Month/Season: May Class: Primary 5/6 Level: Second

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Month/Season: May Class: Primary 5/6 Level: Second

RERC Planner: May Primary: 5/6

Month/Season: May Class: Primary 5/6 Level: Second

Themes: 1. A Litany to Mary 2. Our Lady of Lourdes 3. The Mass 4. Humanity of Jesus 5. Strands of Faith : Experiences and Core Learning Learning & Teaching Resources Assessment Outcomes Class/School/Home/Parish Class: Teacher explains to the class that the month of May has the Hours of God liturgical colour of green and asks the children to help in dressing the Green Altar Cloth class altar with a green cloth. Teacher places a statue or a picture of Statue/Picture of I can hear, read and recall the Mary on the altar and explains to the children that the month of May is a Mary RERC 2‐15a narrative of the marriage feast special month of the year when we pray to Mary, the mother of Jesus. at Cana (John 2: 1‐12), and I can Teacher leads the class in praying an Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be I can recognise Mary's recognise that Mary intercedes to the Father around the May Altar. significance within the for us when we call upon her in Catholic tradition and I prayer. Class: Teacher explains to the class that during May we praise Mary by Words of Holy Virgin know that celebrating singing special hymns in her honour. Teacher begins to teach the children by God’s Decree her feast days and the hymn Holy Virgin by God’s Decree (words attached to planner). Internet praying to God through Available on: Mary can enrich my life. Class: Teacher distributes the bibles and asks the children to locate John 2: 1‐12. Teacher discusses the Marriage Feast of Cana with the children. What happened at the wedding? What did Mary ask Jesus to The Wedding Feast do? Why did he not change the water to wine of his own accord? Why is of Cana Worksheet. this a very important miracle? Children complete The Wedding Feast of Cana Worksheet.

Class: Teacher discusses with the class the meaning of Mary intercedes for us when we call upon her in prayer. In the story of the Wedding Children can hear, read Feast at Cana did Mary change the water into wine? Who changed the and recall the water into wine? Why did Jesus not want to perform the miracle? Why narrative of the did he decide to change the water into wine? Mary intercedes for the marriage feast at wedding party and we can also ask Mary to intercede for us. When we Cana. pray the Hail Mary we pray the words ‘Holy Mary pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.’

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We are asking Mary to pray for us. We often ask Mary to intercede for us when we are praying for someone who is sick, going for a job, etc. John Paul II said “Mary places herself between her Son and mankind in the reality of their wants, needs and sufferings.”

Class: Children are given out intercession papers to complete and these Box Children can recognise could be placed in a special box and then placed on the May altar. Intercession Sheets that Mary intercedes for us when we call Class: Teacher continues to teach the children the hymn Holy Virgin by upon her in prayer. God’s Decree.

Class: Teacher explains to the class that Mary has many different titles. I know that Mary is given the including ‘Mother of God’ and ‘Mother of the Church.’ Teacher explains titles ‘Mother of God’ and that ‘Mother of God’ represents Mary as the mother of Jesus who was ‘Mother of the Church’ and I can both fully God and fully man. The title ‘Mother of the Church’ was explain what these terms mean. emphasised by Pope Paul VI when he said "For the glory of the Blessed Virgin and our own consolation, we proclaim the Most Blessed Virgin Mary Mother of the Church, of the whole people of God, faithful and pastors, and we call her most loving Mother." The Holy Father expressed the hope that this title of Mary, Mother of the church would "lead Christians to honour Mary even more and to call upon her with still greater confidence." He decreed that "from now onward the whole Christian people should give even greater honour to the Mother of God under this most loving title."

Class: Children complete Titles for Mary Worksheet (attached to Children know that planner). Mary is given the titles Titles for Mary ‘Mother of God’ and Class: Children work in groups to name other titles that Mary has been Worksheet ‘Mother of the Church’ given and their significance. They come together as a class and present and can explain what their findings. these terms mean.

Class: Teacher continues to teach the children the hymn Holy Virgin by Paper God’s Decree.

I understand what ‘a litany’ Class: Teacher reminds the children that a litany is a form of prayer means and I can participate in a which is a prayer of petitions and responses. Teacher explains that a simple Litany to Mary, or the litany is has three parts: Litany of the Saints.

 the invocation (addressing God)  the petitions (asking God for favours)  the responses ("Have mercy on us," "Pray for us," "Hear us").

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The class will compile their own Litany to Mary for the month of May. Layout of a Litany They will use their findings of titles of Mary from the previous lesson but Titles of Mary Children understand should be encouraged to make up their own titles for Mary. A layout of a what a litany means. litany and a list of titles for Mary are attached to the planner.

Class: Children are given the opportunity to choose a title for Mary and Paper to write and illustrate it on a large sheet of paper. The finished titles for Art Materials Mary could be displayed around the May altar or used as part of a Mary Children participate in assembly. a Litany to Mary.

School/Home: Children participate in a Litany to Mary at a school assembly and/or invite their parents to their class to participate with them in praying a Litany to Mary.

Class: Teacher continues to teach the children the hymn Holy Virgin by God’s Decree.

I am familiar with, and can Class: Teacher explains to the class that Lourdes is a little town in engage with, the message of the France but is a world centre of pilgrimage. Every year thousands of Map of France story of Lourdes and Fatima people visit Lourdes, many of them sick or troubled, to visit a shrine Song of Bernadette where Mary appeared to a girl called Bernadette. Children should locate DVD (Clips available the town of Lourdes in a map of France (attached to planner). Children on YouTube) will listen to or watch the Story of Bernadette.

Useful website: Story of Bernadette Class: Children will use reciprocal teaching skills of clarifying, questioning Text Children will recall the and summarising to interrogate an abridged Story of Bernadette Text Dictionaries story of Lourdes. (attached to planner).

Storyboard Template Class: Children will make a storyboard of the life of Saint Bernadette (attached to planner).

Children will engage Class: Teacher shows the class an image of Our Lady of Lourdes Image of Our lady of with the message of (attached to planner) and divides the children into groups to discuss the Lourdes Lourdes. message of the story of Lourdes. They will recall the story and examine Information sheet the picture. An information sheet about the message of Lourdes is about the message of attached to the planner. The groups come together to share their Lourdes findings. Paper

Class: Teacher continues to teach the children the hymn Holy Virgin by God’s Decree.

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Class: Teacher explains that a Torchlight Marian Procession takes place Information Sheet each evening at 9.00 pm as it has done since 1872. An information sheet on Torchlight Marion I can engage more on the Torchlight Marian Procession is attached to the planner. The Procession deeply in traditional children can place their own petition online at: Internet Marian devotions, particularly in simple processions, and in of-lourdes reciting the Rosary. Images of Lourdes Candles Class: Teacher shows the children images of the candles used at the Paper Torchlight Marian Procession (attached to planner). Children are asked to Cardboard Children can pray the design and make their own candle holder and candle. Wooden sticks Memorare. Art Materials Class: Teacher explains to the children that a special prayer to our lady called the Memorare invites us to ask the Blessed Mother for her assistance and her grace, especially when we feel most troubled in our Words of the daily lives. Teacher leads the children in praying the Memorare Memorare (attached to planner).

Class/School: Children participate in a simple Marian procession singing Children can Holy Virgin by God’s Decree and carrying their candles in their candle participate more holders. This could take place at a school assembly or prayer service. deeply in a Marian procession.

Class: Teacher reminds the children of the Sorrowful mysteries and how these recount the Passion and Death of Jesus.

1. The agony in the Garden 2. The Scourging at the Pillar 3. The Crowning with Thorns 4. The carrying of the cross 5. The Crucifixion

A useful website is:

Class: The teacher discusses each mystery with the class and how these I can locate the Gospel narratives came from the Gospel accounts of Jesus’ life, death and narratives celebrated in the Resurrection. Children are divided into pairs and given a mystery of the Internet Sorrowful Mysteries. Rosary to research and are asked to find a relevant reading from the Bibles bible. . The children will complete The Mysteries of The Rosary The Mysteries of Worksheet. After all the mysteries have been researched, the children The Rosary will come together to share their research with the class and read out Worksheet.

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their Gospel readings which accompany their mystery of the Rosary. The completed sheets could be made into a book about the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary and displayed on the May altar. Children can locate the Gospel narratives Class: Teacher explains how to lead a communal Rosary. Rosary Beads Rosary Beads celebrated in the Worksheet and How to Pray the Rosary Worksheet are attached to the Rosary Beads Sorrowful Mysteries. planner. Children are given the opportunity to lead a communal Rosary in Worksheet class. How to Pray the Rosary Worksheet Home: Children take Rosary Beads Worksheet and How to Pray the Rosary Worksheet home to lead the Rosary with their family. Children can lead a I can lead a communal recitation School/Parish: Children participate in May is the month of Mary communal recitation of of the Rosary. assemblies or services. the rosary.

KEY VOCABULARY: Intercede, Mother of God, Mother of the Church, Litany of Saints, Lourdes, Marian devotion, Rosary

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Strands of Faith : Experiences and Core Learning Learning & Teaching Resources Assessment Outcomes Class/School/Home/Parish Signs of God I know all the responses to the Class: Teacher distributes copies of The Order of the Mass (attached to The Order of the Children know all Mass Mass and I can actively and planner) to the class and the children practice the responses. Mass responses. prayerfully participate each time RERC 2‐16a I attend. School /Parish: Children participate with the responses prayerfully at Mass. I know that the Mass is at the heart of Catholic I recognise the contribution of Class: The teacher explains to the class that the most traditional form of community life and I am music to liturgy in Church. music at mass is an organ but some parishes also allow the use of guitars, developing an violins, flutes, etc. Teacher lets the children hear a Gregorian Chant understanding of how to available on: participate fully in this celebration. Teacher explains that this is a form of liturgical music that originated in monastic life and accompanied the celebration of Mass.

Teacher explains to the class that when we sing we pray and when we sing at Mass we make the Mass more special, more complete. By singing together we become one together: an outward sign of our unity in and as the Body of Christ. We normally sing hymns at Mass at:  Entrance  Offertory  Eucharist  Recessional Teacher explains that we can also sing the most joyful words of the Mass itself, and by singing them make clear how much they matter. Among these most joyful words are Alleluia, Hosanna, Amen and it’s these words which above all we delight in singing together. Children recognise the Class: Teacher distributes hymn books and allows the children to choose Hymn Books contribution of music their favourite hymns for a Mass. Hymns at Mass Worksheet (attached Hymns at Mass to liturgy in Church. to planner) Worksheet

I am growing in my ability to Class: Teacher shows the class a missal and demonstrates how to find Missal prepare for Sunday Mass the appropriate readings for Sunday Mass. Teacher gives the children Internet through reflection on the the opportunity to reflect on the readings in preparation for Sunday readings during each week with Mass. There are also some good websites which give the relevant readings the help of my teacher, chaplain for every day of the year and the children could use this resource to

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and family. independently prepare for Sunday Mass.

School/Home: Children could share the content of the Sunday readings Children are growing in with other classes at school assemblies and with their families. ability to prepare for Sunday Mass through Some useful websites are: reflection on the readings during each week with the help of their teacher, chaplain and family. Class: Teacher revises with the class that as a mark of respect for the I know of the general Eucharist, Church law requires us to fast for one hour before receiving requirement of Church law that I Holy Communion. This is known as the Eucharistic Fast. Teacher explains should fast for an hour before that : receiving Holy Communion. I know that this is a mark of respect for 1. A person who is to receive the holy Eucharist is to abstain for at least the Eucharist and is known as the one hour before Holy Communion from any food and drink, except for Eucharistic Fast. only water and medicine

2. A priest who celebrates the Holy Eucharist more than once a day on Children know of the the same day can take something before the next celebration even if general requirement of there is less than one hour before he receives Holy Communion again. Church law that they should fast for an hour 3. The elderly (60 years or older), the infirm and those who care for them before receiving Holy can receive the Holy Eucharist even if they have eaten something within Communion. the preceding hour. Children know that 4. The duration of the Eucharistic Fast is reduced to approximately this is a mark of fifteen minutes for those mentioned in Point 3. respect for the Eucharist and is known Class: Class divide into discussion groups and discuss different ways of as the Eucharistic preparing for the sacrament of the Eucharist. Class comes together to Paper Fast. share their findings

I have studied the words of the Class: Teacher distributes copies of the Nicene Creed to the class and Nicene Creed and am deepening explains that this prayer is a symbol of belief for Christians all over the my understanding of its meaning. world. The Nicene Creed explains the teachings about the Trinity and Copies of the Nicene Children develop a also affirms historical realities of the life of Jesus. Even though the Creed deeper understanding Nicene Creed does not directly quote from scripture, it is based on Dictionaries of the words of the biblical concepts and truths. Nicene Creed.

Class: Children divide into reciprocal teaching groups and use the skills of clarifying and questioning to develop a deeper understanding of the meaning of the Nicene Creed. 7 RERC Planner: May Primary: 5/6

Class: Teacher explains to the class that they are going to be involved in I have been given opportunities, planning a celebration of the Eucharist. This could take the form of a Bibles Children are given the with support from my teacher Mass, a prayer service or a school assembly. Teacher divides the class Missal opportunity to be and chaplain, to be involved in into groups and sets each group a responsibility for the celebration: Hymn Books involved in planning a planning a celebration of the Art Materials celebration of the Eucharist.  Readings Internet Eucharist.  Prayers  Hymns  Music  Flowers  Pictures/Paintings

Teacher supports pupils but encourages them to be fully involved in planning the celebration.

Home: Children invite members of their family to their celebration of the Eucharist.

Parish: Teacher invites the school chaplain to visit the class and support the children in planning their celebration of the Eucharist. If possible the celebration could take place in their local church.

Class: Teacher reminds the children that, as a Catholic we have a duty to I know that, as a Catholic I have attend Mass on Sundays and holidays of obligation. This means that we a duty to attend Mass on must organise our time so that we can fulfil this obligation. Teacher Sundays and holidays of discusses with the children what they could do to make sure they attend obligation. I recognise this Mass e.g. set the alarm clock, organise travel, check the times of Mass. involves prioritising my time to Teacher reminds the children of the Third Commandment (Remember to do so. I am able to connect this keep holy the Lord’s Day) and explains that for Jews the Sabbath was with my understanding of the Saturday. Christians, however, transferred the Sabbath to a Sunday, Third Commandment (Remember the day of Christ’s resurrection from the dead. Sunday Mass is important to keep holy the Lord’s Day). because we gather together to publically profess our faith and celebrate Mass with our family, friends and members of the congregation. Paper Class: Children make posters advertising the Third Commandment Art Materials Children develop an (Remember to keep holy the Lord’s Day). The finished posters could be understanding of the displayed around the school. Third Commandment (Remember to keep KEY VOCABULARY: Mass, music ministry, Church Law, Creed, Sunday holy the Lord’s Day) obligation.

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Strands of Faith : Experiences and Core Learning Learning & Teaching Resources Assessment Outcomes Class/School/Home/Parish

Son of God In P5 we will focus on the Gospel Class: Teacher distributes bibles to the class and asks the children to Bibles of Mark (with occasional locate the New Testament. Teacher explains that the four Gospels of The Four Gospels references to the Gospel of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John tell the story of Jesus’ life, death, Information Sheet RERC 2‐05a John). Mark’s Gospel, “the Good resurrection and proclaim the good news of God’s victory over the powers The Four Gospels News about Jesus Christ, Son of of sin and death. The word “Gospel” means “good news.” Although the Worksheet I know that Jesus is God” (Mark 1: 1) is thought to be four gospels all tell the story of Jesus, each does so in a distinctive way, truly divine and truly the first gospel to be written. It emphasising particular aspects of Jesus’ identity and mission. Matthew, human and I can chronicles the signs and wonders Mark and Luke are often called the “synoptic” Gospels. The term acknowledge Him as our of Jesus and the amazement of “synoptic” meaning the “common view.” These three Gospels recount many Saviour who brings the those who witnessed them; the of the same stories and sometimes even the same wording. The Gospel of New Covenant. humanity of Jesus in his words, John relates many miracles and encounters that are not found in the looks and gestures; and his other Gospels and presents a deeper understanding about Jesus’ true invitation to enter the Kingdom identity. In John, Jesus gives several long talks explaining who he is and of God. the importance of having faith in him. Further information about the four Gospels is contained within an Information Sheet attached to the planner. I can recognise that we can learn about Jesus through the Gospels Class: Children complete The Four Gospels Worksheet (attached to and that each Gospel gives a planner). particular portrait of the same Jesus. Class: Teacher explains to the children that having four Gospels, rather Bibles than one, gives us a more complete understanding of Jesus. Teacher Some Stories Unique I know that in P5 we will learn distributes the bibles and leads the children to look for the following to Each Gospel about Jesus through the Gospel stories in each Gospel. Worksheet of Mark. Matthew: Stories that connect Jesus to important people in the Old Testament. Visitors from the East (Matthew 2: 1-12)

Mark: Stories in which Jesus tries to keep his identity a secret. Bibles Children develop Jesus heals a blind man (Mark 8: 22-26) Life of Jesus understanding that we Worksheet can learn about Jesus Luke: Stories in which Jesus emphasises helping poor people. through the Gospels The parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10: 25-37) and that each Gospel gives a particular John: Stories in which Jesus is shown to be the Son of God. portrait of the same The wedding in Cana (John 2:1-12) Jesus.

Class: Children work in pairs and select one of the above stories and complete a Life of Jesus Worksheet.

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I can hear, read and recount Class: Teacher explains to the class that they will be learning more about Bibles narratives about Jesus’ life to Jesus through the Gospel of Mark. Teacher reminds the children that Drama Evaluation show that he was fully human. although Jesus was the Son of God, he was also fully human and showed Sheet e.g., eating ‐ eating with sinners emotions just like they do. Teacher asks the children to name emotions (Mark 2: 15‐17); the anointing at that humans experience e.g. happiness, sadness, anger, fear. Teacher Bethany (Mark 14: 3‐9) explains that Jesus also had to sleep, eat, drink and keep himself clean just like we do. Teacher reads from the bible (Mark2:15-17) and explains that Jesus was having a meal with outcasts and tax collectors. Why did the Pharisees think Jesus should not be eating with them? What did Jesus say to the Pharisees? What emotions was Jesus showing in this bible reading? What emotions did the Pharisees display? What emotions do you think the outcasts and tax collectors displayed?

Class: Children work in groups to read the story of Jesus eating with sinners (Mark 2: 15‐17) from the bible and to create a short dramatisation of the event. Children are reminded to portray the emotions experienced by the characters. Groups watch each other perform and then reflect and evaluate each other’s performances (Evaluation Sheet attached to planner).

Class: Teacher reads Mark 14: 3‐9 from the bible to the class and reminds the children that Jesus was eating a meal with Simon. What Bibles condition did Simon suffer from? Who anointed Jesus? What emotions Storyboard Template did the onlookers display? How did Jesus react? What message did for Jesus being Jesus leave them with? Anointed at Bethany Children develop an understanding that Class: Children make a storyboard (template attached to planner) of Jesus was fully human. Jesus being anointed at Bethany). The characters in the story should display the appropriate emotions.

Class: Teacher explains to the class that people responded to the I can identify how people teachings of Jesus as wrote in Mark 8: 34‐38 in different ways and they responded in different ways e.g. will be using the Gospel of Mark to study the responses of:  the rich young man (Mark 10:  the rich young man (Mark 10: 17‐22) 17‐22)  the blind man of Jericho, Bartimaeus (Mark 10: 46‐52) Children can identify  the blind man of Jericho,  Peter’s profession of faith (Mark 8: 27‐30). how people responded Bartimaeus (Mark 10: 46‐52) to Jesus in different  Peter’s profession of faith Class: Teacher divides the class into groups and over a few lessons read Bibles ways. (Mark 8: 27‐30). the above scripture reading from the Gospel of Mark. Through Response to Jesus discussion, they should identify and record the following points: Worksheet  What was Jesus asked?  How did Jesus reply?  How did the person respond to his answer? 10 RERC Planner: May Primary: 5/6

Children complete Response to Jesus Worksheet. Children know that in Class come together to share their findings. P5/6 they will learn about Jesus through the Gospel of Mark. KEY VOCABULARY: Gospels, Portrait of Jesus, Gospel of Mark, Son of God, Saviour, Incarnation, Jesus of Nazareth, Jesus, Son of Mary, fully human, fully divine ministry, miracles,

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Holy Virgin, by God’s Decree

Holy Virgin, by God’s decree, you were called eternally; that he could give his Son to our race. Mary, we praise you, hail, full of grace. R. Ave, ave, ave, Maria.

By your faith and loving accord, as the handmaid of the Lord, you undertook God’s plan to embrace. Mary we thank you, hail, full of grace. R. Ave, ave, ave, Maria.

Joy to God you gave and expressed, of all women none more blessed, when in mankind your Son took his place. Mary, we love you, hail, full of grace. R. Ave, ave, ave, Maria.

Refuge for your children so weak, sure protection all can seek. Problems of life you help us to face. Mary, we trust you, hail, full of grace. R. Ave, ave, ave, Maria.

To our needy world of today love and beauty you portray, showing the path to Christ we must trace. Mary, our mother, hail, full of grace. (R.)

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Name: ______Date:______

The Wedding Feast at Cana

Read John 2:1-12 and think about the events in this Gospel reading. Answer the following questions in sentences.

What is the first thing Mary says in John 2:3?

What does Mary mean?

How does Jesus reply to Mary in John 2: 4?

What does Mary tell the servers to do in John 2: 5?

What is the main message in this Gospel reading?

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Intercession Sheet

Mary our Mother, please intercede for



Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

Mary our Mother, please intercede for



Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

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Name ______Date______

Titles for Mary

Mary is called Mother of God because

Mary is called Mother of the Church because

Jesus fully God man Pope Paul VI whole people of God faithful and pastors

call upon her honour loving bless

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Layout for a Litany

1. Give your litany a name.

2. Start the litany with the following prayers:

Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, have mercy on us. Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, hear us. Christ, graciously hear us. God the Father of Heaven, have mercy on us. God the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on us. God the Holy Spirit, have mercy on us. Holy Trinity, One God, have mercy on us.

3. Now ask each child to write a petition to be included in the litany. Each petition should end with a response e.g. “Mary, our mother, pray for us.”

4. When praying the litany, end the litany with the prayer Lamb of God followed by the Our Father.

Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us. Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us. Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, grant us peace.

Our Father, who art in heaven . . .

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Litany and Titles for Mary

Holy Mother of God, Virgin most prudent, Holy Virgin of virgins, Virgin most venerable, Virgin most renowned, Queen of Angels, Virgin most powerful, Queen of Patriarchs, Virgin most merciful, Queen of Prophets, Virgin most faithful, Queen of Apostles, Queen of Martyrs, Mirror of justice, Queen of Confessors, Seat of wisdom, Queen of Virgins, Cause of our joy, Queen of all Saints, Spiritual vessel, Queen conceived without Original Vessel of honour, Sin, Singular vessel of devotion, Queen assumed into Heaven, Mystical rose, Queen of the most holy rosary, Tower of David, Queen of Peace, Tower of ivory, House of gold, Mother of Christ, Ark of the covenant, Mother of divine grace, Gate of Heaven, Mother most pure, Morning star, Mother most chaste, Health of the sick, Mother inviolate, Refuge of sinners, Mother undefiled, Comforter of the afflicted, Mother most amiable, Help of Christians. Mother most admirable, Mother of good counsel, Mother of our Creator, Mother of our Saviour,

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Map of France

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The Story of Saint Bernadette

Bernadette was born in a small town in France called Lourdes. Her family was very poor and had to share one cold room. The only way to keep warm was to burn sticks which the children had to collect.

One cold winter's day, Bernadette, her sister, Tionette, and her friend, Jeanne, were gathering firewood beside a river. They had been out all day and it was now growing dark. Tionette and Jeanne set off for home, crossing the icy cold river in their bare feet. Bernadette hesitated. She didn't want to cross the river because it was so cold and she felt getting her feet wet might bring on her asthma.

Tionette and Jeanne called to her from the other side of the river. Bernadette was just about to follow them across, when she heard the sound of a great wind. She looked round and out of a cave in the rock, came a beautiful young lady. She wore a sparkling white dress and a veil. She smiled at Bernadette and beckoned to her to come closer. Bernadette could not believe what she was seeing but she was not afraid. She knelt down and began to pray. The lady prayed with her. After a while, the vision of the lady disappeared.

Tionette and Jeanne returned to find Bernadette kneeling. They urged her to hurry across the river. Bernadette put her foot in the water. It felt warm. On the way home, Bernadette told Tionette and Jeanne about the beautiful lady. They didn't believe her. Bernadette's mum did not believe her either. "Such nonsense!" she said, "you are never to go back to that cave again".

Bernadette pleaded with her mum and, after three days, she was allowed to return to the cave. She saw the beautiful lady and, again, they prayed together. After that, Bernadette went to pray with the lady, day after day. People got to hear about Bernadette and her vision and large crowds followed her to the cave. But no one, except Bernadette, could see the vision of the beautiful lady.

Some people said Bernadette was mad and laughed at her. Others said she was lying and shouted at her. She was slapped and spat upon. She was spoken to by her teacher, her priest, the local police and other important people who came all the way from Paris. All of these people wanted Bernadette to say that her vision of the beautiful lady was not real.

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Bernadette answered all their questions in a quiet, gentle way. But she would not give up her belief that her vision of the beautiful lady was real.

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Name______Date ______

Storyboard of the Life of Saint Bernadette

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The messages the Blessed Virgin Mary gave at Lourdes, France in 1858 are summarized as follows:

1. It is an appreciation from heaven of the definition of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception, declared four years prior (in 1854). At the same time, she presents herself as Mother and model of purity for the world in need of this virtue.

2. It is an exaltation to the virtues of poverty and humility accepted in a Christian way by having chosen Bernadette as an instrument of her messages.

3. An important message in Lourdes is the Cross. The Blessed Mother repeats that the most important thing is to be happy in the other life, even though it is necessary to accept the Cross to achieve happiness.

4. The importance of prayer, the rosary, penance, and humility (kissing the ground as a sign); a message of infinite mercy for sinners and for the care of the sick.

Important points for reflection about the visible signs in the first apparition which include great spiritual teachings:

1. Surrounded by light: this is a symbol of the light of faith which we receive at Baptism. Faith is the light of life with which we should shine before the world. We should transmit the brilliance of faith by our sanctity of life.

2. The light was tranquil and profound: in our Christian faith we find repose for our souls.

3. Of incomparable beauty, there is nothing like it here on earth: work unceasingly to acquire the true beauty of soul so that it is pleasing for God to contemplate.

4. White dress, pure and delicate, never has anyone been able to imitate: our soul should be dressed in purity and be delicate before God; sin stains our white dress.

5. Bare feet, on top of which is a brilliant rose : bare feet preach to us about the evangelical poverty of the Gospels which is a beautiful and sublime virtue that to those who practice it Jesus has promised himself the Kingdom of Heaven. The luminous rose is a call to be the fragrance of Christ to all, the divine fragrance of the Gospels.

6. Her hands always together, with the Holy Rosary in fervent prayer, praying always without ceasing: prayer is our constant nourishment,

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the breath of our soul, all the virtues are born in the soul that prays.

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Our Lady of Lourdes

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The Torchlight Marian Procession

The Torchlight Marian Procession takes place each evening at 9.00 pm as it has done since 1872.

The welcoming of pilgrims and announcements begin at 20.45. The Evening Procession begins from the Priory and ends in the square in front of the Rosary Basilica. Between torches, pilgrims carry a statue of Our Lady (a copy of the Cabuchet statue of the Blessed Virgin).

During the Procession, the pilgrims walk in groups behind their pilgrimage banner. Everyone is invited to carry a lighted candle in their hand – a reminder of Baptism.

At the end of the Procession, the Priests and Bishops present give the Blessing.

The Rosary is not a prayer wheel and it does Copy of the Cabuchet statue not encourage the repetition with the lips of carried by pilgrims. ready-made formulae. It is with the aid of these words that we enter into the life of Christ, remembering his birth, this childhood (Joyful Mysteries), his adult life, his death (Sorrowful Mysteries) and his resurrection (Glorious Mysteries). It is a means of coming closer to him.

The Mass at 11.00pm. in the Grotto

After the Procession, the pilgrims are invited to attend the last Mass of the day at the Grotto of the Apparition. The celebrant chooses his theme from the Masses in Honour of Our Lady or from the Masses for Various Needs and Occasions. This Mass is to give thanks for all the graces received at the Sanctuary during the day.

This Mass at the Grotto is celebrated every day, including Sunday, from the beginning of the Pilgrimage Season. The Mass will be celebrated in French or Italian.

25 RERC Planner: May Primary: 5/ 6

Practical Information

. The procession lasts about 1½ hours.

. It is possible for pilgrims to recite the Rosary in different languages. They must present themselves in front of the Rosary Basilica 30 minutes before the Procession begins.

. To take part in the Choir it is necessary to present oneself in front of the Rosary Basilica no later than 8.30pm. It is open to pilgrims of all languages.

Candles are bought in the town before entering the Sanctuary.

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Candles at Lourdes

27 RERC Planner: May Primary: 5/6

The Memorare

REMEMBER, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to thy protection, implored thy help, or sought thy intercession was left unaided. Inspired with this confidence, I fly unto thee, O Virgin of virgins, my Mother; to thee do I come; before thee I stand, sinful and sorrowful. O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my petitions, but in thy mercy hear and answer me. Amen.

28 RERC Planner: May Primary: 5/6

Names ______Date ______

The Mysteries of the Rosary Your task:  investigate a mystery of the rosary  record your findings  explain your sources.

Your Mystery ______

We found our mystery in the Bible in the Gospel of ……………………….. Chapter………. Verse/s ……………

Write about the mystery here.

Draw a picture of the mystery here.

29 RERC Planner: May Primary: 5/6

Name ______Date ______

Rosary Beads

30 RERC Planner: May Primary: 5/6

How to Pray the Rosary

 Make the Sign of the Cross

 Pray the Nicene Creed.

 Pray the Our Father

 Pray three Hail Marys

 Pray the Glory be to the Father

 Announce the name of the mystery.

 Pray an Our Father.

 Pray ten Hail Marys.

 Pray the Glory be to the Father.

 Make the Sign of the Cross.

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32 RERC Planner: May Primary: 5/6

33 RERC Planner: May Primary: 5/6


Hymns at Mass Look through the hymn book and choose your favourite hymns for each part of the mass.

Entrance Hymns

Offertory Hymns

Eucharistic Hymns

Recessional Hymns

34 RERC Planner: May Primary: 5/6

The Nicene Creed

I believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible.

I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages.

God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father; through him all things were made. For us men and for our salvation he came down from heaven,

[At the words that follow up to and including 'and became man,' all bow.]

and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man.

For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate, he suffered death and was buried, and rose again on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead and his kingdom will have no end.

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified, who has spoken through the prophets.

I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church. I confess one baptism for the forgiveness of sins and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. Amen. 35 RERC Planner: May Primary: 5/6

The Four Gospels Information Sheet

The Gospel according to Matthew tells the good news that Jesus is the promised Saviour, the one whom through God fulfilled the promise he made to his people in the Old Testament. The Gospel; presents Jesus as the great teacher, who has the authority to interpret the Law of God, and who teaches about God’s kingdom.

The Gospel according to Mark portrays Jesus as a man of action and authority. His authority is seen in his teaching, in his power over demons, and in forgiving people’s sins. Jesus speaks of himself as the Son of Man who came to give his life to set people free from sin. Mark presents the story of Jesus in a straightforward way, with emphasis on what Jesus did, rather on his words and teachings.

The Gospel according to Luke presents Jesus as both the promised Saviour of Israel and as the Saviour of all mankind. Luke records that Jesus was called by the Spirit of the Lord to “preach the Good News to the poor” and this Gospel is filled with a concern for people with all kind of needs. Throughout the Gospel great emphasis is placed on prayer, the Holy Spirit, the role of women in the ministry of Jesus and God’s forgiveness of sins.

The Gospel according to John presents Jesus as the Eternal Word of God, who “became a human being and lived among us.” This Gospel was written so that its readers might believe that Jesus is the promised Saviour, the Son of God, and that through their faith in him they might have life. John emphasises the gift of eternal life through Christ, a gift which begins now and which comes to those who respond to Jesus as the way, the truth and the life. A striking feature of John is the symbolic use of common things from everyday life to point to spiritual realities, such as water, bread, light, the shepherd and his sheep and the grapevine and its fruit.

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The Four Gospels

Use your bible to answer the following questions.

1. Name the four Gospels in the order in which they appear in the bible. a.______b.______c.______d.______

2. Which Gospel has the greatest number of chapters?


3. Which Gospel has the fewest number of chapters?


4. Which two Gospels begin with stories about the birth of Jesus?


5. What is the opening sentence of the Gospel of Mark?

______6. The Gospel of Mark is filled with action. How many stories about Jesus healing people are told in the first chapter alone?

37 RERC Planner: May Primary: 5/6


Life of Jesus

Visitors from the East (Matthew 2: 1-12)

Jesus heals a blind man (Mark 8: 22-26)

The parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10: 25-37)

The wedding in Cana (John 2:1-12)

Find these stories in your bible and read them carefully. Choose one story and write about why it is important to you.

I have chosen the story about______.

I read it in______.

The story is important to us because

38 RERC Planner: May Primary: 5/6

Dramatisation of Jesus eating with sinners (Mark 2: 15‐17) Evaluation Sheet

Criteria for Success Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Write a comment for each section. Characterisation Do the actions of the characters match the events of the story?

Speech Do the individuals speak clearly?

Language Is the vocabulary appropriate to the story?

Performance Do the characters show emotion through;  Body language  Facial expression  Voice?

39 RERC Planner: May Primary: 5/6

Jesus is Anointed at Bethany (Mark 14: 3‐9)

40 RERC Planner: May Primary: 5/6

Name: ______Date______Response to Jesus

Bible Reference What was Jesus asked? How did Jesus reply? Reaction of the Person

The Rich Young Man Mark 10: 17‐22

The Blind Man of Jericho, Bartimaeus Mark 10: 46‐52

Peter’s Profession of Faith Mark 8: 27‐30


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