Microviewer Questions – Animal Parasites of Man (Set 75)

Insert the slides into the miroviewer slot and read the information that is given in the booklet to answer the questions on this sheet.Advance the slides as directed by the instructions in the booklet. Introduction 1. Are animal parasite life histories simple or complex? Explain your answer.

2. What does the term 65X mean?______Slide 1 Trichina Worm ( Mag = x) 1. What percentage of the American populations are affected by this worm?

2. Draw a sketch of this slide and label the cysts and the worms.

3. How are humans infected with this worm?

4. What can you do to stop being infected by this parasite?

Slide 2 (Mag= x)

1. Draw a sketch of an adult hookworm in the circle.

2. Where is this hookworm taken from?

3. What do the arrows indicate?

4. How does a hookworm affect a person’s ability to clot blood?

5. What are two symptoms for a hookworm infection?

Slide 4: Trypanosma Gambiense (Mag = x)

1. What disease does this parasite cause?

2. What is the insect vector for this disease?

3. What could happen to a person if he is bit by a tsetse fly?

4. What human body system does this parasite target?

Slide 5: ______Parasite (Mag = x)

1. What is the name of the organism that causes malaria?

2. How is this disease transmitted from person to person?

3. Where is this slide taken from?

Slide 6 and 7______(Mag = x)

1. Draw and label slide 6 in the circle.

2. Where does it hang in a person’s body?

3. How and why does the tapeworm grow longer and longer?

4. How does a person get a tapeworm in the first place?