Szenenprotokoll: American History X

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Szenenprotokoll: American History X

GK Englisch 11.2 Fr. Hartmann

Storyboard: MATRIX

Total running time: 2:10:36 Total number of scenes: 79

Chapter Scene Time Action 1 1 0:00:00 opening credits 2 0:00:40 screen with trace program running, voices of a man and a woman in the background 3 0:01:25 police officers catch Trinity 4 0:01:59 agents arrive, talk to police officer 5 0:02:46 Trinity kills the police officers 2 6 0:03:17 Trinity talks to Morpheus, runs away from the officers and the agents 3 7 0:06:19 computer screen with ongoing search for information, Neo asleep in front of his PC, Morpheus contacts Neo for the first time, Choi visits Neo, picks up a tape 4 8 0:09:19 discotheque: Trinity and Neo meet for the first time, Trinity warns Neo; central question: “What is the matrix?” 5 9 0:11:28 Neo talking to his boss in the software company 10 0:12:24 Neo at work in his cubicle; agents close in on him, Morpheus guides him; Neo does not take the scaffold Morpheus advised him to use 6 11 0:16:06 Neo is arrested by the agents 12 0:16:20 Neo is questioned by the agents, is offered a deal, does not accept it; is implanted with a bug 7 13 0:20:40 Neo wakes up in his bed, Morpheus calls him, orders him to a bridge 14 0:21:40 at Adams Street Bridge: Neo is picked up by Trinity, they debug him 8 15 0:24:06 Neo is brought to meet Morpheus, Morpheus tells Neo about the matrix 9 16 0:27:40 Morpheus offers Neo a choice: blue pill, story ends; red pill, he will stay in wonderland and Morpheus will show him how deep the rabbit will go 17 0:28:38 Neo meets the rest of the crew, is injected/is covered with green, cold liquid 10 18 0:31:07 Neo awakes in his “cell”, discovers there are huge numbers of human beings in similar cells around him, spider-like animal descrews him from his wires 19 0:32:53 he disappears together with his fluid into some sort of sewer system, is picked up and brought into the ship where he is greeted by Morpheus and Trinity: “Welcome to the real world” 11 20 0:33:55 Trinity and Morpheus talk to Neo 21 0:34:16 Neo with needles in his body, is medically taken care of by the crew 22 0:35:12 Neo wakes up, is officially introduced to the rest of the crew by Morpheus 12 23 0:37:06 Neo learns about the matrix: is injected, then finds himself in a computer program together with Morpheus; Morpheus explains about AI 24 0:40:33 Morpheus explains about the use of human beings as energy resources 25 0:42:10 Neo wakes up, doesn’t want to believe what he was told, freaks

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13 26 0:42:34 Neo awakes, realizes he cannot go back, Morpheus explains about Neo being “the one” 14 27 44:41 Neo rests to be fit for his training, Tank begins to train Neo in fighting techniques 15 28 0:46:58 Neo awakes after his first day of training lessons, shows his new skills when fighting Morpheus; cross-cutting: the others are watching the fight 16 29 0:51:20 Neo does his first jump (falls down) 30 0:52:37 the others watch 31 0:52:50 Neo and Morpheus awake in the ship again 32 0:53:22 Tank brings Neo some food 33 0:53:46 Trinity and Cypher talk about Neo 17 34 0:54:13 Neo and Morpheus in a training program for the matrix: “woman in red” 18 35 0:56:36 ship is searched by a sentinel which tries to destroy them, they escape 19 36 0:58:38 Neo and Cypher talk about the encoded matrix 37 1:01:06 agent talking to Cypher about their deal: he will turn over his crew and receive a new life in the matrix in exchange 20 38 1:02:36 crew at breakfast, Morpheus announces that Neo will go to see the oracle 39 1:04:25 Tank gets the ship ready to go and see the oracle 21 40 1:05:00 Neo, Morpheus and Trinity are on their way to see the oracle 41 1:07:46 arrival at the oracle’s place 22 42 1:09:35 Neo meets the oracle, she makes her prophecy that he is not the One 43 1:14:15 Neo meets Morpheus after the prophecy 23 44 1:14:38 Neo and Morpheus meet up with the rest of the crew, are on their way back to the ship as the agents close in on them and attack them 24 45 1:17:44 agents still follow the crew, crew tries to get out through the wet wall, they are found, Morpheus sacrifices himself for Neo 46 1:20:23 Morpheus and Agent Smith meet and fight, Morpheus is arrested 25 47 1:21:36 cross-cutting: 1) Cypher on the phone in the matrix 2) Tank in the ship 3) Trinity, Switch, Neo 48 1:22:30 Cypher is back in the ship, kills Tank and the other guy 49 1:23:08 cross-cutting: 1) Trinity, Neo, Switch, other guy in the matrix 2) Cypher in the ship 26 50 1:26:04 Cypher in the ship talking to Trinity 51 1:26:57 Tank comes back, kills Cypher 52 1:27:12 Trinity + Neo, phone rings, Trinity is back in the ship 27 53 1:27:43 agent Smith questioning Morpheus, putting pressure on him 54 1:29:42 cross-cutting: 1) ship 2) agents with Morpheus 28 55 1:33:26 agent Smith and Morpheus during questioning 29 56 1:36:57 Trinity and Neo enter the agency’s building 30 57 1:40:05 other agents inform agent Smith that the building has been invaded 58 1:40:15 Trinity and Neo in the elevator, they get ready to free Morpheus, elevator falls down and explodes 59 1:41:24 agent’s room: sprinkler is turned on

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60 1:41:33 Neo and Trinity attack the building over the roof, Neo ducks under the bullets 31 61 1:42:38 cross-cutting: 1) Neo and Trinity take the helicopter, come through the window, save Morpheus 2) Tank giving them orders 32 62 1:45:48 Neo saves Trinity when the helicopter crashes 63 1:47:41 Morpheus contacts Tank who sends them to an exit 64 1:47:50 agents on the roof 33 65 1:48:20 subway station: Morpheus goes back, old man turns into agent 66 1:50:02 Neo fights Agent Smith, scene interrupted several times by short shots of Trinity on the ship 34 67 1:51:50 fight between Neo and Agent Smith continued, attack of subway train, agent survives, Neo runs off 35 68 1:53:57 cross-cutting: 1) on the ship: attack of sentinels 2) Neo in the matrix on the run 36 69 1:57:28 continued: Neo on the run 70 1:57:37 Neo is confronted by Agent Smith who is already waiting for him in room 303; agent shoots Neo, but Neo fights back because he believes he can 71 1:58:15 ship: Neo’s life line goes dead 72 1:58:22 agents check the corpse: “he’s gone” 73 1:58:45 on the ship: Trinity tells Neo she loves him and the oracle’s prophecy came true: oracle had said that she would fall in love with “the One” 74 1:59:45 Neo awakes, fights the agents, stops their bullets 37 75 2:00:33 continued: Neo fights Agent Smith 76 2:01:44 cross-cutting: 1) in the ship: invading sentinels, Trinity pushes emergency button 2) Neo in the matrix 77 2:02:16 Neo awakes in the ship 78 2:02:40 computer screen, parallel call of Neo: says he is going to show the people in the matrix the real world 38 79 2:03:30 Neo in the matrix 2:04:06 end of movie (action) credits 2:04:07 credits 2:10:36 end of credits


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