Chapter 1 Review Questions s4

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Chapter 1 Review Questions s4

AP United States History CSS 11.4

Unit 10 – The Great Depression and WWII (1914 – 1929) Chapters 24 – 25 (p. 844 – 927)

Instructions: Please write out your answers for the short answer questions on one paper. Define the vocabulary terms Cornell style 2 – 3 sentences per term.

Chapter 24 – The Great Depression and the New Deal (1914 – 1920) p. 844 – 885

1. Mary McLeod Bethune (878) 16. Hoover Dam (866) 2. Black Tuesday (848) 17. Huey ‘Kingfish’ Long (858) 3. Bonus Army (853) 18. New Deal (853) 4. Brain Trust (854) 19. New Deal Coalition (862) 5. Buying on Margin (848) 20. Okies/Arkies (865) 6. Central Valley Project (868) 21. Francis Perkins (861, 877) 7. CIO (861) 22. RFC (852) 8. Father Charles E. Coughlin (858) 23. Eleanor Roosevelt (877) 9. Court packing (876) 24. Franklin Delano Roosevelt () 10. Dust Bowl (864) 25. Schecter v. United States (876) 11. Emergency Banking Act (855) 26. John Steinbeck (872) 12. FDIC (--) 27. Francis E. Townsend (858) 13. Fireside Chats (855) 28. Twentieth Amendment (--) 14. First Hundred Days (855) 29. Twenty-First Amendment (--) 15. Great Depression (849-850) 30. Twenty-Second Amendment (--)

1. What were the underlying causes of the Great Depression? What consequences did it have for ordinary Americans, and how did the Hoover administration attempt to deal with the crisis? 2. Analyze the key elements of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s first New Deal program. To what degree did these succeed in getting the economy back on track, and in providing relief to suffering Americans? 3. How did the so-called Second New Deal differ from the first? What political pressures did Roosevelt face that contributed to the new policies? 4. How did the New Deal reshape Western communities and politics? What specific programs had the greatest impact in the region? How are these changes still visible today? 5. Evaluate the impact of the labor movement and radicalism on the 1930s. How did they influence American political and cultural life? 6. To what extent were the grim realities of depression reflected in popular culture? To what degree were they absent? 7. Discuss the long- and short-range effects of the New Deal on American political and economic life. What were its key successes and failures? What legacies of New Deal-era policies and political struggles can you find in contemporary America?

APUSH 2011 1 AP United States History CSS 11.4

Chapter 25 – World War II (1920 – 1929) p. 886 – 927

31. Atlantic Charter (893) 51. Navajo Code Talkers (907) 32. Bataan Death March (909) 52. Neutrality Acts (892) 33. Battle of Britain (892, 910) 53. Office of Price Administration (895) 34. Battle of the Bulge (915) 54. Office of War Mobilization (895) 35. Battle of the Coral Sea (915) 55. Operation Overlord (914) 36. Battle of Midway (915) 56. Operation Torch (912) 37. Bracero program (897) 57. Gen. George S. Patton (--) 38. Cash and Carry Policy (--) 58. Pearl Harbor (894-895) 39. Winston Churchill (--) 59. Potsdam Conference (921) 40. Committee to Defend America First (891) 60. A. Philip Randolph (901) 41. Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower (905) 61. Jeanette Ranking (894) 42. Executive Order #8802 (902) 62. Rome-Tokyo-Berlin Axis (890) 43. Executive Order #9066 (900-901) 63. Spanish Civil War (890) 44. Hiroshima/Nagasaki (921) 64. Joseph Stalin (--) 45. Island Hopping (917) 65. Harry S Truman (921) 46. Iwo Jima/ Okinawa (917) 66. V-E Day and V-J Day (--) 47. Korematsu v. United States (901) 67. WAAC/WAVES (905) 48. Lend-Lease Act (892) 68. Yalta Conference (919) 49. Gen. Douglas MacArthur (905, 916) 69. Zoot Suit Riots (903) 50. Manhattan Project (888-889, 921)

1. Describe the response of Americans to the rise of nationalism in Japan, Italy, and Germany during the 1930s. How did President Franklin D. Roosevelt ready the nation for war?

2. What role did the federal government play in gearing up the economy for wartime production?

3. How did the war affect the lives of American women?

4. Discuss the causes and consequences of the Japanese American internment program.

5. Describe the role of popular culture in promoting the war effort at home.

6. How did military service affect the lives of those who served in World War II?

7. What were the main points of Allied military strategy in both Europe and Asia?

8. How successful were diplomatic efforts in ending the war and in establishing the terms of peace?

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