This Agreement Is Completed on _____ Day of ______, 20___ Between ______ (H

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This Agreement Is Completed on _____ Day of ______, 20___ Between ______ (H

Foster: ______Animal:______Foster Term: ______PACT


Individuals who volunteer to foster through PACT agree to provide safe, caring, humane homes for the pets of hospital patients or military personnel with the United States Armed Forces. Fosters agree to provide long-term temporary care for pets, without expectation of, or right to, monetary payment or compensation of any kind; rather, Fosters agree to provide such care in exchange for animal companionship and in order to support the efforts of deployed or hospitalized Americans who must leave behind their beloved pets. Fosters agree to provide shelter, fresh water, care, supervision, exercise, love, and attention for the animal with which they are matched, and commit to send the deployed service member or hospital patient to whom the pet belongs textual and photographic status updates, at least monthly, as well as video updates when possible. Fosters also agree to cover day-to-day care costs unless otherwise agreed-upon with the owner. Where possible, PACT may be able to make arrangements for discounted supplies, grooming, and veterinary care. Fosters should understand, while they may enjoy the companionship and love of a pet for the term of owner’s deployment or hospitalization, each pet will be reunited with the owner upon his or her return. The fostering agreement involves no transfer of ownership rights and terminates when the owner returns and is reunited with his or her animal. However, after the owner returns, and is reunited with his or her animal, if desired by the Foster, the Foster will be allowed to continue a relationship with the pet through personal visits at times convenient to the owner and Foster. PACT recognizes the patriotism and good will of those who agree to care for pets belonging to military personnel and the critically ill, and has prepared the following document for the protection of all parties including, but not limited to: the volunteer Foster, the animal’s Owner, the Animal itself, and PACT.



FOSTER FULL NAME:______EMAIL: ______PHONE NUMBER: ______MAILING ADDRESS: ______This agreement is completed on _____ day of ______, 20___ between PEOPLE/ANIMALS = COMPANIONS TOGETHER (hereinafter “PACT”), and ______(hereinafter “Owner”), and ______(hereinafter “Foster”) for the care of Owner’s companion animal, ______, (hereinafter “Animal”) described in Attachment 1, while Owner is unable to care for animal due to hospitalization or service in the United States Armed Forces.

PURPOSE The purpose of this Agreement is to provide for a safe, healthy, and happy environment for Owner’s Animal while Owner is unable to provide care for animal. Foster agrees to care for Animal in accordance with the terms of this agreement and to provide a safe, humane, and loving home for Animal while Owner is away from home. Owner agrees, if capable, to resume care of Animal upon his or her return.


A. Ownership and Care: Foster agrees to care for Owner’s animal while Owner is temporarily unable to provide care for Animal. Foster will return Animal to Owner after Owner notifies Foster of his / her ability to resume care. Owner retains ownership of Animal.

B. Term of Agreement: Foster agreement is scheduled to extend _____ / _____ / ______(MM/DD/YYYY) to approximately _____ / _____ / ______. Foster agrees to care for animal during this period. Foster understands that Owner’s return may be delayed and therefore intends, as long as is practicable, to care for Animal for the entire time necessary, even if it exceeds the period specified in this agreement. Owner agrees to notify Foster of his / her return within thirty (30) days of return from deployment or hospitalization and arrange for the return of Animal to Owner. Upon notice, Animal should be returned to Owner as soon as practicable for all parties, within 30 days of receiving notice of Owner’s return. Owner understands that Foster is not obligated to care for Animal indefinitely.

1. Extension of Agreement: Owner may extend the foster term if Owner or Owner’s Point Of Contact gives written notice that he/she needs to extend the duration of this written Agreement for up to an additional _____ days / months (circle) to PACT and Foster at least thirty (30) days prior to the end of the stated foster term. If Owner does so, and Foster agrees to accept the extention of the foster term, then this Agreement will continue for the additional time.

2. Termination of Agreement: PACT reserves the right to terminate this agreement at any time if Animal exhibits aggressive, destructive, or excessively disruptive behaviors. In such circumstances, PACT will remove Animal from the Program and Program’s Foster Home, and will give Owner 72 hours notice that Owner or Owner’s Point Of Contact needs to resume care of Animal.

3. Owner Unwilling to Resume Care: If Owner or Owner’s Point Of Contact does not resume care of Animal: when PACT is unable to keep animal in the program due to aggression or destruction of property or excessively disruptive behavior by the Animal; within

Initial: _____ (O); _____ (F). Page 2 of 12 14 days after the end of foster term stated above; or if Owner refuses to resume care of Animal in writing upon Owner’s non-temporary return; then Owner relinquishes any claim, right, title or interest in Animal, and the entire ownership interest in Animal passes to PACT. If ownership of Animal passes to PACT, PACT may exercise complete discretion as to what to do with Animal including, but not limited to, consideration of Owner's stated preference, offering first right of refusal of ownership to Foster, or placement in a new permanent home approved by PACT. Owner understands that Animal also may be placed in a new foster home, or in a boarding facility, or in a 3rd-party run animal shelter, or may be euthanized if no other solution is found. Any change in ownership in Animal will comply with other contractual obligations involving adoption contracts from rescue groups, humane societies, animal shelters, etc.

4. Owner Unable to Resume Care: If Owner or Owner’s Point Of Contact is not able to resume care of Animal for any reason, including but not limited to injury, financial distress, housing issues, or transportation problems, then Foster, PACT, and Owner will work together to extend Foster’s care of Animal with the consent of all parties. If PACT and Foster are unable or unwilling to enxtend the Foster Term, and Owner or Owner’s Point Of Contact is unable to resume care of Animal: when PACT is unable to keep animal in the program due to aggression or destruction of property or excessively disruptive behavior by the Animal; within 14 days after the end of foster term stated above; or if Owner informs PACT in writing of their inability to resume care of Animal upon Owner’s non-temporary return, then Owner relinquishes any claim, right, title or interest in Animal, and the entire ownership interest in Animal passes to PACT. If ownership of Animal passes to PACT, PACT may exercise complete discretion as to what to do with Animal including, but not limited to, consideration of Owner's stated preference, offering first right of refusal of ownership to Foster, or placement in a new permanent home approved by PACT. Owner understands that Animal may also be placed in a boarding facility, or in a 3rd- party run animal shelter, or may be euthanized if no other solution is found. Any change in ownership in Animal will comply with other contractual obligations involving adoption contracts from rescue groups, humane societies, animal shelters, etc.

5. Owner on Temporary Leave: If Owner returns for temporary leave within 60 miles of the Foster Home, Foster will relinquish Animal to Owner within two (2) days of written notice. Owner will provide Foster with at least two (2) days notice of Owner’s expected return to deployment. Foster agrees to resume care of animal when Owner returns to deployment from temporary leave, if covered by foster term stated above. The term of this Agreement is not affected by Owner’s temporary leave. Owner should provide Foster with as much advance notice on dates of leave as possible, given the circumstances.

C. Owner will send necessary funds/supplies to Foster via:

1. Check / Paypal / Debit Card / Credit Card / Buy Online + Ship

2. Details (email, address, etc): ______

D. Foster will send regular updates to Owner via:

Initial: _____ (O); _____ (F). Page 3 of 12 1. Email / Skype / Post Mail / Phone Messages / Other

2. Details (email, phone/google voice #, address, etc) ______

E. Foster’s Obligations:

1. Communication with Owner while deployed: While Owner is deployed or hospitalized, Foster will provide Owner with regular updates, not less than one (1) update per month on Animal’s well-being, recent activities, and care in Foster’s home. Foster’s update should include a text update and photographs, and/or video, if possible. Foster should openly communicate positive stories and any problems or issues with Animal, understanding that Owner may not have regular access to communication and may not be able to regularly respond.

2. Adequate and Humane Treatment: Foster agrees to provide Animal with a safe, humane, and loving home. Foster agrees to:

(i) Provide Animal with adequate shelter, food, fresh water, care, supervision, exercise, love, and attention.

(ii) Provide adequate veterinary and grooming care, to be paid for by owner, subject to the conditions below. Adequate veterinary care includes annual veterinary check-ups and vaccinations.

(iii) Provide Animal with adequate heartworm and flea protection.

(iv) Keep a buckle or Martindale-type collar on the Animal at all times. The collar must have the following ID tags:

(1) Foster’s phone number and address,

(2) Medical tags including rabies tags,

(3) Local licensing tags including those required by law, and

(4) Any other identification tags requested by Owner.

(v) Not use a choke or training collar except as previously authorized by Owner in writing.

(vi) Never chain or tie up Animal outdoors

(vii) Never leave Animal outdoors in bad weather or while caretaker is away from home.

(viii) Not let Animal off leash outdoors except in a safe, secure fenced-in area. Foster shall not use an invisible fence without the prior written consent of Owner. Foster shall not use an invisible fence without having previously trained Animal.

Initial: _____ (O); _____ (F). Page 4 of 12 (ix) Keep cats indoors only while in Foster’s care.

(x) Not leave the Animal unattended in a car if above 70 degrees outside temperature.

(xi) Not violate any laws or ordinances regarding the Animal.

(xii) Not use the Animal for protection, fighting, or as a guard dog.

(xiii) Not alter the appearance of Animal without prior written permission of Owner. This includes de-clawing, ear cropping, tail docking, or other permanent alterations to the Animal’s appearance.

(xiv) Supervise Animal at all times when outdoors

(xv) Supervise Animal at all times when children or other animals are present, whether indoors or outdoors

(xvi) Keep Animal at all times physically separated from (circle):

(1) CATS --- yes/no

(2) OTHER DOGS --- yes/no

(3) CHILDREN UNDER ______YEARS OF AGE --- yes/no

(4) OTHER: ______--- yes/no

(5) No animal problems

(xvii) Not change the name of Animal

(xviii) Not give or otherwise transfer custody of Animal to any other person, unless approved by PACT in advance

(xix) In the event Animal is lost or stolen, Foster shall immediately notify PACT

(xx) Notify PACT within 24 hours of any change in address, phone number or email address

(xxi) Foster agrees to contact PACT in the event he / she becomes unable to fulfill the anticipated foster term or otherwise becomes unable to provide a healthy and safe environment for Animal, and further agrees to provide PACT a reasonable amount of time to transfer Animal to another foster home approved by PACT.

3. Veterinary, Grooming, and Boarding Care:

Initial: _____ (O); _____ (F). Page 5 of 12 (i) Owner and Foster will, prior to Animal placement with Foster, complete Attachment 2 governing veterinary, grooming, and boarding of Animal during Foster’s Care.

(ii) Owner agrees to provide Foster with a copy of the Animal’s veterinary records as Attachment 4 to this Agreement, including copies of all vaccinations, licenses, and tags within ten (10) days after the placement.

(iii) Scheduled Care: Owner and Foster must agree on a method of payment and a schedule of regular veterinary care and grooming care, if necessary, for Animal in Attachment 2.

(iv) Boarding: Owner and Foster must agree on method of payment and conditions of Boarding of Animal in Attachment 2.

(v) Unscheduled Care: Generally, Foster should obtain prior written approval from Owner before obtaining any unscheduled veterinary care. However, Foster may obtain Veterinary Care without the prior written consent of Owner pursuant to the following conditions: (1) Care is warranted and obtaining the consent of Owner would cause undue delay in obtaining care for the animal.

(2) Owner promises to reimburse Foster up to $ ______. ___ for unscheduled care permitted under this Agreement. If care exceeds this amount, and Foster is unable to contact Owner to obtain a promise of reimbursement for the higher amount, and postponement of such unscheduled care would be life-threatening to Animal, then Foster is authorized at Foster’s option: to pay such higher amount or to have Animal euthanized or to surrender possession of Animal to PACT.

(3) Foster and PACT reserve the right to euthanize Animal if a veterinarian deems the animal’s health to be so impaired that to not do so would be inhumane.

4. PACT’s right of entrance and inspection: In non-emergency situations, PACT may visit Animal and observe the conditions of Foster’s care with reasonable notice to Foster. If PACT has reason to believe that Foster is violating this agreement, or that the health or safety of Animal is threatened, PACT may inspect wherever Foster is caring for Animal, enter Foster’s property, and evaluate the condition of Animal. Notice to Foster is not required under these circumstances. PACT may remove Animal if PACT reasonably believes removal is necessary to secure proper care for Animal. If PACT removes the Animal over concerns about Animal’s safety, Foster abdicates all rights provided for in this agreement. PACT may then place Animal with another approved Foster and notify Owner of the change.

5. Expenses: Foster agrees to pay some expenses for Animal while Animal is in Foster’s care, unless otherwise noted in the “Terms of Care” (Attachment 2). These expenses include treats, food if necessary, toys, and bedding. Most food, veterinary, grooming, and boarding expenses are to be paid as agreed to in the “Terms of Care” (Attachment 2”).

F. Owner’s Obligations:

Initial: _____ (O); _____ (F). Page 6 of 12 1. Provision of Adequate Information to Foster: Owner shall provide Foster with all information necessary for Foster to comply with the terms of this Agreement. That information should be provided in the forms attached to this agreement and in any supporting documentation necessary. This includes information regarding the behavior and daily care of Animal and any particular or special needs of Animal, including dietary restrictions, veterinary needs, and grooming requirements. Owner must disclose if animal has shown any signs of aggression towards animals, children, or other people, or any sign of destructive behavior.

2. Continued relationship with and visitation rights of Foster: This agreement terminates upon Owner’s non-temporary return from deployment or hospitalization and resumed permanent possession of Animal. However, Foster shall be permitted to visit the Animal, if Foster desires a continued relationship with the Animal. Owner agrees to make a good faith effort to allow for scheduled visits between Foster and Animal, with sufficient notice from Foster. After Owner returns, any ongoing contact between Animal and Foster remains at Owner’s discretion.

3. Donation to PACT: PACT is supported solely by contributions and receives no federal funding. While we do provide this program free of charge, we suggest a donation be made to PACT in the name of your companion animal(s). Your donation helps cover some of our expenses such as gas, licenses, employees, and promotional materials paid by PACT. Donations to PACT are greatly appreciated, desperately needed, and tax deductible as permitted by law.

(i) Donations can be made by cash, check or money order payable to PACT, or through our website by credit card or PayPal.

G. Liability and Damages :

1. Non-liability: If Animal dies, becomes ill, is accidentally injured, lost, stolen, or exhibits behaviors that require PACT to remove Animal from the Foster Program, Owner will not hold Foster or PACT liable. Owner releases Foster and PACT from any claim arising from such death, injury, or illness, loss, or behaviors. In addition, if Animal bites, attacks, or injures another animal or person, Owner will hold harmless, indemnify, and protect Foster and PACT from any claim or suit filed by anyone as a result of such an incident. Foster agrees to hold Owner and PACT blameless for any injury sustained to him/herself or his/her dependants or property or anyone on his property as a result of Animal’s actions.

2. Non-liability of PACT: Parties agree that PACT is not liable for any harm or damage arising from the relationship created by this agreement.

H. Modification of Agreement: This Agreement and its attachments constitute the entire agreement of the parties. No oral promises or representations by the parties may change the terms of this agreement. Changes to this agreement may only be changed in writing signed by all parties.

I. Attachments 1 – 4 are incorporated into this Agreement by reference.

J. The Parties agree to these terms and promise to uphold their obligations under this Agreement, including its Attachments. Owner and Foster also promise and certify that all

Initial: _____ (O); _____ (F). Page 7 of 12 information provided in this Agreement, including its Attachments, and other relevant applications and documents in connection with this Agreement are complete, accurate, and truthful.

K. If Owner cannot be reached, Foster and PACT will make a good faith attempt to contact Owner’s Point Of Contact regarding treatment of Animal, Animal’s Foster term, medical or behavioral questions, contact information of Owner, and more as needed. Foster and PACT will not be responsible for any problems whatsoever, if their good faith attempts to contact Owner’s Point of Contact fails.

L. Owner and Foster hereby grant permission for their names, stories, and photo images of them and/or Animal to be used in PACT newsletter, organizational literature, and promotional pieces in print, on the internet, in videos, or in film.

M. This Agreement shall be governed and interpreted under the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

N. Pet Owner dearly loves their companion animal and agrees to take animal back at the end of the term of this agreement.

Name - printed (PACT) ______Signature (PACT) ______Date______

Name - printed (Owner) ______Signature (Owner) ______Date______

Name – printed (Foster) ______Signature (Foster) ______Date______

Initial: _____ (O); _____ (F). Page 8 of 12 ATTACHMENT 1: ANIMAL INFORMATION Attach copies of licenses, tags, microchip information, and any adoption contract. Animal’s Name: ______Species:______; Breed/Mix:______Circle: Male / Female Spayed / Neutered [required]: Y / N Color(s): ______Physical Description (include whether, tail docked, ears cropped, etc.): ______

License Number (Indicate Jurisdiction and Number): ______

Micro-chipped? Y / N; Notified microchip company of Foster’s contact info? Y / N Indicate Animal’s ID number, microchip company name, phone number, and email: ______

Is there a Rescue Group / Organization with a Proprietary Interest in Animal?1 Y / N Organization Name: ______Organization Phone # and email: ______Rescue Group ID Number:______

Temperament: Please describe your pet’s temperament, including any known aggression to animals, people, or children: ______

1 Some rescue groups retain a property interest in animals that are adopted out to the community. For example, if you adopted your animal from a rescue group, your adoption contract may have specified that you must return the pet to that organization if you can no longer care for the animal. . If the adoption agreement contains such a clause, the Owner will contact rescue group or shelter to obtain the right to enter this Agreement. That rescue group may also keep your phone number and an animal ID number on record in case your animal gets lost. The rescue will be contacted to keep their records updated. Please attach a copy of any adoption contract to this Agreement.


Owner and Foster must agree on the terms of care for Animal during foster care, including responsibility for expenses. Veterinary, grooming, and pet supplies may be available at a discount through PACT’s relationship with different vendors. 1. Food expenses: a. Will Owner or Foster be responsible for food expenses? (Circle) O / F i. If Owner agrees to be responsible: 1. Owner agrees to set up a payment account for the agreed upon payment method prior to foster care. 2. Foster agrees to provide receipts for owner of all food purchases. 2. Veterinary Expenses: a. Will Owner or Foster be responsible for regular veterinary expenses, including regular medication, heartworm, flea/tick prevention?(Circle) O / F ii. If Owner agrees to be responsible: 1. Owner agrees to set up a billing account with the agreed upon veterinary provider or reimbursement method, prior to foster care. 2. Owner agrees to supply or reimburse Foster for the required heartworm and flea/tick medication. 3. Grooming and Boarding Expenses: b. Does Animal require professional grooming? (Circle) Y / N i. PACT maintains a relationship with Buzzy’s Bow Wow Meow, and Buzzy’s Bow Wow Meow will provide grooming care to Animals in Foster Care at cost. ii. If yes, Animal will be groomed ______[number of times] per ______[time period] by the groomer listed below. iii. Will Owner or Foster be responsible for regular grooming expenses? Circle: O / F 1. If Owner agrees to be responsible: Owner will set up a a. □ billing account with the agreed upon groomer or b. □ agrees to provide Foster $ ______. ____ on a ______ly basis to cover grooming expenses. c. Will Owner or Foster be responsible for regular boarding expenses? Circle: O / F i. If Owner will be responsible, Owner agrees to reimburse Foster up to $______. ____ within 30 days of Animal’s boarding.

Initial: _____ (O); _____ (F). Page 10 of 12 Authorized Animal Care Providers:

Veterinary Provider (“Vet”): Foster and Owner agree that the following veterinary provider will care for Animal while Owner is deployed. Owner has provided copies of Animal’s medical records to Foster and Vet ten (10) days prior to deployment. Owner and Foster’s names will be on the Vet account and will be permitted access to Vet records. Vet Name: ______Vet Location: (Street Address, City, State, Zip): ______Vet Non-Emergency Phone Number: ______Vet Emergency Phone Number: ______Vet Account Number: ______

Groomer: Foster and Owner agree that the following groomer will groom Animal while Owner is deployed. Groomer Name: ______Groomer Location: (Street Address, City, State, Zip): ______Groomer Phone Number: ______Groomer Email: ______

Boarding Facility: Foster and Owner agree that Animal may be Boarded at the following facility: Boarding Facility Name: ______Boarding Facility Location: ______Boarding Facility Phone Number:______Boarding Facility Email: ______


Initial: _____ (O); _____ (F). Page 11 of 12 ATTACHMENT THREE: PET PROFILE & OWNER’S BELONINGS (1) Please complete this profile to help the Foster understand the Animal’s particular needs. This profile should include important details of the animal’s health history, medications, temperament, eating (such as type and quantity of food, and/or feeding time), sleeping habits, training and any other important information.

(2) Please also include a list of items left by Owner for Animal while in Foster’s care, such as crates, bedding, bowls, clothing, medications, etc. To the extent possible, these items should be returned to Owner at the end of the Agreement. Attach additional pages, if needed.


Initial: _____ (O); _____ (F). Page 12 of 12

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