Sladenia shafersi Caruso et Bullis. 1 specimen (280); B 79; 35o 31/ N, 51o 58/ W, 910-1200 m. Sladenia shafersi has been described over 2 specimens found off Columbia and Venezuela at depths of 1200 and 800 m (Caruso & Bullis, 1976). D 9, A 7,V 8, C 8. The body is massive and flattened from side to side (In original:dorsoventrally). The head is big; the forehead is wide. There are three pares of subcutaneous spines on the head. Scales are absent. There are bony plates on a skin. The paired fins are massive and paw-like. (%SL): c 58.5; o 6.2; ao 12.4; io 16.5; 1-st illicium length 28.0; 2-nd illicium length 16.5; aD 69.0; àA 82.3; ID 24.8; IA 13.2. The coloring is brown with a light ornamentation.

FAM. CHAUNACIDAE Chaunax nuttingi Garman. 3 specimens (70-255); B 212; C 122 ( 35o 31/ N, 52o W. 910-1200 m). This is a Western Atlantic species. It has been known from the coastal waters off Florida to 40o N (Le Danois, 1979). Chunax pictus Lowe. 2 specimens (70-170); 35o 20/ N, 51o 52/ W, 810-910 m. The species is endemic in the bathyal of the East Atlantic (Le Danois, 1979).

FAM. CERATIIDAE Cryptopsaras couesi Gill. 3 specimens ((50-220); B 268, 374; A 199. This is widespread bathypelagic species.

FAM. LINOPHRYNIDAE Linophryne sp. 1 specimen (75); A 190.

Collection data associated with regions and depths of tows

Coordinates Depth (m) N W 600-800 800-1000 1000-1500 1500-2000 A 148, 150, A 152, 154, 156, 37-38o 59-64o. - - 151, 153, 191, 192 190 35o 51o B 20, 115, 118, 119, 150, B 36, 52, 53, 70, 71, B 94 - 200, 220, 251, 332, 363, 73, 74, 76, 77, 79, 88, 364, 365, 368, 392; 130, 188, 218, 233, A 13, 112,119, 201, 202, 234, 356, 357; 203; A 197; C 18, 27, 60, 61, 62, 174, C 71, 97, 122 251 B 374, 375, 376, 379; 35o 48o - B 92, 368, 370, 377 - A 52, 53, 293

B 65, 269; B 16, 18, 24, 230, 233, B 207, 255, 257, A 62, 63, 64, 88, 139, 261, 263, 265, 268, 258, 285, 286; 219, 250, 251 269, 273, 290, 357; A 68, 69, 70, 71 A 65, 76, 34o 50o A 92, 209, 211, 216, 233 220, 228, 230, 234, 236, 237, 255, 256, 261,262, 276, 296 34o 49o - - B 48 A 55 B 340, 342, 343, 351, B 313, 315, 318, 34o 48o - - 353 338, 346, 348

The composition of the ichthyofauna Summary

The ichthyofauna of the talassobathyal regions of the Ocean comprises bathyal-pelagic fish distributed over slopes of sea-mounts, bottom fish and oceanic pelagic fish (Andriyashev, 1979; Pakhorukov, 1981; Kukuyev et al., 1980; Parin et al., Novikov et al. 1981; Gushchin & Kukuyev, 1981). Of 192 species having been recorded in the Sloping Rise 54 ones (or 28%) are talassobathyal, including bottom and bathyal- pelagic species, 129 ones (or 67, 5%) are meso- and bathypelagic and 9 (4.5%) are epipelagic. The bathyal-pelagic group is represented by the nekton and makroplankton species. The nekton ichthyofauna comprises Mitsukurina owstoni, Parmaturus manis, Etmopterus spinax, Centroscymnus coelolepis, Hexanchus griseus, Heptranchias perlo, Sudis sp., Neoscopelus macrolepidotus, Physiculus dalwigki, Coryphaenoides rupestris, Nezumia sclerorhynchus, N. longibarbata, Malacocephalus laevis, Odontomacrurus murrayi, Beryx splendens, B. decadactilus, Diretmoides parini, Hoplostethus mediterraneus, Neocyttus helgae, Lepidocybium flavobrunneum, Ruvettus pretiosus,Aphanopus carbo, Benthodesmus elongatus simonyi, Scombrolabrax heterolepis, Cubiceps gracilis, C. baxteri, Psenes maculatus, P. pellucidus, Centrolophus niger, Schedophilus medusophagus, Hyperoglyphe perciformis, Brotulotaenia crassa, Poliprion americanus, Epigonus telescopus. Normichthys operosus, Maulisia microlepis, Holtbyrnia anomala, Sagamichthys schnakenbecki, Xenodermichthys copei, Gonostoma denudatum, Astronesthes gemmifer, ?A. macropogon, Melanostomias spilorhynchus, Lampadena urophaos atlantica, Diaphus taaningi, Bolinichthys supralateralis, Melamphaes suborbitalis,, Einara macrolepis form the makroplankton part of the bathyal-mesopelagic group. Of bottom fish only Sladenia shafersi, Chaunax pictus and Chaunas nuttingi have been collected and represented in our collection. Preliminary analysis of the talassobathyal fauna in the Sloping Rise region showed that it comprises the following elements: 1. Western Atlantic (Parmaturus manis, Hyperoglyphe perciformis, Sladenia shafersi, Chaunax nuttingi; 2. Eastern Atlantic (Etmopterus spinax, ?Normichthys operosus, ?Holtbyrnia anomala, Sagamichthys schnakenbecki, Maulisia microlepis, Physiculus dalwigki, ?Cubiceps gracilis; 3. amphiatlantic (Coryphaenoides rupestris, Nezumia sclerorynchus, N. longibarbata, Sudis sp., Gonostoma denudatum, Centroscymnus coelolepis, Astronesthes gemmifer, A. macropogon, Melanostomias spilorhynchus, Lampadena urophaos atlantica, Neoscopelus macroleidotus, Xenodermichthys copei, Benthodesmus elongatus simonui, Poliprion americanus, Schedophilus medusophagus; 4. broad-tropical (Mitsukurina owstoni, Heptranhias perbo, Malacocephalus levis , Beryx Splendens, B. decadactylus, Hoplostethus mediterraneus, Diretmoides parini, Epigonus telescopus, Aphanopus carbo, Ruvettus pretiosus, Lepidocybium flavobrunneum, Scombrolabrax heterolepis, Einara macrolepis.

Mesobathypelagic group is represented by 129 species, which are endemic for tropical and subtropical waters. According to the trawl data the concentration of mesobathypelagic fish over the Rise is higher than in surrounding waters. Representatives of Melanostomiatidae family (36 species), Myctophidae (22), Gonostomatidae (11), Paralepidae (10), Melamphaeidae (5) appear as predominant in the collection. Gonostoma elongatum,Bonapartia pedaleota, Sternoptyx diaphana, Argyropelecus aculeatus, Chauliodus sloani, Ch. danae, Stomias boa ferox, Melanostomias melanops, Echiostoma barbatum, Eustomias obscurus, Photostomias guernei, Astronesthes leucopogon, Idiacanthus fasciola, Lestidiops jayakari, Notolepis rissoi, Coccorella atrata, Ahliesaurus berryi, Scopelosaurus mauli, Nemichthys scolopaceus, Poromitra capito, Scopelogadus mizolepis, Serrivomer beani, Eurypharynx pelecanoides, Notoscopelus caudispinosus, Lampanyctus lineatus, Diretmus argentus, Diplospinus multistriatus, Nealotus tripes and Pseudoscopelus scriptes were relatively abundant in trawl collections. Others species occurred rarely.


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