Kirk Bixler, Franklin College, Past President;

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Kirk Bixler, Franklin College, Past President;

Board Meeting Agenda Ball State University October 21, 2010

Present: Kirk Bixler, Franklin College, Past President; Liz Bushnell, Manchester College, President Elect; Anita Yoder, Future President Elect; Claudine Meilink, Purdue University, Secretary; (by phone) Phil Parker, University of Southern Indiana, Treasurer; Susan Gresham, Saint Mary of the Woods College, Membership Services; Jennifer Fisher, Manchester College, Website Master; Nick Haggenjos, Harrison College, At-Large; Mark Hannon, Ball State University, At-Large; Pam Norman, Indiana Interns, At-Large Libby Davis, University of Indianapolis, Ex-Officio, Hospitality

Absent: Debbie Blades, Purdue University – Calumet, Newsletter Coordinator; Nikki Lawson, Ivy Tech – South Bend, At-Large Ashley McArdle , IUPUI Fort Wayne, At-Large; Cathy McGregor Foster, Ex-Officio, Archivist;

Welcome 2:00-2:05pm  Review of Agenda – Liz

Standing Reports 2:05-2:30pm  Minutes from the July 2010 Board Meeting o No changes.  Treasurer’s Report – Phil o No checks, one deposit o No registrations submitted for fall conference yet, nor any expenses o It was asked if the CDs are annual, which Phil stated most of the CDs are annual o Phil has Board has discussed if CDs are the best place to put money; return is “dismal” (<1%), however money is liquid o Currently, approximately $15-20,000 is kept in the checking o Phil will check to see if there are other options o Claudine asked what our goal is as far as investing in other options; answer is a better return rate  Newsletter – Debbie o [?]  Membership Report – Susan o Susan reported 150 paid members with 24 are new to CDPI o On the membership form, people are asked to indicate what they would like to get involved in. Susan has a list. This will allow those in charge of specific areas to contact these individuals. o All of new members’ emails were sent to Kirk to add to listserve and to Libby for “Welcome”. o New members were also included in the last newsletter. o Susan suggested we identify which institutions are not involved with CDPI and send them information. o There is some interest from two proprietary institutions (New Horizons and MedTech) to join CDPI. It is in our bylaws that CDPI is specific to colleges and universities and not-for-profit organizations. While they are not able to join CDPI, they can attend conferences and receive list-serve info. CDPI Goal: Enhance our website for greater functionality & Accomplishments: Website redesign, Twitter, Online connections conference registration, Resources webpage  Website –Jennifer o New sections to website: . Resources – people can submit articles and resources to be posted in this section . Conference Registration available online  Few hiccups that can be worked out for the next conference but, overall, process worked very well  Close to 60 registrations received online with PayPal  In process of verifying non-profit status with PayPal  There is a fee of .03% associated with PayPal which has had very little impact . Registration form for membership is available online  Board discussed membership criteria being placed online . Jen has looked for Event marketing software  Claudine suggested Constant Contact – cost is $15/month for < 500 members . Resource page needs to be promoted/marketed to membership . Jennifer would like to see different contributors to the blog  It was suggested that Jen assign weeks to board to get the blog started

Business 2:30-3:00pm  Inside Indiana Business, Sally Fillbrunn o Keynote for Spring Conference: Gerry Dick o Introduction to various business tools for students researching Indiana businesses and employers . Group introduced themselves to Sally . Mission is to reach out to college age students so they understand what the business landscape is in Indiana . Everything offered by Inside Indiana Business is free . Several college students didn’t realize what businesses are located right here in Indiana . Sally brought media kits (and asked us to ignore pricing info ) . A message was played from Gerry Dick . Inside Indiana is strictly a news source – provides articles written by INDIANA businesses as well as video of interviews conducted with companies . Sally also shared the opportunity for us to submit Op Eds . This is the first time that Inside Indiana has met with an organization such as CDPI to be a resource

CDPI Goal: Continue and expand high quality, low-cost Accomplishments: Conference, NACE CCI program, professional programs Campus Career Counselor discount

 Conference Updates, Mark & Anita 3:00-3:15pm o Fall 2010, Ball State Conference – Mark . Mark has all good news to report and that we are in great shape . Willow has assured us we will make money on the conference . Approximately 90-100 are registered for the conference . Conference will take place in the 2nd floor of the student union . Continental style breakfast will be served followed by the keynote speaker . Lunch will provided at which time the business meeting will take place . Breakout sessions after lunch will be introduced by 3 graduate assistants . Ball State’s fall break is tomorrow so parking will not be an issue o Spring 2011: Scott Feeney and Andy Bosk as the co-chairs, Gerry Dick as keynote . Well under way – keynote and co-chairs in place . Location IUPUI Greenwood is available free-of-charge . Liz asked if there are any themes we would like to suggest for this conference  Working with International students  Connecting business with education  Providing direction to companies on recruitment process  Employer relations/employer panel – challenges of hiring process  How can we (career services) better prepare our students  Developing employer relationships beyond career services . Possibility of getting more employer participation at this conference . Claudine inquired on the size of the facility; we may want to consider a larger venue o Fall 2011: Inquiry to Vincennes as possible location . Vincennes is 90% sure they will host Fall 2011 conference . No co-chairs have been secured yet o Spring 2012: Jill Vanderwall and Erin Erwin as co-chairs, no speaker or location . No other information

 NACE Career Coaching Intensive, Liz 3:15-3:25pm o July 19-20, 2010 in Indianapolis with Trainer: Kate Brooks . Tentative date is July 19-20 . Collaboration with NACE  CDPI would be responsible for marketing and would need to ensure a minimum of 25 attendees; reduced price is $350/person (vs. $550)  Registration fee will paid directly to NACE  Pam Norman offered the Chamber Conference Center free-of-charge  Participants would be responsible for their own meal unless CDPI wants to provide lunch  Pam has caterers available if CDPI chooses to offer lunch for $10-12 person  CDPI could potentially provide breakfast  Other costs to participants will be parking and overnight accommodations if needed  Idea of offering program to members for the discounted price and a different price for non- members  Libby suggested we promote the event at the spring conference to encourage renewal of memberships; Testimonials provided by CDPI members o Combine with central networking event . Might provide a built-in audience . Keep on the table for future

 Summer Institute 2012, Kirk 3:25-3:35pm o Confirmed Location: Purdue University-Calumet . New conferences and new residence halls will be available . Proximity to Chicago may be a big draw o Chair Nominations . Chair nominations are needed so a committee can be identified . Schedule . Do we want to partner with Midwest ACE  Would reestablishing the relationship increase attendance  Once we have our leadership in place, we can discuss and move forward  Janet Johnson, University of Southern Indiana is interested in co-chairing

CDPI Goal: Market career services & our value Accomplishments: Monthly Marketing Morsel, Fall conference

 Partnership with Statewide Associations, Pam & Nikki 3:35-3:55pm o Sponsorship for regional HR associations . Nikki & Pam have identified contacts for 4 of 6 HR associations w/in the state  Have been invited to sponsor Northern Indiana Human Resource Association (NIHRA) o Fort Wayne, December 9th o $350 sponsorship provides us a table and have the floor for a few minutes + networking opportunities o This could potentially be our regional networking event (captured audience = no marketing) o Approximately 130-180 members attend monthly meeting o Evansville office sponsors SIHRA meeting once a year as a good means to build relationships o Cost wise this is a low risk opportunity for CDPI to engage with one of our target audiences o We can co-sponsor with Indiana InterNET  Pam will put together a spreadsheet of other HR associations and opportunities to sponsor o Kirk suggested Johnson County’s HR association o Nick suggested using Linked In to identify other associations o Survey at conference . Surveys will be on the table tomorrow for others to suggest ideas to partner/network with industry associations . Service groups such as Rotary or Kiwanis would be difficult since there are so many . Board had a discussion about potential groups to collaborate with and also decided we needed to determine what we want to accomplish with outreach  See “Key Talking Points” attachment  Phil suggested we consider CAS standards for Career Services as well as Internships & Co-ops

 PR Campaign, Liz 3:55-4:05pm o Liz suggested we consider the possibility of a PR campaign o Nick asked if we wanted to consider an intern/extern

CDPI Goal: Engage young professionals Accomplishments: Break-out at conference, more in the works!

 CDPI Mentor Program, Nick, Claudine & Libby 4:05-4:25pm o Nick & Libby shared with the Board the progress of our “subcommittee” o Responsibilities of Mentors/Mentees read to board o Claudine discussed her experience, or lack-thereof, with the NACE Mentorship program . Two options for mentorship program (Match-making system versus self-match database) o Survey for tomorrow is solely to identify interest in mentorship program o Suggestion to provide training for mentors (possibility of a webinar) o Several ideas were discussed (# of years experience, specific topics/focuses)

 CDPI Externship for Graduate Student, Liz 4:25-4:45pm o See attached templates o Discussion questions: . Pay – monetary compensation, academic credit . Undergraduate students versus solely graduate students  Mark made good points about hiring grad students with experience in career services  Suggestion made to craft something differently for undergraduates  Idea to have a track for undergraduates at a future conference . Supervision of extern [?]  Will depend on institution  Identify people at each institution for supervision o Mark Hannon, Ball State o Liz Bushnell, Manchester o Kirk Bixler, Franklin University . Option 1 versus 2 – Option 1 seems to be more appealing to majority of board . Selection process [?] . # of hours [minimum of 50]  Would depend on a # of variables  Compensation = stipend + registration for both conferences

 Board Nominations, Kirk 4:45-5:00pm o Opening positions . Nick Haggenjos, At-Large (needed) . Ashley McCardle, At-Large (pending) . Susan Gresham, Membership Services (staying) . Claudine Meilink, Secretary (needed) . President-Elect (needed) . Archivist, Ex-Officio [?] o Current board members have the option to return for another term o Slate will be proposed in January for consensus o Possibility of creating a position for PR or filling an At-Large person o Descriptions of positions needed

Open Forum 5:00pm Suggestions for webinars/workshops/future conferences: - Use of Technology - Employers’ survey – industry perspective for resumes o Are we telling our students the best way to design their resume? o Recommendations for professional organizations - Mentorship training - Changes to the GRE

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