Huston School of Film and Digital Media, NUI Galway
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Dr Sarah Arnold 22 Budock Terrace Falmouth TR11 3ND Phone: +44 (0)7818360234 Email: [email protected]
Huston School of Film and Digital Media, NUI Galway. PhD in Film Theory: Horror and Gender TITLE: Motherhood in Late Twentieth Century Horror Film (abstract at end of CV) Supervisor: Niamh Doheny/Sean Ryder 2006-Jan 2010 (completed)
School of Cultural Studies, Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, England. M.A. in Film Theory 2002-2003
Southampton Institute, England. B.A. in Film Studies 1999-2002
Griffith College Dublin, South Circular Road, Dublin Certificate in Film and Television Practices 1998-1999
3 Year Scholarship for PhD Study: Huston School of Film and Digital Media, NUI Galway
University College Falmouth, Tremough, Penryn, Cornwall, TR10 9EZ Position: Lecturer in Film & Digital Media Level 1 Tutor and practice coordinator. Modules taught: Criticism, Analysis and Theory (1st Year, BA Film) History of the Moving Image: Future Cinema (1st Year, BA Film) Cult Film (2nd Year, BA Film) Postmodernism and Film (2nd Year, BA Film) Research & Methods: Archive (2nd Year, BA Film) Professional Practice: Filmmaking (1st Year, BA Film) Professional Practice Supervisor (3rd Year, BA Film)
1 Dissertation Supervisor (3rd Year, BA Film)
Solent University, Southampton, East Park Terrace, SO14 OYN, Hampshire, UK Position: Lecturer in Media, Culture and Production Level 1 Tutor. Modules taught: Cultural Revolutions (1st Year Media, Culture and Production) Cultures of Consumption (2nd Year Media, Culture and Production) Global Media/Local Culture (3rd Year Media, Culture and Production) Dissertation Supervisor/Unit Leader (Media, Culture and Production) Contemporary Cinema (3rd Year Film Studies) Contemporary British Television (2nd Year TV Production) Film, Culture, and Industry (1st Year Film Studies) Issues in Film History (1st Year Film Studies) Spectators and Audiences (2nd Year Film Studies) Classical Hollywood Cinema (2nd Year Film Studies) Issues in TV History (1st Year TV Production)
Huston School of Film and Digital Media, National University of Ireland, Galway Position: Hourly paid tutor in Film Modules taught: Film in the Digital Age (MA in Digital Media) 2008 Critical Theory 1(MA in Film Studies: Film, Culture, Society) 2008-2009 Critical Theory 2 (MA in Film Studies: Film, Culture, Society) 2009 Supervision of MA Dissertation (MA in Film Studies: Film, Culture, Society) 2009
Department of English, National University of Ireland, Galway
Shakespeare and Film (2nd Year English) 2007-2008 The Horror Film (3rd Year English) 2007-2008
Women’s Studies, National University of Ireland, Galway
Women in European Cinema (2nd Year Women’s Studies) 2007-2008 (as part of European Women’s Studies)
New Media Technology College, 13 Harcourt St, Dublin 2, Ireland Position: Tutor in Film and Digital Production FETAC Course. Modules taught: Film Production (Camera, Lighting, Sound) 2004-2006 Media Analysis 2004-2006 Communications 2005-2006 Work Experience 2005-2006
Pacifica Ancient and Modern Languages Association, San Diego, USA 1st-3rd November, 2013 The Walking Dead , paradigms of (a)morality for those who live yet
Pleasures of the Spectacle. Film and Media 2013, London, UK June 27th-29th June, 2013 Rethinking Spectatorship, Space and Spectacle: The Pleasures of the Digital
Picking Through the Trash, York University, Toronto, Canada May 10-11th 2013 Urban Decay Photography and Film: Fetishism and the Apocalyptic Imagination
Cinema at the Interstices, UCC, Cork Sept 6-9th, 2012 Interactive Spectatorship
Film & History Biennial Conference: Representations of Love, Milwaukee, USA Nov 13-17th 2010 Intergenerational Relationships: Youth, Sexuality and the Problems of Representation
Re-Imagining Computer Games: an Interdisciplinary Conference, University College Dublin. 12th Sept 2009 Cinema and Gaming: Bridging the Divide. Co-written with Dr Niamh Doheny
Film & History Biennial Conference: Film & Science: Fictions, Documentaries, and Beyond, Chicago, USA. 28th Oct- 1st Nov 2008 Post-apocalyptic depictions of the black woman in the British Sci-Fi films Children of Men and 28 Days Later .
Crosscurrents Conference: Scottish and Irish Studies, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland. 18th-20th April 2008 Rural Ireland and Cultural Identity in Recent Irish Horror: Deconstructing Myths
Narrative Encounters: Postgraduate Symposium, UCC, Cork 15-17th February 2008 Halloween (1978) versus Halloween (2007): Narrative Strategies
Television, Technology and Gender: New Platforms and New Audiences. London: I.B. Tauris (forthcoming 2015)
'New Perspectives on Cinematic Spectatorship, Digital Culture and Space: Re-evaluating Exhibition, Participation and Interaction' for Networking Knowledge: Journal of the MeCCSA-PGN. Guest Editors Sarah Arnold and Dario Llinares (Forthcoming December 2014).
Maternal Horror: Melodrama and Motherhood. Basingstoke: Palgrave (Forthcoming May 2013)
The Film Handbook, Co-Authored With Mark De Valk. London: Routledge (Forthcoming April 2013)
‘The Denial Of Denial: Intergenerationality In The Films Of Larry Clark’ In Tainted Love: Screening Sexual Perversities, Eds Donna Peberdy & Darren Kerr, London: I.B. Tauris (Forthcoming 2013)
‘The Ring And Ringu: Naturalising Maternal Self-Sacrifice’ In Bound By Love: Familial Bonding In Film & Television Since The 1950s, Ed Laura D’amore, Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2011. Isbn: 9781443829854
‘A Comparative Analysis Of Motherhood In The Us And Japanese Dark Water Films,’ In Cinema Jura Gentium: Cinema And Globalization, Summer, 2011.
“The Monstrosity Of The Beautiful And The Dark Side Of Consumption And Consumerism In The Melodrama/Horror Film Dumplings”, In 'Monsters And The Monstrous: The Monstrous Identity Of Humanity ', Ed Marlin C. Bates, Iv, Inter- Discinplinary.Net, Isbn: 978-1-904710-53-0.
Review: ‘Shakespeare On Film: Such Dreams As Things Are Made From, By Carolyn Jess-Cooke’, In Scope: An Online Journal Of Film & TV Studies, Issue 13, Feb 2009, Institute Of Film & TV Studies: University Of Nottingham.
Review: ‘Spectatorship: The Power Of Looking On, By Michele Aaron’, In Scope: An Online Journal Of Film & TV Studies, Issue 12, Oct 2008, Institute Of Film & TV Studies: University Of Nottingham.
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