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KUTZTOWN UNIVERSITY CSC 010 Computer Applications, Fall 2009

INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Joo Tan E-Mail Address: [email protected] Office: Old Main 247 Phone Contact: 610-683-4413 Office Hours: MWF 10am–11am, T 9:30am-10:30am, or by appointment

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course provides an introduction to microcomputers and their applications, including word processing, spreadsheets, databases, graphics, and the integration of software in a page layout package. Using either Macintosh or IBM-compatible microcomputers, the students will gain “hands-on” experience with current equipment and software. The type of microcomputer to be used in each section will be designated in each semester’s master schedule. To be of greatest benefit, this course should be taken early in the student’s college program. This course can only be counted under category V of General Education.

COURSE OBJECTIVES: After completion of this course, the student will be able to:  Use a word processing application to edit a research paper in MLA style  Use a word processing application to create an announcement with clip art  Use a word processing application to create a curriculum vita  Use a spreadsheet application to create a worksheet to organize data, perform calculations, graph the data, enter formulas and functions for a worksheet as well as perform Web queries  Use a database application to create a database, create table structures, enter table data, and also create queries, forms, and reports.  Use a presentation application to create a slide show using features such as design templates, clip arts, animation schemes, headers and footnotes on the slides

TEXT BOOK: REQUIRED: Microsoft Office 2007: Introductory Concepts and Techniques, Windows XP Ed., Shelly, Cashman, Vermaat, Thomson Course Technology, 2008, ISBN: 978-1-4188-4328-1. Students are required to have the textbook by the 2nd week of classes. Please note that you must have your own textbook during lab.


GRADING: The approximate percentages of all graded material are as follows: Lab Exercises: 30% Projects: 20% Quizzes: 25% Presentation: 10% Final Examination: 15% NOTE: Grades are posted on Blackboard for all assignments/quizzes.

Your final grade in the course will be given according to the following scale: A >= 90%, B >= 80%, C >= 70%, D >= 60%, F < 60%

UNIVERSITY COMPUTER LABS:  Grim 307 Lab. Log on with your personal account number/password.  Lytle 215 Lab. Hours are posted.  Old Main 24 Lab E-MAIL CORRESPONDENCE: Students are REQUIRED to use their Kutztown University e-mail account for all e-mail correspondence with the course instructor. There is no guarantee that I will receive nor reply to your personal Web-based e-mail accounts.

LAB POLICY:  Students are required to bring their textbook to lab meetings.  Unless otherwise stated, lab exercises are due at the end of the lab session. Any submission given to me after that is considered late. Late submissions are deducted 15% per calendar day. No assignment is accepted after more than three days late.  There are no make-up quizzes, unless you have a medical or family emergency. A formal documented excuse must be given to me in the next class meeting.  You must work on lab exercises while in the lab. Doing personal work, such as checking e-mail and surfing the Web, is not recommended.  Lab assignments will be checked for submission, but not all assignments will be given a grade.  No food is allowed during class meeting.

CELL PHONES:  Absolutely no cell phone usage (includes text messaging) during class meetings. Cell phones should not be seen during class time. You must turn off your cell phone before coming into the lab

ATTENDANCE:  As in all University courses, your attendance is expected and highly recommended.  You are responsible for the work that you miss when you are absent, whether or not you have a university-approved excuse. For valid absences, you have a week from the original due date to make up the missed work; no makeup work is accepted after one week.  Too many missed classes will work against you in a borderline case.

COURSE ETIQUETTE AND BEHAVIOR: Students will demonstrate respect for the instructor and other students in the classroom and lab. This includes unacceptable language usage in the classroom and laboratory. The course instructor will report behavior that is disruptive to the positive learning environment. A warning will be issued on the first instance and will be reported to the department chairperson. On a second instance, the student will be referred to the Provost’s Office.

ACADEMIC DISHONESTY: Plagiarism and cheating are serious offences and may be punished by failure on exam, paper or project; failure in the course; and/or expulsion from the University. Academic dishonesty includes the following actions, as well as other similar conduct aimed at making false representation with respect to the student’s academic performance:

(1) Cheating on an exam or quiz, (2) Collaborating with other students on work to be presented, if contrary to the stated rules of the course, (3) Submitting, if contrary to the rules of the course, work previously submitted in another course, (4) Copying or changing programs done by other students and submitting it as their own, (5) Plagiarism.

Refer to the Kutztown University Student Handbook for further information. Please read and understand the policy and definitions at

STUDENTS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS: Any students with documented psychological or learning disorders or other significant medical conditions, please work through the Office of Human Diversity at 215 Stratton Administration Building to provide me with the appropriate letter so that I may serve your particular needs better. Web reference:

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