Aylesbury Vale District Council
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Information for Parish and Town Councils
1. What is the New Homes Bonus?
The New Homes Bonus (NHB) is a national initiative, providing funding to local councils for increasing the number of homes in their area. For every new home built and occupied in Aylesbury Vale, the Government gives the council a NHB grant each year for six years.
AVDC has decided to pass a share of the NHB to parishes, to help alleviate the impacts of housing growth on local communities.
2. Who can apply?
The NHB funding scheme is open to parish and town councils that can evidence that they have been affected by growth. Applications need not necessarily be from the area in which the growth has occurred, in recognition of the fact that those affected are not always within the area taking the growth.
3. How much NHB grant funding is available?
20% of the Government allocation has been set aside for the funding scheme, which equated to £672,000 in the second year of the scheme’s administration, potentially growing to £1 million by the sixth year.
4. What type of project will the NHB scheme fund?
The NHB scheme will fund projects where there is a demonstrable need for significant capital investment or revenue to help with the provision of community amenities that are needed because of growth and that have tangible benefits for the community.
The scheme will not fund: Retrospective projects (i.e. projects that will start before a funding decision has been reached or projects already completed.) Expenditure already incurred/committed. Fundraising activities. Political or religious activities.
The scheme would not normally fund: Initiatives that are the responsibility of a statutory body. The preparation of community or feasibility plans. Facilities/services which would be funded by developer contributions or CIL. Initiatives where the asset for which the funding is sought is not within the ownership of the parish council. But all applications will be considered on their merit
5. How do parish and town councils apply, and who do they apply to?
Prospective applicants MUST submit a preliminary “Expression of Interest” (EOI) form available to complete online at www.aylesburyvaledc.gov.uk/newhomesbonusEOI
The EOI will ensure an initial discussion with the grants officer, to identify whether projects meet
1 the criteria, to discuss other possible funding sources (including S106), and avoid abortive work for potential applicants. It is therefore important to submit an EOI as early as possible in your project planning. If the project meets the criteria applicants will be sent a full application pack.
The closing date for full applications for funding in 2015/16 is Wednesday 30th September 2015
6. Can parishes apply for 100% of the project costs?
Awards could be for up to 100% of the scheme and could support capital and revenue projects.
In the event that the fund is over-subscribed, preference may be given to projects that can evidence match-funding. Other funding options can be discussed at the Expression of Interest stage.
7. What are the application requirements?
Applications must include, or be accompanied by, a business case which as a minimum would demonstrate: the impact of growth on the relevant area the need and community support for the proposed investment a clear budget and funding details a delivery plan. It is important to note that if your project involves a feasibility study to be undertaken by, for example, Transport for Bucks, this must be commissioned by your parish or town council and completed prior to the application deadline in order to fulfil the requirements as accurately as possible.
If invited to submit a full application, the application form will set out the financial information that you need to provide and a list of the supporting documentation that you need to accompany your application.
Applicants will need to demonstrate how their application reflects their public sector equalities duty, providing equality of opportunity for all, as outlined in the Equality Act 2010. For further information, please visit www.gov.uk/government/publications/public-sector-equality-duty
8. When can parish and town councils apply?
The application process is now open, and the deadline for 2015/16 is Wednesday 30th September 2015.
An Expression of Interest may be submitted at any time and is available to complete online at www.aylesburyvaledc.gov.uk/newhomesbonusEOI
9. Who makes the decisions about the grants?
An informal panel will consider applications and make recommendations to the district council’s Cabinet, which will make the final decision.
The panel consists of three district councillors appointed on a politically proportionate basis, and two parish councillors nominated by the Aylesbury Vale Association of Local Councils (AVALC). Members of the panel will not represent more than one authority.
Parish representatives, and District Councillors who are also Parish Councillors, will be excluded from considering applications from areas in which they have an interest.
2 10 When will funding decisions be made? .
Awards will be made annually.
On occasion, the panel may call an extra-ordinary meeting to consider a particular application if the budget is available and if the panel feels that the parish would be considerably disadvantaged if funding could not be agreed until the next round.
The informal grants panel will meet in November to consider applications, and applicants will then be advised of the panel’s recommendations to Cabinet.
Decisions will be subject to the council’s formal decision making process and will not be finalised until January 2016.
11 Will there be any conditions attached to the grant? .
Yes, a funding agreement will need to be signed and will include standard conditions, for example: The timescales for the project, and a schedule of funding payments That the contribution made by the NHB scheme must be clearly identified to the local community.
Other conditions of funding may be included, depending on the nature of each project.
12 When will the funding for a project be released? .
A payment schedule will be agreed as part of the Funding Agreement for each successful application. Payment will be phased to match the forecast spend on the project/project milestones and some monies may be withheld until completion of the project.
13 What will the council require by way of monitoring? .
Monitoring requirements will depend on the size and scale of the project and will be agreed for each individual project as part of the conditions of funding. Any phased payments would be released subject to satisfactory monitoring/progress.
14 Can the funding be used for another purpose if the proposed project fails to get underway? .
No. A new application must be submitted.
15 Can parish and town councils reapply if their application is refused? .
Yes, as long as the subsequent application addresses the original reason for refusal.
If you have any other questions please contact the Grants Officer, Jan Roffe:
Email: [email protected] Tel: 01296 585186