Expected to Grow

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Expected to Grow

EXPECTED TO GROW Colossians 1:9-14. I. INFANTS: A. They are completely dependent on others. 1. They cannot feed themselves, take care of themselves, or sit up by themselves. 2. They are completely vulnerable. B. If an infant never grows or gets stronger: 1. How much trouble would that be? 2. Would it cause hardships for the parents? C. The same is true for Christians. 1. Paul writes this letter to a bunch of newborns in Christ. 2. They had been Christians for less than a year; they were still infants. 3. As infants they were doing pretty good; vs. 4: Paul had “heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and the love which you have for all the saints;” 4. But then some outsiders were telling these new “infants in Christ” that “Jesus wasn’t enough…and the gospel wasn’t enough…they needed more.” 5. This caused some confusion and doubt in these new born Christians. 6. Paul tells them that they don’t need something more than Jesus, and they don’t need something more than the gospel, all they needed was to grow and mature. II. THEY NEEDED TO GROW AND MATURE “IN THE KNOWLEDGE OF HIS WILL.” Col. 1:9 For this reason also, since the day we heard of it we have not ceased to pray for you and to ask that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in ALL spiritual wisdom and understanding, 1. They didn’t need the knowledge of some great scholar, thinker, intellect, or philosopher; that is what they were being tempted with. (See 2:8) 2. They needed a “fuller, more complete knowledge of the will of God.” 3. Notice that Paul says they needed to be filled in “ALL spiritual wisdom and understanding.” a. Some were telling these Christians that the knowledge of the will of God was good but the will of God didn’t relay ALL spiritual wisdom and understanding.” b. Paul says, however, that the “will of God” does give you ALL you need; nothing is lacking! 4. God expects us to grow as Christians; if we don’t grow it is detrimental to us as well as to others. 5. But it is important that, as we grow, we get our knowledge from the right source. III. WHY THEY NEEDED TO GROW AND MATURE “IN THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD’S WILL.” A. So They Would Know Where to Walk, What a Good Work Was, and so They Would Know God. Col 1:10 so that you may walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, to please Him in all respects, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God; 1. These new born Christians were being tempted to “walk” where some of these deceivers were telling them to walk. 2. They were being tempted to participate in “works” that the deceivers said were “good works” but weren’t. 3. They were being told outlandish things about God that weren’t true. 4. EX. – Some today “blow themselves up and kill others in the name of God” while others take drugs, commit immoral acts, abuse and deprive their bodies, honor Sabbath days, practice unauthorized rituals, and promote false doctrines all in the name of God. 4. It was critical for them, as well as us, to grow and mature “in the knowledge of His will. B. So They Can Be “Strengthened With ALL power…” Col 1:11 strengthened with all power, according to His glorious might, for the attaining of all steadfastness and patience; 1. When you KNOW what God is like, when you know that He is trustworthy, that He keeps His promises, that what He says will come to pass, that He can save, that He is so powerful and strong that He can speak and His words bring the universe into existence, or that He can speak and break the bonds of death, that knowledge causes you to confidently say, “choose this day who you will serve, but as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” 2. These Christians were being tempted, not to discard God, but to add to Him. 3. By growing in your knowledge of God you will soon find that when you have God you have ALL you need. 4. That you are being “strengthened with all power according to His glorious might, for the attaining of all steadfastness and patience.” 5. As Paul says in Romans 8: “If God is for us, who is against us?” C. So You Can Stop Wondering And Doubting About Your Salvation In Christ. Paul says that when we “grow in the knowledge of His will” we can joyously 12 give thanks to the Father, who has qualified us to share in the inheritance of the saints in light. 13 For He delivered us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son, 14 in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. Col. 1: 11-14 1. They were being told that “Jesus was good but He wasn’t enough to put one back in a right relationship with God.” 2. Paul destroys that thinking in this verse when he says that “in Jesus we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.” 3. Notice who it is that qualifies, delivers, and transfers us? 4. Some who were converted out of Judaism were saying that in order to be justified you had to keep the law; that redemption and salvation was the result of human performance. 5. Paul says here that salvation and redemption is not a matter of human performance or law keeping; it is a matter of God’s work extended to us through Jesus’ performance. 6. Christ is ALL sufficient for salvation; all you need is faith and steadfastness and that comes from “growing in the knowledge of the will of God.” D. So You Can “Joyously Give Thanks To The Father.” Col. 1: 11 “…joyously giving thanks to the Father.” 1. Many Christians who have obeyed Christ speak of their salvation and say, “I hope I make it to heaven…I hope God will save me…I am not sure.” 2. There is no confidence or assurance and as a result they cannot do what Paul says here. 3. One of the reason you need to “grow in the knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding” is so you can remove all doubt, wonder, and fear, and start basking in the salvation that is yours…and joyously give thanks to God…continuously.

Conclusion: Many newborns in Christ never know the joy of their salvation. Many get off track, doing things that they should not do. Many go back to the old former sinful way of life. Many lose the salvation that is theirs IN Christ. The reason they do is because they cease to “grow in the knowledge of the will of God.” As a Christian it is critical for you to grow. Study your Bibles at home. Be in Class.

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