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Teacher : Deborah Scott Date: January 23-27, 2017 Subject: READING Block:

Alabama COS: standards Sl.K.2, L.K.5c, SL.K.6, RI.K.1, R1.K.1, RI.K.10, RF.K2d,RF.K.3a, L.K.2c, RF.K.3c W.K.2, L.K.1b.L.K.6,RF.K.2c,L.K.5a,RI.K.1,RI.K.3


K Word Graphic W Splas Anticipation Guide Lecture X Poem, X L h Organizer/VLT Rhymes, etc. X Possi Su ble rve Sente Acronyms/Wor y nce X Think-Pair-Share X Reading X Pictograph d

Fir Writing st Conc W ept Vocabulary Overview Model Diagram Other: X ord Map ______

W or Fraye d r Daily Language Practice Mind Map/Visual Ma Mode p l (DLP)______X Hands-on Guide

Engagement Strategies: X - Collaborative Group Work X - Writing to Learn X - Literacy Groups TWIRL

- Questioning Techniques - Scaffolding Text X -Classroom Talk Other:______

Technology Integration: Smart board Document Camera IPADS Mac Books XComputers Kindles Interactive Tablets X Digital/ Video Camera

Clickers ACCESS Computer Program:______Other:______This Week’s Vocabulary: are, he, is, little, my, she, was, with

Explicit Vocabulary instruction: Students will say the words, spell the words and say the words allowed in whole group.

PROCEDURAL CONTENT (application) Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday How can you How can you stay safe I How can you stay safe I How can you stay How can you stay Essential Questions stay safe I bad bad weather? bad weather? safe I bad weather? safe I bad weather? weather? Identify real-life Blend and segment onsets Use words and phrases Blend and segment onsets Objective(s) connection and rimes of single-syllable acquired through Use a combination of and rimes of single - between words spoken words. RF.K.2c conversations reading and drawing, dictating, and Use words and phrases and their use. being read to and responding writing to compose acquired through syllable L.K.5c Sort common objects into to texts. L.K.6 informative/explanatory spoken words. RF.K.2c categories (e.g., shapes, texts in which they name Confirm foods) to gain a sense of the Sort common objects into what they are writing Use words and phrases understanding of concepts the categories categories (e.g., shapes, foods) about and supply some acquired through information represent. L.K.5a to gain a sense of the concepts information about the conversations reading presented orally the categories represent. topic. W.K.2 and being read to and by asking and With prompting and L.K.5a responding to texts. answ4e4ring support, ask and answer Produce and expand L.K.6 questions about questions about key details With prompting and support, complete sentences in key details and in a text. RL.K.1 ask and answer questions shared language requesting about key details in a text. activities. L.K.1f Identify real-life clarification if With prompting and RL.K.1 connections between something is not support, retell familiar Demonstrate words and their use (e.g., understand. stories, including key With prompting and support, understanding of spoken note places at school that SL.K.2 details. RL.K.2 describe the connection words, syllables, and are colorful). L.K.5c between two individuals, sounds (phonemes). With prompting Demonstrate basic events, ideas, or pieces of RF.K.2 With prompting and and support, and knowledge of one-to-one information in a text. RI.K.3 support, describe the the author and letter correspondences by Use words and phrases relationship between illustrator of a producing the primary or Demonstrate basic knowledge acquired through illustrations and the text story and define many of the most frequent of one-to-one letter conversations reading in which they appear the role of each sounds for each consonant. correspondences by producing and being read to and (e.g., what person, place, in telling this RF.K.3a the primary or many of the responding to texts. thing, or idea in the text story. RL.K.6 most frequent sounds for each L.K.6 an illustration depicts). Write a letter or letters for consonant. RF.K.3a RI.K.7 With prompting most consonant and short- With prompting and and support, vowel sounds. RF.K.3c Write a letter or letters for support, describe the Demonstrate basic name the author most consonant and short- connection between two knowledge of one-to-one and illustrator of Read emergent-reader texts vowel sounds. RF.K.3c individuals, events, ideas, letter correspondences by a story and with purpose and or pieces of information producing the primary or define the role of understanding. RF.K.4 Read emergent-reader texts in a text. RI.K.3 many of the most each in telling the with purpose and frequent sounds for each story. RL.K.10 Use a combination of understanding. RF.K.4 consonant. RF.K.3a drawing, dictating, and Demonstrate basic Isolate and writing to compose Use a combination of drawing, knowledge of one-to-one Read common high- pronounce the informative/explanatory dictating, and writing to letter correspondences frequency words by sight. initial, medial texts in which they name compose by producing the RF.K.3c vowel final what they are writing about informative/explanatory texts primary or many of the sounds in three- and supply some in which they name what they most frequent sounds for Read emergent-reader phoneme words. information about the topic. are writing about and supply each consonant. texts with purpose and RF.K.2d W.K.2 some information about the RF.K.3a understanding. RF.K.4 topic. W.K.2 Demonstrate Produce and expand Read common high- With guidance and basic knowledge complete sentences in Produce and expand complete frequency words by support from adults, of one-to-one shared language activities. sentences in shared language sight. RF.K.3c respond to questions and letter L.K.1f activities. L.K.1f suggestions from peers correspondences Use a combination of and add details to by producing the With prompting and With prompting and support, drawing, dictating, and strengthen writing as primary or many support, name the author name the author and writing to compose needed. W.K.5 of the most and illustrator of a story illustrator of a story and informative/explanatory frequent sounds and define the role of each define the role of each in texts in which they name Use frequently occurring for each in telling the story. RL.K.10 telling the story. RL.K.10 what they are writing nouns and verbs. L.K.1.b consonant. about and supply some RF.K.3a Identify real-life Identify real-life connections information about the Participate in shared connections between words between words and their use. topic. W.K.2 research and writing Associate the and their use. L.K.5c L.K.5c projects (e.g., explore a long and short Produce and expand number of books by a sounds with the Isolate and pronounce the Isolate and pronounce the complete sentences in favorite author and commons initial, medial vowel final initial, medial vowel final shared language express opinions about spellings for the sounds in three-phoneme sounds in three-phoneme activities. L.K.1f them). W.K.7 five major words. RF.K.2d words. RF.K.2d vowels. RF.K.3b Sort common objects With guidance and Demonstrate basic Demonstrate basic knowledge into categories (e.g., support from adults, Write a letter or knowledge of one-to-one of one-to-one letter shapes, foods) to gain a recall information from letters for most letter correspondences by correspondences by producing sense of the concepts the experiences or gather consonant and producing the primary or the primary or many of the categories represent. information from sort vowel sounds many of the most frequent most frequent sounds for each L.K.5a provided sources to L.K.2c sounds for each consonant. consonant. RF.K.3a answer a question. RF.K.3a W.K.8 Write a letter or Read common high-frequency letters for most Read common high- words by sight. RF.K.3c consonant and frequency words by sight. short-vowel RF.K.3c sounds. RF.K.3c

With guidance and support from adults, recall information from experiences or gather information from provided sources to answer a question. W.K.8

Use common, proper, ad possessive nouns. L.1.1b

Preview and Predict, Preview and Predict, Review Preview and Predict, Preview and Predict, Preview Preview and Review Genre: Genre: Informational Text Review Genre: Review Genre: (Before) Predict, Review Informational Text Model Concepts of Print Informational Text Informational Text Genre: Model Concepts of Print Review High-Frequency Model Concepts of Print Model Concepts of Print Informational Review High-Frequency Words Review High-Frequency Review High-Frequency Text Words Essential Question: How can Words Words Model Concepts Essential Question: How you stay safe I bad Essential Question: Essential Question: How of Print can you stay safe I bad weather? How can you stay can you stay safe I Review High- safe I bad weather? Frequency weather? bad weather? Words Essential Question: How can you stay safe I bad weather? Demonstrate, Demonstrate, explain, and Demonstrate, explain, and Demonstrate, explain, Demonstrate, explain, Instruction explain, and collaborative conversations collaborative conversations and collaborative and collaborative (During) collaborative conversations conversations Include small group plans conversations Review Review Review Review Review Small Group Small Group Small Group Small Group Small Group (After)

Extension/ High-Frequency High-Frequency words, High-Frequency words, Read, High-Frequency words, High-Frequency words, Refining words, Read, Read, Spell, and Write Spell, and Write Read, Spell, and Write Read, Spell, and Write Spell, and Write

Your Turn Your Turn Practice Book p. Your turn Practice Book p. Your Turn Practice Homework Practice Book p. 174 Worksheet 175-178 Book 173 Worksheet pp. 179-180

Assessment (formal or informal): X class work notebook X homework quizzes tests computer activities collaborative work project based Other:___

Summarizing: 3-2-1 Ticket out the Door The Important Thing Cue Cards Teacher Questions X Student Summary Other:______Teacher: Deborah Scott Date: Jan. 23-27, 2017 Subject: Mathematics Block:

Alabama COS: standards


K Word Graphic Poem, W Splas Anticipation Guide L h XLecture Organizer/VLT Rhymes, etc. Po

Su ssible Acronyms/ rve Sente Pictograph y nce X Think-Pair-Share XReading Word

Fir Writing st Conc W ept Diagram Other: ord Map X Vocabulary Overview X Model ______

W or Fraye d r Daily Language Practice Mind Map/Visual Ma Mode p l (DLP)______XHands-on Guide

Engagement Strategies: X - Collaborative Group Work - Writing to Learn - Literacy Groups TWIRL

X - Questioning Techniques - Scaffolding Text X -Classroom Talk Other:______

Technology Integration: Smart board Document Camera X IPADS Mac Books X Computers Kindles Interactive Tablets Digital/ Video Camera

Clickers ACCESS Computer Program:______X Other:Elmo______

This Week’s Vocabulary: Longer, same length, shorter, heavier, lighter, same weight, same height, taller Explicit Vocabulary instruction: Students will say the words, spell the words and say the words allowed in whole group.

PROCEDURAL CONTENT (application) Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday How can solve problems How can you describe How can you classify and How can you classify and count objects by size? Essential Question using the strategy draw a several ways to measure How can you classify and count objects by shape? picture? one object? count objects by color? Solve problems by using Describe several Classify and count objects Classify and count objects Classify and count objects by size. Objective(s) the strategy draw picture. measurable attributes of a by color. by shape. single object. Have a pair of children come to the Ask a volunteer to Use iTools to show several Use iTools to show several Draw a circle, a triangle, a Preview front of the class. Use the words come to the front of shapes and other objects in red, triangles, squares, square, and a hexagon. (Before) shorter than describe these children. the room. Give the yellow, green and blue. Point to rectangles, circles, and Point to each shape and Use the word taller than to describe volunteer a notebook the red shape. Have children hexagons. Point to a have children name it. these children. Repeat with another to hold in her or his continue to identify the color of triangle. Have children Draw a square. Ask pair of children. right hand. Repeat the shapes and objects in the continue to identify the children to draw two with another same manner. Then ask them to shapes in the same shapes that are the same. volunteer and other find red, yellow, green and blue manner. Then ask them to Draw a circle. Ask objects. Ask how objects in the classroom. find triangles, squares, children to draw two children can tell other rectangles, circles shapes that are different. which object is and hexagons in the lighter than the other. classroom. Read aloud this problem as children Read the problem Read the problem aloud as Read aloud this problem as Read aloud this problem Instruction listen. Help children locate classroom aloud as children children listen. Have children children listen. Have as children listen. Have (During) objects to complete the page. For listen. Have children use an assortment of two children use an assortment children use an assortment Include small example, have children locate two look at the book and dimensional shapes to complete of two dimensional shapes of small and big shapes to group plans pencils of different lengths or two the lines on the page. the sorting and classifying on to complete the sorting and sort on this page. As you blocks of different heights. Discuss Explain that thee line the page. Find a two classifying on the page. hold up different shapes, the black lines on the page. Explain and read the word dimensional, flat shape that is Reread the problem. In this introduce the vocabulary that to make a proper comparison; the length. Discuss it blue. Place it on left side of the lesson, children will sort term big, size, and small. ends of both objects must start from meaning. Trace you work space. This will be your squares separately from Have children repeat the the same place. Discuss how to align finger over the line blue set. This is called sorting other rectangles. They will words after you. Have the objects along the vertical line to that shows how to and classifying because you are not be required to place the children sort and classify compare length and along the measure the length of placing the shapes that are not squares in the category of the shapes by size on the horizontal line to compare height. the book. Point to that color into one set and “rectangles.” page. Hold up a big Line up the ends of both objects on vertical line and read shapes are not of that color into Ask children to match their shape. Have children draw one of the lines. Point out that it is the word height. another set. Hold up a green flat shapes with the shapes and color the shapes. important to keep the objects lines up Discuss it meaning. shape. The green shape goes on at the top of the page. Hold Reread the problem about to trace or draw them. Have children Trace your finger the right side of the work space up the triangles. Read the Yoriko. the objects. Have children tell a friend over the line that which is the not blue set. Sorting shapes names aloud as you Ask children to match about the objects in their drawings. shows how to and classifying is placing point to them on the page. their shapes with the Try Another Problem measure the height of objects that are alike in some Tell children to sort and shapes at the top of the Point out and discuss the purpose of the book. way in one category and the classify the shapes into page. Hold up the red the black vertical line on this page. Demonstrate picking objects that are different in categories by shape. Hold triangle and the yellow Have children identify two small up a book and another category. Have children up the blue circle. Use square. Read the labels on classroom objects to compare, such as describing it as heavy continue to sort and classify the similar questioning for the workmat aloud as you pencils, crayons, erasers, or chalk. or light. Reread the shapes by color. Reread the other categories. Then point to them on the Draw the objects. Have children use problem about Tom problem. have children draw and page. Tell children to sort the terms longer than, shorter than, or and Kim. Have children use red, blue, color the shapes in each and classify the shapes about the same length to describe the Have children locate green, and yellow two category. into categories by size. objects in their drawings. Remind the tape dispenser in dimensional shapes that match More Practice Hold up green triangle. children that when they measure Exercise 1. Point out the shapes at the top of the top For Exercises 2 -4, have Use similar questioning objects across, they are measuring the dashed lines at of the page. Read the color children refer to the for other shapes. Then length. Circle the longer object in the bottom and side names aloud as you point to categories from the have children draw and your drawing. of the tape dispenser. them on the page. Tell children previous page. Ask color the shapes in each Have children locate the horizontal Guide children to sort and classify the shapes children to count how category. black line at the bottom of the page. through Exercise 2. into categories by color. Explain many two dimensional More Practice Explain that the objects to be Remind children that that a category is set with shapes are in each For Exerrcise2 and 3, have compared by height must be aligned the lines on the page something in common. Hold up category. You might children refer to categories on this line. Remind children that the are there to show the red triangle. Use similar suggest that they write the from the previous page. height of an object is how tall it is. them how to questioning for other categories. number next to each Ask children to count how Have children select two classroom measure. Then have children draw and category. For Exercise 2, many two dimensional objects to compare by height. More Practice color the shapes in each have children look at the shapes are in each Children align the objects and draw For Exercise 3, call category. number at the beginning of category. You might them. Ask children to compare the attention to the More Practice the row. Continue with suggest that they write the heights of the objects using the words: dashed horizontal For Exercises 2- 4, have Exercises 3 and 4 in the number next to each taller than, shorter than, or about the line across the children refer to the categories same way. Remind category. For Exercise 2, same height. Have them circle the bottom of the back from the previous page. Ask children that the number at have children look at the shorter object. pack. Then discuss them to count how many in each the beginning of each row number at the beginning of Summarize the dashed vertical category. For Exercise 2, have stands for many shapes are the row. Continue with Essential Question line beside the children look at the number at in each category on the Exercise 3 in the same How can you solve problems using backpack. Ask the beginning at the beginning previous page. The shapes way. the strategy draw a picture? similar questions for of the row. Repeat with similar they circle stand for the Summarize Exercise 4-6. questions for Exercises 3 and 4. categories that have that Essential Question Children should Be sure that children count the many shapes. How can you classify and discuss how they can shapes only on the previous Problem Solving count objects by size? measure by weight. page. Look at Exercise 1 Problem Solving Problem Solving together. Ask children to Have children draw Read the problem for Exercise explain how they will objects to show what 1. Ask children to explain how solve the problem. Read they know about they will solve the problem. Exercise 2 with children. measuring by length Have children draw one more Ask them to suggest what and by height. shape in each category. Read shapes can be sorted and Remind children to Exercise 2 with children. Invite classified into a category. draw a horizontal objects them to make Call on volunteers to tell line to show length suggestions about what they what category of sorted and a vertical line to know about sorting and and classified shapes they show height. classifying by color. After plan to draw. After Summarize children complete their drawing children complete their Essential Questions ask volunteers to show their drawings, ask volunteers to How can you sorted categories and describe tell about their categories. describe several how they sorted and classified Summarize ways to measure one them. Essential Question object? Summarize How can you classify and Essential Question count objects by shape? How can you classify and count objects by color? Tier 1 Tier 1 Tier 1 Tier 1 Tier 1 Have each child draw a picture that Draw a horizontal Draw some shapes on four Help children identify each Place a collection of big (After) shows a comparison of heights or chalk eraser on the different colors of construction of the four shapes. Have shapes in one box and a lengths. For example, children’s board. Ask a paper for children to cut. Collect children choose a shape collection of small shapes drawing may include two people or volunteer to come to the shapes. Start sorting and and place it on one side of in another box. Point to trees of different heights or two pets the board. Pick up an classifying the shapes as the workmat. Then have the box of big shapes. or cars of different lengths. Remind eraser and hold it in children watch, for example: them sort and classify the Point to the box of small children to start at the same place for your hand to white shapes, and shapes that remaining shapes and shapes. their drawings. Other pictures might demonstrate to the are not white. Ask children to place them on the include two trees, one taller than the class measuring by guess how you are sorting and workmat. Have children Materials: small and big other and two cars, one shorter than weight. classifying. Once children repeat the activity with construction paper shapes, the other. Have children exchange guess. Have them help you sort another shape. two trays or shallow boxes drawings. Children take turns Material: chalk and classify the remaining describing the objects in drawing as shapes. Repeat the activity, but Materials construction Tier 2 taller than, about the same height, Tier 2 sort by a different color rule. paper squares, circles, Distribute like shapes of longer than, or about the same length. Give children Count how many are in each triangles, and other different sizes to pairs of connecting cubes and category. rectangles, Workmat 1 children. Have children Materials: Crayons, drawing paper piece of yarn. Have (see eTeacher Resource) compare their shapes and each child in the Material s: Construction paper determine who has the big Tier 2 group make a cube in four colors, scissors Tier 2 shape and who has the Provide each group with connecting train with three to six Have children sit in a small shape. Make two cubes. Have each child make two cubes. Have children Tier 2 circle. Distribute a shape large areas with string or cube towers of different heights. Have determine if they will Show children connecting cubes to each child. I am tape. One by one, direct children draw both cube tower, measure their cube in red, blue, green, and yellow. thinking of a square. Trace children to put their shape aligned on the bottom. Then have train by length or by Help them understand that the a square in the air with into one of the two spaces. them discuss their drawings. height. Each child cubes are identical in every way your finger. Go around the When children have places his or her cube except their color. Have children group. Those children who successfully guessed that Materials: Connecting cubes, crayons train on a desk. The identify the color they see. have a square say on their you are sorting and child should place Explain that children will be turn, ‘I have a square,” I classifying by size, have Tier 3 the yarn next to the sorting and classifying the items do not have a square.” remaining children put Children can define words by using cube train in vertical into two categories. Ask Repeat for other shapes. their shape into the correct them in context and by matching position, if children to suggest a way to sort space and explain why objects and drawings to words. Hold measuring by height. and classify the cubes, such as Materials: Two- they chose that space. up two pencils aligned horizontally. The child should red cubes that are not red. Have Dimensional Shapes( see Draw a bottle. Then draw another place the yarn at the children help you sort and eTeacher Resources), Materials Two bottle that is taller than the first bottle. top or the bottom of classify according to the posterboard Dimensional Shapes (see Have children identify which bottle is the cube train in a suggestion. Repeat, sorting and eTeacher Resources), taller than or shorter than the other horizontal position, if classifying the cubes a different Tier 3 string or tape one. measuring by length. way by color. Children can learn correct pronunciation and sentence Tier 3 Materials: Materials: Connecting cubes structure by repeating Children can practice their Connecting cube, words and sentences that comprehension by yarn Tier 3 are modeled by a native describing what they have Children can learn correct speaker. Draw a red circle, seen or heard. Draw four Tier 3 pronunciation by repeating a blue square. A yellow big shapes and four small Children can practice words modeled by native triangle and a green circle shapes. Have children their comprehension speakers. Hold up a red cube. on chart paper. Have describe how they would by describing what This is a red cube. Have children point to or tell sort and classify the they see. Give each children repeat. Have them which shapes are alike. shapes four small shapes. group a small book divide a sheet of paper into three Then have children repeat Have children describe can be measured in parts. Have them draw red the sentence. how they would sort and different ways: objects in the first part, blue classify the shapes into length, height, and objects in the second part, and Materials: chart paper, two categories. Guide weight. Have a yellow objects in the third part. markers children to sort and member of the group Have them use your sentence as classify the shapes by size. demonstrate how to a model for how to describe Repeat the activity if time measure the book by each object that they drew by its permits. length and describe color. Give children a red, blue, the length and and yellow cube and tell them to describe the length. place each cube in the Repeat with height appropriate section of their and weight. drawing. Materials: markers, connecting Materials: Small cubes book

Extension/ Refining 11.3Standard Practice 11.5Standard Practice 12.1Standard Practice 12.2Standard Practice 12.3Standard PracticeBook Homework Book Book Book Book

Assessment (formal or informal): X class work X notebook X homework X quizzes X tests X computer activities X collaborative work project based Other:___ Summarizing: 3-2-1 Ticket out the Door The Important Thing Cue Cards X Teacher Questions Student Summary Other:______

Teacher: Deborah Scott Date: January 23-27 , 2017 Subject: Social Science Block:

Alabama COS: standards 1, 2, 9, 11


K Word Graphic Poem, W Splas Anticipation Guide Lecture L h Organizer/VLT Rhymes, etc.

Possi Su ble rve Sente Think-Pair-Share Reading Pictograph Acronyms/Wor y nce d

Fir Writing st Conc W ept Vocabulary Overview Model Diagram Other: ord Map ______

W or Fraye d r Daily Language Practice Mind Map/Visual Ma Mode Hands-on p l (DLP)______Guide

Engagement Strategies: - Collaborative Group Work - Writing to Learn - Literacy Groups TWIRL

- Questioning Techniques - Scaffolding Text -Classroom Talk Other:______

Technology Integration: Smart board Document Camera IPADS Mac Books Computers Kindles Interactive Tablets Digital/ Video Camera

Clickers ACCESS Computer Program:______Other:______

This Week’s Vocabulary: timeline, Earth, land, valley, plain, mountain, hill, water, stream, lake, river, ocean

Explicit Vocabulary instruction: Students will say the words, spell the words and say the words allowed in whole group.

PROCEDURAL CONTENT (application) Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday What is the Essential Question earth mostly What does being free means to What month were you you? born? covered by land or water? Identify kinds of Understand what freedom Place events in temporal Objective(s) land and means to the citizens of the order. Read a time line. environments. United States. Recognize Identify different Americans’ basic freedom. bodies of water. .This lesson shows Continue from Monday In this lesson children will learn Children will learn about a Finish their time lines. Preview four kinds of land, Visual Literacy: Read aloud that citizens of the United Sates way to show the order in (Before) valley, hill, plain, the sentence, and tell children of American have certain which events happen. and mountain and that the photographs on page freedoms. Read aloud the poem Old where an example 43 are designed like Year, New on page 301. of each is located postcards. Point to each in the world. picture, and ask children to describe it: Children should match the characteristics of your region to one of the pictures.

Big book page 44: Point to What to know: Define what Give each child one of the Instruction Children will learn the mountain photograph and freedom is. Build Background months from the calendar (During) about land and ask children to imagine they remind that the Statue of Liberty to hold. Lead them in Include small group plans water on Earth live there. Have them discuss is one of the United States’ reciting the poem. Have and look for how this environment would symbols of freedom. From the them trade months with similarities and affect their family’s lives. big book on page 21hvae each other. Have a child differences among Read aloud the sentence on children describe the two from the audience to kinds of each. page 44. As children look at photographs. Making sure they rearrange the children in Build the bodies of water, understand that the picture of the correct sequence. Read Background: encourage them to share the woman speaking shows aloud the text, and identify Draw a simple experiences they have had freedom of speech and people the time line on the page. diagram on the with any of them. entering the church shows Practice reading a time board one of a freedom of religion. line. park and the other a swimming pool. Identify which is land and which is water. Name activities they can do on land, and activities they can do on water, and things they can do in both places. Use their suggestions to create a Venn diagram. Big book page 43 Using modeling clay let the Assess: Name the five basic Construct a time line from what to know: class create different kinds of freedoms. birth up to now. (After) What are some land. What is freedom? different kinds of land on Earth?

Extension/ Refining none Page 33 from the practice Page 19 from the practice None None Homework book. book.

Assessment (formal or informal): class work notebook homework quizzes tests computer activities collaborative work project based Other:___

Summarizing: 3-2-1 Ticket out the Door The Important Thing Cue Cards Teacher Questions Student Summary Other:______

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