Fourth Sunday in Lent

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Fourth Sunday in Lent

The Rock August 2012

Built on the Rock: Jesus Christ and Him Crucified for the forgiveness of Sins Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod 1555 W Ridgeway Ave. Waterloo IA 50701 Phone: 236-1771 e-mail: [email protected] web:

How Do I Confess My Faith?

Okay, so as Christians we are called by God to always be ready to confess our faith because we never know when God will use us to confess our faith to others. But what if you don’t feel comfortable confessing your

1 faith? Sometimes we as Christians don’t always know the right things to say when we are confronted with an opportunity to share what it is we believe.

For this reason my message this month will focus on a simple way to confess your faith (as taken from Luther’s Small Catechism). You should make an effort to memorize these steps, or at least have so much familiarity with them that you can remember the main ideas and verses easily.

1. God loves you! “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16).

2. You are a sinner. “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23).

3. God punishes sin. “The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Roman 6:23).

4. Jesus took our punishment. “But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8).

5. Jesus rose from the dead. “For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures, that He was buried, and He was raised on the third day according to the scriptures” (I Corinthians 15: 3-4).

6. Jesus offers forgiveness of sins and eternal life to all who believe in Him. “He then brought them out and asked ‘Sirs, what must I do to be saved?’ They replied, ‘Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved---you and your household” (Acts 16; 30-31). 7. Salvation is free—a gift from God! “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--- and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God---not by works so that no one can boast” (Ephesians 2:8-9). There are of course other verses from the Bible that you could use in these categories, and the more you know the better. But this outline, should you decide to memorize it, will help make you ready to confess your faith in a simple way to anyone who asks you. I urge you to get a copy of Luther’s Small Catechism if you do not have one, for yourselves, your families and the people God will put in your life to confess to. May we all prepare ourselves well for the work God has put us here to do.

Under His Mercy Pastor Killian Grace Alone, Faith Alone, Christ Alone, Scripture Alone, and to God Alone be the Glory!”

Worship Schedule: Sundays @ 8:00 and 10:30 a.m. Holy Communion is served every Sunday

2 Bible Study Schedule Sunday School & Bible Classes will not meet in August. Adult Bible Study, Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. Office hours: Monday- Wednesday & Friday 9:00 a.m. to noon Thursdays 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Web site: www. Check it out. If you have ideas of things you would like to see on it, send them to Kie at [email protected] VOTERS’ MEETING REPORT The July Voters’ meeting focused on a report from Bruce Clark on the Sanctuary Building plans. The Organ committee has been meeting regularly to collect information on the best course of action for the organ in the new Sanctuary. Two reports have been received and it is not yet clear if moving and repairing our pipe organ or buying an electronic organ is the best use of our funds. Two more organ experts will be contacted as we make this critical decision. Jeff Oltmann has provided updated drawings incorporating the most recent suggestions discussed in Building committee meetings. Be sure to look for the new drawings soon and make your thoughts known at the next Voters’ meeting. Rebecca Evers will lead the Furnishings committee to discuss options for pews and Chancel furnishings. Funding of the Sanctuary was discussed at length. Our pledges are on track at the 75% completion time. We have received approximately $193,000, moving strongly to our goal of $262,000. The total cost of the Sanctuary will likely be in the $500,000 range and we discussed how we will bridge this gap in funds. Several ideas were presented including asking for pledges for specific items, such as pews or windows, another Capital Campaign to start after the completion of our current campaign, and obtaining a mortgage. An informational poll was taken and the Voters’ unanimously voted to support a mortgage for the new Sanctuary, if we can improve our financial situation to support the mortgage payments. Support for a mortgage was still strong, but not unanimous, when our current financial situation was considered. The organ decision must be made before any further drawing updates can be done and a current cost estimate presented. The goal for the October Voters’ meeting is for the Building committee to present cost estimates for consideration. The Deacons report our congregation continues to grow through transfers and professions of faith. The Education committee is focused on Vacation Bible School beginning 7/15. Mike Smith and Pastor reported on the District convention and the re-election of President Brian Saunders to a second term.

Our Youth ROCK! High School Youth will not meet regularly during the summer. Please continue to attend Sunday School so you will know when something is happening!

Youth Group planning meeting for youth and parents is August 26 at 6:00 p.m. All High school age youth and their parents are invited. Call Brittany, 815-985-7958, if you have questions.

“But God demonstrates his own love for us in this; While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8 3 CHOIR is not practicing during the summer months. Consider joining us in the fall for the joy of singing the faith! For more information, talk to Pam Woolery, 641-343-8704 or e-mail [email protected]

OFFICIAL ACTS IN JUNE/JULY: Transfer in: Rebecca Roethler from Immanuel, Waterloo, 6/14 Jeff & Lezlie Bowers from Immanuel, Waterloo, 6/14 Kevin & Candy Diercks from St. John, Waverly, 7/12 Leah Tanney from Immanuel, Readlyn, 7/12 Adult Confirmation: Peter, Janelle, Hannah Beck 7/15 Profession of Faith: Darlene Doughty 7/15 CHANGES FOR YOUR DIRECTORY: New Addresses: Kent & Kris Larsen, 404 N Ellen St., Cedar Falls, 50613 Travis & Elisha Klima, PO Box 115, Mt. Auburn IA 52313 Add: Peter, Janelle, Hannah Beck, 1235 E Eagle Rd, 50701 - 342-2936 Jeff & Lezlie Bowers, 135 Lovejoy, 50701 – 233-0191 Kevin & Candy Diercks, 4209 Kris Line, 50701 – 231-4897 C: 269-9531 Darlene Doughty, 247 Kenilworth, Waterloo, 50701 – 232-1307 Rebecca Roethler, 1412 Prospect Blvd., 50701 – 233-9045 Remember Our Shut-Ins: Carol Schirm, 155 E Ridgeway Ave #230, Waterloo 50702 Steve & Kathy Boyken, 837 Sunrise Blvd., Waterloo 50701 Gleneva Wardius, 707 5th St, PO Box 26, Dike IA 50624

LUTHER’S CORNER: “Baptism means a lifelong gift for a lifelong task. These two parts, being dipped under the water and emerging from it, indicate the power and effect of Baptism, which is simply the slaying of the old Adam and the resurrection of the new man, both of which actions must continue in us our whole life long. Thus a Christian life is nothing else than a daily Baptism, once begun and ever continued. . . . What is the old man? He is what is born in us from Adam, irascible, spiteful, envious, unchaste, greedy, lazy, proud, yes, and unbelieving; he is beset with all vices and by nature has nothing good in him. Now, when we enter Christ’s kingdom, this corruption must daily decrease so that the longer we live the more gentle, patient, and meek we become, and the more free from greed, hatred, envy, and pride. . . . Therefore, let everybody regard his Baptism as the daily garment which he is to wear all the time. . . . If we wish to be Christians, we must practice the work that makes us Christians. But if anybody falls away from his Baptism let him return to it. . . .As we have once obtained forgiveness of sins in Baptism, so forgiveness remains day by day as long as we live. . . .

HOSPITAL STAY- Pastor Killian does make it a priority to visit the hospitals. However, the hospital will not call us to let us know when one of our members is admitted. If you know 4 ahead of time that you are going to be hospitalized, please indicate that on your record of fellowship or speak with Pastor Killian. If you are admitted suddenly, call or have a friend or relative call the church office for you. If no one is in the office at the time of the call, please leave a message on the answering machine.

FAITH BLIND OUTREACH Met on July 21 and had a lovely meal. Thanks to Jill for cooking again. The next meal is scheduled for August 18. We will need help with serving.

Please contact Kie Maas, 231-5711, Jill Killian, 429-3115, or Noreen Purcell, 230-8786, if you could help with the August Blind Outreach on Saturday the 18th.

Do you have information that you would like to share with the congregation? Please bring it or e-mail it ([email protected]) to the office by August 24 to be included in the September Newsletter

WOMEN OF FAITH met July 10th, officers Diane High, Becky Dalluge, and Elaine Irey were hostesses. Jill Killian led Bible Study on Galatians 5. Our next meeting will be August 14th at 6:30 p.m. at the Arboretum, 1927 E. Orange. Officers will provide refreshments. Kie Maas and Brittany Newton will present program on 40 Days for Life. All Women of Faith are welcome. Please join us. Q: Where is The Arboretum located? A: It is located directly east of Hawkeye Community College on East Orange Road. When traveling on Highway 20, take the Hawkeye Road exit and travel south, After three miles you will turn left (east) on Orange Road. The Arboretum will be on your left just past the college

Sunday School Join us for Sunday School classes as we continue to meet in July and learn how “Even the Wind and Waves Obey Him.” Youth and adult classes are available on Sunday mornings 9:15to 10:15 AM. July 22 – God Heals in the Jordan’s Water July 29 – God Reverse the Sun’s Shadow


A BIG THANK YOU to the many volunteers who taught classes during June and July! All the snacks provided for Sunday mornings were much appreciated and enjoyed by all!

Take time in August to share a favorite Bible story with your children or have them pick one. This can be a great faith building opportunity. These little ones can teach us all much about Jesus’ love and what it means to them. Think ahead and plan to join us when Sunday School classes resume September 2, 2012. As we prepare for a new year of learning, we will be needing teachers. Please consider this wonderful chance to spend time sharing the faith and getting to know our youth. You will be surprised at the 5 great joy they bring to your day. It is only an hour commitment and can be once a month or more. We have several teams working together to staff our classes. If you are interested or hve questions, pleas contact Deb or Vickey Smith.

“Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not turn from it.” – Proverbs 22:6 Wednesday Weekday School & Confirmation Classes for fall will begin on Wednesday, September 5. Supper 5:00-5:30 p.m. and class time 5:30- 6:45. Classes are available for ages 3 years through 8th grade. Volunteers are needed for kitchen help, serving and clean-up as well as teachers. This is an hour commitment, once a week or less (if team teaching) starting in September through mid May. Please prayerfully consider helping teach the children the faith. Contact Pastor Killian, or Deb and Vickey Smith if available.

There will be a confirmation information meeting for parents and confirmation age children on Wednesday, August 22 at 6:00.

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.” Deuteronomy 6:5-7

Ridin’ the Rapids! A Journey Filled with H2O! VBS- Vacation Bible School Ridin' the Rapids Vacation Bible School was a wonderful adventure! The children enjoyed learning about the gifts that God gives us. Many Faith members were a part of making VBS successful. Thank you for the time and effort that you gave to preparing and teaching: Peggy Carlson, Rachel Clark, Diane Clark, Becky Dalluge, Matt Dalluge, Brenda Douglass, Justin and Melissa Galloway, Sunni Hart, Pastor, Jill, Tori, Moira, Sophia, and Trinity Killian, Katrina Klingenberg, Kie Maas, Noreen Purcell, Mike and Vickey Smith, Lucas and Leah Tanney, Steve and Pam Woolery.

So many people do so much around our church that may go unnoticed. Here are some things that have been noticed:  Gardeners, watering, weeding and harvesting 6  Thank you to everyone who donated food, money and time for our VBS meals. It was a great success and blessing for Faith’s outreach to our community.  People that helped canvass the neighborhood for VBS  Thanks also to those helping to set up VBS, clean and reset the church. A BIG job made easier by many helping hands.  Thank you parents, families and friends, for bringing your children and others to hear and enjoy the love of Jesus and Faith Lutheran Church during VBS!

If you have noticed something or someone that should be recognized, please notify Kie in the office, [email protected] August Anniversaries 3 Christian & Lisa Preus (5) 25 Jason & Stephanie Gomez (11) August Birthdays 1 Larry Riggins 5 Mya Hart, Jim Meggison 6 Helen Stoffregen 7 Jim Dalluge 9 Chase Rath 10 Jalynn Gomez, Leah Tanney 11 Amanda Budde, Keller McBride 12 Toni Hilmer 13 Jason Gomez, Stephanie Gomez 18 Ashley Lorenz 21 Brandy Douglass 22 Norma Schurmeier 24 Kathy Boyken, Hunter Klima, Abby Larsen, Bill Swaim 28 Angela Gruber, Tori Killian 29 David Preus 30 Brian Wagner 31 Sharon Herrmann

FINANCIAL STEWARDSHIP FOR July (through July 15) Giving back as we’ve been blessed! Total undesignated income $ 8,872 Required to meet budget $ 8,535 Status (offerings compared to budget) + $ 337 Year to date - $ 604

TOTAL Dedicated to CHRIST Built on Nothing Less

“For every house is built by someone, but God is the builder of everything.” – Hebrews 3:4

7 Offerings received to date, (7/15/12) $195,753 We are at 74% of our 3 year commitment in 76% of the time!

Cattle Congress is coming September 16-18 If you would like to help at the LC-MS Booth, call Kie at 231-5711

WOW, the Garden is flourishing The garden is really producing a large crop of lettuce, turnips, zucchini, onions, cilantro, cucumbers and tomatoes. The tomatoes are starting to get ripe and there will be plenty. A lot of volunteer plants came up from last year and are mostly the ones that are caged. There are regular tomatoes, cherry, Roma and grape varieties. We have an extended garden over at the Wegener’s with beans, peppers and more cucumbers. The beets have been harvested and some were pickled. A second planting went in on July 12 to be ready for fall. EVERY MEMBER OF THE CHURCH IS WELCOME TO PICK THE GARDEN PRODUCE. It is best to come early in the day to harvest, but you are welcome to come at any time. It is free, not for sale.

Do you have information that you would like to share with the congregation? Please bring it or e-mail it ([email protected]) to the office by August 24 to be included in the September Newsletter

WHERE CHRISTIANITY MEETS CULTURE REAL REFORMATION RADIO…Do any of these topics interest you?: Simultaneously Saint & Sinner, Jesus Walks on the Water, The Parable of the Good Samaritan, James the Apostle, Johann Sebastian Bach and more. Issues, Etc. is a radio talk show produced by Lutheran Public Radio and hosted by LCMS Pastor Todd Wilken. You can listen to what you want when you want at


Sacred Music for the World at

The Lutheran Hour The Lutheran Hour can be heard each Sunday morning on the following stations: 6:30 a.m. on WMT 600 AM 7:30 a.m. on KCHA 1580 AM 8:00 a.m. on KWAY 1470 AM 8 9:30 a.m. on KXEL 1540 AM July 29 "The Redeemer or Rationalization?" The Redeemer or rationalization-which one rules your life? (Mark 6:45-52) August 2012, Lutheran Hour August 5, "Life Together" Lutheran Hour Speaker: Rev. Gregory Seltz Our life together in Christ is a beautiful love story of unity and peace in a fractured world. (Ephesians 4:1-16) August 12, "Retooled" Lutheran Hour Speaker: Rev. Gregory Seltz Retooled, reconstructed believers in Christ speak and act in ways that build others up with God's love. (Ephesians 4:17-5:2) August 19, "Hard to Believe, But True!" Lutheran Hour Speaker: Rev. Gregory Seltz Jesus has the words of eternal life. He is God's answer to your prayer before you even call. (John 6:66-69) August 26, "Will Jesus Find Faith?" Speaker Emeritus of The Lutheran Hour: Rev. Dr. Ken Klaus God's laws point sinners to their Savior. Men's laws sometimes keep people away. (Mark 7:7-9) The Lutheran Hour also podcast their broadcast. For more information go to

BLACK HAWK LUTHERANS FOR LIFE will meet at Valley Lutheran School on August 23 at 6:00 p.m. to plan our Cattle Congress booth and begin preparing for 40 Days for Life. All are welcome to join us.

40 Days for Life starting September 26 40 Days for Life is a community-based campaign that draws attention to the evil of abortion through the use of a three-point program:  Prayer and fasting  Constant vigil  Community outreach 40 Days for Life takes a determined, peaceful approach to showing local communities the consequences of abortion in their own neighborhoods, for their own friends and families. It puts into action a desire to obey God’s will in ending abortion in America. The 40-day campaign tracks Biblical history, where God used 40-day periods to transform individuals, communities. . and the entire world. From Noah in the flood to Moses on the mountain to

9 the disciples after Christ’s resurrection, it is clear that God sees the transformative value of His people accepting and meeting a 40-day challenge. The mission of the campaign is to bring together the body of Christ in a spirit of unity during a focused 40 day campaign of prayer, fasting, and peaceful activism, with the purpose of repentance, to seek God’s favor to turn hearts and minds from a culture of death to a culture of life, thus bringing an end to abortion in America. Keep watch for more information or call Brittany, 818-985-7958 or Kie 319-231-5711 to find out more.

Hurting from Abortion? WORD of HOPE can help. 888-217-8679


To receive the latest and most up-to-date information on the life issues, visit the LFL Life Blog. Go to Life Blog features news and commentary from Lutherans For Life--and more!


Rev. John Pless, Associate Professor of Pastoral Ministry and Missions at Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, is the featured speaker at the LFL of Iowa Conference.

Sunday, September 16 1:30 registration 2:00 - 6:00 Two sessions Concludes with light buffet Immanuel Lutheran Church W. Washington & Lee Lane Iowa Falls, Iowa

Rev. Pless is the author of several books including Handling the Word of Truth (the book we are using in Sunday Bible Class): Law & Gospel in the Church Today; A Small Catechism on Human Life; and Luther on the Care for the Sick & the Dying. During the weekend, Rev. Pless will help us answer important questions, such as:

 How do we live out our faith during the week? In the classroom? At work? In the neighborhood?  How do we properly distinguish between Law and Gospel so that we can resist evil, correct wrong behavior, and welcome repentant sinners?  What does God's Word of Law and Gospel have to say about life? Caring for our neighbors? Affecting the culture?

TIRED OF THE HEAT? TIRED OF TALKING ABOUT THE HEAT? Then don’t read any further because I am going to talk about the heat. I’m compelled to as it follows me wherever I go. I just returned from fifteen days of traveling and speaking. It started in Lubbock, Texas, and the Texas District (LCMS) convention. Okay, you should expect some heat in Texas. Lubbock did not disappoint—104. But relief would surely come as I headed to Northwest Iowa for the Iowa District West (LCMS) convention. The relief measured only four degrees—100.

I held out little hope as I headed back south to St. Louis for the American Association of Lutheran Churches’ convention and an end-of-life seminar in Florissant, Missouri. This was the high point of my trips—108! Michigan, where I gave a seminar on “Time to Speak” and preached at St. Peter Lutheran Church in East Pointe, would certainly offer relief. It’s always cold there. Wrong—98. But ten degrees is ten degrees. Perhaps it marked a downward trend. Not so. Maryville, Missouri, for the Higher Things youth conference—101.

Tired of the heat? Well, not so fast. It beats being lukewarm. “So because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of My mouth” (Jesus in Revelation 3:16). Not the most comforting of the “3:16” passages! Interpretations of Jesus’ words here vary because He does wish us to be either hot or cold in verse 15. So the contrast appears to be between two positives. The word for “cold” here appears only one other place, Matthew 10:42, as a positive reference to a “cup of cold water.” “Cold” may also mean the “coldness” of unbelief, which doesn’t seem too positive but at least there would be no resistance to the working of the Holy Spirit at it appears the “lukewarm” Laodiceans are doing in their self- sufficiency. “For you say, I am rich, I have prospered, and I need nothing …” (17a). “Heat” (Greek zestos) on the other hand is associated with being “zealous” in a positive sense. So go for the zestos!

11 This kind of “heat” followed me as well on my travels—a zeal, a zestos For Life! The Texas District delegates welcomed with zestos Jean Amundson as I introduced her as the Regional Director of our Renewal For Life® initiative in Texas. Jean is the first of what we pray will be many such directors across the country helping “equip Lutherans to be Gospel-motivated voices For Life” by assisting congregations to establish and train Life Teams to help make ministry in the life arena part of their ongoing Gospel outreach.

The AALC convention, where LFL has been asked to greet each year, expressed their growing zestos For Life by asking me to be one of their keynote speakers this year. LFL was honored to be part of their twenty-fifth anniversary celebration. A large crowd showed a zestos for The Other End of Life presentation in Florissant, Missouri. End-of-life issues not only occupy the minds of the infirm or elderly but of those who care for them. LFL’s Gospel-centered approach was very much appreciated.

A good number of “old time” LFLers and others who already have a good zestos For Life, came to be encouraged in the task and joy of “speaking” the message of life in both word and deed at the Time to Speak presentation in East Pointe, Michigan. The next day in church, zestos For Life was affirmed in comments following worship services and during the Bible study hour.

Gather 800 Lutheran young people together in one place and you will find plenty of zestos! The Higher Things participants also showed a zestos For Life. The young people who stopped by the LFL display and who attended our sectionals on stem cell research, exhibited an informed interest in this and other life related topics. They asked good questions and gave good answers to my questions of them. As always, their zestos fired me up!

While we may be trying to avoid the heat of these early summer days, we should be seeking the heat, zestos, when it comes to the zeal of sharing the message of salvation in Christ and the connection of this Gospel message to the life issues. Of course, “should be seeking” does not provide the proper motivation for doing so. True motivation comes from another “heat source.” It comes from the One who provides “gold refined by fire” that we might be truly rich and “white garments” to cover our shame and “salve” for our eyes so that we might see (Revelation 3:17). Zestos For Life flows from the source of life and new life. “Gospel-motivated voices” are truly zestos voices For Life.

Dr. James Lamb, Director of Lutherans For Life -Life Blog

“CHOOSE LIFE” Iowa License plates are now available to order here in Iowa! At this time they can only be ordered through Iowa Right to Life. 500 applications are needed before they can be printed. Go to and click on “hot topics” to download an application or you can get an application from the church office, call and ask for one to be mailed to you. Send the application to IA Right to Life now even if it isn’t time to renew your plates. They will send all applications to the State when they reach 500 and the County will notify you when they are ready so you can bring in your old plate and exchange it. Each “Choose Life” license plate costs $25 or $50 for a personalized one. A $5.00 fee will be added to your registration renewal cost each year.

Valley Lutheran School-

12 MISSION STATEMENT Empowered by the Gospel of Jesus Christ, Valley Lutheran Middle & High School will provide a Christ-centered learning environment in which the full potential of each student will be reached in academics and Christian service.

FOOD SERVICE POSITION: Sadly the Valley Lutheran School Food Service Director, Carla Gray has taken a teaching position in the Waterloo school system. Therefore, Valley Lutheran is looking for someone who will be our cook for the 2012-2013 school year. Please contact the school office for specific information on the position.

VOLLEYBALL CAMP FOR HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS: Crusader Volleyball Camp is August 1st, 2nd, and 3rd from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at Valley Lutheran School. Cost is $30.00 per Athlete. The first practice for the season will be August 6th. Any questions please contact Coach Newton at 815-985-7985. DEADLINE: Friday, July 27th The next STO application deadline is July 27, we recommend you not wait until the last minute. Go to www. For more information or application contact the school office at 266-4565.

GRADE SCHOOL ENROLLMENT UPDATE: Our NEW Grade School continues to grow in numbers. Families seeking to enroll for K-5 will be placed on a wait list once the class size reaches 20 enrolled. We continue to invite families with students in grades 6-12 to enroll. If you know of a family we should be contacting, please contact the school office at 266-4565. We also invite you to extend a “Crusader” welcome by providing a prospective family with a tour or give personal testimony to the benefits of attending Valley Lutheran School.

PLEASE SAVE YOUR HY-VEE RECEIPTS, BOX TOPS AND MILK MOOLA NOW! Thank you for bringing in your Hy-Vee receipts! We exceeded our goal of $300,000.00! Our final total is $374,313.87! We received a check for $1871.57! We are now taking receipts with a receipt date of June 1 or later.

DAILY BIBLE READINGS FOR AUGUST Aug. 7 1 Sam. 20:24—23:29 Aug. 1 1 Sam. 17:1-19 1 Cor. 1:1-25 Acts 26:1-23 Aug. 8 1 Sam. 24:1-22 Aug. 2 1 Sam. 17:20-47 1 Cor. 1:26—2:16 Acts 26:24—27:8 Aug. 9 1 Sam. 25:1-22 Aug. 3 1 Sam. 17:48—18:9 1 Cor. 3:1-23 Acts 27:9-26 Aug. 10 1 Sam. 25:23-44 Aug. 4 1 Sam. 18:10-30 1 Cor. 4:1-21 Acts 27:27-44 Aug. 11 1 Sam. 26:1—28:2 Aug. 5 1 Sam. 19:1-24 1 Cor. 5:1-13 Acts 28:1-15 Aug. 12 1 Sam. 28:3—30:31 Aug. 6 1 Sam. 20:1-23 1 Cor. 6:1-20 Acts 28:16-31 13 Aug. 13 1 Sam. 31:1-13 1 Cor. 7:1-24 Aug. 14 2 Sam. 1:1-27 1 Cor. 7:25-40 Aug. 15 2 Sam. 2:1--5:25 1 Cor.8:1-13 Aug. 16 2 Sam. 6:1-19 1 Cor. 9:1-23

Aug. 17 2 Sam. 7:1-17 1 Cor. 9:24—10:22 Aug. 18 2 Sam. 7:18-29 1 Cor. 10:23—11:16 Aug. 19 2 Sam. 11:1-27 1 Cor. 11:17-34 Aug. 20 2 Sam. 12:1—19:43 1 Cor. 12:1-13

Aug. 21 1 Kings 1:1-52 1 Cor. 12:14-31 Aug. 22 1 Kings 2:1-46 1 Cor. 13:1—16:24 Aug. 23 1 Kings 3:1—4:34 2 Cor. 1:1-22 Aug. 24 1 Kings 5:1—7:50 2 Cor. 1:23—2:17 Aug. 25 1 Kings 7:51—8:21 2 Cor. 3:1-18 Aug. 26 1 Kings 8:22-63 2 Cor. 4:1-18 Aug. 27 1 Kings 9:1—10:13 2 Cor. 5:1-21 Aug. 28 1 Kings 11:1-41 2 Cor. 6:1-18 Aug. 29 1 Kings 11:42—12:19 2 Cor. 7:1-16 Aug. 30 1 Kings 12:20—16:28 2 Cor. 8:1-24 Aug. 31 1 Kings 16:29—17:24 2 Cor. 9:1—13:14


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