Instruction to Precinct Officials
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City of Artesia
Instruction to Precinct Officials
City Clerk’s Office 746-2122 748-8290 (Lisa) 513-1720 (Aubrey)
II. SET UP POLLING PLACE: 1. Table and chairs for workers; 2. Voting booths with pens for marking the ballots - tape the pens into booths so voters can't take them, also post instructions on marking ballots in each voting booth; 3. Place machine near exit so the voter can insert the ballot before leaving the polling place, but allow the Automark (on the other end of the cart) to be used..
III. PRESIDING JUDGE ASSIGNS DUTIES TO PRECINCT WORKERS 1. One person in charge of the white Signature Roster 2. One person to check the yellow Voter Checklist 3. One person to issue the permit cards 4. One person to hand out paper ballot; 5. One person to give voter information about marking ballots and monitor tabulator.
The presiding judge should not be assigned to one of these positions unless a vacancy occurs on the precinct board. Presiding Judges will handle all questions regarding correct polling places and other issues that may come up.
IV. CHECK YOUR SUPPLIES AND DISTRIBUTE TO APPROPRIATE WORKER: 1. One ballot box with padlock; locked with ballots 2. One supply tub (green) Supply tub includes: A. Head Judge Envelope (Oaths of Office for precinct board, Name badges, city hall phone number); B. "Instructions to Precinct Officials" C. One Signature Roster (white - goes to City Clerk) D. One Voter Checklist (yellow – goes to District Court) E. Two small voter lists (white & yellow copies) F. Sample Ballots; G. Large envelope addressed to District Court (with postage attached) H. Large envelope addressed to City Clerk I. Rejected Ballot Envelopes for challenged ballots J. Spoiled Ballot Envelopes K. Election supply case & calculator (pens, pencils, paper, tape, note pads, clips, ruler, scissors, magnifier, etc.) L. Non-Receipt of Absentee Ballot (NRAB) supplies and envelope M. Voting Machine Permit Cards and storage box N. Black marking pens to mark ballots (to put in voting booths) O. Instructions on how to mark the ballot (to put in voting booths) P. No. 7 envelopes - Contains the machine key, Automark key, ballot box key, envelopes for totals tapes (district court & city clerk) and original tape; Q. Extension cord for voting machine and adapter R. Garbage bags for destroyed, unused ballots S. Voter Registration Forms T. Election Clock U. City District Maps (1 large, 1 small)
2 V Ziploc Bags (Gallon & quart sizes) – for ballot stubs and permit cards V. POSITION AND SET UP VOTING MACHINE:
OPENING THE M-100 1. Use the Gray Key, open Door #1 and make sure it is empty. Relock door #1. 2. Use the Gray Key, open Door #2 and make sure it is empty. Relock door #2. 3. Use the Gray Key, open the front panel and remove the dust cover. From the front, pull out slightly, lift and remove. (I suggest you store the dust cover with the empty ballot box) Before re-locking the front panel, compare the machine number and seal number with the yellow certificate (DO NOT REMOVE THE SEAL). If ANY information is incorrect, call the city clerk immediately.
PLUG IN THE TABULATOR 4. Open the key panel on the left side of the tabulator. Insert the yellow key and turn it to the OPEN/CLOSE POLL position. It will take approximately two minutes for the tabulator to power up. The tabulator will display “S-MODE” in the upper left corner of the LCD screen along with the message ELECTION CARD INSERTED OPEN POLL NOW?” 5. Press the button under the word yes. The message “PLEASE TURN KEY/SWITCH TO VOTE” appears. 6. Turn the tabulator key to the vote position. When the tabulator is ready, a Zero Tape will print automatically. Verify the tape information, polling place, etc. Ensure all vote totals are zero, and the date and time are correct. If ANY information is incorrect, call the city clerk immediately. All election officials must sign the Zero Tape. DO NOT TEAR THIS TAPE OFF. THERE MUST BE ONE CONTINUOUS TAPE FROM THE TIME THE MACHINE IS PLUGGED IN, IN THE MORNING, UNTIL TOTALS ARE RUN AFTER THE POLLS CLOSE. 7. Verify that the public counter number is -0-. 8. With the tabulator in the VOTE mode, remove the key. Place the keys in the Packet 7 envelope. Close the Key Panel
VI. FINAL PREPARATIONS: 1. Post sample ballots near entrance for voters to review 2. Post small white voter list near entrance for voters to look up their own list number 3. Sign oaths of office 4. Complete Election Official Badges (everyone must wear one); 5. Open Ballot box and remove ballots. 6. Check Ballot Numbers – On the Roster Covers, write the first and last numbers of the ballots issued to your precinct.
You are now ready to declare the polls open at 7:00 a.m.
3 Call the City Clerk to report that your polling place is open & ready for voting. 746-2122 or 513-1720
PROCEDURES 1. The voter presents himself to vote and states his name. Locate his information and give the voter number to the person in charge of the yellow check list. Have the voter sign only the white signature roster.
2. Worker in charge of yellow voter checklist, places checkmark next to the name of the voter and gives the voter number to the person who issues the voter permit.
3. Worker in charge of voter permits writes the voter number and ballot numbers in the correct boxes and keeps the voter permit. Permits should be paper clipped together in bundles of 10. Check the ballot numbers of each bundle as it is clipped. Bundles of 10 should be rubber-banded together (100).
4. Each voter is issued only one ballot and the number stub is torn off before giving ballot to voter. Tear the ballot from the block of stubs.
5. If a voters name is not on the signature roster DO NOT LET HIM/HER VOTE CALL THE CITY CLERK!!.
6. The machine should accept and count a ballot inserted in any position unless it has been torn or mutilated. If the machine will not accept a ballot, turn it over and try in another position. If that fails, check the message on the tape – you may need to spoil the ballot and start over.
7. After the voter completes marking his ballot, he inserts the ballot into the machine himself. NO WORKER SHOULD BE CLOSER THAN 10 FEET TO THE MACHINE TO PROTECT THE VOTER'S PRIVACY.
8. If there should be a power failure, the M-100 Tabulator has a section where the voter can insert the ballot to be counted when power is restored. The grey key opens this slot. CALL THE CITY CLERK BEFORE OPENING THE EMERGENCY SLOT.
When there is a declared write-in candidate, a voter must mark the ballot next to the write-in line (color in the oval) AND write the name of the write-in candidate on the line.
A list of ALL candidates is provided in your supplies. Show the voter this list when he inquires about the spelling of write-in candidate’s name. REFER ALL VOTERS TO THE LIST OF CANDIDATES, DO NOT INDICATE BY POINTING TO THE LIST OR SAY THE NAME OF THE WRITE-IN CANDIDATE.
SPOILED BALLOTS If a voter accidentally marked his ballot incorrectly, he may return the ballot and be issued a second ballot. The first ballot will be treated as a spoiled ballot and follow the following procedure: 1. Make a note by his name on the signature roster (SPOILED BALLOT).
4 2. Put the spoiled ballot in a SPOILED BALLOT ENVELOPE. 3. Write the word SPOILED on the stub of the ballot that was returned. 4. Strike through the ballot number for the spoiled ballot and write the new ballot number on the permit. 5. Issue a new ballot to the voter.
VOTING ASSISTANCE A voter may request assistance in voting only if he is: 1) visually impaired; 2) a person with a physical disability’; 3) unable to read or write; or 4) a member of a language minority who is unable to read well enough to exercise the elective franchise. 5) not able to operate a voting machine or mark a ballot without assistance.
The voter requesting assistance may be accompanied into the voting booth by a person of his choice. Write “assisted by ______” (include the name of the person giving assistance) by the voter’s name in the white signature roster. The Presiding Judge should initial beside this notation.
Voters now have the option of using a voter assist terminal (AutoMark), rather than having human assistance in the voting booth. The AutoMark can read the ballot to the voter in both English and Spanish. It can also display the ballot in an enlarged format for ease of viewing.
VOTER DOES NOT APPEAR ON SIGNATURE ROSTERS If the voter’s name does not appear on the signature roster in your polling place, begin by asking the voter if they have their voter registration card issued by the County Clerk. Use the map provided in the election supplies to identify the voter’s residence area. Precincts and districts are noted on this map. Direct them to the correct polling place.
If the above steps are unsuccessful, the Head Judge should call the City Clerk’s Office, providing the voter’s name and address. City Hall staff will advise the voter of the correct polling place or direct them to the County Clerk’s Office for a Certificate of Eligibility.
CERTIFICATE VOTING When a voter was not included in the signature roster and the County Clerk is able to determine that the name should have been included in the roster, the County Clerk will issue a Certificate of Eligibility. The Certificate contains an affirmation by the voter that he is a qualified elector, registered in the precinct, and that he has not already voted in the election. When a voter presents a Certificate of Eligibility, the voter shall be allowed to vote and have his ballot counted as any other ballot.
The election officials in charge of the signature roster/voter checklist shall: 1. Add the voter's name and address in ink to both signature rosters on the line immediately following the last listed voter's name; 2. The voter must sign the white signature roster; 3. The election official shall mark next to the voter's signature in the roster the word "CERTIFICATE"; 4. The person issuing the ballot will then mark the ballot number on the Certificate of Eligibility and retain the Certificate. Certificates will be returned to the City Clerk along with the election returns.
If a voter whose name was not included on the signature roster insists on voting, the election officials in charge of the signature roster/voter checklist shall: 1. Add the person's name and address in ink to both signature roster/voter checklists on the line immediately following the last listed voter's name; 2. The person must sign the white signature roster; 3. The election official shall mark next to the person's signature in the roster the word "REQUIRED CHALLENGE". 4. The election official issuing the ballot will then mark the ballot number next to the signature line in the signature roster. 5. A ballot is issued to the person, who shall be permitted to mark the ballot and return it to the election official. DO NOT ALLOW THE PERSON TO INSERT THIS BALLOT INTO THE TABULATOR!!. The marked ballot will be sealed in an envelope marked “REJECTED – REQUIRED CHALLENGE” and the person’s name shall be written on the envelope. The envelope containing the rejected ballot shall be deposited into the ballot box and shall not be counted.
PERSONS PERMITTED IN POLLING PLACE Only the following persons shall be permitted in the room where voting is being conducted: 1. The election officials. 2. Voters engaged in voting. 3. State Police or other peace officers performing official duties. 4. Messengers or other credentialed agents of the City Clerk, County Clerk or Secretary of State's office, including the District Attorney, the Attorney General, and their investigators and attorneys. 5. Credentialed challengers and watchers.
PERSONS NOT PERMITTED IN THE POLLING PLACE The following persons shall not be permitted in the polling place: 1. Members of the press (unless they are voting). 2. Candidates (unless they are voting).
ORDER IN THE POLLING PLACE Order shall be maintained in the polling place. Crowding or confusion shall not be permitted. If needed, peace officers may be called to assist in the maintenance of order. The admission of voters to the polling place may be limited as required for the maintenance of order. Remember, the Presiding Judge is the Boss on Election Day.
USE OF CELL PHONES Use of cell phones by precinct workers should be limited. Please work with the Head Judge to arrange a break to make cell calls, and try to limit the number of incoming calls. Remember, assisting voters is your first priority on Election Day!
6 ELECTIONEERING There shall be no electioneering or any form of campaigning closer than one hundred feet (100 ft.) of the entrance being utilized for access into the building which the polling place is located. This includes the display of signs and distribution of campaign literature. Electioneering too close to a polling place is a petty misdemeanor.
OBSTRUCTING THE POLLING PLACE Obstructing the polling place consists of approaching nearer than fifty feet (50 ft.) or willfully blocking the ingress (entrance) and egress (exit) to any polling place during the conduct of the election except: a voter offering to vote, a member of the precinct board, a lawfully appointed challenger or watcher, an election official having business in the polling place, or a person authorized to give assistance to a voter. Whoever obstructs the polling place is guilty of a petty misdemeanor. For who may be present inside the polls during counting of the vote, see "After the Polls Close".
ALCOHOLIC LIQUOR Unlawful possession of alcoholic liquors consists of the use or possession of any alcoholic liquor by any member of the precinct board, challengers, watchers or the city clerk prior to or while performing his official duties on Election day. Unlawful possession also consists of the use, possession or carrying of alcoholic liquor within two hundred feet (200 ft.) of the polling place. Whoever commits such unlawful possession of alcoholic liquors is guilty of a petty misdemeanor.
CHALLENGERS & WATCHERS Challengers, watchers or alternates must present their official identification badge, obtained at the City Clerk's office, to the precinct board. These badges are to be worn at all times during their presence in the polling place.
Challengers shall be permitted the following: (1) Inspect the voter registration list; (2) Inspect signature rosters/voter checklists or absent voter lists to determine whether entries are being made in accordance with law; (3) Examine each voting machine before the polls open - compare the number on the seal and numbers on counters with the numbers on the Certificate of Preparation; (4) Make written memoranda of any action or omission on the part of any precinct board member and preserve such memoranda for future use; (5) Witness the counting and tallying of the ballots.
For additional information on challengers and watchers refer to the HANDBOOK FOR CHALLENGERS AND WATCHERS in your supplies.
As time permits throughout the day, the precinct should verify that signatures, ballots and permit numbers are in sync. The following schedule is recommended: Tally #1 Do this tally between 10-11 AM. Verify the public counter on the tabulator Check the number of permits & ballots issued Count the number of signatures and checks on each page of the signature roster and voter checklist. Write the number at the bottom of each page at the inside (binding) area.
Tally #2 Do this tally between 2-4 PM. Verify the public counter on the tabulator
7 Check the number of permits & ballots issued Count the number of signatures and checks on each page of the signature roster and voter checklist. Write the number at the bottom of each page in the middle.
At 7:00 P.M. the Presiding Judge DECLARES THE POLLS ARE CLOSED. Any voters in line at this time will be allowed to vote but no others should be allowed to enter the line. Consider placing a poll worker who has not yet voted as the last person in line to vote.
After the last person has voted, mark the stub of the last ballot issued with the voter list number of the last voter. This number is entered in the certificate on the roster covers as the last person voting.
PEOPLE PRESENT AFTER THE POLLS CLOSE Persons who may be present during the counting of the vote include: 1. Members of the Precinct Board; 2. Representatives of the news media including newspaper, radio and television; 3. City Clerk; 4. Candidates or their representatives; 5. Certified challengers and watchers and observers.
Only Precinct Board members shall handle the voting machines, signature rosters, ballots, tally sheets or return sheets. Only the Precinct Board members shall take part in the counting and tallying of the vote.
If there has been a power failure during the day and you have ballots in the front compartment of the gray bin, they must be removed and entered into the machine at this time, to record the vote before the totals are printed.
If any ballots are rejected, they must be hand tallied, and the total must be added to all tapes. Rubber band those ballots together, label them as hand count and place the bundle in the gray ballot box.
After the last person has voted, tear off the voted ballot stubs and rubber-band them together. Write the number of the last ballot used, on the roster covers. Place the voted ballot stubs in the zip lock bag provided and return in the Canvas bag for the City Clerk.
Follow the directions on the roster covers beginning with step 3 (destroy unused ballots). Write the beginning and ending numbers of the unused ballots on the roster covers. Remove the ballot stubs, place them in a zip lock bag and return them to the City Clerk in the Canvas bag. Destroy the unused ballots by tearing them in half, and placing them in the garbage bag. Sample ballots may be thrown away in the same garbage bag.
Count the spoiled ballot envelopes (one ballot to an envelope), list the number on
9 the roster covers. Make sure the envelopes are sealed and place them in the ballot box.
Count the signatures & checkmarks, write the number at the bottom of each page on the outside edge, and write the total on the last roster page. (both rosters must match)
Draw a line thru each signature/check line that has not been used. At a minimum, make sure the barcode for a non-voter has been lined through.
Permits should be paper clipped together in bundles of 10. Check the permit numbers of each bundle as it is clipped. Bundles of 10 should be rubber banded together (100). Count the voter permits, place them in a zip lock bag and return them to the Clerk in the Canvass Bag. VOTING TABULATOR - PRINT TOTALS
Stop now and read the public counter number-enter number on roster covers.
There is a No. 7 envelope in your supplies. Open the No. 7 envelope and remove the voting machine key to be used at the end of the day.
1. Open the Key Panel. Use the yellow key, and turn it to OPEN/CLOSE POLL Press CLOSE POLLS to officially close the polls. The clerk’s tape will automatically print. Press Results Report for each additional tape needed.
Each tape must be signed by the precinct workers, and the date marked on the dotted line. After signing the tapes they are placed in envelopes provided in the No. 7 envelope as follows:
ENVELOPES (found in #7 TAPE PLACE IN envelope) ZERO TAPE & 1st TOTALS Memory Pack and Original LARGE City Clerk (one continuous tape) Tape Envelope - Green print Envelope 1st Copy Small envelope - green print LARGE District Court Envelope 2nd Copy Post at Polling Place
2. Turn the key to OFF, remove key, and close the Key Panel.
Remove any write-in ballots from the Gray Bin, Door #1 REMEMBER: AVOID TOUCHING THE DIVERTER IN THE GRAY BALLOT BIN.
10 Use the tally sheet provided – record all votes for the write-in candidate ONLY. To be counted, a voter must fill in the circle next to the write-in candidate line AND, write the name of the candidate ON the line. NO rubber stamps or pre-printed stickers are allowed for the candidate’s name.
Only votes for a DECLARED write-in candidate can be counted. (Votes for Mickey Mouse, etc. won’t count).
To be counted, the name of the write-in candidate must be written as: 1. Two initials and last name [I. M. Candidate] 2. First name, middle initial/name & last name [Ima M. Candidate or Ima Main Candidate] 3. First name and last name [Ima Candidate] 4. Name as it appears on declaration of candidacy [Ima M. “Sweety” Candidate] 5. Misspellings of the above combinations (AND ONLY THOSE COMBINATIONS) that can be reasonably determined by a majority of the members of the precinct board to identify the declared write-in candidate [Im Canddidate]
When the tally is complete, rubber band the write-in ballots together and put them in the ballot box. Mark the total COUNTED write-in ballots on ALL tapes. Make TWO (2) more copies of the tally – one for the District Court Envelope and one to post with the machine tape.
Remove all voted ballots from the Gray Bin, Door #2. REMEMBER: AVOID TOUCHING THE DIVERTER IN THE GRAY BALLOT BIN. Place the ballots in the ballot box and lock the box. Place the ballot box key in the Packet 7 envelope.
When all the ballots have been removed from the tabulator: 1. Unplug the machine and rubber-band the power cord. 2. DO NOT REMOVE THE MEMORY CARD. 3. Replace the dust cover, and relock the front access panel.
All election workers must sign both roster covers certifying the information on the cover is correct. NOTE: The number of signatures, permits, ballots issued and the public counter must all agree. Any discrepancies must be noted on the signature roster.
Replace all supplies in the green supply tub.
Remove all posters and maps and place in the green supply tub.
Fold and slide the voting booths on the side of the cart with the tabulator. Re-cover the tabulator.
Call City Hall for a City Employee to come and transport the supply tub, garbage bag with destroyed ballots, and ballot box to City Hall.
Precinct Workers (except for Head Judge) are now dismissed and can go home.
The Head Judge is responsible for: Mailing District Court Envelope Delivering returns to City Hall
District Court Envelope . The District Court Envelope contains: * Yellow voter checklist * returns tape (1st extra copy) * write-in tally sheet (if used)
The Presiding Judge is responsible for mailing the large envelope to District Court. Drop the envelope in the night drop box at the Post Office (the one in the alley) BEFORE delivering returns to City Hall
City Clerk Envelope & Canvass Bag The envelope addressed to the City Clerk, along with the canvass bag must be delivered to the City Clerk’s Office. See the chart on the next page for the items that are included in this envelope.