Faculty Handbook s3

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Faculty Handbook s3



Rick Rodriguez, Principal Lina Palacios, Assistant Principal

Updated 4/30/18 2 AES

Alternative to External Suspension Program – This program will be offered in lieu of external suspension. The classroom teacher will be responsible for submitting work to be completed, page numbers, and textbooks. Work completed in this program must be averaged into the overall grade. Referral to the AES program will be determined by Administration.


All injuries to faculty, staff, students, or visitors, no matter how slight, shall be reported to the office immediately. All student accidents must be reported on an accident report. Accident reports are to be completed by the staff member who was with the student at the time of incident, or who the incident was first reported to and returned to the office the same day the accident occurs. The reporting staff member is to notify the parents of all the students involved the same day.

Administration will determine if a 911 call is needed. When 911 is called, the Accident Report must be sent to the office immediately.

Word comments on the accident report carefully. Only the name of the victim is to be used. The parent will receive a copy of the accident report. The office staff will ONLY notify the parents if 911 is called or if the injury is of a serious nature and will fax a copy of the completed accident report to the Area Office and other designated locations.

When a student appears to be injured, or has been involved in any type of accident in your classroom, make the child comfortable. Immediately call the office and state “code blue” if the child has a potential serious injury. Do not move the injured party until a member of Administration has made the decision that movement will not compound the child’s injury.

All staff injuries require contacting Worker’s Compensation. If an injury to a teacher is not reported within 24 hours, you may not be covered by Worker’s Compensation. You will not be covered if you leave campus without Administrative approval. This includes the parking lot. Please see the IMT for details on contacting Worker’s Compensation.


All adults who have business on campus are required by Board Policy to report to the office upon entering the campus. This applies to vendors, contractors, Updated 4/30/18 visitors, tutors, and volunteers. If visitors come to your classroom, send them to the office for a pass. If you see any individual without a tag, please notify the office.


The AED Machine is located in the clinic in the front office. Designated staff members have been trained to use the AED Machine. Posters are located through out the school indicating those staff members who have been trained to use the AED machine and/or CPR.


Students in grades Kindergarten through fifth are given Agenda/ Homework Planners. These planners are to be utilized everyday. The Agenda/Homework Planner should be used as a communication link between school and home. Teachers are required to check for parent communication on a daily basis as well as utilize it to communicate concerns i.e. missing homework, projects, behavior etc. Teachers are expected to provide a written response to parents concerns within 48 hours.


There is no supervision before 7:35 A.M. Designated staff will supervise all students between 7:35 AM and 8:05 AM. Teachers are to pick up students from the designated area at 8:00 AM. No exceptions! The Substitute Coordinator will inform substitutes of this procedure at sign-in time.

At no time is a student to go to another building or classroom before school. There is adequate supervision to insure that younger brothers and sisters arrive in their classrooms. Please do not request student assistance before or after school without written parent permission. This includes students who attend the aftercare program.

The teacher shall mark any student arriving to the classroom after the 8:05 AM bell tardy. Students arriving after 8:15 shall not be admitted to class without a tardy pass. Tardies are to be indicated on the student attendance record and the student report card. If a student is constantly tardy the teacher is to contact the parent after three tardies and make record of the contact on a parent/teacher conference sheet. Updated 4/30/18 ARTICULATION CARDS

At the end of the school year, teachers are to complete an articulation card for each child. Be sure to accurately record test and performance data. Also provide pertinent information for the next year’s teacher to adequately service the student until making his or her own assessment of the student’s needs. Include information that would assist in the most beneficial placement of the child. This includes, but is not limited to, behavior plan, discipline issues, and students to avoid. Please refrain from including opinions or non-factual information.


There will be a mandatory viewing of a BECON Broadcast of the Code of Conduct via WSEA. Please also discuss the Discipline Plan during the first week of school.

General assemblies are usually held at the need or desire of the faculty and students, and often evolve from activities begun in the classroom. Specific assemblies will be called by the Principal to provide information or special interest groups.

Be sure to arrange for the use of the cafeteria and/or stage area on the sign-up calendar in the Assistant Principal’s office. This is needed to properly plan and to avoid conflict. Notify the Assistant Principal well in advance in writing of your plans if you need custodial or technical help, certain equipment, or materials.

When assemblies are held and your class is invited, make sure you accompany them to the assemblies and supervise their behavior while they are there. If it is the “special” teacher’s time with your class, he/she will be responsible unless otherwise instructed by administration.

Assemblies should be educational and classroom teachers should prepare the students prior to attending the assembly. Follow-up should be conducted when returning to the classroom. Students should be reminded before each assembly of expected behavior and consequences for misbehaving during the assembly.

ATTENDANCE All teachers are to have their attendance entered into Pinnacle by 9:00 AM (or earlier if a field trip is scheduled). Please note: It is illegal to allow students to take attendance.

Updated 4/30/18  Mark E1 for the first day a student is in attendance at SCE.Pinnacle will automatically record students’ first day entered.   Students who are physically present in class should be marked as Present.  Students who enter the classroom after 8:15 AM are to be marked as tardy (TU).  Students who are absent should be marked as absent (AU). The IMT will determine excused absences and make changes as necessary to Pinnacle.  Promptly forward any communication regarding a student’s absence to the IMT.

An accurate, up-to-date Pinnacle hard copy of class attendance must be printed and kept in the teacher’s grade book at the end of each marking period. When a child has three consecutive unexcused absences, teachers are expected to call the home to find out why the child has been absent. If you cannot reach the parent, complete a referral form and submit it to the Guidance Counselor and she will submit it to the School Social Worker. Please notify the office in writing on a separate sheet if you are aware of an extended student absence such as a family vacation, illness or death. Attendance records must accurately reflect that the student is absent, tardy, or present. These records are legal documents and should be treated as such.


If it is necessary for you to be absent:

1. Contact Sub Finder by phone (754) 321-0050 or via the Internet at https://sems.browardschools.com no later than 6:30 AM on the morning of your intended absence. After 6:30 AM, please contact Sub Finder AND the Office Manager.

2. All Staff members must arrive by 7:30 AM. When possible, please contact the Office Manager (754) 323-7255 by 1:30 PM to advise her if your absence is to continue or you will return the next day. If you do not call, your substitute will be released. IF PATTERNS OF ATTENDANCE/TARDINESS EXIST, APPROPRIATE DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS WILL BE TAKEN BY ADMINISTRATION.

Updated 4/30/18 3. Teachers are to keep plan books, grade books, class rolls, and necessary materials needed by a substitute readily available. Grade Chairs will be responsible for any items not readily available.

4. The Secretary will give substitute folders to the substitutes. If you have different lesson plans than the emergency substitute plans on file in the office, please give them to the Secretary in a timely manner, specify their location on Sub Finder, or email them to the Office Manager, Assistant Principal AND your Team Leader.

5. Sick leave is provided for your personal illness or that of your immediate family. It should be used with the greatest of care since you are allowed only ten days per year, six of which may be used as personal days.

6. Faculty and staff members are not to leave campus between 7:30 AM and 3:00 PM without written permission from the Principal. Such requests are to be made by completing the form “Request to Leave Campus.”

7. No verbal requests shall be granted. A record of all such requests will be maintained. All requests must be pre-approved at least 24 hours in advance by the Principal. In the event the Principal is off the campus, see the Assistant Principal/designee for approval of emergency requests only. Any request not submitted in a timely manner or any leave without approval will be subject to being deducted from payroll. Please be sure to sign out with the Office Manager before leaving campus.

8. Doctor appointments or any other personal appointments are to be made outside working hours. If you cannot make these appointments before 7:30 AM or after 3:00 PM, you will need to take personal or sick leave from school. Requests to leave campus between 8:00 and 2:05 will not be approved.

9. Refrain from making appointments that conflict with scheduled meetings listed on the calendar.


The Media Specialist serves as key person in coordinating the AV materials and equipment.

Many materials and services are available through the County Material Center, ITV Center, and the Graphics Department. Discuss any needs or ideas with the Media Specialist or with the Principal.

All materials (filmstrips, tapes, and records) are cataloged. Teachers may check out materials for one month. Updated 4/30/18 Students should never be allowed to move AV equipment; including but not limited to laptop carts, overhead projectors, interactive white boards and ELMOs.

Each teacher is issued numbered pieces of equipment (record player, tape recorder, and overhead projector), which may be kept in the classroom until the end of the school year. Please avoid using masking tape to label equipment. Maps and movie screens should be checked regularly to make certain that they are securely fastened and are not in danger of falling on anyone thereby causing serious injury. Equipment needing repair should be returned to the Media Specialist.

The showing of videos should be limited to “G” rated films in the Media Center. Outside films are only permitted with approval from Administration. Movies are to be included in the lesson plans and must correlate with the skills being taught. Fridays should not be utilized as “movie” days. Instructional time is valuable and must be adhered to even on Fridays. The showing of “PG” movies requires written prior approval by Administrator and parent.


In the event that there is a bomb threat, a “Code Black: will be issued. Specific directions for evacuation will be provided by Administration. Prior to evacuating a classroom, teachers should scan the area for any suspicious objects.

Teachers must always take their emergency contact list roll book and take attendance once they have evacuated. A head count is NOT sufficient.



Paraprofessionals are to supervise the breakfast program in the cafeteria. Breakfast will be served from 7:15 AM until 7:50 AM. Staff members assigned to this duty must report to the cafeteria promptly at 7:15 AM.

Students are discouraged from arriving on campus before 7:15 AM due to lack of supervision. ONLY SBBC bus riders will be served after 7:50 in the event the bus arrives late. Please reinforce this requirement on a regular basis. If a walker/car rider tells you that he/she has not eaten and it is affecting their ability to perform, please report this to Administration. Please do not deny any student the opportunity for breakfast.

Updated 4/30/18 Any staff member wishing to partake of the breakfast program is to do so before 7:30 AM. Please refrain from transporting hot liquids during school hours when students are present. Do not send students to the cafeteria or the lounge to purchase items on your behalf.


BTIP consists of a series of letters to parents or guardians of students with high incidents of unexcused absences and/or tardies notifying them of Florida Statute 232.19 (7)(a), mandating school attendance by their children and warning them of potential criminal prosecution for noncompliance.

The primary goal of the program is to work with parents and encourage them to be more responsible for insuring their child’s attendance.

Step 1. Five Unexcused Absences - When a student’s absences/tardies total five days, school staff “BTIP” the student by entering a code in the student’s mainframe data file that flags the student’s identification number at the State Attorney’s Office. At this point the State Attorney sends a letter to the parents notifying them that the State Attorney is monitoring their child’s attendance and instructing them to meet with a school administrator to discuss the situation.

Step 2. Ten Unexcused Absences - Upon increase to 10 unexcused absences by a student, the parents are sent a 10-day letter. This correspondence serves as notification of an area meeting with SBBC representatives and the State Attorney representative to develop a plan of action specifying what the parent will be required to do to comply with the law.


Decorating the teaching/learning areas is encouraged. Please do not use the windows to display art or classroom work. Use tacks, pins, and staples on the bulletin boards provided. Do not staple, tape or display on the walls or doors. Bulletin board paper may not be utilized for any other purpose.

Standards to be maintained for displays and bulletin boards:

1. Current displays (dated student work only) 2. Correct spelling/grammar 3. Simple, uncluttered 4. Work samples in all subjects 5. Pertinent to curriculum or management procedures 6. Completed in a reasonable length of time Updated 4/30/18 7. Student or teacher made (preferred) 8. Displays may include but are not limited to:  Graphs with conclusions on paper  Classroom management procedures  Student of the week/month  Good work papers in all areas of curriculum (graded with correct grammar)  Composition/Creative writing board with work samples (final pieces only) 9. Have titles and borders 10. Cafeteria displays must be of excellent quality


Bulletins will be sent home in students’ weekly folders on Wednesday. A concentrated effort will be made to place all items in mailboxes by noon on Tuesday. It is imperative that all bulletins and flyers to parents are sent home in the weekly folders only unless otherwise directed by administration. Folder contents should be discussed with the student prior to it going home--especially with regard to assigned homework, bulletins, etc. Please impress upon your students the importance of the information that is sent home and encourage them to return the folders, with parent signature of receipt, the following day.

All assignments, memos, graded class work; etc. must be sent home in the weekly folder. Please do not send home papers or notes except in the weekly folder on the school-wide agreed upon day. If you have some important information that must go home prior to or after the weekly folder has gone home, please find another vehicle in which to transport the information.

Homework Planners must be utilized daily in grades Kindergarten through five. Keeping a copy of this information as well as all staff memos would be advised.


The cafeteria system is on the PSC computer. Students may pay for their lunch while in the cafeteria line. The Cafeteria Manager would like the children to pay for their lunch prior to school beginning. Students are permitted to pay for lunches during lunchtime.

Students are to be reminded to adhere to the cafeteria rules. This is more easily accomplished if the teacher reinforces appropriate cafeteria behavior with a

Updated 4/30/18 reward. Teachers are to remind students on a daily basis of the cafeteria rules. Designated Staff are expected to actively supervise students at all times.

Students are not allowed to re-enter the line after they have been served. Therefore, they should develop the responsibility for remembering napkins, milk, ice cream etc. Teachers not purchasing a lunch must pay for all condiments and utensils.

Students are not allowed to leave the cafeteria to go to the restroom. Teachers must provide time for students to use the restroom before their lunchtime. Paraprofessionals must enforce this policy. This will eliminate vandalism and disruptive behavior in the restroom due to lack of supervision.

When the classroom teacher arrives at the designated lunch table to dismiss his/her students, students will remove trays, lunch bags, and all other itemsrefuse from the tables. Students and teachers must also check the seats and floor for food to be discarded before the teacher dismisses them from the table.

Classroom teachers must be on time to dismiss their students from the lunch table.

Free and reduced price meals will be provided for students who qualify and are approved by the district. New Free and Reduced Meal Applications must be submitted each year to verify qualification in this program. The students who received such meals the previous year will be given a grace period to resubmit the necessary application. After that time, the meals will be offered at full price if applications are not submitted and approved.

Teachers may partake in school cafeteria meals must do so before 7:30 AM or during their scheduled lunch period. Food or beverage should not be consumed in front of students during instruction time.

If you wish to eat in your classroom with your students during your regularly scheduled lunchtime, you may do so. Teachers who have lunch with their class on Friday ONLY may leave at 2:30 pm on that day. Please obtain large plastic bags from a custodian/cafeteria prior to lunchtime. Leave tied trash bags outside your classroom by 1:00 PM. If you choose to eat at the picnic tables, please remember to take the trash back to the cafeteria to dispose of it.

Parents are permitted to have lunch with their child ONLY on the child’s birthday or on the child’s grade’s assigned day during National School Lunch Week.


Updated 4/30/18 Staff All staff members are to refrain from using their cell phones in front of students and/or during instructional time. Although communication with parents is encouraged, calls should not be made during instructional time or with other students present. All personal calls are to be made during time away from students, planning or lunch.

Students Students are permitted to have a cell phone on campus. However, they are to be in the off position during school hours. Teachers may confiscate a students cell phone if it rings/alarms during class or the student is using it for any purpose during the school day. Confiscated phones are to be brought to the office, logged, and locked in the vault as soon as possible. The confiscating teacher is responsible for notifying the parent about the incident and that an adult on the emergency card must pick up the phone.


It is imperative that each teacher has an updated copy of his/her teaching certificate on file in the school. Teachers new to the school must bring in a copy of their certificate and leave it with the IMT. The IMT is not responsible for submitting a copy to the School Board. The teacher must place a copy to Certification in the pony mail.

Anytime a teacher is newly hired or a current staff member receives a new updated certificate, please bring a copy to the IMT. According to Florida Statues, it is the responsibility of each teacher to keep his/her certificate current and to forward a copy of it to the Certification Office at the KC Wright building. Failure to do so may result in non-renewal of your contract.


Florida Statute requires educators to report any alleged or actual child abuse/neglect to the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services (HRS).

If you suspect a student is being abused or neglected, you may discuss your feelings or suspicions with the School Counselor or the Principal, but you must directly report the case to HRS by calling the Child Abuse Hot line at 1-800-96- ABUSE.

The School Counselor is our child abuse contact with the county level officials. She can assist you in reporting an abuse case and completing the necessary

Updated 4/30/18 forms. It is the responsibility of the individual reporting the incident to phone the Abuse Hot line.


A current class roster is to be maintained at all times. Student names are to be arranged alphabetically without regard to sex, race, creed, or national origin (Title IX).

Please do not admit any student that does not appear on your class list unless they have an admit slip from the office.


It is the responsibility of instructional personnel to establish a neat, attractive environment for learning throughout the school day. This will encourage proper pupil respect for neatness and order.

Teachers should have all books, workbooks, scraps of paper, or pieces of crayons picked up by students before dismissal time. Teachers should maintain an orderly classroom by having students keep books and materials off the floor. Chairs should be stacked in sets of five everyday. Due to the difficulty in obtaining substitute custodians, teachers are asked to prepare classrooms each afternoon for the possibility that it will not be cleaned. Restrooms and trashcans will always be serviced. The Administration will make every effort to notify you in the event that a substitute custodian is not available.

Teachers are not to use nails, screws, glue, and/or staples for attaching items to walls or woodwork. Please do not use masking tape, nor scotch tape on the walls, floors, chalkboards, dry-erase boards or doors. Please cover tables with newspaper, not bulletin board paper before any art projects.

Please be sure when changing bulletin boards that staples are not left on the floor. If glue is used in the classroom and accidentally spills on the floor please notify the custodial staff right away so that it may be removed before it dries.

Remind students that all four legs of the chair should be on the floor. A number of chairs are broken due to students tipping or leaning back in them. This is also a safety precaution, as students who fall over could be seriously injured.

Updated 4/30/18 All chairs should be unstacked and placed in a down position during the entire school day. This should be done first thing in the morning. Students may assist with this process before 8:00 am.

Our custodial staff is charged with the responsibility of maintaining our building in a clean and attractive manner. They are expected to empty trashcans, sweep, spot mop, dust, clean restrooms, and supply soap and paper towels on a daily basis in your classroom.

The Assistant Principal will distribute a 9-week custodial evaluation for your input. The Assistant Principal will review combined results with each worker in the presence of the Head Custodian. Please Note: Individual forms will not be discussed. Your individual responses will be kept strictly confidential.

If specific requests are needed, please notify administration. Maintenance requests must be to administration, preferably via email. Please refrain from making personal requests to the custodial staff through the front office or directly.

All teachers are responsible for the physical condition of the classroom. Displays and bulletin boards should be pertinent to classroom instruction, and should be current. Always turn off lights and lock doors when leaving the room. All papers are to be picked up off the floor before dismissal. Please do not place any furniture or other items against the verticals. The blinds are very delicate, and vandals can easily peer inside your room when the blinds cannot be closed.

No furniture (TV sets, etc.) is to be placed in front of classroom doors, or window exits as these poses a fire hazard. Additionally, there should be at least three- foot wide clearance for all walkway/passage areas leading to exits. The inspectors note safety violations when this occurs. Please do not place reading tables too close to the exits.

Please see the Safety/Security section of this Handbook for violations we have been sited for repeatedly. Do NOT block exits at anytime. Do NOT hang items from the ceiling or place items on surface of stove or inside ovens.


Children are never to be left unsupervised!

Paraprofessionals may not supervise classes at anytime unless authorized by the Principal. In case of an emergency, notify the office for assistance.

Noise and conversation tend to magnify over the intercom system. Teach children to get quiet immediately in the event you are called by the office. Children are not to answer for the teacher. An intercom call is to be answered only by the teacher. Please be cognizant of the fact that parents are in the office Updated 4/30/18 and will overhear any response. The front office will make every effort to contact classes via phone.

As visitors come to the room, the phone rings or the intercom is activated; children should have an established procedure to follow when the teacher is interrupted.


Any child that becomes ill or needs medical attention must be sent to the office with a clinic form along with book bag and two buddies. Do not send a sick child alone. Each teacher is to have several clinic forms on hand in his/her classroom. The office staff will make calls for students sent to the clinic for illness.

A student sent to the office without a proper form may be returned to the classroom unless it is an obvious emergency. Be careful what you write on the clinic pass. A copy of this pass may be sent home to the parent(s). The teacher must contact the parent & complete an accident report in the event of an injury.

Foreign objects such as splinters are not to be removed by any school personnel.

Students are not allowed to take medication in the classroom. This includes but is not limited to: prescription drugs, cough syrup, cough drops, aspirin/Tylenol, etc. If a student brings medication to school, it is to be sent to the office immediately.

Do not call a parent or advise a student to call his/her parent to come and pick up their child due to illness or injury. The necessity to do this will be determined by the office staff or the school nurse.


See Code of Ethics tri-fold that was provided in your First Day Packet.


The Comprehensive Problem Solving Team (CPST) is a multidisciplinary team, whose membership generally includes the Classroom Teacher, School Counselor, Reading Coach, ESE Specialist, SLP, Social Worker, School Psychologist and Administration.

Updated 4/30/18 The primary purpose of this team is to assist teachers in reaching the “hard to reach” students in their classrooms through the development of interventions to implement in the classroom. The team uses a systematic problem solving approach, including the assigning of a case manager. The case manager is available to assist in completing the referral packet, document interventions, and provide support throughout the process.

If a teacher feels a child has behavior disorders or shows an inability to learn and progress at a typical/common pace, follow the Comprehensive Problem Solving and Evaluation Process. Please refer students ASAP and complete the appropriate CPST packet (see School Counselor).

Teachers should refer students suspected of having a disability or behavior disorder immediately but no later the week prior to Thanksgiving. The only exception is in the case of students who enroll at SCES after November 1 st. In that case, students should be referred within eight weeks of their enrollment date.

The county has mandated that the length of time from parental consent to the initial staffing will be no longer than 90 school days. Compliance with this procedure is affected by the amount of time that it takes to get all forms back properly filled out. The teacher is a vital link in this process. Please expedite this process by completing all papers in a timely manner.

Do NOT diagnose a student. Do NOT tell a parent that you think the student is SLD, Gifted, EH, or has any other exceptionality. Do NOT recommend tutoring for a student. Evaluations can only be done by a school psychologist and eligibility determined by committee, which includes the parents.

Be reminded that the CPST/RtI process is not a cure or intervention in itself. Additionally, it is expected that most students will not go all the way through the process to the evaluation stage. Many students will begin to show progress with the implementation of Tier 2 interventions, and therefore will be monitored until the Team determines consistent progress will allow phasing back to Tier 1.

Rationale beginning the process referral may include, but not be limited to:

* Academic concerns * Behavioral concerns * Emotional concerns * Health concerns * Needs for social services * Possibility of retention * Improper placement of a student


Updated 4/30/18 Communication is important for coordinating activities in a well-organized manner. Grade Chairpersons/Leadership team will meet monthly. During these meetings, Grade Chairpersons will receive pertinent information to disseminate to their teams.

Each Wednesday grade level meetings will be held. During the grade level meetings, Grade Chairs will disseminate information. Minutes from these meeting will be submitted to the Assistant Principal prior to leaving campus each Friday in the designated folder. Do not schedule conferences or any personal appointments on Wednesdays or on the Mondays that staff meetings are being held.


All requests for computer repair must be emailed to the Technology Liaison Contact (TLC). Please do not relocate any computers. The TLC is the only individual permitted to relocate equipment.

Property passes must be submitted and approved by the Principal prior to receipt of any equipment.


Conferences are an important part of reporting pupil progress to parents and can be a great help in furthering home-school relationships.

Please use the section inside the student’s planner to schedule conferences or send the Request for Conference form.

School Board Policy #5104 states “Conferences with parents or guardians are required as part of the reporting system. Teachers are required to have at least two (2) conferences per year per student. The school shall request a conference between the classroom teacher and the parent on or before May 1 for each student being considered for retention.”

Teachers should hold conferences with all parents in an area free of distraction and the conference form should be completed and signed by all persons in attendance at the conference. Documentation of all conferences must be placed in the CUM folder. Arrange conferences at school where you can sit down and share items without others present such as student portfolios, textbooks, Pinnacle reports, and discuss the child’s progress in-depth. These may be scheduled on teacher planning days around scheduled trainings and/or meetings, before and after school. All conferences scheduled before school must end by 8:00 AM. If more time is needed, please reschedule. Teachers must not Updated 4/30/18 conduct conferences with parents during supervisory responsibilities such as morning and dismissal post duties. If parents are unable to come into the school, phone conferences should be written up, and then sent home for parent’s signature. At the end of the school year, conference forms will be filed inside the CUM folder. Conferences may not be scheduled on Wednesdays, or the Mondays that staff meetings are being held.

Conferences involving unusual concerns should be referred to administration. When it becomes necessary for other school personnel to attend a conference, such as Special Area Teachers, or Exceptional Education Teachers, or translators, make plans in advance to avoid conflict. When a difficult to reach parent appears for a conference, support staff will inform the classroom teacher and attempt to secure coverage in order for the teacher to obtain required signatures.

Conference Nights will be scheduled twice during the school year to help accommodate those parents who want to meet with the teacher but are not able to during the school day. Please see dates on the calendar.


Confidentiality of student’s information should be observed at all times. Teachers should not discuss a student’s behavior, academic progress, or problems in the teachers’ lounge, front office, with other parents/students present or at social places. Grades and/or test scores should NOT be read aloud in class. Teachers should chat privately with each student about their progress.


No one may attend school with a contagious disease. This includes, but is not limited to: Florida sores, chicken pox, head lice, scabies, and conjunctivitis (pink eye).

A student or staff member suspected of having a contagious disease is to be sent to the office immediately. Many of these diseases spread rapidly and are not recognized by parents. Teachers are not to diagnose such diseases, but must report all suspected cases immediately. Diagnosis is to be done by the appropriate office personnel.

Persons who have been absent due to a contagious disease may not return to school without clearance from the appropriate medical personnel and the school office. If a student enters your classroom after a diagnosed contagious illness without an office release form/notice from the office, please call the office for further instruction. Refrain from verbally embarrassing said student and Updated 4/30/18 quietly/privately instruct the student to wait in an isolated area near your desk while you call the office. Do not put yourself or others in jeopardy of contracting these contagious diseases by not following these procedures.


Due to budgetary constraints, we are attempting to monitor the types of items and the amount being copied. CLASSWORK AND HOMEWORK MAY NOT CONSIST OF DITTOS.

Any materials that teachers may want to have copied through outside resources must also be submitted to the Curriculum Coach prior to duplication. Be very careful when copying materials. We must observe copyright requirements. Another consideration is the appropriateness to student needs and Critical Content.

Include copies of all materials utilized for student’s instruction that is not a part of the state-adopted text in your lesson plans. You must also indicate the materials used in your lesson plans.


Publications Reproduction of copyright material without prior written approval of the author or publishing company is a violation of copyright laws and can be extremely costly to the person doing it. When reproducing newsletter articles, be sure to include the “permission to reproduce” notation.

Video Material Copyrights Videotapes with copyrights cannot be shown over closed circuit television unless there is prior written permission from the producer. However, they may be used for planned direct instructional activities if they are part of the educational program and reflected in lesson plans. Please remember - videotapes may only be used if they are a part of the educational program. They may not be shown for entertainment purposes. Videotapes must be checked out of the media center and be “G” rated.


CUM folders and pupil progression records must be maintained in compliance with School Board Rules and Policies (FCGR #1). These are documents, which, if subpoenaed, would provide accurate information in court concerning the child’s academic progress, educational history, and attendance.

Each teacher must review Cumulative Folder for each student enrolled in his/her classroom. Requests for records of students transferring from public schools in the county or within the state are made through the school office. A Florida Cumulative Record must be completed for students enrolling from out of the state of Florida. The IMT will make a list of students with special health problems or concerns. The office, physical education teacher, and the classroom teacher will be informed of health problems or concerns. A complete list of students with health problems will also be distributed to all staff members.

The IMT or the Secretary will complete a Broward County CUM Folder as soon as out-of-state records arrive or within five (5) days after entering our school. When a student officially withdraws from your class, the CUM folder will be given to the teacher to update. Please turn in the CUM folder to your Grade Chair within two days.

Grade Chairs will review all CUM folders for completeness and accuracy before sending them to another school. The County Office issues procedures for completion of CUM folders.

General procedures are:

A. A CUM folder should be kept up-to-date and maintained in an orderly manner.

B. CUM folders are considered as legal documents and transferred in two ways:

 To another Broward County Public school, if the student moves within the county.

 To our microfilm center, if the child moves outside Broward County or to a private school within the county.

C. CUM folders are open to parent’s scrutiny. Please remember this when writing information that goes inside them such as interim reports or conference forms.

Updated 4/30/18 D. At the end of the year, the folder must accurately show attendance, grades and reading level.

E. Standard test data must be properly recorded.

F. If a student leaves our school for another county school, all entries such as grades and attendance are recorded in Pinnacle. Please print a hard copy of the student’s grades so that the receiving school may compile or revise for the entire year.

G. A list of the items to be included in the CUM folder will be made available.

Do not keep CUM folders in your classroom. They are to be kept in locked files in the front office.

If you wish to take a folder from the file, please log in with the office. By October, each CUM should have been reviewed by the classroom teacher to ensure appropriate services and concerns are addressed. Cum folders may not be taken from the front office.


Changes in the basic school curriculum are not to be made without prior approval from the Principal. These requests are to be made in writing after conferring with the Grade Chairperson and other team members. It is recommended that you confer with the Reading Specialists before submitting this written request.


A. ESE – include modifications and accommodations in lesson plans B. ESOL – include strategies in lesson plans. Place the ESOL Strategies Matrix in plan book. C. Class work not completed in the allotted time should be given to a student as homework. If the assignment is not turned in when due, a reduction in grade is necessary. If you see a pattern where the child is consistently not completing the work, set up a conference with the parent to discuss time on task. D. Insert Daily Schedule in Lesson Plans.

Board Configurations  Student-Friendly Objectives  Essential Questions  Rubrics  Agenda/Day’s activities Updated 4/30/18  Relevant Vocabulary  Homework


The cleanliness of the building can greatly influence both students’ and teachers’ attitudes about the school. This is a cooperative program that must exist and the teacher plays a vital role in any custodial program. All chairs should be stacked and students should be instructed to clean up after themselves throughout the day and especially prior to dismissal.

Teachers must help in monitoring the daily classroom cleanliness of his/her students. Teachers are to contact the Assistant Principal if their rooms are not being cleaned properly or if repairs are necessary.

Particular care is to be taken when using supplies such as water, paints, glue, and other substances, which may stain walls and furnishings. Cover tables with newspaper not with bulletin board paper.

Food is to be stored in airtight containers to avoid insect and rodent infestation. ONLY COOL COOKING IS PERMITTED IN CLASSROOM WITHOUT ADMINISTRATIVE APPROVAL AND MUST BE TIED TO CURRICULUM.

Cleanliness, organization, and neatness should be considered as part of the education process. Students should clean their desks daily.

General use refrigerators will be cleaned out each Friday. All items will be disposed of if left on Friday. Individual refrigerators are the responsibility of the teacher. Microwave ovens, coffee pots, etc. are NOT permitted in the classroom.


All students in grades Kindergarten through five will receive planners. It is the responsibility of each student to maintain them daily. Each teacher should monitor its use on a regular basis and check daily for parent correspondence in the back section.


In the event time out/loss of privilege and a phone call to the parent does not extinguish the undesirable behavior, a detention may be in order. Detention is not to be assigned until after two other interventions have been put in place and

Updated 4/30/18 failed. Written consent from the parent is required for all detentions. Although written consent is not required, parents must be notified of lunch detentions.

During detention students will be engaged in a productive activity. They may not be working on homework, writing lines, or reading. The activity should be related to the reason for the detention, as best as possible. The activity must be determined in advance and relayed to the parent in writing on the consent form.

Students will not be assigned multiple detentions for a single infraction. Students will not be assigned more than one detention per week. Additionally, students receiving frequent detentions will be placed on a behavior plan. Referral to CPST may also be appropriate.


If you feel a child has behavior disorders or shows an inability to learn and progress at a typical/common pace, follow the Comprehensive Problem Solving and Evaluation Process. Please refer students ASAP and complete the appropriate CPST packet (see School Counselor).

Teachers should refer students suspected of having a disability or behavior disorder immediately but no later the week before Thanksgiving. The only exception is in the case of students who enroll at SCES after November 1 st. In that case, students should be referred within eight weeks of their enrollment date.

The county has mandated that the length of time from parental consent to the initial staffing will be no longer than 90 school days. Compliance with this procedure is affected by the amount of time that it takes to get all forms back properly filled out. The teacher is a vital link in this process. Please expedite this process by completing out all papers in a timely manner.

Do NOT diagnose a student. Do NOT tell a parent that you think the student is SLD, Gifted, EH, or has any other exceptionality. Do NOT recommend tutoring for a student. Evaluations can only be done by a school psychologist and eligibility determined by committee, which includes the parents.

There is a separate procedure for Gifted Referrals. A Gifted Referral in writing may be made directly to the ESE Specialist.


Discipline guidelines are established in Policy #5301 as follows.

The principal, or in his/her absence, the person in charge of the school, shall have the responsibility for maintaining overall discipline within the school setting. The Principal shall share with Updated 4/30/18 the teacher the responsibility for maintaining proper school conduct and morale. Further, he/she may delegate to the teacher such responsibility for control and direction of the students he/she considers desirable. When and where such responsibility has been delegated the teachers shall be supported in any reasonable action they may take.

The Board shall do everything within its power to protect and support the Principal and teachers in their disciplinary role. This shall include legal support in accordance with Florida Statutes, Sections 230.234. In addition, the Board shall assist members in bringing about penalties for the disruption of school functions or assault upon the instructional staff as set forth under Florida Statutes Section 231.06 and 231.07.

Corporal punishment must not be utilized to discipline children by anyone employed by the School Board of Broward County. At no time is a student to be hit or threatened. Do not grab, hit, or manhandle a student!!! Please immediately contact the front office for needed assistance.

All suspensions or expulsions shall be made in accordance with Florida Statutes and Board Policy 5006 by Administration only. Please complete the referral in Virtual Counselor and email the Assistant Principal when referring a student.

The Principal and Assistant Principal are the only individuals on campus who may suspend students. Other individuals may recommend suspension and must supply supporting documentation. You abdicate responsibility when you refer a student to Administration. The AES program will be offered in lieu of external suspension whenever possible and appropriate.

The following rules shall be observed:

1. A teacher may not place a student outside classroom unsupervised or suspend a child from class or school. However, in cases where an emergency situation develops, the teacher will take such steps as are reasonably necessary to protect the students. The use of reasonable force necessary to isolate a disruptive student from the classroom shall not constitute corporal punishment as defined in Section 232.27 Florida Statutes, and shall not be used as a basis for the suspension of any member of the school staff holding anyone liable for such an act unless the force used is degrading or unduly severe as to its nature. It is recommended that teachers remove other students from a situation when a student becomes out of control and call the office for assistance. The teacher’s first responsibility in this case is the safety and well-being of the students who are not disruptive. This does not mean that the disruptive student is to be left totally alone, but it does mean that all other students must be removed from danger. After the students are safe, the office is to be contacted.

Updated 4/30/18 2. Teachers are NOT to contact parents to come and pick up a child for inappropriate behavior. All suspensions, internal or external, are to be done by Administration following proper procedures. Teachers are to contact parents and inform them of inappropriate behavior before a referral is sent to the office. Only in cases of fighting is there to be an immediate referral made to the office.

Please see Discipline Plan for more details.

3. A teacher must NOT place a student in an unsupervised location or deprive a student from recess or lunch for disciplinary reasons.

Field trips may not be taken away without a signed behavior contract well in

advance notifying the parent at the time the permission slip is sent home of

the possibility of being excluded from the field trip if the existing behavior

does not improve. Administration must have documented proof of disruptive

behavior, which may lead to withdrawal of field trip privilege at the time the

permission slip is sent home. ONLY Administration may remove a student

from a field trip.

4. Do not send a student to the office who is receiving a referral. Complete the VC referral and notify an administrator. The administrator will call for the student at a later time. The Administration will process the referral in VC upon completion of the investigation and assignment of consequences as appropriate.

Though the Principal has the responsibility to maintain overall school discipline, the teacher must handle the majority of his/her disciplinary problems. Sending students to the office weakens the teacher’s leadership (Discipline with Dignity, p. 111). When a referral must be sent to the office, the teacher must fully explain the reason for the referral. Do not advise the student of the action that will be taken by the Principal/Assistant Principal. (Incomplete referrals may be sent back to the teacher to be completed.) Consequences will be determined by Administration based on the child’s previous referrals. Please limit referral to serious offenses. All other offenses, such as incomplete work, not listening, etc. should be handled through interim reports with parent conferences. Teachers are to spend the first three weeks of school teaching their students the school and class rules.

Updated 4/30/18 Parents are to be sent a copy of class rules, consequences, and rewards by the end of the first week of school. Students enrolling after the first week of school will be given a 1st day packet by the front office.

The School-wide Discipline Plan is posted on the school website and CAB. Parents may request a hard copy.

Students will be referred to Administration as a last resort should a problem persist. Administration will use appropriate procedures, but please be reminded you abdicate responsibility when a student is referred to Administration.

Be alert to surface issues, such as teasing, acts of aggression, verbal threats, bullying etc. Addressing these initial concerns early will often times prevent major issues. Please contact parents of all students involved at the onset to ensure they are given an ample opportunity to assist with remediation techniques. Please thoroughly review the bullying section of the Discipline Plan.

All referrals require documentation prior to parent contact of a student’s prior behavior.


Ridiculing a child, sarcasm, placing a child outside with no supervision, unacceptable physical contact, assigning meaningless written work, depriving of natural needs, pinching, putting a child in restroom or closet, screaming continuously in classroom, extreme physical exercise, depriving total special activity period, or other indications of ridicule.


There is no supervision after 2:35 P.M. Students not picked up by 2:35 P.M. will remain outside unsupervised. Please post dismissal procedures near classroom door. This list must include how each student is to be dismissed.

Safety patrols are to be dismissed at 2:00 PM and be on their post by 2:05 PM.

All classes must be in the classroom by 1:30 PM. No classes are to be on the playground after 1:30 PM. Please prepare all students for dismissal at 2:00 PM. To aid the front office in the event of an early student dismissal, please notify the office if you are going to be out of the classroom for an unscheduled time.

Make sure that all students are quiet and have all their belongings ready. Students are to be officially dismissed by their classroom teacher. . Encourage students to leave school grounds promptly at dismissal time by escorting them to Updated 4/30/18 the appropriate crosswalk. Please do not hold any students past the 2:05 PM dismissal time without written parent permission. This includes aftercare students. See Dismissal Procedures – Pre-Planning Faculty Meeting Folder

All students must be escorted at dismissal time. The campus is to be cleared of all students not attending after-school care by no later that 2:30 PM, except in the case of inclement weather.

Teachers are expected to remain at designated dismissal areas until 2:15 PM daily.

For the safety of our students, parents are to report to the office when picking up children early. Parents are discouraged from picking up students for early dismissal, and pick up after 1:35 PM is not permitted. When a student brings a written request for early dismissal for any reason, it must be submitted to the front office.

Parents must sign children out in the office before they leave campus early. Teachers will not dismiss students to parents at the classroom door. Follow the early dismissal procedures listed in this handbook.

Students are to be reminded to walk during dismissal. Students should not call home for dismissal plans. These plans should be established before they depart from home in the morning.

In the event of an emergency, the Superintendent of Schools makes the decision for early dismissal. All schools are notified of this decision, and a public announcement is made by local media (radio/television) to parents and the community.

Each student in your classroom should have an emergency dismissal form. (Please retain a copy for your files and place it in the red folder to be located in the back of your plan book). Please discuss with your students the instructions given by their parents as to where the students are to go if there is an emergency dismissal.

The Emergency Dismissal forms and Mode of Transportation should be filed in a separate folder, properly labeled, and placed near your exit.


Mandatory School Uniforms required for all students. It is generally accepted that neatly groomed, appropriately dressed students tend to behave better than in cases where no attempts are made to encourage proper Updated 4/30/18 dress. Students will be expected to adhere to the Student Discipline Code and Conduct Booklet in matters of dress. Uniforms are mandatory. Students must always wear closed toed shoes. Students without proper footwear must sit out activity.

Teachers should naturally attempt to set a good example in matters of grooming and appropriate dress. Good grooming is taught by example. All staff members are asked to dress in a professional manner and use good judgment in the selection of attire.


Drills will be held ten times throughout the school year. An evacuation map is to be placed in each classroom in a conspicuous place near the door. Please refer to your calendar for dates. Please see the map posted in your classroom for the evacuation route your classroom should follow. Please contact the Administration in writing if your classroom does not have an updated Evacuation Map.

Drill procedures are to be rehearsed with the students during the first week of school. Appropriate behavior must be maintained to ensure safety. Students are to be kept quiet and in line. Teachers are to take lesson plan books and the red emergency folder with them when an alarm is signaled unless to do so would endanger the safety and well being of the teacher. Each teacher is expected to call roll once outside to ensure all students are accounted for. It is not acceptable to merely do a head count.

Fire Drill

1. A loud buzzer will signal evacuation. (Do not assume a drill is a false alarm. Always exit and wait for instructions.)

2. Everyone stands and moves directly out of the exit designated for your area. Teacher must verbally call roll.

3. Classes on the playground are to stop their activity.

4. Check all classroom bathrooms for children.

5. There is absolutely no talking during the entire time of the fire drill.

6. Support staff and paraprofessionals will check all public restrooms to be sure all children have left the buildings.

Updated 4/30/18 7. Once you have reached your assigned area, take roll to make sure each child has been accounted for.

8. Three bells will signal all clear to return to the building. Tornado Drill

1. When a Tornado Drill is announced, all students and staff will report to their assigned area.

2. Sit facing interior walls (inside your rooms).

3. No talking

4. Assume the arms over head, kneeling posture.

The PE teacher will be responsible for getting all children in PE in the proper location.


Parents are to report to the office when picking up children for early dismissal. Parents must sign children out before leaving campus. Teachers are not to dismiss children to parents at the classroom door. The office will notify the teacher to send students to the office for early dismissal.

A list of persons to whom a child may be released is found on file in the office. Special note should be taken regarding primary students and in cases where family situations warrant the elimination of a person from this approved list. A child shall not be released to any person not included on the registration and/or office information card.


The School Board has approved “early release” time for all Broward Public Schools. The purpose of the release time is to plan and implement School Improvement Plan objectives, and to provide professional development opportunities for staff, focusing on their School Improvement Plan.

The District has scheduled Early Release days. The exact dates for the school year are posted on the CAB Calendar.

Updated 4/30/18 Early release time will be at 12:05 PM. It will be the responsibility of the parent to pick up their child/children at that time on early release days.

In order to receive in-service credit, teachers must attend all meetings. Exceptions will only be made by the Principal.


Crisis Intervention Codes will be placed on the reverse side of staff ID badges.

Pupils who become ill or have an accident at school shall be sent to the office (if doing so will not compound the injury). If it is felt that moving an injured child will cause more injury, the following procedures are to be used.

 Contact the office immediately via phone or intercom. Inform the person answering that there is a Code Blue and state your room number. If you are not near an intercom or phone, send one child to the office with accurate information; i.e. Johnny Jones has been injured - he is on the PE field near the southwest corner. NEVER ALLOW MORE THAN TWO STUDENTS TO COME TO THE OFFICE.  Remove all other students from the scene.  Keep the injured child warm and comfortable.  Keep the child as quiet as possible.

If the nature of the child’s illness or injury is such that the child needs to be sent home, the office will notify the parent. Do not send students to the office to call their parent because they are ill. The office will make that determination, not you.


Teachers are responsible for collecting an emergency dismissal form from each student the first week of school. Send all forms to the front office at one time. Make sure they are in alphabetical order. Each teacher is to maintain a copy of the current emergency list of all students’ names, phone numbers, and addresses. In case of an emergency, this information will be readily at hand to contact the parents.

This information is to be in the red folder provided and placed in the teacher’s plan book or near exit for easy access. All teachers should make sure to have this folder in their possession along with their emergency contact list attendance book during evacuations (drills).


All staff members are to have a current address and telephone number on file in the office with the Office Manager. If you move or get a new telephone number, this information must be reported to the office as soon as possible. Make sure that we have at least one current number where we can reach someone in the event of an emergency.


The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is designed to help employees solve personal problems that may or may not affect job performance. The School Board recognizes that employees experience problems such as marital or family conflict, abuse of alcohol and/or drugs, stress and many other difficulties. Any employee may call EAP for assistance at any time. The Administration need not be consulted or advised of such calls.

With help, most employees can solve their problems and lead happier, more productive lives. Supervisors are encouraged to refer employees to the EAP for humanitarian reasons and when work performance problems arise that do not seem to be caused by the work situation itself. All referrals are in the strictest confidence. There will not be any reference to an EAP referral on an Employee Evaluation or Record of Counseling.

Self-Reporting Policy must be adhered to when an employee finds he/she in an undesired predicament.

See Self - Reporting Policy – Pre-Planning Folder


It would be advantageous to begin thinking about end-of-the-year responsibilities early in the fourth quarter. You will receive a list of exact requirements during May.


Updated 4/30/18 ESOL strategies must be documented in lesson plans on a weekly basis. In the back of the lesson plan book there should be an individual sheet of ESOL strategies for each student. Student names should be listed on the right side of each week’s plans. You can view which students are ESOL in Virtual Counselor or by asking the School Counselor.

Documentation of ESOL Strategies A list of strategies on a transparency in the plan book is not sufficient documentation. The strategies need to be listed weekly in the plan book as well as incorporated in daily plans when necessary. This is required since schools audited were cited for using a transparency.

ESOL Training It is the responsibility of each teacher to register through ESS and attend all required ESOL training per your teaching category. ESOL tapes may be checked out through the Media Specialist.


The county maintains a department that repairs school board property. Do not take items home to be repaired, or take items to outside shops to be repaired. If you have audio/video equipment that has been checked out from the media center that is in need of repair, please return it to the Media Specialist. Other equipment that is in need of repair should be given to the Technology Specialist. If you are uncertain of which person should handle a specific repair, ask Media Specialist.


The ESE process involving student referral is lengthy and time consuming. In order to provide timely responses and assistance, complete the referral packet within a one-week timeline. See Diagnostic Evaluation section for more details.

We know that Early Intervention is the key. Our main focus is student learning. If an individual student’s behavior impedes the learning and progress of the entire class, the student must be referred in order to establish interventions to encourage appropriate behaviors. If we are not meeting the student’s academic needs in the regular classroom, a referral should be considered.

Updated 4/30/18 EVALUATIONS

One component that Broward County Public Schools uses for the evaluation of instructional staff is the Marzano Model. Domain 1 through 4 protocols of the iObservation Tool will be used for data collection.

Administration will conduct at least one of each type of observation on each teacher during the school year; formal observation (30 minutes or more), informal observation (15-25 minutes), and snapshot (5-10 minutes). New teachers will be formally observed at least twice once during each semester.

The other component is the Value Added Model or VAM. A formula is used to determine the expected growth of a student dependent on their risk factors. The VAM is the amount of growth beyond the expected that a teacher adds. This is measured by performance on the state assessmentsFCAT. For teachers who do not teach an FCAT assessed grade or subject, their VAM is based on the performance of the school.

See Brainshark for more details, links posted in CAB Conference.


It is the Administration’s philosophy that the school is maintained by a team of professionals and is made successful by the contributions of all personnel. Faculty and staff members are asked to participate in various phases of the decision-making and planning of the school program. In keeping with this philosophy, committees are set up on a permanent and as-needed basis to perform various responsibilities. It is vitally important that the entire staff is represented on these committees. Please volunteer for committees that you feel strongly about.

The school is our responsibility. Our success depends on teamwork and team planning.


A Faculty Council is established to help solve problems at the school site through discussion of problems among the council. Issues and c C oncerns with a possible solution are to be submitted in writing to the Union Steward. The Union Steward, on behalf of the Faculty Council, will submit concerns with possible solutions in writing to the Principal. The Principal will prepare a written response to each concern and schedule a meeting with the Faculty Council to review and discuss concerns. The minutes from each meeting will be placed in all mailboxesemailed Updated 4/30/18 to the entire faculty. The submission will then be discussed among the Faculty Council and, if need be, will be submitted to the Principal for consideration.


Only School Board employees are permitted in the lounge. Students are not allowed in the faculty lounge. The soda and snack machines are solely for adult use.

Do not leave valuables in the lounge. Label your lunches. Please respect the property of others.

Remove all food, drinks, etc. from the lounge refrigerator the last day of each school week. The refrigerator may be cleaned out on Friday nights. Anything left in the refrigerator will be discarded, even if labeled.

If you use the microwave oven, please make sure that you wipe it out with a damp towel should your food spill or make a mess. The custodial staff will not be responsible for maintaining the cleanliness of the lounge refrigerators and microwaves except on a monthly basis.


Faculty meetings are generally scheduled every other Monday. Additional faculty meetings may be called when necessary. Attendance at all faculty meetings is mandatory unless arrangements have been made with the Principal or Assistant Principal in accordance with the procedures stated in the handbook for early dismissal. Do not schedule appointments or parent conferences on Monday afternoons.

FAX Machine

The FAX machine should only be used for official school business. All long distance faxes must be entered on the log.


The Bookkeeper will review and distribute a field trip packet to all teachers. For any all planned field trips, a Field Trip Form Packet must be completed and Updated 4/30/18 submitted to the BookkeeperAssistant Principal. The Assistant Principal will review all field trip packets and submit to the appropriate off-site contact for processing. All field trips must be planned and submitted for approval no later than the last Friday in OctoberSeptember, no exceptions. Seating charts must be prepared prior to boarding the bus. A list of students not attending and which class they will be with must be submitted to the office prior to leaving for the trip.

Educational field trips are an integral part of the elementary school program and their use is encouraged. All field trips must be directly related to the instructional program. Field trips are to be listed in your plan book.

Do not set dates, submit reservations, etc. until the Principal has approved your proposed trip and you have checked with the Bookkeeper for available collection dates. It is the responsibility of the field trip point person to notify the cafeteria of the need for boxed lunches at least one month prior to the trip. Whenever possible, do not schedule trips that require a boxed lunch on a Monday. Lunch schedules will be altered by administration should the need arise to accommodate the grade attending the trip. The times for all trips will be from 9:00 AM to 1:30 PM. Lion Country Safari trips and water field trips are prohibited.

Field trips should occur only as an outgrowth of, or supplement to, some aspect of the curriculum. Teachers’ judgment should be employed in deciding whether or not an excursion is desirable in terms of distance, expense, and ease of supervision.

A student may be taken off a trip by Administration only if documentation exists with a parent signature acknowledging the possibility well in advance of said removal. Responsibility for student behavior rests entirely upon the chaperones. Only in emergency situations should the bus driver need to be concerned with the students’ conduct. A teacher or chaperone may not deny a student the right to participate in a field trip. Field trips may not be denied as a means of punishment or used as a reward.


Out of county field trips must be approved by the Superintendent before students are notified of the trip and final arrangements are made.

Written permission must be obtained from the parents in order for the child to go on a field trip. No student may go on a field trip without written parental permission. Students may not telephone their parents to give verbal permission to go on a field trip. Updated 4/30/18 See Money Collection Do’s

Monies collected for field trips are to be turned in to the Bookkeeper/Office Manager/IMT on a daily basis at the teacher’s earliest break the same day money is collected in the Field Trip Envelope. Turn in the collection envelope even if no money is collected. Do not hold any money overnight.

Please do not accept permission slips without payment and vice versa.

At least one chaperone per ten students shall be provided on every field trip. A list of chaperones is to be submitted with the field trip information. The Principal, Assistant Principal, or designee will cancel field trips without adequate chaperones. Please do not ask Paraprofessional, Support Staff, or Specials Teachers to accompany the class on the field trips. Parent chaperones are preferred, except on the 4th grade St. Augustine trip and 5th grade end of year field trip. Volunteers to chaperone must be approved volunteers. It is the individual teacher’s responsibility to check the volunteer binder well in advance to ensure chaperones have been cleared.

The field trip packet must be provided to the office three days prior to departure on the field trip. The envelope is to contain the following items:

1. Original student permission slips 2. List of chaperones with emergency information 3. Trip itinerary (Return to campus by 1:15 PM) 4. TDA with job # (one for each employee going on the field trip)

The teacher is to take the following items with him/her on the field trip:

Bus seating chart 1. Emergency Contact SheetCopy of permission slips 2. Trip itinerary 3. Directions to destinations 4. Any prescription medication from the clinic.

In case of an emergency on a field trip, contact the school IMMEDIATELY.

GRADE BOOKS (Pinnacle)

Grades in Pinnacle are to be maintained by all teachers and sent home bi-weekly for students of concern for the purpose of communicating to parents.

A minium of one grade t least two grades per week isare to be recorded per subject. However, two grades per week are strongly encouraged. Assignment Updated 4/30/18 description should indicate the skill/benchmark reflected in the assignment. Make sure that the date the grade was given for a specific skill/benchmark correlates with the date the skill/benchmark was indicated in your lesson plan book.

Be sure that the quarterly grade averages in your Pinnacle and on interims correlate with the grades indicated on your report card. Students are not to receive any grade lower than the lowest grade documented on an interim or conference form dated no less than 2 weeks prior to the end of the marking period. See CAB Calendar for dates.

Teachers are to submit Pinnacle hard copies of all grades to the Assistant Principal upon the completion of the school year. Pinnacle records/reports are legal documents and should be maintained neatly and accurately. Attendance must be recorded in Pinnacle on a daily basis by 9:00 AM.


All Grade Chairs must submit TDAs and secure a substitute well in advance. (See calendar for dates) Grade Chair Release Days will be held every month. Grade Chairs will sign-in and plan to take copious notes to share at their Grade Group Meetings. All Grade Chairs are to be present. If your substitute does not show up, you will have to remain with your class and obtain the notes from the meeting. If absent due to illness or planned absence, the Grade Chair should consult with administration to assign a team member to substitute and take notes. All information presented must be discussed thoroughly with the entire grade level at the next Grade Group Meeting.


Grade groups/teams are established to ensure consistency in the curriculum provided for the students, as well as, provide an avenue for collaboration and sharing of best practices relevant to all members of the team.

Grade groups are to meet each Wednesday from 2:15 PM - 3:00 PM to plan for the upcoming weeks. During these meetings the Grade Chairperson/Team Leader will share information discussed at the Grade Chair/Leadership Meetings. Grade meeting minutes should be submitted by Friday of each week to the Assistant Principal. The minutes should also be utilized to communicate grade level concerns and give feedback on any practices or procedures that need clarifying or enhancing. Please be sure to use the Minutes form provided.

Updated 4/30/18 GRIEVANCES

School Board Policy states: Any complaint, problem, or dispute which affects the conditions or circumstances under which an employee works involving interpretation, or application of an existing Board Policy and this agreement; or a condition which jeopardizes employee health, and/or safety.”

Procedure: The employee shall first attempt to resolve the grievance through free and informal communications with his immediate supervisor (school Principal). If the grievance is not settled informally within a reasonable time following knowledge of the act or condition which is the basis of the complaint, the grievant may file in writing a grievance with the school Principal or the immediate supervisor. If the grievance is not settled at the second step, it may be appealed to the Area Superintendent of Schools. If the grievance is not settled at the third step, it may be appealed to the Superintendent of Schools. If the grievance is not settled at the fourth step, it may be appealed to the Board. If the grievant is not satisfied with the disposition of the grievance by the Board, the grievance may be submitted to arbitration before an impartial neutral.


Pupils should be grouped in accordance with skill development in reading and in mathematics and placed on levels commensurate with their achievement. Each teacher is expected to be cognizant of the ability of each pupil. Where achievement is significantly different, the teacher should analyze reasons for such a discrepancy and make every attempt to guide achievement more closely to each student’s ability level. Whole group instruction is to be utilized where appropriate with reinforcement being given for those students achieving above or below the average level.

Teachers are to work cooperatively in and between grade levels to establish a consistent curriculum for students. Each teacher will have reading groups so that children can be grouped with others at various abilities.

ESE students may continue to be pulled for services. The homeroom teacher and the ESE teacher are to discuss the ESE student’s progress on a regular basis. All teachers involved in the student’s curriculum are to be in contact with the parent/guardian. Report cards, written reports, etc. are to be prepared by all teachers working with the child. Updated 4/30/18 All students are to be administered diagnostic tests in reading and mathematics to determine student needs. This is to be done within the first two weeks of school.


No student is to leave the classroom without a buddy and a pass.


There are three major reasons for homework: It teaches students self-discipline, independence, and responsibility. It increases academic achievement through reinforcement and remediation. It expands the curriculum by permitting students to learn in “real” situations at home through projects and extension assignments.

There are three types of homework: 1. The most familiar is practice exercise, which provides opportunities to apply new knowledge, or to reinforce newly acquired knowledge. 2. Preparatory homework makes students obtain background information on a unit of study so they are better prepared for the following day’s class. 3. Extension assignments, such as science projects, creative essays, and social science investigations encourage students to pursue knowledge individually and imaginatively.

Homework is NOT to be graded. However, completion or lack of should be noted in the study skills section of the report card.

Teachers are to take note of students who regularly do not complete homework assignments and take action to assist the child in remedying the problem.

Homework is to be given Monday through Friday. The standard set by the district is approximately 10 minutes per grade level, meaning a 3rd grade student should have about 30 minutes of homework each night. All students Grades 1 through 5 are to utilize the Homework Planner.

Grade level homework guidelines are to be established to maintain uniformity from one class to the next within each grade level. These guidelines are to be explained to parents during Open House and/or individual conferences.


It will serve teachers well to remember the following in regard to testing practices:

1. Standardized test materials should be secured at the school level under the direction of the Principal until the tests are administered during the time designated by the county testing department. 2. Do not reproduce items from various standardized tests for use either as instructional materials or as a so-called “teacher-made” tests. 3. Do not use results of a previous item-difficulty report to get pupils ready for a test by teaching specific items on the standardized test. 4. Do not develop elaborate sets of drill materials that use the same specific content - especially vocabulary, spelling, science, and social studies - possibly just changing a few of the answers in multiple choice questions. 5. Do not give one form of an achievement test just a few days before giving a second form that is part of a district survey. 6. Do not exclude from a survey test one or more normal pupils who are known to be weak achievers or who say they don’t want to take the test. 7. Do not exclude one whole section of a class of normal children from a survey because they belong to a low-aptitude group and are known to dislike tests. 8. Do not stretch the time limits when it appears that many pupils won’t finish a test or a test section. 9. Do not interrupt a test to explain to the class a seeming difficulty in the test directions or to “doctor up” the directions when these are to be read aloud by the examiner. 10.Do not give help to pupils during a test when the test manual does not allow it. 11. Do not give special help to poor readers in a class; for example, in mathematics; by reading test items aloud unless such accommodations are listed on the student’s IEP.

Please note: The School Counselor/Testing Coordinator will conduct detailed grade group meetings on procedures before all standardized tests.


There is an excellent selection of programs provided by the Instructional Television Department. Teachers are encouraged to utilize these programs. Lesson plans must include the times, titles, and benchmark/relevance to curriculum of the programs being viewed.

At no time should regular program viewing occur without prior approval of the Administration. If “down time” exists, utilize it to read aloud to the class.

Updated 4/30/18 INTERCOM

An attempt will be made to limit all announcements to the time before classes start and after students leave.

Afternoon announcements, when necessary, will be brief and factual between 1:45 PM – 2:00 PM.

Please note: “All calls” on intercom by office staff must be approved by Administration before announcements are made. To ensure accuracy, all “all calls” should be placed in writing.

Please instruct students that they are not to answer a call over the intercom. Also teach them that they are to become quiet immediately upon hearing a call over the intercom. Be careful what you say over the intercom as everyone in the office - parents, students, teachers, etc. - can hear what is said. Use professional discretion in using the intercom.


It is the teacher’s responsibility to inform parents in writing concerning any academic or behavior concerns via an interim report whenever necessary to ensure proper documented attempts of parent notification and assistance. All students must have at least 2 interims on filereceive an interim each quarter. THE FIRST INTERIM FOR ALL STUDENTS MUST GO HOME IN THE FIRST QUARTER.

Additional interim reports should be prepared for any student that drops one or more letter grades or is expected to earn a grade of C (3) or below on the report card. Interim reports are to be submitted to Team Leaders for review. After corrections per Team Leader feedback are made, interim reports are to be submitted to administration prior to being sent home.

Interim reports are to be issued on the designated date in accordance with School Board Policy 5104. Teachers of students who are experiencing difficulty are to issue additional interim reports. This requirement includes but is not limited to Art, Music, PE, Media, Spanish, and regular classroom teachers.

In the event that a student’s behavior and/or grades drop after the regular interim report issuance date, the teacher(s) involved must send an interim report before that student can receive the lower grade on his/her report card.

A signed copy of the interim report must accompany the report card when submitted to Administration for review. Report cards with a drop of one or more letter grades or a grade of C or below in academics and/or behavior must have Updated 4/30/18 signed, supporting documentation or they will be returned to the teacher for correction.

These reports must be sent home at least two weeks before the report cards are completedend of the marking period. Specials teachers are permitted to complete interim reports.

See CAB Calendar for Interim & Report Card Schedule.


Keys are issued by the Office ManagerBookkeeper to a teacher and are not to be used by anyone but the teacher, unless approved by the Principal. Teachers are not to allow students to use their keys.

Keys are not to be duplicated. Report lost keys to the Office Manager as soon as possible. Lost keys will not be replaced. You will only receive access to your room for the remainder of the year.


Only authorized personnel will use the machine. Please submit items to the Office Manager to be laminated. Please allow ample time for completion and return of items.


Lesson plans are to be visible on laptopdesk at all times. They are to be prepared and uploaded to the server no later than last day of the workweek for the coming week. They will be reviewed and initialed each Wednesday at the Grade Group Meetings by the Grade Chairperson. Lesson plans will be reviewed periodically by the Principal or Assistant Principal in accordance with School Board Policy. Please be sure they are complete and clear enough to be understood by anyone reading the plans. Include specifics, which you, the regular teacher, take for granted such as daily schedule, special procedures for certain students, and health concerns. You must include times for all subjects, specials, lunch, and recess when applicable.

Updated 4/30/18 Plans should be available during anticipated absences. Plans should be exact enough that a sub, new to Sea Castle can have a successful day.

Emergency plans are to be submitted to the Office Manager by the Tuesday following Labor Day. Emergency plans are to be updated quarterly and replenished as needed.

Grade level lesson plans are to reflect CCSS and/or NGSSSFL Standards in curriculum content and pacing. Supplemental materials, worksheets, filmstrips, etc. are to complement the curriculum. All of these supplemental items are to be listed in your lesson plans book by title, page, etc. and the curriculum area where they apply.

Plans are to be maintained by all teachers. This includes but is not limited to Media, Guidance, Speech, ESE Specialist, Specials Teachers etc. as well as the regular classroom teachers. Lesson plans will be a part of the evaluation process. Teachers demonstrating a pattern of not preparing plans may be subject to disciplinary action.

Remember that lesson plans are legal documents and can be used in court to verify that a student was taught the curriculum that was endorsed by the county and state.


Lost and found articles are kept on the stage area. All lost items should be turned in promptly. Items of value should be brought to the front office rather than the stage. Students should be encouraged to check the stage for lost items when picked up from lunch by the teacher.

Lost and Found items not claimed will be donated periodically to a charity.


The use of the school lounge is primarily restricted to the paid employees of Sea Castle Elementary School. In compliance with Federal Regulations, the school lounge has been designated as a non-smoking area.

Each person should help keep the lounge clean. The refrigerator may be cleaned out on Fridays and any remaining items discarded.

Please remember that classes are in close proximity. The Lounge is off limits to all students.

Updated 4/30/18 MAILBOXES

Staff members are to check their mailboxes each morning, during planning periods, and before leaving each day. All notices placed in mailboxes must be cleared through the Principal. Any notices that are to be sent home with students must be approved by the Administration well in advance.


Materials & Supplies Supplies are made available to teachers for the instructional program when available funds exist. The materials are kept in a central storage area and are available upon request by Grade Chair. Teachers may NOT interrupt office personnel for supplies.

Reimbursements No faculty member may purchase any item for which he/she expects reimbursement without prior approval from the Principal. Requests for supplies and materials not available within the school may be made at any time via the Office Manager. Requests will be granted or denied by the Principal only on the basis of available funds. Reimbursements for pre-approved purchases will not include taxes paid.


Teachers are not to administer medications to students, nor allow any student to take medication in the classroom. Students who bring medication to school are to be sent to the office with the medication.

Medication will be administered from the office to those students who have a completed Authorization for Medication Form from the Broward County Health Department on file.


Updated 4/30/18 Teachers are to keep all letters from parents. Notes that authorize a change in student transportation, verify absences, or indicate a forthcoming student absence are to be sent to the office. Teachers will be given a copy and are to file such notes after they are returned by the office. Teachers are expected to respond to all correspondence within 48 hours.

Do not allow a student to change his/her mode of going home without written authorization from his/her parents. To avoid miscommunication, please do not send messages to parents through students.


All monies to be collected in the name of the school must first have written authorization by the Principal. Forms may be gotten from the Bookkeeper, to request expenditure of monies, record monies collected, and request reimbursement for monies spent (must have been preapproved by Principal).

Turn in monies collected to the Office Manager, IMT, or Assistant Principal to the Bookkeeper on a daily basis at the teacher’s earliest break the same day money is collected. This includes, but is not limited to, monies collected for field trips, etc. It is the intent of the auditing department that the school pays all expenditures by school check only. Auditors check all forms for correct procedures and information. All monies collected must be funneled through school internal accounts. These collections are to be recorded on a Monies Collected form. Always keep a copy of this form for your records. Teachers are prohibited from collecting money for book orders such as Weekly Reader.

Receipt books must be properly maintained and must remain in the front office. Receipt books are not to be taken out of the office at any time. All receipting should occur in the presence of the Bookkeeper. Money collection envelopes must be turned into the Bookkeeper DAILY at the teacher’s earliest break the same day money is collected, even if they are empty.


Barring technical difficulties, morning announcements will be televised every morning at 8:05 AM. If announcements are not made over the closed circuit television, they will be done over the intercom. Every class is sitting quietly and listening to announcements every day promptly at 8:05 AM.


Updated 4/30/18 Monthly newsletter articles must be submitted by each grade level point person. Contents should include benchmarks taught, field trips, etc. Please email a Word doc attachment to Assistant Principal. See Master Calendar for exact dates.


All notices sent to parents must have prior approval from the Principal well in advance. Remember that the school and its staff are reflected in our written messages. Notices must be typed and have correct grammar and spelling. The school name and address must appear on all notices as well as the date. All letters requiring letterhead must be approved by the Principal.


Administration will conduct at least one of each type of observation on each teacher during the school year; formal observation (30 minutes or more), informal observation (15-25 minutes), and snapshot (5-10 minutes). New teachers will be formally observed at least twice once during each semester.

A pre-conference and post-conference will be held for each announced Formal observation. A post-conference will be held for all Formal observations. All post- conferences will be held within 10 days of the observation. Teachers may request a post-conference for any observation. Forms in iObservation may be used for pre-conferences of experienced teachers.

See Brainshark for more details, links posted in CAB Conference.


Ordering of all supplies is to be done on the appropriate requisition form by the team leader and submitted to the Assistant Principal.

Purchases of supplies made by an individual teacher are not allowed and will not be reimbursed. Any purchase made without prior written approval from the Principal will be considered a personal purchase and will not be reimbursed.

All materials and supplies purchased with school or PTA funds become property of the school. Teachers leaving the school or transferring to different grade levels or programs are to leave all materials and supplies in the room they occupied during the school year.


Paraprofessionals play a vital role in the instructional process and should be actively involved in the school program. Paraprofessionals will be available to assist teachers in selected programs.

Under the supervision of instructional staff, paraprofessionals assist in the preparation of instructional materials, supervise students in the cafeteria, as well as, arrival and dismissal from school. Their main function, however, is to assist students with skill reinforcement.

Paraprofessionals are not to be solely responsible for classes and must not take small groups outside the view of the classroom teacher. A teacher must be in a supervisory position of his/her class at all times.


Paraprofessional meetings will be held as needed by the Administration. Please feel free to make suggestions of items of concern that you feel should be addressed. Suggestions may be submitted via E-mail or Grade Group Meetings.


The Parent Phone Link will be utilized to announce special events and field trips. All Phone Link messages must be approved by Administration. Please email all message requests at least one week in advance. Messages should be succinct.


PTA stands for Parent Teacher Association. In order to keep lines of communication open and to adequately serve the public, the faculty is urged to become a member and to actively participate in PTA. Teachers are not automatically PTA members. To belong to the organization, you must pay the required dues.


Updated 4/30/18 Parties are only permitted in December and at the end of the school year on the designated dates, please see CAB Calendar.

Parents are invited to bring store bought cupcakes during their child’s lunch time to celebrate his/her birthday. Parents must be an approved volunteer and stay to distribute the cupcakes. Please note balloons, candy, party favors will not be permitted. Florida Administrative Code Section 64E-11 prohibits the use of food prepared in a private home and therefore cannot be used within school grounds.


Placement tests are to be administered to all students during the first two weeks of school to determine appropriate placement for small group instruction. Students entering after the initial test period should complete the tests within one week of entering.


See Playground Safety Rules and Regulations

Please be sure to utilize appropriate playground equipment for the age group. Example: Primary students are not to utilize the Intermediate playgroup equipment or vice versa.

Teachers and staff are not to take chairs outside during outside activity. Active supervision demands the teacher’s attention. Moving among students at play is necessary. Passive supervision, sitting, is not appropriate. All teachers are to adhere to this policy.

When you take your class outside for recess on the field please move your classes far out onto the grass so nearby classes are not disturbed.

Please note: A 30-minute recess is mandatory School Board Policy on the days that Physical Education is not taught.



Please read the Code of Ethics, Principals of Professional Conduct and the Standards of Competent Professional Performance. The School Board Updated 4/30/18 Handbook is available in the Principal’s office. Please be familiar with policies that relate to your position. Self-Reporting Rule


If a power failure should occur, the office is to be notified immediately. All students and staff are to stay in their classrooms, remain calm, and open all windows and doors. Every effort will be made to rectify the situation in an expeditious manner. Patience is the key word in these situations.


Every teacher should read and comply with “The Code of Ethics and Principles of Professional Conduct”, and “Standard of Competent Professional Performance”. See Code of Ethics

REFERRAL PROCEDURES Behavior/discipline referrals should only be completed after other interventions have been implemented and the undesirable behavior continues. The only exception is in the case of extreme or dangerous behaviors. Keep in mind that when a child is sent out to have an administration or another individual deal with the behavior/consequences, the teachers authority is diminished.

PRE-REFERRAL GUIDELINES (For repeated misconduct)

All teachers must have rules and consequences visibly posted in the classroom. A. Individual implementation of classroom discipline plan.  Classroom consequences  Time-out…. Somewhere else  Guidance/ESE Specialist/Reading Resource Specialist B. Student/Teacher Conference  Written contract/behavior plan for student C. Parent Contacted-By telephone if possible (not during instructional time) Updated 4/30/18  Child should be present when teacher is speaking with parent  Teacher calls at another time  Notified by mailing/email concerns D. Detention (After school or during lunch)  If a child doesn’t serve a detention, the teacher will contact the parent to reschedule the detention  If after rescheduling the detention and the child does not serve detention, email AP E. Conference with Parent/Student/Teacher  At this time, a written contract is signed by parent/teacher/student F. Office Referral  Conference with Administrator  Detentions, internal suspensions, external suspensions, etc.


1. When should there be an immediate referral? Immediate referral would be implemented for any severe infraction. (See below.) For other referrals, follow the Six-Step Pre-Referral Plan.

Severe Infractions/Misbehavior: Severe misbehavior would include physically dangerous behavior. Illegal acts would include:  Possession of weapons  Controlled substances  Theft  Assault  Threatening student/adult  Vandalism  Physical violence  Profanity (audible and observed)  Insubordinate behavior  Sustained noncompliance  Defiance/verbal abuse toward staff  Refusal to comply with a reasonable adult instruction  Leaving classroom without permission

2. How do we access the student referral database? To access Student Referral Database

Updated 4/30/18 First sign on to Virtual Counselor. Once you are logged in, click on Discipline Management and create a referral. Once you have completed the referral, notify AP via email.

3. What should be the next step when chronic misbehavior occurs? (Recommended to Administration) Discipline Matrix will be used to determine consequences, such as:  In house suspension  Parent/teacher/administrator conference  AES (off campus facility for suspension)  Suspension


Student report cards are to comply with School Board Policy 5104. The Assistant Principal, Administrative Designee and Team Leaders will review all report cards before they are sent home.

Please adhere to the schedule for submitting Report Cards to Grade Chairs and the Assistant Principal. All areas of the report cards are to be properly completed before report cards are submitted to the office. The only exception to this requirement is when the fourth quarter report cards are submitted to the office, the attendance will not be completed. This section is to be tallied on the last day of school. Estimates, etc. of attendance will not be accepted.

An interim report documenting parent notification must be attached for any grade lowered, grades of C/3 or below, or behavior concerns. A signed copy of the most recent interim report is to be attached to the report card when it is turned in for review.

SPECIAL NOTE: School Board Policy stipulates that a student must be in attendance twenty-five (25) days in a Broward County School during a quarter in order to receive grades for that period. Please send home the appropriate memo from Administration to parents of students with less than 25 days in attendance.

If a student transfers from school “x” and has been there 13 school days and here at Sea Castle Elementary School 12 days, we are required to give a report card.


Please direct any visitors without proper visible authorization to the office. It is preferable that you escort the individual to the office. In the event you are unable

Updated 4/30/18 to do so, please call the office immediately to notify them of the unauthorized person and their whereabouts.

Every effort must be made to keep laptops, purses and other valuables secured in classrooms/ cabinet/ door locked when staff is not in the room.


All staff members should be aware of School Board policies that affect their job. All School Board policies are located on the school board website.

Any questions about School Board policies may be directed to the Principal/Assistant Principal.

Please be familiar with these School Board policies:

POLICY #5104 Reports Cards, Grades, and Promotion/Retention POLICY #6000.1Standards of Service-Curricula-Elementary and ESE POLICY #5301 Discipline-Corporal Punishment POLICY #5006 Suspension and Expulsion POLICY #5100 School Education Records POLICY #2304 Weapons POLICY #4008 Responsibilities and Duties (Principal and Instructional Duties) POLICY #6303 Field Trips POLICY #6306 Homework POLICY #6318 Copyright Materials


In the event that school will be canceled on a regularly scheduled day due to weather conditions or other emergency situations, a phone relay will be employed to notify faculty and staff members of the situation. A copy of the phone relay will be given to necessary staff members. Numbers are confidential and are not to be shared with anyone.


See School Improvement Plan.

A School Advisory Council is in place at Sea Castle Elementary School. The Team consists of elected parents, teachers, non-instructional staff, community business representatives, and the Principal. Meeting dates and times will be Updated 4/30/18 posted in the office and on the marquee. The School Advisory Council will meet to discuss the school’s programs, achievements, and goals. All members are expected to attend.


Mandatory Uniform Policy must be enforced by all staff members. Please contact parents for the first two offenses and document the dates and infractions. Notify administration for subsequent violations.


Any early departures must be approved in advance by the Principal. The Assistant Principal may approve early dismissals in emergencies only. Requests to leave early are to be made on the proper form at least 24 hours before the requested date. Those leaving campus for official school business must complete a Temporary Duty Assignment (TDA). TDAs are to be filled out at least three days in advance and must be signed by the principal to be authorized. When submitting a TDA, attach the flyer of the meeting describing the event you’d like to attend.


Smoking is prohibited in all areas of the school. This is in accordance with School Board Policy as well as state law. Please do not smoke or allow parents to smoke in any area of the school campus.


Special teachers are hired to implement programs that are necessary to provide all students a balanced educational program. The curriculum should be integrated with regular classroom activities when possible. If special teachers are held accountable for their programs and are expected to plan activities and materials for anticipated numbers of students, then it is important that all students attend these classes at the designated time. Students are to arrive as a group at the designated time to all scheduled special classes.

Updated 4/30/18 Send all students to all special classes. Not allowing students to attend Art, Music, PE, Media, etc. as a punishment should not be done regularly. Keeping students for intense remediation is allowed.

Teachers are to walk students to and from the special classes, unless special classes are held in the class. When arriving at the classroom, make sure that the teacher acknowledges the “receipt” of the class. Please be on time when dropping off and picking up students. When Specials are held in your room, please return from planning/break on time. Tardiness disrupts the remainder of the day for special teachers.

Be sure to inform the special teachers if your grade group will be going on a field trip that will affect that special schedule.


Teachers are required to sign a verification form and review the Conduct Code to familiarize yourself and your students with the stipulations on dress, etc. Please be sure that students have an understanding about what clothing is and is not appropriate. This information must be included in your lesson plans. View ITV and collect all forms before you submit them to the office. Grades 3-5 are required to administer a post-test and sign verification form.

Parents may be asked to bring a change of clothes to school for any student who wears clothing that violates the mandatory uniform policy. The best way to establish appropriate dress and grooming is to model these behaviors. Though there is no dress code for teachers, you are encouraged to dress in a professional manner.


Students are not to be left alone for any reason. Teachers are responsible for the safety and well being of all students in their class during the regular school hours.

Inadequate supervision occurs when a teacher supervises more than one class at any time. Do not put yourself in the position of being liable for a student’s injury by leaving your students unsupervised. Paraprofessionals may not be left alone with students at any time.


See AES.


A child is officially withdrawn from a classroom only upon notification from the IMT. Please print out Pinnacle hard copies of grades and attendance for the student’s CUM folder before the child is officially removed from Pinnacle by the IMT. A Report Card is required for any student withdrawing with less than three weeks remaining in the marking period.

The IMT is responsible for sending the CUM folder to the receiving school. The teacher is to review the cum, include Pinnacle printouts, and obtain Team Leader signature, and return the cum within 3 days of official notification from IMT.


A specific procedure for sub plans has been established and will be used uniformly throughout the school. These procedures are to be adhered to by all teachers.

 Substitute folders will be prepared by each teacher and kept on file in the Front Office.

 Every procedure used in the classroom is to be included in the folder. Example: Arrival/Dismissal Procedures, Daily Schedule, Lesson Plans, extra handouts.

 Substitute plans consisting of two complete days work in detail is sufficient.

 Insert a copy of Behavior Plan, recess time, school map, morning and dismissal procedures.

 The work is to consist of review yet be rigorous and relevant. New information should not be taught by a substitute. Be sure to include more work than you know the students are able to complete.

 Please do not schedule computer lab/ laptop cart use.

Updated 4/30/18  Plans are to be updated each time they are used. IF PLANS ARE NOT AVAILABLE, THE TEAM LEADER’S WILL BE UTILIZED.

 If not used, the plans are to be updated at least once each grading period.

 The only time the substitute folder will not be used is when there is a preplanned absence and it is possible for the teacher to carefully prepare detailed lessons for the substitute. The Office Manager is to be notified of this exception to the procedure each time it occurs.

If at any time you feel that a substitute performed unsatisfactorily, please inform the Office Manager of such. Take into consideration the following when evaluating the performance of a substitute:  Attendance record  Adherence to class schedule  Condition of classroom  Classroom management


It is the responsibility of the classroom teacher to place notices in each student’s Wednesday folder. Whenever possible, notices will be placed in mailboxes by noon on Tuesday for home delivery that week. In the event handouts are not ready by Tuesday, you will be contacted to send a student to pick up notices in the afternoon. Read all notices before they are sent home. Be sure that all notices go home on time. Please post a copy of all notices in your classroom.

Items placed in mailboxes for distribution to students must receive administrative approval.


All students who enter the classroom after 8:05 AM are to be marked tardy by the classroom teacher. Any student entering after 8:15 AM must have a tardy slip from the office. Any student who does not have a tardy slip must be sent to the office to obtain one.

Parents of students who are tardy more than three times should be notified by the teacher. Any student who is tardy more than five times may need to be referred to the Child Study Team and/or School Social Worker.


In the event that a teacher is to perform his/her duties at a location other than his/her regular assignment, that teacher must complete a record of such an assignment. The temporary duty assignment (TDA) is to be completed by the teacher and kept on file in the office.

Such duty shall include, but is not limited to, workshops, conventions, field trips, and professional improvement visitations. TDAs must be approved by the Principal prior to calling sub finder. TDAs are to be approved at least three days in advance of the change of duty.

All TDAs presented for approval must have the flyer of the workshop attached, if applicable. Out-of-county TDAs must be submitted fourteen days in advance and submitted to the Superintendent. When planning to attend a function that requires a TDA, check with the Office Manager immediately in regard to the completion of this form. All approved TDAs must be presented with a job number inserted on the top right corner.

Participation in workshops is encouraged. All workshops through in-service must relate to SIP goals, be relevant to our students and/or the curriculum, and must be cleared in writing through the Principal before the necessary paperwork is submitted.

A travel voucher and trip report must be used when attending a conference located out of the area requiring reimbursement. Original receipts must be presented along with a travel voucher and trip report forms. A TDA must be on file indicating estimated expenses prior to attending the event.


An inventory will be conducted (23) times each school year. Teachers are expected to ensure all books are issued through a numbering system. Each teacher is responsible for an account of all textbooks. Students are to be made aware that they must pay for lost and damaged books. Report lost books to the Textbook Coordinator. The student who was responsible for the book will be fined.

Please do not send current editions home unless students are held accountable for their daily return. In the event that books are not returned daily, conference with the parent and warn them that continued use will be contingent on daily return. Send supplemental books whenever possible.


Tornado drills should be conducted at least twice a year to familiarize all students and faculty with the procedures.

A. Warning System Utilizing the intercom system - listen and follow directions.

B. Tornado Warning 1. Pre-alarm. 2. Bell repeated five times or more 3. All occupants of the school take position from windows seated on the floor in a duck and tuck position - preferably in the hallways. 4. Teachers account for every child in the class and maintain quiet. 5. All-clear bell - follow directions given over the intercom.

C. Special Situations 1. Support staff assists in assigned area and take position. 2. Office staff supervises students in office and take position. 3. Support staff direct students in restrooms and halls to a class and take position. 4. PE teacher move all students inside, supervise, direct, and take position. 5. Students in cafeteria carefully take position under tables. 6. Cafeteria staff assists students and take position.

D. Reporting Readiness of Building The Assistant Principal will assign support staff members to supervise designated areas on campus.

The main consideration in these procedures is to remain calm and help students remain quiet. Panic will only result in more injury than is necessary. Your first and foremost responsibility is to the safety and well being of the students.


Maintaining a high quality instructional staff and providing a rich and varied curriculum should minimize the need for individual tutoring. Every effort should be made by the Principal and teachers to help the student with educational problems before recommending that parents engage a tutor. Teachers are NOT to recommend parents employ a tutor for their child.

School Board Policy 4202 prohibits a teacher from receiving reimbursement for tutoring a student in any of his/her classes. A teacher tutoring a child not in his/her class may not charge a fee if using school facilities or materials for this tutoring and must receive written permission from the Principal. This permission Updated 4/30/18 may be given by the Principal after conferring with the concerned teacher. An exception to this policy is made in regard to music teachers. TEACHERS THAT TUTOR THEIR OWN STUDENTS MAY NOT RECEIVE PAYMENT FOR SERVICES.


All staff members must view a mandatory video. Scheduled dates for viewing will be made available through the Assistant Principal. A sign-off sheet will be available in the Assistant Principal’s office for signatures.


Each member of the instructional staff should consider that it is his/her responsibility to report any incidents of property damage by students or others so that restitution and repairs will be made. This pertains to the damage of equipment, materials, and furniture, or to the building property.

To help limit vandalism, here are some helpful hints:  Be sure you lock the classroom door when leaving the room.  Students should not handle classroom keys.  No money should be kept in the classroom.  Do not bring large sums of money to school with you. Purses should be kept secured out of sight, in a desk drawer or file cabinet.  Notify the main office whenever you see a stranger or older student on school grounds


Videos may be ordered from the County Film Library through the Media Specialist. Such requests are made on a County Film Request Form, which can be obtained from the Media Specialist. When completed, this form is given to the Principal/Assistant Principal for approval. After appropriate approval, the Media Specialist will then make arrangements for the video to be sent to the person requesting it. Videos are to be returned to the County Film Library on time.

Videos are to be ordered to enhance curriculum. Lesson plans are to include the titles of all videos being used, the time it will be used, and the subjects for which it is applicable. Any video that is not obtained from the county must also be approved by the Principal/Assistant Principal and must be on the county’s

Updated 4/30/18 approved collection list. The Media Specialist has this list on file in the Media Center.


Parents must make an appointment at least 24 hours in advance if they wish to visit your classroom. Inform the office if a parent is coming to your classroom. The office will not grant “spontaneous visits” by parents. Part of the contractual arrangements between the BTU and the School Board restricts the number of interruptions to the classroom. This requirement of advance arrangements for parent visitations helps us restrict interruptions. Please do not tell parents in conferences, etc. that they can “drop in” unannounced. They will be turned away at the office. All visitors must report to the office before entering the school campus. The office personnel will issue visitors a pass. The office is to be notified immediately of any persons who do not belong on campus.

If a parent comes to your classroom without a pass, ask him/her to return to the office for a pass. If he/she refuses, contact the office. Do not allow the parent into your classroom during school hours without a pass. AT NO TIME ARE PARENTS ALLOWED TO REMOVE A STUDENT UNDER YOUR SUPERVISION.


All staff members are assigned specific voicemail boxes. Voicemail MUST be checked at least twice a day, as phone message/calls will be transferred to voicemail during the instructional day. Paper phone message notification will not be used. Incoming calls will not be transferred to the classroom during instructional hours, EXCEPT in extenuating circumstances. Parents will expect a return call within 24 hours of leaving a voicemail. STAFF MEMBERS MUST FOLLOW PROCEDURES IN SETTING UP PERSONAL GREETINGS BY THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL.


All persons wishing to volunteer their time are to fill out a volunteer application online. After being cleared, teachers may contact volunteers, or vice versa, to arrange a mutually agreeable schedule. Work done by volunteers is to be coordinated by the classroom teacher. Volunteers are never to be left alone to supervise classrooms. Volunteers may work on bulletin boards, assist students on the computers, or read to/with students. Updated 4/30/18 All volunteers are to report to the office before going to the classrooms and sign out before leaving campus.

Many benefits are derived from the work performed by volunteers. They should be treated with the utmost respect and made to feel appreciated.


The school’s website will be available to parents for access to monthly newsletters, special announcements, lunch/breakfast menus, etc.

Teachers with a class website are to notify the Assistant Principal of the web address so it can be linked through the school’s website.


These folders are to be sent home each Wednesday. All graded work, flyers, newsletters, etc. should be placed in this folder. Papers should not be sent home on any other day unless otherwise stated by administration. It is recommended that teachers obtain parent signatures on the space provided to acknowledge receipt.


All work related accidents must be reported to the office on the day of the accident. Specific instructions must be followed when calling in any claim and only doctors approved by Worker’s Compensation Insurance can be seen for treatment. Any delayed claim of more than twenty-four (24) hours will not be honored. Worker’s Compensation information can be obtained from the IMT or Office Manager in the absence of the IMT.

Please note injuries that occur while off-campus or performing tasks outside realm of your job description may not be covered unless you have prior authorization from administration.

All doctor and therapy appointments must be scheduled after working hours.

Updated 4/30/18 Updated 4/30/18

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