Cover Sheet for Academic Program Assessment Plans

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Cover Sheet for Academic Program Assessment Plans

Cover Sheet for Academic Program Assessment Plans

Directions: Please complete a separate cover sheet for each academic program of study1. Feel free to make copies of this sheet if needed. Those graduate programs with an integrated master’s and doctoral program may submit one cover sheet. The department chair and respective dean are to sign before the plans are submitted to the Provost.

Department / Unit:

Title and Level of Academic Program (e.g., Chemistry, Ph.D.):

When submitting an Assessment Plan, please check and indicate when the faculty endorsed the plan.

Faculty have met, reviewed, and endorsed the Assessment Date of Endorsement: Plans being submitted for this degree program.

____ Department Chair’s Signature Date

____ College/School/Branch Campus Dean’s Signature Date

1 Academic Program of Study is defined as an approved course of study leading to a certificate or degree reflected on a UNM transcript. A graduate- level program of study typically includes a capstone experience (e.g. thesis, dissertation, professional paper or project, comprehensive exam, etc.). Academic Program Plan for Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes University of New Mexico

A. College, Department and Date

1. College: University of New Mexico-Gallup Branch 2. Department: Applied Technology Department, Welding Program 3. Date: March 15, 2013

B. Academic Program of Study* Certificate – Welding Technology

C. Contact Person(s) for the Assessment Plan Joe E. Sanchez, Lecturer I, [email protected]

D. Broad Program Goals & Measurable Student Learning Outcomes

1. Broad Program Learning Goals for this Degree/Certificate Program A. Entry Level training for welding trades B. Career advancement for journeyman level welding C. Demonstrate professionalism, work ethic and quality work D. In-service training for AWS industry standards for D1.1 and AP1108 E. Standards from National Center for Construction Education and Research Training (NCCER) and Schools Excelling through National Skills Education (SENS).

2. List of Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) for this Degree/Certificate Program A.1. Students demonstrate cognitive knowledge and practical applications of welding safety skills. B.1. Demonstrate theoretical knowledge of welding processes, terms, materials, tools and methods.

* Academic Program of Study is defined as an approved course of study leading to a certificate or degree reflected on a UNM transcript. A graduate-level program of study typically includes a capstone experience (e.g. thesis, dissertation, professional paper or project, comprehensive exam, etc.).

University of New Page 1 of 9 Mexico – Assessment 04/09/2012 C.1. Entry level computer skills, estimating, research and programming of computerized welding equipment. D.1. Demonstrate mastery of welding skills or competency levels through simulated laboratory assignments, on the job live work projects, or work assignments. E.1. Meet the standards of approved accrediting entities, i.e., NCCER and AWS

E. Assessment of Student Learning Three-Year Plan All programs are expected to measure some outcomes annually and to measure all priority program outcomes at least once over two consecutive three-year review cycles. Describe below the plan for the next three years of assessment of program-level student learning outcomes.

1. Student Learning Outcomes Relationships to UNM Student Learning Goals (insert the program SLOs and check all that apply):

University of New Mexico Student Learning Goals Program SLOs Knowledge Skills Responsibility Program SLO is conceptually different from university goals. A.1 Students demonstrate cognitive knowledge and practical applications X X X of welding safety skills B.1 Demonstrate theoretical knowledge of welding processes, X X X terms, materials, tools and methods C.1 Entry level computer skills, estimating, research and X X X programming of computerized welding equipment. D.1 Demonstrate mastery of welding skills or competency levels through simulated laboratory assignments, on X X X the job live work projects, or work assignments. E.1 Meet the standards of approved accrediting entities, i.e., NCCER and X X X AWS

University of New Page 2 of 9 Mexico – Assessment 04/09/2012 2. How will learning outcomes be assessed?

Means of Assessment Direct or Indirect Criteria for Success

A.1 Students demonstrate cognitive Direct and indirect, written 100% on written on test and knowledge and practical applications type testing plus hands on pass/fail on lab of welding safety skills demonstration of cognitive demonstrations. ability. B.1 Demonstrate theoretical 75% on written tests and Direct knowledge of welding processes, pass/fail grade on lab terms, materials, tools and methods assignments.

C.1 Entry level computer skills, Direct and indirect Pass/fail grade on assignment estimating, research and observed lab performance. sheet. programming of computerized Pass/fail grade welding equipment. D.1 Demonstrate mastery of welding Direct and indirect, written 75% on written tests. Pass/fail skills or competency levels through type testing plus hands on grade on lab assignments and simulated laboratory assignments, on demonstration of cognitive live work projects. the job live work projects, or work ability. assignments. E.1 Meet the standards of approved Indirect tested at levels 75% on written tests and accrediting entities, i.e., NCCER and according to NCCER and pass/fail grade on lab AWS AWS guidelines. demonstrations.

3. When will learning outcomes be assessed? When and in what forum will the results of the assessment be discussed?

Program SLO’s Semester Results Discussed Discussion Assessed Group A.1 Students demonstrate cognitive Every spring 2012-2013 Faculty, Dean knowledge and practical semester 2013-2014 and/or Applied applications of welding safety skills 2014-2015 Technology Chair

B.1 Demonstrate theoretical Every spring 2012-2013 Faculty, Dean knowledge of welding processes, semester 2013-2014 and/or Applied terms, materials, tools and methods 2014-2015 Technology Chair

C.1 Entry level computer skills, Every spring 2012-2013 Faculty, Dean estimating, research and semester 2013-2014 and/or Applied programming of computerized 2014-2015 Technology Chair welding equipment.

University of New Page 3 of 9 Mexico – Assessment 04/09/2012 D.1 Demonstrate mastery of Every spring 2012-2013 Faculty, Dean welding skills or competency levels semester 2013-2014 and/or Applied through simulated laboratory 2014-2015 Technology Chair assignments, on the job live work projects, or work assignments. E.1 Meet the standards of approved Every spring 2012-2013 Faculty, Dean accrediting entities, i.e., NCCER and fall 2013-2014 and/or Applied and AWS semester 2014-2015 Technology Chair

4. What is the unit’s process to analyze/interpret assessment data and use results to improve student learning?

The Welding unit will analyze and interpret assessment data first by collaborating with Faculty, Division Chair and the Advisory Committee to evaluate the results of the SLO’s. Once evaluated, recommendations for improvement in curriculum design, instructional practices and methodology. The recommendations will be communicated to the Division Chair and the Dean of Instruction through a written report on an annual basis.

University of New Page 4 of 9 Mexico – Assessment 04/09/2012 University of New Page 5 of 9 Mexico – Assessment 04/09/2012 Evaluative Rubric for Academic Program Assessment Plans Department: Applied Technology An Academic Program is defined as an approved course of study leading to a certificate or degree reflected on a UNM transcript. A graduate-level program of study typically includes a capstone experience (e.g. thesis, dissertation, Program Level & Title: Welding Program professional paper or project, comprehensive exam, etc.). Very Good Acceptable Developing Undeveloped Score Assessment Plan Elements 4 3 2 1 Stated program learning The plan lists a few broad The plan lists a few broad goals are too numerous/ Program learning goals learning goals and one or more learning goals; SLOs are too Program Learning Goals few, or too narrow; may be implied, but are SLOs aligned with each program numerous or some goals some or all goals lack not enumerated. goal. lack SLOs. SLOs. SLOs are stated but are At least two SLOs are clearly At least two SLOs, linked to unclear regarding one or stated using the proper format, are UNM Learning Goals, are SLOs are not stated in Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) more critical aspects measurable, and are linked to stated but with some lack of an acceptable format. including alignment with UNM Learning Goals. clarity or measurability. UNM Learning Goals. Assessment measures are At least one assessment Multiple assessment measures are identified for some Assessment methods are measure is identified for Multiple assessment methods identified for each outcome and outcomes, a/o one or not identified or each outcome and aligns align well with the SLO. more measures does not inadequately described. well with the SLO.. align well with the SLO. Fewer than 25% of the One-half or more of the methods are At least 75% of assessment At least 50% of assessment At least 25% of assessment measures are direct direct measures measures are direct. measures are direct. measures are direct. measures. The assessment target The assessment target The assessment target The assessment target population Target Population population is moderately population is vaguely population is not clearly is clearly identified. identified. identified identified. There is a clear plan for The plan is somewhat clear Some parameters have been There is not a stated Implementation timeline assessment implementation over but has some areas that are established but a clear implementation plan. each of the next three years. incomplete. timeline is not evident. The process for the interpretation, presentation, and discussion of the The process is addressed but Data presentation and discussion Some aspects of the process data is clearly described, is unclear or incomplete in There is no stated plan. process are described. including who will be involved some aspects. and timing. The process for implementing There is no process for Process for implementing The process is addressed but improvements based on Some aspects of the process implementing improvements based on assessment is unclear or incomplete in assessment results is clearly are described. improvements based on results some aspects. described. assessment results.

Adapted from Kansas State University Office of Assessment Page 6 of 9 University of New Rev. 11-12-2009 Mexico - Assessment v3

Action Decided by the College Assessment Review Committee (CARC): Guiding Questions Date of Decision: ______1. Leads to data of real value? Decision (check one):  SLOs high value or convenient? Revision Needed (see first feedback section below)  SLOs clearly measurable? Assessment Plan Approved 2. Make sense?  Doable/Sustainable?  Do pieces align? Feedback on immediate actions that are needed before approval: 3. Clearly leads to Improvement?  Process leads to improvement conversations?  How useful will data be for improvement?

Recommendations and feedback for the future (e.g., reporting assessment activities and results):

Adapted from Kansas State University Office of Assessment Page 7 of 9 University of New Rev. 11-12-2009 Mexico - Assessment v3

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