Principal: Mrs. C. Hryhorsky Oakville Trustees
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St. Mary Catholic School June, 2016 Newsletter Principal: Mrs. C. Hryhorsky Oakville Trustees Vice-Principal: Mrs. L. Boulos Mr. A. Danko Secretary: Mrs. L. Pavao Mrs. H. Karabela Office Assistant: Miss S. Pusic Mr. P. Marai Special Education: Mr. D. Sebastian (ext. 1017) Mr. A. Quinn Mrs. E. Carey
paper, our newsletter will arrive by e-mail only however, the monthly calendar of events will be sent
Yes, my soul, find rest in God: My hope comes from him.
It is so very hard to believe that we have almost completed a school year together graced with new opportunities, new relationships and new experiences. While the month of June brings with it the promise of beautiful weather, there is still much learning to be done and many wonderful activities planned for the days ahead.
The entire staff of St. Mary Catholic School would like to express our gratitude to the families of this wonderful community. Parents, we thank you for the tremendous support you have given to staff and students in their educational programs. We especially thank those parents who have represented all parents through their membership on the Catholic School Council. We also thank the other countless number of volunteers who tirelessly offer their time to work directly or indirectly to the benefit of all of our students.
We thank Father Mark Gatto, Joanne Montague and the St. Matthew Parish Team for their active involvement in our school and faith formation. We have enjoyed a wonderful partnership with our parish and treasure their commitment to the great gift we have in Catholic Education.
Thank you to our staff who have also worked tirelessly throughout the year to meet the needs of all students entrusted to their care. As a Catholic learning community, staff have actively and enthusiastically taken advantage of professional learning opportunities both within and outside of our school to provide exciting and enriching programming for all of our students. We also thank the many staff members who go above and beyond to ensure that there are lunch time and after school activities; sports, academic teams and clubs for our students.
Finally, we thank our students for trying to work to the best of their ability throughout the school year. We are confident that they will continue to work to discover the wonderful plan that God has waiting for them. May God bless you and your family as you take time now to enjoy the summer sun, the fragrance of the garden ~ and rest.
Each year at this time we have to say good-bye to those who are leaving St. Mary to give of their gifts and talents in other communities. We have enjoyed much laughter; much joy and much love with you here at St. Mary and we wish you every blessing as you heed God’s calling and serve where he leads you. We have been enriched by your presence here at our school and be assured you will be greatly missed! May God bless you abundantly as you continue your journey in Catholic education.
At this time we also say good-bye to the following staff members:
A very special good-bye to Yvonne Petrie who is retiring from the teaching profession after blessing us with 30 years of her expertise! May you enjoy this precious time with friends and family and know that we will miss you!
~Mrs. Rebecca Morgan our Grade 1/2 teacher has given birth to a beautiful baby boy, Oliver John and when she returns from maternity leave, will join the staff at the new St. Gregory the Great school in North Oakville...
~ Mrs. Magdalena Mullins who will leave us to join the teaching staff at St. Gregory the Great...
~Mrs. Elisa Carey (SERT ) who will also be leaving us to join the teaching staff at St. Gregory the Great
~Mr. Brian Hogervorst our Grade 2 teacher who has been coaching and helping us with trip supervision and just being everywhere all the time! Brian will now service other Catholic Schools in our board and we wish him every success!
~Miss Katelynn Johnston our Grade 7 Music teacher who is also a very talented writer! Miss Johnston is taking a year away to complete her novel which will be published in the future!
~ Ms. Margaret Coyle who will be leaving us this year to join the teaching staff of St. Gregory the Great!
~Mrs. Tania Hughes who is leaving us to travel to British Columbia with her husband and teach there for a year!
WELCOME TO ST. MARY We welcome back Mrs. Nataly Marlin (Grade 2) who has been enjoying her role as ‘mother’ to delightful son, Jack! Master Jack has had a starring role this last year in our ‘Roots of Empathy’ program run by our Child and Youth Counselor (CYC), Mrs. T. Herod. We look forward to having the Marlins back at St. Mary!
We are very grateful for the wonderful Catholic School Council that we are blessed with at St. Mary! Through their efforts this year, your children have benefitted socially, emotionally, academically and spiritually. We thank them for their partnership and engagement in everything we do at St. Mary and for the tremendous support they tirelessly give our staff and students. Our heartfelt thank you to the following council members:
Mrs. Fiorella Zarlenga (Co-Chair) Mrs. Annette Corneil (Co-Chair)
Mrs. Jasna Grbavac Mrs. Anna D’Iorio Ms. Carolyn Silvestri Mrs. Leanne Federico Mrs. Annita Pospisil Mrs. Christa Hogan Mrs. Elisa Carey
Our wonderful Grade 8’s will be graduating from St. Mary on Monday, June 27th at 7:00 pm. In addition to the Graduation Ceremony, you are invited to attend a Celebration of the Eucharist in honour of our graduates taking place on Tuesday, May 31st at 10:00 am at St. Matthew’s Church. Please join us in praying for our young people as they leave us and take the next step in their faith journey.
As we leave for the summer, we take time to thank God for the gift of spending the school year as family here at St. Mary. This year, we also celebrate the opening of a brand new school, St. Gregory the Great, which will mean a new beginning for some of our students. The final school liturgy taking place on Friday, June 24th at 11:00 am will be in honour of all those leaving our school, both staff and students, and we invite you to join us for this special celebration.
On your child’s report card is an OEN (Ontario Education Number) . As of September 2nd , you will be able to log on to the board’s website and access your child’s class placement by using the OEN. As registrations continue to come in, please set your children up for success by explaining that class placements are subject to change based on enrollment. At any given time, it may be necessary to re-organize classes within the school to meet Ministry of Education standards. Please be mindful that many hours of care have been put into creating balanced classes to best meet the needs of our students and we ask that you trust our staff. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call the school office for assistance.
If your child is entering Grades 1, 2, or 3 you are asked to come to the school gymnasium on September 7th between 8:40 am and 8:50 am. At this time, signs will indicate where to stand so that our staff can greet your children and prepare them for their first day of classes. Once the teacher has taken attendance, students will leave the gymnasium and proceed to their classroom to begin their day. At that time, you are welcome to remain on the stage and enjoy some refreshments before you begin your own busy day!
If your child is in Grade 3/4, 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8, they are asked to proceed to the back of the school and gather in the yard where they will see signs indicating where each class is forming a line For this first day only, you are welcome to bring your children into the school yard and see that they are settled in the proper line.
If the weather is not cooperating, we ask that you direct your children to the back of the school where staff will have the doors open and greet them as they enter the school. Children unsure of where to go will be directed to their appropriate classroom by our amazing staff.
KINDERGARTEN ENTRY Welcome to all our little ones as they come to join us in the big school! We are so looking forward to meeting you! Letters will be sent home in July with your interview dates and times.
Tuesday, September 6, 2016 (p.m. only) (P.A. Day) Parent / Student Interviews for JK students in the p.m. Parent / Student Interviews for SK students new to St. Mary
Wednesday, September 7, 2016 Parent / Student Interviews for JK students Parent / Student Interviews for SK students new to St. Mary
Thursday, September 8, 2016 Staggered entry for first half of JK students Full entry for all SK students
Friday, September 9, 2016 Staggered entry for second half of JK students (first half do not attend)
Monday, September 12, 2016 Full entry for all JK students
On Friday, June 17th our students will participate in outdoor leadership games in support of the Halton Catholic Children’s Foundation which provides for students and families in need across our school board. St. Mary has benefitted from the generosity of this foundation and we are so very grateful for the difference they have been able to make in the lives of some of our most vulnerable children. Students will be asked to bring toonies in support of this worthwhile social justice outreach effort.
Please remind your children to wear hats, bring water bottles and use lots of sunscreen to ensure an enjoyable day for all! No uniforms are required on this day.
We’ll hope the sun shines on us as there is no scheduled rain date.
Thanks to our Catholic School Council and amazing volunteers, we have a uniform room where you are able to look for items you may need that have been gently used by others in our community. At the moment, we are in need of additional uniform pieces that perhaps your children have outgrown but are in good condition. If you are able please send washed and gently used uniforms to St. Mary, we will place them in the uniform room located on the stage for other parents to take and use. Please check into the office and Mrs. Pavao will direct you.
Please be advised that uniforms will not be required from June 27th through June 30th in order to support this worthwhile effort.
Parents, we ask that you continue to check closets, trunks, under beds, etc., for any school books that may be hiding and return them to us as soon as possible. The more we receive back, the less we have to replace. By working together to locate missing school books we are able to responsibly minimize costs to the school. If a book belonging to the school has been damaged or lost, please contact your child’s teacher and he / she will assist you in determining the replacement cost. REPORT CARDS
Report cards will be issued to the students on Tuesday, June 28th. Please sign and return the Report Card Response Form and return it to the school the following day. This form is a legal document which must be attached to the copy of the report and included in your child’s Ontario School Record file. Please note this is an opportunity for you and your child to comment on goals, student achievement and home support.
The last day of school for students will be on Thursday, June 30th. The Board has informed us that there will be an early dismissal, therefore the students will be dismissed at 1:55 p.m. Please ensure that your children know how they are arriving home after this early dismissal day.
Thanks to everyone who attended our recent Book Fair including our Grandmas and Grandpas who may have no money left in their pockets after spending Grandparents’ Day at St. Mary! Mrs. Shaver, our amazing Librarian, now has $8901.95 to use to purchase materials for the St. Mary Library! Thank you for supporting our students in their love of reading and helping us fill our library with engaging books and materials to enhance your students’ learning.
If you are moving during the summer months and are not attending St. Mary in September, would you please let Mrs. Pavao know as soon as possible? It is very helpful for us to have this information as we plan for new classes in the fall.
As the lazy, hazy days of summer begins be sure to circle Thursday, September 22nd on your calendar as we prepare for our 3rd annual wonderful community evening together. Our St. Mary Staff in partnership with the Catholic School Council will host an evening of family, faith and fun right here at school! So get ready to enjoy the sizzle of the barbeque as you get to know your child’s teacher and the exciting plans and goals for the new school year!
Please be advised that Friday, June 3rd is a scheduled PA Day. Staff will be involved in assessment and evaluation activities.
BRAVO CELEBRATION Congratulations to our Grade 6 classes on the completion of the BRAVO program offered by the Halton Region Police Service. We would like to thank Constable Susan Hatanaka for making this program come to life for our students and for always being available to support our school whenever the need arises. Special thanks to Mrs. Asselin and Mr. Mastrella, our grade 6 teachers, for all their support to both their students and to the Halton Region Police Service. Constable Hatanaka has also been instrumental in assisting us as we refine our lockdown drills and for offering advice and information to both students and parents. We are very blessed to have Constable Hatanaka as part of our St. Mary family! The BRAVO Graduation Celebration will take place on Wednesday, June 15th at 9:15 am in the school gymnasium. Parents and family members are invited to attend.
One of the decisions made during our first year was that St. Mary Catholic School would purchase student agendas based on the experience of using them at the feeder schools. Parent, staff and student representatives felt that the agenda was an important organizational tool to offer the parents of St. Mary. Student agendas are not covered through our basic school budget and as a relatively new school, we have many growing needs. We highly recommend the use of school agendas and will be sending order forms home in the next few days for pre-purchasing your 2015-2016 Catholic School agenda. Our Faith-based agendas are $8.00 each.
A Prayer for Catholic Education
God of our Ancestors, you keep faith alive in all generations. Help us to become more strongly rooted in our Catholic faith, so that our schools may be places where knowledge and relationships are transformed by questions of meaning and by the search for meaning.
Help us not only to create authentic Faith Communities in our schools, but also to connect them with our parishes and wider church community.
Teach us how to hand on our tradition of faith to coming generations, as did the school board trustees, the religious communities and the clergy who planted seeds of Catholic education in Ontario.
We make our prayer through your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Have a safe and blessed summer!
SEAC SOUNDByTES Raising awareness of the Special Education process at HCDSB June 2016
As the school year draws to a close, many of us look forward to the transition from school year routines to summer routines and activities. This is an exciting time for many, students and teachers alike. However, the process of transitioning and change can be a very stressful and anxious time for children with special needs and their families. Stressful transition periods include entry/exit from school, changing grades, and changing schools whether in a new neighbourhood or between elementary/ secondary/post-secondary. These challenges can be reduced by transition planning, an integral part of special education services. Transition plans must be developed for all students with an IEP and are incorporated into the plan. Plans may also be developed for students without an IEP who access special education services. In order to be successful, planning should start well ahead of the anticipated transition. Critical and required components to a transition plan include: specific transition goals support needs actions required to achieve the goals roles and responsibilities and timelines for the implementation and/or completion of each of the identified actions In addition to major life events, transition planning can also be used to address transitions occurring throughout the day or other short term periods (ie. between activities or classes). While transition planning can address many different situations, it is required in all cases (for students with an IEP) for transition to postsecondary activities. Transition planning is also required for day to day as well as long term transitions for all students with autism spectrum disorders. If you feel that your child has difficulty transitioning, whether in day to day scenarios or between major events, speak to your child’s teacher, SERT or Principal about incorporating transition planning into their education plan. Submitted by Maria Lourenco, SEAC Member representing Association for Bright Children (ABC) Ontario
June 2016 “Yes my soul, find rest in God: My hope comes from him” Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4
Starlight Festival Mass 5:00 p.m. 5:30 – 8:00 p.m. P.A. Day (No School)
Lunch Lady
Pizza Day 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Mass: 9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 12:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Lunch Lady Pizza Day Mass 5:00 p.m.
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Mass: 9:00 a.m. . 10:30 a.m. Gr. 6 B.R.A.V.O. 12:00 p.m. Celebration @ Leadership Day 7:00 p.m. 9:15 a.m. in the gym (Non- Uniform) Lunch Lady Pizza Day Mass 5:00 p.m.
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Mass: 9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. Grade 8 Ottawa Trip Grade 8 Ottawa Trip Grade 8 Ottawa Trip Last Day for Pizza and Final School Liturgy 12:00 p.m. Milk Program @ 11:00 a.m. in the Mass 5:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. gym Lunch Lady
26 27 28 29 30 HAVE A Grade 8 Graduation Report Cards go home Last Day of School WONDERFUL Ceremony @ 7:00 Early Dismissal @ SUMMER! p.m. in the Gym 1:55 p.m.
Lunch Lady