Make It Pay! Maximizing Membership R.O.I.

There is no such thing as bad publicity. At least that is how the saying goes. When it comes to getting involved with a trade association, there are two general misconceptions;

1- Simply joining will make positive things happen for ones business or career.

2- Volunteering ones time for a committee or association activity is a big commitment in time and effort with little or no return on investment.

In today's world, few have time to waste and opportunities are fewer and more difficult to come by. Making the most of opportunities, or creating them is of critical importance. ALMA exists to advance the best interests of the speaker industry and the ALMA membership. What follows is a simple guide to the advantages of membership and why volunteering can be a positive step to advance one's business and career.

Why join?

People who join trade associations have a desire to share knowledge and ideas. They seek to make mutually beneficial connections that facilitate advancing business and professional goals. Everyone knows someone who always seems to know the right people to fulfill whatever need there might be. Chances are they are individuals who network, participate, and put themselves out there.

Joining a trade association like ALMA puts members in a position to meet and get to know others of like interests and endeavor seeking opportunities. Joining ALMA is smart business. Attending Winter Symposium is a positive step, but there are other ways to capitalize on membership.

Why volunteer?

The #1 reason members give for not renewing membership is that they did not receive any benefit from being a member. The bad news is that simply being a member will not magically make things happen. Being a member of ALMA gives members access or association resources, discounts at Winter Symposium and more benefits to come. But ALMA can offer ways to advance careers and to add professional visibility.

ALMA has several committees such as Winter Symposium Planning, Education Committee, Membership Committee, and others. The time commitment is generally about an hour per month for teleconference calls and related functions. The purpose of committees are to serve the industry and ALMA members. Participation affords the opportunity to raise ones profile in the industry and to draw favorable attention to participants and to ALMA. In today's competitive professional market it is increasingly difficult to stand apart and above the rest of the field. Active participation in ALMA can help to accomplish this desirable goal.

Let ALMA show you how to make the most of membership and to capitalize on the opportunities. Call Barry Vogel at 602-388-8669 or email at [email protected].