White Bear Way s1

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White Bear Way s1


Turn left out of the Scout Hut drive, down Grove Crescent 100m to the path with concrete bollard, turn left and go between the houses, 100m to main road (Railway Road). Take a right and go over the railway bridge and down to the mini round about at the A6. Take a right turn, on to Westhoughton Rd (A6), heading in the Chorley direction for about 1/2 mile. At the end of the dual carriage way, Cross road with care and take a left turn down metalled track (public footpath sign) to the canal (Rigshaw Bridge) (597133, Bridge No 70). Over the bridge and turn immediately right, to canal then right on towpath (100) under Rigshaw Bridge (no.70). Follow the canal and go under bridge No.68. 80 metres after bridge No 68, at yellow footpath sign turn right and go down the steps. At the bottom turn left under the bridge and then turn right over the next bridge. Cross the stream, follow path up the zig zag and continue on main path (disused railway). At fourth track crossing (set of gates) in 1.1km (595 115) (look for overhead electric cables and pole on right with yellow way mark arrows”). Turn left over cattle grid and up metalled track to Aberdeen Farm. At the `T` junction go right along the track to the next `T` junction. Turn left and follow the track to the main road (Pub at end of track on left corner). Cross road and turn left, uphill and in 200m at FP sign opposite Hawthorn Cottage (Pennington Fold Farm) turn right. Pass in front of buildings then right around building to stile in the corner of the hedge. Through the stile half right (150) to left of large gap in hedge then half left (100) to stile, over and continue in the same direction with hedge on your left to next stile in corner, over and right and follow path 110 to next stile, over and then diagonally left, towards houses (96), over stile at fence then carry on to stile in left hand corner and track. Turn left and in 200m just before houses turn right through gate and over playing field (at rear of houses) to Blackrod Community Centre (3.7 miles) (617 106). Through car park to road where left then right to main road. Cross and turn right and take public footpath on left between houses [Pool Green](side of No. 257) (6185 1065) through stile and bear left (342) down path to stile, over stile and through trees to track, bear left, then in a few yards bear left again. 60m after houses (corner of Road) at Whitehall Lane sign turn right down sett paved path (Ignore diagonal path) to A6. Cross with care and take footpath opposite and down the slope to the railway (Cross with care) continue on path to motorway bridge. Cross bridge and follow road, just before cattle grid turn right on road and through gate onto the track. Continue on track passing Anderton Old Hall Farm around black security gate, to main road (631 121). Cross the road (with care) and turn right, turn left up next road (Dryfield Lane) and follow for 500m. crossing bridge, in 50m turn left onto public bridleway, at three stone posts bear half right and take path (faint at first) through trees to car park CP 1 (635 128). Take path bearing 270° through trees and continue, crossing diagonal track to main track. turn left on main track to the Castle CP2 (6285 1305). Leave to right hand side of the Castle. At 10m past Castle, take middle path taking you towards the reservoir, at junction of paths turn right on broad path, keeping reservoir directly on your left. At fence follow path keeping the fence on your left to rejoin path around reservoir and continue on lower path with reservoir again directly on left to metalled track (car parking area) bear left past Rivington School to road. Turn left and follow road between reservoirs and uphill to junction, at give way sign turn left sign posted “Horwich 2”. Continue up road to house (United Utilities/Anderton Centre Sign), cross the road and take public footpath opposite and follow yellow signs and markers, cross motorway bridge and continue on track to unmade road and then continue downhill on metalled road to main road, cross road with care to CP3. (610 132) Through stile and continue on footpath still following the yellow signs. Follow path with ditch/stream on your right, cross stream at plank footbridge, in 50m re-cross stream at next footbridge (Take care the timber surface can be slippery), follow yellow markers, up and turn right. At sign post bear half right in direction of sign, over bridge/small stream, now with brook on your left continue over stile (yellow marker) and follow path to go under railway bridge. Turn right and go down track and then continue along access road to main road (A6). Turn right and follow past mini roundabout and on to temporary traffic lights, turn right up Railway Road and over railway bridge, cross road and turn left at first road (Grove Ave). Down road and at concrete bollard follow footpath between houses. At road turn right and in 100m turn right to Scout Headquarters and finish.

Well Done !!!

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