2004-2005 Yearbook Baby Ads
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Dear Senior Parents, Who’s got the cutest little baby face? Your MethactonSenior does, that’s who!! Once again, the staff of The Methactonian, the yearbook of Methacton High School, is offering parents of graduating seniors the opportunity to purchase a “baby ad” for publication in this year’s book. A favorite, year after year, the Baby Section provides parents the chance to turn back the clock and remember when their little angel was a little more… well, angelic! Also, space is provided for a personal message – well wishes, congratulations, as long as you can say it in 50 words or less!!
Guidelines for SELECTING A PHOTOGRAPH: The photo must be an ORIGINAL and in SHARP FOCUS, not a scanned copy of the photo. Select a photo of your child by themselves between the ages of 0-5 YEARS OLD. Choose a photo that shows your CHILD’S FACE, not an activity that your child is doing. Choose a photo that has ROOM over your child’s head so that we can crop and center the photo. DO NOT CROP the photo yourself. Do not send a photo that is irreplaceable. We can not guarantee return. Write your CHILD’S NAME and YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS on the back of the photo.
If you would like the photo returned to you, Please include a SELF-ADDRESSED STAMPED ENVELOPE (correct postage must be used for return). Photos without this will not be mailed. Photos will be mailed out after the distribution of the Yearbooks.
Deadline: SUBMISSIONS MUST BE POSTMARKED BY October 5th!! Submissions after this might not be processed.
SEND CHECK or MONEY ORDER FOR $35.00 Methacton High School Payable to Methacton Activities Fund to: 1005 Kriebel Mill Road Eagleville, PA 19403 Attn: Chris Talmadge Your graduate’s name: (Please print)______Your Name: (Please print)______Your Contact Number should there be any questions: ______Your message as it will appear: Please print (Message must be less than 50 words. Longer messages will be edited.)