Norfolk Amateur Radio Club Programme 2010

Please note dates are subject to change, please check website for up to date information Revsed 14th May 2010 Mon 4th January RSGB CC Contest 2000 – 2130z CW Wed 6th January RTTY Contesting for Beginners - Roger Cooke, G3LDI. Sun 10th January RSGB AFS Contest 1400 – 1800z CW Wed 13th January Informal / Construction / Workshop / RSGB CC Contest 2000 – 2130 SSB Sat 16th January RSGB AFS Contest 1400 – 1800 SSB Wed 20th January Propagation – As she really is – Pat Gowen, G3IOR Thur 21st January RSGB CC Contest 2000 – 2130 Data Wed 27th January Informal / Construction / Workshop 1 / Bright Sparks Mon 1st February RSGB CC Contest 2000 – 2130 SSB Wed 3rd February Codes and Ciphers – Ed Erbes Wed 10th February Informal / RSGB CC Contest 2000 – 2130 Data Wed 17th February D-Star presentation by Gavin, M1BXF Wed 18th February RSGB CC Contest 2000 – 2130 CW W/E 21/22 February TDOTA – Guides Thinking day on the Air Wed 24th February Informal / Construction / Workshop / Bright Sparks Mon 1st March RSGB CC Contest 2000 – 2130 Data Wed 3rd March Wing Commander Ken Wallis, Little Nellie and 007 Wed 10th March Informal / Construction / Workshop / RSGB CC Contest 2000 – 2130 CW Wed 17th March 2M & Microwaves Sam Jewell G4DDK Thur 18th March RSGB CC Contest 2000 – 2130 SSB Wed 24th March Informal / Construction / Workshop 2 / Bright Sparks Wed 31st March Jim Bacon G3YLA Square Bashing on E's Mon 5th April RSGB CC Contest 2000 – 2130 CW Wed 7th April Annual General Meeting / Members Construction Competition Wed 14th April Informal / Construction / Workshop / RSGB CC Contest 2000 – 2130 SSB Wed 21st April Mark Haynes, M0DXR – Operating from K3LR super station Thur 22nd April RSGB CC Contest 2000 – 2130 Data Wed 28th April Table Top Sale / Construction / Workshop Mon 3rd May RSGB CC Contest 2000 – 2130 SSB Wed 5th May Club Quiz Nite Wed 12th May Informal / Construction / Workshop Wed 12th May RSGB CC Contest 2000 – 2130 Data Wed 19th May GB3NB AGM Thur 20th May RSGB CC Contest 2000 – 2130 CW Wed 26th May Informal / Construction / Workshop 3 / Bright Sparks Wed 2nd June Friendly DF Foxhunt Preparation & Equipment testing W/E 5/6th June Radio Active at Gt Ellingham / National Field Day 1.8-28MHz Mon 7th June RSGB CC Contest 2000 – 2130 Data Wed 9th June Friendly Fox Hunt Wed 16th June Informal / Construction / Workshop Wed 16th June RSGB CC Contest 2000 – 2130 CW Wed 23rd June Barford Rally Final Preparations W/E 26/28th June Friedrichshafen Radio Rally Wed 30th June DF Foxhunt Preparation & Equipment testing / Bright Sparks Sun 4th July Barford Radio Rally Mon 5th July RSGB CC Contest 2000 – 2130 CW Wed 7th July TBC Wed 14th July Informal / Construction / Workshop Wed 14th July RSGB CC Contest 2000 – 2130 SSB W/E 18th July Radio by the Seaside – Low Power FD Wed 21st July Trophy Foxhunt Thurs 22nd July RSGB CC Contest 2000 – 2130 Data Last of series

Norfolk Amateur Radio Club meets every Wednesday at Eaton CNS School, Eaton Road, Norwich, NR4 6PP from 7-10pm, usually in 6th form centre at the front of school - see our web site for details at http:/ Wed 28th July Informal / Construction / Workshop 4 / Bright Sparks Wed 4th August TBC Wed 11th August Informal / Construction / Workshop Wed 18th August TBC W/E 21/22 August GB0HL Happisburgh Lighthouse Wed 25th August Informal / Construction / Workshop 5 / Bright Sparks Wed 1nd September Club Quiz Night W/E 3rd - 5th September HF NFD SSB Section Wed 8th September Informal / Construction / Workshop Wed 15th September TBC Wed 22rd September Informal / Construction / Workshop / Bright Sparks W/E 25/26 September ROTA Weekend Wed 29th September Members Forum Wed 6th October Peter Chadwick, G3RZP - “ATUs” Wed 13th October Informal / Construction / Workshop W/E 17/18 October JOTA – Jamboree on the Air Wed 20th October Table Top Sale Wed 27th October Informal / Construction / Workshop / Bright Sparks Wed 3rd November Visit from RSGB President Wed 10th November Informal / Construction / Workshop Wed 17th November The Rise and Fall of the Marine Radio Officer” Steve Appleyard, G3PND Wed 24th November Informal / Construction / Workshop / Bright Sparks Wed 1st December “Basic aerial theory, use and practice” Pat Gowen, G3IOR Wed 8th December Informal / Construction / Workshop Wed 15th December Christmas Party

Beginners morse will precede the club meeting's in a side room starting at 19:00 with Peter, M0RYB. Unless a RSGB CC is running on a Wed. Informal / Construction / Workshop meeting's will be just that a selection of construction projects such as the 80M Kit and others, Workshop's at the request of the membership suggestions to any member of the committee.

Workshop Plannned :- 1 Beginners workshop. Terminology and Procedures with Mark G0LGJ & G3LDI 2 Contest workshop biased to RSGB CC with Malcolm G3PDH, Roger G3LDI and Chris G0TZZ 3 Construction help with 80m SSM Transceiver with G7URP & G0LGJ 4 Radio Servicing Workshop with Bob G8SDU and Tony G0MQG 5 Antenna workshop with Malcolm G3PDH

Club Trips to be confirmed :-

Newark Radio Rally 1-2 October Bletchley Park RSGB HQ

Club Special Event Stations awaiting date confirmations

Norfolk Gala Day Aviation Museum

Times & Dates are liable to change please check on Club nights, 3club nets and also online at for any changes.

The programme is also available on Packet at GB7LDI and GB7VLS

Rev 34.0 14th May 2010

Norfolk Amateur Radio Club meets every Wednesday at Eaton CNS School, Eaton Road, Norwich, NR4 6PP from 7-10pm, usually in 6th form centre at the front of school - see our web site for details at http:/ Norfolk Amateur Radio Club meets every Wednesday at Eaton CNS School, Eaton Road, Norwich, NR4 6PP from 7-10pm, usually in 6th form centre at the front of school - see our web site for details at http:/