Every Child a Talker Child Monitoring Tool

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Every Child a Talker Child Monitoring Tool

Every Child A Talker – Child Monitoring Tool

Setting Name: Date of Observation: Date of Birth: Age Today: Child Name: Key: At risk of Delay (1) As expected (2) Ahead (3)

Listening and attention Understanding of language Speech sounds and talk Social skills Turns towards a familiar sound then locates Recognises parent’s voice and begins to Initially uses cries to communicate. Gazes at faces and copies facial movements, range of sounds with accuracy understand frequently used words such as ‘all Gradually develops speech sounds (babbling) e.g. sticking out tongue. gone’, ‘no’ and ‘bye-bye’. to communicate with adults: says sounds like Increasingly aware of other people and taking Stops and looks when hears own name. ‘baba, nono, gogo’ turns in interactions using babbles.

Interested in music and singing. Easily Understanding of single words in context is Progresses from using babble to around 10 Likes being with familiar adult and watching distracted by noises or other people talking developing, e.g. ‘cup’, ‘milk’, ‘daddy’. single words, although these will often not be them. The child can understand more words than very clear. Developing the ability to follow and adult’s body they can say. language, including pointing and gesture.

Starting to focus on an activity of their choice, By 24 months, understands simple instructions, Using up to 50 words and is beginning to put 2- Gradually able to engage in ‘pretend’ play with although finds it difficult to be directed by an e.g. ‘get mummy’s shoes’, ‘put your bricks 3 words together. toys. adult. away’. ‘Tell dad tea’s ready.’ Frequently asks simple questions, e.g. Frustrated when unable to make themselves Using the child’s name helps them to attend to ‘where’s my drink?’, ‘what’s that? (Towards two understood. what the adult says, e.g. ‘Ben, drink juice,’ years age). ‘Aysha, coat on.’ Uses speech sounds p, b, m, w.

Beginning to listen to talk with interest, Developing understanding of simple concepts Uses up to 300 different words including Holds a conversation but jumps from topic to however easily distracted. including in/on/under, big/little. descriptive language, space, function. Can link topic. Listens to ‘talk’ addressed to self, but finds it Understands simple ‘who’ and ‘what’ and 4-5 words together Interested in others’ play and will join in. difficult if prompts are not provided, e.g. use of ‘where’ questions but not ‘why.’ May stutter or stammer when thinking what to Expresses emotions towards adults and peers, name, ‘stop and listen’ Understands a simple story when supported say. using words and actions. with pictures. Finds it difficult to say some speech sounds: l, r, w, y, f, th, s, sh, cz, dz, j.

Enjoys listening to stories. Understands more complex questions or Uses sentences of four to six words, e.g. ‘I Understands turn taking as well as sharing with Still finds it difficult to attend to more than one instructions with two parts ‘get your jumper on’ want to play with cars,’ ‘what that thingy adults and peers, can initiate conversations. thing at a time, so can’t easily listen to a and ‘stand by the door’. Now understands ‘why’ called?’ Enjoys playing with peers and will argue if they speaker while still carrying on an activity. questions and is aware of more abstract ideas Able to remember and enjoys telling long disagree. including time in relation to past, present and stories or singing songs. future. Has problems saying r, j, th, ch, sh

Attention is now more flexible – able to Able to follow a simple story without pictures. Uses well formed sentences and is easily Chooses own friends and is generally understand spoken instructions related to a Understands instructions containing understood by adults and peers. Frequently cooperative with playmates. task without stopping the activity to look at the sequencing words: ‘first…. After…. Last…’ asks the meaning of unfamiliar words and may Can plan play activities. speaker. Aware of more complex humour, laughs at use them randomly. Takes turns in longer conversations and uses jokes that are told. Only a few immaturities in speech sounds, ‘th, language to gain information, negotiate, Understands and enjoys rhyme r,’ and three consonant combinations ‘scribble’ discuss feelings/ideas and give opinions.

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