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The Link-Letter Aug. 23, 2013 v. 8-34

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New items are highlighted.

INDEX News for Agency Staff here Events for Agency Staff here Work Opportunities in the Senior-Serving Sector here Items for Board Members here Items for Seniors here Volunteer/Work Opportunities for Seniors here


1. The ESCC asks member agencies to participate in the 2013 Boland Survey of Not for Profit Salaries and Human Resource Practices. There is no charge. The ESCC will purchase the final report and pay for an analysis of the seniors sector. The deadline to submit data is the end of August. To register for your participation package, go here.

2. Save the date! The ESCC board of directors is organizing a Meet the Candidates Breakfast event for Oct. 15 from 7 to 8:30 a.m. at the Chateau Louis Conference Centre, 11727 Kingsway. This is an opportunity for executive directors and board members of ESCC organizations to speak directly with municipal council and mayoral candidates about issues of concern and interest to seniors and to the senior-serving sector. Mayoral candidates will speak briefly to the entire group but attendees will have the chance to educate and influence council candidates through informal face-to-face discussion. The deadline to register for this free event is Sept. 30. Email Rich at [email protected] or call 780-423-5635.

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1. “Sometimes we need photography to create a complex interplay between reality and illusion.” Lifestyle advertising photographer Tom Hussey has created a stunning set of photos depicting elderly subjects as they once were and as they are today. His Reflections series is worth checking out. To do so, go here.

2. “Most non-profits chase low-return fundraising efforts that lock them into a band-aid approach that is far from financial sustainability. Few non- profits create and execute on an overall strategic financial model that aligns with the impact they want to achieve and their organizational assets. We have to stop the madness.” To read more of the Markets for Good commentary, Addressing the Non-profit Fundraising Elephant in the Room, go here.

3. “Most seniors agree their community is supportive, but many lack confidence in their community’s preparedness for the future needs of the growing senior population. Seniors across all audiences believe more investments should be made in transportation, health care and housing to support seniors.” These are just a few of the finding in recently- released The United States of Aging Survey report. To read it, go here.

4. A recent PBS News Hour segment profiles “the village movement or virtual retirement communities: a new community model that lets seniors enjoy all of the security and social amenities of a retirement community without leaving their homes”. To find out more, go here.

5. “An emotionally close grandparent-adult grandchild relationship is associated with fewer symptoms of depression for both generations. The greater emotional support grandparents and adult grandchildren receive from one another, the better their psychological health.” To read more of the CTV News article, Grandparents, Grandkids Help Boost Each Other's Well-being, go here. For an American Sociological Association press release on the research, go here.

6. Flashy layouts and expensive printing don’t attract thoughtful donors. They look for detail about how their money will be spent. The recipient organization needs to show that it is in control: it knows exactly what it needs the funds for and how they are going to be spent. “They are not just asking for money with an implied ‘trust us, we’ll use it well’ promise.” To read more of the Sumac (a U.S.-based non-profit software company) article, Real Donors: Why Some Charities Get Added or Removed From Our Giving List, go here.


1. The University of Alberta and Alberta Health Services present this year’s Dr. Gerald Zetter Memorial Lecture Geriatric Grand Rounds at Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital at 12 p.m. on Sept. 10. Guest speaker David Oliver will address the topic Services in England for Prevention and Treatment of Fall and Fragility Fractures in Older People. For an event poster, go here. To register, go here.

2. “Our health services, systems and specialisms were designed for a young population, often with ‘single diseases’, and are more geared up towards treating illness than to the prevention and better management of long- term conditions. We also suffer from ageism and age discrimination within health services.” To hear more from Dr. David Oliver on Making Health Services Fit for an Ageing Population: What Else do we Need to Do, plan to attend the Alberta Association on Gerontology networking dinner on Sept. 11 at University of Alberta Faculty Club. For more information, go here. For a registration form, go here. The deadline to register is Sept. 5.

3. The Canadian Centre for Activity and Aging will hold a Home Support Exercise Program Facilitator Training Workshop from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sept. 16 at Villa Margueritte, 9810 – 165 Street, Edmonton. The course cost is $315, tax and manuals included. For more information, go here. To register, contact Nazia at [email protected] or 1-866-661-1603 ext. 82059.

4. Volunteer Edmonton offers a Volunteer Management Fundamentals workshop on Sept. 23, 24, Oct. 7 and 8 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. daily. Participants must commit to attend all four sessions. They are intended for staff new to volunteer management and organizations just beginning to implement a volunteer program. For more information contact Amanda Sokol at [email protected] or 780-732-6649. To register, go here.

5. Catholic Social Services offers its next Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Sept. 26 and 27. “This workshop is helpful to all people who wish to understand what people at risk of suicide are needing from the caregiver. This program is designed for all people interested in learning suicide first aid skills.” Registration is $185. Sessions are held at 8212 - 118 Avenue, Edmonton. To register, contact Kari Boult at 780-420-6081 or [email protected]. For a complete course description, go here. 6. The Alberta Caregivers Association will present a My Fair Fashion Show in conjunction with its tenth annual luncheon and silent auction fundraiser on Sept. 26 from 11 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at the Chateau Louis Conference Centre, 11727 Kingsway Avenue, Edmonton. Tickets are $45 or $400 for a table of 10. For more information or to purchase tickets, go here or call 780-453-5088. For an event poster, go here.

7. Alberta Culture Days, Sept. 27 to 29, celebrate “our heritage, arts and cultural diversity”. They provide a platform for organizations to spotlight their cultural programming. For resources to “help you plan and promote your events” go here. For more information, go here.

8. Alberta Health presents an International Wellness Symposium on Oct. 1 and 2 at Lake Louise. To find out about the program for Wellness: It’s For Life, go here. To register, go here.

9. The Edmonton Chamber of Voluntary Organizations is accepting registrations for its Oct. 3 and 10 Financial Management for Non-profits workshop series. Sessions will be held from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in the Commonwealth Stadium Green and Gold Room. The first week’s sessions cover financial roles and responsibilities, policies and procedures, and developing and tracking budgets. The second week’s sessions deal with financial statements, audit preparation, and compliance and reporting. For more information contact Mandie at [email protected]. To register, go here. The cost is $200.

10. The Good Samaritan Society is accepting registrations for its annual spirituality and wholeness workshop on Oct. 11 at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church in Sherwood Park. The event will feature Dr. Robert Neimeyer on the topic of Grief and the Quest for Meaning: The Spiritual Arc of Tragic Loss. For more information and to register, go here. Early bird registration until Sept. 10 is $80.

11. This year’s Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital Foundation Spotlight on Research Breakfast will be held Oct. 23 at 7 a.m. at Northlands. The guest speaker will be Dr. Jane McGonigal, game designer and futurist. For a biography, go here. She will demonstrate “how Internet games can help solve some of the biggest challenges facing our world”. The event will include “interactive displays to showcase innovations such as virtual reality and robotic systems which can improve rehabilitation across all sectors”. For more information and to purchase tickets, go here. 12. The Royal Canadian Artillery Band presents A Musical Salute: A Tribute to Our Veterans on Nov. 10 at 2 p.m. at Edmonton City Hall. Admission is free. “Featuring the Rhythm Gunners Big Band and the RCA Pipes and Drums, the performance will celebrate the ‘good times’ of military life.” RSVP to [email protected]. Email to invite “our Windage Salon Orchestra to visit your institution during September and October to perform WWI and WWII music favourites” and “notify us if any veterans require transportation and/or disabled seating at the (City Hall) concert”. For more information about the band, go here.

13. The International Federation on Ageing’s next Global Conference on Aging: Health, Security and Community will be held June 10 to 13, 2014, in Hyderabad, India. It’s the country’s fifth largest city, metropolitan area included; winner of the Clean and Green City of India award for three consecutive years; “nerve centre of the IT, Biotech and Pharma sectors”; and “Convention Capital of India”. For more information, go here. The early bird registration deadline is Oct. 31, 2013.

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1. Age-Friendly Edmonton, a collaborative initiative between the City of Edmonton, Edmonton Seniors Coordinating Council and Edmonton senior serving organizations, has issued a request for proposals for a research project on How Edmonton Seniors Access Information. The successful applicant will, “based on literature review, stakeholder interviews and focus groups, and research, develop a report that provides clarity as to how seniors of diverse socio-economic backgrounds access information about resources and services in Edmonton”. For the complete RFP, go here. The deadline to apply is Sept. 6.

Top of document ITEMS FOR SENIORS

1. South East Edmonton Seniors Association (SEESA), 9350 – 82 Street, will hold its annual open house, pancake breakfast and fall class registration event on Sept. 5 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The cost of breakfast is $5. “New memberships, available for $35, will get you the rest of 2013 and all of 2014.” Pay What You Can Week, Sept. 16 to 21, enables you to “try out classes before committing to anything”. For a schedule of participating classes, call 780-468-1985.

2. Seniors Citizens Opportunity Neighbourhood Association (SCONA), 10440 – 84 Avenue, Edmonton, holds its fall fundraiser barbeque, dance and silent auction on Sept. 6 from 6:30 p.m. to 12 a.m. at Ritchie Community Hall, 7727 - 98 Street, Edmonton. The theme is Cowboy Country, so attire is country casual. Music will be provided by the Edmonton Highlites. The event is open to everyone over the age of 18. Tickets are $25. Call 780-433-5377 for information.

3. The Bernadette N. Swan Social Care Foundation invites you to share in a celebration of the importance of the role of grandparents in intergenerational relationships, family relationships and community involvement on Sept. 7 at the Shaw Conference Centre. Cocktails are at 6 p.m., dinner is at 6:30 p.m. and the presentation of Grandparent Awards of Distinction takes place at 8 p.m. For more information and a ticket order form, go here.

4. Seniors Assisted Transportation of Greater Edmonton (SATS) will hold its ninth annual Grandparents Day celebration on Sept. 8. Doors open at 11:30 a.m. and brunch will be served at noon. The event will be held at the Woodcroft Community League, 13915 – 115 Avenue. Tickets are $15. “Help SATS pursue its missions of keeping Edmonton seniors living independently.” The event will include live entertainment by seniors as part of SATS’ Canadian Seniors Idle program and a silent auction. For more information and to purchase tickets, call 780-732-1221 or email [email protected].

5. The Edmonton and Area Land Trust hosts its “inaugural celebration of the land and its bounty, local food, and communal dining” on Sept. 8. “Join us for a five course gourmet dinner accompanied by wine pairings, reminding all of the source of wholesome food and the value of respecting the land that fulfills our needs.” Appetizers and fun activities are at 4 p.m., dinner at 5 p.m. For more information and to purchase tickets, go here. 6. Central Lions Seniors Association, 11113 – 113 Street, will hold its annual Welcome Back pancake breakfast from 9 to 11 a.m. on Sept. 10. Tickets are $3 and the deadline to purchase them is Sept. 4. Breakfast includes three pancakes, two sausages, juice and coffee or tea. The event is an opportunity to check out fall programs and meet some of the instructors. For more information call 780-496-7369.

7. The Alberta Caregivers Association presents Compass for the Caregiver workshops at Strathcona Place Senior Centre, 10831 University Avenue, Edmonton, on Wednesdays Sept. 11 to Oct. 30 from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. (call 780-453-5088 to register), and at North Edmonton Seniors Association, 7524 - 139 Avenue, on Thursdays Oct. 10 to Nov. 28 from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. (call 780-496-6969 to register). The workshops provide “a safe and understanding environment to help you reduce stress, decrease guilt, learn how to get the most out of the system, and begin to care for yourself”.

8. North Edmonton Seniors Association, 7524 – 139 Avenue, will hold its Welcome Back fall barbeque on Sept. 12 from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Tickets are $5 and the deadline to purchase them is Sept. 6. The event will include a fundraising silent auction, “awesome food” and “lively entertainment”. For more information call 780-496-6969.

9. Calder Seniors Drop-in Society, 12963 - 120 Street, Edmonton, holds its Welcome Back Lunch on Sept. 12. Doors open 12 p.m. Entertainment with Ron Williams follows at 1:30 p.m. Tickets are $10 for members and $12 for non-members. For more information call 780-451-1925.

10. Nominations for Stars of Alberta Volunteer Awards are now open. “From students to seniors, volunteers are the backbone of our communities and you can help to recognize their selfless generosity.” The awards honour volunteers whose “efforts and contributions have made a significant difference in their community and helped to improve the lives of community members”. Two awards are intended for seniors. The deadline for nominations is Sept. 16. For more information, go here.

11. Coffee Break, the Alzheimer Society of Canada's “major nationwide annual fundraiser”, gets underway Sept. 19 and continues into October. “Participants at these events make a donation in exchange for a cup of coffee. The money raised stays in that province or community to help support local programs and services.” For more information, go here. To contact the Alzheimer Society of Alberta and Northwest Territories’ Edmonton office, call (780) 488-2266 or email [email protected]. 12. Home Instead Senior Care will offer a free Family Caregiver Alzheimer's Dementia Care Workshop on Sept. 21 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Westend Seniors Activity Centre, 9629 – 176 Street, Edmonton. “This workshop will help you learn the causes of Alzheimer's and other dementias, recognize the symptoms, discover how the diseases are diagnosed, and understand more about the behaviours common with Alzheimer's and other dementias.” To RSVP, email [email protected] or call 780-439-9990. For more information, go here. The workshop will also be offered on Oct. 26.

13. Strathcona Place Senior Centre, 10831 University Avenue, Edmonton, holds its annual Falling Leaves Bazaar on Sept. 28 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. “Every room in the building is filled with all kinds of special items: homemade baking, sewing, raffles, door prizes, pottery, woodworking, art work, huge garage sale, books, puzzles, tea room and so much more!” For more information, call 780-433-5807.

14. Ital-Canadian Seniors Association will celebrate the twenty- seventh anniversary of its founding on Sept. 29 from 2 to 4 p.m. The event is free and open to the public, and will include live entertainment and refreshments (coffee and cookies). The association is located at 9111 – 110 Avenue, next to the Commonwealth Stadium parking lot. No registration or RSVP is required.

15. Jewish Senior Citizens’ Centre, 10052 - 117 Street, Edmonton, offers a Learning in Retirement Series starting on Oct. 7. Sessions include Pop, Politics & Protest – Popular Music with a Social Conscience with D.T. Baker; “Rockin” Artists of the Renaissance – How Renaissance and Early Modern Artists Danced Around Power with Luciana Erregue- Sacchi; Modernity, Morality and Democracy with Dr. David Wangler; and Israel and Its Neighbours with Abe Silverman. For more information call 780-488-4241 or email [email protected].

16. “Edmontonians may cast their vote using a special (mail-in) ballot if they are an eligible voter and unable to make it to an advanced vote or Election Day (Oct. 21) voting station because they are physically incapacitated, out of town or an election worker, candidate, official agent or scrutineer located at a voting station other than the one for their designated place of residence.” To find out if you are an eligible voter, go here. To find out the dates and times for advanced votes, go here. For instructions on how to vote at a voting station, go here. For information on how to request and use a special (mail-in) ballot, go here or call 780-442-8683. 17. An Edmonton senior, age 70, is seeking a female companion for international travel next year. A 10-day visit to the Bahamas in January and/or a cruise to the Panama Canal later in 2014 are possibilities. If interested in discussing destinations and travel arrangements, call Marjorie at 780-438-1322.

18. A professor at the University of Alberta wants to talk to volunteers about their bereavement. Donna Wilson has designed a study based on “concern that the intensity and duration of bereavement may be impacted by the bereaved person's perception that a ‘good’ or ‘bad’ death took place”. She has established that “bereavement intensity lessens over time, although nearly 50 per cent of participants were still considerably bereaved two or more years after the death”. She anticipates that “this study should help to enhance the likelihood of good deaths occurring”. To read more, go here. To arrange to be interviewed, call 780-492-5574 or email [email protected].

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1. Edmonton seniors are invited to “work the election” on Oct. 21. Available positions include presiding deputy, assistant presiding deputy, tabulator clerk, ballot clerk, deputy returning officer and standby worker. For complete job descriptions and information on how to apply, call 780-442-8683 or go here. Compensation for the positions ranges from $75 to $955.

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