New Client Report of Findings and Recommendations

Name: Date:

Major Symptoms & Case History:

Your Initial BioEnergetic Assesment & Personal Designed Clinical Nutritional Program

Based on our review of your health concerns, history and BioEnergetic Assesment, we feel that you are a good candidate for BioEnergetic Testing.

Our history of results in cases similar to yours is excellent providing only that the client does two things:  Follow through on our recommendations as closely as possible  Stay with the program long enough to achieve maximum correction of the underlying causes of your health concerns

Our findings and initial recommendations are as follows:

Active Reflex Points Clinical Nutrition Supplements Needed

Nutritional Supplements

Supplements are extra and based on your individual programs. Generally, the average cost of your nutritional supplements will run between $75.00 and $150.00 a month during first few phases. Once you enter maintenance, costs typically reduce significantly. Some cases require more, some less. Each case is different and is managed individually.

Heart Rate Variability Test

An analysis of your Heart Rate Variability readings indicate conditions that may be the result of nutritional deficiencies / imbalances affecting not only your cardio-vascular and muscular systems, but your overall physiological balance, an important factor in building and restoring good health. As part of your program we will be monitoring this aspect with additional graphs to help us maximize your progress every 6 visits.

Your body fat analysis indicates an estimated body fat percentage of _%. A healthy percentage for adult men is between 10-24% (depending on age) & adult women is 18-28% (depending on age). As part of your natural health improvement program, we will be helping you design dietary and lifestyle guidelines to assist you to re-program your body’s metabolism from fat storage to fat burning.

PHASE ONE – Restoring the Communication and Flow Systems of your body: Once you start on your initial Opening Channels nutritional supplement program, it generally takes four to eight weeks to COMPLETELY restore the communication and flow in your body, but each case is individual. These visits are normally completed in biweekly or monthly intervals. During this time we will also be reviewing your food journals and offering you suggestions on improving your diet in order to maximize your progress.

PHASE TWO – Elimination of Underlying Causative Factors: After your initial Opening Channels Program is completed, you will be ready to address the underlying causative factors that have been preventing optimal health. This part of your healing cycle normally does not require weekly visits. Indeed, most people find that optimum progress can be obtained by having a regular schedule of check-ups every two to four weeks.

During this period, we will be monitoring all reflexes to insure that your body is responding appropriately to your program. This will allow us to adjust your program as you move through this period of time to ensure maximum potential gain for you. This may or may not include changes in doses, and/or adding or stopping any particular supplement or recommendation when and if the need arises.

Occasionally during this period additional layers may show up, and further recommendations may be made which might include additional procedures which can be done in our offices such as Cold Laser Technique and/or appropriate referrals to other allied health professionals.

PHASE THREE – Cellular Repair: During this stage of the healing process, repair and regeneration on a deep cellular level is addressed. The elimination of the causative factors in step two, allow for the uptake of proper nutrients needed to repair organs and glands. The length of time needed for this stage of the healing process is dependent on which organs or tissues are in need of repair, and the extent to which they were damaged.

PHASE FOUR – Healthy Maintenance: Once you have achieved a more optimum level of health, naturally you will want to stay well. That is most easily accomplished through regularly spaced BioEnergetic Assensment Visits periodically over the next year and beyond. Frequency is determined on an individual basis, anywhere from monthly, to quarterly, semi-annually, or even annually. Each individual is unique. Most maintenance programs require lesser amounts of nutritional supplements than were needed in the earlier phases of your program to “protect your investment in your health.” Getting onto a maintenance program will help in continuing to assist your body to maintain the health improvements you have experienced to this point. Most patients use this approach as their primary care and preventative wellness.

Pay As You Go Options

Exam: 1 Hour $45 Child, $60 Adult Single Pay As You Go: 30 minutes $10 0-1yr, $25 Children 1-12yrs, $30 Teens 13-19yrs, $40 Adults, $30 Pet Guidance Couseling/Consultation: 1 Hour $60

Nutritional Supplements

Supplements are extra and based on your individual programs. Generally, the average cost of your nutritional supplements will run between $75.00 and $150.00 a month during first few phases. Once you enter maintenance, costs typically reduce significantly. Some cases require more, some less. In most cases families can share supplements. Each case is different and is managed individually.