Diane Lesley STONE Curriculum Vitae

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Diane Lesley STONE Curriculum Vitae

Diane STONE -- Curriculum vitae Email: [email protected]

Present Positions  Centenary Professor, Institute of Governance and Policy Analysis, University of Canberra, 2015-2020  Professor of Politics and International Studies, Department of Politics and International Studies, University of Warwick, 1996- permanent continuing  Visiting Professor, School of Public Policy (previously Marie Curie Chair and founding director of Public Policy 2004-07) Central European University, 2008-

Academic Qualifications 1993 PhD. in Political Science and International Relations, and PhD Scholarship Australian National University. 3.5 years full-time. 1989 MA in Political Science (by research thesis) and MA Scholarship, Faculty of Arts, Australian National University. 2 years full-time. 1987 BA(Hons) Double Major: Asian Studies/Social & Political Theory Murdoch University 4 years.

Previous Appointments  Winthrop Professor, Politics and International Studies, University of Western Australia, 2010-2013.  Visiting Professor of Public Policy, Department of Public Policy, Central European University (Sept 2008—October 2011), and School of Public Policy (2012-13). .  Visiting Professor, Monash University, Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur: Dec 2007-Mar 2008  Marie Curie Chair and Foundation Director of Master of Arts in Public Policy, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary: 2004-06.  Visiting Scholar and Consultant, Economic Policy for Poverty Reduction Division, World Bank Institute, Washington DC.: August-December 1999.  Lecturer, Department of Politics and International Studies University of Warwick (January 1996 – October 2000) and Reader, 2000-06..  Lecturer, Politics & Comparative Policy, Manchester Metropolitan University: 1993-95.  Teaching Fellow, Department of Government, University of Manchester: Jan-June 1993.  Visiting Scholar, Graduate Public Policy Program, Georgetown University: 1991.

Professional Service  Board Member, International Public Policy Association, November 2014 continuing  Advisory Committee, Policy Design Lab; http://policy-design.org/  Board member, Think Tank Fund, the Open Society Foundation, March 2012 – Dec 2015  Selection Committee, Australian-American Fulbright Commission Fellowships (Western Australia), 2012 – 2016.  Steering Committee Member, Local Government and Public Service Initiative (LGI), Open Society Foundations network 2010 – 2011.  Co-editor, Global Governance: A Review of Multilateralism and International Organization, Academic Council of the United Nations System & Lynne Reinner Publishers.  Member of Council, Overseas Development Institute, London. 2000 continuing and Board Member 2005-2012.  Member, Governing Body, Global Development Network (www.gdnet.org) Washington DC. 2001 – 2004.  Member, International Advisory Council of the Policy Studies Organisation, USA. From September 2004-12  Member, International Social Science Council, Task Force 1 (Quality, Strategies, Operations of the ISSC) June 2005 – May 2006.  Member, Research Council of Norway, “Poverty Reduction and Peace”, Planning Committee, 2004-2005 and Research Programme Steering Committee, 2005-09.

Academic Awards from 2012  Horizon 2020 European Commission Award to EL-CSID – European Leadership: Cultural, Science and Innovation Diplomacy – Warwick 300,000 Euro.  Elected Fellow, Academy of Social Sciences Australia. November 2012.  Lead Writer, Erasmus Mundus Masters Consortium in Public Policy: Central European University, Barcelona Institute of International Studies, Institute of Social Studies (den Haag) and University of York: www.mundusmapp.org. Circa €3+ million Euro: 2007-2012.

Books and Special Journal Editions since 2012  ‘ Global Policy and Transnational Administration’, guest edited with Stella Ladi for Public Administration, in press.  Asia’s Leadership Deficit? guest edited with Mark Beeson of The Pacific Review, 27(4), 2014.  Knowledge Networks and Transnational Governance: The Public-Private Policy Nexus in the Global Agora (Palgrave MacMillan) 2013.

Recent Articles in Refereed Journals since 2012  ‘Translating the Lessons of Policy Failure’, invited as part of a special edition of Politics and Policy, forthcoming 2017.  Stone, D. and Ladi, S. (2015), Global Policy and Transnational Administration’,Public Administration. doi: 10.1111/padm.12207  ‘ The Group of 20 Transnational Policy Community: Governance Networks, Policy Analysis and Think Tanks, International Review of Administrative Sciences, 2015. 0020852314558035  With Elena Douglas, ‘The Informal Diplomacy of the Australian-American Leadership American Dialogue’, Australian Journal of International Affairs, 2015: 69(1), 18-34.  With Mark Beeson, ‘Patterns of Leadership Patterns in the Asia Pacific: A Symposium’, The Pacific Review, 27(4): 505-522.  With Mark Beeson, ‘The Changing Fortunes of a Policy Entrepreneur: the Case of Ross Garnaut’, Australian Journal of Political Science, forthcoming March 2013.  ‘‘Shades of grey’: Knowledge Networks, Linked Ecologies and the World Bank’, Global Networks: A Journal of Transnational Affairs, forthcoming 2013.  ‘Transfer and Translation of Policy’, Policy Studies, 33(4) 2012: 1-17.

Recent Chapters in Edited Anthologies since 2012  ‘‘Emerging Powers in International Development: The New Philanthropy’ (with Michael Moran, Swinburne University) in Jean Grugel and Dan Hammett (Eds.) The Handbook of International Development, Palgrave MacMillan, forthcoming 2016  ‘Think Tanks’, in N. J. Smelser, Hassell, Anke., and Paul B. Baltes. (eds) International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioural Sciences, (Oxford, Pergamon, 2015).  ‘Global Policy and the Public Action of Private Philanthropy: the Open Society Institute’, in Jude Howell (Ed.) Global Matters of Non Governmental Public Action, Houndsmill Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.  ‘ Agents of Knowledge’, in David Levi-Faur (ed) Oxford Handbook of Governance, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2012: 339-52.

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