Curriculum Vitae s224

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Curriculum Vitae s224



A. P ersonal: a. Name: Maria C. Rodriguez-Barradas

B. Education: a. Undergraduate education: Non-applicable. b. Medical education: School of Medicine "Luis Razetti"; Central University of Venezuela. Caracas, Venezuela; 9/76 - 7/83 c. Postgraduate Training: Internship: Hospital "Perez Carreño", Venezuelan Institute of Social Security (IVSS). Caracas, Venezuela; 12/84 - 12/85 Residency: Internal Medicine (three years), Hospital “Perez Carreño”, Central University of Venezuela. Caracas, Venezuela; 12/85 - 12/88 Fellowship: Infectious Diseases, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas; 10/89 - 10/92 AIDS Unit/Infectious Diseases, Veterans Affairs Medical Center and Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas; 10/92 - 11/93

C. Academic Appointments: a. Current faculty position: Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas 1994-present Instructor: 1/94-6/94 Assistant Professor: 7/94-3/04 Associate Professor: 3/04-6/30/2011 Professor 7/1/2011 Michael E. DeBakey VAMC, 1994-present Staff physician, ID Section, 1994-present Director, HIV Program, 8/1997-present 1 Chief, Infectious Diseases Section, 7/2012-present b. Previous faculty positions at other institutions: Non-applicable. c. Courtesy faculty appointments at other institutions: Non-applicable

D. Other information: a. Awards: Summa cum Laude and first in the class. Central University of Venezuela, 1983. Resident’s Symposium Research Award. Central University of Venezuela, 1988. Baylor CFAR (Center for AIDS Research) Development Grant, 1996 ($15,000). Smithkline Beecham Development Partners’ Junior Faculty Award Program in Infectious Diseases, 1999 ($50,000). Fulbright & Jaworski L.L.P. Faculty Excellence Award on Teaching and Evaluation, Spring 2002. Fulbright & Jaworski L.L.P. Faculty Excellence Award on Teaching and Evaluation, Fall 2007. Infectious Diseases Fellows’ Teaching Award. June 2010. Infectious Diseases Fellows’ Recognition Certificate. June 2013. b. Certifications: E.C.F.M.G. 1989 State Medical License: No J2284, State of Texas 1992 American Board of Internal Medicine 1995, recertified 2005 American Board of Infectious Diseases 1996, recertified 2006 c. Professional Societies: Venezuelan Society of Internal Medicine (1989): Member Panamerican Society of Infectology (1990): Member Infectious Diseases Society of America (1992): Fellow (2007) American College of Physicians (1992): Fellow (2010) American Society for Microbiology (1994): Member International AIDS Society (2001): Member Academy of Education, Baylor College of Medicine (2003-2017): Member VA Society for Infectious Diseases Practitioners (VASPID): Secretary (9/2005-9/2008); Vice- President (9/2008-10/2010); President (10/2010-12/31/12); Past-President (1/1/13-12/31/14). d. Other non-academic positions: Staff physician, Infectious Diseases Section, Michael E. DeBakey VAMC, Houston, Texas. 1/94 – present

2 Staff physician, Internal Medicine Department, Hospital Perez Carreño, Caracas, Venezuela. 12/88 – 5/89 1 year residency in General Medicine in a countryside hospital (mandatory by the Venezuelan Government). 12/83 – 12/84


A. Research Support:

A1. Present:

1. Alcohol and multisubstance use in the veterans aging cohort study (Study within the Consortium to improve OutcoMes in HIV/AIDS, Alcohol, Aging, and multi-Substance use (COMpAAAS) (BCM H-9976). (PI: Amy Justice, MD, PhD). (NIH AAA, 1-U01-AA-020790). Contract with Yale University School of Medicine. Role: Houston VA PI. Total amount: about $139,843/year for 5 years. 7/2011-6/2016.

2. Integrated stepped care for unhealthy alcohol use in HIV. (Study within the Consortium to improve OutcoMes in HIV/AIDS, Alcohol, Aging, and multi-Substance use (COMpAAAS) (BCM H-29338). (PI: David Fiellin, MD) (NIH AAA, U01-AA020795). Contract with Yale University School of Medicine. Role: Houston VA PI. Total amount: about $70,021.00/year ($372,399.00 for 5 years). 9/1/2011-8/31/2016. 3. Cardiovascular disease mechanisms in HIV infected and uninfected veterans (BCM H-9976, sub- study). (PI Matthew Freiberg, MD). (NIH 1RO1HL095136). Contract University of Pittsburgh. Role: Houston VA PI. $25,923/year for 5 years. 7/2008-6/30/2013 4. An international, multicenter, prospective observational study of the safety of maraviroc used with optimized background therapy in treatment experienced HIV infected patients (BCM H- 23902). Pfizer protocol #A4001067. $14,000 first year, $12,500 subsequent years (based on patient recruitment). 2009-2014. 5. Longitudinal studies of HIV-associated Lung Infections and Complications (EXHALE) (BCM H- 25605). (PI: Kristina Crothers, MD) (NIH R01-HL090342). Contract with University of Washington. Role: Houston site PI. 2/1/2010-12/30/2013. $141,110/year. 6. Quantifying the burden of norovirus gastroenteritis in the Veterans Affairs Medical Center Patient Population (a pilot study) (BCM H-29327). Contract with CDC (CDC 110FED1009332). Role: MEDVAMC PI. Funding: 10/1/2011-9/30/2013. $47,000/year.

7. Linkage to Care in the VA of Newly Diagnosed HIV-Infected Patients (VA Central IRB# 12-18). HSR&D Merit Review. QUERI 870 Funds Grant Number: RRP 12-220 10/1/12 - 9/30/13. Amount: $98,600. Role: Site PI. 2.5% $0 8. The Respiratory Protection Effectiveness Clinical Trial (Respect). Funded by the VA National Center for Occupational Health and Infection Control (COHIC) (BCM H-31014). VA TDA Program-N1HA. Role: MEDVAMC PI. Total: $670,000. 5/2011-9/30/2014 9. Developing and Intervention to retain HIV-infected Veterans in HIV Care (BCM H-24323). VA HSRD Merit Review Award PI: Dr. Tom Giordano. Role: Co-investigator. $208,300. 7/1/2010- 6/30/2014

3 A2. Past 5 years:

1. INSIGHT. PI for the Houston VAMC site for the INSIGHT HIV Clinical trial network. Current study: STALWART (to end Jun 09). DAIDS/NIH. Contract with University of Texas (UT PI: Roberto Arduino, MD). Role: Houston VA PI. 2. Options in Management with Antiretrovirals (OPTIMA) trial. Department of Veterans Affairs Cooperative Studies Program #512 (OPTIMA PI: Sheldon Brown, MD). Houston VAMC PI. 2/2001-12/2007. Total amount: $37,500/year. 3. HI-TIDES. HIV translating initiatives for depression into effective solutions. A research project of the Center for Mental Healthcare & Outcome Research. (HI-TIDES PI: Jeff Pyne, MD). Contract with Little Rock VA. Total amount $49,350 /year. Ended 2008. 4. SMART. Study carried through CPCRA and then INSIGHT. Ended 2007. 5. ESPRIT. Study carried throught CPCRA and then INSIGHT. Ended 2008. 6. Tipranavir. Pharmaceutical company. 7. Darunavir. Expanded access program. 8. Etravirine. Expanded access program. 9. Routine HIV Testing in a VA outpatient clinic: Assessing provider barriers to testing veterans. Houston VA Health Services Research and Development Center of Excellence. Pilot grant. PI: Monisha Arya. Role: Co-Investigator. Funding: 12/01/2009-10/16/2010. Under no cost extension. 10. Multi-VISN Implementation of a Program to Improve HIV Screening and Testing. VA QUERY. PI: Dr. Matthew Goetz. Houston site PI: Dr. Tom Giordano. Role: Co-investigator. Approximately $50,000/year. 10/2008-9/2011. 11. Syphilis response to higher penicillin dosage in HIV co-infected patients (The 2.4 versus 7.2 study) CFAR funded from 5-2008 to 5-2010. Internal Funds: 6/2010 to 6/2011 Baylor College of Medicine PI: Dr. Roberto Andrade. Houston. Role: VAMC site PI. 12. Alcohol associated outcomes among HIV+/- aging veterans. Veterans Aging Cohort Study (VACS) (VACS PI: Amy Justice, MD, PhD). NIH. Houston VAMC PI. Contract with Yale University School of Medicine. Role: Total amount: $139,843/year, $1,042,451 for 5 years. 9/07- 8/11. 13. Immune responses to pneumococcal vaccination among HIV-infected subject. VA Merit Review. Role PI: Maria C. Rodriguez, MEDVACM, BCM. $115,000/year. 10/08-9/12 (last year under no cost extension). 14. Implementation of a routine HIV rapid testing intervention at high prevalence primary and urgent care settings within VA. VA QUERY. PI: Dr. Henry Anaya. Funded. Role: Houston VA PI. $50,000/year for 2 years. 10/2009-9/2012

B. National and International Scientific Participation: a. Scientific Journals: Journal Editorial Boards:

4 Guest editor, BioMedicina March 2000. Reviewer (alphabetical order): BioMed Central, Clinical Infectious Diseases, Cochrane HIV/AIDS group Current HIV Research, International Infectious Diseases Journal, Journal of the American Medical Association, Journal of Infection, Journal of Infectious Diseases, Mycoses, Vaccine. b. Review Panels: External Reviewer for the Canadian Health Research Institute (October 2008) c. Invited lectures: 1. HIV and Pneumococcal infection. Department of Clinical Microbiology. AcademischZiekenhuisUtrecht. July 27, 1992. Utrecht, The Netherlands. 2. Emerging new and old infections in adults and children. First Annual Wyoming Medical Conference. Sep 15-17, 1994. Casper, Wyoming. 3. Basic care of the HIV-infected patient. First Annual Wyoming Medical Conference. Sep 15-17, 1994. Casper, Wyoming. 4. Update in AIDS. II Jornadas de Actualizacion en Dermatologia Pediatrica. June 21-22, 1996. Caracas, Venezuela. 5. Update in AIDS. Hospital de Clinicas Caracas. June 25, 1996. Caracas,Venezuela. 6. AIDS: current approach. IV Iberoamerican Congress of Pulmonology. November 29, 1996. Caracas, Venezuela. 7. Update in AIDS. University Hospital. Central University of Venezuela. November 29, 1996. 8. Managing Complications of HAART: Switch medication or treat the complication. National VA HIV Provider Conference. Dallas, May 15-16, 2001. 9. Cases: Usual and unusual problems. National VA HIV Provider Conference. Chicago, May 29-31, 2002. 10. HIV and pneumococcal disease and immunization. Thomas Street Clinic Physician’s Conference. October 1, 2002. 11. HIV and pneumococcal disease and immunization. VA HIV Collaborative. Chicago May 8, 2003. 12. Tratamiento Inicial del Paciente con VIH. Simposium SIDA 2009. Sociedad Venezolana de Microbiologia. Caracas June 27, 2009. 13. Tratamiento del Paciente con Virus Resistente. Simposium SIDA 2009. Sociedad Venezolana de Microbiologia. Caracas June 27, 2009.

C. Publications: a. Full papers:

5 i. Published in peer reviewed journals: 1. Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Musher DM, Hamill RJ, Dowell M, Bagwell JT, Sanders CV. Unusual manifestations of pneumococcal infection in HIV-infected individuals: the past revisited. Rev Infect Dis 1992; 14:192-9. 2. Regnery RL, Anderson BE, Clarridge J, Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Jones DC, Carr JH. Characterization of a novel Rochalimaea species, R. henselae sp. nov., isolated from blood of a febrile, human immunodeficiency virus-positive patient. J Clin Microbiol 1992; 30:265-274. 3. Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Musher DM, Lahart C, Lacke C, Groover J, Watson D, Baughn R, Cate T, Crofoot G. Antibody to capsular polysaccharides of Streptococcus pneumoniae after vaccination of HIV-infected subjects with 23-valent pneumococcal vaccine. J Infect Dis 1992; 165: 553-556. 4. Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Clarridge J, Darouiche R. Disseminated Mycobacterium fortuitum disease in an AIDS patient. Am J Med 1992; 93:473-4. 5. Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Das TS, Watson DA, Musher DM. Relative contribution of cell wall and capsular polysaccharides in activating alternative and classical complement pathways by Streptococcus pneumoniae. Medical Microbiol Letters 1993; 2:427-35. 6. Cadle RM, Zenon GJ, Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Hamill RJ. Fluconazole-induced symptomatic phenytoin toxicity. Ann Pharmacother 1994; 28:191-5. 7. Trial JoAnn, Birdsall HH, Crane ML, Rodriguez-Barradas M, deJong A, Krishnan B, Lacke CE, Thornby JI, Figdor CG, Rossen RD. Phenotypic and functional changes in peripheral blood monocytes during progression of HIV infection: Effects of soluble immune complexes, cytokines, subcellular particulates from apoptotic cells, and HIV-1 encoded proteins on monocyte phagocytic function, oxidative burst, transendothelial migration, and cell surface phenotype. J Clin Invest 1995; 95:1690-1701. 8. Rodriguez-Barradas M, Hamill R, Houston E, Georghiou P, Clarridge J, Regnery R. Genomic fingerprints of Rochalimaea species using repetitive-element PCR: distinction between and within species. J Clin Microbiol 1995; 33:1089-1093. 9. Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Hamill R, Bandres JC, Trial J, Baughn R, Clarridge J, Rossen RD. In vitro evaluation of the role of humoral immunity against infection caused by Rochalimaea henselae. Infect Immunity 1995; 63:2367-2370. 10. Clarridge III, Jill E, Raich TJ, Pirwani D, Simon B, Tsai L, Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Regnery R, Zollo A, Jones DC, Rambo C. Strategy to detect Bartonella infections in a routine clinical laboratory yields Bartonella henselae from HIV-positive patients and a unique Bartonella strain from his cat. J Clin Microbiol 1995; 33:2107-2113. 11. Kim PE, Musher DM, Glezen WP, Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Nahm WK, Wright CE. Association of invasive pneumococcal disease with season, atmospheric conditions, air pollution, and the isolation of respiratory viruses. Clin Infect Dis 1996;22:100-106. 12. Ahmed F, Steinhoff MC, Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Hamilton R, Musher DM, Nelson KE. Effect of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 infection on the antibody response to a glycoprotein conjugate pneumococcal vaccine: results from a randomized trial. J Infect Dis 1996;173:83-90.

6 13. Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Groover J, Lacke C, Pandey J, Gump D, Lahart C, Watson D, Musher D. IgG antibody to pneumococcal capsular polysaccharides in HIV-infected subjects: persistence of antibody in responders, revaccination in non-responders, and relationship of the immunoglobulin allotype to response. J Infect Dis 1996;173:1347-53. 14. Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Stool E, Musher DM, Gathe J, Goldstein J, Genta RM, Yofee B. Diagnosis and treatment for cytomegalovirus pneumonia in patients with AIDS. Clin Infect Dis 1996;23:76-81. 15. Wang Y, Green LK, Rodriguez-Barradas MC. An HIV-infected man with cough and black sputum. Hosp Pract 1996;31:122-4. 16. Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Tharapel RA, Groover JE, Giron KP, Lacke CE, Houston ED, Hamill RJ, Steinhoff MC, Musher DM. Colonization by Streptococcus pneumoniae among HIV-infected adults: prevalence of antibiotic resistance, impact of immunization, and characterization by BOX-PCR of isolates from persistent carriers. J Infect Dis 1997;175:590-7. 17. Musher DM, Groover J, Watson DA, Pandey JP, Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Baughn RE, Pollack MS, Graviss EA, de Andrade M, Amos CI. Genetic regulation of the capacity to make immunoglobulin G to pneumococcal capsular polysaccharides. J Investigative Med 1997;45:57-68. 18. Cadle R, Lidsky MD, Rodriguez-Barradas MC. A diabetic man with persistent joint pain and infection. Hosp Pract 1997;32:177, 182-4. 19. Ertugrul N, Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Musher DM, Ryan MA, Agin CS, Murphy SJ, Shayegani M, Watson DA. BOX-polymerase chain reaction-based DNA analysis of non- serotypable Streptococcus pneumoniae implicated in outbreaks of conjunctivitis. J Infect Dis 1997;176:1401-5. 20. Byrne R, Hamill RJ, Rodriguez-Barradas MC. Cryptococcuria: case reports and literature review. Infect Dis Clin Practice 1997;6:513-8. 21. Koehler JE, Sanchez MA, Garrido C, Whitfeld M, Chen FM, Berger TG, Rodriguez- Barradas MC, Koehler JE, Tappero JW. The molecular epidemiology and microbiology of Bartonella henselae and Bartonella quintana infections in patients with bacillary angiomatosis-peliosis. N Engl J Med 1997;337:1876-83. 22. Jafar S, Rodriguez-Barradas M, Graham DY, Butel JS. Serological evidence of SV40 infections in HIV-infected and HIV-negative adults. J Med Virol 1998;54:276-84. 23. Abadi J, Friedman J, Mageed RA, Jefferis R, Rodriguez-Barradas M, Pirofski L. Human antibodies elicited by a pneumococcal vaccine express idiotypic determinants indicative of V(H)3 gene segment usage. J Infect Dis 1998;178:707-16. 24. Carlini ME, Clarridge JE, Rodriguez-Barradas MC. Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae peritonitis in a patient on continuous ambulatory peritoneal dyalisis. Infect Dis Clin Practice 1998;7:419-21. 25. Caeiro JP, Visnegarwala F, Rodriguez-Barradas MC. Gynecomastia associated with indinavir therapy. Clin Infect Dis 1998;27:1539-40. 26. Musher DM, Groover JE, Watson DA, Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Baughn RE. IgG responses to protein-conjugated pneumococcal capsular polysaccharide in persons who are

7 genetically incapable of responding to unconjugated polysaccharides. Clin Infect Dis 1998;27:1487-90. 27. Monga HK, Rodriguez-Barradas, M, Breaux, K, Khattak K, Troisi CL, Velez, M, Yoffe B. Hepatitis C virus infection-related morbidity and mortality among patients with human immunodeficiency virus. Clin Infect Dis 2001;33(2):240-7. 28. Kilbourne AM, Justice AC, Rabeneck L, Rodriguez-Barradas M, Weissman S, for the VACS 3 Project team. General medical and psychiatric comorbidity among HIV-infected veterans in the post-HAART era. J Clin Epidemiol 2001;54 Suppl 1:S22-28. 29. Smola S, Justice AC, Wagner J, Rabeneck L, Weissman S, Rodriguez-Barradas M, for the VACS 3 Project Team. Veterans aging cohort three-site study (VACS 3): overview and description. J Clin Epidemiol 2001;54 Suppl 1:S61-76 30. Wagner JH, Justice AC, Chesney M, Sinclair G, Weissman S, Rodriguez-Barradas M, for the VACS Project Team. Patient- and provider-reported adherence: toward a clinically useful approach to measuring antiretroviral adherence. J Clin Epidemiol 2001;54 Suppl 1:S91-98. 31. Birdsall HH, Siwak EB, Trial J, Rodriguez-Barradas MC, White AC, Wietgrefe S, Rossen RD. Transendothelial migration of leukocytes carrying infectious HIV-1: an indicator of adverse prognosis. AIDS 2002;16:5-12. 32. Shelburne SA, Hamill R, Rodriguez-Barradas M, Greenberg SB, Atmar RL, Musher DM, Gathe JC, Visnegarwala F, Trautner BW. Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome: Emergence of a unique syndrome during highly active antiretroviral therapy. Medicine 2002;81:213-27. 33. Grimes RM, Otiniano ME, Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Lai D. Clinical experience of HIV infected older patients in the era of effective antiretroviral therapy. Clin Infect Dis. 2002;34:1530-3. 34. Kilbourne AM, Justice AC, Rolman BL, McGinnis KA, Rabeneck L, Weissman S, Smola S, Schultz R, Whittle J, Rodriguez-Barradas M. Clinical importance of HIV and depressive symptoms among veterans with HIV infection. J Gen Int Med. 2002;17:512- 20. 35. Sekhar RJ, Jahoor F, White AC, Pownall HJ, Visnegarwala F, Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Sharma M, Reeds PJ, Balasubramanyam A. Metabolic basis of HIV lipodystrophy syndrome. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 2002;283:E332-7. 36. Grimes RM, Lewis ST, Visnegarwala F, Goodly J, Sutton R, and Rodriguez–Barradas M. Use of bDNA testing in the immunologically non-responding patient who has a low or undetectable viral load by RT-PCR testing. HIV Clin Trials 2003;4:92-8. 37. Subramanian KS, Segal R, Lyles R, Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Pirofski, L. Qualitative change in antibody responses of human immunodeficiency virus-infected individuals to pneumococcal capsular polysaccharide vaccination associated with highly active antiretroviral therapy. J Infect Dis 2003;187:758-68. 38. Fultz SL, Justice AC, Butt AA, Rabeneck L, Weissman S, Rodriguez-Barradas M; The VACS-3 Project Team. Testing, referral, and treatment patterns for hepatitis C coinfection in a cohort of veterans with HIV infection. Clin Infect Dis 2003;36:1039-1046.

8 39. Zingmond DS, Kilbourne AM, Justice AC, Wenger NS, Rodriguez-Barradas, M, Rabeneck L, Taub D, Weissman S, Briggs J, Wagner J, Smola S and Bozzette S. Differences in symptom expression in older HIV-positive patients: The veterans aging cohort 3 site study and HIV cost and service utilization study experience. JAIDS 2003;33(Suppl.2):S84-S92. 40. Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Alexandraki I, Nazir T, Foltzer M, Musher D, Brown S, Thornby J. Response of HIV-Infected Patients on HAART to vaccination with 23-valent pneumococcal vaccine. Clin Infect Dis 2003;37:438-47. 41. Colmegna I, Rodriguez-Barradas M, Rauch R, Clarridge J, Young EJ. Disseminated Actinomyces meyeri infection resembling lung cancer with brain metastases. Am J Med. Sci 2003;326:152-5. 42. McGinnis KA, Fine MJ, Sharma RK, Skanderson M, Wagner JH, Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Rabeneck L, Justice AC, for the VACS 3 Project Team. Understanding racial disparities in HIV: The combined use of administrative data and a clinical cohort. Am J Public Health 2003;93:1728-33. 43. Arduino R, Nannini E, Rodriguez-Barradas M, Schrader S, Losso M, Ruxrungtham K, Allende M, Emery S, Fosdick L, Tavel J, Davey R, and Lane HC, for the ESPRIT Vanguard group and the ESPRIT executive committee. Meta-analysis of the CD4 cell response to three doses of subcutaneous interleukin-2 across three Vanguard studies. Clin Infect Dis 2004;39:115-22. 44. Trial J, Rubio JA, Birdsall HH, Rodriguez-Barradas M, Rossen RD. Monocyte activation by circulating fibronectin fragments in HIV-1 infected patients. J Immunol 2004;173:2190-8. 45. Visnegarwala F, Maldonado M, Sajja P, Minihan JL, Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Ong O, Lahart CJ, Hasan MQ, Balasubramanyam A, White AC Jr. Lipid-lowering effects of statins and fibrates in the management of HIV dyslipidemias associated with antiretroviral therapy in HIV clinical practice. J of Infection. 2004;49:283-90. 46. Fultz S, Goulet JL, Weissman S, Rimland D, Leaf D, Gibert C, Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Justice AC. Differences between infectious diseases-certified physicians and general medicine-certified physicians in the level of comfort with providing primary care to patients. Clin Infect Dis 2005;41:738-43. 47. Gonzalez O, Graviss EA, Teeter LD, Fainstein V, Rodriguez-Barradas MC. Nonsyphilitic Painless Genital Ulcer. Infections in Medicine 2005;22(2):80-83. 48. Fagan SP, Bellows CF 3rd, Albo D, Rodriguez-Barradas M, Feanny M, Berger DH. Length of human immunodeficiency virus disease and not immune status is a risk factor for development of anal carcinoma. Am J Surg 2005;190:732-5. 49. Crothers K, Griffith TA, McGinnis KA, Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Leaf DA, Weissman S, Gibert CL, Butt AA, Justice AC. The impact of cigarette smoking on mortality, quality of life and comorbid illness among HIV positive patients. J Gen Intern Med 2005;20:1142- 45. 50. Visnegarwala F, Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Graviss EA, Caprio M, Nykyforchyn M, Laufman L. Community outreach with weekly delivery of anti-retroviral drugs compared to cognitive-behavioral health care team-based approach to improve adherence among indigent women newly starting HAART. AIDS Care Journal 2006;18:332-338.

9 51. Gordon AJ, McGinnis KA, Conigliaro J, Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Rabeneck L, Justice AC. Associations between alcohol use and homelessness with healthcare utilization among HIV-infected veterans. Med Care 2006;44:S37-S43. 52. Justice AC, Dombrowski E, Conigliaro J, Fultz SL, Gibson D, Madenwald T, Goulet JL, Simberkoff M, Butt A, Rimland D, Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Gilbert CL, Ousler KK, Brown S, Leaf DA, Goetz MB, Bryant K. Veterans Aging Cohort Study (VACS): Overview and description. Med Care 2006;44:S13-S24. 53. Justice AC, Lasky E, McGinnis KA, Skanderson M, Conigliaro J, Fultz SL, Crothers K, Rabeneck L, Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Weissman SB, Bryant K. Medical disease and alcohol use among veterans with HIV infection: A comparison of disease measurement strategies. Med Care 2006;44:S52-S60. 54. Crothers K, Butt AA, Gibert CL, Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Crystal S, Justice AC, for the VACS 5 Project Team. Increased chronic obstructive pulmonary disease among HIV- positive compared to HIV-negative veterans. Chest 2006; 130: 1326-1333. 55. Musher D, Rueda A, Graviss E, Rodriguez-Barradas MC. Effect of pneumococcal vaccination: a comparison of vaccination rates in patients with bacteremic and nonbacteremic pneumococcal pneumonia. Clin Infect Dis. 2006 Oct 15;43(8):1004-8. Epub 2006 Sep 1. 56. Crothers K, Goulet JL, Rodriguez-Barradas M, Gilbert C, Butt A, Braithwaite RS, Peck R, Justice AC. Decreased awareness of current smoking among health care providers of HIV-positive compared to HIV-negative veterans. J Gen Intern Med 2007;22:749-54. 57. Braithwaite RS, Kozal M, Chang CCH, Roberts MS, Fultz S, Goetz M, Gibert C, Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Justice AC. Adherence, virological and immunological outcomes for HIV-infected veterans starting combination antiretroviral therapies. AIDS 2007;21:1579-89. 58. Braithwaite RS, Conigliaro J, Roberts MS, Shechter S, Schaefer Am McGinnis K, Rodriguez MC, Rabeneck L, Bryant K, Justice AC. Estimating the impact of alcohol consumption on survival for HIV+ individuals. AIDS Care 2007;19:459-66. 59. Goulet, J, Fultz S, Rimland D, Butt A, Gibert C, Rodriguez-Barradas M, Bryant K, Justice AC. Do Patterns of Comorbidity Vary by HIV Status, Age, and HIV Severity? Clin Infect Dis 2007;45:1593-1601. 60. Kuo S-H, Rodriguez-Barradas M, Lu L. Symmetric polyarticular septic arthritis caused by Moraxella lacunata. A case report and a review of Moraxella septic arthritis. Infect Dis Clin Pract 2008;16:249-51. 61. Braithwaite RS, Roberts MS, Chang CCH, Goetz MB, Gibert CL, Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Schechter S, Schaefer A, Koppenhaver R, Justice AC. The influence of alternative thresholds for intiating HIV treatment on life expectancy and quality-adjusted life expectancy: A Decision Model. Ann Intern Med 2008;148:178-85. 62. Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Goulet J, Brown ST, Goetz M, Rimland D, Simberkoff M, Justice A. Impact of pneumococcal vaccination by HIV status on the incidence of pneumonia among subjects enrolled in the Veterans Aging Cohort Five-Site Study. Clin Infect Dis 2008;46:1093-1100. 63. Nguyen S, Eaton S, Bain A, Rahman A, Payne K, Bedimo R, Herrington J, Maclayton D, Rodriguez-Barradas M, Busti AJ. Lipid lowering efficacy and safety after switching to

10 atazanavir-ritonavir-based highly active antiretroviral therapy in patients with human immunodeficiency virus. Pharmacotherapy 2008;28:323-330. 64. Bain AM, Payne KD, Rahman AP, Bedimo R, Maclayton DO, Rodriguez-Barradas M, Busti AJ. The lipid-lowering efficacy of switching within non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors in HIV-infected patients. Am J Infect Dis 2008;4:147-151. 65. Musher DM, Rueda AM, Nahm MH, Graviss EA, Rodriguez-Barradas MC. Initial and subsequent response to pneumococcal polysaccharide and protein-conjugate vaccines administered sequentially to adults who have recovered from pneumococcal pneumonia. J Infect Dis 2008;198:1019-27. . 66. Gordin FM, Roediger MP, Girard P-M, Lundgren J, Miro JM, Palfreeman A, Rodriguez- Barradas MC, Wolff MJ, Easterbrook PJ, Clezy K, Slater LN. Pneumonia in HIV- infected persons: Increased risk associated with cigarette smoking and treatment interruption. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2008;178:630-6. 67. Freiberg M, Leaf DA, Goulet J, Goetz MB, Oursler KA, Gibert C, Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Butt A, Justice A. The association between the receipt of lipid-lowering therapy and HIV status among veterans who met NCEP/ATP III criteria for the receipt of lipid lowering medication. J Gen Intern Med 2009;24:334-40 [Epub 2009 Jan 6]. 68. Braithwaite RS, Roberts MS, Goetz MB, Gibert C, Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Nucifora K, Justice AC, Do benefits of earlier antiretroviral treatment initiation outweigh harms for individuals at risk for poor adherence? Clin Infect Dis. 2009;15:822-6. 69. Crothers K, Goulet J, Rodriguez-Barradas MD, Gibert C, Oursler KA, Goetz M, Krystal S, Leaf D, Butt A, Braithwaithe S, Peck R, Justice A. Impact of Cigarette Smoking on Mortality in HIV-positive and HIV-negative Veterans. AIDS Educ Prev. 2009; 21(3 Suppl):40-53. 70. Butt A, McGinnis KA, Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Crystal S, Simberkoff M, Goetz MB, Leaf D, Justice A; Veterans Aging Cohort Study. HIV infection and the risk of diabetes mellitus. AIDS 2009;23:1227-34. 71. Bedimo R, McGinnis KA, Dunlap M, Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Justice AC. Incidence of non-AIDS defining malignancies in HIV-infected vs. non-infected veterans in the HAART era: Impact of immunesuppression. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2009;52;203-8 Jul 16 [Epub ahead of print] 72. Rossen RD, Rubio JA, Porter WJ, Trial J, Orson F, Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Birdsall HH. Monocyte CD49e and 110-120 kDa fibronectin fragments: HIV prognostic indicators independent of viral load and CD4 T cell counts. AIDS 2009;23:2247-53. 73. Justice A, McGinnis KA, Skanderson M, Chang CC, Gibert C, Goetz MB, Rimland D, Rodriguez-Barradas M, Oursler KK, Brown ST, Braithwaite S, May M. Towards a combined prognostic index for survival in HIV infection: The role of “non-HIV biomarkers. HIV Med. 2010;11:143-51. Epub 2009 Sep 14. 74. Fischer M, Wyatt CM, Gordon K, Gibert C, Brown ST, Rimland D, Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Justice AC, Parikh CR, and the VACS Project Team. Hepatitis C and the risk of kidney disease and mortality in veterans with HIV. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2010;53:222-226. 75. Cook RL, McGinnis KA, Samet JH, Fiellin DA, Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Kraemer KL, Gibert CL, Braithwaite RS, Goulet JL, Mattocks K, Crystal S, Gordon AJ, Oursler KA,

11 Justice AC.. Erectile Dysfunction Drug Receipt, Risky Sexual Behavior and Sexually Transmitted Diseases in HIV-infected and HIV-uninfected men. J Gen Int Med. 2010;25:115-21. 76. Serpa-Alvarez J, Haque D, Valayam J, Breaux K, Rodriguez-Barradas MC. Effect of combination antiretroviral treatment on total protein and calculated globulin levels among HIV infected patients. Int J Infect Dis. 2010 Feb 6 [Epub ahead of print]. 77. Breaux K, Gadde S, Graviss E, Rodriguez-Barradas M. One Year Survival of HIV- Infected Veterans with CD4<100 cells/mm3: Data from a Veteran Cohort. AIDS Care 2010;22:886-894. 78. Hooshyar D, Goulet J, Chwastiak L, Crystal S, Gibert C, Mattocks K, Rimland D, Rodriguez-Barradas M, Justice A. Time to Depression Treatment in Primary Care among HIV-infected and HIV-uninfected Veterans. J Gen Intern Med. 2010;25:656-62. 79. Sueoka K, Goulet JL, Fiellin DA, Rimland D, Butt AA, Gibert C. Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Bryant K, Crysta S, Justice AC. Depression Symptoms and Treatment among HIV Infected and Uninfected Veterans. AIDS Behav 2010;14(2):272-9. Epub 2008 Jul 22. 80. Pett SL, Carey C, Lin E, Wentworth D, Lazovski J, Miro JM, Gordin F, Angus B, Rodriguez- Barradas M, Rubio R, Tambussi G, Cooper DA, Emery S, for the INSIGHT-ESPRIT Study Group. Predictors of bacterial pneumonia in evaluation of subcutaneous interleukin-2 in a randomized international trial (ESPRIT). HIV Med 2010 Aug 31 Epub ahead of print). 81. Crothers K, Huang L, Goulet JL, Goetz MB, Brown S, Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Oursler KK, Rimland D, Gibert CL, Butt AA, Justice AC. HIV infection and risk for incident pulmonary diseases in the combination antiretroviral therapy era. Am J of Respiratory and Critical Care Med. 2010 Oct. 1 (Epub ahead of print). 2011;183:388-95. 82. Pyne JM, Fortney JC, Curran GM, Tripathi S, Atkinson JH, Kilbourne AM, Hagedon HJ, Rimland D, Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Monson T, Bottonari KA, Asch SM, Gifford AL. Effectiveness of collaborative care for depression in HIV clinics. Arch Intern Med 2011;171:23-3. 83. Musher D, Sampath R, Rodriguez-Barradas MC. The potential role for protein-conjugate pneumococcal vaccine in adults: What is the supporting evidence? Clin Infect Dis. 2011;52: 633-640.

84. Serpa JA, Valayam J, Musher D, Rossen R, Pirofski L, Rodriguez-Barradas MC. VH3- Antibody Response to Immunization with Pneumococcal Polysaccharide Vaccine in Middle-aged and Elderly Persons. Clin Vacc Immunol 2011;18:362-366. 85. Oursler KK, Goulet JL, Crystal S, Justice A, Crothers K, Butt AA, Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Favors K, Leaf D, Katzel LI, Sorkin JD. Association of age and comorbidity with physical function in HIV-infected and uninfected patients: Results from the Veterans Aging Cohort Study. AIDS Patient Care and STDS. 2011;25:13-20. 86. Womack JA, Goulet J, Gibert C, Brandt C, Chang CC, Gulanski B, Fraenkel L, Mattocks K, Rimland D, Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Tate J, Yin MT, Justice AC, for the Veterans Aging Cohort Study Project Team. Increased risk of fragility fractures among HIV infected compared to uninfected male veterans. PLoS ONE 2011;6(2): e17217. 87. Butt AA, Chang CC, Kuller L, Goetz MB, Leaf D, Rimland D, Gibert C, Oursler KK, Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Lim J, Kazis L, Gottlieb S, Justice AC, Freiberg M. HIV

12 increases the risk of heart failure even in the absence of prior diagnosis of coronary heart disease. Archives of Intern Med. 2011;171:737-743. 88. Freiberg MS, Chang-Chou CH, Skanderson M, McGinnis K, Kuller LH, Kraemer KL, Rimland D, Goetz MB, Butt AA, Rodriguez Barradas MC, Gibert C, Leaf D, Brown ST, Samet J, Kazis L, Bryant B, and Justice AC, for the Veterans Aging Cohort Study. The risk of incident coronary heart disease among veterans with and without HIV and hepatitis C. Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes.2011 Jul;4(4):425-32. doi: 10.1161/CIRCOUTCOMES.110.957415. Epub 201Jun28. PMID: 21712519 Free PMC Article 89. LoRe V, Lim JK, Goetz MB, Tate J, Bathulapalli H, Klein MB, Rimland D, Rodriguez- Barradas MC, Butt AA, Gibert CL, Kidwai F, Brandt C, Brown ST, Dorey-Stein Z, Reddy KR, Justice AC. Validity of diagnostic codes and liver-related abnormalities to identify hepatic decompensation events in the Veterans Aging Cohort Study. Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety. 2011 Jul;20(7):689-99. doi: 10.1002/pds.2148. Epub 2011 May 27. PMID: 21626605, PMCID: PMC3131229 Free PMC Article 90. Curran GM, Pyne J, Fortney JC, Gifford A, Asch SM, Rimland D, Rodriguez-Barradas M, Munson TP, Kilbourne AM, Hagedorn H, Atkinson JH. “Development and Implementation of Collaborative Care for Depression in HIV Clinics.” AIDS Care. 2011;23:1626-36. Epub 2011 Jun 30. 91. King JT, Gordon AJ, Perkal MF, Crystal S, Ronnie A Rosenthal RA, Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Butt AA, Gilbert C, Rimland D, Simberkoff MS; Justice AC. Disparities in rates of spine surgery for degenerative spine disease between HIV infected and uninfected veterans. Spine. 2012 Apr 1;37(7):612-22. doi: 10.1097/BRS.0b013e318228f32d. PMID: 21697770 92. McGinnis KA, Brandt CA, Skanderson M, Justice AC, Shahrir S., Butt AA, Brown ST, Freiberg MS, Gibert CL, Goetz MB, Kim JW, Pisani MA, Rimland D, Rodriguez- Barradas MC, Sico JJ, Tindle HA, Crothers K. Validating smoking data from the Veteran’s Affairs health factor dataset, and electronic data source. Nicotine & Tobacco Research. 2011 Dec;13(12):1233-9. doi: 10.1093/ntr/ntr206. Epub 2011 Sep 12.PMID: 21911825, PMCID: PMC3223583 Free PMC Article 93. Justice AC, Freiberg MS, Tracy R, Kuller L, Tate JP, Goetz MB, Fiellin DA, Vanasse GK, Butt AA, Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Gibert C, Oursler KA, Deeks SG, Bryant K and the VACS Project Team. Does an Index Composed of Clinical Data Reflect Effects of Inflammation, Coagulation, and Monocyte Activation on Mortality Among those Aging with HIV? Clin Infect Dis. 2012. 2012 Apr;54(7):984-94. doi: 10.1093/cid/cir989. Epub 2012 Feb 15. PMID: 22337823, PMCID: PMC3297653 94. Bottonari KA, Tripathi SP, Fortney JC, Curran G, Rimland D, Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Gifford AL, Pyne JM. Correlates of Antiretroviral and Antidepressant Adherence among Depressed HIV-infected Patients. AIDS Patient Care and STDs. 2012 May;26(5):265-73. doi: 10.1089/apc.2011.0218. Epub 2012 Mar 21. PMID: 22536930 95. Sigel K, Wisnivesky J, Gordon K, Dubrow R, Justice A, Brown S, Goulet J, Butt AA, Crystal S, Rimland D, Rodriguez-Barradas M, Gibert C, Park L, Crothers K. HIV as an Independent Risk Factor for Incident Lung Cancer. AIDS. 2012 May 15;26(8):1017-25. doi: 10.1097/QAD.0b013e328352d1ad.

13 96. Park LS, Tate JP, Justice AC, Lo ReIII V, Lim J, Brau N, Brown ST, Butt AA, Gibert C, Goetz MB, Rimland D, Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Dubrow R. FIB-4 index predicts hepatocellular carcinoma risk in HIV-infected patients. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention (CEBP). 2011 Dec;20(12):2512-7. doi: 10.1158/1055-9965.EPI-11-0582. Epub 2011 Oct 25. PMID: 22028407, PMCID: PMC3237927 Free PMC Article 97. Nelsen A, Trautner BW, Petersen N, Gupta S, Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Giordano T, Naik AD. Development and Validation of a Measure for Intention to Adhere to HIV Treatment. AIDS Patient Care and STDs. 2012 Jun;26(6):329-34. doi: 10.1089/apc.2011.0318. PMID: 22680281, PMCID: PMC3412581 98. Edelman EJ, Gordon K, Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Justice A. for the VACS Project Team. Patient–Reported Symptoms on Efavirenz/Emtricitabine/Tenofovir. 2012 Jun;26(6):312- 9. doi: 10.1089/apc.2012.0044. Epub 2012 May 21. PMID:22612469 99. Armah KA, McGinnis K, Baker J, Gibert C, Butt AA, Bryant KJ, Goetz M, Tracy R, Oursler KA, Rimland D, Crothers K, Rodriguez-Barradas M, Crystal S, Gordon A, Kraemer K, Brown S, Gerschenson M, Leaf DA, Deeks SG, Rinaldo C, Kuller LH, Justice A, Freiberg M. HIV Status, Burden of Comorbid Disease, and Biomarkers of Inflammation, Altered Coagulation and Microbial Translocation. Clin Infect Dis. 2012 Jul;55(1):126-36. doi: 10.1093/cid/cis406. Epub 2012 Apr 24. PMID:22534147 100. Medapalli R, MD, Parikh CR, Gordon K, Brown ST, Butt AA, Gibert CL, Rimland D, Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Chang CH, Justice AC, He JC, and Wyatt CM. Comorbid diabetes and the risk of progressive chronic kidney disease in HIV- infected adults: Data from the Veterans Aging Cohort Study. JAIDS. 2012 Aug 1;60(4):393-9. doi: 10.1097/QAI.0b013e31825b70d9. PMID: 22592587 101. Korthuis PT, Fiellin DA, McGinnis KA, Skanderson M, Justice AC, Gordon AJ, Doebler DA, Asch SM, Fiellin LE, Bryant, K, Gilbert CL, Crystal S, Goetz MB, Rimland D, Rodriguez-Barradas M, Kraemer KL, for the Veterans Aging Cohort Study. Unhealthy Alcohol and Illicit Drug Use are Associated with Decreased Quality of HIV Care. JAIDS 2012 Oct 1;61(2):171-8. PMID: 22820808 102. Dang BN, Westbrook RA, Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Giordano TP. Identifying Drivers of Overall Satisfaction in Patients Receiving HIV Primary Care: A Cross-Sectional Study. PLoS ONE. 2012;7(8):e42980. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0042980. Epub 2012 Aug 13. PMID: 22912770 103. Kelly S. Chien; Dimitrios Farmakiotis; Maria C. Rodriguez- Barradas; Daniel M. Musher. It's Not That Simple. Clin Infect Dis 2012; doi: 10.1093/cid/cis834 104. Akgun KM, Gordon K ,Pisani M, Fired T, McGinnis KA, Tate JP, Butt AA, Giberts CL, Huang L, Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Rimland D, Justice AC, Crothers K. Risk factors for hospitalization and medical intensive care unit (MICU) admission among HIV infected veterans. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2013; 62:52-59. PMID: 23111572. 105. Akgun KM, Pisani M, Tate JP, Butt AA, Fried T, Gibert CL, Huang L, Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Rimland D, Justice AC, Crothers K. Medical intensive care unit (MICU) admission diagnoses and outcomes in HIV-infected and uninfected Veterans in the combination antiretroviral era. Critical Care Medicine. 2013 Jan 1;62(1):52-59. PMID: 23111572

14 106. Dang BN, Westbrook RA, Black WC, Rodriguez-Barradas MC. Examining the link between patient satisfaction and adherence to HIV care: A structural equation model. PLoS ONE 8(1):e54729. %2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0054729 107. Freiberg M, Chang J, Kuller LH, Skanderson M, Lowy E, Kraemer KL, Doebler D, Butt AA, Goetz M, Leaf D, Oursler KA, Rimland D, Rodriguez- Barradas MC, Brown S, Gibert C, McGinnis K, Crothers K, Sico J, Crane H, Warner A, Gottlieb S, Gottdiener J, Tracy R, Budoff M, Watson C, Armah K, Doebler D, Bryant K, Justice AC. HIV infection and the risk of acute myocardial infarction. JAMA Intern Med. Published on line March 4, 2013. 108. Ghose T, Fiellin DA, Gordon AJ, Metraux S, Goetz MB, Blackstock O, McInnes K, Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Justice AC. The longitudinal effects of transitioning into hazardous drinking on homelessness among veterans in care. Drug Alcohol Depend. In press. 109. Anaya H, et al. Implementation of Nurse-Initiated Rapid HIV Testing At High Prevalence Primary Care Sites within the US Veterans Affairs Healthcare System. Sexually Transmitted Diseases. In press. 110. Monisha A, Amber LB, Kallen MA, Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Giordano TP. Are VA Primary Care Providers Aware of HIV Testing Recommendations for Veterans? Findings at an Urban Primary Care Clinic. Military Medicine. In press. 111. Toorjo Ghose, et al. The association between HIV status and homelessness among veterans in care. J of Community Psychology. Accepted. 112. Womack JA; Goulet JL; Gibert C; Brandt CA; Skanderson M; Gulanski B; Rimland D; Rodriguez-Barradas MC; Tate J; Yin MT; Justice AC; for the Veterans Aging Cohort Study Project Team. Physiologic Frailty and Fragility Fracture in HIV Infected Male Veterans. Clin Infect Dis. In press. 113. Nelsen A, Gupta S, Trautner BW, Petersen NJ, Garza A, Giordano TP, Naik AD, Rodriguez-Barradas MC. Intention to Adhere to HIV Treatment: A Patient- Centered Predictor of Antiretroviral Adherence. HIV Medicine. In press. 114. Solomon et al. Sustaining Nurse-Rapid HIV Testing in the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs: Lessons Learned from a Comparative Evaluation. Journal for Healthcare Quality. In press. 115. Farmakiotis D, Chien KS, Tong Shum TC, Rodriguez-Barradas M, Musher DM. To scan or not to scan? Clin Infect Dis. 2013 Apr;56(7):1052-3. doi: 10.1093/cid/cis995. No abstract available. PMID: 23463795 [PubMed - in process] . 116. Gandhi NR, Tate JP, Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Rimland D, Goetz MB, Gibert C, Brown S, Mattocks K, Justice AC. Validation of an Algorithm to Identify Antiretroviral-Naïve Status at Time of Entry into a Large, Observational Cohort of HIV- infected Patients. Manuscript under revision. Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety (In press).

ii. Submitted for publication in peer reviewed journals:

15 1. Sico JJ, Chang CH, Justice AC, Hylek E, Skanderson M, McGinnis K, Kuller LH, Kraemer KL, Rimland D, Goetz MB, Butt AA, Rodriguez Barradas MC, Gibert C, Leaf D, Brown ST, Samet J, Kazis L, Bryant K, Freiberg MS, for the Veterans Aging Cohort Study. HIV status and the risk of ischemic stroke in the era of combined antiretroviral therapy. Manuscript under revision. PLOS ONE. 2. Agarwal N, Iyer D, Patel SG, Sekhar RV, Phillips TM, Shcubert U, Oplt T, Buras ED, Samson SL, Couturier J, Lewis DE, Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Jahoor F, Kino T, Kopp JB, Balasubramanyam A. HIV-1 Vpr Induces HIV Lipodystrophy Syndrome in Mice. Submitted to J Clin Invest (reference: 69095-RG-1).

iii. In preparation: 3. Kim N, Bathulapalli H, Goulet JL, Al-Samarrai T, Butt AA, Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Rimland D, Justice AC. Trends in glycemic control among diabetic veterans with and without HIV. Manuscript in preparation.

4. Serpa JA, Sampath R, Musher D, Rossen R, Pirofski L, Rodriguez-Barradas MC. Evaluation of VH3-idiotypic antibody responses to capsular pneumococcal polysaccharides after administration of conjugate vaccine as part of a combined vaccine schedule.

5. Chu E, Breaux K, Marcelli M, Rodriguez-Barradas MC. Prevalence of Bone Disease Risk Factors and Compliance with DEXA Screening in HIV-positive (HIV+) Men. Iv. Published without review by peer group:

1. Montes de Oca M and Rodriguez Barradas MC. Effect of 3-n polyunsaturated fatty acids on platelet aggregation and serum lipids of patients on CAPD. Medicina Interna (Journal of the Venezuelan Society of Internal Medicine) 1989; 5: 59-72. 2. Trautner B, Rodriguez-Barradas, M. New antibiotics against resistant gram-positive organisms: quinupristin/dalfopristin, linezolid, and newer fluoroquinolones. BioMedicina 2000;3:113-7. 3. Shelburne SA, Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Hamill RH. Immune reconstitution syndrome associated with highly active antiretroviral therapy. Physicians & Patients 2003;1:21-5. b. Abstracts (last 5 years): 1. R.L. Cook; K.A. McGinnis; D.A. Fiellin; J.L. Goulet; A.J. Gordon; J. Samet; K. Mattocks; S. Crystal; K.L. Kraemer; S. Braithwaite; C Gibert; M. Rodriquez-Barradas; A.C. Justice. Erectile dysfunction drug use and risky sexual behavior in HIV+ and HIV- men (Tracking ID # 190842). SGIM Annual Meeting Apr 10, 2008 David L. Lawrence Convention Center Spirit of Pittsburgh. 2. Bedimo RJ, Dunlap M, McGinnis KA, Rodriguez-Barradas M, Justice AC. Trends in incidence of non-AIDS-defining malignancies in HIV-infected vs. non-infected veterans in the HAART era: impact of immunosuppression. Abstract #2558. XVII International AIDS Conference. Mexico City, 3-8 August 2008 . 3. Butt AA, McGinnis K, Rodriguez-Barradas M, Crystal S, Simberkoff M, Goetz M, Leaf D, Justice A. HIV infection and the risk of diabetes mellitus. Abstract # 2779. 48th Annual ICAAC/IDSA 46th Annual Meeting. Washington DC, Oct 27, 2008.

16 4. Graber CJ, Gibert CL, Rimland D, Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Goetz M, Simberkoff M, Oursler KK, Justice AC. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aereus infection (MRSA- 1) in HIV-infected (HIV+) and HIV-uninfected (HIV-) in the Veterans Aging Cohort Study (VACS). Abstract # 1373. 48th Annual ICAAC/IDSA 46th Annual Meeting. Washington DC, Oct 25, 2008. 5. Scott R, Evaluation of Lipid Management in Patients Infected with Human Immunodeficiency Virus at a Veterans Affairs Medical Center. Abstract presented at the 43th American Society of Hospital Pharmacists meeting on December 7, 2008 6. Cho S, Cadle R, Rodriguez-Barradas MC. Clinical outcomes from a retrospective review of new salvage therapies in treatment-experienced patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) within a Veterans Affairs Medical Center. Abstract presented at the 43th American Society of Hospital Pharmacists meeting on December 7, 2008. 7. Fischer MJ, Wyatt CM, Gordon K, Gibert C, Brown ST, Rimland D, Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Justice AC, Parikh CR. Hepatitis C is Associated with a High Prevalence of Chronic Kidney Disease and Mortality among Veterans with HIV. HSR&D National Meeting in Baltimore, MD, 2009. 8. Klein M, Goulet J, Bryant K, Butt A, Fiellin D, Gibert C, Goetz M, Gordon A, Lim J, Lo Re V, Maisto S, Rimland D, Rodriguez-Barradas M and Justice A. Moderate alcohol consumption and progression of liver disease in HIV-infected Veterans. International Cohort Meeting. 2009 9. Womack JA, Goulet J, Gibert C, Brandt C, Mattocks K, Rimland D, Rodriguez-Barradas M, Tate J, Yin M, Justice A. HIV-infection and fragility fracture risk among male veterans. CROI, 2010 Abstract #O-228. 10. Sigel K, Wisnivesky J, Justice A, Brown S, Rimland D, Butt A, Crystal S, Rodriguez- Barradas M, Crothers K. Risk of lung cancer in HIV infected and uninfected veterans. CROI, 2010. Abstract R-119. 11. Akgun KM, Pisani MA, Butt AA, Gibert CL, Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Justice AC, Rimland D, Crothers K. Incidence and Mortality of MICU Admission in HIV Infected (HIV+) and Non-Infected (HIV-) Veterans . Accepted to 2010 ATS meeting. 12. Akgun KM, Pisani MA, Fried TR, Butt AA, Gibert CL, Rimland D, Justice AC, Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Crothers K. Risk factors for MICU admissions among HIV+ patients. Accepted to 2010 ATS meeting 13. Womack JA, Goulet J, Gibert C, Brandt C, Mattocks K, Rimland D, Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Tate J, Yin M, Justice AC for the Veterans Aging Study Cohort Project Team. HIV- infection and fragility fracture risk among female veterans. Accepted to IWHOD. 14. Gupta S, Trautner B, Naik A, Petersen N, Garza D, Akawan O, Giordano T, Rodriguez- Barradas M. . ACTHIV Denver, Colorado. May 2010. 15. Gupta S, Trautner B, Naik A, Petersen N, Garza D, Akawan O, Giordano T, Rodriguez- Barradas M. Assessing the Relationship Between HIV-related Knowledge and Clinical Outcomes Among HIV-infected Patients. Texas Infectious Diseases Society annual meeting. San Antonio, Texas. June 2010. 16. Butler JN, Solomon JL, Golden JF, Bokhour BG, Rodriguez-Barradas M, Kan V, Anaya HD. “Evaluation of Readiness to Implement Nurse-Initiated Rapid Testing at High

17 Prevalence Primary Care Settings within the VA.” Poster presentation at the XVIII International AIDS Conference, Vienna, Austria. July, 2010. 17. Butler JN, Solomon JL, Golden JF, Bokhour BG, Rodriguez-Barradas M, Kan V, Anaya HD. “Evaluation of Readiness to Implement Nurse-Initiated Rapid Testing at High Prevalence Primary Care Settings within the VA.” Poster presentation 138th APHA Annual Meeting, Denver, CO. November, 2010. 18. Butler JN, Solomon JL, Golden JF, Bokhour BG, Rodriguez-Barradas M, Kan V, Anaya HD. “Evaluation of Readiness to Implement Nurse-Initiated Rapid Testing at High Prevalence Primary Care Settings within the VA.” Poster presentation at the 2010 HIV National Summit on HIV Diagnosis, Prevention and Access to Care. National Harbor, MD. November, 2010. 19. Arya M, Bush AL, Kallen MA, Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Giordano TP. Are Veterans Affairs primary care providers aware of HIV testing recommendations for veterans? Poster presentation at the 2010 HIV National Summit on HIV Diagnosis, Prevention and Access to Care. National Harbor, MD. November, 2010. 20. Edelman EJ, Gordon K, Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Justice A. for the VACS Project Team. Symptoms on Atripla vs. other cART regimens. Robert Johnson Foundation Clinical Scholars Program National Meeting. Atlanta, GA, November 2-5, 2010. 21. Weeks S, Cadle R, Rodriguez-Barradas MC. Evaluation of heart disease risk factors in patients taking abacavir versus tenofovir. Abstract presented at the 45th American Society of Hospital Pharmacists meeting on December 8, 2010 22. Freiberg MS, McGinnis K, Butt A, Goetz M, Brown S, Oursler KA, Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Gibert C, Rimland D, Justice A and the Veterans Aging Cohort Study and the VA IHD Quality Enhancement Research Initiative. HIV is associated with clinically confirmed myocardial infarction after adjustment for smoking and other risk factors. Accepted CROI, 2011 23. Justice A, Freiberg M, Tracy R, Tate J, Goetz M, Butt A, Rodriguez-Barradas M, Gibert C, Oursler KA, Bryant K. Biomarkers of Inflammation, coagulation and monocyte activation are as trongly associated with the VACS Index among Veterans on cART. Accepted CROI, 2011. 24. Shahrir S, Tindle HA, Rodriguez-Barradas M, Au DH, Wongtrakool C, G. Soo Hoo GS, Akgun KM, Huang L, Crothers K. Smoking Behaviors and Utilization of Smoking Cessation Therapies with Quit Attempts among Current Compared to Former Smokers. Accepted 2011 ATS International Conference. Denver, Colorado, May 2011. 25. Akgun KM, Pisani M, Fried T, Butt AA, Gibert C, Rimland D, Huang L, Justice AC, Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Crothers KA. Impact of age on medical intensive care unit (MICU) admissions in HIV-infected patients. Accepted 2011 ATS International Conference. Denver, Colorado, May 2011. 26. Campo M, Shahrir S, Oursler K, Rimland D, Hoo GS, Brown S, Goetz M, Huang L, Au DH, Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Sharafkhaneh A, Akgun KM, Crothers K. Respiratory Symptoms Are Associated With Decreased Performance on 6-Minute Walk Test Among HIV- Infected Patients. Accepted 2011 ATS International Conference. Denver, Colorado, May 2011.

18 27. Lo Re V III, Lim JK, Goetz MB, Tate J, Bathulapalli H, Klein MB, Rimland D, Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Butt AA, Gibert CL, Brown ST, Dorey-Stein Z, Reddy KR, Justice AC. Methodology to Identify and Confirm Hepatic Decompensation Events. 15th International Workshop on HIV Observational Databases. March 24-26, 2011, Prague, Czech Republic [Abstract 31]. 28. Rabbit TA, Justice AC, Warner A, Butt AA, Rimland D, Brown ST, Goetz MB, Gibert CL, Rodriquez-Barradas MC, McGinnis K, Gottlieb S, Sico J, Tindle HA, Crane H, Freiberg MS. Capture of acute myocardial infarctions occurring at non-VA hospitals by outpatient, VA Healthcare System ICD-9 codes. 15th International Workshop on HIV Observational Databases. March 24-26, 2011, Prague, Czech Republic [Abstract 42]. 29. Edelman EJ, Gordon K, Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Justice AC for the VACS project team. Symptoms on Atripla vs. other cART regimens. Society of General Internal Medicine 2011 meeting. Poster presentation 30. Solomon JL, Butler JN, Golden JF, Bokhour BG, Hare, KA, Kertz, BL, Kan V, Rodriguez-Barradas M, Knapp, H, Anaya HD. “The Challenges and Facilitators of Implementing Nurse-Initiated Rapid HIV Testing in High Prevalence Primary Care Settings within the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.” Poster presented at the American Conference for the Treatment of HIV (ACTHIV); Denver, CO. April 2011. 31. Solomon JL, Butler JN, Golden JF, Bokhour BG, Hare, KA, Kertz, BL, Kan V, Rodriguez-Barradas M, Knapp, H, Anaya HD. “The Challenges and Facilitators of Implementing Nurse-Initiated Rapid HIV Testing in High Prevalence Primary Care Settings within the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.” Poster presented at the 6th International Conference on HIV Treatment and Prevention Adherence, Miami, FL, May 2011 32. Solomon JL, Butler JN, Golden JF, Bokhour BG, Hare KA, Kertz BL, Rodriguez- Barradas MC, Kan VL, Knapp H, Anaya HD. “The Challenges and Facilitators of Implementing Nurse-Initiated Rapid HIV Testing in High Prevalence Primary Care Settings within the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.” E- Poster presentation at the 6th IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention, Rome, Italy, July, 2011. 33. Solomon J, Butler J, Golden J, Bokhour BG, Hare K, Kertz B, Kan V, Rodriguez-Barradas M, Knapp H, Anaya H. Challenges and facilitators of implementing nurse-initiated rapid HIV testing in high prevalence primary care settings within the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. Submitted to the 139th American Public Health Association Annual Meeting (Oct, 29 – Nov. 2, 2011) to be held in Washington, DC. 34. Solomon JL, Butler JN, Golden JF, Bokhour BG, Hare, KA, Kertz, BL, Kan V, Rodriguez-Barradas M, Knapp, H, Anaya HD. “The Challenges and Facilitators of Implementing Nurse-Initiated Rapid HIV Testing in High Prevalence Primary Care Settings within the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.” Poster presented at the National HIV Prevention Conference; Atlanta, GA. August 2011. 35. Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Rueda A, Mushtaq M, Vargas E, Bellard B, Serpa J. Immediate (Pre-Antiretroviral Treatment [ART]) vs. Delayed (>6 Months after Starting ART) Pneumococcal Vaccination in HIV patients: Results from a Randomized Clinical Trial. Accepted as late breaker to IDSA 2011 to take place October 20-23 in Boston. Abstract # 32830.

19 36. Dang B, Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Giordano T. What are the drivers of satisfaction among HIV-infected patients? IDSA 2011, Boston, October 20-23. Abstract #479. 37. Chu E, Breaux K, Marcelli M, Rodriguez-Barradas MC. Prevalence of Bone Disease Risk Factors and Compliance with DEXA Screening in HIV-positive (HIV+) Men. Accepted to the 19th Conference on Retrovirus and Opportunistic Infections. To take place in Seattle, March 5-8, 2012. Abstract O-177. 38. Tate J, Edelman J, Brown S, Gandhi N, Gibert C, Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Fiellin D, Braithwaite RS, Rimland D, Justice A. Impact of Missing Data on Community Viral Load Estimation: An Analysis in a National Integrated Healthcare System 2000 to 2009. Accepted to the 19th Conference on Retrovirus and Opportunistic Infections. To take place in Seattle, March 5-8, 2012. Abstract W-220. 39. Giordano T, Hartman C, Davial J, Richardson P, Stafford, C, Rodriguez-Barradas MC. Linkage to HIV Care in the VA Healthcare System. Accepted to the 19th Conference on Retrovirus and Opportunistic Infections. To take place in Seattle, March 5-8, 2012. Abstract L-122. 40. Armah K, Justice A, Oursler KA, Budoff M, Brown S, Warner A, Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Baker J, Hsue P, Freiberg M, and the VACS Project Team. The impact of elevated and prehypertensive systolic blood pressure and the risk of acute myocardial infarction in HIV infected and uninfected Veterans. Accepted to the 19th Conference on Retrovirus and Opportunistic Infections. To take place in Seattle, March 5-8, 2012. Abstract O-284. 41. Sigel K, Sheldon B, Wisnivesky J, Akgun K, Kim JW, Rodriguez-Barradas M, Hoo GS, Shahrir S, Crothers K. Chest CT scan findings and implications for lung cancer screening in asymptomatic HIV-infected patients. Accepted to the 19th Conference on Retrovirus and Opportunistic Infections. To take place in Seattle, March 5-8, 2012. Abstract #R-111. 42. Akgün K, et al. Is the VACS Index Responsive to Acute Critical Illness? Accepted to the 16th International Workshop on HIV Observational Databases. Abstract 16_173 (Poster Presentation). Athens, Greece, March 29-31, 2012. 43. Kidwai-Khan F, et al. Methodology to identify and validate community-acquired pneumonia using administrative data compared to web-based adjudication. Accepted to the 16th International Workshop on HIV Observational Databases. Abstract 16_168 (Poster Presentation). Athens, Greece, March 29-31, 2012. 44. Womack, J et al. Proton pump inhibitor and protease inhibitor use are associated with fragility fracture risk in HIV-infected male veterans. Poster #15981. XIX International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2012), to be held in Washington, D.C., 22-27 July 2012. 45. Lo Re V, et al. "Increased risk of hepatic decompensation and hepatocellular carcinoma in HIV/HCV-co-infected patients compared to HCV-mono-infected patients despite combination antiretroviral therapy". Oral Abstract # 17867. XIX International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2012), to be held in Washington, D.C., 22-27 July 2012. 46. Dubrow R, Trentalange M, Tate JP, Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Rimland D, Park LS, Goetz MB, Gibert C, Crothers K, Brown ST, Justice AC. Time trend of cancer proportionate mortality in the Veterans Aging Cohort Study. Poster #. XIX International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2012), to be held in Washington, D.C., 22-27 July 2012. 47. Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Rueda A, Munjal I, Mushtaq M, Clark BB, Pirofski L. Quantitative and Qualitative Antibody Responses to Immunization with Pneumococcal

20 Polysaccharide Vaccine (PV) in HIV-Infected Patients after Initiation of Antiretroviral Treatment (ART): Results from a Randomized Clinical Trial. ID Week. San Diego, October 17-21, 2012. Abstract #364. 48. Freiberg M, Chang C, Oursler K, Gottdiener J, Gottlieb S, Warner A, Leaf D, Rodriguez- Barradas M, Felter S, Butt A. The risk of and survival with preserved versus reduced ejection fraction heart failure by HIV status. Accepted for CROI 2013. Abstract R-238. Poster and oral themed discussion. 49. Tate J, Herrin M, Freiberg M, Chang J, Crothers K, Gibert C, Leaf D, Rimland D, Rodriguez-Barradas M, Justice A. Risk of incident diabetes associated with weight gain after combination antiretroviral therapy (ART) initiation. Accepted for CROI. Abstract #R-263. Poster. 50. Althoff K, Wyatt C, Gibert C, Oursler K, Rimland D, Rodriguez-Barradas M, McGinnis K, Skanderson M, Gebo K, Justice A. HIV-infected adults are at greated risk for MI, non- AIDS cancer, and ESRD, but events occur at similar ages compared to –uninfected adults. Accepted for CROI. Abstract #R-255. Oral presentation. 51. Justice A. Can the Veterans Aging Cohort Study (VACS) Index Improve Clinical Judgment? Accepted for CROI. Abstract # M-202-. Poster. 52. Barshes N, Rodriguez-Barradas M, Garcia A, Bechara, Pisimisis, Kougias. The Microbiological Spectrum of Foot Infections. Submitted to Association of VA Surgeons meeting. April 21-23 in Milwaukee, WI. 53. Justice, et al. Can the Veterans Aging Cohort Study Index Improve Clinical Judgment For Both HIV Infected and Uninfected Veterans? SGIM 36th Annual Meeting. Abstract #: 1640592. Poster. April 24, 2013, Denver.

c. Books chapter written:

1. Musher DM, Rodriguez-Barradas MC. Infection in adults due to Haemophilus influenzae. In: Development and clinical uses of Haemophilus b conjugate vaccine. Chapter 21, pp 389-401. Ed: RW Ellis and DM Granoff. Marcel Dekker, NY, 1994. 2. Rodriguez-Barradas, MC. Characterization of isolates of Bartonella henselae by repetitive element PCR. In: A. Schmidt, ed. Bartonella and Afipia species emphasizing Bartonella henselae. Basel: S. Karger, 1998;143-53. 3. Rodriguez-Barradas, MC. Bacterial pneumonia. 59th (2007) edition of Conn’s Current Therapy.


A. Didactic Course work: a. Courses taught at BCM within the primary department: Infectious Diseases module: Complete lecture series on “HIV-1 infection” which include “HIV and other retroviruses”, “Treatment of HIV”; “HIV and Opportunistic Infections”, “Case conference on HIV and related infections” (Total: 6 hours/year)

21 PPS: 8 sessions/year (last in Fall 2009) (at the VAMC). HIV lecture to clinical core medical students: 1 hour q 2 months (at the VAMC). ID topic lecture to Internal Medicine residents (January Infectious Diseases lecture series) Lecture series to ID fellows: 1-3 hours/year (ID section Conference Room, Alkek Bldg, BCM) HIV didactic ½ day course to new ID fellows and other providers (TSC or VA, once/year). b. Courses taught at BCM external to primary department: Lecture to ENT residents: “Antibiotics” 1 hour/year (not currently) Lecture to Substance Use fellows: “HIV Infection” 1 hour/year (not currently). c. Courses taught at other institutions while at BCM: Pharmacology course. Treatment of HIV. 1 hour. University of Tulane Medical School (one time event due to Katrina) B. Curriculum development work: AIDS rotation curriculum, HIV Clinic curriculum, HIV-clinic lecture series. C. Non-didactic teaching: a. Resident clinical training: General Medicine Rounds: 2 months/year Infectious Diseases Consult Service: 2 months/year AIDS Unit rotation: elective rotation for residents, 2 months for academic year 2011-2012 Ambulatory Care Clinic rotation: 2 or more residents/month throughout the year. b. ID fellow clinical training: Infectious Diseases Consult Service: 2 months/year Infectious Diseases City-wide conference: 1 hour/week Infectious Diseases Journal Club: 1 ¼ hour/week VA Infectious Diseases section case discussion meeting: 1 hour/week VA HIV Clinic meeting and lecture series: 1 hour/week Supervision of fellows’ HIV clinic (Tuesdays): 4 hours/week HIV/HCV Clinical Psychologist Fellowship (mentor) (7/2012-present): 8 hours/week c. ID fellow mentoring: Maria E Carlini, MD. Mentor for case report. Manuscript published 1998. Juan Caeiro, MD. Mentor for case report. Manuscript published 1998. Barbara Trautner, MD, PhD. Mentor for review paper. Manuscript published 2000. Irene Alexandraki, MD. Mentor for Academic year 2000-01. Manuscript published 2003. Omar Gonzalez, MD. Mentor for case report. Manuscript published 2005.

22 Jose Serpa-Alvarez, MD. Mentor for Clinical Scientist Training Program starting 3rd term 2006-2010. Graduated Masters in Clinical Sciences. Current location: Director, Infectious Diseases Fellowship Program, Assistant Professor of Medicine, BCM. Manuscripts published 2010 and 2011, 1 manuscript under review. Sunita Gupta, MD. Mentor for ID fellowship research project. Academic year 2009-2010. Current location: Private practice: Atlanta, GA. Abstract presented. One manuscript published, one submitted. Dimitrios Farmakiotis, MD. Current location: BCM second year ID fellow, Chief Fellow. Mentor for Case Report. In press CID. Bich Dang, MD. Current location: VA HRS Fellow. Co-mentor for VA Career Development Award application. Submitted December 3, 2012. d. Internal Medicine Residents’ mentoring: Jill Weatherhead, Research project, in progress. Michael Lin, Research project, in progress. e. Graduate student mentoring: Max Grimes: Advisor, Master of Public Health. Academic year 1999-2000. Jennifer Minihan: Advisor, Master Physicians Assistant. Academic year 2000-2001. Current location: Project Coordinator. Endocrinology Service. Massachusetts General Hospital. f. Medical student mentoring: Yili Wang. Medical student. Baylor College of Medicine. 1996. Manuscript published. Robert Byrne. Medical student. Baylor College of Medicine. 1997. Manuscript published. Danish Haque, University of Houston, 2008. Abstract presented. Manuscript published. Erica Chu, Baylor College of Medicine 2011. Abstract presented in CROI 2012. CROI awardee for travel grant. Manuscript in preparation. g. Pre-medical student mentoring: Preceptor for the Honors Premedical Academy (Joint Rice University and Baylor College of Medicine program). 1 mentoree for 1 month/year. 2002-present. h. Pharmacy students and residents training: One-to-one interaction in clinic, 1-2 students/month, 1-2 residents/month throughout the year. i. Pharmacy residents research project mentoring. Stephanie Cho, Pharm.D. 2008-2009. Abstract presented at the 43th American Society of Hospital Pharmacists meeting on December 7, 2008. Rebecca Scott, Pharm.D. 2008-2009. Abstract presented. Shineca Weeks, Pharm D. 2010-2011. Abstract presented at the 45th American Society of Hospital Pharmacists meeting on December 8, 2010 Kiki Patel, Pharm D 2011-2012. Protocol preparation and submission. D. Lectures: a. International:

23 1. HIV and Pneumococcal infection. Department of Clinical Microbiology. AcademischZiekenhuisUtrecht. July 27, 1992. Utrecht, The Netherlands. 2. Update in AIDS. II Jornadas de Actualizacion en Dermatologia Pediatrica. June 21-22, 1996. Caracas, Venezuela. 3. Update in AIDS. Hospital de Clinicas Caracas. June 25, 1996. Caracas, Venezuela. 4. AIDS: current approach. IV Iberoamerican Congress of Pulmonology. November 29, 1996. Caracas, Venezuela. 5. Update in AIDS. University Hospital. Central University of Venezuela. November 29, 1996. 6. Tratamiento Inicial del Paciente con VIH. Simposium SIDA 2009. Sociedad Venezolana de Microbiologia. Caracas June 27, 2009. 7. Tratamiento del Paciente con Virus Resistente. Simposium SIDA 2009. Sociedad Venezolana de Microbiologia. Caracas June 27, 2009. b. National: 1. Emerging new and old infections in adults and children. First Annual Wyoming Medical Conference. Sep 15-17, 1994. Casper, Wyoming. 2. Basic care of the HIV-infected patient. First Annual Wyoming Medical Conference. Sep 15-17, 1994. Casper, Wyoming. 3. Managing Complications of HAART: Switch medication or treat the complication. National VA HIV Provider Conference. Dallas, May 15-16, 2001. 4. Case discussion: Usual and Unusual Problems. National VA HIV Provider Conference. Chicago, May 29-31, 2002. 5. HIV and pneumococcal disease and immunization. VA HIV Collaborative. Chicago May 8, 2003. c. Regional: 1. HIV infection: Basic care. Charles Wilson VA Outpatient Clinic, Lufkin, TX; March 26, 2007. 2. HIV, pneumococcal disease and immunization. HIV Clinic, Auddie Murphy VA, San Antonio, TX; April 26, 2007. d. Local 1. Listeria monocytogenes. Ben Taub Grand Rounds. Nov 1989 2. Rochalimaea henselae infections. VA Grand Rounds November 1992. 3. Post-splenectomy infections. Surgical Grand Rounds. Baylor College of Medicine. 1994 4. Post-splenectomy infections. VA Grand Rounds June 19, 1995. 5. Legionnaires’ disease. VA Grand Rounds June 7, 1996. 6. Penicillin-resistant pneumococci. VA Grand Rounds February 10, 1997. 7. HAART: Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy. VA Grand Rounds April 13, 1998.

24 8. More on HAART (Highly Active Anti-Retroviral Therapy). VA Grand Rounds August 10, 1998. 9. Advanced HIV disease: Treatment & Prognosis. VA Grand Rounds October 4, 1999. 10. Antibiotics’ Update. VA Grand Rounds October 23, 2000 11. Sexually transmitted diseases and HIV/AIDS among minority women. Program on Global Health and Women sponsored by the United Nations Association-Houston Chapter. The McGovern Museum of Health and Medical Science. April 10, 2002. 12. 2002: Update on HIV. VA Grand Rounds June 11, 2002 13. HIV, pneumococcal disease, and pneumococcal vaccine. Thomas Street Clinic, Clinical Provider Conference, Oct. 1, 2002. 14. HIV, pneumococcal disease, and pneumococcal vaccine. VA Grand Rounds April 14, 2003. 15. HIV prevention and diagnosis. What is new and what has not changed. VA Grand Rounds April 26, 2004. 16. Introduction to VACS: Veterans Aging Cohort Study. Thomas Street Clinic, Clinical Provider Conference, May 18 2004. 17. HIV Treatment: From the basic to the complex. Healthcare Providers Forum: HIV/AIDS Update. The Center for AIDS, Hope and Remembrance Project. Holiday Inn Select, Greenway Plaza, Houston, Texas. Nov 13, 2004. 18. Lo mas reciente sobre el VIH. The Center for AIDS. Feb 24, 2005. Houston, TX. 19. Primary HIV Infection. Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center Grand Rounds, May 23, 2005. 20. HIV Disease 2005: How to Treat, When to Treat, and What to Treat With. Healthcare Providers Forum: HIV/AIDS Update. The Center for AIDS, Hope and Remembrance Project. Holiday Inn Select, Greenway Plaza, Houston, Texas. Nov 19, 2005. 21. 10 Years of HAART. Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center Grand Rounds. July 10, 2006. 22. HIV Pathogenesis: A tale of two infections. Michael E. DeBakey VAMC Grand Rounds. Feb 12, 2007. 23. HIV Resistance. Michael E. DeBakey VAMC Grand Rounds. July 16, 2007. 24. HIV Testing: Why routine and why rapid? Michael E. DeBakey VAMC Grand Rounds. June 30, 2008. 25. Baylor Grand Rounds Clinical Pathologic Case. Discussant. September 18 2008. 26. Baylor Grand Rounds. Update on HIV (part of “Update in Infectious Diseases”). April 30, 2009. 27. HIV Resistance. Michael E. DeBakey VAMC Grand Rounds. November 17, 2009. 28. Immune Responses to Pneumococcal Vaccine among HIV-infected Patients. Legacy Community Health Center. March 2010. 29. HIV Testing in Prime Care. Primary Care Lecture series. MEDVAMC. August 2010.

25 30. HIV and Aging (or Aging with HIV). Michael E. DeBakey VAMC Grand Rounds. February 25, 2013.


A. Patient care responsibilities: a. Department Wide: General Medicine in-patient attending (2 months/year). b. Section: Rounds: ID consult service rounds (2 months/year) AIDS elective rotation: VAMC and TSC combined outpatient rotation (2-3 months/year). Clinic: VAMC clinic panel (primary care provider for HIV patients), supervision of clinic physician assistant, supervision of all fellows’ clinics, review of all new patients’ consults, review of all ID consults, review of all PPD consults, review of all syphilis consults, needle stick consultations as needed. Supervisor for HIV dedicated case worker. Research: Management of patients enrolled in research projects.

B. Clinical laboratory responsibilities: a. At Baylor College of Medicine: Non-applicable b. At VAMC: Review new HIV diagnosis, review/discuss HIV-1 viral load testing, and review/discuss HIV-1 genotype and phenotype test results, implementation of HIV rapid test. Liaison for the laboratory personnel for any HIV-related questions.

C. National education or voluntary health organization participation: Bering-Omega Community Services: Board member, 1995-2000. Bering-Omega Community Services, Art Songs and Arias: Host Committee (2000-2003). Interfaith CarePartners. Volunteer. 2004-2006. Bering-Omega Community Services, Singing for Hope, Houston. On-call physician (2005- present). Salvage Therapy II Think Tank. Participant. April 16-17, 2004, Houston, Texas. Local Community Advisory Board (CAB) for the Morbidity Monitoring Project (MMP) [a collaborative project between the Houston Department of Health and Human Services (HDHHS) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to conduct a special HIV/AIDS surveillance project]. Member March 2005-present. Clinical Pastoral Education Program. Didactic session on HIV to the Master’s level chaplaincy students. Houston, summer rotation, 2010.

D. Administrative assignments:

26 a. Local VAMC Committees: VAMC, Medicine Subcommittee of the VA Research and Development Committee (R&D). Reviewer 10/02-present. VAMC, Bio-Hazard Subcommittee, Chair 1994-97 VAMC, Bio-Hazard Subcommittee, member 1997-98 VAMC, R&D, primary member, October 2007-present VAMC, P&T committee, July 2012-present VAMC, Antimicrobial Stewardship Champion/Team, July 2012-present. b. College committees: Infectious Diseases Fellowship Program, BCM. Selection committee. July 2013-present Institutional Review Board for Human Subject Research for BCM and Affiliated Hospitals committee. Board 3 member. April 2004-8/2011. Board 6 member 9/2011-6/2012. Academy of Education Grant Review Panel. Committee member. May 2004. Curriculum Design Committee. Committee member. September 2004-Feb 2005. c. National VA committees: Planning Committee HIV 2001: National VA HIV Provider Conference. Member. Planning Committee HIV 2002: National VA HIV Provider Conference. Member. VA HIV Collaborative, VA Center for Quality Management in Public Health, and Public Health Strategic Healthcare Group. September 2002-May 2003. Participant. Interview Team for the Director of Clinical Public Health Program position. Member, April- May 2006. Transforming Infectious Diseases and Infection Prevention and Control for the 21st Century. Department of Veterans Affairs Patient Care Services, National Infectious Diseases Program Office. May 20-21, 2010. Invited participant. Infectious Diseases Field Advisory Board. Member. Oct. 2010-present. Antimicrobial Stewardship Taskforce. Member. May 2011-present. Infection Prevention and Control in the 21st Century - It's Everybody's Business Planning Committee. Member. August 2011-May 2012.

E. Other pertinent information not given above:

Task Forces/Committees: Legionella Task Force, Texas Department of Health, 2000-2002. Member. Houston Steering Committee on Antimicrobial Stewardship. July 2012. Member.

Enhanced Comprehensive HIV Prevention Plan (ECHPP) Scientific Advisory Council. July 2012. Member.


27 VA HIV Education/Prevention Grant Awards – 2003. Public Health Strategic Health Care Group, VA Central Office Team Award to HIV Clinic team Feb 2003. Houston VAMC. Team Award to ID Section team Nov 2003. Houston VAMC. VA HIV Education/Prevention Grant Award 2009. Public Health Strategic Healtch Care Group, VA Central Office. Supervising physician for Katharine Breaux, PA-C. VA HIV Education/Prevention Grant Award 2010. Public Health Strategic Healtch Care Group, VA Central Office. Supervising physician for Katharine Breaux, PA-C.

Research Symposiums: Judge for the Baylor College of Medicine, 2009 Annual Department of Medicine House-staff Research Symposium; Category of Clinical Medicine, April 2, 2009. Judge for the Baylor College of Medicine, 2009 Graduate Student Research Symposium, October 20-22, 2009. Judge for the ACP Associates Day, Baylor College of Medicine, March 6, 2010. Judge for the Baylor College of Medicine, 2011 Annual Department of Medicine House-staff Research Symposium; Category of Clinical Medicine, April 2, 2011.

Data Safety Monitoring Board (DSMB): A phase-1, double blinded, placebo-controlled, dosage escalation study of the safety and immunogenicity of EBA-175- RII-NG Malaria Vaccine administered intramuscularly. Member. 2006-2008. A Randomized, Double-Blinded, Phase I/II Study of the Safety, Reactogenicity, and Immunogenicity of an Inactivated Influenza Vaccine Derived from A/H5N1/Indonesia/05/05 (clade 2) in Healthy Adults and Elderly Who Participated in a Previous A/H5N1/Vietnam/1203/2004 (clade 1) Vaccine Study. Member. 2008-2009. A Placebo-Controlled, Dose-Blinded, Dose Escalation Study to Evaluate the Safety, Tolerability, Pharmacokinetics and Antiviral Activity of Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) as Monotherapy for 14 Days in Antiretroviral (ARV)-Naïve and ARV-Experienced, Human Immunodeficiency Virus-1 (HIV-1)-Infected Subjects. Member. 3/2012-current

Academy of Distinguished Educators/BCM Workshops: Observing your Learner and Giving Feedback. BCM in collaboration with the Office of Curriculum and Community-based Education Coordinating Committee. March 9, 2004. 2 hours. Participant. A System Approach to Understanding Complexity with Emphasis on the Difficult Learner: Implications for Delivering Feedback. Conducted by Mark Quirk, PhD. May 6, 2010. 2 hours. Participant. Teaching and Evaluating the ACGME Competencies. Conducted by Allison R. Ownby, PhD, Med and Teri Turner, MD, MPH, Med. May 9, 2012. 2 hours. Participant.

Database Listings: H Texas magazine’s “Best Doctors in Houston” list for 2004.

28 Listed in “The Best Doctors in America®” database for years: 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, and 2009.


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