Christmas Lights Committee : 13 August 2007

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Christmas Lights Committee : 13 August 2007

KENDAL TOWN COUNCIL Minutes of the proceedings at a meeting of Kendal Town Council held on Monday, 2nd June 2014 at 6.30 p.m. in the Kendal Town Council Chamber, the Town Hall, Kendal

PRESENT The Mayor (Councillor Sylvia Emmott) in the `Chair; Councillors A. Robinson, T. Clare, G. Vincent, G. Cook, P. Bramham, J. Brook, C. Feeney-Johnson, J. Veevers, G. Archibald, D. Evans, S. Evans, M. Severn, G. Tirvengadum, L. Oldham, A. Blackman, K. Bracey, C. Hardy, C. Hogg, R. Hogg, K. Hurst-Jones, J. Robinson, R. Sutton and K. Teasdale. APOLOGIES Councillors S. Coleman , A. Finch, J. McCreesh and P. Walker. OFFICERS Liz Richardson (Town Clerk), John Hutchinson (Town Treasurer) and Margaret Graham (Secretary).

1005/13/14 DECLARATIONS OF ACCEPTANCE OF OFFICE The Town Clerk reported that all of the Members present at the meeting had signed Declarations of Acceptance of Office.

1006/13/14 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST No declarations of interest were made at this point.

1007/13/14 MINUTES OF MEETING HELD ON 6TH MAY 2014 Members considered the minutes of the meeting of full Council held on 6th May 2014, and the following amendment was requested and agreed. Minute 952/13/14 – (Quarterly Police Report) – Page 2, penultimate paragraph : Councillor Shirley Evans pointed out that it was she, not Councillor Sylvia Emmott, who had mentioned speed-watch information. RESOLVED that, subject to the above amendment, the minutes of the meeting of Council held on 6th May 2014 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.

1008/13/14 MAYOR’S COMMUNICATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS The Mayor had circulated a list of engagements undertaken during May 2014. She reported that a meeting had been held earlier in the day, in the Mayor’s Parlour, with representatives from Kendal Mountain Film Festival which had been awarded a Gold Award by the Tourism Board. They had offered to update full Council on the forthcoming event in November 2014. Since the last Council meeting on 6th May, Councillor Emmott had raised with the Health Authority the proposals for Westmorland General Hospital, including questions on the consultation exercise, the total cost of this, and when the results can be expected. She had not received a response to date.

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In connection with Mayor Making (5th June) the Town Clerk reminded Members that they should assemble in the Georgian Room by 7.15 p.m. She also referred to the new Declaration of Interests form, information on which she had e-mailed to all Councillors earlier, and copies of which were circulated at the meeting. She asked Councillors to discard the forms sent earlier, and to contact her by phone or e-mail if they needed any assistance. She also reminded Members to send the Declaration of Expenses form to South Lakeland District Council by Friday, 20th June, and to seek any advice either from the Liberal Democrat Office or SLDC. In relation to the Kendal in Bloom Competition form, circulated at the meeting, the Town Clerk encouraged Members to nominate one or more gardens which they felt were deserving of an award.

1009/13/14 NOMINATION FOR DEPUTY MAYOR The Town Clerk reported that she had now received a nomination for the office of Deputy Town May for 2014/2015. Councillor Chris Hogg had been nominated by Councillor Sylvia Emmott and seconded by Councillor Giles Archibald. The Town Clerk reminded Members that she can take nominations for the offices of Town Mayor and Deputy Town Mayor up to the day of Mayor Making. RESOLVED that the nomination be noted.

1010/13/14 APPOINTMENTS TO COMMITTEES 2014/15 A list of Committee Membership for 2013/14 had been circulated, and Members had been asked to indicate the Committees on which they would wish to serve for 2014/15. Changes to the Membership and number of Members on Committees was discussed and agreed. Members had also been asked to nominate a Chairman and Vice-Chairman of each Committee. Councillor Clare Feeney-Johnson mentioned, for the benefit of newly elected Members, that any Councillor can attend any Committee meeting as an observer, and all input was valued. Attendance would give Councillors an opportunity to ascertain if they were interested in becoming a Member of a particular Committee. Councillor Chris Hogg supported this, pointing out that Committees can change and evolve. Councillor Geoff Cook said that he would withdraw his name as a member of the Kendal-in-Bloom Committee if it was over-subscribed, as he already had a role in Cumbria-in-Bloom as the Chairman of Cumbria County Council. His resignation from the Committee was accepted. The suggested Membership and Chairmanship/Vice-Chairmanship of Committees was proposed by Councillor Jonathan Brook, and seconded by Councillor Paul Braham RESOLVED unanimously, that for 2014/2015, (1) the Membership of each Committee be as set out in the Appendix attached


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to these minutes (Appendix I), (2) Councillor John Veevers and Councillor Giles Archibald be elected as the Chairman and Vice-Chairman respectively of the Allotments Committee; (3) Councillor Matt Severn and Councillor David Evans be elected as the Chairman and Vice-Chairman respectively of the Audit, Grants and Charities Committee; (4) Councillor Lynne Oldham and Councillor Philip Walker be elected as the Chairman and Vice-Chairman respectively of the Kendal-in-Bloom Committee; (5) Councillor Clare Feeney-Johnson and Councillor Sylvia Emmott be elected as the Chairman and Vice-Chairman respectively of the Christmas Lights and Festivals Committee; (6) Councillor Chris Hogg and Councillor Stephen Coleman be elected as the Chairman and Vice-Chairman respectively of the Environment and Highways Committee; (7) Councillor Tom Clare, as the Town Mayor elect, be endorsed as the Chairman of the Mayoralty and Arts Committee, and Councillor Paul Bramham be elected as the Vice-Chairman; (8) Councillor John McCreesh and Councillor Austen Robinson be elected as the Chairman and Vice-Chairman respectively of the Planning Committee; and (9) Councillor Sylvia Emmott and Councillor Austen Robinson be elected as the Chairman and Vice-Chairman respectively of the Management Committee. 1011/13/14 APPOINTMENTS TO OUTSIDE BODIES 2014/2015 Members had been circulated with a list of the representation on Outside Bodies for 2013/14, and were asked to consider which Councillors should represent the Council for the forthcoming year. The Town Clerk pointed out that the Town Mayor and Deputy Town Mayor are both representatives to the Rinteln Twinning Association. The Mayor thanked those Members who had volunteered to either represent or continue to represent Kendal Town Council on Outside Bodies. Councillor Clare Feeney-Johnson indicated that she would be happy to continue to act as the liaison Member for the Kendal Youth Council, and it was agreed to add this to the list presented. It was queried whether the Town Council needed to be represented on the SLDC Air Quality Monitoring Group. Councillor Feeney-Johnson recommended that a single-hatted representative be appointed. Councillor Chris Hogg pointed out that the Air Quality Group reports to the Environment and Highways Committee, and the Mayor recommended that the appointment of a representative be raised at the next meeting of that Committee. It was proposed by Councillor Jonathan Brook, and seconded by Councillor Matt Severn, that the listed representatives be appointed. RESOLVED that the representation on Outside Bodies be as set out in the attached Appendix


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to these minutes (Appendix II); and the appointment of a representative to the Air Quality Monitoring Group be placed on the agenda for the next Environment and Highways Committee meeting. 1012/13/14 APPOINTMENTS TO NEWSLETTER WORKING GROUP Councillor Tom Clare referred to Minute 986/13/14 of the Management Committee meeting held on 19th May 2014. It had been discussed and agreed previously that issues in relation to the delivery, cost, and effectiveness of the Newsletter should be reviewed, and Members were sought to form a Working Group to advise on future format, frequency, etc of the publication. Councillors Tom Clare, Clare Feeney-Johnson, Shirley Evans, Andy Blackman, Sylvia Emmott and Jon Robinson volunteered to serve on the Review Group. It was proposed by Councillor John Veevers, and seconded by Councillor Chris Hogg, that a Review Group be established, comprising the Councillors who had volunteered. RESOLVED that a Newsletter Working Group, comprising the Councillors named above, be set up to review matters relating to the Kendal Town Council Newsletter.

1013/13/14 MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE The minutes of the Management Committee meetings held on 28th April and 19th May 2014 were presented by the Chairman, Councillor Austen Robinson. It was proposed by Councillor Austen Robinson, and seconded by Councillor Tom Clare, that the minutes be approved. RESOLVED that the minutes of the meetings of the Management Committee held on 28th April and 19th May 2014 be approved.

AUDIT, GRANTS AND CHARITIES COMMITTEE The minutes of the meeting held on 30th April 2014 were presented by the Town Treasurer, John Hutchinson. He explained that the recommendations in respect of the Council’s Financial Statements and Annual Accounts (Minutes 939, 940 and 941/13/14) had been considered and approved by full Council on 6th May 2014. He drew attention to other recommendations from the Committee. 1014/13/14 Mayor of Kendal Charities (Minute 942/13/14) The Treasurer had reported to the Audit, Grants and Charities Committee that the Mayor of Kendal Charities has two bank accounts –  The Community Account which has a small working capital of £300. Basically all monies in the account are presented by the Mayor to his/her chosen charity(ies) on the evening of Mayor Making. The account is generally easy to operate and it is clear who the beneficiary is.  In respect of the Business Premium Account, there was no indication or record as to where the monies came from or who they were originally intended to benefit. In the past eleven years, regular dividend receipts from


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the National Savings had increased this sum from around £250 to just over £1,000. The Treasurer had applied for Income Bond Certificates located within the last two years to be repaid directly into this account. There was now almost £4,000 in the account. The Treasurer indicated that he would prefer to close the Business Premium Account. He would need Council authority to do so, and a decision on how to make use of the monies. It had been suggested that the monies could be split equally between the Schools of Science and Art Fund and the Wainwright Award Fund. Councillor Geoff Cook sought clarification on the Funds in question. The Treasurer explained that the Schools of Science and Arts Fund is principally for educational purposes, including prizes for Kendal College, Queen Katherine School and Kirkbie Kendal School, and certain grants to individuals. The Wainwright Fund had been established, using the interest from the capital (of £10,000) in perpetuity, to make an annual award to an individual, group or organisation which had represented and/or raised the profile of the town. Nominations are sought annually for this award. This year the Award of £500 had gone to the Kendal Sea Cadets. Monies from the Business Premium Account would raise the capital to £12,000. The Treasurer explained that he had no information on how much had been invested originally in the Income Bonds, and that there was no guarantee that re- investment would produce a satisfactory return. It was proposed by Councillor John Veevers, and seconded by Councillor Clare Feeney-Johnson, that the recommendations be approved. RESOLVED that (1) the situation in respect of the Mayor of Kendal Charities be noted; (2) the Town Treasurer be authorised to close the Business Premium Account; and (3) the monies in this account be split equally between the Schools of Science and Art Fund and the Wainwright Award Fund.

Grant Applications 1015/13/14 Allocation of Grant Funds (Festival Grants) (Minute 944/12/13) The Treasurer reported that the balance of funds remaining, following payment of grants, would amount to £3,000. In order to accommodate any request from Festival Organisations, it had been recommended to split this between a general allocation of £2,000 and an allocation for festival applications of £1,000. A Festival Grant application from Moonfest had been referred to the Christmas Lights and Festivals Committee. The Committee Chairman, Councillor Feeney- Johnson, reported that it had been agreed in principle to make an award of £1,200. The Town Clerk said that this would require formal Council approval in July 2014, and suggested that Moonfest be advised that the money had been set aside (since the Festival would take place before the Council meeting in July). It was proposed that the split of the £3,000 balance be amended to a general allocation of £1,800 and an allocation for Festival applications of £1,200. It was proposed by Councillor John Veevers, and seconded by Councillor Tom Clare, that this amendment be approved.


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RESOLVED that the £3,000 balance of Grant funds be split between a general allocation of £1,800 and £1,200 for Festival applications.

1016/13/14 Ibis Junior Football Club (Minute 945/13/14) The Audit, Grants and Charities Committee had felt that the application for funds of £500 to support a visit to participate in the USA Cup in Blaine, Minnesota, did not meet the Council’s grants criteria. The Treasurer suggested that he could feedback to Ibis the reasons for the refusal, and an indication of what elements the Council could consider for grant. RESOLVED that no grant be awarded, and the Treasurer be requested to offer feedback to Ibis Junior Football Club.

1017/13/14 Hand on Heart Charity (Minute 946/13/14) It was felt that this request from a national charity to support the provision of defibrillators in Schools did not meet the Council’s grants criteria. RESOLVED that no grant be awarded

1018/13/14 4th Kendal Scout Group (Minute 947/13/14) The Treasurer reported that no up-to-date accounts had been provided in support of an application for funding towards renovation of the Scout HQ. The Treasurer had contacted the Scout Group, and relevant accounts had now been received. The application would be re-submitted to the next meeting of the Audit, Grants and Charities Committee. RESOLVED that the situation be noted.

1019/13/14 South Lakes Citizens Advice Bureau (Minute 948/13/14) The Treasurer had reported an application from South Lakes Citizens Advice Bureau for £4,000 to secure premises and set up an Advice Service in Kendal. He reminded Members that this Council used to regularly support the CAB service in Kendal. The Audit, Grants and Charities Committee felt that the Council should offer the sum of £2,000 initially, and the Treasurer had pointed out that full Council might wish to consider transferring £4,000 from the General Fund to meet this request, in the special circumstances. Councillors asked for clarification on the request for funds, and the Mayor suggested that a decision on this item be postponed until later in the meeting, to allow the Treasurer to supply further details. RESOLVED that this item be postponed, pending further details.

KENDAL IN BLOOM COMMITTEE The minutes of the meeting held on 12th May 2014 were presented by the Chairman, Councillor Geoff Cook, who explained the purpose of the Kendal in Bloom Committee for the benefit of new Members, and asked Council to consider two recommendations


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1020/13/14 Extension of Planting Contract (Minute 998/13/14) The Committee had discussed the extension of the Planting Contract with Low Orchard. The Town Clerk explained that the current contract is for three years and can be extended, with Council’s approval, for a further two years but must go out to tender thereafter. Members were advised that the Committee considered the costs for the two year extension to be satisfactory. RESOLVED that a two-year extension of the Planting Contract with Low Orchard be approved.

1021/13/14 Kendal in Bloom Expenditure (Minute 1003/13/14) Approval was sought to expenditure from the Kendal in Bloom Budget for 2014/15. It was proposed by Councillor Geoff Cook, and seconded by Councillor Lynne Oldham, that the expenditure be approved. RESOLVED that the following expenditure from the Kendal in Bloom Budget for 2014/15 be approved:- (1) £2000 to Queen Katherine School towards the planing up of the planters at Nobles Rest; and (2) £100 for the Shap Road community planting project.

1022/13/14 Minutes of Meeting held on 12th May 2014 In seeking approval for the Minutes, Councillor Cook drew attention to the entry form for the Kendal in Bloom Competition, and encouraged Members to make nominations. He also mentioned the Kendal in Bloom Competition Awards Ceremony, to be held in August 2014, and said that all Councillors are invited. In addition, Kendal had been entered into the Cumbria in Bloom Competition in which he, as Chairman of Cumbria County Council, has a role. RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Kendal in Bloom Committee held on 12th May 2014 be approved.

1023/13/14 PLANNING COMMITTEE The minutes of the meetings of the Planning Committee held on 28th April, 6th May and 19th May 2014 were presented by Committee Member Councillor Austen Robinson, who invited questions from Members. He reminded Councillors that the Planning Committee has delegated powers on behalf of the Town Council to consider and make recommendations on planning- related issues and planning applications. He also encouraged Members to come along to Planning Committee meetings, or to let a Planning Committee Member


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know, if they have views on any issues/applications, especially in their own Wards. RESOLVED that the minutes of the meetings of the Planning Committee held on 28th April, 6th May and 19th May 2014 be received.

FINANCIAL MATTERS 1024/13/14 Invoices over £2,000 The Town Treasurer explained that all of the following projects/grants had already received Council consent, and sought approval for the payment of invoices over £2,000 including - £3,000 to South Lakeland District Council as a contribution towards the Kendal Futures KERAP (Kendal Economic Regeneration Action Plan) - £6,000 to South Lakeland District Council as a contribution to support the Kendal Futures Co-ordinator role - £5,000 Grant for 2014/15 to the Annual Torchlight Carnival - £5,000 Grant for 2014/15 to the Kendal Mountain Festival - £5,000 Grant for 2014/15 to Comic Fest - £5,000 Grant for 2014/15 to the Kendal Festival of Food - £3,300 Grant for 2014/15 to the Rotary Club of Kendal, South Westmorland Fireworks Display - £8,000 Grant for 2014/15 to the Kendal Brewery Arts Centre - £2,000 Grant for 2014/15 to “One Voice” – Kendal & South Lakes Centre for Independent Living - £2,500 Grant for 2014/15 to Sandgate Hydrotherapy Pool Trust. It was proposed by Councillor Matt Severn, and seconded by Councillor Clare Feeney-Johnson, that the payment of invoices be approved. RESOLVED that the payment of invoices over £2,000 be approved.

REPORTS FROM OUTSIDE BODIES 1025/13/14 Lakes Line User Group The Chairman allowed presentation of an e-mail report from Councillor John McCreesh in his absence on holiday. Councillor McCreesh had reported the following points of interest from the meeting of the Lakes Line Rail User Group held on 16th May 2014:- - Longpool Bridge – it appeared that Network Rail’s offers to provide some benefit back to the town following the recent disruption were failing to materialise. There are also reports that the anti-pigeon measures are generally proving ineffective - Members of the User Group man stalls at various rail promotional activities throughout the year, to encourage people to take a holiday on the Lakes Line. They hand out little “Visit the Lakes” pocket brochures with an “attractions” 8

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and “What’s on” list. Councillor McCreesh queried whether the Christmas Lights and Festivals Committee could take action to ensure they have comprehensive information for Kendal. - New timetables had been issued on 18th May and User Group members had notified passengers on affected commuter trains that changes were imminent, as the train operating companies did not appear to be taking any such action - New electronic notice boards are being trialled on stations, replacing printed timetables. They are not a success - hard to read in bright sunlight and the timetable information disappears before people can read it. Poor passengers are then faced with a series of adverts before the timetable appears again. The User Group is on the case. RESOLVED that Councillor McCreesh be thanked for his comprehensive report.

AUDIT, GRANTS AND CHARITIES COMMITTEE (continued) 1025/13/14 South Lakes Citizens Advice Bureau (continued from Minute 1019/13/14) The application for grant was reconsidered with additional information from the Treasurer. It was reported that South Lakeland District Council was supporting the reintroduction of a Citizens Advice Bureau in Kendal with the provision of rent-free accommodation. Addressing a query from Councillor John Veevers as to whether the grant would be used to pay salaries, it was reported that the Bureau would be staffed with four volunteers and paid supervision. Running costs for the year were reported, and it was recognised that there were occasions when paid professional expertise would be required. The Treasurer said that there had been strong support for the application from Members of the Audit, Grants and Charities Committee in the current financial climate. Councillor Matt Severn said that the Bureau would provide a valued service which had already been recognised in the past. It was proposed by Councillor David Evans, and seconded by Councillor Chris Hogg, that a grant of £4,000 be awarded. RESOLVED that the South Lakeland Citizens Advice Bureau be awarded a grant of £4,000 from the General Fund.

1026/13/14 Minutes of meeting held on 30th April 2014 The Treasurer asked that the minutes of the meeting held on 30th April 2014 be approved. RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Audit, Grants and Charities Committee held on 30th April 2014 be approved.

Members were thanked for their attendance at the meeting and reminded that an Induction Training Session would follow, to be held in the Bindloss Room. The meeting ended at 8.15 p.m.

Signature ...... 9

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Date ......


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