World Cultures Mrs. Ryan 2016 2017

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World Cultures Mrs. Ryan 2016 2017

World Cultures – Mrs. Ryan 2016 – 2017

Welcome!!! I hope you have a wonderful year!

Homework for W.C.: 9/8/16 – You are to write a five-paragraph essay on the topic: “The New President Should Concentrate on These Issues.” Remember that a five-paragraph essay begins with an Introduction, where you explain to the reader what you will say. The Body will consist of three paragraphs, each explaining in detail an issue on which the new President should concentrate. Finally, the Conclusion will basically restate for the reader what you have said. Put a cherry on the top of your sundae! Tell an idea, an opinion, a revelation you have had on this topic. Make your Conclusion interesting. This essay is due Tuesday, Sept. 13, typed and double-spaced, stapled and with a proper heading. CONGRATULATIONS!!! You made it through your first day of high school! 9/9/16 – Your essay – see above for directions – is due on Tuesday, 9/13. Have a wonderful weekend!”

9/12/16 – We had the “Thunder Dog” assembly today. Your five-paragraph essay is due tomorrow. See above for instructions. 9/13/16 – We collected the essays today. SGOs were administered today and textbooks were distributed. Your homework is to cover your book and bring it in tomorrow for the cover check. That’s it! 9/14/16 – Today, we had a book cover check. Then, we discussed the five themes of geography. You took notes. You should study these notes this evening. Begin to read Chapter 1 in your textbook. ***Be sure to come prepared each day for class with a pen, a thick notebook or binder, with pockets or a folder, and a planner.*** 9/15/16 – We continued the Five Themes of Geography today. You should have read Section 1 of Chapter 1 for today. This evening, please read Section 2. We will discuss the material in Sec. 2 in class, so read for comprehension. 9/16/16 – We finished our discussion of material in Section 1 of Ch. 1 today, and then we began Section 2. There is no homework. Have a great weekend!!! 9/19/16 – Read Section 3 of Chapter 1. Also, be thinking of a cultural artifact that you can bring in that will exhibit some aspect of your culture. Perhaps you have a picture of an ancestor, a recipe passed down in the family, a trinket that has a lot of meaning. You will bring this item on Friday, and tell the class what the article represents of your family’s culture. This item should NOT be of monetary value or precious or irreplaceable, as we could not guarantee that nothing will happen to it. But, you could copy a picture or write down a recipe, etc. Due Friday, 9/23. ***Your first test, on Chapter 1, will be Tuesday, 9/27*** More on that later. 9/20/16 – Please refer to the above. 9/21/16 – Please refer to the above. 9/22/16 – Please finish reading Chapter 1. (Section 4) You are bringing in your cultural artifact tomorrow. Be sure to know its Remember! Your Ch. 1 Test is Tuesday, 9/27. Review Guides were handed out today and should be filled out completely for use in studying for the test. They will not be collected, but if you do not utilize them, you may not get as high a grade as you might wish. 9/23/16 – We had our Cultural Artifact Day today! Remember that your first test, Ch. 1, is Tuesday, 9/27. Fill in your Review Guides as completely as possible. Review for the test will be on Monday, 9/26. Have a wonderful weekend!!!

9/26/16 – Our test on Chapter 1 is tomorrow, Tuesday, 9/27. You should have utilized your Review Guide that you received last week. This will really help you on the test. We had our in-class review today. Study well!!! 9/27/16 – We had our Chapter 1 test today! Hope you feel good about it. Next Chapter is 30 – The Renaissance, The Reformation and The Industrialization of Europe. Begin reading Section 1 of Ch. 30. 9/28/16 – We began the Renaissance today! If you were not able to completely finish Section 1, please do that tonight. 9/29/16 – Find out who Machiavelli was, when he lived and where. What was his philosophy of power/leadership? What was his book, The Prince, about? Know these things for tomorrow’s discussion! 9/30/16 – We discussed Machiavelli today, and went further into the Renaissance material. Remember, we are reading Ch. 30 and you may read ahead. Have a great weekend!!!

10/04/16 – We are reading Chapter 30 – The Renaissance, Reformation and Industrialization. Continue reading into the chapter for comprehension. It will help you in class discussions. 10/05/16 – Section 2 of Chapter 30 should be read by Thursday, Oct. 6. Favorite Southern Renaissance Work of Art assignment is due on Friday, Oct. 7. Follow the directions on the half sheet you were given in class. You need to type and double-space your response. 10/06/16 – We discussed The Age of Exploration today and its impact on Europe. Your Favorite Southern Renaissance Work of Art assignment is due tomorrow. Follow all directions carefully. 10/07/16 – You worked on Geography today in class. You should have turned in the three worksheets. If you did not finish, you will have to get them done for homework. Have a great weekend!!!

10/10/16 – Map Assignment – Europe during the Renaissance (1500) – due tomorrow. Be sure to follow the instructions on the sheet you were given and write legibly with a dark pen. Google Map of the Renaissance. Click on Images, and the first one will be your reference. If you have any questions, stop in to see me tomorrow before mods 1-2. 10/11/16 – Your Map Assignment – Renaissance Europe – was due today. There is no school tomorrow. 10/12/16 – NO SCHOOL. 10/13/16 – For tomorrow, write a paragraph, of no less than five sentences, discussing ideas in the American Constitution that reflect the influence of Enlightenment ideas. This should be typed and double-spaced and have a proper heading. (Use Chapter 30 in your text to help you.) 10/14/16 – Your assignment about ideas in the American Constitution that reflect the influence of Enlightenment ideas was due today. No homework over the weekend. Have fun!!! 10/17/16 – We finished the Enlightenment today and began Industrialization. Please make sure you have read Section 3 for tomorrow. We will have our Ch. 30 test on Tuesday, Oct. 25. (Review will be Monday, Oct. 24.) 10/18/16 – Classwork today included getting in groups to decide the greatest invention, and individually coming up with an invention and telling how it would change your life and/or the lives of others. The individual invention was handed in for a grade. If you were absent, you will need to make up this assignment. We will finish Chapter 30 on Thursday and Friday. Make sure you have read the entire chapter. Our Test on Chapter 30 is Tuesday, Oct. 25. 10/19/16 – Today, we delved into the Industrial Revolution, Section 3 of Ch. 30. This will be our final section. Our test on Ch. 30 is Tuesday, Oct. 25. 10/20/16 – Continuing our discussion on the Industrial Revolution, we examined why Britain took the lead in this revolution and what changes were wrought as a result of it. We will finish the chapter tomorrow. Our Review Guides were distributed today. Please use them to study for our Review Class on Monday and our test on Ch. 30 on Tuesday, Oct. 25. 10/21/16 – We finished Chapter 30 today. Please fill out your Review Guide and use it to study for your test on Tuesday, Oct. 25. We will have an in-class Review on Monday. ***As always, if anyone desires extra review, that is always available. Just see me and we will make a mutually convenient time to meet.*** Have a wonderful weekend!!!

10/24/16 – We had our Review today for our Test on Chapter 30 tomorrow. Study all your notes and review the chapter in the text. 10/25/16 – Test on Chapter 30. Our next unit will be Japan. We will be using parts of Chapters 18 & 19. 10/26/16 – Read Section 1 of Chapter 18 tonight on the geography of Japan. Do the chart you were given. Please write SUPER NEATLY. The chart is due tomorrow, Th., Oct. 27. 10/27/16 – Your Geography Chart on Japan is due today. You received a map to fill out. This is due on Monday, Oct. 31. Please begin reading Section 2 from page 395 – Japanese Feudalism to the end. 10/28/16 – I mistakenly forgot to distribute the Map of Japan yesterday, but I hope you read Section 2 from page 395. You received the map today and it is due on Monday, Oct. 31. Have a great weekend!!!

10/31/16 – Happy Halloween! Today, we did a group activity concerning stereotypes. You all read the article, “Looking Another Culture in the Eye,” and discussed it with your group. You then shared the important points of the article, as your group saw them, with the larger group. The Japan Map was due today. 11/1/16 - We began to talk about Japanese Traditions today, which include Shinto, Buddhism, Confucianism and Feudalism. If you have read Sec. 3 of Ch. 3, you have no homework tonight. 11/2/16 – Since we covered Shinto traditions yesterday, we moved on to Buddhism and Confucianism today. No homework tonight. 11/3/16 – We finished Confucianism and then discussed the Feudal Period of Japanese history. You were given an assignment to do for tomorrow on Japanese Traditions. Please read all directions very carefully and write as NEATLY as possible, in blue or black pen. 11/4/16 – Your Japanese Traditions charts and short answers were due today. We finished Feudalism today. No homework over the weekend. Have a great one!!!

11/7/16 – We discussed how presidents are elected today. No homework tonight. 11/8/16 – Election Day – No School 11/9/16 – We discussed the election and began Section 4 of Ch. 18. 11/10/16 – NJEA Convention – No School 11/11/16 – NJEA Convention – No School Have a great four-day weekend!!!

11/14/16 – Please read Section 4 of Ch. 18 tonight. 11/15/16 – You received a copy of the English translation of the Kanagawa Treaty. Please read the treaty carefully and answer the questions in complete sentences, in blue or black pen, due Thursday, Nov. 17. Do both sides of the answer sheet! 11/16/16 – The Tanagawa Treaty answer sheets are due tomorrow. See above for instructions. We continued our discussion of Section 4 of Ch. 18. 11/17/16 – The Tanagawa Treaty answer sheets were due today. We discussed the Social Changes of the Meiji Restoration and began Japanese expansion. No written homework. Did you read Section 4? 11/18/16 – Japanese expansion was our topic today. No homework. Have a nice weekend!!!

11/21/16 –*** Our test on Chapter 18 will be on Tuesday, Nov. 29.*** We are finishing our discussion of the chapter this week. We will have our review on Monday, Nov. 28. 11/22/16 – We completed Chapter 18 today. Our test will be Tuesday, Nov. 29. You received your Review Guides today, so please fill them out, checking your answers against your notes/text. Be sure to be here Monday for the in-class review! 11/23/16 – We watched a Discovery film about the Rise and Fall of the Japanese Empire. Remember – your Ch. 18 Test is Tuesday, Nov. 29. Review on Monday. Use your Review Guide to study. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!!

11/28/16 – Hope you all had a terrific Thanksgiving! Today, we reviewed for our Chapter 18 test on Japan tomorrow. Use your text, your notes and your Study Guide to help you prepare. I am available after school today and tomorrow morning for any additional help you may need. 11/29/16 – Test – Chapter 18. Please read Section 1 of Chapter 19 for tomorrow. 11/30/16 – We began our examination of Japan after WW2 in Chapter 19. No written homework this evening. Just make sure you have read Sec. 1. 12/1/16 – Read Section 2 of Chapter 19. 12/2/16 – We discussed the economic situation of Japan post – WW2. Please read Section 3 of Chapter 19 for Monday. Have a nice weekend! 12/5/16 – We finished up Section 2 today. You also received your Ch. 18 test back for perusal. No homework this evening, if you have actually read Section 3 of Ch. 19!

For Friday’s Zen Garden Activity: Please bring a medium (about 3 cups worth) like brown sugar, sand, pastina, small gravel, etc., a small (6-8 “) rake – (homemade or not), small piece of green plant, three stones, a very small Buddha statue or Japanese lantern (optional), AND a tray with sides or a shoe box lid. 12/6/16 – We have finished Section 2 of Ch. 19 and done a truncated treatment of Sec. 3. You were given an article that deals with the Japanese Parliament’s approval of a military role overseas for Japanese forces. Please read and annotate this article this evening. Be prepared to discuss it tomorrow in class. We will begin discussion of Japanese arts tomorrow, as well, so make sure you have read Section 4. Bring all the necessary supplies for your Zen garden for Friday, Dec. 9. (See above for a list of supplies.) 12/7/16 – We got into Japanese art today – see Section 4 of Ch. 19. We viewed some video of some of the art forms discussed and will view more tomorrow. Have all your Zen garden supplies ready for Friday’s class. See above for details. Our Chapter 19 Test has been scheduled for Wed., Dec. 14. You will soon receive your Study Guide. 12/8/16 – We continued today with our discussion of Japanese art and literature. We viewed some more videos of art forms discussed. Remember: our Ch. 19 Test is scheduled for Wed., Dec. 14. Your Zen garden supplies are needed for tomorrow’s in-class activity. 12/9/16 – Zen garden activity. Monday, we will be discussing the disaster at Fukushima. Test – Ch. 19 – Wed., Dec. 14. Have a great weekend!!!

12/12/16 – We looked at the Fukushima disaster of 2011. We viewed part of a film – PBS Nightline’s Return to Fukushima. Please refer to the back of your Review Guide for Fukushima info. You were to turn in your two Zen Garden questions today. Fill out your Review Guide completely for use in tomorrow’s review. Our test on Chapter 19 is on Wednesday, Dec. 14. 12/13/16 – We reviewed in class today for the Chapter 19 Test tomorrow. Make sure that you have filled out your Review Guide. I am available after school and before school tomorrow for any extra review you might need. 12/14/16 – You had your Chapter 19 Test today. Please read Section 1 of Chapter 15 – China – for tomorrow. 12/15/16 – We began Chapter 15 – China today. You were to have read Sec. 1. Map assignment is due on Monday, Dec. 19. 12/15/16 – Map assignment is due on Monday, Dec. 19. Have a great weekend!!!

12/19/16 – Your China Map assignments were due today. Please read Section 2 of Chapter 15. 12/20/16 – You are reading Chapter 15. You were given a chart today due for Friday, Dec. 23, which will help you keep straight the various Chinese schools of thought we are discussing in class: Confucianism, Daoism, and Legalism. Please write in pen and SUPER neatly! Thanks! 12/21/16 – We discussed the Three Schools of Thoughts today. You are still working on your chart, which is due on Friday. 12/22/16 – Your Three Schools of Thought Charts are due tomorrow. Please read Sections 3 and the part of Section 4 beginning with the Ming Dynasty and ending with the Qing Dynasty. Your Review Guide for Chapter 15 was given to you today, and the Ch. 15 Test has been scheduled for Tues., January 10. 12/23/16 – Your Three Schools of Thought Charts are due today. Please finish reading Chapter 19. Fill out and study your Review Guide in preparation for the test on Tuesday, January 10. Wishing you and your loved ones a wonderful holiday season and a very Happy New Year!!! Have a great break!

1/3/17 – Happy New Year everyone! We will be working on the rest of Chapter 15, in preparation for our test on Tuesday, January 10. You have had the Review Guide since before the break, so make sure that you have read the chapter and filled in the Review Guide blanks. 1/4/17 – We continued our discussion about Section 5 of Ch. 15. Test – Tuesday, Jan. 10. Please fill out and use your Review Guide. 1/5/17 – We went over some material associated with Chapter 15. 1/6/17 – You had a substitute today while I was on a Professional Day. You were to read a packet on the Treaty of Nanjing and answer a question at the end. You were also to analyze a political cartoon. Your remarks were written on lined paper and handed in at the end of class to the substitute. *** Remember! Test on Chapter 15 on Tuesday, Jan. 10! *** We will have a review on Monday. Please study chapter, notes and Study Guide (which should have been filled in by now). Have a great weekend!!!

1/9/17 – Today we had our Review for our Chapter 15 test tomorrow. You have your Study Guides, and we went over them, so you should utilize them. Also, use your text and notes. 1/10/17 – Test today on Chapter 15 – China. Our last chapter before the midterm will be Chapter 16 – Modern China. Please begin reading the chapter. 1/11/17 – You received your Study Guide for your Chapter 16 Test, which will be on Thursday, Jan. 19. Please fill out the Study Guide this week to be ready for review on Wed., 1/18. We discussed Sec. 1 of Chapter 16 today in class. Make sure you are reading the chapter for comprehension and taking good notes. I am available mornings and after school for any extra help you might need. 1/12/17 – We continued our discussion on Chapter 16 today. Chapter 16 Test is Thursday, Jan. 19. Study your Review Guide. 1/13/17 – Chapter 16 continued. Test – Thursday, Jan. 19 Have a great weekend!

1/16/17 – No School – MLK Day. 1/17/17 – Continued discussion of Ch. 16. Test – Thursday, Jan. 19. ***You received your Midterm Exam Study Guide today.*** 1/18/17 – Finished Ch. 16 and reviewed for our test tomorrow. 1/19/17 – Test – Chapter 16. 1/20/17 – We began the Midterm Exam Review today. We will finish Midterm Exam Review on Monday. Have a great weekend!

Welcome to the Second Semester!!! 1/30/17 – Today, we reviewed our Midterm Exams and answered any questions. We also introduced our next chapter – Ch. 20 – Latin America. Please read Section 1 for homework tonight. 1/31/17 – We began our discussion of the geography of Latin America. We viewed a film about the geography and people of Latin America. For Thursday, please complete the two map activities you were given today. Write legibly and neatly, please, using a dark color pen or marker. Also by Thursday, you should have read Section 2 of Ch. 20. 2/1/17 – We are knee-deep in Latin American geography! Please complete your maps for tomorrow, and read Section 2 of Chapter 20. 2/2/17 – Your Latin American Maps were both due today. Also, you should have read Section 2 of Chapter 20. 2/3/17 – We discussed the ancient civilizations of Latin America today – Sec. 3. Please make sure that you have thoroughly read Sec. 3 – Ch. 7 by Monday. Have a great weekend!!!

2/6/17 – We have very nearly finished Section 3 of Chapter 20 today. We will be scheduling a test on Chapter 20 for early next week. Stayed tuned for that test date! 2/7/17 – We returned the graded maps today. You may use these to study for your Map Quiz tomorrow. In preparation for our class activity tomorrow, go over your notes. Our Test on Chapter 20 has been scheduled for Tuesday, Feb. 14. 2/8/17 – We had our Map Quiz today on Latin America. You also received your Review Guide for the Test on Chapter 20 scheduled for Tuesday, Feb. 14. Our in-class activity today involved the advancements of the ancient civilizations of Latin America. 2/9/17 – SNOW Day! No School! 2/10/17 – We began reviewing for our Chapter 20 Test on Tuesday, Feb. 14. Your Study Guide should be filled out, at least partly. By Monday, you should have it completely filled out and be ready for the review. Have a great weekend!!!

2/13/17 – Late Start Day! We reviewed today for our Chapter 20 Test tomorrow. Please use your Review Guide, text and notes to help you study. 2/14/17 – Test on Chapter 20 today. Next chapter: 21. Please read Section 1. 2/15/17 – We began our discussion on Section 1 of Chapter 21 today. Please make sure that you have read Section 1 – Europe’s Colonies in the Americas. 2/16/17 – Continued Chapter 21, Section 1 today. For tomorrow, you may begin preparing Section 2 for class discussion. 2/17/17 – Today we finished anything left from Section 1 of Chapter 21, and then we delved into the social class system described in Section 2. Just make sure to have read Section 2 and taken your notes for when we get back. Have a great 4 – day weekend!!!

2/22/17 – Hope you had a wonderful mini-break! We explored the social class system of the Spanish colonies in Latin America. Please make sure that you have read Section 2 of Ch. 21. 2/23/17 – Please make sure that you have read Section 3 of Ch. 21 for tomorrow. We finished Section 2 today. 2/24/17 – Today, you got back your Ch. 20 tests, graded. We also went over the homework packet that is due on Wednesday, March 1. Please write your answers neatly and in pen. Make sure that you have read Section 3 for Monday. Have a great weekend! 2/27/17 – The Revolutions homework packet you were given last week is due on Wed., March 1. Please, write neatly and legibly. If you need another copy, let me know. Read Chapter 21, Sections 1 – 4, and Chapter 22, Section 1. Our Test on these Chapters will be next week, date to be announced. 2/28/17 – The Revolutions Packet is due tomorrow. Please write neatly and legibly. Read Chapter 21 – Sections 1 – 4 and Chapter 22, Section 1. Our Test will be next Tuesday, March 7. 3/1/17 – Revolution Packets were due today. Make sure that you have read Chapter 21 (in its entirety) and Section 1 of Chapter 22, in preparation for your test on Tuesday, March 7. You were given your Review Guides today. 3/2/17 – We discussed the rest of Section 4 – Chapter 21. Tomorrow, we will look at Section 1 of Chapter 22, so please make sure you have read that. Our Test on Ch. 21 (1-4) and Ch. 22 (1) will be Tuesday, March 7. Use your notes, text and Review Guide to study, and be sure to stop in if you have any questions about the material or wish additional review. 3/3/17 – We went over Section 1 of Ch. 22 today. Our Test on Ch. 21 (1-4) and Ch. 22 (1) will be Tuesday, March 7. Use your notes, text and Review Guide to study. See above about coming for additional help. Have a wonderful weekend!!!

3/6/17 – Today, we had our in-class review for our Latin America Test on Ch. 21 and 22.1 tomorrow. Please use your Review Guide, notes and text to study. 3/7/17 – Test today on Chapters 21 and 22.1. Tomorrow, we begin Africa, Chapter 3. Read and take notes the rest of this week. 3/8/17 – We began Chapter 3 – Africa – today. Please read and take notes on Sections 1 and 2 only. (We are not doing Section 3.) 3/9/17 – Discussion of African Geography today, as well as directions for Africa Map – due Monday, March 13. If you have any questions, please see me. Make sure that you have read Sections 1 & 2 of Chapter 3. 3/10/17 – More African Geography today. Maps are due on Monday, March 13. You should have read Sections 1 & 2 of Chapter 3. Have a wonderful weekend!!!

3/13/17 – Your Africa Maps were due today. We finished Section 2 of Ch. 3. We will have a Test on Ch. 3, Sections 1 & 2, on Friday, March 17. It will include a map of Africa. 3/14/17 – SNOW DAY – NO SCHOOL!!! 3/15/17 – Late Start Day – (No mods 3-4 or 5-6) We gave back your last Latin America test to look over, and your Africa Map (from which you may study for the test on Friday). Test, Chapter 3, Sections 1 & 2 on Friday, March 17. The test will include a Map of Africa. Study your notes, map and text. 3/16/17 – Today we had our Review for our Chapter 3, Sections 1 & 2 Test tomorrow. The test will include the Map of Africa. Study the one you got back and make sure to correct any mistakes. Study your notes and text. 3/17/17 – Test on Chapter 3, Sections 1 & 2 and Map of Africa. Happy St. Paddy’s Day!!! Have a great weekend.

3/20/17 – Happy first day of Spring!!! Today, we embarked on Section 1 of Chapter 4. (Africa) Please read and prepare that section for tomorrow. 3/21/17 – We finished Section 1 today. Please read and prepare Section 2 of Ch. 4 for tomorrow. 3/22/17 – We finished Section 1 of Ch. 4 today. Please read and take notes on Section 2 to be prepared for class. 3/23/17 – We began Section 2 of Ch. 4 today. Please work on filling out your Study Guide for that section. We have scheduled our Test on Ch. 4 – Sections 1 & 2 for Tuesday, March 28. Our Review will be on Monday, March 27. Please do not be absent. 3/24/17 – Today we discussed Section 2, which you should have prepared last night using your Study Guide. Our Test on Ch. 4 – Sections 1 & 2 has been scheduled for Tuesday, March 28. Review will be on Monday, so be sure to be there! Have a great weekend!!! 3/27/17 – Today, we had our Review for our Chapter 4, Sections 1 & 2 Test tomorrow. Please go over your notes for Section 1 and your Review Guide for Section 2 very carefully. 3/28/17 – Test on Chapter 4.1 and 4.2 today. Please read Section 3 of Chapter 4. It’s on the Slave Trade and its impact. 3/29/17 – We began Section 3 of Chapter 4 – The Slave Trade. We began to dissect the economic, social/cultural, and political impact of this activity on Africa. Read and take notes carefully, as you will be writing a 5 paragraph essay on this material as your assessment. Directions and date for that essay will be forthcoming. 3/30/17 – Today, we assigned the 5 Paragraph Essay on the Impact of the Slave Trade on Africa. It will be due on Tuesday, April 4th, typed and double- spaced, printed out. We have gone over all the economic, social/cultural and political effects of the slave trade, and you should use your notes and text to construct your essay. Please, carefully follow the instructions I handed out today, and see me if you need help or clarification. 3/31/17 – Today, we used class time to begin organizing points for our Essay on The Impact of the Slave Trade on Africa. This essay is due on Tuesday, April 4th, typed and double-spaced, hard- copy. Please see me if you have any questions. Next week is PARCC. Bring your own ear buds and keep your phone in your locker on OFF. Have a great weekend!!!

4/3/17 – Your essay on the Impact of the Slave Trade on Africa is due tomorrow, Tuesday, 4/4. It must be typed, double-spaced and printed for Tuesday. We began Chapter 4, Section 4 – Imperialism in Africa. Please read and take notes on this section. 4/4/17 – Essay on Impact of the Slave Trade due today. We continued with Ch. 4 – Section 4. You received an assignment called Political Cartoon – Imperialism in Africa. It is due on Thursday, April 6. Please fill it out neatly and in complete sentences. Make sure that you read and take notes on Ch. 4 – Sec. 4. 4/5/17 – We continued our discussion of imperialism in Africa. Your assignment called Political Cartoon – Imperialism in Africa is due tomorrow, Thursday, April 6. Fill it out neatly and in complete sentences. 4/6/17 – Your Political Cartoon assignment was due today. Please make sure you are reading and taking notes on Chapters 4.4, 6.2 and 4.5. 4/7/17 – We continued our study of imperialism in Africa. Please read Chapter 6, Section 2 for when we return. We worked on the Imperialism in Africa Map in class. Refer to p. 99 in your text. Have a wonderful Spring break!!!

4/17/17 – Hope you had a lovely Spring break! Please prepare notes for Chapter 6, Section 2 – South Africa. Imperialism Map due today. 4/18/17 – We discussed the struggles against apartheid today. We will finish that tomorrow. Make sure you have read Ch. 6, Sec. 2. 4/19/17 – We finished the discussion on the struggles against apartheid today, and began our last section, Chapter 4, Section 5 – The Effects of Imperialism on Africa. A chart by that title was distributed and you are to fill it in as completely as possible for tomorrow. 4/20/17 – Today, Ms. Watts came into the class to help you register for Naviance.

If you have finished doing the Effects of Imperialism on Africa Chart (which was to be ready today) you don’t have any homework tonight. We will review that chart at another time. 4/21/17 – We went over the information that you should have on your chart of the effects of imperialism. That chart should now be a complete guide for you. Our last Africa test will be on Thursday, April 27. Today, you were given a Review Guide for 4.4, 6.2 & 4.5. You were also given a Review Guide/Notes for Ch. 5 & 6.1 &6.3. When you inserted your Effects of Imperialism chart in the middle, you made your Review Packet for the test on Thursday. Please study that packet. Have a great weekend!!! 4/24/17 – Our last Africa test will be on Thursday, April 27. Please be here for review, or you will have to schedule two separate appointments with me, to review and then to take the test. Please use the Packet that we put together last week, as well as notes and your text when studying for the test. If anyone would like extra one on one review, please see me ASAP.

Today, we had a group activity on Apartheid and the role Nelson Mandela played. Please read the other Documents in the packet you were given and do the Closing Activity paragraph for Friday, 4/28, typed and double-spaced.

4/25/17 – Our last test on Africa is Thursday, April 27. We begin Review today and will continue tomorrow (shortened schedule). Please use your Review packet that we put together last week, and be sure to be here for the review! Anyone wishing additional review beyond our class reviews, please see me. Your paragraph related to our Taking Apart Apartheid activity is due on Friday, April 28, typed and double-spaced. If you have any questions about it, please see me ASAP. 4/26/17 – Last test on Africa tomorrow. Use your Review Packet, text and notes to study for this test. Paragraph on Taking Apart Apartheid activity is due on Friday, April 28, typed and double-spaced. 4/27/17 –We did our last test on Africa today. Your paragraph on Apartheid and Nelson Mandela is due tomorrow, typed and double-spaced. 4/28/17 – Your paragraph on Apartheid and Mandela was due today. Today, we kicked off our Debates by having a double-class meeting for four mods. Much explanation was given about the process. We will give out topics and begin our research on Monday. Have a great weekend!!!

5/1/17 – Debate Research today. We revealed topics and teams today. Everyone is doing general research on BOTH the Pros and Cons to the Resolutions. You need to find a maximum of 5 Pro articles and 5 Con articles, using the data bases on our JCHS website. Mrs. Stafford showed you how to access these. Your Pro/Con Notes will be collected on Wed., May 1. If you have 50 really solid notes – 25 Pro and 25 Con, you can earn a 100%. 5/2/17 – Debate Research and Notetaking today. You are fishing for BOTH kinds of fish – Pros and Cons to your resolution. We would like you to find a total of 10 articles. Try to get as close to 50 different paraphrases or quotes as possible. You need about an equal number in Pro and in Con because you do not yet know your position on the resolution. Please write notes neatly on the forms we gave you, or scan in the form or make one just like mine. We want HARD COPIES of the notes. Please number your sources and keep track in your Bibliography. Pro/Con note sheets are due tomorrow at the start of class.

5/3/17 – Debate Research and Notetaking. We collected the Pro/Con Notes today. Then, we announced Positions for each student (Pro or Con) on their teams. Today, Cons stayed with me and Pros went with Ms. DiMattia. We worked on getting 35 NEW notes from 5 NEW articles. (35 would be MAX and equal 100% - IF they are good and different from the ones you already had.) These NEW notes will be due on Friday, so you still have tomorrow to print, highlight and write notes. We will return your PRO/CON Notes tomorrow with your scores. ***Make sure that each note entry has a DIRECT CONNECTION to your side. In other words, it has to make sense and be relevant to your topic/position.*** Please see me with any questions you may have, either before school or after.

5/4/17 – Today, we continued printing articles and taking notes on our Position Note sheets. The goal is to get 5 NEW articles and 35 NEW notes that relate to your Position, which you learned yesterday. Each of the notes needs to have a direct connection to your position, pro or con, and has to make sense and be relevant to your topic/position. These Position Notes are due tomorrow. ***Please see me with any questions you may have before or after school.

5/5/17 – Today, we worked on Role notes, which will be due on Tuesday. You are to have 25 Notes pulled from your Topic Notes (Pro & Con) and Position Notes (Pro OR Con), and we suggest that you try to get 2 new articles just to be sure that you have as much information as possible. These Role notes should speak to your role in the debate. *** Please see me with any questions you may have before or after school. Have a great weekend!!! 5/8/17 – Today, we worked on Role Notes and Outlines. Role Notes are due on Tuesday, May 9. You are to have 25 notes pulled from your Topic notes (Pro & Con) and Position notes (Pro OR Con). (We suggest you try to get 2 NEW articles in order to have as much info as possible.) These Role Notes should speak specifically to your role in the debate. We also gave out your Outline Templates today, and you may begin working on these. This will be the script for what you say at the debate. These Outlines should be typed and are due on Wed., May 10.

5/9/17 – Your Role Notes were due today at the end of class. You were to also Be working on your Outline – which is due tomorrow, typed and double- spaced. ***Historians: Your Powerpoints are due tomorrow.*** Your Outline is essentially your script for what you will say in the debate. It does not have to be word for word. Remember, it’s called an Outline. Make sure that you have communicated with your teammates and each of you knows what the others are going to say.

Debate Schedule: It is imperative that you are here for your debate! Your teammates are counting on you. (There are no Debates during PARCC.)

REVISED SCHEDULE: (We had to move Thursday’s debates to Friday because of the heat. That moved Friday’s debates to Monday, and the last debate to Tuesday.)

Friday, May 12 – Veiling and The Two-State Solution - DONE! Friday, May 19 – U.S. in Syria and The Arab Spring Monday, May 22 – The Iran Nuclear Deal and Syrian Refugees Tuesday, May 23 - Compulsory Military Service in Israel

Bibliographies are due on Thursday, May 11. They are to be typed, follow MLA 8 Format and be alphabetized.

5/10/17 – We worked on Outlines today, which were due at the end of class. Tomorrow, your Bibliographies are due, AND, we will be rehearsing for the debates. 5/11/17 – Today we had Debate Rehearsals. Cons were in one room, Pros were in the other. I also went over the Historians Powerpoints with them. Corrections must be made prior to the Debates. We meet in the CPA tomorrow for debates on Veiling and the Two-State Solution. Good Luck to all!!! 5/12/17 – Our first two debates were today. See schedule above. Monday, we have PARCC in the morning and a shortened class in the afternoon. We will begin our last unit – India. Have a great weekend!!!

5/15/17 – Today, Mrs. DiMattia took both classes to begin India. We will meet with our regular classes tomorrow, but in shortened periods due to PARCC. 5/16/17 – We began India today in World Cultures! We started where we always start – with Geography. You have been given a map assignment that will be due on Thursday, May 18. Please read Chapter 7, Sections 1 & 2 and take notes. ***Next Debates: Friday, May 19 in the CPA.*** 5/17/17 – Map Assignment due tomorrow. Please Read and take Notes on Sections 1 & 2 of Chapter 7. 5/18/17 – We continued with Sections 1 & 2 of Chapter 7 in class. Your South Asia maps were due today. Tomorrow, we will hear two more debates: the U.S. in Syria and the Arab Spring. We will meet in the Auditorium. 5/19/17 – We had two more debates today, in the CPA (air-conditioned – YEAH!) Have a wonderful weekend!!!

5/22/17 – We had two more debates today. One more to go, tomorrow. Please finish reading and taking notes - Chapter 7, Section 3. I gave out Review Guides, which you should take time to fill out and have finished by Thursday, May 25. 5/23/17 – We had our last debate today! Hurray! Great job, everyone! You should be filling out your Review Guide that you were given yesterday. It is due to be finished by Thursday, May 25. 5/24/17 – Bronx Zoo Trip. 5/25/17 – We continued with our study of India, Chapter 7. Your Review Guides were due to be finished today. Our Test for Chapter 7 will be on Thursday, June 1. Be here for the Review on Wed., May 31! 5/26/17 – We began the rest of our study of India today. Please read and take notes on Ch. 8, Sec. 1 and Sec. 4, and Ch. 9, Sections 1 & 2. Our last test of the year is scheduled for Friday, June 9. Have a very happy Memorial Day Weekend!!! See you Wednesday, May 31.

5/31/17 – Today, we reviewed for our Chapter 7 Test tomorrow.

Our last test of the year will be on Friday, June 9. It will be on Ch. 8.1 & 8.4, and Chapter 9. 1 & 9. 2. 6/1/17 – We had our Chapter 7 test today. Please begin reading and taking notes on our last “unit” – Chapter 8.1 & 8.4 and Ch. 9.1 & 9.2. Our test on this material will be Friday, June 9. Remember that you were given a Review Guide on this material and you should fill in the appropriate parts and study the rest. 6/2/17 – Religions of South Asia. See above about our last bit of material for the year. Have a great weekend!

6/5/17 – We just about finished the religions of South Asia today. We will finish them tomorrow and continue on to material in Chapter 9. Our last test will be Friday, June 9. Fill in and study your Review Guide. Read your text!

***You received your Final Exam Review Guide today. Please locate your graded South Asia and Africa maps and put them with your Review Guide to study.***

6/6/17 – We finished South Asian religions and went on the history of imperialism in South Asia – Ch. 8.4. 6/7/17 – We continued with imperialism in South Asia, discussing the role of Mohandas Gandhi – Ch. 8.4 and 9.1 6/8/17 – We finished 9.1 and 9.2 and reviewed for our last test tomorrow. 6/9/17 – We had our last test today on Ch. 8.1 and 8.4 as well as 9.1 & 9.2. Have a great weekend!!!

6/12/17 – We passed back 2nd semester tests today to make study packets. Use your Final Exam Review Guide and the maps of South Asia and India to study for your exam. 6/13/17 – Exam Review. 6/14/17 – Exam Review 6/15/17 – Mods 1-2 Exam and Mods 15-16 Exam 6/16/17 – Mods 3-4 Exam and Mods 13-14 Exam Have a great weekend!!!

6/19/17 – Mods 5-6 Exam and Mods 11-12 Exam 6/20/17 – Mods 7-8 Exam and Mods 9-10 Exam Have a wonderful summer!!!

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